

小思 2024-09-19 24
高中英语美文诵读摘要: 高中生英语美文诵读随着英语的国际化越来越广泛,我国的 英语学习 者也逐年激增,各大英语学习网站也推出英语美文的赏析和阅读。下面是我带来的中学经典英语美文,欢迎阅读!  中学...


随着英语的国际化越来越广泛,我国的 英语学习 者也逐年激增,各大英语学习网站也推出英语美文的赏析和阅读。下面是我带来的中学经典英语美文,欢迎阅读!  中学经典英语美文篇一   Smile   When you smile, I smile, that’s the deal.   I will not walk past you and not look you in the eyes and not acknowledge you.   Instead we will pass each other and say hello.   Not with our words, for they are not the same; but with our faces.   I meet you and I see there is good in your eyes, there's passion in your heart and there's a friendly hello in your smile.   And for the first time we can relate and appreciate each other.   That’s all it takes, that’s where it starts.   Because I know that you will smile and I will smile and the rest is easy.   参考译文   微笑   当你微笑,我也微笑,我们一言为定。   我不会从你身边走过并且不看着你的双眼,不会给你任何回应。   相反,我们互相走过时会对对方说:“你好”。   不是我们的语言,因为它们是不一样的;而是用我们的脸。   我遇到你,我从你的眼睛中看到美好,你心中拥有热情,还有从你的笑容中听到你说“你好”。   这是我们第一次建立关系,第一次相互欣赏。   就是这么简单,一切从这一刻开始。   因为我知道你会微笑,我会微笑,其余一切都会很容易。   中学经典英语美文篇二   Why Failure Can Be Your FriendI believe it is important to separate good failures from bad failures. Good failures happen when, even though you made the correct decision, you still lost. Bad failures happen because you made bad decisions, or worse, didn’t make a decision at all. Although the two feel the same, they have a completely different long-term impact.   I’m a novice poker player. One of the first things I learned was that there were good wins and bad wins. Good wins were because you had a sound strategy of betting where the odds were in your favor. Bad wins happened when you just got lucky. Going all-in on a 2-7 off-suit might win the hand. But it doesn’t mean you’re a good poker player.   Good Failures   Mentally separating good failures from bad failures takes work. Poker is a simple game where the laws of probability are cleanly defined. Real life is a lot messier. It takes more effort to decide which failures were because of a bad decision and which were just the unintended side-effects of the best choice available.   Although it can be difficult to separate the two, there are benefits to making two piles instead of just one. By separating the two types of failures, it is easier to persevere through good failures. It may hurt to have your Business proposal shut down for the fifteenth time, but it isn’t necessarily a bad failure.   By separating the two, you can also avoid more bad failures. If you fail because of laziness, indecision or poor planning, you can quickly correct those in the future. Knowing the difference between good and bad failures keeps you from repeating stupid mistakes.   Types of Good Failures   I’ve found that there are several categories of good failures. These are the kinds of failures you might actually seek out. Since they come from good, not bad, decisions, they are the best way to fail.   1. High Upside, Low Downside   There are many areas of life where the upside is far greater than the downside. When I write an article, it takes about 90 minutes of work. If nobody comments or responds to that post, then I’ve just wasted 90 minutes.   However, if the article becomes popular, it can bring in thousands of visitors to my website. Those thousands of visitors translate into new readers who can get value from the website. In addition, the extra traffic often results in a higher monthly income for me.   Writing blog entries is an example where failure is cheap and winning can be huge. I’d gladly take a dozen or two dozen failures for a big hit. A post that doesn’t get attention is a good failure.   2. Breaking Through Your Limits   The only way you can know your limits are to go past them. Occasionally I’ve committed myself to more work than I can handle. The result is stress and, in extreme cases, complete burnout. Doing more than you can handle on a regular basis is a recipe for a nervous breakdown.   However, if you don’t test those limits and occasionally go past them, you can never improve. You’ll always go slightly below your capacity, never reaching your possible potential. I don’t enjoy an exhausting schedule, but occasionally facing one ensures my productivity muscles stay strong.   3. Embarrassment and Smart Risk-Taking   There are some situations where failures and successes can’t be separated. There is no action that will guarantee you only get success. In these cases, it can be useful to ignore the losses since the wins will make up for it.   Public Speaking is a great example. Any chance you get to speak in public runs you the risk of embarrassment. You might say something stupid. The audience might not like your speech. But if you don’t face those failures, it’s impossible to deliver a fantastic speech.   4. Staying Inside Your Comfort Zone   The only way to have a bad failure is to stay put. If you are constantly experimenting and pushing beyond your daily routine, any result is a good result. Avoiding the things that scare you doesn’t make you safe, it makes you weaker.   Over a year ago I took dance classes. For a self-proclaimed geek, this was definitely a step outside my comfort zone. I loved the class. Even though it was outside of my comfort zone, I had a great time and learned something valuable. This wasn’t a failure, but it just as easily could have been. It’s better to discourage laziness than occasionally stumbling.   5. Taking on Too Big a Challenge   More than a few times I’ve set goals that were nearly impossible to accomplish. I didn’t have enough time to reach the deadline and I had no idea what I was doing. Although setting extremely difficult challenges results in a lot of failures, it keeps you sharp.   The ideal challenge level is where success is possible, but only if you work incredibly hard. Unfortunately, finding this sweet spot means you’ll end up making some goals too hard and others too easy. If you never fail at a big challenge it probably means most of your goals have been set too easy.   Just as there are good and bad failures, there are good and bad wins. I’d rather have a good failure than a bad win. A bad win might feel nice in the short term, but it is damaging over the big picture.   Do you have a personal example of a good failure? Please share it in the comments below.   中学经典英语美文篇三   I Love You, Mom   I Love You, Mom   ... and I Want You to Know Why   I Feel So Proud to Be Your Daughter   You are a remarkable woman   who accomplishes so much as a   strong woman   in a man's world   You are strong but soft   You are strong but caring   You are strong but compassionate   You are a remarkable woman   who accomplishes so much as a   giving woman   in a selfish world   You give to your friends   You give to your family   You give to everyone   You are a remarkable woman   who is also a remarkable mother   And you are loved by so many people   whose lives you have touched -   especially me   [中文大意]   我爱你,妈妈,并且想让您知道我为什么以做您的女儿而自豪!   您是一位不平凡的女人:作为一个坚强的女人,在男性世界里取得了许多成绩。您坚强但是温柔,您坚强但是慈爱,您坚强但是富有同情心;   您是一位不平凡的女人:在这样一个自私的世界里,您却给予别人许多。您帮助您的朋友,家人,每一个人;   您是一位不平凡的女人,也是一个不平凡的母亲。您被许多人(特别是我)热爱着,您影响了他们的生活。

