Ratatouille 料理鼠王Evan Almighty 冒牌天神2Transformers 变形金刚绝对正解
RatatouilleRatatouille 是它做的菜肴名称
料理鼠王》Ratatouille 2007片名:料理鼠王/蔬菜杂烩 英文片名:Ratatouille 导演:布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird Jan Pinkava 配 音: 约翰·雷森博格 John Ratzenberger 布拉德·加瑞特 Brad Garrett 国别:美国 影片类型:喜剧动画 上映时间:2007年06月29日《料理鼠王》讲述了一只梦想成为顶级大厨师的老鼠"米小鼠",在命运的安排之下,全家意外从法国乡村移居到巴黎的下水道。令他雀跃不已的是,他发现新家上方居然是他的偶像,大厨Auguste Gusteau掌厨的顶级餐厅。当他有机会发挥天份,烹煮出一道令全世界顶尖美食家赞赏的美味浓汤的同时,意料陷入一场混乱且刺激的追逐。本剧中逗趣的人物各具特色,场景充满华丽的法国风格,绝对会带给观众一个充满幻想力、惊喜连连的感官飨宴。Ratatouille又译《料理总动员》(貌似把迪斯尼的3D动画翻译成“xx总动员”俨然一种时尚),本意是普罗旺斯地方的一种法式烩菜(做法与“乱炖”有异曲同工之妙,想来十分可口——否则,片中的小老鼠主人公也不会在此类料理的感召下,无视亲朋好友的激烈反对,非要立志成为法国大厨了。其实,单看憨态可掬的造型便足以忍俊不禁,小家伙对厨艺的锲而不舍,恰似《冰河世纪》里小松鼠对坚果的炽烈迷恋,皆属“人为财死,鼠为食亡”的典型案例。
Ratatouille 料理鼠王Evan Almighty 冒牌天神2Transformers 变形金刚绝对正解
剧情简介即使是再微不足道的小人物,也有怀揣梦想的权力,哪怕他只是一只生活在阴沟里的老鼠。别看人家是老鼠,可也有一个好听的名字——小米,而他的梦想是成为法国五星级饭店厨房的掌勺。由于在嗅觉方面有着无与伦比的天赋,小米的一生都浸透在“厨师”的光辉理想之中,并且努力地在朝这个方向艰难地迈进,丝毫不去理会摆在自己面前的事实:厨师是这个世界上对老鼠最怀有病态恐惧的职业。不要以为所有的老鼠都像小米这样“不切实际”,至少他的家人都还算正常,而且对于小米的异想天开皆嗤之以鼻,快乐而满足地过着老鼠都在过的与垃圾堆为伴的生活。这个时候的小米已经有点走火入魔了,凡是看到能吃的东西,他都会情不自禁地想象。小米在一个偶然的机会里,竟然搬到一家法国餐馆的下水道里安家。这家餐馆的创始人,恰恰就是小米毕生的偶像——法国名厨奥古斯汀·古斯特,他曾说过的那句“人人都能当厨师”早就被小米奉为金玉良言。可是小米也有自己的麻烦,因为他不能让自己在厨房中被发现,否则就会引起惊天动地的可怕混乱。就在小米饱受折磨准备放弃的时候,却发现餐馆厨房里有一个倒霉的学徒林奎尼,因为生性害羞而遭排斥的他,在厨艺上更是没什么天赋,即将面对被解雇的命运。被逼上绝境的一人一鼠,竟然结成了一个不可思议的同盟:林奎尼以人的身份在前台“表演”,小米则奉献了他那有创造力的大脑,在幕后进行操纵竟然共同获得了不可思议的成功。林奎尼在小米的帮助下,成为了整个法国饮食业的“天才厨师” 。
影片介绍 幕后花絮 (文/长十郎)雷米天生味觉灵敏,不过,既然它是一只老鼠,那有这才华也是平常事。然而雷米还有许多特殊之处,譬如,它喜欢看书,它最爱的一本书叫《人人都能当厨师》,作者是法国天才厨师奥古斯特,雷米的偶像。还有,雷米不仅喜欢看书,而且想像奥古斯特那样做一个伟大的厨师。爸爸大姜高当然不支持雷米的梦想了。稍有点常识的都知道,老鼠到了厨房,别说做厨师,就连小命都会被人类给收了去。大姜高希望自己的儿子能学自己,以后就继承自己的位置,当下水道老鼠的领袖,带领众鼠捡垃圾吃。雷米至少还有敏锐的嗅觉,可以分辨哪些东西有毒没毒。 雷米当然不放弃自己的梦想,它能叫出法国最出名餐厅的名字,熟悉每道菜的做法,它时刻准备着成为一名厨师。终于有一次,它被冲到下水道,大难不死的雷米醒来之后发现原来自己到了偶像名厨,已经过世的奥古斯丁·古斯特所创立的名餐厅下面。在餐厅里,雷米认识了在厨房打杂的年轻人林贵尼,林贵尼没有做菜的天分,但他很想保住这份工作,于是,雷米就与林贵尼合作,躲在这个人类厨师的帽子里面,一鼠出脑力一人出劳力,合作做菜。这对组合做出的菜深受欢迎,雷米与林贵尼合作无间,然而还有许多困难要克服,譬如雷米要躲避主厨的追杀,而林贵尼要得到家人的理解还有美好的爱情。然而,奥古斯丁的鬼魂出现在雷米和林贵尼面前,以精神导师的身份教导这两个伙伴做菜,这对组合克服困难做出了巴黎最棒的普洛旺斯炖菜。
Ratatouille 料理鼠王Brad Bird may be one of the few animated filmmakers working today who understands what the concept of a "family film" means. It's something that offers material to viewers of all ages and doesn't lose one group by catering too strongly to another. Following The Iron Giant and The Incredibles, Bird has turned his attention to the sewers and kitchens of Paris with Ratatouille. In some ways, it's an odd subject for a big-budget cartoon. Rats don't make for the most cuddly of animated creatures and the movie spends enough time developing plot that younger children may squirm. Nevertheless, while Ratatouille misses the pinnacle achieved by The Incredibles (considered by some to be the best-ever computer animated film), it provides solid entertainment and shows why something like Shrek the Third should be cast aside. In Ratatouille, Remy (voice of Patton Oswalt) is a culinary wizard of a rat. His senses are so refined that he refuses to eat garbage and is used by others as a "poison detector" since he can tell if something is toxic by sniffing it. His desire, however, is to become a chef, and he gets a chance to achieve his dreams when he meets Linguini (Lou Romano), a janitor at Gusteau's, a famous Paris restaurant. Hiding under Linguini's chef's hat, Remy urges the young man to create dishes of amazing mastery. Like Cyrano de Bergerac, Remy pulls the strings and Linguini takes the credit. Soon, Gusteau's is the talk of the city and Linguini has captured the heart of the woman of his dreams, Colette (Janeane Garofalo). But trouble looms. The chef (Ian