debit :应收Credit :应付。你开给国外的DEBIT,帐户自然是你的,要求国外付款到你的帐户里。如果DEBIT是国外开给你的,帐户就是国外的,要求你付款给国外客户,相对你,国外给你的DEBIT就是你的CREDIT。你开给别人的DEBIT意味着你将要收款,别人开给你的DEBIT意味着你将要付款。CREDIT:如果是你开给别人的CREDIT以为着你将要付款,如果是别人开给你的CREDIT意味着你将要收款。
外贸单证就是指在国际结算中的单据、文件与证书,凭借这种文件来处理国际货物的支付、运输、保险、商检、结汇等。B/L NO.,指的是提单编号 Bill of lading numberL/C NO.,指的是信用证编号 Letter of credit number
按照顺序如下Inspection Unit (official seal) No. Registration, inspection unit Contact Phone Inspection date Consignor (Chinese) Consignor (foreign language) Consignee (Chinese) Consignee (foreign language) The name of the goods (in / foreign language) H.S. coding Country of origin (the region) / Weight The total value of goods The type and quantity of packaging Name means of transport numbers Contract No. Trade Trade in the country (region) Bill of lading / air waybill number Arrival date Departure countries (regions) Permit / approval, Date of completion of disposal Departure port Ports of entry The claim is valid until Port stops Destinations Container specifications, quantity and number Terms of the contract entered into special As well as other requirements Cargo storage sites Use The accompanying documents (designated "√" or Butian) And tag numbers Foreign investment property (zoned "√") □ □ is not Contract Invoice Mention / Win SIN Veterinary health certificates Phytosanitary certificate Animal and quarantine certificates Health Certificate Certificate of Origin License / approval document to inform the arrival □ √ packing list Warranty book The list tally Code-pound single - Acceptance of the report Inspection and quarantine fees The total amount (RMB yuan) Charging people Charges were Signed: To receive a single card Date Signed Date Business The total number The total number of votes Goods name Weight (KG) Packaging Size Volume Pick and place unit With the purchase invoices Delivery time Contact Phone Delivery unit and place Delivery time Contact Phone For more information - the main one, For more information - at a single, For more information - Airlines For more information - destination For more information - Number Salesman Driver Remarks Project name Routing Model Mileage (km) License plate number Fuel (million) Driver Luqiao Fei (yuan) The number of votes / number Stored at the (yuan) Weight (KG) Total cost (yuan) Date Single, Receiving unit License plate number Feng-chi, Shi Feng time The seal of time Serial number Main waybill number Number Weight Billing Remarks Total Customs Xie Guanyuan Supervisor shippers signature Transport units signature Customs Xieguan Yuan (unloading supervisor) signature Receiving units signature
你的太多了,帮你找到一些。编号code number。电话 TEL。 发货人consignor, 收货人Consignee,货物名称description of goods。原产国 country of origin。
公共课:英语:English数学:mathematics毛概:Mao Ze Dong's Theory introduction邓论:Deng Xiaoping Theory专业课程:国际贸易单证制作 International Trade Documentation贸易谈判口语 Spoken Language of Trade Negotiation国际经济合作 International economy and Cooperation经营与推销技巧 Management and Marketing Skills 国际经济与贸易专业导论 Introduction to Major of International Economy & Trade 政治经济学 Political Economics西方经济学 Economics国际经济学 International Economics基础会计 Basic Accounting财政学(II) Finance (Ⅱ)统计学(I) Statistics(I)货币银行学(II) Economics of Money & Banking(II)经济法 Economic Laws国际贸易(I) International Trade (Ⅰ)管理学(II) Management (Ⅱ)国际贸易实务(I) Practices of International Trade (Ⅰ)市场营销(II) Marketing (Ⅱ)国际金融 International Finance电子商务 