

小思 2024-09-19 23
酒店经理的英文摘要: 经过酒店英文go through a hotelacross the garden hotel.常用的酒店名称叫hotel,经济型酒店一般用“INN”hotel...


go through a hotel

across the garden hotel.



英 [həʊˈtel]  美 [ho'tɛl]

n. 旅馆,饭店,酒店;客栈

vt. 使…在饭店下榻

vi. 进行旅馆式办公

n. (Hotel)人名;(法)奥泰尔


Hotel California 加州旅馆 ; 加州旅店 ; 加州酒店 ; 老鹰乐队

Grand Hotel 大饭店 ; 圆山大饭店 ; 大酒店 ; 格兰德酒店

Hotel Transylvania 精灵旅社 ; 尖叫旅社 ; 怪物旅店 ; 怪物酒店




英 [ˈrestrɒnt]  美 [ˈrestərənt; rɛstərənt]

n. 餐馆;[经] 饭店


Restaurant Reservations 餐厅订位 ; 饭店预约 ; 饭店预定

Bayview Restaurant 湾景餐厅

Stars Restaurant 明星餐厅 ; 明星食堂


英 [ɪn]  美 [ɪn]

n. 客栈;旅馆

vi. 住旅馆

n. (Inn)人名;(柬)因


Jinjiang Inn 锦江之星 ; 锦江之星连锁旅馆 ; 锦江之星旅馆

Citytel Inn 由北京都季 ; 北京都季商务快捷酒店 ; 由北京皆季 ; 都季快捷酒店

Quality Inn 品质客栈 ; 品质酒店 ; 品质旅馆 ; 优质旅馆


a hotel manager

the hotel manager

hotel manager 英[həuˈtel ˈmænidʒə] 美[hoˈtɛl ˈmænɪdʒɚ] [词典] 饭店经理; 宾馆经理[例句]The hotel manager will arrange for a babysitter宾馆经理会安排人照看婴儿。

A hotel manager


酒店各职位中/英文对照董事长 Board Chairman (Director) 董事总经理Managing Director经济师Economist首席会计师 Chief Accountant总经理General Manager副总经理Deputy General Manager (Vice)驻店经理Resident Manager总经理行政助理Executive Assistant Manager总经理秘书Executive Secretary总经理室Executive Office (G.M office)机要秘书Secretary接待文员Clerk副总经理Vice General Manager总经理助理Assistant to General Manager总经理秘书Secretary to General Manager行政秘书Executive Secretary人力资源部Human Resources Division人事部Personnel Department培训部Training Department质检部Quality Inspection Department员工关系部 Staffing Relationship Department人力资源开发总监Director of Human Resources人事培训经理 P&T Manager人事部经理Personnel Manager培训部经理Training Manager质检部经理Quality Inspection Manager人事主任Personnel Officer福利劳资员 Payroll Clerk培训主任Training Officer行政部主任 Executive Officer秘书Secretary员工事务长 Staff Purser车队队长 Driver Captain Chief Driver 员工宿舍管理员 Dormitory Keeper员工餐厅勤杂工 Staff Restaurant Cleaner司机 Driver更衣室管理员:Staff Lockers Rooms Keeper翻译兼英语教师:English Translator & Teacher 计划财务部Finance and Accounting Division财务部Accounting Department成本部Cost-control Department采购部Purchasing Department审计部 Auditor Department 财务总监Financial Controller (Director of Finance)财务部经理Chief Accountant成本部经理Cost Control manager结帐经理Cashier Manager信用审计经理Credit Manager采购部经理Purchasing Manager采购部主管Purchasing Officer 总出纳Chief Cashier仓储领班 Store Room Captain营业点结帐领班F&B Cashier Captain总台结帐领班F/O Cashier Captain夜审计员 Night Auditor信用管理员Credit Clerk应收款管理员 A/R Clerk往来款结算员Accounting Clerk收入费用结算员 Accounting Clerk成本核算员 Cost Clerk验货员Receiving Clerk信息管理员Information System Clerk文员Secretary食品采购员Purchasing Clerk - F&B物资采购员Purchasing Clerk – Material食品保管员Storeroom Keep - F&B物资保管员 Storeroom Keep – Material餐厅收款员 F&B Cashier总台收款员 F/O Cashier

酒店经理 [名] Hotel Manager; [例句]因为我把他们的照片传给了酒店经理。Because I e-mailed photos of them to the manager.


