

小思 2024-09-19 29
给我讲保险培训英语摘要: 给我讲保险培训英语翻译保险:insurance 英语:English 昨夜:last night 保险英语:safe EnglishInsurance...


保险:insurance 英语:English 昨夜:last night 保险英语:safe English


定损培训:Decides damages training车险专区:the car insurance special area 汽车保险:Automobile insurance



银行保险常用英语提示语   导语:银行保险作为一种新型的保险概念,在金融合作中,体现出银行与保险公司的强强联手,互联互动。下面是我收集整理的'有关银行保险的英语常用提示语,欢迎参考!   24-hour credit card bookings 24小时信用卡预约   An attractive rate of interest on any money. 存款利率高   Automatic teller machine 自动取款机   Bring proof of identity to open your account. 开户需带证件   Bureau de change/Currency exchange 兑换外汇   Call us with credit card details on … 打电话……询问,需提供信用卡记录详情。   Fast, safe worldwide money transfers available here.我们能提供全球快捷安全的转帐业务。   Foreign exchange (services) 外币兑换   Look out our lowest rate loans on personal 提供个人低息贷款。   Making your money grow 让你的钱增值。   Our telephone banking service is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.我们的银行开通每年365天每天24小时的服务电话。   Repayments guaranteed to stay the same throughout the length of the loan. 偿还的贷款保证在还贷期间保持不变。   Sell to customer rate 卖出价   There is no cash left in this machine overnight 此机夜间无现金   This till position is closed. 此取款机停止使用   Travelers cheque commission 旅行支票收手续费   We can supply all your foreign currency. 我们提供各国货币   We give you great rates and instant access 我们提供优惠的价位快捷的服务。   You open an account with at least £10 开户至少10镑   Your insurance plan will protect your product against accidental damage.保险将保护你的产品免受意外损失。 ;

