

小思 2024-09-19 23
高一英语教案10篇人教版摘要: 高一英语教案10篇英语 快速阅读 的培养不可能一天就学会和掌握,必须有一个循序渐进的过程。本文的出发点在于平时学习过程中的培养和训练,才能在考试过程中发挥得淋漓尽致,达到满...


英语 快速阅读 的培养不可能一天就学会和掌握,必须有一个循序渐进的过程。本文的出发点在于平时学习过程中的培养和训练,才能在考试过程中发挥得淋漓尽致,达到满意的效果。因此,在日常学习中,要有意识地按照精英特快速阅读的要求进行大量的训练,制定出计划和严格的要求,一步一个脚印地进行。只要持之以恒,必然会见效。接下来是我为大家整理的2020高中英语教案 范文 ,希望大家喜欢!


《Unit 3 A taste of English humour》



Teaching Objectives

1. Students are able to learn more about nonverbal humour as well as Charlie Chaplin through network-based.

2. Students are able to get the gen eral idea and detailed information of the passage by skimming, scanning as well as interpreta tion and appreciation.

3. Students will learn to face difficulties in life with optimism and humour as well as learn to cooperate with others in groups.


Teaching difficult points

1. How to guide students to search for and sort out related information according to the assigned task through the Internet.

2. How to cu ltivate students’ learning ability through teamwork based on network.

Teaching important points

1. Help students to get the general idea and detailed information of the text effectively by skimming and scanning.

2. Help students to analyze the reasons for Charlie Chaplin’s success by interpreting the key sentences and get them inspired.


Step 1

Lead-in(3 mins)

1.Students’ Activities:

2.The Purpose of Activities

Students are to appreciate a video clip performed by Mr. Bean.

Students will be guided to acquire the form of nonverbal humour in a vivid way,

thus eage r to learn about the main character of the text with interest.

Step 2

Network-based Interactive Learning(25 mins)

1.Students’ Activities

(1).Students are divided into five groups to search for and sorted out the related information according to the assigned task online

(2)A representative of each group is to share the information with the others.

2.the Purpose of Activities

Students will develop their ability to effectively sort out information on the Internet throug h group cooperation as well as feel a sense of achievement by their oral presentation.

Step3 Text-based Reading(17 mins)

Students’ Activities 1. Students are to read the text quickly, and then answer the questions according to the text. 2. Read Paragraph 3 carefully, and then answer the question ---Why did “the little tramp”become Charlie Chaplin’ famous character ?3. Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks

。4. Find out the sentences that can account for Charlie Chaplin’s success from the text.

2.The Purpose of Activities

(1)Students will get the general idea as well as the structu re of the text by skimming.

(2)Students will get the detailed information and have a deeper understanding of the text.

(3) Students will get inspired while analyzing the secret to Charlie Chaplin’s success by interpre ting and appreciating some key sentences in the text.


Step 5 Homework

1. Students are to read the text carefully again and underline the phrases and sentences difficult to understand after class.

2. Write a summary (about 130 words).




1. 通过学生分享自己的旅游经历,用英语进行交流与表达。

2. 通过略读与找读,使学生获取 文章 主要信息,练习阅读技巧。

3. 通过小组讨论为旅游准备的物品,使学生用英语简单的语言实践活动。





I、Warming Up:

1. I’d like to share my travelling experience with you, and would you like to share your travelling experience?

2. The world has many great rivers. Have you been to these rivers?


II. Pre-reading

Have you been to the Mekong River? What countries does the Mekong River flow through?


III. Reading

1. Skimming

Skim the passage and find the main idea for each paragraph

Para 1: Dream

Para 2: A stubborn sister

Para 3: Preparation

设计意图: 略读:学生快速浏览课文,寻找相关信息并搭配段落大意。点拨阅读技巧:注意每段开头及结尾。

2. Scanning

1). Read Para 1 and find the key word for the information:

Who and What

Where and How

Why and When

设计意图:1.寻找who,what,where,how,why and when等关键信息,让学生把握这类 记叙文 的阅读要点。2. 根据图表复述,练习学生语言整合与连贯的能力。

2). Please use at least three adjectives to describe Wang Wei according to Para2, and give your reasons.


3). Read 3 and answer: what can they see along the Mekong River?

Suppose you are a tourist guide, please introduce the Mekong River briefly to your audience.


