

小思 2024-09-19 28
酒店英语对话介绍房间设施摘要: 酒店房间设施介绍英语对话Dialogue A (酒店对话英语大全之一)A: Good morning,sir.Can I help you? B:Good morning! I...


Dialogue A (酒店对话英语大全之一)A: Good morning,sir.Can I help you? B:Good morning! I have a reservation for a single room with a bath here. A: May I have your name,sir, please? B:Bradley,John Bradley. A:Just a moment,sir, while I look through our list.Yes,we do have a reservation for you,Mr. Bradley.Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you? B:Yes.Can I borrow your pen for a minute,please? A:Sure.Here you are. B:What should I fill in under ROOM NUMBER? A: You can just skip that. I’ll put in the room number for you later on. B:(After he has completed the form) Here you are.I think I’ve filled in everything correctly. A: Let me see…name, address, nationality,for war ding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure.Oh,here,sir.Your forgot to put in the date of your departure. Here let me fill it in for you.You are leaving on…? B:October 24. A:Now everything’s in order.And here is your key,Mr.Bradley.Your room number is 1420. It is on the14th floor and the daily rate is$90.Here is your key card with all the information on your booking, the hotel services and the hotel rules and regulations on it.Please make sure that you have it with you all the time.You need to show it when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars.You also need to show it when you collect your key from the Information Desk. B: OK.I’ll take good care of it. A: And now if you are ready,Mr.Bradley, I’ll call the bell-boy and he’ll take you to your room. B: Yes, I’m ready.Thank you. A:I hope you enjoy your stay with us. B:I’ll try.Dialogue B(酒店对话英语大全之二)A:Good morning!Can I help you? B:Good morning! I’m Mr.Doug lass in room 1208. My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I had expected.This makes it necessary for me to stay on here for another day.I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days. A: I’ll take a look at the hotel’s booking situation. Yes, sir,I’m glad that we’ll be able to accept your extension re-quest.But I’m afraid that it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights.You see,we have already let your room to another gentle-man.Is that acceptable to you? B: Yes, that’s no problem at all. A: Let me see… room 1111 Will be vacant. How about room1111? B:That is fine. A:When would you like to move tomorrow? B: I don’t know. A:The new occupant will be checking in a little after twelve. B: That means I have to move out before 12. Let me see. I’ll be leaving for the negotiation at 9∶30 tomorrow morning and I will not be returning to the hotel until sometime in the afternoon. So I’m going to have to do it before I go to the negotiation.Well,I think I will move at 9o’clock. A: Good.I will send a bellboy to your room and help youwith your luggage at 9 o’clock. And please remember to bring your key card to the reception desk when you pass it tomorrow so that I can change the room number on it. B:I will.Thank you very much. A:Goodbye. B:Goodbye.

may i have/see a menu please?我可以看一下菜单吗what kind of dressing would youlike?你喜欢哪种调料Chec please结账

come !bitch!what you my dick?asswhole!hey,im talking to you are you looking at me?motherfucker.