Holm) whose position Linguini usurped wants revenge. And powerful food critic Anton Ego (Peter O'Toole) has decided to have a meal an Gusteau's; on the night of his arrival, Remy is nowhere to be found. Flushed Away had no difficulty using rats as main characters, largely because they looked much like human beings with a lot of hair. Ratatouille provides us with rodents that, while not lifelike, are close enough that it could give some phobic viewers a moment's pause. Since this is Disney, the film emphasizes the creatures' "cute" aspects - a round pink nose and wide, innocent eyes - but there's no mistaking what they are. Ultimately, it's a lot easier to think about cuddling up next to a penguin than a rat. This is one instance in which the realism of CGI may not be an asset. Ratatouille continues the recent trend of A-level animated pictures raising the visual bar. With human beings looking ever more like their real-life counterparts, it's becoming increasingly obvious that the future of computer generated animation may know no boundaries. There's a chase scene during the second half of Ratatouille that takes us through the streets of Paris and onto boats floating on the Seine. This sequence is so exquisite that it's almost impossible to believe it was conceived and realized within a computer. The single noteworthy quality of Shrek the Third was its animation, and Ratatouille has topped it. (Not that we would expect anything less from Pixar.) Bird has fashioned the movie as a parable about racism and tolerance. The conflict here is between rats and humans, and the breakthrough comes when members of each species learn a little about those of the other. Then there's the Cyrano de Bergerac angle, which will go over the heads of children (and perhaps some older audience members). While there are no song-and-dance numbers to enrapture kids, there are plenty of action sequences and a majority of the comedy is universal enough to tickle the funny bones of viewers of all ages. For the most part, the vocal casting relies on actors with generic voices or those who can hide their natural intonations. The exception is Peter O'Toole, who gives ominous depth to the character of Anton Ego (although the visual representation of the critic looks like Christopher Lee as filtered through Tim Burton). This isn't O'Toole's first role in an animated movie, but it may be his most memorable. He also delivers an interesting monologue about critics that could be seen as applying to more than those who review restaurants. At nearly two hours in length, Ratatouille demands a longer attention span than most animated movies. (Plus, it's fronted by a five-minute short, Gary Rydstrom's delightful "Lifted.") It rewards those with patience, regardless of age. The movie wisely saves its best and most impressive set pieces for the second half, whether they're the aforementioned chase or the sight of hundreds of rats invading a restaurant kitchen. And, while Ratatouille isn't specifically about the love of food, that's another ingredient Bird has stirred into the pot. Coupled with Surf's Up, Ratatouille offers movie-goers a recent rarity: back-to-back quality animated family films. It has been years since we have seen something similar, and the effectiveness of this movie helps to wash away some of the bad aftertaste left by Shrek the Third. For parents looking to spend time in a theater with their kids or adults who want something lighter and less testosterone-oriented than the usual summer fare, Ratatouille offers a savory main course.