IV. Group work

Imagine that you are preparing for your own trip down the Mekong. In your groups of four: choose 5 things that you think are the most useful, and give your reasons why you choose them.


V. Summary

What have we learned in this class?

设计思路:引导学生 反思 本节课主要内容及重难点。



1. Read the passage as fluently as possible after class.

2. Preview Learning about Language.



Unit 3 Travel Journal

Part 1 The dream and the plan

careless waterfall

determined entire

excited view






任何语言的习得和学习都离不开大量阅读的实践。许多教师也意识到高中阅读对于学生综合语言能力培养的重要性,用尽各种办法来培养学生的阅读微技能。当然这样做的目的确实也提高了学生测试性阅读的能力。如阅读前讲解重点生词或词组,阅读中找main idea, 设计不同程度的问题帮助不同层次学生理解阅读,呈现表格,运用复述,角色扮演,采访等不同形式来开展阅读任务。以上虽均衡了话题及功能两方面,但这些 方法 仍只停留在字,词,句及其他细节的表层理解上。要想真正让学生内化阅读材料,除了表层的理解外,阅读也要关注语言文字背后的深层理解和 文化 内涵。这点我们可以从 语文学习 上得到启示。《英语新课程标准》就阅读的知识性和欣赏性上提出了指导思想:语言有丰富的文化内涵。 英语学习 就是要关注说英语国家的历史地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、价值观念等,从而加深对世界文化的理解。因此,笔者认为高中 英语阅读 课除了训练测试性阅读之外,需要大量的欣赏性阅读材料来补充教学。教师应该冲破词汇,语法的束缚,在阅读中突出技能渗透的同时,应将课文阅读教学提高到欣赏性阅读的美学高度,真正培养他们的英语学习兴趣。


教学内容为高一NSEFC Book 1 Unit 4的reading task。作为地震内容的阅读补充材料,它是作家Jack London的笔下之作。以一个目击者的身份,介绍了旧金山大地震的所见所闻所感。语言地道优美,描述性较强。重点是欣赏阅读中训练略读和查读两大阅读微技能,逐步加深对旧金山地震及细节理解,并对地震中发生的一切形成自己的观点看法和情感态度,体会人们地震后表现出来的勇敢精神。本课难点是如何引导学生paraphrase 课文中的几个 句子 如A list of the brave men and women would fill a library. A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses.




(一) warming-up引入

1.教师用播放San Francisco的音乐录音,让学生带着问题what is the song about? 去欣赏.

( Now listen to an English song.. After listening, tell me What the song is about)


What country is it in? In what part of the country does it lie?

PPT呈现一张地球板块分布图,并让学生说出旧金山位于哪两个板块交界处。(San Francisco lies where the American plate and pacific plate meet. The two jump and an earthquake may be felt)

教师自然引入:This was just what happened in 1906.



浏览题目 the story of an eyewitness呈现两个问题帮助学生预测大意。

Q1: What does an eyewitness mean? Q2: If you were an eyewitness, what would you see and hear during the earthquake?


学生一般都这样描述: The world was at an end! The bridges cracked and broke; the people were killed; buildings were destroyed…The houses were shaking and then the buildings collapsed and were destroyed; Everything was in ruins…..



Q: What did the author see and hear? 划出作者的所见所闻句子。



Q1: Can you find an adj to describe how the author felt about the earthquake? Why?

Q2: Can you find an adj to describe how the people felt about the earthquake? Why?

Scanning称扫读或寻读。目的是找出某些特定信息或回答阅读理解题所需要的事实及依据。在对通篇文章疏而不漏的快速扫描中,迅速定位信息点,而和内容无关或关系不大的部分则可一带而过。该阅读材料文学性强,所描述的细节也很多,学生很难以找出一主线去分析地震景象。以上的两个问题解决了这一教学难点。这两个问题十分有效地让学生去思考人们在震中和震后的感受。通过第一个班的教学,笔者发现可以先将Q2提前解决。因为学生很快就能说出人们的感受。They are kind, sad…教师顺势抓住学生的思维,马上问Why?

Can you find some sentences to support your opinion? 进一步提升问题的本质,启发学生的思维,学生很快也能找到支撑的信息:They helped one another climb the high hills around the city. Never in all San Francisco’s history were her people so kind as on that terrible night. 第二个班级教学中说到人们为什么很悲伤难过,学生的兴趣一下子被激发出来。有人说他们失去了家人,亲人,朋友;有人说他们失去了房子,无家可归;由于课文中的一句话还能证明他们可能会由于失去财产和至爱而悲伤。我也趁机问学生:What can you conclude from the sentence?

