Do you know what my favorite animal is?
It's a monkey. This is a very lovely animal. Many people like them very much.
Generally speaking, monkeys are small and covered with hair.
Some of these species have two big eyes, big ears and a long tail.
I can see them on TV or in the zoo.
Every time I go to the zoo, I go to see monkeys.
They often stay in the trees and jump around among the trees. They are very lively and likable.
When they are happy, they will give special performances to tourists, which is very fun.
Monkey is very cute and intelligent.They eat fruit,nuttily and leaves.monkey have four legs and two ears.
猴体形中等,四肢等长或后肢稍长,尾巴或长或短,有颊囊和臂部胼胝,营树栖或陆栖生活,这是猴类的共同特征。猴种类的部分特征差不多,例如很多新世界猴会有缠卷的尾巴,这样当它们爬树时就可以用来抓着树枝,相反旧世界猴就没有缠卷的尾巴,而是有较小的鼻孔,鼻孔之间的距离也较近,部分的背部有硬皮,就像嵌入的座椅靠垫般;部分也像人类有三色的视力;其他则是两色视或单色视。Monkey with a medium body, limbs isometric or hind legs slightly longer, or long or short tail, pouch and an arm portion of the corpus callosum, camp arboreal or terrestrial life, which is the common features of the monkey. About some of the features of the monkey species, such as many new world monkeys will has tangled curly tail, so when they climb trees can to catch up to the branches of the tree, instead of Old World monkeys is neither bound volumes of the tail, but the smaller the nostril and the distance between the nostrils is nearly, part of the back part of the crusty, as embedded in the seat cushion like; part like human color vision; the other is dichromatic or monochromatic vision.采纳
Monkey is very funny. A lot of people like them. Monkeys like to eat bananas. They live on the trees and enjoy jumping from one tree to another one. I like to ess monkeys in the zoo. I also like them very much.答案补充中文:猴子非常有趣。人们都喜欢他们。猴子们喜欢吃香蕉。他们生活在树上,喜欢从一棵树跳到另一棵树上。我喜欢去动物园去看(see拼错了 不好意思)猴子。我也非常喜欢他们。
Monkey is very funny. A lot of people like them. Monkeys like to eat bananas. They live on the trees and enjoy jumping from one tree to another one. I like to ess monkeys in the zoo. I also like them very much.答案补充中文:猴子非常有趣。人们都喜欢他们。猴子们喜欢吃香蕉。他们生活在树上,喜欢从一棵树跳到另一棵树上。我喜欢去动物园去看(see拼错了 不好意思)猴子。我也非常喜欢他们。
Monkey is very cute and intelligent.They eat fruit,nuttily and leaves.monkey have four legs and two ears.
1,猴子The monkey is a popular name.In the primates very many animals we all call it the monkey.The primates are mammalia's 1 item.The animal kingdom most higher class group, the cerebrum is developed; Front the eye socket faces, eye socket the spacing is narrow; The hand and the foot foot (refers) separates, the thumb is nimble, most can (refer) with other feet to grasps.Including original monkey suborder and apes and monkeys suborder.The original monkey suborder face countenance resembles the fox; Does not have the cheek pouch and the buttocks callus; The foreleg short in the hind legs, the thumb and the big foot is developed, can and other figures (foot) relative; The tail cannot the curl or lacks like.The apes and monkeys suborder face countenance resembles the human; Has the cheek pouch and the buttocks callus mostly; The foreleg excels in the hind legs mostly, the big foot has degeneration; The tail long, has can the curl, some tailless.According to the regional distribution or the nostril structure, the apes and monkeys suborder divides into the platyrrhinian primates division, also calls the new continent quadrumana; Slender nose primates division, also calls the old mainland quadrumana.This item 51 is 180 kinds approximately including 11 branches, mainly distributes in Asian, African and the Americas warm region.Mostly perches the forest region.In the primate the build biggest is the gorilla, the body weight may amount to 275 kilograms, smallest is the dwarf rong, body weight only then 70 grams.
monkey is one of those most intelligence in the animalworld.it has an advanced brain..as a result it is good cooperation.also it looks similar to human.whenever you see a monkey ,it is always jumping and down,and very noisy.
