

小思 2024-09-19 22
金钱是一切英文摘要: 金钱是一切吗英语I do not think money is everything.Money can perchase(buy)medicine but cannot bu...


I do not think money is everything.Money can perchase(buy)medicine but cannot buy health.Money can buy books but cannot buy knowledge.Money can buy status but cannot buy dignity(尊严)……So,I think money cannot solve all the problems,we also need other things such as wisdom、confidence、honesty to help us deal with various of problems.我不认为金钱就是一切。金钱可以买来药品,但是不能买来健康;金钱可以买来书本,但是不能买来知识;金钱可以买来社会地位,但是不能买来尊严……所以,我认为金钱不能解决一切问题,我们还需要其他东西,比如智慧、信心、诚实等来帮我们处理各种各样的问题。(自己写的哦,没有借助任何翻译软件,望采纳)

Money isn't everything,but without it everything will become nothing.

Is Money Everything?(金钱就是一切吗?) At present some people think that money is everything.They say that you can do everything if you have money.You can live in a beautiful house,keep a luxurious ear...


第一种:money 是钱的一切统称。我们无需多说money,如果不懂的话,可以重新学习小学英语课本。第二种:fee 医生、律师或其它专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。如:My lawyer's hourly fee is 145 dollars.我的律师的佣金是每小时145美元。第三种:charge “原价、要价”。主要用于一次性劳务所收取的费用,如服务费、行李超重费、旅馆费等等。What are the charges in the hotel?这家旅馆收费多少?第四种:cost (n.)本义为“成本”、“原价”。常用来表示对已取得的货物或劳务所支付的费用。如:The cost of watching a movie is twenty dollars.看一场电影要花220美元第五种:fare (n.)指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等交通工具所支付的费用。All fares, please.请买票。(一般是公共汽车售票员这么说,在没有自动投币的年代)第六种:postage (n.)指邮费。也就是现在的快递费。How much postage do I need to pay for this package?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?第七种:rent (n. )土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费。The student owed four months’rent for my house.那学生欠我四个月的房租。第八种:tip (n.)小费。在酒店,餐馆里面给服务生支付的费用,以表示对他们劳动的尊重。She gave my barber a fat tip.她给理发师优厚的小费。第九种:admission (n.)指入场费。比如去看NBA篮球赛,或者欧冠足球赛的入场费,就是admissionAdmission by ticket only凭票入场第十种:toll (n.)道路、桥梁、港口、市场的捐税、通行费及电话费等。This month I had to pay 300 yuan toll call.这个月我要缴300元的电话费。第十一种:freight (n.)运费,指海运、空运、陆运的费用。What is the freight for shipping the goods from Guangzhou to Houston?从广州到休斯敦的海运运费多少?第十二种:tuition (n.)学费。也就是上学或者接受培训要付的费用。I have no income and I have to pay my tuition.


ymoney英 ['mʌnɪ] 美 [ˈmʌni] n. 钱,货币;款项;薪水,报酬;大富翁 钱; 金钱; 货币; 资金 复数:monies moneys money, cash, coin, currency这些名词均有“金钱”之意。money: 钱的通称,可以是硬币可以是纸币,也可指用作货币的其它物品。cash: 特指立即可以兑现的现金或现款。coin: 指铸造的硬币。currency: 指在流通中的货币,是全部流通中通货的总称,也可指纸币

money money money人生没有它你就不能活


Money is not everything.

Money can`t insted of anything

money ['mʌni] n.财产,钱,货币 【例句用法】 1.时间就是金钱. Time is money. 2.金钱不是一切. Money is not everything. 3.金钱买不来幸福. Money can't buy happiness. 4.每年都要花费大量金钱在广告上. A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year. 5.真正的友谊比金钱更宝贵. Real friendship is more valuable than money. •名词复数:moneys

Money doesn't mean everything


第一篇 Is Money Everything? At present some people think that money is everything. They say that you can do everything if you have money. You can live in a beautiful house, keep a luxurious ear and have all sorts of delicious food. I don't think so. Indeed, money can buy a lot of things we need. But there are many, many wonderful things in the world that cannot be bough/; with money. For example, knowledge cannot be bought with money. One cannot be rich in knowledge unless he studies hard. Time cannot be bought with money, either. Who can buy even a second with money? There are still many other things that cannot be bought with money: health,life, happiness,friendship, love and so on. Just think, if a person hasn't these things at all, is the money still useful? Now, do you think money is everything? 金钱就是一切吗? 近来,有些人认为钱就是一切,他们说,要是有了钱,你就可以做任何事情,你可以住舒适的房子,坐豪华的轿车,吃可口的饭菜。 我不这么认为。的确,钱可以买到我们需要的许多东西,但是,世界上还有许多美丽的东西用钱是买不到的。 例如,知识是买不来的,一个人要想获得丰富的知识,只有通过艰苦的学习。时间用钱也是买不来的,谁能用钱买来哪怕一秒钟的时间呢? 还有很多东西是钱买不到的,比如健康、生命、快乐、友谊、爱情等等,试想,一个人要是连这些东西都没有,那光有钱又有什么用呢? 现在,你还认为钱就是一切吗? 第二篇 Is Money All-powerful? As we know, most of the material things in our daily life have to be bought with money. But money is not all-powerful. There are many things which money cannot buy, such as time. There are twenty-four hours in a day. Sometimes when we are very happy, we wish that the period of happiness would last longer. But no matter what we do, or how much money we are willing to pay, we cannot make a day last longer than twenty-four hours. On the other hand, when we are unhappy, money cannot make the unhappy time pass away more quickly, nor can it bring us a day without sadness and worries. We may be rich, but our money can't bring back our lost time. As the saying goes, “Time past cannot be called back.” Here we can say very clearly that money can buy a lot of things, but never time. So money, after all, is not all-powerful. 金钱万能吗? 众所周知,在我们日常生活中大多数物品都得用钱买,但是金钱并不是万能的。比如说时间,用钱是买不到的。 一天有24小时。有时当我们非常高兴的时候,我们多么希望这段时间延长些。但是不管我们作出多大的努力我们都不能使一天超过24小时。从另一方面讲,当我们不高兴的时候,再多的钱也不能使这段时间迅速过去。我们也许非常有钱,但我们不能把已逝的时间买回来。俗语说:光阴一去不复返。 以上非常清楚地告诉我们:钱虽然能买到我们需要的许多东西,但它绝对买不到时间,因此金钱不是万能的。