“whole families put everything they owned and could save into wagon” 引导学生这样思考they may lose possessions and beloved ones so they are very sad.然后问学生what do you think of the earthquake?你能在文中找出几个形容词来描述么?其实这也就回答了第一个问题。在这整个过程中,教师起到的作用是组织,参与和引导,重视了学生在学习中的主体能动作用。

(五)Careful Appreciation

1.Discovering structure


1) San Francisco is gone.

2) Its businesses are gone.

3) The factories, hotels and palaces are gone too.

1) A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses.

2) A list of the brave men and women would fill a library.

3) A list of all those killed will never be made.

让学生文中找出并有感情地朗读,让学生能体会其中的情感并提出一个问题让学生进一步思考:What did the writer want to tell us by using these sentences?

2.Paraphrase some important sentences:

A list of the brave men and women would fill a library.

A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses.

让学生第一次做意译,先渗透一些paraphrase的技巧:可以使用句子中的 同义词 、 反义词 ,注释性说明,改换说法,倒换顺序等。帮助学生抓住关键词brave, library, address等的同义来意译。

3.Comparative reading

NSEFC Book 1 Unit 4中前后两篇阅读文章“A Night The Earth Didn’ t Sleep”和“The Story Of An Eyewitness”虽然都是描写地震,但风格截然不同。为了让学生体会到不同的体裁风格,教师设计了一表格来进行对比阅读。

Tangshan earthquake San Francisco earthquake

Main idea


Point of view

Response of people

Where the writer shows more feeling

(六)布置作业:写一篇描写台风之后的小短文the story after a typhoon。




不足之处是在于很多设计问题难度过高,教师一开始没有预料到,直到第一个班级的教学发现诸如这样的句子让学生去意译有很大困难,A list of the brave men and women would fill a library.问题给出后一片沉默,即使是程度比较好的同学也是难以入手。到了二次教学中引导学生通过抓住关键词的同义词去替换解释。In what kind of situation are they called brave people? What does “library” mean? 这两个问题的铺垫较好地处理了教学难点。在今后类似的教学过程中,我想可以提供几个选择项,降低难度,以便更有效地进行因材施教。


教育 要使人愉快,要让一切的教育带有乐趣。接下来是我为大家整理的高中英语教案大全,希望大家喜欢!


《Unit 2 Working the land》




(2)能力目标:让学生进一步使用恰当地阅读方式与技能,如略读(skimming), 快速阅读 (fast reading),细读(close reading)等





1. 话题的引导。(Pre-reading)



2. 跟读与阅读 完成导学案练习

贯彻目的与困难策略,指导学生根据不同的阅读目的,在阅读的不同阶段,灵活使用各种阅读策略,捕捉 文章 主要信息,理解作者的写作意图,突破本文的教学重点与难点。采用整体语言教学法和任务型语言教学法。

1)、通过阅读训练,引导学生如何利用略读(skimming)的 方法 把握文章的大意,侧重培养快速阅读理解能力和文章中心把握能力。

2)、精读各个段落语段,侧重培养快速捕捉文章重要细节的能力和猜测生词的能力,学会欣赏文章中的优美 句子 。

3: 阅读过程--浅层次阅读。(Reading I)

1). 其中关于人物的基本信息中,通过设计了一个信息表格的浅层次阅读练习,对文中人物有了初步了解。

2). 关于他的梦想,书本上描写得非常生动,我让班里有艺术特长的学生画了一幅漫画,利用画面反映课文第四段所描述的内容,同时用第一人称配了声音效果。

4. 阅读过程--深层次阅读。(Reading II)





1. ____________ vt. & vi. 斗争; n.努力

2. ____________ adj. 感到满意的

3. ____________ n.自由; 自主

4. ____________ vt. & vi. 配备; 装备

5. ____________ n. 产量, 输出量

6. ____________vt. 输出 n.出口

7. ____________vt. 搞乱, 使糊涂

8. ____________ n. 补给; vt.提供

9. ____________ adj. 适当的, 相配的

10. ___________vt. 使膨胀 vi. 发展


1.We had a ___________(努力) to stop the criminal.