目前,随着社会经济的快速发展,英语成为了主要的国际通用语言之一,这必然引起人们对 英语学习 的兴趣日益增强。下面是我带来的高中生英语朗读美文,欢迎阅读!  高中生英语朗读美文篇一   Some thoughts on building a successful marriage   From my perspective, once you enter into the realm of marriage, building and maintaining a successful marriage is actually a big part of personal and financial success. A solid marriage not only results in people sharing resources together, but a marriage also provides a lot of emotional support, cheerleading, and encouragement to succeed.   What follows are twelve little things I do quite regularly in my marriage. Please, use as many of these as seem reasonable.   I tell my wife I love her every single day. I usually do it in the morning before she leaves the bedroom, and on weekdays I'll also tell her when I see her in the evening for the first time. I usually couple(加倍,成双) it with a kiss. It's so simple, but it's a constant reminder of the fact that I do love her, no matter what.   I ask about her day, listen, and ask follow up questions. I do this not only so I can keep tabs on her professional life, but also to give her a great chance to vent about her situation. Everyone needs to talk about themselves sometimes to someone who is interested - I try to provide that for her as often as I can.   I try to surprise her on a regular basis. I'll spend an hour preparing a really excellent supper when she doesn't expect it. I'll spontaneously give the kids a bath when she's comfortable on the couch under a blanket, even if it's her turn. Doing these little unexpected things not only shows her I care, but also often compels her to do similar things for me.   I hold her hand. I do this all the time, whenever it crosses my mind and seems appropriate. I'll just hold her hand gently while we're talking or we're riding in the car or we're waiting for an appointment or we're sitting on the couch in the evenings.   I talk about EVERYTHING with her and let her determine what's interesting. If something is concerning me, I don't hide it from her. I tell her about it. Most of the time she's interested and we'll discuss it - sometimes she's not and I let it drop . Either way, though, she gets the message that I'm making an effort to share and be open.   I work on building a positive relationship with her family. Whenever I visit or see anyone in her family, I make a special effort to try to establish or build upon a strong relationship with them. This accomplishes several things: it makes her more at ease in a family situation, it helps me to build stronger ties with people that are important to her, and it helps me to understand the influences that were around her as she grew up.   I send her messages during the day. About once a week, during a time where my wife is really present in my thoughts, I send her a little simple note by email. All it says is something along the lines of "I was thinking about you just now. I can't wait until I see you this evening." It's just a very simple way of letting her know she's on my mind and in my heart.   I put careful thought into gifts I give her. Sure, it's easy to just run out and get a generic gift to cover yourself during an anniversary or a birthday. However, a gift with some real thought behind it means substantially more than an obviously off-the-cuff gift.   I encourage her to follow her passions and interests, even if they don't inspire or interest me. If my wife chooses to spend significant time on a project, it's obviously something that's important to her. That doesn't imply at all that it has to be important to me. If she's involved in her own project, I give her positive encouragement and then work on my own interests instead of saying things like "that seems like a waste of time."   If she needs me, I willingly contribute to(有助于,贡献) those passions. If something genuinely excites her and she wants me to experience it, I willingly involve myself in whatever it may be: a particular type of art, a craft project, a yard project, whatever. Even if I don't enjoy it, I do have the opportunity to learn more about my wife and what she's passionate about, which means that my understanding of her grows.   I look for opportunities to build mutual(共同的,相互的) friendships. The idea that there is a group of people that are "my" friends and another group that is "her" friends can be a big dividing factor between us. Instead, I often focus on building friendships and relationships that we share with others so that something of a community of friendship and love grows up around us.   I hold her every night, even if it's just for a moment. I might be completely exhausted when I go to bed in the evening, but I take a moment to move close to her, put my arm around her, and hold her close, even if it's just for a minute or so. That moment of physical contact(身体接触) to end the day is a simple sign of love.   高中生英语朗读美文篇二   致地球的公开信   First off, allow us to apologize for the abductions(绑架,劫持).   Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, we recognize that too often you did not find the experience as satisfying as we did. We genuinely regret the way things got out of hand.   It started out as just something to do, an occasional way to blow off steam(发脾气,减压) after a long day of observation. We tried not to break anybody, and we always put you back where we found you. Frankly you aren't all that interesting, and we might soon have grown tired of the whole thing.   But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and all. You made us feel special, even if your tales were complete crap. The books, the movies, the T-shirts—we were like celebrities. And some of you took it all so seriously, with your conspiracy theories and everything. It was really quite a hoot(叫嚣,嘲骂声).   Then this guy Whitley Strieber came along, and he sort of took the joy out of it, you know? What a killjoy shitbag he is. Today we abduct only nerdy guys who live alone in Airstream trailers, primarily because they're nerds and, truth be told, we just like to mess with their heads.   Many of you have written asking about crop circles, so let's set the record straight.   It ain't us. Really, it's not. Think about it. You people have trouble reaching your own moon, and even you have cell phones, satellite TV, and high-speed DSL.   We sail between stars at speeds you believe impossible—you think we have to knock down veggies(蔬菜) in order to communicate?   And why do you always assume we land in rural areas? Please. On a planet with New York, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, and Amsterdam, you figure we'd choose to hang out in Roswell, New Mexico? Have any of you actually been there?   We would be remiss if we failed to mention the anal(肛门的,直肠的) probing. For the longest time, we swear we thought those were data ports. We meant no harm, and hope that you will, like us, try to forget this unfortunate chapter in our history. Inretrospect(回顾往事) it was simply a bad idea.   Now we don't want to be seen as whiners(哀诉者,哭诉者), but there are a few things we wish to discuss.   For one thing, we are troubled by the way we have been portrayed in the media. We represent an array of life whose richness and sheer scope would astound you. Yet for the most part, on this planet we are typecast as either hairless dweebs with foreheads like watermelons, or else giant insects who want to eat you.   No offense, but this is especially hard to take from a backwater planet most beings have never heard of.   The very word “alien” is plagued(折磨,苦恼) by negative associations. According to our latest focus groups, the term conjures up(使人想象出) images of slimy, parasitic(寄生的) creatures who spring onto the faces of unsuspecting beings in order to plant their young inside, or people picking cabbages.   We've discussed this among ourselves, and we no longer wish to be called aliens. Henceforth, we prefer to be called “Chuck Norris®.” Please do not shorten,hyphenate(用连字符连接), or alter this in any way. The plural form(复数形式) is the same, as in, “Hey, there goes a Chuck Norris®. Wait, there goes another one."   Finally, some advice.   Look, from where we sit, you're all the same. We appreciate that human beings come in slightly different models and colors, and to you these nearly imperceptible differences seem to cause no end of trouble. But honestly, we're astounded that you can even tell yourselves apart. In blind taste tests, in fact, the average Chuck Norris® cannot detect any difference whatsoever. So chill, people of Earth, and try to get along.   While you're in a reflective mood, take a closer look at what you're doing to your planet. You are ruining it: depleting(耗尽) your natural resources, polluting your air, sickening your oceans, and destroying unique species forever. This is just plain wrong, not to mention completely irrational(不合理的,荒谬的). Everyone knows that the logical thing is to find somebody else's planet and ruin that. Noobs. How can you possibly expect to survive in the coming interstellar economy?   By the way, we've elected you to come up with the new shared unit of galactic currency. Just pick something small and ubiquitous(到处存在的), something of nominal value that you won't miss much. It's your call, but we suggest hamsters(田鼠,仓鼠).   In closing, much of what you do befuddles us. Many of your core concepts—such as guilt, selflessness, and David Hasselhoff—simply have no counterparts in non-Terran cultures. You're what galactic sociologists call “a bunch of strange ducks."   Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we have developed a certain affection for you. We'd just as soon keep you around, if only for the entertainment value.   We're going away for a bit now, and when we return, we expect to find that you have made significant progress toward sitting at the adults’ table. This will, of course, mean fewer senseless military conflicts, less reality television, and no more Sudoku.   Don't make us come down there.   高中生英语朗读美文篇三   Don’t Allow Your Weaknesses to Limit You   We all have weaknesses and strengths – no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to outweigh the strengths and sometimes it’s the other way around. Some people get sick easily. Some struggle to manage their finances properly. Some people are hopeless communicators and struggle with relationships.   Many people leave it and that and accept it as just bad luck – but not everyone. Some people facing huge limitations still manage to achieve tremendous things. They rise above their weaknesses and do not allow them to limit their possibilities.   It's Your Choice   I attended a school prize-giving ceremony not so long ago and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft, who had a severe stutter as a child. Instead of allowing this to limit him, he chose to to work hard to overcome it. He is now the Principal Youth Court Judge for New Zealand. Not only did he become successful, but he did so in a profession where he had to speak in front of others regularly — where his weakness is front and center for all to see. If he hadn’t worked on his speaking ability, it would have been very limiting to his life and career prospects.   You can find similar people on New Zealand News channels, and I suspect the same in other countries. There are a number of presenters and reporters who have a noticeably unusual manner of speaking. Perhaps they have a lisp, or they have a peculiar accent or pitch of voice. These people have succeeded in spite of what would be appear to be a weakness in their profession.   Lots of people face far more significant limitations than you do. They may be missing limbs or are born into extreme poverty. But no matter what the limitation, you will always find people who have overcome it.   Here are some more examples:   Brett Eastburn has no arms or legs and yet is an inspirational speaker and and also a very good wrestler. He shares his story in a brief video on his site.   Lance Armstrong’s bout with cancer meant he lost one testicle and had to go through chemotherapy which has a horrific effect on the body. Yet he went on to win the Tour de France, one of the most grueling sports events there is, a record 7 times.   Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles, came from a very poor background. He was constantly plagued with illness as a child and spent large amounts of time in hospital.   At 19 months old, Helen Keller became ill and lost her sight and hearing . She went on to become a world famous author and speaker, and an advocate of many social causes.   Grant Calder is a tetraplegic and yet he still works outdoors on a large sheep farm in New Zealand’s rugged South Island. Here is his inspiring story.   Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. As a child she suffered measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox, double pneumonia and eventually polio, leaving her left leg and foot weak and deformed. Doctors said she would never walk again. She went on to win 3 gold medals in track during the 1960 Olympic games.   Mark Inglis lost both of his legs below the knees in a mountaineering accident, but has since climbed Mt Everest.   Bill Wilson was an alcoholic who wanted to help other alcoholics and founded what was to become Alcoholics Anonymous, a movement that has helped millions of people.   No One Would Have Predicted These Successes   These above are cases involving individuals with significant limitations, and it can be easy to write them off as exceptions to the rule, but that’s not the case. They were just people with problems. If one of these people had told you what they hoped to achieve you would have nodded kindly while quietly thinking to yourself that they had no chance. And yet the results speak for themselves.   We All Face Challenges in Life   Most of us will never have to face the kinds of challenges these people faced. Yet most of us will never achieve to the degree that these people have either.   Unless we choose to.   If Mark Inglis can climb the highest mountain in the world without legs, what can you do?


thinking. I’m obviously a big proponent of positive thinking as the best way to achieve your goals, but it turns out that it can lead to happiness too. Optimism and self-esteem are some of the best indicators of people who lead happy lives. Happy people feel empowered, in control of their lives, and have a positive outlook on life. Action steps: Make positive thinking a habit. In fact, this should be one of the first habits you develop. Get into the habit of squashing all negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Instead of “I can’t” think“I can”. It may sound corny, but it has worked for me, every time.