Electronic Commerce外贸英语函电 English Communication in Foreign Trade外贸英语合同 Contracts for Foreign Economic Relations & Trade计量经济学 Econometrics管理信息系统(I) Management Information System(I)跨国公司经营 Transnational Corporation Operation世界经济概论 Introduction to World Economies国际税收 International Taxation国际商法(I) International Business laws(I)商务英语 Business English报关与跟单实务 Practice on Custom Declaration & Documentary 国际结算 International Settlement商务谈判 Business Negotiation商务礼仪 Business Etiquette企业战略管理(II) Enterprise Strategic Management (Ⅱ)国际市场营销 International Marketing广告学 Advertising外汇业务与管理(II) FOREX Operation & Management(II)财务会计(Ⅲ) Financial Accounting(Ⅲ)国际经济与贸易前沿专题 Special Topics on International Economy & TradeWTO(贸易)专题 Special Topics on WTO粤港台经济专题 Special Topics on Guangdong HongKong & Taiwan珠江三角洲经济专题 Special Topics on Pear River Delta Region economy税收筹划与实务 Revenue Planning and Practice跨国公司经营模拟 International Operations Simulation中级经济学 Secondary Economics进出口业务模拟 Operation Simulation on Import and Expor财务管理(II) Financial Management (Ⅱ)国际工商管理 International Business Management 国际关系与政治 International Relationship and Politics 国际会计 International Accounting 国际货物买卖合同 Contract of International Goods Sales 国际技术贸易 International Technology Trade 国际结算 International Settlement 国际金融 International Finance 国际金融市场 International Financial Market 国际经济合作概论 International Economic Cooperation 国际经济合作原理 Principles of International Economic Cooperation 国际经济组织 International Economic Organizations 国际经营管理 International Business Management 国际贸易 International Trade 国际贸易实务 International Trade Practices 国际企业管理 International Business Management 国际商法 International Business Law 国际税务 International Taxation 国际信贷 International Credit 国际信贷与结算 International Credit and Settlement 国际营销学 International Marketing 国际招标与投标 International Tendering 国家公务员制度介绍 Introduction to Civil Servant System 国民经济管理学 Management of National Economy 国民经济核算 National Economic Accounting 国外统计资料分析 Analysis of Foreign Statistical Data 国有资产管理 State-owned Property Management 航空概论 Introduction to Aviation 合资企业会计 Accounting for Joint Venture Business 宏观经济学 Macroeconomics 宏微观经济学 Macro-economics & Micro-conomics
The International Settlements is a kind of currency accounting behavior of international discharging of the creditor's claim and the debts
(1) A bill shows : pay to ABC Co. providing the goods incompliance with contract the sum of one thousand US dollar.支付给ABC公司提供的货物符合合同金额一千美元(2) A bill shows: Pay to ABC Co. the sum of ten thousandUS dollars on condition that shipment of goods has been made. ABC公司支付一万美元的条件下,货物装船取得的总和。(3) A bill shows: On demand pay to the order of ABC Co.the sum of twenty thousand US dollars drawn against shipment of 10 bales cottonpiece goods from Tianjinto London.根据需要支付对阵从天津到伦敦的10包棉布批ABC有限公司的一笔二万美元的订单。(4) A bill shows: Pay to ABC Co. out of proceeds of saleof woolen blankets the sum of one thousand US dollars.支付给ABC公司的羊毛毯子,一笔一千美元的销售收入。(5) A bill shows: Pay from our No. 2 account to ABC Co.the sum of one thousand USdollars.从我们的2号账户ABC有限公司的一笔一千美元的。(6) A bill shows: Pay to ABC Co. or order the sum of onethousand pounds and debit our No. 2 account.支付给ABC公司或以一千英镑和2号账户借记我(7) A bill shows: After customs clearancepay to the order of ABC Co. thesum of twenty thousand USdollars.通关后支付给ABC公司一笔二万美元的订单。(8) A bill shows: At sight pay to the order of Bank ofChina the sum of forty thousand US dollars drawn underL/C No. 13234 issued by XYZ Bank New York dated on 15 August 200X.即期支付命令中国银行13234号信用证的日期在15八月纽约XYZ银行下发得出200X的款项四万美元(9) A bill shows: Pay to Mary the sum of fifty poundsand give her a suit of clothes.付给玛丽五十英镑的款项,给她一套衣服。(10) A bill shows: Pay to the order of ABC Co. the sumof one thousand Pounds plus interest.支付给ABC公司的订单一千英镑加利息之和