别名《美食总动员》 英文名《Ratatouille》该片英文名 Ratatouille 来自一款同名法国菜式『蔬菜杂烩』(ratatouille):以多种蔬菜和主料橄榄油烩成,搭配米饭、烤土豆或者法式面包,是不可多得的美味佳肴。Ratatouille 同时也暗示了故事的发生地和厨房题材,而且单词前面的 "Rat" 是老鼠(确切地说是“耗子”)的意思。 本片的推广资料中显示片名英文发音是 "rat-a-too-ee" 。这个发音。这其实是不符合标准发音规则的(相对来说正确发音是"ra-ta-too-ee")(发音用汉语拼音标注为『ra-ta-tu-yi』)。而德文的发音则应当是"ratte-tuu-ii" (“Ratte”是德文里面耗子的意思)
料理鼠王》Ratatouille 2007片名:料理鼠王/蔬菜杂烩 英文片名:Ratatouille 导演:布拉德·伯德 Brad Bird Jan Pinkava 配 音: 约翰·雷森博格 John Ratzenberger 布拉德·加瑞特 Brad Garrett 国别:美国 影片类型:喜剧动画 上映时间:2007年06月29日《料理鼠王》讲述了一只梦想成为顶级大厨师的老鼠"米小鼠",在命运的安排之下,全家意外从法国乡村移居到巴黎的下水道。令他雀跃不已的是,他发现新家上方居然是他的偶像,大厨Auguste Gusteau掌厨的顶级餐厅。当他有机会发挥天份,烹煮出一道令全世界顶尖美食家赞赏的美味浓汤的同时,意料陷入一场混乱且刺激的追逐。本剧中逗趣的人物各具特色,场景充满华丽的法国风格,绝对会带给观众一个充满幻想力、惊喜连连的感官飨宴。Ratatouille又译《料理总动员》(貌似把迪斯尼的3D动画翻译成“xx总动员”俨然一种时尚),本意是普罗旺斯地方的一种法式烩菜(做法与“乱炖”有异曲同工之妙,想来十分可口——否则,片中的小老鼠主人公也不会在此类料理的感召下,无视亲朋好友的激烈反对,非要立志成为法国大厨了。其实,单看憨态可掬的造型便足以忍俊不禁,小家伙对厨艺的锲而不舍,恰似《冰河世纪》里小松鼠对坚果的炽烈迷恋,皆属“人为财死,鼠为食亡”的典型案例。
别名《美食总动员》 英文名《Ratatouille》该片英文名 Ratatouille 来自一款同名法国菜式『蔬菜杂烩』(ratatouille):以多种蔬菜和主料橄榄油烩成,搭配米饭、烤土豆或者法式面包,是不可多得的美味佳肴。Ratatouille 同时也暗示了故事的发生地和厨房题材,而且单词前面的 "Rat" 是老鼠(确切地说是“耗子”)的意思。 本片的推广资料中显示片名英文发音是 "rat-a-too-ee" 。这个发音。这其实是不符合标准发音规则的(相对来说正确发音是"ra-ta-too-ee")(发音用汉语拼音标注为『ra-ta-tu-yi』)。而德文的发音则应当是"ratte-tuu-ii" (“Ratte”是德文里面耗子的意思)
In Ratatouille, Remy (voice of Patton Oswalt) is a culinary wizard of a rat. His senses are so refined that he refuses to eat garbage and is used by others as a "poison detector" since he can tell if something is toxic by sniffing it. His desire, however, is to become a chef, and he gets a chance to achieve his dreams when he meets Linguini (Lou Romano), a janitor at Gusteau's, a famous Paris restaurant. Hiding under Linguini's chef's hat, Remy urges the young man to create dishes of amazing mastery. Like Cyrano de Bergerac, Remy pulls the strings and Linguini takes the credit. Soon, Gusteau's is the talk of the city and Linguini has captured the heart of the woman of his dreams, Colette (Janeane Garofalo). But trouble looms. The chef (Ian Holm) whose position Linguini usurped wants revenge. And powerful food critic Anton Ego (Peter O'Toole) has decided to have a meal an Gusteau's; on the night of his arrival, Remy is nowhere to be found.
别名《美食总动员》 英文名《Ratatouille》 该片英文名 Ratatouille 来自一款同名法国菜式『蔬菜杂烩』(ratatouille):以多种蔬菜和主料橄榄油烩成,搭配米饭、烤土豆或者法式面包,是不可多得的美味佳肴。Ratatouille 同时也暗示了故事的发生地和厨房题材,而且单词前面的 "Rat" 是老鼠(确切地说是“耗子”)的意思。 本片的推广资料中显示片名英文发音是 "rat-a-too-ee" 。这个发音。这其实是不符合标准发音规则的(相对来说正确发音是"ra-ta-too-ee")(发音用汉语拼音标注为『ra-ta-tu-yi』)。而德文的发音则应当是"ratte-tuu-ii" (“Ratte”是德文里面耗子的意思)
不知道你说的是不是国外的一部动画电影,名字叫做《美食总动员》,又名《料理鼠王》,是皮克斯动画制作室于 2007 年制作出品的动画电影。
Ratatouille 是它做的菜肴名称