

小思 2024-09-19 21
汉朝的英文摘要: 汉朝英文回答和翻译如下:汉朝的。The Han Dynasty.西汉 西汉(公元前202年―公元9年),又称前汉,与东汉(后汉)合称汉朝。是中国古代秦朝之后的大一统封建王朝...


回答和翻译如下:汉朝的。The Han Dynasty.

西汉 西汉(公元前202年―公元9年),又称前汉,与东汉(后汉)合称汉朝。是中国古代秦朝之后的大一统封建王朝。公元前202年刘邦称帝,国号汉,史称西汉,定都长安。功业鼎盛,汉武帝时期开疆拓土,首次开拓了北绝大漠、西愈葱岭、南至大海、东并朝鲜的辽阔疆域,奠定了现代中国版图;开辟了连接欧亚大陆的丝绸之路;首次确立了儒家的统治思想等。对中国两千年封建社会和世界历史进程产生了决定性的影响。西汉是中国文化发展的一个高峰,社会经济、文化全面发展,对外交往的日益频繁,成为当时世界上最强盛的国家。出土文物丰富,显示出“汉并天下”,多姿多彩的时代风貌。对中国两千年的封建社会和世界历史进程产生了决定性的影响。公元9年,王莽自立为帝,改国号为新,史称“新莽”,西汉灭亡。西汉共有十二帝,历经211年。中文名称: 西汉英文名称: The Han Dynasty简称: 汉所属洲: 亚洲首都: 长安(今西安)主要城市: 长安、宛、洛阳、邯郸官方语言: 中原官话货币: 汉五铢时区: 东八区政治体制: 君主专制政体国家领袖: 刘邦、刘彻、刘询人口数量: 约6000万(公元2年)主要民族: 汉族、匈奴、南越族主要宗教: 道教国土面积: 1400万平方公里(汉武帝时期)文化形式:汉赋秦朝秦朝(前221年至前207年),是由战国时代后期的秦国发展起来的统一大帝国。秦朝开国君主秦王政自称始皇帝,从此有了皇帝一词语。国号秦,王室嬴姓,故史书上别称嬴秦,以别于其他国号为秦的政权。秦朝从统一六国到灭亡,只其它中文名称秦朝英文名称QinDynasty简称秦所属洲亚洲有15年国祚。

A Brief Chronology of Chinese History 中国朝代的英文名称Xia Dynasty 2070-1600 B.C. Shang Dynasty 1600-1046 B.C. Zhou Dynasty Western Zhou 1046-771 B.C. Eastern ZhouSpring and Autumn PeriodWarring States Period 770-256 B.C.770-476 B.C.475-221 B.C. Qin Dynasty 221-206 B.C. Han Dynasty Western Han 206 B.C.-A.D. 25 Eastern Han 25-220 Three Kingdoms Wei 220-265 Shu Han 221-263 Wu 222-280 Western Jin Dynasty 265-317 Eastern Jin Dynasty 317-420 Northern and Southern Dynasties Southern Dynasties Song 420-479 Qi 479-502 Liang 502-557 Chen 557-589 Northern Dynasties Northern Wei 386-534 Eastern Wei 534-550 Northern Qi 550-577 Western Wei 535-556 Northern Zhou 557-581 Sui Dynasty 581-618 Tang Dynasty 618-907 Five Dynasties Later Liang 907-923 Later Tang 923-936 Later Jin 936-947 Later Han 947-950 Later Zhou 951-960 Song Dynasty Northern Song 960-1127 Southern Song 1127-1279 Liao Dynasty 907-1125 Jin Dynasty 1115-1234 Yuan Dynasty 1206-1368 Ming Dynasty 1368-1644 Qing Dynasty 1616-1911 Republic of China 1912-1949 People's Republic of China Founded on October 1, 1949

Qin Dynasty 秦朝West week 西周Tang dynasty 唐朝Han dynasty 汉朝Ming Dynasty 明朝Manchu Dynasty 清朝


提醒一下一二三楼的,这是不一定的,你看唐朝the Tang Dynasty 宋朝1.the Sung Dynasty2.a state in the Warring States period3.a Chinese family name元朝Yuan dynasty 明朝the Ming Dynasty 清朝1.the Ching or Manchu Dynasty 2.an enlightened reign


汉代 [Hàn dài]the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)

Qin Dynasty 秦朝West week 西周Tang dynasty 唐朝Han dynasty 汉朝Ming Dynasty 明朝Manchu Dynasty 清朝


用各朝代的拼音加 Dynasty如:清朝,Qing Dynasty

202 BC to 220 AD BC公元前(Before Christ) AD公元(取自拉丁语Anno Domini)

回答和翻译如下:汉朝的。The Han Dynasty.