2、Positive thinking. I’m obviously a big proponent of positive thinking as the best way to achieve your goals, but it turns out that it can lead to happiness too. Optimism and self-esteem are some of the best indicators of people who lead happy lives. Happy people feel empowered, in control of their lives, and have a positive outlook on life. Action steps: Make positive thinking a habit. In fact, this should be one of the first habits you develop. Get into the habit of squashing all negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Instead of “I can’t” think“I can”. It may sound corny, but it has worked for me, every time.


1. Many people believe that they will be happy once they arrive at some specific goal they set for themselves. However, more often than not, once you arrive " there" you will still feel dissatisfied, and move your " there" vision to yet another point in the future. By always chasing after another "there," you are never really appreciating what you already have right "here." It is important for human beings to keep soberminded about the age-old drive to look beyond the place where you now stand. On one hand, your life is enhanced by your dreams and aspirations. On the other hand, these drives can pull you farther and farther from your enjoyment of your life right now. By learning the lessons of gratitude and abundance, you can bring yourself closer to fulfilling the challenge of living in the present.



2、Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.





Look at us today! So many doors are open to us! I believe there have never been such abundant opportunities for self-development as we have today. The doors open to us also pose challenges. Each door is a test of our courage, ability and judgement, but with the support of my teachers, parents and friends, I believe I can meet the challenge head on.

---Excerpt from Hong Ye‘s speech


The other night, as I saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. I found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to something else, someplace else, a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seemed to have been except the deer. And all those unforgettable scenes strengthened the feeling that it‘s time for us to do something, for our own and our coming generation.

---Excerpt from Gu Qiubei‘s speech


Like many young people of my age in China, I want to see my country get prosperous and enjoy respect in the international community. But it seems to me that mere patriotism is not just enough. It is vitally important that we young people do more serious thinking and broaden our minds to bigger issues.

---Excerpt from Sun Ning‘s speech


To us young people, challenge often emerges in the form of competition. In the next century, competition will not only come from other college graduates, but also from people of all ages, of all origins. With increasing international exchanges, we have to face growing-competition from the whole outside world. This is calling for a higher level of our personal development.

---Excerpt from Liu Xin‘s speech


A Chinese philosopher, Feng Youlan, once said China is an old country with a new life. To us, that means this country with a long, long history is on its course of modernization. I am encouraged every time I think of it. I do believe China really has a bright future, if it seeks this opportunity to continue building a road to the world. I see the future as a huge project in which I can play an important role. China needs more and better roads to the rest of the world. I feel needed. I feel inspired. I‘m ready.

---Excerpt from Li Shu‘s speech


We live at a critical juncture of our evolution because such problems as ethnic conflict and regional unrest are increasingly posing a threat to peace and happiness of the whole human race. To cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter future, we need to learn to live more harmoniously in a world community which is becoming smaller and smaller.

---Excerpt from Liang Limin‘s speech


What happened to this beautiful valley in Australia should also happen to our Yellow River and, in fact, it is happening. I have seen farmers planting trees on mountains along the Yellow River. I have seen them climb the mountain tops with seeding on their shoulders because they had no machinery. I have seen them pour on trees the water they carried up in buckets from miles down the valley. These farmers are quietly nourishing our Yellow River, just as the river has nourished them.

---Excerpt from Cai Li‘s speech


If a person inherits his father‘s millions of dollars and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. The term "success", to be sure, will not sit still for easy definition. But as I understand it, the true meaning of success entails a combination of both the process and the satisfactory result of an endeavor.

---Excerpt from Chen Heng‘s speech


The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unique image. What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics? It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red.

---Excerpt from Qi Yue‘s speech


美文是写得好的精美 文章 ,是顺应时代潮流的优美文字,是时尚和经典的结合,是文学和思想的联姻,是 文化 艺苑中经久不衰的瑰宝。下面是我带来的高中生必背英语美文,欢迎阅读!高中生必背英语美文篇一 给一位青年的忠告advice to a young man Remember, my son, you have to work. Whether you handle a pick or a pen, a wheel-barrow or a set of books, digging ditches or editing a paper, ringing an auction bell or writing funny things, you must work. If you look around you will see the men who are the most able to live the rest of their days without work are the men who work the hardest. Don't be afraid of killing yourself with overwork. It is beyond your power to do that on the sunny side of thirty. They die sometimes, but it is because they quit work at six in the evening, and do not go home until two in the morning. It’s the interval that kills, my son. The work gives you an appetite for your meals; it lends solidity to your slumbers, it gives you a perfect and grateful appreciation of a holiday. 谨记,我的年轻人,你们必须工作.不管你是使锄头还是用笔,也不管是推手推车还是编记账簿,也不管你是种地还是编辑报纸,是拍卖师亦或是作家,都必须有一份工作,并为之努力奋斗.如果仔细观察周围的人,你就会发现,那些工作最努力的人最有可能安享晚年而无须去工作.不要害怕超负荷的工作会缩短你的寿命,不足三十岁的年龄,你的承受能力远不止如此.如果说真的有人过早送命,那完全是因为他们在晚上六点结束工作,却要在外流连到凌晨两点才归家.我的年轻人,正是晚上六点到凌晨两点的这段时间的生活毁了他们自己.工作会增加你的食欲,工作会使你安然入睡,工作将会使你心满意足地享受假日. There are young men who do not work, but the world is not proud of them. It does not know their names, even it simply speaks of them as “old So-and-So’s boy”. Nobody likes them; the great, busy world doesn’t know that they are there. So find out what you want to be and do, and take off your coat and make a dust in the world. The busier you are, the less harm you will be apt to get into, the sweeter will be your sleep, the brighter and happier your holidays, and the better satisfied will the world be with you. 有的年轻人不工作,但世界并不会因他们自豪。它不知道他们的姓名,甚至简单地将他们概括为“老令人讨厌者的男孩 ” 。没有人喜欢他们;伟大,繁忙的世界不知道他们在那里。因此,找出哪些你想成为和做的,脱下你的外衣,把粉尘抛在世界上。越是繁忙的你越是少受伤害,甜蜜将成为您的睡眠,光明和幸福着您的假期,更好地满足你的意志世界。 高中生必背英语美文篇二 青春Youth Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. 青春不是年华,而是心境;青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志,恢宏的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命的深泉在涌流。 Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by deserting our ideals. 青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进取压倒苟安。如此锐气,二十后生而有之,六旬男子则更多见。年岁有加,并非垂老,理想丢弃,方堕暮年。 Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust. 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。忧烦,惶恐,丧失自信,定使心灵扭曲,意气如灰。 Whether 60 or 16, there is in every being’s heart the lure of wonder,the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young. 无论年届花甲,拟或二八芳龄,心中皆有生命之欢乐,奇迹之诱惑,孩童般天真久盛不衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信号,你就青春永驻,风华常存。 When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80. 一旦天线下降,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实已垂垂老矣;然则只要树起天线,捕捉乐观信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉年轻。 高中生必背英语美文篇三 两种时间观念Two views of times Imagine that you spent your whole life at a single house.Each day of the same hour you entered an artificially-lit room,undressed and took up the same positioning in front of a motion picture camera.It photographed one frame of you per day,every day of your life. On your seventy-second birthday,the reel of film was shown.You saw yourself growing and aging over seventy-two years in less than half an hour(27.4minutes at sixteen frames per second). Images of this sort ,though terrifying, are helpful in suggesting unfamiliar but useful perspectives of time. They may ,for example ,symbolize the telescoped ,almost momentary charater of the past as seen through the eyes of an anxious or disaffected individual. Or they may suggest the remarkable brevity of our lifes in the cosmic scale of time. If the estimated age of the cosmos were shorted to seventy-two years, a human life would take about ten seconds. 设想你在同一间房子里度过了一生。每天在同一时刻,你进入一间人工照明的房间,脱去衣服,在摄影机前摆同一姿势。在你一生所有的日子里,摄影机每天给你拍下一个镜头。在你72岁生日那天,放映这部影片。不到半个小时(每秒16个镜头,总共27.4分钟),你就看完了自己在72年里的“兴衰”。这样的图像尽管让人惧怕,却能向我们说明那陌生而有用的时间概念。比方说,它们可能象征着转瞬即逝的过去的缩影,如同在一个忧心忡忡或愤愤不平的人眼中所见的那样。或者它们可能说明了在宇宙的时间里,我们生命的异常短暂。如果将宇宙的估计年龄缩短到72年,人的一生可能只有10秒钟。 But look at time the other way. Each day is a minor eternity of over 86000 seconds. During each second, the number of distinct molecular functions going on within the human body is comparable to the mumber of seconds in the estimated age of the cosmos, A few seconds are long enough for a revolutionary idea, a startling communication, a baby's conception, a wounding insult, a sudden death. Depending on how we think of them, our lives can be infinitely long or infinitely short. 但是从另一个角度看时间,每天都有86, 000多秒的小永恒。每一秒钟,人体内所进行的不同的分子作用的次数可与宇宙估计年龄中的秒钟数相比。几秒钟的时间已足够酝酿一场革命、进行一次惊人的沟通、孕育一个婴孩、制造一次伤人的侮辱、造成一起突然死亡事件。我们的寿命可以是无限长久,也可以是权其短暂,这取决于我们怎么看待这一切。