哈哈,原来这是猴子的家呀!看树干上,叶儿底下,全藏着个小猴!喝!有深黄的,有浅灰的,有大的,有小的,有不大不小的,全鬼头魔儿眼的,又淘气,又可爱. 顶可爱的是母猴儿抱着一点点的小猴子,正跟老太太抱小孩儿一样.深灰色的小毛猴真好玩儿,小圆脑袋左右摇摆,小手儿摸摸这里抓抓那里,没事儿瞎忙.当母猴在树上跳,或在地上走的时候,小猴就用四条腿抱住母亲的腰,小圆头顶住母亲的胸口,紧紧地抱住,唯恐掉下来.真有意思!Ha ha, it's the monkey's house! Look at the tree trunk, under the leaves, there is a little monkey! Drink! There are dark yellow ones, light gray ones, big ones and small ones,
Monkey is very funny. A lot of people like them. Monkeys like to eat bananas. They live on the trees and enjoy jumping from one tree to another one. I like to ess monkeys in the zoo. I also like them very much. 答案补充 中文:猴子非常有趣。人们都喜欢他们。猴子们喜欢吃香蕉。他们生活在树上,喜欢从一棵树跳到另一棵树上。我喜欢去动物园去看(see拼错了 不好意思)猴子。我也非常喜欢他们。
猴体形中等,四肢等长或后肢稍长,尾巴或长或短,有颊囊和臂部胼胝,营树栖或陆栖生活,这是猴类的共同特征。猴种类的部分特征差不多,例如很多新世界猴会有缠卷的尾巴,这样当它们爬树时就可以用来抓着树枝,相反旧世界猴就没有缠卷的尾巴,而是有较小的鼻孔,鼻孔之间的距离也较近,部分的背部有硬皮,就像嵌入的座椅靠垫般;部分也像人类有三色的视力;其他则是两色视或单色视。Monkey with a medium body, limbs isometric or hind legs slightly longer, or long or short tail, pouch and an arm portion of the corpus callosum, camp arboreal or terrestrial life, which is the common features of the monkey. About some of the features of the monkey species, such as many new world monkeys will has tangled curly tail, so when they climb trees can to catch up to the branches of the tree, instead of Old World monkeys is neither bound volumes of the tail, but the smaller the nostril and the distance between the nostrils is nearly, part of the back part of the crusty, as embedded in the seat cushion like; part like human color vision; the other is dichromatic or monochromatic vision.采纳
用英语描写猴子三句话:A monkey is a cute animal. She likes bananas and sweets fruits. She is funny and likes mimicking what people do.意思是:猴子是一种很机灵的动物。 它喜欢香蕉和甜的水果。它也很滑稽,喜欢模仿人们的动作。
monkey is one of those most intelligence in the animalworld.it has an advanced brain..as a result it is good cooperation.also it looks similar to human.whenever you see a monkey ,it is always jumping and down,and very noisy.