私家车:private cars


预计:it is estimated that


明确的目标:explicit goal

城市交通:the urban traffic


历史性时刻:a historic moment

城市人口:the urban population

农村人口:the rural population

“资源节约和环境友好型”:resource saving and environment friendly

安全、清洁和经济型交通系统:safe, clean and economical transportation system


牛排 beefsteak

沙拉 salad

烹饪 cooking

甜点 the dessert

凉菜 cold dishes

热菜 hot dishes

海鲜 seafood

中国宴席 Chinese banquet

待客之道 receiving guests

特色菜 the special dishes

中式菜肴Chinese dishes



汉朝The Han dynasty

显著的成就prominent achievement

对外贸易foreign trade

丝绸之路The Silk Road

艺术流派art schools







Each dynasty 各个朝代一般我们直接音译的,比如:唐朝Tang dynastySong dynasty所以你都会的啦希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!祝您学习进步!如果不懂建议重新提问,也可以直接追问哦。

夏朝 The Xia Dynasty商朝 The Shang Dynasty西周 The Western Zhou Dynasty东周 The Eastern Zhou Dynasty春秋时期 The spring and Autumn Period战国时期 The Warring States Period秦朝 The Qin Dynasty西汉 The Western Han Dynasty东汉 The Eastern Han Dynasty三国时期 The period of Three Kingdoms 或Three Kingdoms Period西晋 The Western Jin Dynasty东晋 The Eastern Jin Dynasty南朝 The Southern Dynasties北朝 The Northern Dynasties隋朝 The Sui Dynasty唐朝 The Tang Dynasty北宋 The Northern Song Dynasty南宋 The Southern Song Dynasty辽金元明清 也都是The .... Dynasty中华民国 Republic of China (缩写QOC)中华人民共和国 The people's Republic of China (缩写为CHN )我先去休息了,下午还得上课不懂追问,望采纳哦~


1、Qin Dynasty

The Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) was the first unified dynasty in the history of China developed by the Qin State in the Warring States Period.

The ancestors of the Qin Dynasty were descendants of Huangdi's Sun Juan-xuan, and Shun gave him his surname. In the time of Emperor Qin Mugong, Ren Xian was an envoy.

he was modest in admonishing, he destroyed the country twelve times, opened the ground thousands of miles, and his national strength was growing. In the first 361 years,.

the Emperor Xiaogong of Qin succeeded to the throne and made use of Shang Yang's two reforms, which made the economy of the Qin State develop.

and the army's fighting capacity continue to strengthen and become the richest and strongest vassal state in the later Warring States Period.

The Qin government successively destroyed Korea, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan and Qi, and accomplished the great cause of reunification. In 221 years ago.

the government of Qin Kingdom was called emperor, and the history of Qin Shihuang was called emperor.

The Qin Dynasty set up three princes and Nine Emperors in the central government to manage state affairs; abolished the feudal system at the local level.

replaced by the county system; and implemented the system of books and articles, cars and rails, and unified weights and measures.

To attack the Huns in the north and Hundreds of Vietnamese in the south, to build the Great Wall to resist foreign enemies, and to dig Lingqu to open up the water system.

The establishment of centralized power system has laid the basic pattern of China's political system for more than 2000 years and laid the foundation for the rule of the Great Unity Dynasty in China.

Therefore, it is called "the Qin Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty are the capital of the hundred dynasties".

The Qin Dynasty ended the five hundred years since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and became the first centralized state with multi-ethnic integration in Chinese history.

It has exerted a far-reaching influence on Chinese history. In the first 210 years, Qin Shihuang died of illness in the sand dunes during his cruise (now northwest of Guangzong County, Hebei Province).

His son Hu Hai ascended the throne and was the second Qin Dynasty. Although the Qin Dynasty had great influence in history, it abused the people's power and unified only for more than ten years.

