

小思 2024-09-19 22
国家形象英文摘要: 国家形象的英文China National Image例句1.中国国家形象宣传片《感受中国》通过文化和生活方式展现中国的“软实力”。The promotional video...


China National Image例句1.中国国家形象宣传片《感受中国》通过文化和生活方式展现中国的“软实力”。The promotional video Experience China is an effort to exert "soft power" through culture and lifestyle.www.i21st.cn重点词汇释义国家state; country; nation; body politic; nationality形象image; figure; vivid; form; visualize


你好!损害了国家的形象Damaged the image of the country

Foreign national image communication in all media era.望采纳,不懂可追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!

give publicity to

All media era of national image spread abroad


China's image in global communication, CPC's mission, the essence of the meeting/conference

2003年10月,中国人第一次从外太空亲眼看到了自己的国家,那数千年的神话和畅想,变成了真实的注视。那些关于地球是个真实的家园的歌颂,关于自己在漫长历史里生存下来的骄傲,这时候比别的时候更加清晰而具体。In Octorber 2003, the first Chinese citizen saw his homeland from outer space, and the mythology and dreams of thousands of years, became a reality. Our songs of how the earth is our garden and our pride in surviving our long history suddeny became more vivid and clear.我们是谁?我们在想什么?早在创造中国历史的这一刻之前,中国人也从未中断过从其他的角度来审视自己的国家。传统是一种背负,还是一种推动发展的动力?文化的传承是太受到关注,还是太漫不经心?你看到的是冲突还是融合,是回忆还是未来?Who are the Chinese? What makes us who we are? But even before this momentous chapter in our history, Chinese people have always regarded themselves from multi facets and angles. Is tradition a burden, or kind of driving force for development? Do we take our culture heritage too seriously, or not seriously enough? Do you see conflict or fusion, or visions of the future.Chapter 1 Opening the Door with Confidence第一章 开放而有自信In 1979,China opened the biggest window in the world to the outside, and China suddenly dazzled people of panarama with the panorama of change. Some may argue that unde such a huge material and mental stimulation, it would be hard to maintain equilibrium.30年前,一扇世界上最大的窗户打开了……这个国家,旋即迎接了令人眼花缭乱的变化。或许有人认为,在这样巨大的物质和信息刺激下,想保持镇定都非常困难。(F)在我心目中,中国是一个包容性非常强的国家……In my mind, China is a country that has very strong inclusiveness.……(F)她是一个很有文化的一个国家……She is a country with rich culture……(M)具有历史的沧桑感,但又在日新月异的变化着……She has a long history, but also changes everyday……But after 30 years, the world has seen how much China's profound history and culture ascent has given, leave us the flexibility and unity when facing fast transformation.但接下来30年间发生的事情,却让全世界都看到,一个有着悠久历史底蕴的文化在面临全新变革之时,能够展现出怎样的包容性和应变能力。(龙永图 WTO谈判中国首席代表):加入世贸以后,整个国力的增强使得中国更加的自信,也更加开放了。(Long Yongtu China's WTO accession negotiations Chief Expert):After China's accession to the WTO, Chinese people are getting more and more confident because of increasing national strength.Oberservers must admit in its meeting with the world, China has preserved its own special character. 30 years opening has been a time of bravely facing the new and stepping forward on a path of our own choosing. Several respected international reports bring us No.1 in terms of public confidence in the future. Is this confidence underpined by GDP growth, or thousands of years of culture, or the efforts of many millions of people? We believe China will deliver an answer before too long.人们不得不承认,中国在和全世界接轨的同时,保持着自己鲜明的特色:30年开放,30年面对新事物而勇敢无畏,自信的选择着适合自己国情和民情的发展道路。近年来多次海内外专业机构的调研都可以显示,民众信心指数一项,中国多次排在世界第一,自信的背后,是GDP的支持,是千年文明的底气,还是亿万份努力的投入?相信不用太久,中国就会交出答案。Chapter 2 Growth with Sustainability 增长而能持续早在两千多年前,中国的哲人孟子就提出了,不要过度捕捞鱼虾,这样才可以不断得到鱼虾。要按严格的时令进山伐木,这样才能有利于森林的生长。这类思想,如今被称为循环经济。Over two thousand years ago, the great Chinese philosopher Mencius observed the refraining of overfishing will ensure fishing last forever. And also cutting woods according to seasons ensures healthier forest. Such century with all the wisdom now goes by the name sustainable development.在今天的中国,你可以看见GDP的增长,收入的增长,甚至梦想的增长。也可以看见更多人享受着教育的增长。