2. The document will be _____________ (传阅) to all members.

3. I’ll type your report if you’ll baby-sit in e_________.

4. Our farm ___________ the market with fruits and vegetables.

5. We should s__________ the results of the exam briefly and report to the headmaster.

6. Sydney’s population _____________ rapidly in the 1960s.

7. He has a ____________ (晒黑的) face and bright eyes.

8. The plane _________ speed as it was approaching the airport.

9. The workers there worked _______ crazy, with only thirty minutes’ break at noon.

10. He __________ (耕作) the farm with great success.

Comprehending:Paraphrase these sentences.

1. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside

2.Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.

3. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.

4.He would much rahter keep time for his hobbies.

Consolidation Exercise;

1._____ your generous help, or I will not overcome the difficulty.

A.Thanks to B. Because

C. Thanks for D. Thank to

2. It is so_______ that he is always making noises.

A. disturbed B. disturbing

C. disturb D. disturbs

3. He missed the bus, for ________ he came late for work..

A. whom B. that C.where D. which


5. 满意于学生的成绩,他如释重负的笑了。

6. 他宁愿在家里看电视也不愿意打 篮球 。


《Chinese seasonal festival》


1.单元内容所体现的意义:本单元的主题为Celebration,主要是介绍了中外国家的一些主要节日,以及人们在一些重要节日的庆祝活动。通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生理解交际中的 文化 差异,初步形成跨文化交际意识。

2.课前的内容与本节内容的内在联系:在Warm-up 环节部分,学生已了解一些关于“庆祝”的内容及相关词汇,为本课的话题作了一些词汇和内容的铺垫。



2.学生语言知识和技能:学生对本课话题Chinese Seasonal Festivals 已具备一定的背景知识、经历和 经验 ;况且在Warm-up 环节,学生已了解了一些相关的内容及词汇,这些都有助于语言活动的开展 。但是要用英语进行思维和表达,还是有一定的难度。




A.词汇和 短语

seasonal, journey, celebrate, traditional, including, Lantern Festival, origin, decorate, take part in, burn down, sweet dumpling, culture, Zongzi


1)The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.

2)In the old days, dragon boat races were held in Chinese communities.

3)Lanterns were usually lit by candles and decorated with pictures of birds…






2)进一步了解我国的一些主要的节日及其相关的历史源源,从而尊重 传统文化 ,增强爱国主义精神。



2)掌握有效的学习策略,学会独立获取信息和资源,并能整理、分析和 总结 ,从而充实生活。









2.教学策略: 1)Fast reading to get general idea.

2) Careful reading to get detailed information.

3) Free-talk before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.

4) Group work after reading to make students understand what they have learned better.


a recorder, a computer, and a projector


Step1 Lead-in

T: What is your favorite season? What festivals happen during your favorite season?

( 以问题的形式引入本课的主题:Chinese seasonal festival. 由此引起学生的学习兴趣,自然导入课题)

S1: I liker summer. There are Children’s Day, Dragon-boat Festival and Mother’s Day.

S2: My favorite season is winter. They are Spring Festival and Lantern Festival and Christmas Day.

S3: ……

T:Well done. Thank you. Now, let’s enjoy some interesting pictures and guess what is happening and what is being celebrated.


端午节 、 元宵节 和 中秋节 。并且通过图片可以让学生掌握更多的节日和如何表达,如 清明 节, 母亲节 等)

Step2 While-reading


Read the texts quickly. Match the pictures with the festivals.

Picture A Mid-Autumn Festival

Picture B Dragon Boat Festival

Picture C Lantern Festival

(快速阅读环节中的问题可以培养学生的 快速阅读技巧 和获取文章整体信息的能力,达到理解课文表层意思的目的。此类问题可提问一般的学生,增加他们 学习英语 的信心。)


1)Ask the students to read the first passage carefully and answer 3 questions below.

(1)When is the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated?

(2)What do people eat on this day?

(3)Why is this festival important?



3)Read the texts again and fill in the table.