In the first 209 years, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang chopped wood as soldiers and rose to the top. The world responded.

Liu Bang and Xiang Yu jointly fought against the Qin Dynasty in the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers. In the first 207 years, Qin died.






中央集权制度的建立,奠定中国2000余年政治制度基本格局,奠定中国大一统王朝的统治基础,故称“百代都行秦政法” 。





1、Han Dynasty

The Han Dynasty (202-8 years ago, 25-220 years ago) was a unified dynasty after the Qin Dynasty. It was mainly divided into the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty.

After overthrowing the Qin Dynasty, Liu Bang was crowned King of the Han Dynasty. In 202 B.C., after the victory of the Chu-Han struggle, the emperor established the Han Dynasty.

historically known as the Western Han Dynasty, and Dingdu Chang'an. Emperor Wendi of Han Dynasty and Emperor Jingdi of Han Dynasty carried out the national policy of recuperation.

health and rest to create the rule of Wen Jing; Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty opened up silk road and exploited land to achieve the "prosperity of Han Wu" after taking office.

and the national strength reached its peak in the period of Emperor Xuandi of HanDynasty.

In 8 AD, Wang Mang abolished the late emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, and Dingdu Chang'an was known as the New Dynasty. The Western Han Dynasty perished.

In 25 AD, after Liu Xiu unified the world, he still used the Han Dynasty as the national name and was historically called the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Luoyang, the capital of Dingdu, was called "Guangwu Zhongxing" after unification of the world.

Emperor Hanming and Emperor Hanzhang followed the light and humble Fu to create "Mingzhang Zhi".

Emperor Hanhe broke through the Northern Huns and recovered the Western Regions after succession to the throne, creating "Yongyuan Long", and the national strength of the Eastern Han Dynasty reached its peak.

The Yellow Towel Uprising broke out in 184 A.D., but the suppression of civil unrest led to local self-respect.

After the Dong Zhuo Rebellion, the name of the Eastern Han Dynasty survived. In 220 AD, Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty perished.

After Liu Bei established Shuhan to continue the Han Dynasty, China entered the Three Kingdoms Period.





公元25年,刘秀统一天下后,仍沿用汉作为国号,史称东汉。定都洛阳 ,统一天下后息兵养民,史称“光武中兴”;汉明帝、汉章帝沿袭轻徭薄赋,开创“明章之治”。

汉和帝继位后大破北匈奴、收复西域,开创“永元之隆” ,东汉国力达到极盛[。公元184年爆发黄巾起义,虽剿灭民乱却导致地方拥兵自重,董卓之乱后东汉名存实亡。公元220年曹丕篡汉,东汉灭亡。


1、Jin Dynasty

Jin Dynasty (266-420 years), a dynasty in Chinese history, was divided into two periods: the Western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The Western Jin Dynasty was one of the unified dynasties in Chinese history, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty was one of the six dynasties.

There were fifteen emperors in the two Jin Dynasties, for a total of one hundred and fifty-five years.

Sima Yan usurped the Wei Dynasty in 266 AD. His name was Jin and his capital was Luoyang.

He was historically called the Western Jin Dynasty. In 280 AD, he destroyed Wu and achieved unification.

After the Eight Kings'Rebellion and Yongjia's disaster, the national situation gradually declined. In 316, the Western Jin Dynasty was destroyed by the northern barbarians.

and the North was in chaos. Historically, it was called the "Five Hu Hua". In 317, Jinshi went south, Sima Rui established the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Jianye.

and the Eastern Jin Dynasty had many Northern Expeditions. It was temporarily consolidated after the battle between Eastern Jin Dynasty and Fengshui Pre-Qin Dynasty in 383.

During the Jin Dynasty, Wuhu moved to the Central Plains, strengthened ethnic integration, moved from the north to the south.






1、Sui Dynasty

The Sui Dynasty (581-618 or 619) was a unified dynasty in Chinese history, which inherited the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty.

In February 581, the Jingdi Chan of the Northern Zhou Dynasty gave way to Yang Jian, and the Northern Zhou Dynasty collapsed. Yang Jian's national name is "Sui Dynasty".

