in abbreviation如:美利坚合众国,简称为美国。United States of America (U.S.A. in abbreviation)
简称为。。。be called ...for shortMassachusetts Institute of Techology is called MIT for short. 麻省理工学院简称为MIT。The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC for short. 全国广播公司简称为NBC。
abbreviation 读法 英 [əˌbri:viˈeɪʃn] 美 [əˌbriviˈeʃən]
recognizable abbreviation 可以看出其指代的缩写
unintelligible abbreviation 莫名其妙的缩写
abbreviation for … 的缩写
abbreviation of … 的缩写
The postal abbreviation for Kansas is KS.
2、abbreviation作“节略,缩写”解时,是不可数名词,但其前有时可用不定冠词an修饰; 作“缩写词”“略语”解时,是可数名词,常用于单数形式。
简称英文:the abbreviated form of a name; abbreviation; shorter form; (使名称简化) be called sth. for short for short "Third World" is an abstraction, a form of shorthand. “第三世界”是个抽象概念,是一种简称。Her friend Kes (short for Kesewa) was in tears. 她的朋友凯斯(凯茜娃的简称)眼泪汪汪。Opposite me was a woman called Jasminder (Jazzy for short). 我对面是一位名叫贾丝明德(简称杰丝)的女子。
英 [əbriːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [əˌbrivɪ'eʃən]
n. 缩写;缩写词
recognized abbreviation 公认的缩略词 ; 详细翻译
Abbreviation convention 缩写约定
abbreviation key 缩写符号键
command abbreviation 命令缩写 ; 命令缩写英语
abbreviation codes 缩写代码
n. 节略,缩写;减少
abridgement 摘要
abridgement abridgment 删节本
abridgement time 削波时间
construction abridgement 建设
innovative abridgement 创新性删译
n. 缩写词;符号,记号
Sigillum Luciferi 唱片名
Sigillum Diaboli 哥特式金属
LMH Lady Margaret Hall (University of Oxford) 玛格丽特夫人大楼(牛津大学)LMH Lancaster Mennonite High School (also seen as LMHS; Pennsylvania) 兰开斯特门诺高中LMH Lee Memorial Hospital (Florida) 李纪念医院(福罗里达州)LMH Lamellar Macular Hole 层状黄斑裂孔LMH Liters per square Meter per Hour (flow rate measurement) 每小时每平方米升(流量测量单位)LMH Long-Term Medical Holographic Program (Star Trek) 长期医疗全息计划(星际迷航)LMH Linux Multimedia Hacks (book; O'Reilly Media) Linux多媒体黑客LMH Localized Microwave Hyperthermia 局部微波热疗LMH Lee Min Ho (actor) 李民浩(演员)。
简称百 [词典] abbreviation; the abbreviated form of a name; shorter form; (使名称简化) be called sth. for short; for short; [例句]米歇尔·度福柯(1972),《问知识考古学》答,下文简称AK。
Michel Foucault ( 1972), The Archaeology of Knowledge; hereafter this text will be abbreviated as AK。.。
abbreviation 英 [əbriːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [əˌbrivɪ'eʃən] n. 缩写;缩写词 短语 recognized abbreviation 公认的缩略词 ; 详细翻译 Abbreviation convention 缩写约定 abbreviation key 缩写符号键 command abbreviation 命令缩写 ; 命令缩写英语 abbreviation codes 缩写代码 扩展资料 同近义词 1、abridgement [ə'brɪdʒmənt] n. 节略,缩写;减少 短语 abridgement 摘要 abridgement abridgment 删节本 abridgement time 削波时间 construction abridgement 建设 innovative abridgement 创新性删译 2、sigillum [si'dʒiləm] n. 缩写词;符号,记号 短语 Sigillum Luciferi 唱片名 Sigillum Diaboli 哥特式金属。
can not can't are not aren't do not don't does not doesn't could not couldn't should not shouldn't will not won't have not haven't had not hadn't has not hasn't is not isn't was not wasn't would not wouldn't were not weren't am I'm You are You're They are They're He is He's She is She's It is It's We are We're I have I've You have You've He has He's They have They've She has She's It has It's We have We've I had I'd We had We'd You had You'd He had He'd She had S he'd They had They'd I will I'll You will You'll They will They'll He will He'll She will She'll It will It'll That will That'll We will We'll They're --- They are They'll --- They will They'd --- They had / would They've --- They have There's --- There is / has There'll --- There will There'd --- There had / would That's --- That is / has That'll --- That will That'd --- That had / would aren't --- are not can't --- can not couldn't --- could not didn't --- did not doesn't --- does not don't --- do not hadn't --- had not hasn't --- has not isn't --- is not mustn't --- must not needn't --- need not shouldn't --- should not wasn't --- was not weren't --- were not won't --- will not wouldn't --- would not啊 累死我了。
你好!简称abbreviationfor shortshortened form
简称为。。。be called ...for shortMassachusetts Institute of Techology is called MIT for short. 麻省理工学院简称为MIT。The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC for short. 全国广播公司简称为NBC。
英 [əˈbri:vieɪt] 美 [əˈbriviˌet]
1、abbreviate fascia [昆] 短缩横带
2、abbreviate from 指明一个书面词的或短语的缩短形式的来源
3、ohmic abbreviate 欧姆短路
4、to abbreviate 缩略
5、auto abbreviate 自动缩写
7、abbreviate acclaim 短期信誉
8、abbreviation abbreviate 缩写
1、However, when referring to a court in text, do not abbreviate.