English I - English VI Design basis of the computer program and VF Financial administration Public economics A Outline of economic law Statistics Database principle and application Linear algebra Outline B of law science Operations research Monetary banking Outline of business administration Study in marketing Probability and mathematical statistics contemporary international economy and politics Spoken language of intermediate English Formal logic A International finance International trade Spoken language of advanced English China's foreign trade outline International settlement
English Ⅰ - VI on the basis of computer programming and financial management of public economics VF A Survey of Economic Law statistical database and application of principles of linear algebra Law Studies B Monetary and Banking Operations Research Survey of Business Management Marketing probability and mathematical statistics Ⅲ contemporary world economy Spoken English and intermediate form of political logic of international trade A senior international financial Spoken English for International Settlements An Introduction to China's foreign trade and customs clearance system of international trade geography A foreign trade business English international marketing communications B
The International Settlements is a kind of currency accounting behavior of international discharging of the creditor's claim and the debts
C-Corp [美国]指一般股份有限公司
CAGR 复合年增长率
Calendar year 月历年度
Call-spread warrant 欧洲式跨价认股权证
Call option 认购期权
Call protection/provision 赎回保障/条款
Call warrant 认购认股权证
Callable bond 可赎回债券
Candlestick chart 阴阳烛图表---日本传统使用的图表方法,最早用于稻米期货市场。个别表示价格的条状看似一根两端露出烛芯的蜡烛。蜡烛本身代表从开市到收市的价格差异,烛芯代表最高和最低位,而蜡烛颜色则显示收盘价比开盘价高开还是低开。一般是白色或绿色代表有较高的收盘价,红色或黑色代表有较低的收盘价。
Cap 上限
Capacity 生产能力;产能
CAPEX 资本支出
Capital Adequacy Ratio 资本充足比率
Capital base 资本金;资本基楚
Capital expenditure 资本支出
Capitalization 资本值
Capital markets 资本市场;资金市场
Capital raising 融资;筹集资金
Capped floater 封顶浮动利率债券
Carry trade 利率差额交易;套利外汇交易;息差交易---例如:当利率偏低,投资者便借入短息(1%)买长债(4%),稳赚可观息差;及/或当美元汇价看低,便借入美元买进看升的亚洲股、汇市。
Carrying cost 利息成本;持有成本;资金成本差额
Carrying value 账面价值
Cash-settled warrant 现金认股权证
Cash earnings per share 每股现金盈利
Cash flow 现金流量
CBO 债券抵押债券 (参见Collateralized Bond Obligation)
CCASS 中央结算及交收系统
CD 存款证
CDO 债务抵押债券 (参见Collateralized Debt Obligation)
CDS 参见Credit Default Swap栏目
CEDEL 世达国际结算系统(即欧洲货币市场结算系统)
Ceiling 上限
Ceiling-floor agreement 上下限协议
Central Clearing & Settlement System 中央结算及交收系统
CEO 行政总栽;行政总监;首席执行官
CEPA 即2003年6月29日于香港签署的《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》,是英文“The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) between Hong Kong and the Mainland”的简称。
Certificate of deposit 存款证
Certificate of incumbency 公司授权/委任书
CFO 财务总监;首席财务官
Chaebol 韩国财阀;韩国大企业
Change of domicile 迁册(公司更改注册地址)
Chapter 11 指美国《破产法》第11章的破产保护申请。
Chicago Board of Trade 芝加哥交易所
Chicago Board Options Exchange 芝加哥期权交易所
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商品交易所
China banking 中国银行业
China Capital Markets 中国资本市场;中国资金市场
China Development Bank (中国) 国家开发银行
China International Capital Corporation, CICC 中国国际金融有限公司;中金公司
