

小思 2024-09-19 23
连锁反应那段英文是什么意思摘要: 连锁反应英文版是什么意思连锁反应有50多种版本。《连锁反应》的英文版原唱-《BrotherLouie》林珊珊翻唱的粤语版叫《连锁反应》邓洁仪翻唱的国语版叫《路灯下的小姑娘》20...



a chain of reactiona series of reaction

连锁反应: reaction. Examples:1. 华尔街金融滑坡引起世界股票市场的连锁反应。 The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the . 政府害怕罢工可能在其他行业产生连锁反应. The Government fear the strike may produce a chain reaction in other . 仿佛一件小事引起了一连串连锁反应似的。 It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions.






参考资料来源:百度百科-连锁反应 (汉语词语)


A chain reaction is a sequence of reactions where a reactive product or by-product causes additional reactions to take place. In a chain reaction, positive feedback leads to a self-amplifying chain of events. Examples of chain reactions include:The neutron-fission chain reaction: a neutron plus a fissionable atom causes a fission resulting in a larger number of neutrons than was consumed in the initial reaction. This reaction could continue if the number of neutron produced in a single reaction is capable of producin another fission. If not the reaction will stop. If the number of fissions produced is more than one then the reaction is said to be supercritical and the number of fissions would increase exponentially. This is the principle for an atomic example in a chemical reaction every step of H2 + Cl2 chain reaction consumes one molecule of H2 or Cl2, one free radical H· or Cl· producing one HCl molecule and another free avalanche process: Collisions of free electrons in a strong electric field releasing "new" electrons to undergo the same process in successive cascading failure, a failure in a system of interconnected parts, for example a power transmission grid, where the service provided depends on the operation of a preceding part, and the failure of a preceding part can trigger the failure of successive chain reaction, a technique used in molecular biology to amplify (make many copies of) a piece of DNA by in vitro enzymatic replication using a DNA polymerase.

连锁反应(a chain reaction),比喻相关的事物发生相应的变化。连锁:像锁链似的一环扣一环。中文名称连锁反应外文名称a chain reaction读音lián suǒ fǎn yìng释义比喻相关的事物发生相应的变化近义 链式反应蝶效应是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。这是一种混沌现象。这个现象称作蝴蝶效应。蝴蝶效应是气象学家洛伦兹1963年提出来的。其大意为:一只南美洲亚马逊河流域 热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在两周后在美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。其原因在于:蝴蝶翅膀的运动,导致其身边的空气系统发生变化,并引起微弱气流的产生,而微弱气流的产生又会引起它四周空气或其他系统产生相应的变化,由此引起连锁反应,最终导致其他系统的极大变化。此效应说明,事物发展的结果,对初始条件具有极为敏感的依赖性,初始条件的极小偏差,将会引起结果的极大差异。蝴蝶效应是混沌学理论中的一个概念。它是指对初始条件敏感性的一种依赖现象。输入端微小的差别会迅速放大到输出端。蝴蝶效应在经济生活中比比皆是"蝴蝶效应"的理论以实证手段证明了中国1300多年前《礼记·经解》:"《易》曰:'君子慎始,差若毫厘,谬以千里。'"古人认为微小改变会对未来有很大影响因此古人很痴迷于旺福 来改变未来运势。2003年,美国发现一宗疑似疯牛病案例,马上就给刚刚复苏的美国经济带来一场破坏性很强的飓风。扇动"蝴蝶翅膀"的,是那头倒霉的"疯牛",受到冲击的,首先是总产值高达1750亿美元的美国牛肉产业和140万个工作岗位;而作为养牛业主要饲料来源的美国玉米和大豆业,也受到波及,其期货价格呈现下降趋势。但最终推波助澜,将"疯牛病飓风"损失发挥到最大的,还是美国消费者对牛肉产品出现的信心下降。在全球化的今天,这种恐慌情绪不仅造成了美国国内餐饮企业的萧条,甚至扩散到了全球,至少11个国家宣布紧急禁止美国牛肉进口,连远在大洋彼岸中国广东等地的居民都对西式餐饮敬而远之。这让人联想到时下的禽流感,最初在个别国家发现的禽流感,很快波及全球,就算在没有发现禽流感的地区或国家,人们也会"谈鸡色变"。举例再比如,你能想像得出一个美国人抽烟和中国的通货膨胀有什么关系吗?假设美国有一个人抽烟,不小心把没熄灭的烟头扔在了床边,然后出门上班了,大约20分钟后,烟头慢慢引燃床单,火越来越大,逐渐蔓延到左邻右舍,引起煤气罐的连环爆炸。这时的美国人已经对"恐怖袭击"胆战心惊,而这个肇事者(扔烟头的人)却忘了自己曾扔过烟头,于是在一时无法查明原因的情况下,暂时被定为"恐怖袭击"。这样,惊恐万状的人们纷纷抛售股票,引起股市大跌。人们下降的消费信心影响了整个美国经济,最后造成美元贬值,由于美元的持续贬值,使得以美元标价的基础性原材料价格上扬,盯住美元的人民币价格也相应上扬。从而导致以原材料为基础的商品价格上涨,引发中国的成本拉动型通货膨胀。连锁反映”,是科学术语词,在哲学上的涵意与汉语词汇的含义基本是一致的,即指一系列的相关事物中,只要一个发生变化,其他的都跟着发生变化。 贝勃定律是一个社会心理学效应,说的是当人经历强烈的刺激后,再施予的刺激对他(她)来说也就变得微不足道。就心理感受来说,第一次大刺激能冲淡第二次的小刺激。比如,原本一元钱的报纸变成了十元一份,你定会感到无法接受;而原本10000元的电脑涨了100元,你一定不会有什么大的反应。所以,变了的不是事实,而是你的感受 连锁反应。  贝勃定律是一个“狡猾”的定律。它的效应在各个方面几乎都能屡试不爽。因为,不论生理上还是心理上,人总是会有一种逐渐适应的机制。有头脑的人会利用贝勃定律为自己减轻做事的阻力。

