

小思 2024-09-19 24
零起点大学英语基础教程4答案摘要: 零起点大学英语基础教程答案这个吗?UNIT6 Is an only child a lonely childText comprehensionI....


这个吗?UNIT6 Is an only child a lonely childText comprehensionI. CII. . demanding jobs= jobs needing a lot of attention or effort 费力的工作2. with regard to = in connection with; on the subject of 关于,至于3. stigma =sign of shame; feeling of being ashamed 耻辱,受到侮辱4. give-and-take =willingness of each person to satisfy others’ wishes 妥协,互让 feeling of wanting to get what sb else has among brothers and burden loads elected choose problem problem trend fashion (sole)(unusual,extraordinary,exceptional)(admire,esteem)(diminish,lessen)(anxiety)(weak,feeble,powerless)(chief,main,primary,principal,foremost,leading)(luckily) the case terms view way point spite of the city’s many the clear scientific all his immense all your huge secretarial of the heavy I didn’t speak the language,I managed to make myself living/the fact that we live in the same street,we hardly ever see each didn't get the job in spite of having all the necessary rarely go to theatre except around Christmas,when we take the for the millions of dollar’s worth of aid from governments around the world,most people in the countey would have starved to prime Minister returned home because of growing unrest in the must be near the beach because I can hear the will go ahead with our project even though our partner pull .家里没有别的孩子和他交往,这就使得孩子有时候感到孤独,尤其在假期里2.许多人认为独生子女不善于与其他人沟通,也就不会尊重在各种关系中相互谦让的精神3.对有些独生子女的家长—尤其是那些事业繁忙的家长—来说,要将时间和精力奉献给第二个孩子所带来的压力似乎太沉重了,于是他们作出再也不要其他孩子的决定4.因为只有一个孩子,所以由于父母偏爱或兄弟姐妹之间的嫉妒而引起家庭争端的可能性就小了II.1. The dilemma she is facing is whether to tell her husband the truth about his fatal ’t you think it a sort of stigma that you,already in your thirties,still have to depend on your old parents?3. Almost all the governments in the world are very much concerned about the financial issue4. With regard to the seminar on English teaching, I suggest that it be held on the coming to go abroad for further education or not is entirely up to a single spark can lead to an explosion in a room filled with matter what efforts the government has made,the price for housing has barely order to pass TOEFL,he has devoted almost every minute of his spare time to English . With his acting potential, the young man is likely to be a superstar in the field of is believed that sibling jealousy exists more in a rich family than in a poor one.