随着英语的国际化越来越广泛,我国的 英语学习 者也逐年激增,各大英语学习网站也推出英语美文的赏析和阅读。下面是我带来的中学经典英语美文,欢迎阅读!  中学经典英语美文篇一   Smile   When you smile, I smile, that’s the deal.   I will not walk past you and not look you in the eyes and not acknowledge you.   Instead we will pass each other and say hello.   Not with our words, for they are not the same; but with our faces.   I meet you and I see there is good in your eyes, there's passion in your heart and there's a friendly hello in your smile.   And for the first time we can relate and appreciate each other.   That’s all it takes, that’s where it starts.   Because I know that you will smile and I will smile and the rest is easy.   参考译文   微笑   当你微笑,我也微笑,我们一言为定。   我不会从你身边走过并且不看着你的双眼,不会给你任何回应。   相反,我们互相走过时会对对方说:“你好”。   不是我们的语言,因为它们是不一样的;而是用我们的脸。   我遇到你,我从你的眼睛中看到美好,你心中拥有热情,还有从你的笑容中听到你说“你好”。   这是我们第一次建立关系,第一次相互欣赏。   就是这么简单,一切从这一刻开始。   因为我知道你会微笑,我会微笑,其余一切都会很容易。   中学经典英语美文篇二   Why Failure Can Be Your FriendI believe it is important to separate good failures from bad failures. Good failures happen when, even though you made the correct decision, you still lost. Bad failures happen because you made bad decisions, or worse, didn’t make a decision at all. Although the two feel the same, they have a completely different long-term impact.   I’m a novice poker player. One of the first things I learned was that there were good wins and bad wins. Good wins were because you had a sound strategy of betting where the odds were in your favor. Bad wins happened when you just got lucky. Going all-in on a 2-7 off-suit might win the hand. But it doesn’t mean you’re a good poker player.   Good Failures   Mentally separating good failures from bad failures takes work. Poker is a simple game where the laws of probability are cleanly defined. Real life is a lot messier. It takes more effort to decide which failures were because of a bad decision and which were just the unintended side-effects of the best choice available.   Although it can be difficult to separate the two, there are benefits to making two piles instead of just one. By separating the two types of failures, it is easier to persevere through good failures. It may hurt to have your Business proposal shut down for the fifteenth time, but it isn’t necessarily a bad failure.   By separating the two, you can also avoid more bad failures. If you fail because of laziness, indecision or poor planning, you can quickly correct those in the future. Knowing the difference between good and bad failures keeps you from repeating stupid mistakes.   Types of Good Failures   I’ve found that there are several categories of good failures. These are the kinds of failures you might actually seek out. Since they come from good, not bad, decisions, they are the best way to fail.   1. High Upside, Low Downside   There are many areas of life where the upside is far greater than the downside. When I write an article, it takes about 90 minutes of work. If nobody comments or responds to that post, then I’ve just wasted 90 minutes.   However, if the article becomes popular, it can bring in thousands of visitors to my website. Those thousands of visitors translate into new readers who can get value from the website. In addition, the extra traffic often results in a higher monthly income for me.   Writing blog entries is an example where failure is cheap and winning can be huge. I’d gladly take a dozen or two dozen failures for a big hit. A post that doesn’t get attention is a good failure.   2. Breaking Through Your Limits   The only way you can know your limits are to go past them. Occasionally I’ve committed myself to more work than I can handle. The result is stress and, in extreme cases, complete burnout. Doing more than you can handle on a regular basis is a recipe for a nervous breakdown.   However, if you don’t test those limits and occasionally go past them, you can never improve. You’ll always go slightly below your capacity, never reaching your possible potential. I don’t enjoy an exhausting schedule, but occasionally facing one ensures my productivity muscles stay strong.   3. Embarrassment and Smart Risk-Taking   There are some situations where failures and successes can’t be separated. There is no action that will guarantee you only get success. In these cases, it can be useful to ignore the losses since the wins will make up for it.   Public Speaking is a great example. Any chance you get to speak in public runs you the risk of embarrassment. You might say something stupid. The audience might not like your speech. But if you don’t face those failures, it’s impossible to deliver a fantastic speech.   4. Staying Inside Your Comfort Zone   The only way to have a bad failure is to stay put. If you are constantly experimenting and pushing beyond your daily routine, any result is a good result. Avoiding the things that scare you doesn’t make you safe, it makes you weaker.   Over a year ago I took dance classes. For a self-proclaimed geek, this was definitely a step outside my comfort zone. I loved the class. Even though it was outside of my comfort zone, I had a great time and learned something valuable. This wasn’t a failure, but it just as easily could have been. It’s better to discourage laziness than occasionally stumbling.   5. Taking on Too Big a Challenge   More than a few times I’ve set goals that were nearly impossible to accomplish. I didn’t have enough time to reach the deadline and I had no idea what I was doing. Although setting extremely difficult challenges results in a lot of failures, it keeps you sharp.   The ideal challenge level is where success is possible, but only if you work incredibly hard. Unfortunately, finding this sweet spot means you’ll end up making some goals too hard and others too easy. If you never fail at a big challenge it probably means most of your goals have been set too easy.   Just as there are good and bad failures, there are good and bad wins. I’d rather have a good failure than a bad win. A bad win might feel nice in the short term, but it is damaging over the big picture.   Do you have a personal example of a good failure? Please share it in the comments below.   中学经典英语美文篇三   I Love You, Mom   I Love You, Mom   ... and I Want You to Know Why   I Feel So Proud to Be Your Daughter   You are a remarkable woman   who accomplishes so much as a   strong woman   in a man's world   You are strong but soft   You are strong but caring   You are strong but compassionate   You are a remarkable woman   who accomplishes so much as a   giving woman   in a selfish world   You give to your friends   You give to your family   You give to everyone   You are a remarkable woman   who is also a remarkable mother   And you are loved by so many people   whose lives you have touched -   especially me   [中文大意]   我爱你,妈妈,并且想让您知道我为什么以做您的女儿而自豪!   您是一位不平凡的女人:作为一个坚强的女人,在男性世界里取得了许多成绩。您坚强但是温柔,您坚强但是慈爱,您坚强但是富有同情心;   您是一位不平凡的女人:在这样一个自私的世界里,您却给予别人许多。您帮助您的朋友,家人,每一个人;   您是一位不平凡的女人,也是一个不平凡的母亲。您被许多人(特别是我)热爱着,您影响了他们的生活。