保险(insurance)是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费, 保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任。接下来我为大家整理了外贸保险常用英语句子,希望对你有帮助哦!   外贸保险常用英语句子一:   1、The extent of insurance is stipulated in the basic policy form and in the various risk clause.   保险的范围写在基本保险单和各种险别的条款里。   2、Please fill in the application form.   请填写一下投保单。   3、What risks is the People’s Insurance Company of China able to cover?   中国人民保险公司承保的险别有哪些?   4、What risks should be covered?   您看应该保哪些险?   5、What kind of insurance are you able to provide for my consignment?   贵公司能为我的这批货保哪些险呢?   6、 I have come to explain that unfortunate affair about the insurance.   我是来解释这件保险的不幸事件的。   7、 I must say that you’ve corrected my ideas about the insurance.   我该说你们已经纠正了我对保险的看法。   8、 This information office provides clients with information on cargo insurance.   这个问讯处为顾客提供大量关于货物投保方面的信息。   9、 The underwriters are responsible for the claim as far as it is within the scope of cover.   只要是在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。   10、The loss in question was beyond the coverage granted by us.   损失不包括在我方承保的范围内。   11、 I’m looking for insurance from your company.   我是到贵公司来投保的。   12、 Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People’ Insurance Company of China.   张先生在中国人民保险公司的办公室接待了威廉先生。   13、 After loading the goods on board the hip, I go to the insurance company to have them insured.   装船后,我到保险公司去投保。   14、 When should I go and have the tea insured?   我什么时候将这批茶叶投保?   15、 All right. Let’s leave insurance now.   好吧,保险问题就谈到这里。   16、It’s better for you to can the leaflet, and then make a decision.   你最好先看看说明书,再决定保什么险。   17、These kinds of risks suit your consignment.   这些险别适合你要投保的货物。   18、May I ask what exactly insurance covers according to your usual C.I.F terms?   请问根据你们常用的CIF价格条件,所保的究竟包括哪些险别?   19、It ’s important for you to read the "fine print" in any insurance policy so that you know what kind of coverage you are buying.   阅读保险单上的“细则”对你是十分重要的,这样就能知道你要买的保险包括哪些项目。   20、what is the insurance premium?   保险费是多少?   21、The premium is to be calculated in this way.   保险费是这样计算的。   22、The total premium is 800 U.S. dollars.   保险费总共是800美圆。   23、The cover paid for will vary according to the type of goods and the circumstances.   保险费用按照货物类别的具体情况会有所不同。   24、The rates quoted by us are very moderate. Of course, the premium varies with the range of insurance.   我们所收取的费率是很有限的,当然,保险费用要根据投保范围的大小而有所不同。   25、According to co-insurance clauses, the insured person must pay usually 20 percent of the total expenses covered.   根据共同保险条款,保险人通常必须付全部费用的百分之二十。   外贸保险常用英语句子二:   26、The insurance rate for such kink of risk will vary according to the kind.   这类险别的保险费率将根据货物种类而定。   27、Insurance brokers will quote rates for all types of cargo and risks.   保险经纪人会开出承保各类货物的各种险别的费用。   28、Can you give me an insurance rate?   您能给我一份保险率表吗?   29、Could you find out the premium rate for porcelain?   您能查一下瓷器的保险费率吗?   30、You should study not only the benefits but also the terms and limitations of an insurance agreement that appears best suited to your needs.   你不仅要研究各种保险所标明的给予保险人的赔偿费用,还要研究它的条件与限制,然后选出最适合你需要的一种。   31、F.P.A. stands for "Free from Particular Average".   FPA代表平安险。   32、W.P.A. stands for "With Particular Average".   WPA代表水渍险。   33、I’ll have the goods covered against Free from Particular Average.   我将为货物投保平安险。   34、I know that F.P.A insurance doesn’t cover losses on consumer goods.   我知道平安险不包括消费品的种种损失。   35、I don’t think that the W.P.A insurance covers more risks than the F.P.A..   我认为水渍险承保的范围并不比平安险的范围宽。   36、Free from Particular Average is good enough.   只保平安险就可以了。   37、The goods are to be insured F.P.A.   这批货需投保平安险。   38、What you’ve covered is Leakage.   你所投保的是渗漏险。   39、Why don’t you wish to cover Risk of Breakage?   您为什么不想投保破碎险呢?   40、W.P.A coverage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature, please extend the coverage to include TPND.   针对这种性质的货物只保水渍险是不够的,请加保偷盗提货不成险。   41、Don’t you wish to arrange for W.P.A. and additional coverage against Risk of Breakage?   您不想保水渍险和附加破碎险吗?   42、Not every breakage is a particular average.   并不是所有的破碎险都属于单独海损。   43、The coverage is W.P.A. plus Risk of Breakage.   投保的险别为水渍险加破碎险。   44、Well, obviously you won’t want All Risks cover.   显然,你不想保综合险。   45、An All Risks policy covers every sort of hazard, doesn’t it?   一份综合险保单保所有的险,是吗?   46、We’d like? to cover the porcelain ware against All Risks.   我们想为这批瓷器投保综合险。   47、Please insure the shipment for RMB5,000 against All Risks.   请将这批货物投保综合险人民币5000元。   48、We’ve cover insurance on these goods for 10% above the invoice value against All Risks.   我们已经将这些货物按发票金额加百分之十投保综合险。   49、An F.P.A. policy only covers you against total loss in the case of minor perils.   平安险只有在发生较小危险时才给保全部损失险。   50、The F.P.A. doesn’t cover partial loss of the nature of particular average.   平安险不包括单独海损性质的部分损失。   51、A W.P.A. or W.A. policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.   水渍险在任何情况下都给保部分损失险。   52、You’ll cover SRCC risks, won’t you?   你们要保罢工、暴动、民变险,是吗?   53、As our usual practice, insurance covers basic risks only, at 110 percent of the invoice value. If coverage against other risks is required, such as breakage, leakage, TPND, hook and contamination damages, the extra premium involved would be for the buyer’s account.   按照我们的惯例,只保基本险,按发票金额110%投保。如果要加保其它险别,例如破碎险、渗漏险、盗窃遗失险、钩损和污染险等,额外保险费由买方负担。   54、We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinks of risks for sea transport.   我公司可以承保海洋运输的所有险别。   55、Generally speaking, aviation insurance is much cheaper than marine insurance.   空运保险一般要比海运保险便宜。




读音:英 [ɪn'ʃʊərəns] 美 [ɪn'ʃʊrəns]

n. 保险;保险费;安全保障

I am an insurance broker.



读音:英 ['seɪfti]  美 ['seɪfti]

n. 安全;保险

Put the money in the hotel safe for safety.



读音:英 [ɪn'ʃʊə(r)]    美 [ɪn'ʃʊr]

vt. 保险;确保

vi. 买保险

I want to insure my residence.



读音:英 [ə'ʃʊərəns] 美 [ə'ʃʊrəns]

n. 保证,担保;确信;自信;保险

He has a life assurance.




safe 读音:英 [seɪf]   美 [seɪf]


2、safe from后接表示危险、危害、进攻等的名词,意指“不会受到…的危险,免受…的伤害”。

3、safe作“小心的”解时只用作定语; 作“安全的,不会有危险的”解时只用作表语; 作“没有受到损害的,平安的”或“不致导致损害的”解时用作表语,后可接介词短语或动词不定式。

4、 在safe and sound短语中,常与arrive, come, return等动词连用,说明主语的状态。


Keep these papers in a safe place.