已完成 1 【填空题】To get familiar with different phatic greetings in the world and to form the correct attitude to treat different cultures . Please fill in the blanks. 我的答案: 第一空:  Putting their hands together第二空:  Hugging第三空:  touching noses第四空:  Shaking hands第五空:  kissing  cheek第六空:  Bowing 1已完成 1 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  b第二空:  c第三空:  f第四空:  e第五空:  g第六空:  h第七空:  d第八空:  a 2已完成 1 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  last第二空:  after第三空:  difficult第四空:  younger第五空:  wrong第六空:  seldom第七空:  formal第八空:  long 5已完成 1 【填空题】 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 我的答案: 第一空:  a第二空:  e第三空:  c第四空:  d第五空:  g第六空:  j第七空:  h第八空:  i第九空:  b第十空:  f 6. Meeting somebody for the first time已完成 1 【听力题】Meeting somebody for the first time Patrick Choy meets two visitors from the USA. Listen and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F) (1) [判断题] Patrick is waiting for the visitors at Hong Kong airport. 我的答案: √ (2) [判断题] The first visitor Patrick speaks to is Tony Hunter. 我的答案: × (3) [判断题] Patrick knows Susan. 我的答案: √ (4) [判断题] Susan Garner comes from Chicago. 我的答案: √ (5) [判断题] Tony has heard a lot of good things about Hong Kong. 我的答案: √ (6) [判断题] Patrick’s car is parked far away from the building. 我的答案: × 7已完成 1 【判断题】Ann speaks first. 我的答案: √ 2 【判断题】 Max and Ann already know eah other. 我的答案: √ 3 【判断题】 Ann introduces Max to Deshi. 我的答案: × 4 【判断题】 Deshi is a Japanese student. 我的答案: × 5 【判断题】Deshi is from Shanghai. 我的答案: √ 6 【判断题】Ann is from Australia. 我的答案: √ 7 【判断题】Ann gets Max and Deshi a drink. 我的答案: × 8 【判断题】Deshi wants a beer. 我的答案: × 8已完成 1 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  you第二空:  thanks.第三空:  This第四空:  nice第五空:  do第六空:  where第七空:  Australia第八空:  drink第九空:  please第十空:  like 9已完成 1 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  b第二空:  a第三空:  a第四空:  b第五空:  a第六空:  b第七空:  b第八空:  c 10已完成 1 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  help第二空:  appointment第三空:  minutes第四空:  introduce第五空:  pleasure 11已完成 1 【判断题】1. David thinks he is a wonderful person. 我的答案: 对 2 【判断题】2. David is happy that he wore his best suit. 我的答案: 对 3 【判断题】 3. David thought that Jennifer liked him. 我的答案: 对 4 【判断题】4. Jennifer thought David was very friendly and interesting. 我的答案: × 5 【判断题】5. Jennifer hoped they would go on a second date. 我的答案: × 6 【判断题】6. David knew something about wine. 我的答案: 对 7 【判断题】7. David gave the waitress some extra money because the service was good. 我的答案: 对 8 【判断题】8. Jennifer took a taxi to the disco. 我的答案: × 9 【判断题】9. Jennifer did not want to meet David again. 我的答案: 对 10 【判断题】10. Jennifer and David went geocaching the next day. 我的答案: × 15 名词练习已完成 1 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  hands第二空:  places第三空:  classes第四空:  wishes第五空:  boxes第六空:  churches第七空:  families第八空:  toys第九空:  knives第十空:  roofs第十一空:  potatoes第十二空:  photos第十三空:  euros第十四空:  women第十五空:  teeth第十六空:  children2 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  piece of第二空:  bar of第三空:  drop of第四空:  cup of第五空:  bottles of第六空:  lump of第七空:  /第八空:  pairs of3 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  sound第二空:  a sound第三空:  a rest第四空:  rest第五空:  a loaf第六空:  bread第七空:  a job第八空:  work words according to the first letter given已完成 重做 还可以重做3次 1 【填空题】Lucy is getting married this Sunday. I am going to be her b_________. 我的答案: 第一空:  bridesmaid2 【填空题】I started work a_________ d_________and returned only at nightfall. 我的答案: 第一空:  at第二空:  dawn3 【填空题】S_________ c_________was an important means of man-carrying transportation in ancient China. 我的答案: 第一空:  Sedan第二空:  chair4 【填空题】It’s late. Who will e_________ this young lady home? 我的答案: 第一空:  escort5 【填空题】At Christmas it was c_________ for the children to perform bits of poetry. 我的答案: 第一空:  customary 18. Translate English into Chinese待批阅修改答案 1 【其它】The bridegroom sets out to receive his bride. 我的答案: 错误 2 【其它】The most interesting part of the reception takes place at the doorstep of the bride’s residence. 我的答案: on the White House Lawn 3 【其它】All along the way people make great efforts to avoid bad luck. 我的答案: 一直 4 【其它】The sedan chair is heavily curtained to prevent the bride from seeing an unlucky sight. 我的答案: 错误 5 【其它】The bride and bridegroom kowtow to Heaven and Earth, parents and each other successively. 我的答案: 正确 19已完成 重做 还可以重做3次 1 【填空题】 Customs The Meaning behind the Them (1)The bride cries before leaving show that she is _________ to part from her parents. (2)Firecrackers will be set drive away _________. (3)The sedan chair is heavily prevent the bride from _________ an unlucky sight. (4)A flaming _________ will be set up and the bride is required to step over avoid evils. (5)A red _________ is placed so that the bride will not touch the bare prevent the bride from taking away good fortune from and bringing poverty to her family. 我的答案: 第一空:  reluctant第二空:  evil spirits第三空:  curtained, seeing第四空:  stove第五空:  mat 20. Sort the pictures 已完成 重做 还可以重做3次 1 【排序题】Sort the pictures according to the wedding process. A. B. C. D. E. F. 我的答案:ECAFDB Questions已完成 重做 还可以重做3次 1 【单选题】At the beginning the capping and hair-pinning ceremony was held to ________. A、 get an alias apart from his name B、 prevent people from getting married with non-adults C、 pin the girl’s hair D、 place three caps on the youth’s head 我的答案:B 2 【单选题】The reason why left hand is on the top when men do the fist and palm salute is that ________. A、 it is the etiquette to show gratitude when meeting new friends B、 the right hand should hold weapons C、 the left hand is important and honorable for male D、 the right hand is on the top for women 我的答案:C 3 【单选题】Why did one hundred couples get married wearing Hanfu? A、 Because they were attracted to Hanfu. B、 Because they are fans of traditional culture and attires C、 Because traditional Chinese attires begin to revive and Hanfu has become a new fashion. D、 Because they were moved by the young people’s passion for promoting Hanfu through the Internet . 我的答案:C Unit 2 Focus已完成 1 【填空题】 我的答案: 第一空:  c第二空:  h第三空:  b第四空:  g第五空:  i第六空:  j第七空:  a第八空:  e第九空:  f第十空:  d