目前,随着社会经济的快速发展,英语成为了主要的国际通用语言之一,这必然引起人们对 英语学习 的兴趣日益增强。下面是我带来的高中生英语朗读美文,欢迎阅读!  高中生英语朗读美文篇一   Some thoughts on building a successful marriage   From my perspective, once you enter into the realm of marriage, building and maintaining a successful marriage is actually a big part of personal and financial success. A solid marriage not only results in people sharing resources together, but a marriage also provides a lot of emotional support, cheerleading, and encouragement to succeed.   What follows are twelve little things I do quite regularly in my marriage. Please, use as many of these as seem reasonable.   I tell my wife I love her every single day. I usually do it in the morning before she leaves the bedroom, and on weekdays I'll also tell her when I see her in the evening for the first time. I usually couple(加倍,成双) it with a kiss. It's so simple, but it's a constant reminder of the fact that I do love her, no matter what.   I ask about her day, listen, and ask follow up questions. I do this not only so I can keep tabs on her professional life, but also to give her a great chance to vent about her situation. Everyone needs to talk about themselves sometimes to someone who is interested - I try to provide that for her as often as I can.   I try to surprise her on a regular basis. I'll spend an hour preparing a really excellent supper when she doesn't expect it. I'll spontaneously give the kids a bath when she's comfortable on the couch under a blanket, even if it's her turn. Doing these little unexpected things not only shows her I care, but also often compels her to do similar things for me.   I hold her hand. I do this all the time, whenever it crosses my mind and seems appropriate. I'll just hold her hand gently while we're talking or we're riding in the car or we're waiting for an appointment or we're sitting on the couch in the evenings.   I talk about EVERYTHING with her and let her determine what's interesting. If something is concerning me, I don't hide it from her. I tell her about it. Most of the time she's interested and we'll discuss it - sometimes she's not and I let it drop . Either way, though, she gets the message that I'm making an effort to share and be open.   I work on building a positive relationship with her family. Whenever I visit or see anyone in her family, I make a special effort to try to establish or build upon a strong relationship with them. This accomplishes several things: it makes her more at ease in a family situation, it helps me to build stronger ties with people that are important to her, and it helps me to understand the influences that were around her as she grew up.   I send her messages during the day. About once a week, during a time where my wife is really present in my thoughts, I send her a little simple note by email. All it says is something along the lines of "I was thinking about you just now. I can't wait until I see you this evening." It's just a very simple way of letting her know she's on my mind and in my heart.   I put careful thought into gifts I give her. Sure, it's easy to just run out and get a generic gift to cover yourself during an anniversary or a birthday. However, a gift with some real thought behind it means substantially more than an obviously off-the-cuff gift.   I encourage her to follow her passions and interests, even if they don't inspire or interest me. If my wife chooses to spend significant time on a project, it's obviously something that's important to her. That doesn't imply at all that it has to be important to me. If she's involved in her own project, I give her positive encouragement and then work on my own interests instead of saying things like "that seems like a waste of time."   If she needs me, I willingly contribute to(有助于,贡献) those passions. If something genuinely excites her and she wants me to experience it, I willingly involve myself in whatever it may be: a particular type of art, a craft project, a yard project, whatever. Even if I don't enjoy it, I do have the opportunity to learn more about my wife and what she's passionate about, which means that my understanding of her grows.   I look for opportunities to build mutual(共同的,相互的) friendships. The idea that there is a group of people that are "my" friends and another group that is "her" friends can be a big dividing factor between us. Instead, I often focus on building friendships and relationships that we share with others so that something of a community of friendship and love grows up around us.   I hold her every night, even if it's just for a moment. I might be completely exhausted when I go to bed in the evening, but I take a moment to move close to her, put my arm around her, and hold her close, even if it's just for a minute or so. That moment of physical contact(身体接触) to end the day is a simple sign of love.   高中生英语朗读美文篇二   致地球的公开信   First off, allow us to apologize for the abductions(绑架,劫持).   Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, we recognize that too often you did not find the experience as satisfying as we did. We genuinely regret the way things got out of hand.   It started out as just something to do, an occasional way to blow off steam(发脾气,减压) after a long day of observation. We tried not to break anybody, and we always put you back where we found you. Frankly you aren't all that interesting, and we might soon have grown tired of the whole thing.   But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and all. You made us feel special, even if your tales were complete crap. The books, the movies, the T-shirts—we were like celebrities. And some of you took it all so seriously, with your conspiracy theories and everything. It was really quite a hoot(叫嚣,嘲骂声).   Then this guy Whitley Strieber came along, and he sort of took the joy out of it, you know? What a killjoy shitbag he is. Today we abduct only nerdy guys who live alone in Airstream trailers, primarily because they're nerds and, truth be told, we just like to mess with their heads.   Many of you have written asking about crop circles, so let's set the record straight.   It ain't us. Really, it's not. Think about it. You people have trouble reaching your own moon, and even you have cell phones, satellite TV, and high-speed DSL.   We sail between stars at speeds you believe impossible—you think we have to knock down veggies(蔬菜) in order to communicate?   And why do you always assume we land in rural areas? Please. On a planet with New York, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, and Amsterdam, you figure we'd choose to hang out in Roswell, New Mexico? Have any of you actually been there?   We would be remiss if we failed to mention the anal(肛门的,直肠的) probing. For the longest time, we swear we thought those were data ports. We meant no harm, and hope that you will, like us, try to forget this unfortunate chapter in our history. Inretrospect(回顾往事) it was simply a bad idea.   Now we don't want to be seen as whiners(哀诉者,哭诉者), but there are a few things we wish to discuss.   For one thing, we are troubled by the way we have been portrayed in the media. We represent an array of life whose richness and sheer scope would astound you. Yet for the most part, on this planet we are typecast as either hairless dweebs with foreheads like watermelons, or else giant insects who want to eat you.   No offense, but this is especially hard to take from a backwater planet most beings have never heard of.   The very word “alien” is plagued(折磨,苦恼) by negative associations. According to our latest focus groups, the term conjures up(使人想象出) images of slimy, parasitic(寄生的) creatures who spring onto the faces of unsuspecting beings in order to plant their young inside, or people picking cabbages.   We've discussed this among ourselves, and we no longer wish to be called aliens. Henceforth, we prefer to be called “Chuck Norris®.” Please do not shorten,hyphenate(用连字符连接), or alter this in any way. The plural form(复数形式) is the same, as in, “Hey, there goes a Chuck Norris®. Wait, there goes another one."   Finally, some advice.   Look, from where we sit, you're all the same. We appreciate that human beings come in slightly different models and colors, and to you these nearly imperceptible differences seem to cause no end of trouble. But honestly, we're astounded that you can even tell yourselves apart. In blind taste tests, in fact, the average Chuck Norris® cannot detect any difference whatsoever. So chill, people of Earth, and try to get along.   While you're in a reflective mood, take a closer look at what you're doing to your planet. You are ruining it: depleting(耗尽) your natural resources, polluting your air, sickening your oceans, and destroying unique species forever. This is just plain wrong, not to mention completely irrational(不合理的,荒谬的). Everyone knows that the logical thing is to find somebody else's planet and ruin that. Noobs. How can you possibly expect to survive in the coming interstellar economy?   By the way, we've elected you to come up with the new shared unit of galactic currency. Just pick something small and ubiquitous(到处存在的), something of nominal value that you won't miss much. It's your call, but we suggest hamsters(田鼠,仓鼠).   In closing, much of what you do befuddles us. Many of your core concepts—such as guilt, selflessness, and David Hasselhoff—simply have no counterparts in non-Terran cultures. You're what galactic sociologists call “a bunch of strange ducks."   Yet for reasons not entirely clear, we have developed a certain affection for you. We'd just as soon keep you around, if only for the entertainment value.   We're going away for a bit now, and when we return, we expect to find that you have made significant progress toward sitting at the adults’ table. This will, of course, mean fewer senseless military conflicts, less reality television, and no more Sudoku.   Don't make us come down there.   高中生英语朗读美文篇三   Don’t Allow Your Weaknesses to Limit You   We all have weaknesses and strengths – no matter who we are. Sometimes the weaknesses seem to outweigh the strengths and sometimes it’s the other way around. Some people get sick easily. Some struggle to manage their finances properly. Some people are hopeless communicators and struggle with relationships.   Many people leave it and that and accept it as just bad luck – but not everyone. Some people facing huge limitations still manage to achieve tremendous things. They rise above their weaknesses and do not allow them to limit their possibilities.   It's Your Choice   I attended a school prize-giving ceremony not so long ago and the guest speaker was Andrew Becroft, who had a severe stutter as a child. Instead of allowing this to limit him, he chose to to work hard to overcome it. He is now the Principal Youth Court Judge for New Zealand. Not only did he become successful, but he did so in a profession where he had to speak in front of others regularly — where his weakness is front and center for all to see. If he hadn’t worked on his speaking ability, it would have been very limiting to his life and career prospects.   You can find similar people on New Zealand News channels, and I suspect the same in other countries. There are a number of presenters and reporters who have a noticeably unusual manner of speaking. Perhaps they have a lisp, or they have a peculiar accent or pitch of voice. These people have succeeded in spite of what would be appear to be a weakness in their profession.   Lots of people face far more significant limitations than you do. They may be missing limbs or are born into extreme poverty. But no matter what the limitation, you will always find people who have overcome it.   Here are some more examples:   Brett Eastburn has no arms or legs and yet is an inspirational speaker and and also a very good wrestler. He shares his story in a brief video on his site.   Lance Armstrong’s bout with cancer meant he lost one testicle and had to go through chemotherapy which has a horrific effect on the body. Yet he went on to win the Tour de France, one of the most grueling sports events there is, a record 7 times.   Ringo Starr, drummer for the Beatles, came from a very poor background. He was constantly plagued with illness as a child and spent large amounts of time in hospital.   At 19 months old, Helen Keller became ill and lost her sight and hearing . She went on to become a world famous author and speaker, and an advocate of many social causes.   Grant Calder is a tetraplegic and yet he still works outdoors on a large sheep farm in New Zealand’s rugged South Island. Here is his inspiring story.   Wilma Rudolph was the 20th of 22 children. As a child she suffered measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox, double pneumonia and eventually polio, leaving her left leg and foot weak and deformed. Doctors said she would never walk again. She went on to win 3 gold medals in track during the 1960 Olympic games.   Mark Inglis lost both of his legs below the knees in a mountaineering accident, but has since climbed Mt Everest.   Bill Wilson was an alcoholic who wanted to help other alcoholics and founded what was to become Alcoholics Anonymous, a movement that has helped millions of people.   No One Would Have Predicted These Successes   These above are cases involving individuals with significant limitations, and it can be easy to write them off as exceptions to the rule, but that’s not the case. They were just people with problems. If one of these people had told you what they hoped to achieve you would have nodded kindly while quietly thinking to yourself that they had no chance. And yet the results speak for themselves.   We All Face Challenges in Life   Most of us will never have to face the kinds of challenges these people faced. Yet most of us will never achieve to the degree that these people have either.   Unless we choose to.   If Mark Inglis can climb the highest mountain in the world without legs, what can you do?