you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room,格林先生,今天早晨您是否用过旅馆服务设施,或在旅馆餐厅用过早餐?   ,my friend and i just had breakfast at the dining room,but we didn't use any services.是的,我的朋友与我在餐厅刚用过早餐,但是我们没有使用过任何服务设施。    total for the eight days is five hundred sixty yuan and eighty 天来总计是560元8角。    think i'll take the one with a front view then.我想我还是要阳面的吧。    long will you be staying?您打算住多久?   'll be leaving sunday morning.我们将在星期天上午离开。    we look forward to seeing you next tuesday.我们盼望下周二见到您。   'd like to book a single room with bath from the after-noon of october 4 to the morning   of october 10.我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10月4日下午到10月10日上午用。    do have a single room available for those dates.我们确实有一个单间,在这段时间可以用。   10. what is the rate, please?请问房费多少?    current rate is$ 50 per night.现行房费是50美元一天。   12. what services come with that?这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢?    sounds not bad at all. i'll take it.听起来还不错。这个房间我要了。   14. by the way, i'd like a quiet room away from the street if the is possible.顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间。    to our hotel.欢迎光临。    you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共带了4件行李,是不是?   17. let me have a check again.让我再看一下。    reception desk is straight ahead.接待处就在前面。    you, please.你先请。    me, where can i buy some cigarettes?劳驾。我到哪儿可买到香烟?    is a shop on the ground floor.一楼有个商店。    sells both chinese and foreign cigarettes.在那儿可买到中国香烟和外国香烟。    i also get some souvenirs there?也可以买到纪念品吗?    is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs.有个柜台出售各种各样的纪念品。    me,where is the restaurant?劳驾,请问饭厅在哪儿?    have chinese restaurant and a western-style one do you perfer   我们有中餐厅和西餐厅,你愿意去哪个?   'd like to try some chinese food today.今天我想尝尝中国菜。    want a double room with a bath.我要一间有浴室的双人房。    much a day do you charge?每天收费多少?    is hundred yuan a day including heating fee, but excluding service charge.一百元一天,包括供暖费但不包括服务费。   's quite reasonable.收费十分合理。    long do you intend to stay in this hotel?您准备住多久?    you got through with the check-in procedure?你是否已经办妥住宿登记手续?   34. can i book a single room for my friend beforehand as he will arrive in shanghai tomorrow morning?我能为我的朋友预订一间单人房吗?他将于明天早上到达上海。    you mind filling in this form and pay a hundred yuan in advance for him.请填好并预付一百元钱。    is a receipt for paying in keep it.这是预付款收据,请收好。    you any vacant(spare) room in the hotel?旅馆里有空余房间吗?   , we have no vacant(spare) room for you. but i can recommend you to the orient hotel where you may get a spare room.对不起,我们已经客满了。但是我可以介绍您去东方饭店,那里有空余的房间。    afternoon, my room number is mail for me?下午好!我的房号是321。有我的信吗?    have two letters and one telegram, also a message was left by a lady before one hour.有的。您有两封信和一封电报,一小时前有一位小姐来电话留言给您。   'll mail a letter to airmail.我要寄一封航空信到美国。    much do i have to pay for you?我要付多少钱?    letter generally mails to america—europe—africa by airmail. first 20 grams is 20 yuan.通常一封寄到美国、欧洲、非洲的航空信,20克收费20元。   , we do have a reservation for you.对了,我们这儿是有您预订的房间。    you please fill out this form while i prepare your key card for you?请您把这份表填好,我同时就给您开出入证,好吗?    should i fill in under room number?“房间号码”这一栏我该怎么填呢?   'll put in the room number for you later on.过会儿我来给您填上房间号码。    forgot to put in the date of your departure.您忘了填写离店日期了。    here is your key, room number is 1420.给您房间的钥匙,布拉德利先生。您的房间号码是1420。    is on the 14th floor and the daily rate is$90.房间在14层,每天的房费是90美元。51. please make sure that you have it with you all the time.请务必随时带着它。   52. my business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than i had expected.我的业务谈判进行得比我原先预料的慢了许多。   53. i wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days.我想知道是否可以让我在这儿多呆两天。   'll take a look at the hotel's booking situation.我来查看一下本店房间的预订情况。   'm glad that we'll be able to accept your extension re-quest.很高兴我们有办法接受您延长住宿的要求。   56. but i'm afraid that it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights.不过,恐怕最后两天我们得请您搬到别的房间去。   57. we have already let your room to another gentleman.我们已经把您住的房间租给了另外一位先生。   58. that's no problem at all.没问题。    this everything, sir?这是全部东西吗,先生?   's the light switch.这是电灯开关。   's the closet and there's the bathroom.这儿是壁柜。这儿是洗澡间。   62. will there be anything else, sir?还有什么事吗,先生?   63. well,if you need anything else,please call room service.噢,如果你有什么事,请叫房间服务。   64. let me help you with your luggage.我来帮您拿行李。   's very kind of you to do so.你这样做使我很感激。   's your room number, please?请问您的房间号码?   67. and by the way, could i have a look at your room card?顺便问一句,我可以看一下您的房卡吗?    do you like this room?您觉得这个房间怎么样?   's also quite spacious.房间也很宽敞。   70. do you mind if i put your luggage by the wardrobe?我把您的行李搁在衣柜旁边好吗?    the way, could you tell me about your hotel service?顺便问问,你能不能给我讲一下宾馆服务的情况?    there any place in the hotel where we can amuse our-selves?旅馆里有娱乐场所吗?    you want to take a walk, you can go to the garden.如果您想散步,可以去花园。    is a recreation centre on the ground floor.在一楼有个娱乐中心。   75. you can play billiards,table tennis,bridge,and go bowl-ing.您可以去打打台球、乒乓球、桥牌和保龄球。    there a place where we can listen to some music?有听音乐的地方吗?   77. there is a music teahouse where you can enjoy both classical music such as beethoven,mozart,liszt,and mode rnmusic,while having some chinese tea or other soft drinks.有个音乐茶座,您可以一边欣赏古典音乐,如贝多芬、莫扎特、李斯特的乐曲和现代音乐,一边品尝中国茶和软饮料。   78. would you please tell me the daily service hours of the dining room?请告诉我餐厅每天的服务时间,好吗?    7∶00 10∶00 serving all day long.从早上七时一直到晚上十时,几乎全天供应。   80. when will the bar and cafe open?酒吧和咖啡馆什么时间开放?    3∶00 midnight.从下午三点到晚上十二点。    the guest house offer any other service?宾馆里还有哪些服务项目?    have a barber shop, a laundry, a store, post and telegram services,a newspaper stand,a billiard,table tennis, video games and so on.我们有理发室、洗衣房、小卖部、邮电服务、报刊供应柜、弹子房、乒乓球和电子游戏。   's jolly good!这太好了!    where can i have my laundry done?脏衣服送到哪里去洗?    can i do for you?夫人。我能为您做些什么?   'm looking for a man whose name is john.我在寻找一位男士,他的名字叫约翰。    you tell me his room number, please?请问他的房间号码是多少?    suppose it is 735.我想他的房间号码是735号。    the way, please show me where the lift is?顺便请指点我电梯在什么地方?    need some information about touring hangzhou.我想了解关于游览杭州的情况。   92. there are two trains going to hangzhou every morning, and .   每天早晨有两列火车到杭州,49次列车和79次列车。    time does this train leave?这列火车什么时间发车?   94. could you get me two tickets for tomorrow here?你能否在这儿卖给我两张明天的车票?   'm looking for a friend, . could you tell me if he is in the hotel?我在找一位朋友,布朗先生。你能告诉我他是住在这个饭店吗?    a minute,'ll see if he is registered.请稍等片刻,我看看他是否登记了。 are in suite 705. let me phone him.他们住在705号套房,我来给他打电话。 said he's waiting for you in his room.布朗先生说他在房间里等您。 i come in?我是客房的,可以进来吗?    would you like me to do your room,sir?您要我什么时间来给你打扫房间呢,先生?    can do it now if you like.如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。    would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water.我想请你给我拿一瓶开水来。   'm sorry that your flask is empty.很抱歉您的水壶空了。    i do the turn-down service for you now?现在可以为您收拾房间了吗?   ,thank you see,we are having some friends over.噢,谢谢,但你知道我们邀请了一些朋友过来聚聚。    you come back in three hours?你能不能过3小时再来整理?   ,'ll let the overnight staff know.当然可以,女士。我会转告夜班服务员。    you tidy up a bit in the bathroom?请整理一下浴室好吗?   've just taken a bath and it is quite a mess now.我刚洗了澡,那儿乱糟糟的。   ,please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.此外,请给我们带瓶刚烧开的水来。   's growing you like me to draw the curtains for you?天黑下来了,要不要我拉上窗帘?    there anything i can do for you?您还有什么事要我做吗?   'm always at your service.乐意效劳。    you any laundry?对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?    laundry man is here to collect it.洗衣房服务员来这儿收要洗的衣服了。    you have any,please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.如果您有衣服要洗,请放在浴室门后的洗衣袋里。    tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes ironed,washed,dry-cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back.请告诉我们或在洗衣单上写明您的衣服是否需要熨烫,水洗,干洗或缝补,还要写明何时需要取衣服。 if there is any laundry damage?如果你们洗衣时损坏了衣服怎么办?    such a case,the hotel should certainly pay for it.如果是这样,饭店当然应该赔偿。    you send someone up for my laundry,please?请问,你们能派人来收要洗的衣服吗?    valet will be up in a few minutes.洗熨工马上就到。    the color run in the wash?洗衣时会掉色吗?   'll dry-clean the dress.我们将干洗这条裙子。   'll stitch it before washing.我们会在洗之前把衬里缝好。    can i have my laundry back?我何时能取回洗的衣服呢?    would you like express service or same-day?不过,您是要快洗服务还是当日取?   'd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water.这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。 you change the room for me? it's too noisy.能给我换个房间吗?这儿太吵了。    wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made.我妻子被运送行李的电梯发出的嘈杂声弄醒了几次。    said it was too much for her.她说这使她难以忍受。   'm awfully sorry,sir.非常对不起,先生。    do apologize.我向您道歉。    problem,sir.没问题,先生。   'll manage it,but we don't have any spare room today.我们会尽力办到,但是今天我们没有空余房间。    you wait till tomorrow?等到明天好吗?    hope we'll be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep.我希望明天晚上我们能呆在一套安静的房间里睡个好觉。    if there is anything more you need, please let us know.如果还需要别的什么东西,请告诉我们。    light in this room is too dim.这房间里的灯光太暗了。    get me a brighter one.请给我换个亮的。   ,'ll be back right away.好的,先生,我马上就回来。    room is too cold for feel rather cold when i sleep.这房间太冷了,我睡觉时感到很冷。    seems to be something wrong with the toilet.我房间里的抽水马桶好像出了点毛病。   'll send someone to repair it immediately.我们会马上派人来修的。   's the trouble?哪儿坏啦?    toilet doesn't flush.抽水马桶不放水了。    me ,it's clogged.让我看看。噢,堵住了。    water tap drips all night long.水龙头一整夜滴水。    part needs to be will be back soon.有个零件要换了。我片刻就来。   ,i'm afraid there's something wrong with the tv.噢,电视机好像有些毛病。    picture is wobbly.图像不稳定。   'm i have a look at it?很遗憾,我可以看看吗?   'll send for an electrician from the maintenance department.我去请维修部的电工来。    can have it repaired.我们能找人修理。    wait just a few minutes.请稍等几分钟。    tv set is not working well.电视机有毛病了。   'd like to have my hair cut.我想理个发。   157. how do you want it?您想理什么式样的?    a trim,and cut the sides fairly short,but not so much at the back.修剪一下就行了。两边剪短些,但后面不要剪得太多。    off the top?顶上不要剪吗?   ,a little off the top.嗯,稍微剪一点。    you like a shave or shampoo?您要不要修面或洗头?    want a haircut and a shave,please.我想理发和修面。    well,and how would you like your haircut,sir?好的,您喜欢什么发式?    you want me to trim your moustache?要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗?   , could you cut a little more off the temple?好,能不能把两边鬓角再剪短些?    that satisfactory?您看这样满意吗?    else i can do for you?还要我为您做些什么吗?    want a facial.我想做面部美容。    facials start with a thorough cleansing.面部美容大都是先彻底清洁面部皮肤。   'll take the half-hour facial with make-up.我要做半小时美容外加化妆。   'm going to tianjln early tomorrow morning.我明天一大早要去天津。    i would like to request an early morning call.因此我想让你们明天早上叫醒我。    what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您?    i have to be at the conference room of the garden hotel in tianjin by 10 o'clock.但我是10点钟必须赶到天津花园宾馆会议室。    means that i'll have to be on the road by 7 o'clock at the latest.就是说我明天早晨最迟也要7点钟上路。    that case,i would like you to call me at 5∶45?那样的话,你们明早5点45分叫醒我好吗?    we will wake you up at 5∶45 tomorrow morning.好,那么我们明早5点45分叫醒您。    you do me a favour, miss?小姐,能帮个忙吗?    wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.不知道你们饭店是否有叫早服务。    you like a morning call?您要叫醒服务吗?    want to go to the bund to enjoy the morning scenery there.我想到外滩去欣赏那儿的景色。    what time do you want me to call you up,sir?您要我什么时候叫醒您?    6 sharp tomorrow morning, please.请在明早6点钟。    don't want to disturb my neighbors.电话叫醒,我不想吵醒邻居。   'd like to pay my bill now.我想现在结账。    name and room number,please?请问您的姓名和房间号码?    you used any hotel services this morning?请问您今天早晨是否用过旅馆内的服务设施?    nights at 90 us dollors each, and here are the meals that you had at the makes a total of 665 us 个晚上,每晚90美元,加上膳食费,总共是660美元。    i pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡支付吗?    sign your name here.请您在这里签名。   191. excuse me. we're leaving 'd like to pay our bills now.劳驾。我们今天要离去了。我希望现在就把账结清。    the way,i'd like to tell you that the check-out time is 12∶00 noon,sir.先生,顺便告诉您,结账后离开旅馆时间是12点。   193. how about the charge for the days you shared the room with your friend?这几天您的朋友与您同住费用怎么办呢?    add to my account.请记在我的账里。   'd like to book a double room for tuesday next week.下周二我想订一个双人房间。   's the price difference?两种房间的价格有什么不同?    double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night,one with a rear view is15dollars   per night.一间双人房朝阳面的每晚140美元,背阴面的每晚115美元。


