

小思 2024-09-19 26
酣畅淋漓的英文摘要: 酣畅淋漓英文酣畅淋漓,畅快的Fully and delightfully fun.酣畅淋漓的英文【汉语文字】淋漓尽致 【汉语拼音】lín lí jìn zhì...


酣畅淋漓,畅快的Fully and delightfully fun.


【汉语文字】淋漓尽致 【汉语拼音】lín lí jìn zhì 【英文翻译】make the most revealing performance 【词语解释】形容文章或说话表达得非常充分、透彻,或非常痛快。 【字词解释】淋漓:形容湿淋淋往下滴的样子,比喻尽情,酣畅;尽致:达到极点。 【成语性质】褒义词 【成语用法】联合式;作定语、状语、补语。 【近义词】 酣畅淋漓、痛快淋漓 【反义词】 理屈词穷、轻描淡写

It is marked by its ability to smooth each and every cell after using.



淋漓尽致的读音:lín lí jìn zhì




1、酣畅淋漓hān chàng lín lí 酣畅:畅饮,引伸为舒适、畅快;淋漓:畅快的样子。形容非常畅快。


2、蜻蜓点水qīng tíng diǎn shuǐ 指蜻蜓在水面飞行时用尾部轻触水面的动作。比喻做事肤浅不深入。


唯妙唯肖的解释成语拼音wéi miào wéi xiāo成语解释形容描写或模仿得非常巧妙,非常逼真。成语出处老舍《赵子曰》:“这样从锣鼓中把古人的一举一动形容得唯妙唯肖。”成语繁体唯玅唯肖成语简拼WMWX成语注音ㄨㄟˊ ㄇ一ㄠˋ ㄨㄟˊ ㄒ一ㄠ常用程度常用成语成语字数四字成语感情色彩中性成语成语用法作状语、定语;同“惟妙惟肖”。成语结构联合式成语成语年代当代成语近义词惟妙惟肖成语例子他把她画得唯妙唯肖英语翻译remarkably true to life


酣畅淋漓的恣意挥洒,哪怕遍体鳞伤The fully and delightfully artificial and arbitrary, even covered all over with cuts and bruises ------------------------------希望能够帮到您!满意请采纳,谢谢~

酣畅淋漓,畅快的Fully and delightfully fun.



Blow out of sports/blow out exercisingSomething in between cultures do a job with skill and ease


60 years, can be described as one stroke! 60 years of personal experience has taught me to touch the pulse of social progress, 60 years of reform and opening up every one to benefit people's lives. In December 1978, the party's victory in the Third Plenum was held open the new historical period of reform and opening up, this is our party since the founding of far-reaching significance in the history of a great turning point. The national economy in three decades, rapid development of our living and working conditions are also the three decades is undergoing tremendous change, basic necessities and living environment, working conditions, which are the same as earth-shaking.Listen to his mother, said the planned economy era during the credentials supplied by a year at most be able to purchase the two new clothes, or general plain cloth. "New Year wearing new clothes," the anticipation is that period of their peers who have had the desire it, in the absence of the New Year if we can put on new clothes, so that when the neighbors envious of the kind of satisfaction and pride so that today's young people can not be understanding, not to say that the little angels who each have at least several sets of styles and textures are very good and the clothing of the four seasons.Food supply is her mother memorable tickets buy meat is natural, but definitely not pick the election fat thin in envy, not to speak rafts crowded open-air long queues, and to worry about their turn will come, when there are No goods can be bought. Because the queues to purchase food which caused people to noise and might even be pulling it to the kids terrified mother, a teenager fear most is to allow parents to cry forward to going to line up to accept this task, often fooling with that "would rather not eat meat is also do not line up. " The sixties and seventies material poverty-stricken and a brown sugar or fermented tofu, and even added a point of red pepper powder salt was once a snack to share, but at the time relative to that do not relish eating worse than now-date listing of foods children eat when excited the degree of numbness after being pepper is also no less than the invigorating hot-pot is now after the Earned dripping.Thirty years ago, many families have only one of the houses, almost the same layout is to use a bed or a large closet on the houses in the middle, up the curtain the house was divided into two, front living room and dining room, Mom said that they play only in bed, when seated, conditions can be better prepared for the 12 small Mazari or small wooden bench; children and more families have to design into the lower berth, while the back is a bed in another bedroom and storage room in a unified . At present, conditions are good, most people lived on the flat points Sanshiyiting, have their own independent kingdom, excitement, self-evident. Not to mention how the current conditions of office automation, advanced a single one did not know that drinking water for how many kinds of water heaters, while in the late 50s last century, water can only be served in the morning, the boiler room to lay in order to ensure full day needs. Now, sitting next to do the work, asking for is a plus pure water drinking fountains, hot and cold since the pour, good uncomfortable.There are communication tools changes, eighties was hand-cranked telephone, each time when you need to contact your headache, not to mention first post office connected to the operator, and then transferred to a place or a particular unit, if the the other is the signal is not very good, very marked with several phone calls a day and sometimes even have to be connected. The nineties, the pioneer of reform and opening up, waist across the BB machines, the paging call signal at any time, often issuing calls, but also deliberately pretending to hear, let it ring for several more ......, holders of more than The share of pride, self-evident. By the millennium year, cellular phones became a status symbol, the holder should not only out of proportion with their height voice shouting, must also mixed with the local language at the same time, it felt significant in front of Santa. Into the twenty-first century, the hands of every individual has more than one mobile phone, wherever close proximity with each other, work efficiency and economic benefits of double harvest. Sixty of these changes between the lot so that I lament that, while he had only tens of thousands of people experiencing life in a small microcosm. China's three decades of reform and opening up the Western capitalist countries has completed several hundred years of history, the great achievements not come easily. We live in such a beautiful golden age of happiness and stability and harmony of such a situation also requires us to treasure the and maintenance, through our efforts and struggle of the motherland will become increasingly strong, the people living there will be more beautiful!


sth show the incisively and vividly

你好!把体现得淋漓尽致The embodiment is incisively and vividly


前面用做什么的动词后面接executed superblyThe strategies employed by the PAP were executed superbly. 行动党在这次大选中各种选战战术的运用,可以说是发挥得淋漓尽致。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/29909.html发布于 2024-09-19