General manager



Arrived at the bookstore


读音:英 ['bʊkʃɒp] 美 ['bʊkʃɑːp]


1、independent bookstore 独立书店

2、Strand Bookstore 斯特兰德书店

3、academic bookstore 学术出版物书店

4、China Bookstore 中国书店


1、She gave me this dictionary , which she had bought in the bookshop


2、Jerry and his new friend , dana , are talking together in the bookshop


3、So in the afternoon , with nothing to do , i went round of the bookshops


4、In the foreign language bookshop are to be found books in various languages




读音:英 ['bʊkstɔː(r)]美 ['bʊkstɔː(r)]

意思:n. 书店

例句:He never went to the bookstore without buying some books.



读音:英 ['bʊkstɔːl] 美 ['bʊkstɔːl]

意思:n. 书报摊

例句:He picked up the first edition of the book at a bookstall.


书店的英语单词是bookstore,详细信息如下:bookstore英 ['bʊkstɔ:(r)] 美 [ˈbʊkˌstɔr, -ˌstor] n.书店例句:I fell in with him at a bookstore in shanghai. 我在上海的一家书店里碰到了他。


bookstore 书店

书店的英语单词是bookstore,详细信息如下:bookstore英 ['bʊkstɔ:(r)] 美 [ˈbʊkˌstɔr, -ˌstor] n.书店例句:I fell in with him at a bookstore in shanghai. 我在上海的一家书店里碰到了他。


读音:英 ['bʊkʃɒp] 美 ['bʊkʃɑːp]


1、independent bookstore 独立书店

2、Strand Bookstore 斯特兰德书店

3、academic bookstore 学术出版物书店

4、China Bookstore 中国书店


1、She gave me this dictionary , which she had bought in the bookshop


2、Jerry and his new friend , dana , are talking together in the bookshop


3、So in the afternoon , with nothing to do , i went round of the bookshops


4、In the foreign language bookshop are to be found books in various languages




读音:英 ['bʊkstɔː(r)]美 ['bʊkstɔː(r)]

意思:n. 书店

例句:He never went to the bookstore without buying some books.



读音:英 ['bʊkstɔːl] 美 ['bʊkstɔːl]

意思:n. 书报摊

例句:He picked up the first edition of the book at a bookstall.