欢迎健身 欢迎您来到健康中心。 A; Good evening, sir. Welcome to our our Fitness Center. 先生,晚上好。欢迎您来到健康中心。 B: Good evening. I'm looking for a place to do some exercises. 晚上好。我想找个地方锻炼一下。 同类问句: Welcome to the gym. The number of your locker, please? 欢迎来到健身房。请问您的锁柜钥匙号码是什么?介绍设施 我们装备完善的健身房,拥有最新的消遣运动器械, 如供锻炼用的自行车、举重器械及肋木之类的东西。 A: Yes. my doctor has told me I must keep in good physical health. l hear that your hotel is one of the best ones in the county for that kind of thing. Could you tell me what facilities you have here? 我的医生要我保持舍你健康。我听说你们酒店在那方面是全国的,能告诉我你们都有那些设备吗? B:Well, we have a Well-equipped equipment gymnasium with all the latest recreational sports—an exercise bicycle,weights,wall bars that sort of thing. 我们装备完善的健身房,拥有最新的消遣运动器械,如供锻炼用的自行车、举重器械及肋木之类的东西。 同类问句: You've come to the right place. Ours is a well-equipped health center. We have all the latest gymnasium apparatus: race apparatus, bicycle apparatus , chest expander, and other apparatus for body exercises. 这里正是您要找的地方。我们这里设备齐全。有最新的健身器械:跑步机,自行车机,拉力器械等各种健身器械。 We have a well-equipped keep-fit gymnasium with all the latest recreational sports apparatus. 我们有装备完善的健身房,健身房里面有最新的消遣运动器械。 Some of the apparatus are home-made but most are imported. 部分器械是国产的,但大部分是进□的。