Is Money Everything? Money can bring people good life and no one in the world don't like always want to get a bigger house,a cooler car,a more fashion coat and even everything ,so people want more money to make their dream come and more people spend all their time making money,which make them lose happiness in their daily life. Money is not everything in our can't use money to buy our health and will prefer spending a full day playing with my family in the open to working in the office would rather have a strong body than a seaside 'd like to give away all I have to get back my happy childhood. Don't put too much attention to money and happiness is the essence of life. 金钱可以带给人们好的生活,没有人不喜欢钱。人们通常都想要一间更大的房子,一台更酷的车子,一件更时尚的大衣··甚至一切东西,所以人们想要更多的钱实现他们的愿望。越来越多的人花费他们所有时间去挣钱,以至于失去了很多生活中的快乐。 金钱不是我们生活的一切。我们难以用金钱买回健康和快乐。我宁愿花一整天时间和家人一起玩,也不想在办公大楼里工作一天。比起一间海边别墅,我更想要一个健壮的身体。我想捐出我所有的东西来换回我快乐的童年。 不要把钱看得太重了,幸福快乐才是生活的真谛。


金钱不是一切-Money Is Not Everything  金钱很重要,但金钱绝不是一切。有许多东西是我们用金钱买不到的。金钱值多少钱?健康、真爱、智慧,它们又值多少?我敢打赌没有人能说得出来,因为它们是无价的。多少钱也无法买到时间、健康、真爱和智慧。这样,你还会认为金钱就是一切吗?  Money is something. But money is not everything. There are many precious things that we can't buy with money. How much does time cost?And how much is health? True love? Wisdom? I bet no one knows. They are priceless. Money can buy none of them. So would you still think that money is everything?


金钱不是一切-Money Is Not Everything   金钱很重要,但金钱绝不是一切。有许多东西是我们用金钱买不到的。金钱值多少钱?健康、真爱、智慧,它们又值多少?我敢打赌没有人能说得出来,因为它们是无价的。多少钱也无法买到时间、健康、真爱和智慧。这样,你还会认为金钱就是一切吗?   Money is something. But money is not everything. There are many precious things that we can't buy with money. How much does time cost?And how much is health? True love? Wisdom? I bet no one knows. They are priceless. Money can buy none of them. So would you still think that money is everything?

第一篇 Is Money Everything? At present some people think that money is everything. They say that you can do everything if you have money. You can live in a beautiful house, keep a luxurious ear and have all sorts of delicious food. I don't think so. Indeed, money can buy a lot of things we need. But there are many, many wonderful things in the world that cannot be bough/; with money. For example, knowledge cannot be bought with money. One cannot be rich in knowledge unless he studies hard. Time cannot be bought with money, either. Who can buy even a second with money? There are still many other things that cannot be bought with money: health,life, happiness,friendship, love and so on. Just think, if a person hasn't these things at all, is the money still useful? Now, do you think money is everything? 金钱就是一切吗? 近来,有些人认为钱就是一切,他们说,要是有了钱,你就可以做任何事情,你可以住舒适的房子,坐豪华的轿车,吃可口的饭菜。 我不这么认为。的确,钱可以买到我们需要的许多东西,但是,世界上还有许多美丽的东西用钱是买不到的。 例如,知识是买不来的,一个人要想获得丰富的知识,只有通过艰苦的学习。时间用钱也是买不来的,谁能用钱买来哪怕一秒钟的时间呢? 还有很多东西是钱买不到的,比如健康、生命、快乐、友谊、爱情等等,试想,一个人要是连这些东西都没有,那光有钱又有什么用呢? 现在,你还认为钱就是一切吗? 第二篇 Is Money All-powerful? As we know, most of the material things in our daily life have to be bought with money. But money is not all-powerful. There are many things which money cannot buy, such as time. There are twenty-four hours in a day. Sometimes when we are very happy, we wish that the period of happiness would last longer. But no matter what we do, or how much money we are willing to pay, we cannot make a day last longer than twenty-four hours. On the other hand, when we are unhappy, money cannot make the unhappy time pass away more quickly, nor can it bring us a day without sadness and worries. We may be rich, but our money can't bring back our lost time. As the saying goes, “Time past cannot be called back.” Here we can say very clearly that money can buy a lot of things, but never time. So money, after all, is not all-powerful. 金钱万能吗? 众所周知,在我们日常生活中大多数物品都得用钱买,但是金钱并不是万能的。比如说时间,用钱是买不到的。 一天有24小时。有时当我们非常高兴的时候,我们多么希望这段时间延长些。但是不管我们作出多大的努力我们都不能使一天超过24小时。从另一方面讲,当我们不高兴的时候,再多的钱也不能使这段时间迅速过去。我们也许非常有钱,但我们不能把已逝的时间买回来。俗语说:光阴一去不复返。 以上非常清楚地告诉我们:钱虽然能买到我们需要的许多东西,但它绝对买不到时间,因此金钱不是万能的。



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/28873.html发布于 2024-09-19
