

小思 2024-09-19 23
奖品的英文怎么写摘要: 奖品的英语怎么写cup、 trophy、 plate、pot、prize . 音标有美音和英音,我就不标出来了,具体查字典吧。奖品的英文怎么写奖品英文是prize。...


cup、 trophy、 plate、pot、prize . 音标有美音和英音,我就不标出来了,具体查字典吧。





The winner will receive a prize to the value of £ 1 000.


The whole team has autographed a football, which will be used as a prize.


She proudly displayed her prize.


You must claim your prize by telephoning our claims line.


The first correct entry wins the prize.

奖品prize 谐音:扑瑞兹award 谐音:额我的

cup [kʌp] 奖杯: teams competing for the World Cup, eg in football 争夺世界杯的球队trophy / ˈtrəufɪ; ˋtrofɪ/奖品(尤指体育比赛的): the Wimbledon `tennis trophy 温布尔登网球赛奖杯. plate/ pleɪt; plet/ n (作赛马奖品的)金杯, 银杯pot [pɑt /pɒt]俚语(运动会的)奖品; (尤指)银杯. prize / praɪz; praɪz/ (给予获胜者的)奖, 奖励, 奖赏, 奖品, 奖金reward / rɪˈwɔːd; rɪˋwɔrd/(为捉捕罪犯、 寻回失去财物等的)赏金, 奖赏award [a·ward || ə'wɔːd]奖品; 奖状; 奖金: She showed us the athletics awards she had won. 她给我们看她赢得的体育运动

你好!prize 英[praɪz] 美[praɪz] n. 奖赏; 战利品; 值得努力争取的东西; vt. 珍视,珍惜; 估价; adj. 获奖的,有望获奖的; 理应获奖的; [例句]You must claim your prize by telephoning our claims line您必须通过拨打我们的领奖电话来领取奖品。



奖品prize [praiz] award given to the winner of a competition, race, etc (给予获胜者的)奖, 奖励, 奖赏, 奖品, 奖金: She won first prize in the 100 metres race. 她在百米赛跑中获头奖. * Her book gained several literary prizes. 她写的书获得好几种文学奖. thing (that can be) won in a lottery or a gambling game (在抽彩或赌博中所中的)奖, 彩金: He won the 20000 prize on the football pools. 他赢得足球普尔彩金20000英镑. * She had the prize-winning lottery ticket. 她抽到了得奖的彩票. * [attrib 作定语] prize money 奖金. award / əˈwɔːd; əˋwɔrd/ v [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) make an official decision to give sth to sb as a prize, as payment or as a punishment 颁发; 授予; 给与; 判定: The judges awarded both finalists equal points. 裁判员判定决赛双方分数相同. * The court awarded (him) damages of 50000. 法庭判给(他)50000英镑损害赔偿费. * She was awarded a medal for bravery. 她因勇敢而获得奖章.> award n [U] decision to give sth, made by a judge, etc 裁定; 决定: the award of a scholarship 奖学金颁发决定. [C] thing or amount awarded 奖品; 奖状; 奖金: She showed us the athletics awards she had won. 她给我们看她赢得的体育运动奖. * [attrib 作定语] an award presentation/ceremony 奖品的颁发[颁奖仪式]. [C] (Brit) money paid to a student at university, etc to help meet living costs; grant 助学金: Mary is not eligible for an award. 玛丽没有申请助学金的资格.trophy ˈtrəufɪ; ˋtrofɪ/ n object awarded as a prize, esp for winning a sports tournament 奖品(尤指体育比赛的): the Wimbledon `tennis trophy 温布尔登网球赛奖杯. object taken or kept as a souvenir of success in hunting, war, etc (狩猎、 战争等中获得的)纪念品, 战利品: a set of antlers and other trophies 一对鹿角及其他狩猎纪念物.winning ['winiŋ]例句:He anchored the winning team.他担任胜了那一队的最后一棒。She is casual about winning the prize.她对获奖漫不经心。He was the pride of the village after winning the championship.他获得冠军之后成了全村的骄傲.spoil spɔɪl; spɔɪl/spoils n [U] (also spoils [pl]) 1 (a) stolen goods 偷来的东西; 赃物: The thieves divided up the spoils. 窃贼把赃物分了. (b) things taken by a victorious army; plunder 战利品; 掠取之物. 2 profits, benefits, etc gained from political power 凭政治权力获取的利益等: the spoils of office 利用官职捞取的私利.奖杯cup / kʌp; kʌp/ n [C] (a) vessel, usu of gold or silver, awarded as a prize in a competition 奖杯: teams competing for the World Cup, eg in football 争夺世界杯的球队(如足球赛中) * He's won several cups for shooting. 他曾多次荣获射击比赛的奖杯. (b) such a competition 优胜杯赛; 锦标赛: We got knocked out of the Cup in the first round. 我们在锦标赛的第一轮比赛中就被淘汰了. pot1 / pɔt; pɑt/ n [C] (sl 俚) prize in an athletic contest, esp a silver cup (运动会的)奖品; (尤指)银杯. challenge cup ['tʃælindʒ] trophy ['trəufi] awarding cup [ə'wɔ:d]用法同上