Dingdu Daxing City (now Xi'an, Shaanxi Province). In 589, the Chen Dynasty was destroyed in the South and China was unified.

ending nearly 300 years of division since the end of the Western Jin Dynasty. In 605 AD, after Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty assumed the throne.

Yuwenkai was ordered to build Tokyo and move the capital of Luoyang (now Luoyang, Henan Province) in the same year.

During the reign of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty, people's livelihood was prosperous, people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and politics was clear and bright.

which created a prosperous situation of the rule of emperor. During the reign of Emperor Yangdi of Sui Dynasty, the Grand Canal was built through the north and the south.

However, because of the excessive consumption of national power, it led to the people's revolt and noble rebellion in the late Sui Dynasty.






1、Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was a unified Central Plains Dynasty after the Sui Dynasty. It had twenty-one emperors and enjoyed the country for 289 years.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, the world rose together. In 617, Li Yuan, the Tang Emperor, set up the Tang Dynasty in Jinyang. The next year, he called the Emperor Chang'an.

Tang Taizong initiated Zhenguan Zhi after he succeeded to the throne. Tang Gaozong inherited the legacy of Zhenguan and initiated the rule of Yonghui.

In 690, Wu Zetian, with the Tang Dynasty of Zhou Dynasty and Luoyang as the capital of Dingdu, was known as Wuzhou in history.

He created a situation of "inheriting Zhengguan from the past and opening up Yuan from the next", which laid a foundation for the emergence of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

In 705, after the Shenlong Revolution, Tang Zhongzong restored the title of Tang Dynasty. Tang Xuanzong inaugurated the flourishing era of Wanbang's coming to dynasty.

Tianbaomei has a population of about 80 million. After the Anshi Rebellion, Fanzhen's separatist regime and eunuch's autocratic power led to the decline of national power.





705年,神龙革命之后,唐中宗恢复唐朝国号。 唐玄宗即位后开创了万邦来朝的开元盛世。 天宝末全国人口达八千万左右。







Qin Dynasty

The Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) was the first unified dynasty in the history of China developed by the Qin State in the Warring States Period.



Han Dynasty

The Han Dynasty (202-8 years ago, 25-220 years ago) was a unified dynasty after the Qin Dynasty. It was mainly divided into the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty.



Jin Dynasty

Jin Dynasty (266-420 years), a dynasty in Chinese history, was divided into two periods: the Western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty.



Sui Dynasty

The Sui Dynasty (581-618 or 619) was a unified dynasty in Chinese history, which inherited the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty.



1、Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was a unified Central Plains Dynasty after the Sui Dynasty. It had twenty-one emperors and enjoyed the country for 289 years.







用各朝代的拼音加 Dynasty如:清朝,Qing Dynasty

A Brief Chronology of Chinese History 中国朝代的英文名称Xia Dynasty 2070-1600 B.C. Shang Dynasty 1600-1046 B.C. Zhou Dynasty Western Zhou 1046-771 B.C. Eastern ZhouSpring and Autumn PeriodWarring States Period 770-256 B.C.770-476 B.C.475-221 B.C. Qin Dynasty 221-206 B.C. Han Dynasty Western Han 206 B.C.-A.D. 25 Eastern Han 25-220 Three Kingdoms Wei 220-265 Shu Han 221-263 Wu 222-280 Western Jin Dynasty 265-317 Eastern Jin Dynasty 317-420 Northern and Southern Dynasties Southern Dynasties Song 420-479 Qi 479-502 Liang 502-557 Chen 557-589 Northern Dynasties Northern Wei 386-534 Eastern Wei 534-550 Northern Qi 550-577 Western Wei 535-556 Northern Zhou 557-581 Sui Dynasty 581-618 Tang Dynasty 618-907 Five Dynasties Later Liang 907-923 Later Tang 923-936 Later Jin 936-947 Later Han 947-950 Later Zhou 951-960 Song Dynasty Northern Song 960-1127 Southern Song 1127-1279 Liao Dynasty 907-1125 Jin Dynasty 1115-1234 Yuan Dynasty 1206-1368 Ming Dynasty 1368-1644 Qing Dynasty 1616-1911 Republic of China 1912-1949 People's Republic of China Founded on October 1, 1949

The Han Dynasty

很简单的,如同唐朝翻译为:Tang dynasty 汉代就是:Han dynasty


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/29398.html发布于 2024-09-19