A Hello,this is QuaCheng hotel,is there anything I can help you,sir?


B Yes, I'd like to book a room.


A Sure,we have different type of rooms,which would you like to choose?


B I'm not very certain,could you give me a brief introduction,please?


A Ok,our hotel provides standard single room and double room,accordingly,we also have special treatment for VIP.


B Thank you,I want to reserve a single room which is better located between 4th floor to 7 need the personnel in your hotel to open the window and clean the room before I arrive that ok?


A Ok,sir,I already taken some notes about your let me check the room on my standard single room in 6th floor and the number is 0603,need clean and open the window,anything else?


B Thanks,how much does it cost?


A That is 580 RMB


B Don't your hotel have discount?


A I'm terribly sorry, you need a discount,you should be our VIP and stay here for at least 3 days.


B OK,that's alright!


A When will you arrive at our hotel,sir?


B Around 15 to 3 .


A 's a great honour for us to serve for you and we are all waitting for your arrival.!


B Thank you very much!Byebye!


R: Good morning. Can I help you?


T: Good morning. I think there should be two rooms booked for us? In the names of Tony Marshall and May Hunter.


R: Umm, just a moment.


T: We're attending the 'Sun, Sea and Sand' conference and exhibition.


R: Well sir, I'm afraid you have nothing booked. All we have left are two small rooms at the front of the hotel. They will be a bit noisy I'm afraid, as there is a pub opposite.


T: What? That's terrible! How did that happen? What do you want to do May? Should we find somewhere else?


M: Well, I suppose we have no choice, really. It's too late to find another hotel now. We'll just have to take them.


R: Right, so that's all booked now. We'll need you to sign a credit card voucher in advance.

R :好的,那么就订这两间房了。你们需要提前签一下信用卡的单据。

T: OK. Oh no, I can't seem to find my card. And where's my wallet?


M: Did you leave it somewhere? In the taxi?


T: Oh no! I think I did, I left my wallet in the taxi. I put it on the seat when we got in. Oh what a disaster!


R: Careful sir, your briefcase!


T: Aaagh! All over the floor. All my papers!


R: Not to worry sir. We'll soon get them together.


T: Sorry, May. What a mess, oh what a mess! I'll have to phone the taxi company to see if they found my wallet. Em, by the way, can you lend me some change for the phone?


M: OK. Here you are.


R = receptionist, T = Tony, M = May

R: Good morning. Can I help you?


T: Good morning. I think there should be two rooms booked for us, in the names of Tony Marshall and May Hunter.


R: Umm, just a moment. Yes, two single rooms with en-suite bathrooms?


T: That's right. We're attending the 'Sun, Sea and Sand' conference and exhibition. Does that mean we get a discount?


R: Yes. We are one of the conference partner hotels, so there is a ten per cent discount. Is it for ten days? Is that right?


M: Yes, until the thirteenth. That's ten days.


R: Right then. We'll need you to sign a credit card voucher in advance. But when you check out, you can settle the account by card or cash, or cheque, as you wish.


T: OK, thanks.


R: Right. You, Ms. Hunter, are in room 202 and you, Mr. Marshall, are in room 207. If you take the lift over there to the second floor the porter will accompany you with the baggage.


M: Thank you very much.



