革命 革命[简明汉英词典][gémìng]1. overturn2. revolution 革命[汉英词典][gé mìng]revolution;revolutionary 词条指正 - Google 搜索
revolution n.革命innovation n.革新campaign n.运动
revolutionKK: []DJ: []n.1. 革命,革命运动[C][U]The American Revolution gave independence to the Colonies.美国独立战争使十三个州得到了独立。2. 革命性剧变,大变革[C][(+in)]The automobile caused a revolution in our way of traveling.汽车使旅行的方式发生了根本性的变化。3. (天体的)运行,公转[C][U][(+round)]One revolution of the earth around the sun takes a year.地球绕太阳运行一周需一年时间。4. 回转,旋转[C]They spin at 400-500 revolutions per minute.它们每分钟旋转四百到五百周。5. 循环,(一)周期[U][C]The annual revolution of the earth round the sun causes the revolution of the seasons.地球每年绕太阳公转而形成四季循环。
cared revolutionary shrine
as mortal beings, what regrets?
scared revolutionary shrine ,(让人)肃然起敬的革命圣地
你搞错了,是sacred revolutionary shrine,不是scared revolutionary shrinesacred adj. 神圣的;庄严的。
revolution n.革命innovation n.革新campaign n.运动
revolutionKK: []DJ: []n.1. 革命,革命运动[C][U]The American Revolution gave independence to the Colonies.美国独立战争使十三个州得到了独立。2. 革命性剧变,大变革[C][(+in)]The automobile caused a revolution in our way of traveling.汽车使旅行的方式发生了根本性的变化。3. (天体的)运行,公转[C][U][(+round)]One revolution of the earth around the sun takes a year.地球绕太阳运行一周需一年时间。4. 回转,旋转[C]They spin at 400-500 revolutions per minute.它们每分钟旋转四百到五百周。5. 循环,(一)周期[U][C]The annual revolution of the earth round the sun causes the revolution of the seasons.地球每年绕太阳公转而形成四季循环。
The 1911 Revolution 绝对标准
太平天国 the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom鸦片战争 the Opium War洋务运动 Westernization Movement 辛亥革命 the Revolution of 1911五四运动 May Fourth Movement
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Opium War, Westernization Movement,1911 Revolution, the May 4th Movement
the Revolution of 1911
辛亥革命the Revolution of 1911[led by Dr Sun Yat-sen which overthrew the Qing Dynasty]甲午战争Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895[lauched by Japanese imperialists to annex Korea and invade China]五四运动May 4th Movement of 1919[an anti-imperialist, anti-feudal, political and cultural movement launched under the influence of the Russian October Revolution and led by intellectuals having the rudiments of Communist ideology]洋务运动Westernization Movement[to introduce techniques of capitalist production, initiated by comprador bureaucrats in the latter half of the 19th century in order to preserve the rule of the Qing government]新文化运动New Culture Movement[around the time of the May 4th Movement in 1919]
Health is the capital of success.
revolution <名词> 革命revolutionary <名词> 革命者 <形容词> 革命的,革命性的reform <名词&动词> 改革