保险是一个汉语词语,英文是Insurance或insuraunce ,本意是稳妥可靠保障;后延伸成一种保障机制,是用来规划人生财务的一种工具,是市场经济条件下风险管理的基本手段,是金融体系和社会保障体系的重要的支柱。拓展资料:保险主体保险主体,就是保险合同的主体,只包括投保人与保险人。被保险人、受益人、保单所有人,除非与投保人是同一人,否则,都不是保险主体。投保人,是指与保险人订立保险合同,并按照保险合同负有支付保险费义务的人。投保人可以是自然人也可以是法人,但必须具有民事行为能力。保险人,保险人又称“承保人”,是指与投保人订立保险合同,并承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的保险公司。在中国有股份有限公司和国有独资公司两种形式。保险人是法人,公民个人不能作为保险人。被保险人,是指根据保险合同,其财产利益或人身受保险合同保障,在保险事故发生后,享有保险金请求权的人。投保人往往同时就是被保险人。受益人,是指人身保险合同中由被保险人或者投保人指定的享有保险金请求权的人,投保人、被保险人可以为受益人。如果投保人或被保险人未指定受益人,则他的法定继承人即为受益人。保单所有人,拥有保险利益所有权的人,很多时候是投保人、受益人,也可以是保单受让人。保险客体保险客体,即保险合同的客体,并非保险标的本身,而是投保人或被保险人对保险标的(biāodì)的可保利益。可保利益,是投保人或被保险人对保险标的所具有的法律上承认的利益。这主要是因为保险合同保障的不是保险标的本身的安全,而是保险标的受损后投保人或被保险人、收益人的经济利益。保险标的只是可保利益的载体。保险标的保险标的即保险对象,人身保险的标的是被保险人的身体和生命,而广义的财产保险是以财产及其有关经济利益和损害赔偿责任为保险标的的保险,其中,财产损失保险的标的是被保险的财产,责任保险的标的是被保险人所要承担的经济赔偿责任,信用保险的标的是被保险人的信用导致的经济损失。保险费率保险费率是保险费与保险金额的比例,保险费率又被称为保险价格。通常以每百元或每千元保险金额应缴纳的保险费来表示。保险人使用保险精算来量化风险。保险人通过数据的编制来估算未来损失(预定损失率),通常采用合理的近似。保险精算使用统计学和概率来拟合并分析风险分布状态,保险人运用这种科学原理并附加一定条件来厘定保险费率。这些附加条件包括预定投资收益率、保险单预定利率、预定营业费用和税金,人寿保险公司的附加条件还主要包括预定死亡率。保险公司所必须支付的预定利率将会拿来与市场上的借款利率相比较,根据比较,许多保险公司并没有在预定利率方面胜出,但是他们宁肯将其控制到比从别处借款的利率还要低。如果不这样,保险公司将不会给所有者的资本以回报,那么他们将借钱给其他地方以获得市场价格的投资回报。保险利益保险利益是指投保人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。通常投保人会因为保险标的的损害或者丧失而遭受经济上的损失,因为保险标的的保全而获得收益。只有当保险利益是法律上认可的,经济上的,确定的而不是预期的利益时,保险利益才能成立。一般来说,财产保险的保险利益在保险事故发生时存在,这时才能补偿损失;人身保险的保险利益必须在订立保险合同时存在,用来防止道德风险。以寿险为例,投保人对自身及其配偶具有无限的可保权益,在一些国家地区,投保人与受保人如有血缘关系,也可构成可保权益。另外,债权人对未还清贷款的债务人也具有可保权益。其成立条件是:保险利益必须是合法的利益,保险利益必须是经济上有价的利益,保险利益必须是确定的利益,保险利益必须是具有利害关系的利益。




Summary:A well established insurance brokerage market is an important part of a well established insurance market, and is a certain result of the division of work in the insurance market. With the development of the economy of our country recent year, the insurance broker institute has also been developing in a fast pace, however, compared with the developed countries and area, the market size, the level of profession, credit level and strategic co-operations with other insurance brokers are far from satisfaction. Therefore, it is a serious research object and field which needs our great efforts that letting the developing experiences of international insurance brokers help us to improve and evolve the insurance brokerage market of our country. This article affirmed the status and function of insurance brokers in the first place. It researched the development situation of current insurance brokerage market and the features and advantages displayed. Based on that, it amply reviewed the current situation of the insurance brokerage market in developed countries and compared ours with them, and then analyzed the gap between the two and the reason of that, and raised some suggestions to improve the insurance brokers of our country. Key words: Insurance Brokers, Insurance Market, Market Supervision, Divided Operation

保险 [词典] insurance; safe; secure; assurance; [例句]钱存入银行最保险。It is safest to deposit your money in the bank.



it gives, in this article, its scientific definition and real meaning. then it lists some problems in insurance marketing. for instance, salesmen in traditional marketing do not own high personal quality, the structure of the insurance products is too simple,

Life insurance, property insurance, insurance accounting, insurance management, insurance law, insurance principles of health insurance, life insurance actuarial. social insurance, modern risk management, medical insurance, unemployment insurance financial markets, insurance statistics, and enterprise annuity benefits

楼主你好,以下是常见术语对应的英文翻译:第一部分:保险承保业务1、一般保险原理保险insurance 保险业insurance industry保险业务结构business structures保险业主体bodies in Insurance Industry被保险人insured 理赔claim settlement 承保利润微薄underwriting profit is slight承保能力insurance capacity 更多的保险业常用词汇中英文对照


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/30482.html发布于 2024-09-19