China privatization 中国民营化;中国私有化;中国私营化
China restructuring 中国重组;中国改组
China Securities Regulatory Commission 中国证监会
China Stock Markets 中国股票市场;中国股市
Chinese Wall 中国墙---指投资银行部与销售部或交易人员之间的隔离,以防范敏感消息外泄,从而构成内幕交易
Claim 索偿
Clawback notification 回拨/增加本地公开发行份额通知
Clean price 洁净价
[债市] 指债券包含应计利息的现值
CLO 贷款抵押债券 (参见Collateralized Loan Obligation)
Closed-end fund 封闭式基金
Closing price 收盘价
Co-lead manager 副主承销;联席主承销
Collars 利率上下限
Collateralized Bond Obligation 债券抵押债券---[债市]一种由多个差级组成的债券结构。它与房产抵押贷款债券相似,但抵押品不是房产抵押贷款,而是评级较低的债券。
Collateralized Debt Obligation 债务抵押债券---[债市]是贷款抵押债券、债券抵押债券和房产抵押贷款债券的一般名称。
Collateralized Loan Obligation 贷款抵押债券---[债市]一种由个人或商业贷款池组合(不包括房产抵押贷款)的贷款还款支持的结构性债券。
Collateralized Mortgage Obligation 房产抵押贷款债券---[债市]一种由房产抵押贷款的还款支持的债券。
Co-manager 副承销商
Comfort letter 安慰函;告慰信(由会计师发出)
Commercial loan 商业贷款
Commercial paper 商业票据
Commission rebate 佣金回扣
Commodity Exchange, Inc. 商品交易所有限公司 (纽约)
Common stock 普通股
Company finance 公司融资公司财务
Complex cash flow 复合现金流
Compound annual growth rate 复合年增长率
Compound option 复合期权---以期权为基础工具的期权,它允许购买者在事先确定的时期内,以一个固定价格购买(或出售)期权。这种期权通常以利率工具或外汇为基础。投资者通常在波幅较高的时期内购买复合期权,以减轻因标准期权价格上升而带来的损失。
Concession 回扣;佣金;特许经营权
Conference call 电话会议
Confidential pre-filing review 呈报前机密性审核
Confidential submission 机密呈交
Confidentiality agreement 保密协议
Conglomerate 集团/联合大企业/多业公司
Connected transaction 关联交易
Consideration 约定金额;代价;考虑因素
Consolidation 整合;合并;盘整
Constant Maturity Treasury Derivative 固定期限国债衍生产品
Constituent stock 成分股
Construction in progress 在建工程
Consumer Price Index 消费物价指数
Consumption 消费
Contingent liability 或有负债
Contractual joint venture 合约性合作/合资经营
Controlling stake/interest 控股权/权益
Conventional cap 传统上限
Conversion of state assets into state shares 国家资产作价入股
Conversion premium 转换溢价
Conversion price 转换价
Conversion ratio 换股比率
Converted net collections 转换后净收入
Convertible bonds 可转换债券;可换股债券---[债市]一种由公司发行的债券。持有人可以按一个预先确定的价格将这种债券转换为固定股数的公司股票。由于债券中嵌入了一个公司股票的认购权,可转换债券的利率远远低于传统债券,因此是公司筹集债资的一个廉价方法。这种债券对现有股东造成的问题是转换稀释了公司发行在外的股权。一般来讲,债券被转换成公司自身的股票。
Convertible currency 可自由兑换货币---指在进口、出口、兑换和进行跨境借贷方面,不存在任何限制或监管要求的货币。
Convexity 债券凸性---[债市]用以量度某只债券的价格与收益关系的'方法。存续期间变化比率。
COO 营运总监;首席营运官
Copenhagen Stock Exchange 哥本哈根证券交易所
Corporate bonds 公司债券
Corporate finance 企业融资
Corporate governance 企业管治;公司治理
Corporate vision 企业视野
Corporatization 公司化
Cost 成本
Cost overrun loans 成本垫支贷款
Counsel's opinion 法律顾问意见书
Counterparty credit exposure 对手的信贷风险
Coupon 票息;券息---[债市]发行人承诺会按面值年率计算,向债券持有人支付直至到期日的债券利息。举例:假如债券的票息为10%,每年便按面值100元支付10元的利息,一般是分期每6个月(半年) 或3个月(每季) 派息一次。
Coupon rate 孳息率;票息
Coupon frequency 派息频率---[债市] 指债券每年派发利息的次(比如每月、每季、每半年或每年一次)
Covenant 契约
Covered warrant 备兑认股权证--- 一种由第三方(通常是银行或证券公司)发行的权证,它赋予持有人在指定时期内,以一个固定价格购买一家公司现有股票的权利。
CPI 消费物价指数
Credit Default Swap 信用违约交换;信用违约互换
Credit facilities 信贷措施
Credit foncia amortization 抵押式摊还法
Credit line 备用信贷;信用额度
Credit-linked notes 信用风险连结证券;信贷关联证券
Credit rating 信用评级;信贷评级
Credit risk 信用风险---因合约一方或多方不能履行合约规定的金融债务,而导致的持有某个特定合约或合约组合的金融损失风险。
Credit spread 债券息差
Creditwatch 债信观察
Cross currency interest rate swap 交叉货币利率掉期
Cross trade 交叉盘
CSRC 中国证券监督管理委员会
Currency option 货币期权
Currency swap 货币掉期
Current account deficit 收支往来帐户赤字;经常帐(目)赤字
Current asset/liability 流动资产/负债
Current/liquid ratio 流动比率
Customs & usages 惯例和用法
Custodian 保管机构;托管人
Cyclicality 周期
1、settlement,n.(解决纷争的)协议;解决;处理;(关于钱财转让的)协议(书)2、payment,英语单词,名词,意为“付款,支付;报酬,报答;偿还;惩罚,报应”。温馨提示:以上内容仅供参考。应答时间:2021-04-20,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~