对外宣传国家形象,党的宗旨和会议精神的英文翻译_百度翻译对外宣传国家形象,党的宗旨和会议精神Publicity of the national image, the purpose of the party and the spirit of the meeting 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译


Today, I see China in his eyes in a foreign friend's daily record, having seen the pride of China, I feel very gratified, then reprint it for my Chinese friend to appreciate specially China: the future of the worldThere is no doubt about the importance of China as far as global economy is concerned. I was reading local newspaper from Pakistan and my eyes took notice of a piece of news from President Zardari. Though he is not in my good book but his statement before visit to China really impressed me. He said, “China is the future of world”. I am utterly convinced with his statement and not a room of doubt about it that China would be the only super power in the world near future. According to some American think-tanks, by 2049 China will take over the global economy exclusively. When China declared independence, it was having only 100 million dollars. Today, the foreign reserves of china are about 1,800 Billion dollars. Each month Chinese nation deposit about 40 billion dollar in their foreign reserve. The only country in the world that can pull the USA out of financial turmoil is China. I think it is enough to convince you that China is really the future of world. Now here the question rises, “How China became the future of world”?China; this is the same nation whom most of UN members labeled as “Opium-addicted nation” in 1949 but now one of the decision tiger in UN itself; the same nation whom Europe used to say a shop of scraps but now their own products in their economy is scrap in front of Chinese products; the same nation whom USA declared as hospital but now only hope for their sick economy is China.“How this China became the future of world in just 60 years?” This question for me is million dollars worth and only hopes for our economy to mimic that trend if we can find the answer to this question.When China declared independence in 1949 at that time people asked the founder of socio-political Chinese Nation "Mao Tse Tung" that we are the sick people of Asia, our youth is engaged with opium, we are hopeless as well as seeing a reckless future. Could we be able to develop? The great Mao, after listening these desperate words, just smiled and then told a story to them. He said,"There was a small village in the Southern China. According to geographic location, the village was densely surrounded by mountains. Due to these mountains, there was no sunshine in the village. One day an old man came out with cutting-tool, when he reached at the nearby mountain he started to cut rocks of mountain. When people of village came to know about this strange act, they inquired old man about this. Old man replied, "I am cutting mountain". People astonished to hear his reply and asked him, "Why?". Old man replied, “Until or unless this mountain is here, sunshine cannot get through my village. Someone asked, “Would you be able to drag this mountain?” Old man just had a look at mountain and then replied, "Brothers! I will struggle to cut this mountain throughout my life and when I am about to die , I will hand over these cutting tools to my son with a hope that my next generation will continue it, if they could not succeed in dragging this mountain then they will hand-over to next generation, and then the next till this mountain will be dragged. Finally, my village will be full of sunshine".Mao stopped for a while and took a deep breath and then started again "Let us start to cut our share of mountain and then deliver rest of mountain to next generation with all the cutting tools we have. I am quite hopeful about the day when the sun will rise in the dark China too". He stopped for a while and then continued by saying, "If only one generation of us started to act on their share, and they hand-over all of their tools to next generation before they die then believe me after three or four generations, this world will be under your feet; wherever you will go, you will succeed. Chinese people respond to the spirit of Mao in the same way as it deserved to be. The first generation of independent China tried their best to cut the mountains of Ignorance, lawlessness, trustlessness, laziness, weakness, poverty, unemployment, evils and etc as for as they could and left rest of mountains for the coming generation along with their cutting tools and with a message that keep delivering this spirit to generations . The overwhelming response of next generations to their ancestors truly deserves salute. Now they were on track; towards development and global leadership. Now we have the nowadays Great China. Today from Somalia to USA, economies of 245 countries exclusively dependent on Chinese economy". Wherever you go in the world, you will find China town there. Everything you can think of will probably have “Made in China” tag.When one of family member go to some foreign country trip, we used to give him or her a long list of items to bring with him; for brother this, for mother this, for sister this and etc. So I want to give a list of items to president to bring with him when he returned from China as we are family as a nation.1. China has proved that greater population is not a problem but greater unskilled population is a peril to economy. China is the first nation that turn around 250, 00 lakh people as skilled human resource. Please bring with you this formula.2. GDP of china is 6900 billion dollar; the second largest GDP of world with around 1222 billion dollar export even having the largest growth rate of world they can do it. Please take with you formula for this.3. China is first when it comes to law and order situation. In 2007 just nine murders out of huge population. Mr. President! Bring the formula for such peace with you.4. Mr. President! Bring all the tools with you by which these Chinese people cut the mountains of Ignorance, lawlessness, trustlessness, laziness, weakness, poverty, unemployment, evils and etc5. Mr. President! Bring the spirit , the vision , the motivation with you6. The hand which does not have the scent of hard-working is could not treated as Chinese hand. Please bring that scent with you.