Unit 2 单词繁忙的busy、安静的quiet、干净的clean 、脏的dirty餐馆restaurant 参观visit 来访者visitor 地区district超市supermarket 饥饿的hungry大道avenue公共电话pay phone方位介词在……隔壁next to、在……前面in front of、在……前部in the front of、在…与…之间between…and、在吉姆和露西的书包之间between Jim’s and Lucy’s bags在两辆车之间between the two cars在……对面across from重要短语附近near here附近around here附近in the neighborhood在……的附近in the neighborhood of在中央街on Center Street在第五大道on Fifth Avenue在右边on the right在……的右边on the right of在某人的右边on one’s right在左边on the left在……的左边on the left of 在某人的左边on one’s left在去……的路上on the way to…在某人去……的路上on one’s way to…一直走go (walk) straight 一直往上走go (walk) up …一直往下走go (walk) down …沿着……走go along…横过go across …穿过go through 横穿第六大道:go across Sixth Avenue穿过森林:go through the forest/woods穿过第五大道和第六大道:go through Fifth Avenue and Sixth Avenue在第五大道右转turn right at/on Fifth Avenue在第一个十字路口向右转turn right at the first crossing/turning在第一个十字路口往右转take the first turning/arossing on the right向左转turn left 向右转turn right享受城市幽静的街道enjoy the city’s quiet streets享受/喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth.散步take a walk一座有花园的房子a house with a garden草莓月饼moon cakes with strawberry用笔写字write with a pen…的开始the beginning of… 刚开始的时候at the beginning在……刚开始的时候at the beginning of…玩得开心enjoy oneself玩得开心have fun玩得开心have a good time做某事开心enjoy oneself doing sth.做某事开心have fun doing sth.做某事开心have a good time doing sth.一条拥挤的街道a very busy street 让某人做某事let sb do sth让某人不做某事let sb not do sth去……的路the way to… 旅途愉快have a good trip 打扫教室clean the classroom一个玩的好地方a good place to have fun一个吃饭的好餐馆a good restaurant to have dinner到达arrive at/in到达get to到达reach经过书店pass the bookshop希望做某事hope to do sth. Unit 4 1与钱和人打交道(工作)work with money and people2给某人某物give sb Sth/ give sth to sb38穿着校服:in a school uniform/ wear a school uniform40穿上校服:put on a school uniform41教你们/我们游泳:teach you/us swimming/ teach swimming to you/ us42需要放松:need to relax43需要她给我两张报纸:need her to give me two newspapers44想要他给我指路:wants him to tell me the way45做银行职员的工作:work as a bank clerk46一条有趣的新闻:a piece of interesting news47两张纸:two pieces of paper48(登)在报纸上in the newspaper49(放)在报纸上on the newspaper50上班迟到: be late for work51很多活要干:a lot of work to do52找到两份好工作:find two good jobs53打5552345给警方call the police at 555234554问题的答案:the answer to the question55给5-12岁的孩子for children of 5-12 3从…取走…get … from …4穿着制服wear the uniform5帮助某人干某事help sb do sth/help sb with sth6有点危险kind of dangerous7与某人交谈talk to sb / talk with sb8谈论某事talk about sth9会见有趣的人meet interesting people10让某人干…let sb do/ ask sb to do11工作(到很)晚work late12忙于干某事be busy doing sth/be busy with sth13外出就(晚)餐go out to dinners14工作到很晚work late15努力工作work hard16写故事write stories17为杂志社工作work for a magazine18与其他年轻人一起工作work with other young people19对---感兴趣be interested in sth20在晚上和周末工作work evenings and weekends21一项作为记者的工作a job as a reporter22出演校园剧be in the school play23教某人(做)某事teach sb sth/ teach sth to sb.24有一些钱给他have some money for him25招聘广告want ads26生病住院/ be in hospital27在医院(工作) work in a /the hospital28在白天/在晚上in the day/at night29问她几个问题ask her a few questions30问我有关我的学习ask me about my study31一只危险(对别人有威胁)的老虎a dangerous tiger32一只身处危险的老虎a tiger in danger33濒危动物:animals in danger34处于危险当中/ be in danger35脱离危险be out of danger36在警察局in the police station37对做运动感兴趣: be interested in doing sports38穿着校服:in a school uniform/ wear a school uniform40穿上校服:put on a school uniform41教你们/我们游泳:teach you/us swimming/ teach swimming to you/ us42需要放松:need to relax43需要她给我两张报纸:need her to give me two newspapers44想要他给我指路:wants him to tell me the way45做银行职员的工作:work as a bank clerk46一条有趣的新闻:a piece of interesting news47两张纸:two pieces of paper48(登)在报纸上in the newspaper49(放)在报纸上on the newspaper50上班迟到: be late for work51很多活要干:a lot of work to do52找到两份好工作:find two good jobs53打5552345给警方call the police at 555234554问题的答案:the answer to the question55给5-12岁的孩子for children of 5-12 只理出这些,累~~


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/27226.html发布于 2024-09-19