2、And, furthermore, he started to abbreviate.
3、Do not abbreviate, and do spell all words correctly.
4、We often abbreviate words by dropping the endings.
5、And it doesn't abbreviate the term "postposition".
in abbreviation如:美利坚合众国,简称为美国。United States of America (U.S.A. in abbreviation)
简称为。。。be called ...for shortMassachusetts Institute of Techology is called MIT for short. 麻省理工学院简称为MIT。The National Broadcasting Company is called NBC for short. 全国广播公司简称为NBC。
adv = 副词,adverb的缩写
adj = 形容词,adjective的缩写
art = 冠词,article的缩写
num = 数词,numeral的缩写
prep = 介系词;前置词,preposition的缩写
pron = 代名词,pronoun的缩写
n = 名词,noun的缩写
v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写
conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写
vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写
vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写
aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写
a = 形容词,adjective的缩写
int = 感叹词,interjection的缩写
u = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写
c = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写
pl = 复数,plural的缩写
s = 主词
sc = 主词补语
o = 受词
oc = 受词补语
1、名词,Noun (n.) 表示人或事物的名称 desk, pencil, tomato, apple
1)可数名词,Countable Noun (c./cn.), tree, bottle, bag
单数,Singular(sing.), a car, an apple, the man
复数,Plural(pl.), books, shoes, pens
2)不可数名词,Uncountable Noun(u./un.), milk, water, ocean
2、代词,Pronoun (pron.) 代替名词或代替相当于名词的词、短语或句子you, this, them ,myself
3、形容词,Adjective (a./adj.) 用来修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 lucky, excellent, wonderful, humorous
4、数词,Numeral (num.)表示数目或顺序 one, two, first
5、动词,Verb (v.) 表示动作或状态 eat, go, travel
1)及物动词,Transitive Verb (vt.) 后面可直接接宾语
2)不及物动词,Intransitive Verb (vi.) 后面不可直接接宾语
6、副词,Adverbs(ad./adv.) 修饰动、形、副等词,表示动作特征 there, widely, suddenly
7、冠词,Articles (art.) 用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的范围 a, an, the
8、介词,Prepositions (prep.) 用在名词或代词前,说明它与别的词的关系 in, on, at, of
9、连词,Conjunctions (conj.) 表示人或事物的名称and, because, but
10、感叹词, Interjections (int.) 代替名词、数词、形容词等 oh, ah, wow
LMH Lady Margaret Hall (University of Oxford) 玛格丽特夫人大楼(牛津大学)LMH Lancaster Mennonite High School (also seen as LMHS; Pennsylvania) 兰开斯特门诺高中LMH Lee Memorial Hospital (Florida) 李纪念医院(福罗里达州)LMH Lamellar Macular Hole 层状黄斑裂孔LMH Liters per square Meter per Hour (flow rate measurement) 每小时每平方米升(流量测量单位)LMH Long-Term Medical Holographic Program (Star Trek) 长期医疗全息计划(星际迷航)LMH Linux Multimedia Hacks (book; O'Reilly Media) Linux多媒体黑客LMH Localized Microwave Hyperthermia 局部微波热疗LMH Lee Min Ho (actor) 李民浩(演员)。
简称百 [词典] abbreviation; the abbreviated form of a name; shorter form; (使名称简化) be called sth. for short; for short; [例句]米歇尔·度福柯(1972),《问知识考古学》答,下文简称AK。
Michel Foucault ( 1972), The Archaeology of Knowledge; hereafter this text will be abbreviated as AK。.。
abbreviation 英 [əbriːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [əˌbrivɪ'eʃən] n. 缩写;缩写词 短语 recognized abbreviation 公认的缩略词 ; 详细翻译 Abbreviation convention 缩写约定 abbreviation key 缩写符号键 command abbreviation 命令缩写 ; 命令缩写英语 abbreviation codes 缩写代码 扩展资料 同近义词 1、abridgement [ə'brɪdʒmənt] n. 节略,缩写;减少 短语 abridgement 摘要 abridgement abridgment 删节本 abridgement time 削波时间 construction abridgement 建设 innovative abridgement 创新性删译 2、sigillum [si'dʒiləm] n. 缩写词;符号,记号 短语 Sigillum Luciferi 唱片名 Sigillum Diaboli 哥特式金属。