同伴互助学习在英语诵读中的有效应用,可以提高学生的英语口语表达水平及阅读水平。本文是我整理的高中英语经典诵读短文,欢迎阅读。   篇1:高中英语经典诵读短文   Key Factors to Success   No doubt, everyone wishes to be successful in life. But most success depends on three factors: diligence, devotion, and perseverance.   The first key factor is diligence. Diligence can help us remove ignorance and overe difficulties. It can make a fool wise, and a poor man rich. If we idle away our time now, our future life will be a failure. If we are diligent now, we will surely be successful in the future.   Devotion, which means the concentration of our mind and effort in doing things, is another key factor to success. Whatever job we are doing, we must love it and do it heart and soul. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well.   Furthermore, perseverance is also necessary for any success. If we study or work day after day, there is nothing cannot be achieved. Without a strong will, on the other hand, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties.   To conclude, all great man achieve success through diligence, devotion and perseverance. Just as the famous English saying goes, “No pain, no gain.”   【注释】diligence n. 努力,勤奋;devotion n. 热爱,投入;perseverance n. 毅力;坚持不懈;idle away 浪费光阴,虚度时间   【译文】 成功的关键要素   毫无疑问,每个人都想在生活中有所成就。但大多数的成功都取决于三个关键要素:勤奋、投入和持之以恒。   第一个关键要素是勤奋。勤奋可以帮助我们摆脱无知,克服困难。勤奋可以使愚昧的人变得聪明,使贫穷的人变得富裕。如果我们现在虚度光阴,未来的人生就会失败;如果我们现在勤奋,将来一定会非常成功。   投入是成功的另一个关键要素,它意味着集中精力努力做事。我们应该热爱我们所做的任何工作,并全心全意做到最好。只有全身心地投入,才能把工作做好。   此外,持之以恒对任何成功而言都是必不可少的。如果我们每天都坚持学习或工作,没有什么是不可能的。另一方面,没有坚强的意志,我们遇到困难时极易放弃。   一句话,所有的伟人都是通过勤奋、投入和持之以恒而获得成功的。正如那句有名的谚语所说:“不劳不获”。   篇2:高中英语经典诵读短文   Ways of munication   When you speak, write a letter, or make a telephone call, your words carry a message. People municate with words. But do you how people also municate without words? A *** ile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head and people know you are saying “no”. You nod and people know you are saying “yes”.   People can municate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, the blue seas, and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and what other people are thinking about.   【译文】 交流方式   当你说话、写信或打电话的时候,你的言语就传递了资讯。人们用语言交流。不过,你知道吗?人们不用语言也能交流。脸上的微笑显示你高兴或友好;眼中的泪水告诉别人你很伤心。课堂上你一举手,老师就知道你有话要说或有问题要问。你摇摇头,人们就知道你在说“不”;你点点头,人们就知道你在说“是”。   人们还可以用其他许多方式来相互交流。画家可以用他的绘画来表现壮丽的山脉、湛蓝的大海和其他许多事物。作家撰写书籍给你讲述世界上一切奇妙的事物,告诉你别人的思想。   American Dining Etiquette   If you’re invited to an American friend’s home for dinner, keep in mind these general rules for polite behavior.   First of all, arrive approximately on time ***but not early***. Americans expect promptness. It’s OK to be ten or fifteen minutes late but not forty-five minutes late. Dinner might be overcooked and ruined by then. When you’re invited to someone’s home for a meal, it’s polite to bring a *** all gift. Flowers or candy are always appropriate. If you have an attractive item made in your native country, your host or hostess would certainly enjoy receiving that as a gift.   Don’t leave immediately after dinner, but don’t overstay your wele, either. When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of conversation, take their behavior as a cue to leave. The next day, call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.   【注释】   ① etiquette ['eti'ket] n. 礼节;规矩 ***manners n. 礼貌;规矩;风俗习惯***   ② approximately [ə'prɔksimitli] adv. 近似地;大约   ③ promptness [prɔmptnis] n. 准时;正好 ***punctuality 守时,准时;punctual adj.守时的*** ④ appropriate [ə'prəupriət] adj. 适当的 ***proper adj. 适当的,恰当的 be proper to*** ⑤ cue [kju:] n. 暗示;提示   ⑥ overstay one’s wele ***某人***呆的太久让人生厌   【译文】 美国人进餐的礼节   如果你应邀去一位美国朋友家共进晚餐,你应该记住以下这些礼貌行事的规矩。   首先,争取按时到达***但不要早到***。美国人希望守时。晚10分钟或15分钟到不成问题,但不应迟到45分钟,因为那时候菜肴或许会因烹饪时间过长而失去应有的美味。你应邀去别人家吃饭时,不妨带件小礼物以示礼貌。鲜花和糖果总是很合适的。如果你带点自己国家的特产,主人肯定会高兴地收下这份礼物。   不要吃完马上就走,但也不应逗留过长时间。如果你的朋友看上去已经有些疲倦,你们似乎也没有什么可聊的了,不妨把这看作是告辞的暗示。第二天,给朋友打个电话或写个感谢卡以表明自己昨晚过得很愉快。   篇3:高中英语经典诵读短文   bout Websites   Email, games, music, news, chat rooms, and shopping! The Internet is part of the way we live today. The Web has large numbers of websites on it. They are the places you go to get information and do things.   Where do these websites e from? They are made by web designers. If you click on a word or a picture, you will be sent to another page. It’s all because of the web designer. They do a lot of work by using a puter programming language. They must imagine a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colors to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well.   【译文】   电子邮件、游戏、音乐、新闻、聊天室以及购物!因特网已经成为我们当今生活方式的一部分。网路有很多的网站,那些网站就是你获取资讯和做事的地方。   这些网站是哪里来的呢?它们都是由网路设计师设计出来的。如果你点选一个词或一张图片,你就会被带到另一个网页。这些都归功于网路设计员。他们与用一种电脑程式语言,完成了大量的工作。他们在设计一个网站时,需要想象很多东西。这个网站必须看起来美观,用起来有趣。网站设计很大一部分是美术设计。他们挑选最好的图片及颜色使得网站美观。他们写一些你在网上看到的东西。他们的另一种重要工作就是与网站管理员商量如何将网站设计得更好。


随着英语的国际化越来越广泛,我国的 英语学习 者也逐年激增,各大英语学习网站也推出英语美文的赏析和阅读。下面是我带来的中学经典英语美文,欢迎阅读!  中学经典英语美文篇一   Smile   When you smile, I smile, that’s the deal.   I will not walk past you and not look you in the eyes and not acknowledge you.   Instead we will pass each other and say hello.   Not with our words, for they are not the same; but with our faces.   I meet you and I see there is good in your eyes, there's passion in your heart and there's a friendly hello in your smile.   And for the first time we can relate and appreciate each other.   That’s all it takes, that’s where it starts.   Because I know that you will smile and I will smile and the rest is easy.   参考译文   微笑   当你微笑,我也微笑,我们一言为定。   我不会从你身边走过并且不看着你的双眼,不会给你任何回应。   相反,我们互相走过时会对对方说:“你好”。   不是我们的语言,因为它们是不一样的;而是用我们的脸。   我遇到你,我从你的眼睛中看到美好,你心中拥有热情,还有从你的笑容中听到你说“你好”。   这是我们第一次建立关系,第一次相互欣赏。   就是这么简单,一切从这一刻开始。   因为我知道你会微笑,我会微笑,其余一切都会很容易。   中学经典英语美文篇二   Why Failure Can Be Your FriendI believe it is important to separate good failures from bad failures. Good failures happen when, even though you made the correct decision, you still lost. Bad failures happen because you made bad decisions, or worse, didn’t make a decision at all. Although the two feel the same, they have a completely different long-term impact.   I’m a novice poker player. One of the first things I learned was that there were good wins and bad wins. Good wins were because you had a sound strategy of betting where the odds were in your favor. Bad wins happened when you just got lucky. Going all-in on a 2-7 off-suit might win the hand. But it doesn’t mean you’re a good poker player.   Good Failures   Mentally separating good failures from bad failures takes work. Poker is a simple game where the laws of probability are cleanly defined. Real life is a lot messier. It takes more effort to decide which failures were because of a bad decision and which were just the unintended side-effects of the best choice available.   Although it can be difficult to separate the two, there are benefits to making two piles instead of just one. By separating the two types of failures, it is easier to persevere through good failures. It may hurt to have your Business proposal shut down for the fifteenth time, but it isn’t necessarily a bad failure.   By separating the two, you can also avoid more bad failures. If you fail because of laziness, indecision or poor planning, you can quickly correct those in the future. Knowing the difference between good and bad failures keeps you from repeating stupid mistakes.   Types of Good Failures   I’ve found that there are several categories of good failures. These are the kinds of failures you might actually seek out. Since they come from good, not bad, decisions, they are the best way to fail.   1. High Upside, Low Downside   There are many areas of life where the upside is far greater than the downside. When I write an article, it takes about 90 minutes of work. If nobody comments or responds to that post, then I’ve just wasted 90 minutes.   However, if the article becomes popular, it can bring in thousands of visitors to my website. Those thousands of visitors translate into new readers who can get value from the website. In addition, the extra traffic often results in a higher monthly income for me.   Writing blog entries is an example where failure is cheap and winning can be huge. I’d gladly take a dozen or two dozen failures for a big hit. A post that doesn’t get attention is a good failure.   2. Breaking Through Your Limits   The only way you can know your limits are to go past them. Occasionally I’ve committed myself to more work than I can handle. The result is stress and, in extreme cases, complete burnout. Doing more than you can handle on a regular basis is a recipe for a nervous breakdown.   However, if you don’t test those limits and occasionally go past them, you can never improve. You’ll always go slightly below your capacity, never reaching your possible potential. I don’t enjoy an exhausting schedule, but occasionally facing one ensures my productivity muscles stay strong.   3. Embarrassment and Smart Risk-Taking   There are some situations where failures and successes can’t be separated. There is no action that will guarantee you only get success. In these cases, it can be useful to ignore the losses since the wins will make up for it.   Public Speaking is a great example. Any chance you get to speak in public runs you the risk of embarrassment. You might say something stupid. The audience might not like your speech. But if you don’t face those failures, it’s impossible to deliver a fantastic speech.   4. Staying Inside Your Comfort Zone   The only way to have a bad failure is to stay put. If you are constantly experimenting and pushing beyond your daily routine, any result is a good result. Avoiding the things that scare you doesn’t make you safe, it makes you weaker.   Over a year ago I took dance classes. For a self-proclaimed geek, this was definitely a step outside my comfort zone. I loved the class. Even though it was outside of my comfort zone, I had a great time and learned something valuable. This wasn’t a failure, but it just as easily could have been. It’s better to discourage laziness than occasionally stumbling.   5. Taking on Too Big a Challenge   More than a few times I’ve set goals that were nearly impossible to accomplish. I didn’t have enough time to reach the deadline and I had no idea what I was doing. Although setting extremely difficult challenges results in a lot of failures, it keeps you sharp.   The ideal challenge level is where success is possible, but only if you work incredibly hard. Unfortunately, finding this sweet spot means you’ll end up making some goals too hard and others too easy. If you never fail at a big challenge it probably means most of your goals have been set too easy.   Just as there are good and bad failures, there are good and bad wins. I’d rather have a good failure than a bad win. A bad win might feel nice in the short term, but it is damaging over the big picture.   Do you have a personal example of a good failure? Please share it in the comments below.   中学经典英语美文篇三   I Love You, Mom   I Love You, Mom   ... and I Want You to Know Why   I Feel So Proud to Be Your Daughter   You are a remarkable woman   who accomplishes so much as a   strong woman   in a man's world   You are strong but soft   You are strong but caring   You are strong but compassionate   You are a remarkable woman   who accomplishes so much as a   giving woman   in a selfish world   You give to your friends   You give to your family   You give to everyone   You are a remarkable woman   who is also a remarkable mother   And you are loved by so many people   whose lives you have touched -   especially me   [中文大意]   我爱你,妈妈,并且想让您知道我为什么以做您的女儿而自豪!   您是一位不平凡的女人:作为一个坚强的女人,在男性世界里取得了许多成绩。您坚强但是温柔,您坚强但是慈爱,您坚强但是富有同情心;   您是一位不平凡的女人:在这样一个自私的世界里,您却给予别人许多。您帮助您的朋友,家人,每一个人;   您是一位不平凡的女人,也是一个不平凡的母亲。您被许多人(特别是我)热爱着,您影响了他们的生活。