国家形象大写字母:DUO JIA XING XIANG形象,读音xíng xiàng,汉语词语,意思是指能引起人的思想或感情活动的具体形态或姿态。形象在文学理论中指语言形象,即以语言为手段而形成的艺术形象,亦称文学形象。它是文学反映现实生活的一种特殊形态。也是作家的美学观念在文学作品中的创造性体现。解释用有效和生动的语言刻画和描写的有形或可见的表现创造英雄形象。也可表示一个人或事物的外部特征,比如:刘德华的形象很不错。亦作" 形像 "。1.指具体事物。2. 指肖像。3.塑像,偶像。4.象征。5.形状;样子。6. 指文学艺术区别于科学的一种反咉现实的特殊方式。7. 谓描绘或表达具体、生动。折叠编辑本段出处《吕氏春秋•顺说》:"善说者若巧士,因人之力以自为力,因其来而与来,因其往而与往。不设形象,与生与长,而言之与响;与盛与衰,以之所归。"《东观汉记•高彪传》:"画彪形象,以劝学者。"宋陆游《驾礼部曾侍郎启》:"纪话言於竹帛,肖形像於丹青,垂之无穷。"北齐颜之推《颜氏家训•归心》:"县廨被焚,寄寺而住。民将牛酒作礼,县令以牛系刹柱,屏除形象,铺设床坐,於堂上接宾。"晋干宝《搜神记》卷十:" 汉蔡茂字子礼 ,河内怀人也。初在广汉,梦坐大殿,极上有禾三穗, 茂取之,得其中穗,辄复失之。以问主簿郭贺, 贺曰:'大殿者,官府之形象也。'"清蒲松龄《聊斋志异•公孙夏》:"帝君视之,怒曰:'字讹误不成形象!此市侩耳,何足以任民社!'"清曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五三回:"这会子花得这个形象,你还敢领东西来!"1983年《袁家山简介》:"忽然眼前出现吕洞宾形象,于是(袁可立)急忙祷告,恳求保佑。"即作家从审美理想的立场出发,根据现实生活各种现象加以艺术概括所创造出来的具有一定思想内容和艺术感染力的生活图画。通常亦特指文艺作品中的人物形象。张贤亮《灵与肉》三:"这些毫无文采的语言,非常形象地说明了他工作的意义。"


China is a very big country with five thousand years history ,It stands in Asia and lies on the west coast of the ocean.

China covers 9,600,000square kilometers.

People of about 1.3billion live and work together on the land.56 nations make up the whole population of China.

China is becoming stronger and stronger.

Especially in these years ,we can say ,world can not be without China.