P a r t T h r e eFURTHER DEVELOPMENTEnriching Your word Power1)C 2)B 3)B 4)A 5)C 6)A 7)A 8)C 9)B 10)A 11)B 12) BWhat Do They Stand for? IQ tests usually measure one’s verbal and mathematical skills.This activity is to measure one’S associative flexibility.The test will give some idea of one’S mental plasticity and,therefore, creativity. 1)26=L of the A (1etters of the alphabet) 2)7=W of the A W (wonders of the ancient world) 3)1001=A N (Arabian nights) 4)12=S ofthe Z (signs ofthe Zodiac) 5)54=C in the D【with the J】 (cards in the deck with the jokers) 6)9=P in the S S (planets in the solar system) 7)88=P K (piano keys) 8)24=H in a D (hours in a day) 9)1l=P on a F T (players on a football team) 10)29=DinFin a L Y (daysinFebruaryin aleap year)Cloze 1)mean 2)include 3)break 4)invent 5)strike 6)limited 7)able 8)not 9)average 10)reason 1 1)that 12)examining 13)Another 14)play 15)regard 16)sound 17)because 18)disapproved 19)satisfaction 20)but

在这里给你看大学英语综合教程4第一单元的练习答案,以便让你核对是否正确: Part II Text A lexf Organization ": ■■■■ ■■ - Parts Paragraphs' ' Main Ideas Part One Paras 1-2 Introduction — Both Napoleon's and Hitler's military campaigns failed because of the severity of the Russian winter. Part Two Paras 3-11 Napoleon's military campaign against Russia Part Three Paras 12-20 Hitler's military campaign against the Soviet Union Part Four Para 21 Conclusion—The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign. 2. Sections Paragraphs Main Ideas Section One Paras 12-13 Hitler's blitzkrieg against Russia and Stalin's scorched earth policy Section Two Paras 14-18 the battles fought at Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad Section Three Paras 19-20 the Russian counter-offensive and the outcome of the war 下面的链接是大学英语综合教程4课后全部练习答案(word形式)(说明:下面的链接需要复制,再张贴到地址栏上,因为链接有点问题,复制时把红色的和不是红色的全部选上) :








下面口诀就以动词“do”为例,即“do、did”过去式“done”过去分词,以口诀形式总结各种时态的被动态。一定对你有所启示。 当然了,被动语态也可以概括为“be done”。也就是“be+过去分词”。


The last is always the best.

nimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go

of autumn, lingering sadness falling

1、(第一单元)To improve our English, it is critical to do more reading, writing, listening and speaking. Besides, learning by heart as many well-written essays as possible is also very important. Without an enormous store of good English writing in your head you cannot express yourself freely in English. It is also helpful to summarize our experience as we go along, for in so doing, we can figure out which way of learning is more effective and will produce the most desirable result. As long as we keep working hard on it, we will in due course accomplish the task of mastering 、(第二单元)With more and more donations coming in, our university will be much better off financially next year. We will thus be able to focus on the most important task that we, educators, must take on: to encourage students to attain their scholarly/academic goals, to train them to be dependable and responsible individuals, to prepare them for the life ahead, and to guide them in their pursuit of spiritual as well as material 、(第三单元)George, the son of Mr. Johnson, liked listening to heavy metal music in the evenings, which made it hard for other residents in the community to fall asleep. Eventually the exhausted neighbors lost their patience and decided on direct interference. They called Mr. Johnson to tell him in a frank manner what they were thinking. Mr. Johnson assured them that he would certainly settle the issue. As soon as he put down the phone he scolded his son, “What has come over you? You should know better than to disturb others for your own amusement.” In the end George traded his CD’s for computer games software from his 、(第四单元)Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that the Internet has made my job a lot easier. I can write, submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to 、(第五单元)Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedily from negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears. Consider the case of/Take Donna. Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”第六及以后的都不知道。