有很多英语学习者喜欢背诵美文以提高自己的英语水平,如果英语学习者能够清晰的把握美文的衔接手段,则他们的背诵则会事半功倍。我精心收集了适合高中的英语美文,供大家欣赏学习!   适合高中的英语美文:幸福的本质   I live in Hollywood. You may think people in such a glamorous***迷人的*** , fun-filled place are happier than others. If so, you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.   Many intelligent people still equate***等同*** happiness with fun. The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in mon. Fun is what we experience during an act. Happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more abiding emotion.   Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television, are fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.   I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun. These rich, beautiful individuals have constant access to glamorous parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells "happiness".   But in memoir after memoir, celebrities reveal the unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholi *** , drug addiction, broken marriages, troubled children, profound loneliness.   The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equates happiness actually diminishes***减少*** their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness. But, in fact, the opposite is true: More times than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain.   As a result, many people avoid the very endeavors that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably***不可避免地*** brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious mitment, civic or charitable work, and self-improvement.   适合高中的英语美文:Every Woman is beautiful   A little boy asked his mother "Why are you crying?"   "Because I'm a woman," she told him.   "I don't understand," he said.   His mum just hugged him and said, "And you never will."   Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"   "All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.   The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.   Finally he put in a call to God; and when God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?"   God said: "When I made the woman, she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world; yet, gentle enough to give fort."   "I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times es from her children."   "I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue***疲劳*** without plaining."   "I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly."   "I gave her strength to carry her hu *** and through his faults and fashioned her from his rib***肋骨*** to protect his heart."   "I gave her wisdom to know that a good hu *** and never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly***坚定的*** ."   "And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."   "You see, the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she bs her hair."   "The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides."   Every Woman is beautiful.   适合高中的英语美文:在书店里度过的时光   Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or merely you are there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon bee totally unaware of your surroundings.   The desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust jacket***书皮,包书纸*** is irresistible, although this method of selection ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather dull book.   You soon bee engrossed in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment --without buying a book, of course.   This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think , the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. You can wander round such places to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no assistant to you with inevitable greeting, "Can I help you, sir?" You finished browsing.   Then, and only then, are his services necessary. Of course you may want to find out where a particular section is, but when he has led you there, the assistant should retire carefully and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.   You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to e out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste great deal of time wandering from section to section.


Road to success 成功之路

It is well that young men should begin at thebeginning and occupy the most subordinatepositions. Many ofthe leading businessmen ofPittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrust uponthem at the very threshold of their career. They wereintroduced to the broom, and spent the first hoursof their business lives sweeping out the office. Inotice we have janitors and janitresses now inoffices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the geniusof the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. The other day afond fashionable mother in Michigan asked a young manwhether he had ever seen ayoung ladysweep in a room so grandly as her said no,he never had, and the mother wasgratified beyond measure, but then he said, after a pause,“What I should like to see her do issweep out a room.”It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary. Iwas one of those sweepers myself.


Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is “aimhigh”. Iwould not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner orthe head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as headclerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Say toyourself, “My place is at the top.” Be king in your dreams.


And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy,thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun inone line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have thebest machinery, and know the most about it.


The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they havescatteredtheir brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here there, andeverywhere. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” is all wrong. I tell you to “put all your eggsin one basket, and then watch that basket.” Look round you and take notice, men who do thatnot often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too manybaskets that breaks most eggs in this who carries three baskets must put one onhis head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American businessman is lackof concentration.


To summarize what I have said: aim for the highest; never enter a bar room; do not touchliquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cashfund; make the firm’s interestyours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put allyour eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly, benot impatient, for as Emerson says, “no one can cheatyou out of ultimate success butyourselves.”


Once a circle missed a circle wanted tobe whole,so it went around looking for its because it was incomplete and thereforecould roll only very slowly,it admired the flowersalong the chatted with enjoyed found lots of different pieces,but noneof them it left them all by the side of the roadand kept on one day the circle founda piece that fit was so it could be whole,with nothing incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to that it was a perfect circle,itcould roll very fast,too fast to notice the flowers or talking to the it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly,it stopped,left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.


The lesson of the story,I suggested,was that in some strange sense we are more wholewhen we are missing man who has everything is in some ways a poor will never know what it feels like to yearn,to hope,to nourish his soul with the dream of something will never know the experience of having someone who loves him give him something he has always wanted or never had.


There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitations,who hasbeen brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strongenough to go through a tragedy and survive,who can lose someone and still feel like acomplete person.


Life is not a trap set for us by God so that he can condemn us for is not a spellingbee,where no matter how many words you've gotten right,you're disqualified if you make ismore like a baseball season,where even the best team loses one-third of its games and even the worst team has its days of goal is to win more games thanwe lose.


When we accept that imperfection is part of being human,and when we can continue rolling through life andappreciate it,we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only ,I believe,is what God asks of us not "Be perfect",not "Don't even make amistake",but "Be whole."


If we are brave enough to love,strong enough to forgive,generous enough to rejoice inanother's happiness,and wise enough to know there is enough love to go around for usall,then we can achieve a fulfillmentthat no other living creature will ever know.




The First Ball Games


The first interesting thing for sports use was the ball.


In ancient Egypt, as in everywhere,


throwing stones was a favorite children's game.


But a stone could hurt a child.


Looking for something less dangerous to throw,


the people in Egypt made,perhaps,the first balls.


At first,balls were made of grass or leaves held together


Later they made balls with animals' skin.


They put the pieces of animals' skin together with thread


and put in some birds' feathers or grass.


This kind of ball was soft and not heavy.Everyone liked to play with it.


Although the people in Egypt liked fighting and wars,


they tried to save time for sports games.


Before long they could play a lot of new ball games,each with its own rules.


Perhaps they thought


the games were useful to help the young men run faster in wars.


Partying with Foreigners


Partying is fun.But have you ever been invited to a party by a foreigner?


What should you wear?


Should you bring anything?


If so,what?


Don't worry.


Today we are going to give you some tips about partying with foreigners.


First,you should ask if it is a formal or casual party.


Then you will know what to wear.


It's as simple as that.


At a casual party, it is customary to bring a bottle of wine or some other refreshment.


It is not considered polite to bring someone along with you unless you first ask your host.


At more formal parties like birthdays,a small gift will be sufficient.


Giving money would cause some embarrassment.


Finally,never overstay your welcome.


When it's getting late,it's time to thank you host for a wonderful evening and say good night.


Valentine's Day


Valentine's Day is named for Saint Valentine,


an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.


Valentine was executed for his Christian beliefs


on February 14 more than 1700 years ago,


but the day that has his name is even earlier than that.


More than 2000 years ago,the ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers.


As part of the celebration,


girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large container


Boys reached into the container and pulled one out.