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标题:市区部分路牌标注不规范路牌上对汉字的标注,应该用“Rd”“ROAD”还是“LU”?近日,记者在广东阳江市区走访发现,部分路牌标注不规范,缺乏统一性,同一个路名在不同路牌上标注迥然不同,英文译法、汉语拼音及大小写等混乱的情况让人头疼。相关人士呼吁,希望相关部门重视路名标注问题。市区路牌路名标注混乱市区部分路牌的英文表述错误。 阳江新闻网图记者走访发现,部分路名用汉语拼音标示,但个别有误,如在金园路跟马曹路交界处,有一个路牌将“新江北路”标注成“XING JIANG BEI LU”,“新”字拼音有误。部分路名用英文译法标注,个别出现错误,如市政服务中心前环岛处有一个路牌,将“东风二路”标注成“DONGFENG 2rd Rd”。同一个路名在不同路牌上出现迥异的标注,这种情况多见。“路”的译法不同最为常见,如“金园路”位于马曹路、新江北路交界处的两个路牌,其标注分别是“JIN YUAN LU”和“JIN YUAN ROAD”,马曹路有“MA CAO LU”和“MA CAO ROAD”两种标注方式。市区金园路路牌“新”字拼音拼写错误。 阳江新闻网图此外,英文译法、汉语拼音、阿拉伯数字及大小写等标注混乱的情况也存在。如新江北路有“XING JIANG BEI LU”(“新”字拼音有误)和“Xinjiang Road N.”两种标注方式;石湾路有“SHIWAN LU”和“Shi Wan Road”两种标注方式;二环南路有“2 HUAN NANLU”和“2nd Ring Road S.”两种标注方式;体育路有“TIYU LU”和“Tiyu Road”两种标注方式;石湾南路有“SHIWAN NANLU”“SHI WAN SOUTH ROAD”“Shiwan Road S”等3种标注方式;康泰路有“Kang Tai Road”“Kangtai Road”“KANG TAI LU”等3种标注方式;东风二路有“THE 2ND ROAD DONG FENG”“DONGFENG 2nd Rd”“DONGFENG 2rd Rd”等3种标注方式;东风三路有“DongFeng 3rd Road”“DONGFENG 3rd Rd”“DONGFENG 3 LU”等3种标注方式。应用汉语拼音规范标注究竟哪种标注方法正确?记者随机采访了部分市民,他们多数表示不清楚,或者很少关注路牌上的标注,认为“无所谓”“能看懂就行”。也有人认为应该采用标准的英文译法。不愿透露名字的林先生从事修志和编撰工作多年,他素来关注市区路牌标注问题,并对此作过研究。他说,地名由通名和专名两部分组成,如“北门街”的“北门”是专名,“街”是通名。根据相关法律法规,我国地名必须用汉语拼音拼注。1977年,在联合国第三届地名标准化会议上,通过了按照《汉语拼音方案》来拼写中国地名的决议。“通名部分是主要出错的地方,用英文译法是违反相关规定的。”林先生表示,“路”和“街”应分别译写成汉语拼音的“LU”和“JIE”。林先生表示,根据《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》,汉语拼写应以词为书写单位,如“东风三路”的“东风”应译写成“DONGFENG”。另外,根据中国地名委员会、中国文字改革委员会、国家测绘局1984年12月25日关于颁发《中国地名汉语拼音字母拼写规则(汉语地名部分)》的通知,地名中的代码和街巷名称中的序数词用阿拉伯数字。如“东风三路”的“三”是序数词,应用阿拉伯数字“3”;又如“二环路”的“二”是地名中的代码,应用阿拉伯数字“2”。字母大小写问题如何区分?林先生表示,要么全部用大写,要么每个拼音的首字母用大写,其余字母用小写。“地名标注用英文译法是对自己语言缺乏信心的表现。”林先生说,他希望更多市民关注这个问题,并希望相关部门重视,将路牌中不规范的标注改正过来。



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/27253.html发布于 2024-09-19