英语教学是教学中最重要的组成部分,而英语对话教学是整个英语教学中一个必不可少的重要组成部分,其不仅可以有效地提高学生的英语口语表达能力,还可以培养学生良好的英语应用习惯。我整理了关于酒店的英语对话,欢迎阅读!   关于酒店的英语对话一   R=Reservation Clerk 预定员 G=Guest 顾客   R:Good morning. Room Reservations . May I help you?   您早,客房预订部,请问有什么可以帮助您?   G:Yes,I’d like to book a room.   我想预订一个房间。   R:Thank you, sir. For which date and how many guests will there be in your party?   谢谢您。要订在什么时候?您一行有多少人?   G:From April 16th to 20th .Just my wife and myself.   4 月 16 日到 20 日。只有我和我太太。   R:From April 16th to 20th ?? .And which kind of room would you prefer, sir?   4 月 16 日到 20 日。请问您想预订哪种房间。   G:A Twin,please.   R:Could you hold the line please? I’ll check our room a while Thank you for waiting , sir. We have a twin room at US$180 per night, will that be all right?   请别结束通话好吗?我来检查一下是否有空房间。过来一会儿让您久等了,先生。我们有空余的双床间,现在价格是每晚 180 美元,这样可以吗?   G:Ok, I’ll take it.   好的,我订了。   R:Thank you ,sir. May I have your name and phone number, please?   谢谢您,先生。您能告诉我您的姓名和电话号码吗?   G:Sure. May name is Aaron Johnson, and my phone number is 3242-5827.   没问题。我叫艾伦.约翰逊,电话是 3242-5827.   R:Mr. Aaron Johnson, phone number is 3242-5827.??Excuse me, how do you spell your first name?   艾伦.约翰逊,电话是 3242-5827。请问怎么拼写您的名字?   G:It’s double A,R,O,N.   两个 A,R,O,N。   R:Double A,R,O,N. Thank you,Mr. Johnson. May I have your arrival time on April 16th?   两个 A,R,O,N。谢谢您,约翰逊先生。请问您 4 月 16 日大概什么时候到酒店?   G:Around 9 .   大约晚上 9 点。   R:Mr. Johnson, for the unguaranteed reservation, we can only hold the room by 6 ., because it is the peak season now. If you make a guaranteed reservation ,we can hold the room overnight. Would you like me to make a guaranteed reservation by credit card?   约翰逊先生,因为现在是旺季,我们酒店的非担保预订只能保留到下午 6 点。您若做了担保预订,我们可以整夜都保留您的预订。您愿意用信用卡做担保预订吗?   G:Fine. Do you accept American Express?   好的。你们酒店接受美国运通卡吗?   R:Yes. May I know the number?   接受,请问信用卡号是多少?   G:It’s 134986   号码是 134986.   R:Thank you, Mr. Johnson. You’ve made a guaranteed reservation at the Guangzhou xx Hotel, from April 16th to 20th for 5 nights. If you can’t arrive as schedule, please rm us before 6 . on April 16th .Thank you for calling and we look forward to serving you.   谢谢您,约翰逊先生。您已经在广州 xx 酒店办理了担保预订,从 4 月 16 日到 20 日,预住 5天。您若不能如其到达,请务必在 16 日下午 6 点前通知我们。感谢您的电话,我们期待能为您服务。   关于酒店的英语对话二   C : Good afternoon , sir . Wele to our hotel . May I help you ?   G: Yes. I booked a room one week ago .   C: May I have your name please , sir ?   G: John Smith.   C: Just a moment , sir . While I look through out list. Yes , We do have a reservation for you , Mr. Smith. A city view single room with bath . You’ve paid 2000 Yuan RMB as a deposit . Is that correct ?   G: That’s it .   C: Would you please fill in this registration card , sir ?   G: Sure . Here you are. I think I’ve filled in everything correctly .   C: Let me see …Name , address, nationality, forwarding address , passport number , signature and date of departure . Oh , here , sir . You forget to fill in the date of departure. May I fill it in for you ? You are leaving on…   G: October 24.   C: May I see your passport , please ? Thank you ,sir. Now everything is in order . And here is your key . Mr. Smith . Your room number is 1107. It’s on the 11th floor and your room rate is 500 RMB per night . Here is your key card with all the rmation on your booking, the hotel services and the hotel rules and regulations on it. Please make sure that you have it with you all the time. You need to show it when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars.   G: Yes, I’ll keep it with care , thank you .   C: I hope you enjoy yours stay with us.   关于酒店的英语对话三   C=Cashier 收银员 G=Guest 顾客   C:Good morning, sir. May I help you?   先生,您早,有什么可以帮到您吗?   G:Yes, I’d like to check out.   我想退宿。   C:Certainly sir. May I have your room key, please?   好的,请把房间钥匙给我,好吗?   G:Sure, Here it is.   好的,给你。   C:Just a moment, please. I’ll draw up your bill for you.   请等一下,我帮您结帐。   After a while 过了一会儿   C:Mr. Johnson, your bill totals US$520, How would you like to make the payment?   约翰逊先生,您的账单总计是 520 美元。您打算如何付款?   G:By credit card. Do you accept Visa?   用信用卡。你们接受维萨信用卡吗?   C:Yes, Mr. Johnson.   是的,约翰逊先生。   G:Here you are.   给你。   C:Print the cardCould you sign here , please?   请您在这儿签名,好吗?   G:Sure.   好的。   C:Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Here is your credit card and your receipt. Have a nice trip.   谢谢您,约翰逊先生。这是您的卡和收据。祝您旅途愉快。

小学英语对话课,是整个小学英语教学中一个必不可少的组成部分。我整理了酒店客房常用英语对话,欢迎阅读!  酒店客房常用英语对话一   Good morning sir ,welcome to The ritz-carlton Shanghai! 早上好,欢迎来到上海丽思 卡尔顿酒店   Good morning,How are you? 早上好,你好吗?   Pretty good,How many pieces of luggage do you have? 非常好!请问您有几件行李呢?   Just one behind in the taxi! 就是出租车后面的一件!   Have you made a reservation ,sir? 请问您有预定吗?   Absolutely! 没错!   This way sir! I will show you to the reception. 这边请先生,我带您去前台办理入住!   酒店客房常用英语对话二   Steven has checked in. Due to a meeting, he has to request an early morning call.   史蒂文已经办理好了入住手续。由于要参加一个会议,他不得不要求一个早叫服务。   Steven: Good evening! This is Mr. Smith in room 609.   史蒂文:晚上好,我是609房间的史密斯先生。   Receptionist: Good evening, Mr. Smith, What can I do for you?   接待员:晚上好,史密斯先生。你需要什么服务?   Steven: I'm going to Shanghai early tomorrow morning. So I would like to request an early morning call.   史蒂文:我明天一大早要去上海, 因此我想让你们明天早上叫醒我。   Receptionist: Yes, Mr. Smith, when would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?   接待员:好的,史密斯先生。您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您?   Steven: I have to be at the conference room of the Garden Hotel in Shanghai by 10 o' think it will take me three hours to get there. It means that I'll have to be on the road before 7 o'clock at the latest.   史蒂文:我10点钟必须赶到上海花园宾馆会议室。我想我要花3个小时到那里吧。就是说我明天早晨最迟也要7点钟上路。   Receptionist: That's right.   接待员:是啊!   Steven: Well, in that case,I would like you to wake me up at 5 : 45.   史蒂文:哦,那样的话,请明早5 点45分时叫醒我。   Receptionist: OK. Good night,Mr. Smith. Have a good sleep.   接待员:好的。晚安,史密斯先生,睡个好觉。   Steven: Good night.   史蒂文:晚安!   酒店客房常用英语对话三   约翰:   Hi, I`m in room 222.   你好.我是住在222房间的客人.   办事员:   Yes, Can I help you?   你好.你有什么事?   约翰:   Can I request some items to be brought up?   我能不能请你拿些东西上来?   办事员:   Of course you can, this is room service.   当然可以.这是我们的房间服务.   约翰:   I would like to request some bandages.   我想要一些绷带.   办事员:   No problem, I`ll come up in about five minutes.   没问题.我大概五分钟之后上来.   约翰:   Could you also bring me some extra drinking water?   你能不能再给我拿一些饮用水上来?   办事员:   Okay. I`ll bring an ice bucket along with some water for you.   好的.我会带一桶冰块和水给你.   约翰:   Sorry, but I will also need a shaver.   不好意思.我还需要一个刮胡刀.   办事员:   Sure. Is there anything else you need me to bring up to your room?   好的.你还需要我带什么东西到你的房间吗?   约翰:   That is all thank you. Please try to hurry, I cut my finger.   就这些了.谢谢你.麻烦你快点.我把手割伤了.