连锁反应 是指因为某人或者某一件事情 导致了一件事情的发生,接着因为这件事情,导致了另外一系列事情的发生,产生了群体反应,导致事件的无限扩大~, 例如,一个人拿了你一块钱的东西,你把他抓住了,本来这个事情告一段落,结果那个人有喊人来了,你看到形势不对,你也喊人来了,结果因为你们两个的事情 扩大成了一个群体事情,然后,警察来了,升级成了更大的事情 这就是因为一块钱而产生的连锁反应

pcr是什么意思 ?PCR Testing,核酸检测中的3个英语知识!PCR这个缩写的全称形式是 polymerase chain reaction,含义是:聚合酶连锁反应。pcr技术原理及步骤如下1. 反向PCR技术 反向PCR是克隆已知序列旁侧序列的一种方法。主要原理是用一种在已知序列中无切点的限制性内切酶消化基因组DNA.后酶切片段自身环化。以环化2. 锚定PCR技术 用酶法在一通用引物反转录。


chain reaction 连锁反应chain 是连锁的意思,象连锁店(chain store)之类的,我们也可以用这个词,reaction 反应 比如,化学反应 chemical reaction

A chain reaction is a sequence of reactions where a reactive product or by-product causes additional reactions to take place. In a chain reaction, positive feedback leads to a self-amplifying chain of events. Examples of chain reactions include:The neutron-fission chain reaction: a neutron plus a fissionable atom causes a fission resulting in a larger number of neutrons than was consumed in the initial reaction. This reaction could continue if the number of neutron produced in a single reaction is capable of producin another fission. If not the reaction will stop. If the number of fissions produced is more than one then the reaction is said to be supercritical and the number of fissions would increase exponentially. This is the principle for an atomic bomb.For example in a chemical reaction every step of H2 + Cl2 chain reaction consumes one molecule of H2 or Cl2, one free radical H· or Cl· producing one HCl molecule and another free radical.Electron avalanche process: Collisions of free electrons in a strong electric field releasing "new" electrons to undergo the same process in successive cycles.A cascading failure, a failure in a system of interconnected parts, for example a power transmission grid, where the service provided depends on the operation of a preceding part, and the failure of a preceding part can trigger the failure of successive parts.Polymerase chain reaction, a technique used in molecular biology to amplify (make many copies of) a piece of DNA by in vitro enzymatic replication using a DNA polymerase.

chain reaction连锁反应 n.

a chain of reactiona series of reaction


是brother louie 和cherri cherri lady混合的

Where possible, select a hotel that has installed electronic locks. Old-fashioned metal keys are usually hung up behind the reception desk

你好,英文版:是Modern Talking----Brother Louie

Modern Talking的You're My Heart, You're My Soul



你好,英文版:是Modern Talking----Brother Louie


歌曲介绍:《Brother Louie》是由音乐组合Modern Talking演唱的一首歌曲,因歌曲动听,曾被多种语言翻唱过,其中《路灯下的小姑娘》版广为流传,让这首歌被更多人熟知。

Deep love is a burning fire Stay, 深爱是那持续燃烧之火

cause then the flames grow higher Babe, 越来越高越来越旺

don't let him steal your heart 不要任他偷走你的心

It's easy, easy 很简单的

Girl, this game can't last forever Why,这场游戏不能永远继续,为什么?

we cannot live together? try 我们不能生活在一起吗?可以尝试

don't let him take your love from me不要任他将你的爱带离我身边

You're not good, can't you see你不应该这样,难道没看见吗

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie我的兄弟路易

I'm in love - set you free我坠入爱河,许你自由

Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛只看向我

Only love breaks her heart唯爱能轻易击碎她的心理

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟

Only love's paradise只有爱是天堂

Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛直看向我

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟

Oh, she's only looking to me她的眼睛直看向我

Oh, let it Louie放手吧路易

She is undercover那是她心底的愿望

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie路易兄弟

Oh, doing what he's doing做他该做的

So, leave it Louie所以,放手吧路易

Cause I'm her lover因为我才是她的爱人

Stay, 'cause this boy wants to gamble Stay,坚持,这个男孩想冒险留下

love is more than he can handle Girl,爱令他难以自拔

oh ,come on, stay by me forever, ever来吧,永远伴随我

Why does he go on pretending That为什么他要继续伪装成那样

his love is never ending Babe,他的爱无尽

don't let him steal your love from me

You're not good, can't you see

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

I'm in love - set you free

Oh, she's only looking to me

Only love breaks her heart

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

Only love's paradise

Oh, she's only looking to me

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

Oh, she's only looking to me

Oh, let it Louie

She is undercover

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

Oh, doing what he's doing

So, leave it Louie

Cause I'm her lover

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

Oh, she's only looking to me

Oh, let it Louie

She is undercover

Brother Louie, Louie, Louie

Oh, doing what he's doing

So, leave it Louie

Cause I'm her lover[2]


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/28960.html发布于 2024-09-19