奖品 1.a prize;2 an award; 3 a trophy


奖品prize 谐音:扑瑞兹award 谐音:额我的



奖品prize [praiz] award given to the winner of a competition, race, etc (给予获胜者的)奖, 奖励, 奖赏, 奖品, 奖金: She won first prize in the 100 metres race. 她在百米赛跑中获头奖. * Her book gained several literary prizes. 她写的书获得好几种文学奖. thing (that can be) won in a lottery or a gambling game (在抽彩或赌博中所中的)奖, 彩金: He won the 20000 prize on the football pools. 他赢得足球普尔彩金20000英镑. * She had the prize-winning lottery ticket. 她抽到了得奖的彩票. * [attrib 作定语] prize money 奖金. award / əˈwɔːd; əˋwɔrd/ v [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) make an official decision to give sth to sb as a prize, as payment or as a punishment 颁发; 授予; 给与; 判定: The judges awarded both finalists equal points. 裁判员判定决赛双方分数相同. * The court awarded (him) damages of 50000. 法庭判给(他)50000英镑损害赔偿费. * She was awarded a medal for bravery. 她因勇敢而获得奖章.> award n [U] decision to give sth, made by a judge, etc 裁定; 决定: the award of a scholarship 奖学金颁发决定. [C] thing or amount awarded 奖品; 奖状; 奖金: She showed us the athletics awards she had won. 她给我们看她赢得的体育运动奖. * [attrib 作定语] an award presentation/ceremony 奖品的颁发[颁奖仪式]. [C] (Brit) money paid to a student at university, etc to help meet living costs; grant 助学金: Mary is not eligible for an award. 玛丽没有申请助学金的资格.trophy ˈtrəufɪ; ˋtrofɪ/ n object awarded as a prize, esp for winning a sports tournament 奖品(尤指体育比赛的): the Wimbledon `tennis trophy 温布尔登网球赛奖杯. object taken or kept as a souvenir of success in hunting, war, etc (狩猎、 战争等中获得的)纪念品, 战利品: a set of antlers and other trophies 一对鹿角及其他狩猎纪念物.winning ['winiŋ]例句:He anchored the winning team.他担任胜了那一队的最后一棒。She is casual about winning the prize.她对获奖漫不经心。He was the pride of the village after winning the championship.他获得冠军之后成了全村的骄傲.spoil spɔɪl; spɔɪl/spoils n [U] (also spoils [pl]) 1 (a) stolen goods 偷来的东西; 赃物: The thieves divided up the spoils. 窃贼把赃物分了. (b) things taken by a victorious army; plunder 战利品; 掠取之物. 2 profits, benefits, etc gained from political power 凭政治权力获取的利益等: the spoils of office 利用官职捞取的私利.奖杯cup / kʌp; kʌp/ n [C] (a) vessel, usu of gold or silver, awarded as a prize in a competition 奖杯: teams competing for the World Cup, eg in football 争夺世界杯的球队(如足球赛中) * He's won several cups for shooting. 他曾多次荣获射击比赛的奖杯. (b) such a competition 优胜杯赛; 锦标赛: We got knocked out of the Cup in the first round. 我们在锦标赛的第一轮比赛中就被淘汰了. pot1 / pɔt; pɑt/ n [C] (sl 俚) prize in an athletic contest, esp a silver cup (运动会的)奖品; (尤指)银杯. challenge cup ['tʃælindʒ] trophy ['trəufi] awarding cup [ə'wɔ:d]用法同上