背会26个英文字母 然后记单词这个不错 听英语背句型



不知道你要的是不是下面的这篇文章?Keeping a diary—recording precious moments 写日记----记录珍贵时刻 It has been a long time since I kept a diary, but I am then thinking more and more about the value of some kind of journal. Although writing daily in a diary is tough, it's good a habit to have, especially when learning a language, or if you want to be some kind of writer. Getting into the habit of writing a little bit everyday, is supposedly one of the important things a writer can do. 我写日记已经有很长一段时间了,对日记的价值思考的也越来越多。尽管坚持每天都写日记是件很困难的事,但这确是一个很好的习惯,特别是你在学习某种语言,或者你想成为作家的时候。养成每天都坚持写点东西的习惯,可能是一位作家所需要做的重要的事情之一。 Yesterday, I was thinking about great scenes of movies and I got to thinking about the great scenes of my own life, scenes that I should remember, that I should write down somewhere. 昨天,当我在回想电影中那些震撼人心的场景的时候,我开始回忆我人生中,需要我铭记,需要我写下来的那些同样印象深刻的场景。 As time goes by, I tend to forget those things. 随着时间的流逝我可能就忘记了一些事。 As time goes by, the things tend to lose focus, they tend to become less sharp, they fade a little. So, I'm starting to write stuff down more and more. 随着时间的流逝,有些事情就变得不再重要,渐渐变得不再清晰,褪去了颜色。所以我开始用笔记下越来越多的东西。It's amazing how many things wakes experience in a day or in a week. but if you don't take the time to write some of those things down, the days just blur. It's hard to separate one day from another, time surely does fly by. 一件事情能唤醒一天或一个周内的许多经历,甚至会让你感到惊讶。但如果你不花时间把这些东西写下来,过去的日子就会变得渐渐模糊。就会很难把一天和另一天区分开来,时间就会过得越快。 Capturing the precious moments in lives with words, in little stories, seems necessary to make your own lives more colorful, even when we feel a little blue. We can look at those memories, those moments, and feel uplifted. 用话语捕捉生活中的珍贵时刻,这些话语串连成的小故事,会是你的生活变得多姿多彩,即使在你有点小失落的时候。那些回忆,那些时刻,会让我们觉得振奋。 I hope you agree. 用日记记录你人生中的珍贵时刻吧。注:该文章摘抄自别处,非本人翻译。


Part II由正课文、词表和练习三部分组成。课文注释采用脚注,练习部分主要包括下列几个方面:1、课文理解;2、课文结构;3、语感培养;4、语言操练。Part III由副课文、词 表和练习三部分组成。课文的注释同样采用脚注形式,每课词表列出20个四级词和短语作为复用词供操练。其余的生词和短语要查找书后的词汇表。练习包括有关课文内容的多项选择题、课文句子翻译和词语填充,练习答案亦附于书后。Part IV是一项进一步深化的综合性口、笔实践活动。它是在学生经过了正、副课文和学习和一系列的语言操练后。对相关主题的内容和语言表述已有所掌握的前提下进行的。主要由小组讨论和课堂写作两部分构成。后者以前者为基础,书后练习答案附录中,有一篇写好的作文供学生参考。





2500份课后答案,很值得收藏,这里只介绍了一部分。还有很多,可以去课后答案网( )查找。##################【公共基础课-答案】####################新视野大学英语读写教程答案(全)【khdaw】概率论与数理统计教程 (茆诗松 著) 高等教育出版社 课后答案高等数学(第五版)含上下册 高等教育出版社 课后答案新视野英语听力原文及答案 课后答案【khdaw】线性代数 (同济大学应用数学系 著) 高等教育出版社 课后答案21世纪大学英语第3册(1-4)答案【khdaw】概率与数理统计 第二,三版 (浙江大学 盛骤 谢式千 潘承毅 著) 高等教育出版社 课后答案复变函数全解及导学[西安交大 第四版]【khdaw】大学英语精读第三版2册课后习题答案线性代数(第二版)习题答案21世纪(第三册)课后答案及课文翻译(5-8)【khdaw】大学英语精读第2册课文翻译(上外)【khdaw】新视野英语视听说教程1-4答案【khdaw】物理学教程(马文蔚)答案毛邓三课后思考题答案(高教版)高等教育出版社【khdaw】 fromuid=379260


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/27462.html发布于 2024-09-19