Guiding the Guest to Their Rooms 引客进房

Floor Attendant (FA): (Smiling) Good afternoon, sir and madam. Did you have a nice trip? 下午好,先生女士,您们旅途愉快吗?

Mr. Bellow (B): Yes, thanks. 是的,谢谢。

FA: Welcome to the ninth floor. I’m the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


B: Where is Room 908, please? 908房在哪儿呢?

FA: Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Bellow. Would you care to step this way, please? It is along here.


Mrs. Bellow(M):Oh, how do you know our name?


FA: It was on the arrival list for room we are. May I have your key, please? Let me open the door for you.


B: Here it is. 在这。

FA (Knocks at the door first, opens it, and precedes the guests into the room and turns on the light) This way, please.(先敲门,然后引领客人进房间并开灯)这边请。

B: Thank you. When will our baggage arrive?


FA: Your suitcases will be here shortly. The bellman is handling them.


B: Very well(Looking around the room.) 非常好(环视房间)

FA: How do you like this room? 您觉得这房间怎么样呢?

M: Oh, it looks comfortable and cozy. We like it very much.


FA: (Drawing the curtains aside) The room is facing south and commands a good view of the Huangpu River.


M: Yes, how lovely it is! 是的,真的很美!

FA:(Handing the room key to Mr. Bellow) Here is your key, Mr. Bellow.(把房间钥匙交给BELLOW先生)这是您的钥匙。

Making a Reservation 预订客房

Reservationist(R): Good afternoon. What can I do for you?


Client (C) : Good afternoon. I’m calling from Beijing Foreign Trade Company. Is it possible for me to have a suite?


R: Certainly, can you give me your name please, sir?


C: West, W-E-S-T.

R: Thank you, Mr. West. But by the way, how long will you stay here?


C: I’ll stay here for quite a long time.


R: I’m glad you will be staying at our hotel for a long time.


C: How much is the suite, please?


R: Your suite is 320 yuan (RMB) per day.


C: Does that include attendance?


R:Three hundred and twenty yuan a day, service included.


C: Meals included?


R: Meals are extra, not included.


C: What services come with that?


R: For three hundred and twenty yuan a day, you will have one bedroom with air-conditioning, a sitting room, a bathroom, a colour TV set, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room every day.


C: Do I have to pay in advance?


R: Yes, you may pay half of it. The account will be settled later.


C: On which floor is the suite?


R: We have reserved two suites for you to choose. One is on the first floor, the other on the thirteenth floor. Both of them have a bathroom and face to the south.


C: What’s the difference between them?


R: The conditions and the prices are the same. No difference.。


C: Which is quiet? I want a quiet one. I hate noise at night.


R: The one on the thirteenth floor is very quiet. The room number is 1316.


C: I think I’ll take the one on the thirteenth floor.。


R: OK. And your arrival and departure dates?


C: I don’t know, but it could be seventeen to twenty days.


R: Then we can only confirm a room from the 10th to the 27th. I’m afraid we won’t be able to guarantee you the room after the 27th.


C: What if there isn’t any room then?


R: Don’t worry, sir, We can either put you on a waiting list or find you a room in a nearby hotel.


C: Fine, thank you. Good-bye.


C: Good morning. Can I help you?

G: Yes, I’d like to check out now .

C: Can I have your name and room number, please ?

G: John smith, room 1208 .

C: May I have your room key, please ?

G: Sure. Here you are.

C: Just a moment, please…..Mr. Smith . Here is your bill. Would you like to check it ?

G: I’m sorry . What’s the 20 Yuan for ?

C: That’s for the drinks you ordered from your room .

G: I see .

C: How would you like to make payment , Mr. Smith ?

G: I’d like to pay in cash .

C: That’ll be 2180 Yuan .

G: Here you are .

C: Here’s your change and receipt , Mr. Smith , I’ll send a bellman up to get your luggage.

G: Thank you .

C: You are welcome , Good-bye .