1、prize    英[praɪz]    美[praɪz]

n.    奖; 奖赏; 奖励; 奖品; 奖金; 难能可贵的事物; 难以争取的重要事物;

adj.    好得足以得奖的; 应获奖的; 优秀的; 典范性的; 出类拔萃的;

vt.    珍视; 高度重视;

2、awards    英[əˈwɔːdz]    美[əˈwɔːrdz]

n.    奖; 奖品; 奖金; 奖状; (收入的)增加; (赔偿)裁定额; (赔偿)裁决;

v.    授予; 奖励; 判给;

3、rewards    英[rɪˈwɔːdz]    美[rɪˈwɔːrdz]

n.    奖励; 回报; 报酬; 赏格; 悬赏金;

v.    奖励; 奖赏; 给以报酬;













1、从词义上说,award 是“授予,给予”,reward 是“回报”。

2、从用法上说,award 用双宾语:award sb sth 或 award sth to sb。reward 用 reward sb with sth。

二、award, reward这两个动词均有“受予奖励”之意。

1、award :侧重指官方或经正式研究裁决后对有功者或竞赛优胜者所给予的奖励。

例如:They awarded John the first prize.(他们授予约翰一等奖。)

2、reward :指对品德高尚和勤劳的人所给予的奖励。也可指为某事付酬金。

例如:The police are offering a big reward for information about the robbery.(警方出大笔赏金要求提供那起抢劫案的破案线索。



1、The firm last night offered a £ 10,000 reward for information leading to theconviction of the killer.


2、Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with aquicker sale.


3、The company is only just starting to reap the rewards of long-terminvestments


4、The compression and density make this a difficult book to read, but it richlyrewards the effort.


这三个单词在英语中都有“奖励”的意思,但它们在用法和含义上略有不同。"Prize"通常指在竞赛、比赛、抽奖等活动中获得的奖励,通常与竞争、荣誉、成就等联系在一起。例如:She won the first prize in the singing competition. (她在歌唱比赛中获得了一等奖。)The Nobel Prize is awarded for outstanding achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace.(诺贝尔奖是颁发给在物理、化学、医学、文学和和平领域取得杰出成就的人士的。)"Award"通常指由组织、机构或个人颁发的奖励,也可以指某种行动的结果或成果。例如:The Academy Awards are presented annually to honor outstanding achievements in the film industry.(奥斯卡奖每年颁发给电影业杰出成就者。)The committee awarded the contract to the lowest bidder.(委员会把合同授予了最低价的投标人。)"Reward"通常指基于某种行为或成果所给予的赏赐,通常是为了激励、鼓励或者感谢某人的行为或成果。例如:The company offers rewards for outstanding performance. (公司为表现出色的员工提供奖励。)She received a reward for returning the lost wallet.(她因为归还了失物而获得了奖励。)这三个单词都有奖励的意思,但是"Prize"更多指竞争性活动的奖励,"Award"更多指官方机构或者组织颁发的奖励,"Reward"更多指针对某种行为或成果所给予的奖励。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/27320.html发布于 2024-09-19