can not can't are not aren't do not don't does not doesn't could not couldn't should not shouldn't will not won't have not haven't had not hadn't has not hasn't is not isn't was not wasn't would not wouldn't were not weren't am I'm You are You're They are They're He is He's She is She's It is It's We are We're I have I've You have You've He has He's They have They've She has She's It has It's We have We've I had I'd We had We'd You had You'd He had He'd She had S he'd They had They'd I will I'll You will You'll They will They'll He will He'll She will She'll It will It'll That will That'll We will We'll They're --- They are They'll --- They will They'd --- They had / would They've --- They have There's --- There is / has There'll --- There will There'd --- There had / would That's --- That is / has That'll --- That will That'd --- That had / would aren't --- are not can't --- can not couldn't --- could not didn't --- did not doesn't --- does not don't --- do not hadn't --- had not hasn't --- has not isn't --- is not mustn't --- must not needn't --- need not shouldn't --- should not wasn't --- was not weren't --- were not won't --- will not wouldn't --- would not啊 累死我了。
vt 及物动词 vi 不及物动词n 名词c 可数名词u不可数名词adv 副词 情态 什么的不知道有没有: can could may might must may need should shall dare 都是情态动词 本人才疏学浅
vt 及物动词 vi 不及物动词n 名词c 可数名词u不可数名词adv 副词 情态 什么的不知道有没有: can could may might must may need should shall dare 都是情态动词 本人才疏学浅
LMH Lady Margaret Hall (University of Oxford) 玛格丽特夫人大楼(牛津大学)LMH Lancaster Mennonite High School (also seen as LMHS; Pennsylvania) 兰开斯特门诺高中LMH Lee Memorial Hospital (Florida) 李纪念医院(福罗里达州)LMH Lamellar Macular Hole 层状黄斑裂孔LMH Liters per square Meter per Hour (flow rate measurement) 每小时每平方米升(流量测量单位)LMH Long-Term Medical Holographic Program (Star Trek) 长期医疗全息计划(星际迷航)LMH Linux Multimedia Hacks (book; O'Reilly Media) Linux多媒体黑客LMH Localized Microwave Hyperthermia 局部微波热疗LMH Lee Min Ho (actor) 李民浩(演员)。
简称百 [词典] abbreviation; the abbreviated form of a name; shorter form; (使名称简化) be called sth. for short; for short; [例句]米歇尔·度福柯(1972),《问知识考古学》答,下文简称AK。
Michel Foucault ( 1972), The Archaeology of Knowledge; hereafter this text will be abbreviated as AK。.。
abbreviation 英 [əbriːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [əˌbrivɪ'eʃən] n. 缩写;缩写词 短语 recognized abbreviation 公认的缩略词 ; 详细翻译 Abbreviation convention 缩写约定 abbreviation key 缩写符号键 command abbreviation 命令缩写 ; 命令缩写英语 abbreviation codes 缩写代码 扩展资料 同近义词 1、abridgement [ə'brɪdʒmənt] n. 节略,缩写;减少 短语 abridgement 摘要 abridgement abridgment 删节本 abridgement time 削波时间 construction abridgement 建设 innovative abridgement 创新性删译 2、sigillum [si'dʒiləm] n. 缩写词;符号,记号 短语 Sigillum Luciferi 唱片名 Sigillum Diaboli 哥特式金属。
can not can't are not aren't do not don't does not doesn't could not couldn't should not shouldn't will not won't have not haven't had not hadn't has not hasn't is not isn't was not wasn't would not wouldn't were not weren't am I'm You are You're They are They're He is He's She is She's It is It's We are We're I have I've You have You've He has He's They have They've She has She's It has It's We have We've I had I'd We had We'd You had You'd He had He'd She had S he'd They had They'd I will I'll You will You'll They will They'll He will He'll She will She'll It will It'll That will That'll We will We'll They're --- They are They'll --- They will They'd --- They had / would They've --- They have There's --- There is / has There'll --- There will There'd --- There had / would That's --- That is / has That'll --- That will That'd --- That had / would aren't --- are not can't --- can not couldn't --- could not didn't --- did not doesn't --- does not don't --- do not hadn't --- had not hasn't --- has not isn't --- is not mustn't --- must not needn't --- need not shouldn't --- should not wasn't --- was not weren't --- were not won't --- will not wouldn't --- would not啊 累死我了。
我来帮你回答: 首先:你的概念没分清,形容词、介词、副词等等这些是词性的表达;而主语、谓语、定语等等这些是句子的结构,成分。比如 我要苹果,我是主语,要是谓语,苹果是宾语。但我是代词,要是动词,苹果是名词;如果懂了算我多讲了动词 v verb名词 n none介词 p 形容词adj 副词adv 助动词avx 分词ing 及物动词vt 不及物动词vi 主语S 谓语V 宾语O 宾语补足语OC 等等等等,呵呵