XX XX hotel is situated in the prime location, convenient transportation and landscape is set lodging, food, entertainment, business meetings at the foreign one four-star hotel standards modernization. XX in the hotel you will enjoy luxurious decoration, quality of service, improve the supporting facilities, luxurious hall, high-grade West Restaurant, 140 assorted luxury rooms. Perfect modern management system and human services for the guests of the greatest convenience. Whether you are business trips or tours, hotels century are you the best choice! Each deluxe rooms are equipped with separate air-conditioning system, the international direct dial telephone, satellite television, broadband Internet access and other types of hardware equipment, let your busy work and travelers enjoy a quiet and comfortable environment for the rest, to experience the feeling of being at home. Business Center : print, copy, fax, Internet, set airfares and train tickets, so your business trip without any worries. Fitness Center : 12F at the gym with treadmills, stationary bikes, dumbbells, etc. Kin-abdominal fitness equipment, your physical health is a good place. Fitness Center on the living guests are free. The hotel is located at the third floor of the regional exchanges is your business platform, able to undertake all types of business meetings and activities. Different sizes of the Chamber, which can accommodate 25-400 people, which is organizing various social activities, courteous reception, business meetings and banquets the ideal choice. KTV lodge and the hotel business at the gym floor, it is your recreation, fitness and strength, relaxation of entertainment in the best place.

酒店部门英语名称1. Executive Officet行政办公室2. Human Resources Dept.人力资源部3. Front Office前厅部4. Housekeeping Dept.管家部5. Food & Beverage Dept.餐饮部6. Recreational Dept.康乐部7. Financial Dept.财务部8. Sales Dept.市场营销部9. Security Dept.保安部10. Engineering Dept.工程部11. Waiting list等候名单12. Average room rate平均房价13. DND=Do Not Disturb请勿打扰14. VIP=Very Important Person贵宾15. Package包价服务16. No-show订房不到17. Message留言18. Cancellation取消19. Walk-in无预订散客20. Morning call叫醒服务21. Complain投诉22. Over booking超额预订23. OOO=Out of Order维修房24. Lost and found 失物招领25. Room status 房间状态26. Check in 登记入住27. Check out 结帐离店28. Reservation预订29. Reception接待30. Operator总机话务员31. Business centre商务中心32. DDD=Domestic Direct Dial国内直拨33. IDD=International Direct Dial国际直拨34. LDD=Local Direct Dial市话35. Suite套房36. Standard room标准间37. Double room大床间38. Mini-bar小酒吧39. Laundry service洗衣服务40. Room service送餐服务41. Menu菜单42. PA=Public Area公共区域43. DJ=Disk Jockey音控员44. Tips=To Insure Prompt Service小费45. AM=Assistant Manager大堂副理总经理 general manager 外方总经理 Expatriate General Manager副总经理 deputy general manager财务总监 Finance Controller销售总监 Director of Sales市场总监 Director of Marketing客务总监 Director of Rooms Divsion行政总厨 Executive Chef部门经理 department manager;division manager;section manager经理助理 assistant manager主管 supervisor领班 captain 酒店设备、用品escalator 自动楼梯bookshelf 书架ground floor (英)底,层,一楼cabinet 橱柜switch 开关venetian blind 百叶窗帘curtain 窗帘wastebasket 字纸篓tea trolley 活动茶几night table 床头柜first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼folding screen 屏风hanger 挂钩plug 插头wall_plate 壁上挂盘Chinese painting 国画elevator, lift 电梯drawer 抽屉second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼spring 弹簧cushion 靠垫,垫子socket 插座,插口sitting_room 起居室voltage 电压floor 楼层,地板carpentry (总称)木器tea table 茶几bedclothes 床上用品quilt 被子mattress 床垫thermos 热水瓶 transformer 变压器■ 服务台常用词汇management 经营、管理market price 市价cashier's desk 兑换处coin 硬币accounting desk 帐务处check_out time 退房时间voucher 证件price list 价目表check, cheque 支票sign (动)签字interest 利息form 表格reservation 预订reception desk 接待处tip 小费reservation desk 预订处luggage office 行李房…per thousand 千分之…spare (形)多余的postpone (动)延期cancel (动)取消traveller's cheque 旅行支票pay (动)付款fill (动)填写administration 管理、经营note 纸币registration desk 入宿登记处lobby 前厅luggage rack 行李架visit card 名片identification card 身份证rate of exchange 兑换率conversion rate 换算率charge (动)收费bill 帐单change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序information desk 问询处luggage label 行李标签overbooking 超额订房…per cent 百分之…reasonable (形)合理的cash (动)兑换keep (动)保留、保存bank draft 汇票accept (动)接受procedure fee 手续费fill in the form 填表 ■ 电讯服务operator 电话员house phone 内部电话special line 专线dial a number 拨号码hold the line 别挂电话can't put somebody through 接不通ordinary telegram 普通电话receiver 听筒city phone 城市电话telephone number 电话号码replace the phone 挂上电话Line, please. 请接外线。The line is busy(engaged) 占线。send a telegram(cable) 发电报long distance 长途电话telephone directory 电话簿call somebody up 打电话给某人can't hear somebody 听不见can't get through 打不通inland telegram 国内电报ordinary mail 平信switchboard 交换台central exchange 电话总局The connection is bad. 听不清。express telegram 加快电报special despatch 专电registered fee 挂号邮资postcard 明信片

Hilton Hotels Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the ownership, management, and development of hotels, resorts, and timeshare properties, as well as in the franchising of lodging properties in the United States and internationally. It operates full-service and limited service hotels in urban, airport, resort, and suburban locations. The company primarily operates upscale, all-suite hotels, which include swimming pools, gift shops and retail facilities, meeting and banquet facilities, restaurants and lounges, room service, parking facilities, and other services. Hilton Hotels operates its hotels under the brand names ‘Hilton’, ‘Hilton Garden Inn’, ‘Doubletree’, ‘Embassy Suites’, ‘Homewood Suites by Hilton’, ‘Hampton’, ‘Scandic’, ‘Waldorf=Astoria’, and ‘Conrad’. As of December 31, 2006, Hilton Hotels Corporation had approximately 2,935 properties, including 60 owned and operated hotels, 203 leased and operated hotels, 53 partial interest and operated hotels, 343 managed hotels owned by others, 2,242 franchised hotels owned and operated by third parties, and 34 timeshare properties. In addition, the company owns 50% equity interest in Windsor Casino Limited, which operates the 400-room Casino Windsor in Windsor, Canada. In addition, Hilton Hotels Corporation provides hotel design and furnishing services, which include the purchase and distribution of furniture, furnishings, equipment, food, beverage, and operating supplies. The company was founded in 1946 and is based in Beverly Hills, California


Hotel interior environment elegant, complete supporting facilities, for the vast number of guests to provide comfortable, concise, warm living space.