哈哈,原来这是猴子的家呀!看树干上,叶儿底下,全藏着个小猴!喝!有深黄的,有浅灰的,有大的,有小的,有不大不小的,全鬼头魔儿眼的,又淘气,又可爱. 顶可爱的是母猴儿抱着一点点的小猴子,正跟老太太抱小孩儿一样.深灰色的小毛猴真好玩儿,小圆脑袋左右摇摆,小手儿摸摸这里抓抓那里,没事儿瞎忙.当母猴在树上跳,或在地上走的时候,小猴就用四条腿抱住母亲的腰,小圆头顶住母亲的胸口,紧紧地抱住,唯恐掉下来.真有意思!Ha ha, it's the monkey's house! Look at the tree trunk, under the leaves, there is a little monkey! Drink! There are dark yellow ones, light gray ones, big ones and small ones,
Monkey is very funny. A lot of people like them. Monkeys like to eat bananas. They live on the trees and enjoy jumping from one tree to another one. I like to ess monkeys in the zoo. I also like them very much. 答案补充 中文:猴子非常有趣。人们都喜欢他们。猴子们喜欢吃香蕉。他们生活在树上,喜欢从一棵树跳到另一棵树上。我喜欢去动物园去看(see拼错了 不好意思)猴子。我也非常喜欢他们。
今天,我来到了红山动物园。我看到了憨态可掬的大熊猫、美丽的长颈鹿、高大的骆驼……其中我最喜爱小猴子。Today, I went to the zoo. I saw a naive panda, beautiful giraffe, tall camel. One of my favorite little monkey.小猴子真机灵。一只小猴子抢到食物,就用两只前爪迅速地剥开皮,吃了起来。它一边吃,一边还警惕地向四周张望,生怕有其它猴子来抢它的食物呢!The little monkey is really clever. A little monkey grab the food, with the two front paws quickly peeling, and began to eat it. While eating, while also carefully looked around, for fear of the other monkeys to take its food!小猴子的动作非常敏捷。猴山里到处能看见它们灵活的身影:它们有的上蹿下跳,互相追逐;有的几步就攀上了山顶;有的轻快地爬上了大树;还有的调皮地抓住铁杆荡秋千。Small monkeys are extremely agile. Everywhere can see them flexible figure in monkey mountain: some of them jumping, chasing each other; some steps on the climb to the top of the hill; some briskly climbed the tree; and playfully grab irons swing.它们还很贪吃。我一扔下食物,它们就一拥而上,争着抢食吃。最终还是大猴子反应快,一下子扑向食物,赶紧塞进嘴里,津津有味地吃了起来。而那些没有抢到食的小猴子,只能眼巴巴地看着,时不时找点地上的碎食来解解馋。They are very greedy. I dropped the food, they swarmed, racing to snatch to eat. Eventually the big monkey quick, suddenly fell on the food, hurried into his mouth, with relish to eat. But those monkeys did not grab the food, can only watch helplessly, from time to time to find food on the ground to satisfy desires.小猴子真可爱!我很喜欢它们。The monkeys are so cute! I like them very much
It is a monkey. It likes peaches and bananas. It lives on the tree. It is cute. I like it.
哈哈,原来这是猴子的家呀!看树干上,叶儿底下,全藏着个小猴!喝!有深黄的,有浅灰的,有大的,有小的,有不大不小的,全鬼头魔儿眼的,又淘气,又可爱. 顶可爱的是母猴儿抱着一点点的小猴子,正跟老太太抱小孩儿一样.深灰色的小毛猴真好玩儿,小圆脑袋左右摇摆,小手儿摸摸这里抓抓那里,没事儿瞎忙.当母猴在树上跳,或在地上走的时候,小猴就用四条腿抱住母亲的腰,小圆头顶住母亲的胸口,紧紧地抱住,唯恐掉下来.真有意思!Ha ha, it's the monkey's house! Look at the tree trunk, under the leaves, there is a little monkey! Drink! There are dark yellow ones, light gray ones, big ones and small ones,
用英语描写猴子三句话:A monkey is a cute animal. She likes bananas and sweets fruits. She is funny and likes mimicking what people do.意思是:猴子是一种很机灵的动物。 它喜欢香蕉和甜的水果。它也很滑稽,喜欢模仿人们的动作。
Monkey is very funny. A lot of people like them. Monkeys like to eat bananas. They live on the trees and enjoy jumping from one tree to another one. I like to ess monkeys in the zoo. I also like them very much.答案补充中文:猴子非常有趣。人们都喜欢他们。猴子们喜欢吃香蕉。他们生活在树上,喜欢从一棵树跳到另一棵树上。我喜欢去动物园去看(see拼错了 不好意思)猴子。我也非常喜欢他们。