The girl whose name was written on the paper


became his lover of sweetheart for a year.


Lovers still put their names on pieces of paper


and send each other Valentine's Day cards that tell of their love.


Sometimes they send gifts,like flowers or chocolate candy.


Americans usually send these gifts and cards through the mail system.


But some use another way to send this message.


They have it printed in a newspaper.The cost is usually a few dollars.


Some of these messages are simple and short:


"Jane,I love you very much.Peter."


Others say more.This one for example:"Dan Roses are red, violets are blue.


I hope you love me as much as I love you.Forever,Mary."


Most of the news- papers that print such messages are local,


but one,USA Today,


is sold throughout the United States and 90 other countries as well.


This means someone can send a Valentine messages to a lover


in far away city or town almost anywhere in the world.


These massages cost$80 and more.


An employee of the USA Today


says readers can have a small heart or rose


printed along with their messages nowadays.


Will this kind of Valentine's Day message reach the one you love?


Well,just make sure he or she reads the newspaper.


随着全球经济一体化的发展,我国的 教育 和 文化 等方面也在不断地向前发展。英语作为全球通用的语言,是不同国家的人们之间沟通的桥梁。下面是我带来的英语短篇美文朗诵,欢迎阅读!英语短篇美文朗诵篇一 Who’s who It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: the hoax. Inviting the fire-brigade to put out a non-existent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in, Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victims. When a student recently saw two workmen using a pneumatic drill outside his university, he immediately telephoned the police and informed them that two students dressed up as workmen were tearing up the road with a pneumatic drill. As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not to take him seriously. He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information. The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and hear everything that went on. Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away. When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen, he threatened to remove them by force. The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help. Shortly afterwards, four more policemen arrived and remonstrated with the workmen. As the men refused to stop working, the police attempted to seize the pneumatic drill. The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper. He threatened to call the police. At this, the police pointed out ironically that this would hardly be necessary as the men were already under arrest. Pretending to speak seriously, one of the workmen asked if he might make a telephone call before being taken to the station. Permission was granted and a policeman accompanied him to a call-box. Only when he saw that the man was actually telephoning the police did he realize that they had all been the victims of a hoax. 谁也弄不清为什么大学生好像比任何人都更喜欢恶作剧。大学生擅长一种特殊的恶作剧——戏弄人。请消防队来扑灭一场根本没有的大火是一种低级骗局,有自尊心的大学生决不会去做。大学生们常常做的是制造一种可笑的局面,使大家笑上一场,当然受害者是笑不出来的。 最近有个学生看见两个工人在学校门外用风钻干活,马上打电话 报告 警察,说有两个学生装扮成工人,正在用风钻破坏路面。挂上电话后,他又马上来到工人那儿,告诉他们若有个警察来让他们走开,不要把他当回事,还对工人说,有个学生常装扮成警察无聊地同别人开玩笑。警察与工人都对那个学生事先通报情况表示感谢。 那个学生躲在附近一拱形的门廊里,在那儿可以看见、听到现场发生的一切。果然,警察来了,不礼貌地请工人离开此地;但其中一个工人粗鲁地回了几句。于是警察威胁要强行使他们离开。工人说,悉听尊便。警察去打电话叫人。一会儿工夫,又来了4个警察,规劝工人离开。由于工人拒绝停下手中的活,警察想夺风钻。两个工人奋力抗争,其中一个发了火,威胁说要去叫警察。警察听后讥讽地说,这大可不必,因为他俩已被逮捕了。其中一个工人装模作样地问道,在被带往警察局之前,是否可以打一个电话。警察同意了,陪他来到一个投币地电话前,当他看到那个工人真的是给警察挂电话,才恍然大悟,原来他们都成一场骗局的受害者。 英语短篇美文朗诵篇二 Daniel Mendoza Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago. In those days, boxers fought with bare fists for Prize money. Because of this, they were known as 'prize-fighters'. However, boxing was very crude, for there were no rules and a prize-fighter could be seriously injured or even killed during a match. One of the most colourful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza who was born in 1764. The use of gloves was not introduced until 1860 when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set Of rules. Though he was technically a prize-fighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prize-fighting into a sport, for he brought science to the game. In his day, Mendoza enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was adored by rich and poor alike. Mendoza rose to fame swiftly after a boxing-match when he was only fourteen years old. This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England. He offered to train Mendoza and his young pupil was quick to learn. In fact, Mendoza soon became so successful that Humphries turned against him. The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight. A match was held at Stilton where both men fought for an hour. The public bet a great deal of money on Mendoza, but he was defeated. Mendoza met Humphries in the ring on a later occasion and he lost for a second time. It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England. Meanwhile, he founded a highly successful Academy and even Lord Byron became one of his pupils. He earned enormous sums of money and was paid as much as &100 for a single appearance. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt. After he was defeated by a boxer called Gentleman Jackson, he was quickly forgotten. He was sent to prison for failing to pay his debts and died in poverty in 1836. 两百年前, 拳击 比赛在英国非常盛行。当时,拳击手们不戴手套,为争夺奖金而搏斗。因此,他们被称作“职业拳击手”。不过,拳击是十分野蛮的,因为当时没有任何比赛规则,职业拳击手有可能在比赛中受重伤,甚至丧命。 拳击史上最引人注目的人物之一是丹尼尔.门多萨,他生于1764年。1860年昆斯伯里侯爵第一次为拳击比赛制定了规则,拳击比赛这才用上了手套。虽然门多萨严格来讲不过是个职业拳击手,但在把这种粗野的拳击变成一种 体育运动 方面,他作出了重大贡献。是他把科学引进了这项运动。门多萨在的全盛时期深受大家欢迎,无论是富人还是穷人都对他祟拜备至。 门多萨在14岁时参加一场拳击赛后一举成名。这引起当时英国拳坛名将理查德.汉弗莱斯的注意。他主动提出教授门多萨,而年少的门多萨一学就会。事实上,门多萨不久便名声大振,致使汉弗莱斯与他反目为敌。两个人争吵不休,显而易见,只有较量一番才能解决问题。于是两人在斯蒂尔顿设下赛场,厮打了一个小时。公众把大笔赌注下到了门多萨身上,但他却输了。后来,门多萨与汉弗莱斯再次在拳击场上较量,门多萨又输了一场。直到1790年他们第3次对垒,门多萨才终于击败汉弗莱斯,成了全英拳击冠军。同时,他建立了一所拳击学校,办得很成功,连拜伦勋爵也成了他的学生。门多萨挣来大笔大笔的钱,一次出场费就多可达100英镑。尽管收入不少,但他挥霍无度,经常债台高筑。他在被一个叫杰克逊绅士的拳击手击败后很快被遗忘。他因无力还债而被捕入狱,最后于1836年在贫困中死去。 英语短篇美文朗诵篇三 By heart Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. In many ways, this is unfortunate for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same lines night after night. One would expect them to know their parts by heart and never have cause to falter. Yet this is not always the case. A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years. In the last act, a gaoler would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner. Even though the noble was expected to read the letter at each performance, he always insisted that it should be written out in full. One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if, after so many performances, he had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart. The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. Just then, the gaoler appeared with the precious letter in his hands. He entered the cell and presented the letter to the aristocrat. But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. The gaoler looked on eagerly, anxious to see if his fellow-actor had at last learnt his lines. The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then, squinting his eyes, he said: 'The light is dim. Read the letter to me.' And he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler. Finding that he could not remember a word of the letter either, the gaoler replied: 'The light is indeed dim, sire. I must get my glasses.' With this, he hurried off the stage. Much to the aristocrat's amusement, the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter which he proceeded to read to the prisoner. 有些剧目十分成功,以致连续上演好几年。这样一来,可怜的演员们可倒霉了。因为他们需要一夜连着一夜地重复同样的台词。人们以为,这些演员一定会把台词背得烂熟,绝不会临场结巴的,但情况却并不总是这样。 有一位名演员曾在一出极为成功的剧目中扮演一个贵族角色,这个贵族已在巴士底狱被关押了20年。在最后一幕中,狱卒手持一封信上场,然后将信交给狱中那位贵族。尽管那个贵族每场戏都得念一遍那封信。但他还是坚持要求将信的全文写在信纸上。 一天晚上,狱卒决定与他的同事开一个玩笑,看看他反复演出这么多场之后,是否已将信的内容记熟了。大幕拉开,最后一幕戏开演,贵族独自一人坐在铁窗后阴暗的牢房里。这时狱卒上场,手里拿着那封珍贵的信。狱卒走进牢房,将信交给贵族。但这回狱卒给贵族的信没有像往常那样把全文写全,而是一张白纸。狱卒热切地观察着,急于想了解他的同事是否记熟了台词。贵族盯着纸看了几秒钟,然后,眼珠一转,说道:“光线太暗,请给我读一下这封信。”说完,他一下子把信递给狱卒。狱卒发现自己连一个字也记不住,于是便说:“陛下,这儿光线的确太暗了,我得去眼镜拿来。”他一边说着,一边匆匆下台。贵族感到非常好笑的是:一会儿工夫,狱卒重新登台,拿来一副眼镜以及平时使用的那封信,然后为那囚犯念了起来。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/27165.html发布于 2024-09-19