Equipped with standard room, big bed room, four people room and other kinds of room more than 400, to meet the Tianshi Group headquarters staff, regional dealers and external guests of different levels of accommodation needs. Rooms are equipped with air conditioning, television, telephone, free broadband.


At the same time, there are restaurant, conference center, supermarket, projection room, gym, billiard room, reading room and other supporting service facilities, to meet the meeting, dining, shopping and recreation, entertainment needs, so that you feel the same warmth at home.


International Conference Center covers an area of 30, 000 square meters, the building area is about 28000 square meters, the indoor total number of people about 6100.


The International Conference Center is divided into five floors.


On the first floor, there is a conference room for 100 people, a step training room for 500 people and a multifunction hall, one for each of the thousands of people;


The second floor has a small conference room and film and television photography studio;


The third floor has an annular staircase meeting hall and VIP reception room for more than 3700 people, simultaneous interpretation in 9 languages around the world, and simultaneous live broadcast.


This building is the global R & D quality inspection center, its completion and use will represent the most advanced and scientific research and quality inspection level of Tianshi Group, where Tianshi's scientific and technological achievements will be born and spread to all parts of the world!


Tianshi will bring together its own star products and best-selling products. It will be unveiled in the product exhibition center to allow guests to feel the unique charm of Tianshi products. Can satisfy the visitor's traveling shopping demand.




Hotel Acmodation A:Good to the Peace I help you,sir? B:Yes,I’d like to check in,please. A:Certainly, I have your name,please?Do you have a reservation with us,sir? B:Yes,it’s Robert suppose somebody made the reservation for me. A:Just a moment,’ll check our reservation record… Oh,thank your for waiting, I’m afraid we have no record of your was it made?Do you have a confirmation letter? B:That’s very made the reservation about 10 days ago,through a travel agency at I don’t have the confirmation letter with I have with me is a copy of the there any problem with the acmodation for just two days? A:Just a minute,’ll check good,I got have a double room,and there’s a deluxe suite one do you prefer? B:Thanks a prefer the double long can I keep it?And is it a regular rate with no extra charge? A:Very good, you register here,please?No,there’s no extra would have a good rate with 20% off on the last deluxe suite. B:The double room is there any service that I need to know? A:Certainly, I know if you have anything in particular? B:’d like to have a 7 o’clock morning call,breakfast sent up to my room,shirts and pants laundered,some documents photocopied,an express mail sent out,and something like that. A:No call our Front Desk,Catering Service,Laundry Service,and Business Center you may contact the Floor Service there any thing else I can do for you?

Hotel Accommodation A:Good to the Peace I help you,sir? B:Yes,I’d like to check in,please. A:Certainly, I have your name,please?Do you have a reservation with us,sir? B:Yes,it’s Robert suppose somebody made the reservation for me. A:Just a moment,’ll check our reservation record… Oh,thank your for waiting, I’m afraid we have no record of your was it made?Do you have a confirmation letter? B:That’s very made the reservation about 10 days ago,through a travel agency at I don’t have the confirmation letter with I have with me is a copy of the there any problem with the accommodation for just two days? A:Just a minute,’ll check good,I got have a double room,and there’s a deluxe suite one do you prefer? B:Thanks a prefer the double long can I keep it?And is it a regular rate with no extra charge? A:Very good, you register here,please?No,there’s no extra would have a good rate with 20% off on the last deluxe suite. B:The double room is there any service that I need to know? A:Certainly, I know if you have anything in particular? B:’d like to have a 7 o’clock morning call,breakfast sent up to my room,shirts and pants laundered,some documents photocopied,an express mail sent out,and something like that. A:No call our Front Desk,Catering Service,Laundry Service,and Business Center you may contact the Floor Service there any thing else I can do for you?


Good morning sir ,welcome to The ritz-carlton Shanghai! 早上好,欢迎来到上海丽思 卡尔顿酒店

Good morning,How are you? 早上好,你好吗?

Pretty good,How many pieces of luggage do you have? 非常好!请问您有几件行李呢?

Just one behind in the taxi! 就是出租车后面的一件!

Have you made a reservation ,sir? 请问您有预定吗?

Absolutely! 没错!

This way sir! I will show you to the reception. 这边请先生,我带您去前台办理入住!

Steven has checked in. Due to a meeting, he has to request an early morning call.


Steven: Good evening! This is Mr. Smith in room 609.


Receptionist: Good evening, Mr. Smith, What can I do for you?


Steven: I'm going to Shanghai early tomorrow morning. So I would like to request an early morning call.

史蒂文:我明天一大早要去上海, 因此我想让你们明天早上叫醒我。

Receptionist: Yes, Mr. Smith, when would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?


Steven: I have to be at the conference room of the Garden Hotel in Shanghai by 10 o' think it will take me three hours to get there. It means that I'll have to be on the road before 7 o'clock at the latest.


Receptionist: That's right.


Steven: Well, in that case,I would like you to wake me up at 5 : 45.

史蒂文:哦,那样的话,请明早5 点45分时叫醒我。

Receptionist: OK. Good night,Mr. Smith. Have a good sleep.


Steven: Good night.



Hi, I`m in room 222.



Yes, Can I help you?



Can I request some items to be brought up?



Of course you can, this is room service.



I would like to request some bandages.



No problem, I`ll come up in about five minutes.



Could you also bring me some extra drinking water?



Okay. I`ll bring an ice bucket along with some water for you.



Sorry, but I will also need a shaver.



Sure. Is there anything else you need me to bring up to your room?



That is all thank you. Please try to hurry, I cut my finger.



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/28670.html发布于 2024-09-19