《Scientists at work》


1. 单元背景分析









写:学习在对事物进行理性思考的基础上,运用恰当的句型与词汇描述对事物正反面的不同观点,同时更应注重掌握一些必要的过渡词增加此类写作的条理性与层次感,并应熟悉议论性 作文 的基本写作框架。




(3)。指导学生用批判的思维去接受新的事物,增强他们的 辩论 意识与能力。



词汇:学习并使用一些与science 和scientists有关的词汇。





指导学生运用已学会的抓重点、做记号、摘笔记等方式对所学内容进行整理与归纳,并鼓励学生增加与教师和同学交流、合作,继续培养正确的 自我评价 与相互评价的习惯,从而总结交流学习所得,进一步形成有效的 学习方法 。并指导学生把 英语学习 从课堂延伸到课外,发挥已掌握的使用工具书,查找资料、上网等方式增加用英语思维与表达的能力,了解实验对于科学研究的重要性,树立正确的向上的 学习态度 ,形成具有批判性的看问题习惯。


本单元的中心话题是science and scientists。话题依附于听力、对话、阅读与写作等语言载体中。本单元的话题内容与学生的日常学习有着密切的关系,应该说是以英语为媒体让学生表达他们对平时理化生等理科课程,特别是相关实验,所想到及感受到的内容。因此,尽管本单元的话题对学生而言有着一定的难度,但却有体现出了以学生为中心,贴近学生生活而又富有时代气息的特点。

Warming up设计了四幅与学生的理科课程有关的图片,学生通过对日常熟悉的相干实验工具及场地的识别,展开相关学科特点与学习的讨论。同时在此基础上,要求学生们在Listening部分能熟悉某些实验室的规则及注意事项,掌握如何给予别人指导与说明,并能抓住文章的中心话题,捕捉相关细节内容,回答有关的问题。

Speaking则是一个极富时代气息的讨论练习。要求学生们能对现在热门的尖端科技有所了解,(练习中提供了诸如Maglev train, cloning, nuclear energy, computer 与 space flight等内容)然后能就这些新的科学技术与工具进行理性的辨证的思考,既能感受到它们给我们的生活带来的巨大利益,同时也能发现其中所存在的不足与弊端,并能通过讨论、对话等形式发表自己的观点与想法。这一部分也应该是本单元写作内容的一个铺垫。

Reading讲述的是科学家 Franklin的风筝实验,从而证明Lighting and electricity are the same的 故事 。学生在理解文章的基础上,能充分感受到实验对于科学工作的重要性及科学家是如何获得事业上的成功的。同时能落实材料中所出现的一些单词与短语的使用。

Language Study是在本单元词汇学习的基础上,让学生进一步了解并掌握一定的构词法。主要是兼类词、一词多义现象及合成词的构成。

Integrating skills 通过学生对科学家是否应利用动物进行实验,从而达到发明新产品现象的讨论,理性的从正反两个方面看待这一问题。同时在阅读、思考与讨论的基础上,写下一篇阐明自己观点、立场与看法的短文。



(1)。能就某一话题进行合理的分析,并从不同的角度去分析问题,展示一个物体的利与弊两个方面。同时能在讨论时学会运用哪些结构与单词对事物进行评价,诸如“ It’s good / bad / harmful for… / It’s dangerous / expensive / important / unnecessary/ It brings people …/ It can help people…

(2)。掌握如何就某一话题给予别人指示与说明,能熟练运用 Don’t do… / Don’t forget to… / Make sure… / Remember that… / Do be careful of…等结构进行讨论、对话与表演。



1.高一年级英语上册优秀教案 篇一








教材内容:本课教学内容是新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》,Canada---The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的文章相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍加拿大的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看加拿大。相比较而言,这样的课文难度更大。



2.高一年级英语上册优秀教案 篇二






















3.高一年级英语上册优秀教案 篇三



1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in thispart.

2. Get students to read the play.

3. Let students learn the expressions of ordering food.


1. Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to usedifferent reading strategies to read different reading materials.

2. Enable students to understand and act out the play.

3. Have students learn how to use the expressions to order food.


1. Stimulate students’ interests of learning English by reading and actingthis play.

2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.


1. Develop students’ reading and speaking skills.

2. Let students read and act the play.

3. Have students learn to use the expressions to order food.


1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming,scanning, and so on.

2. Get students to act the play.

3. Have students make a dialogue at the restaurant.

4.高一年级英语上册优秀教案 篇四


Let’s learn部分的单词:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。要求学生能听懂句型,并结合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。逐步学会听、说、读、写单词:old,short,thin,tall,strong。


如何利用所提供的对话和情景,以旧引新,让学生进入学习状态。Let’s start部分在学生用书当中首次出现,教师应正确理解此部分的辅垫作用,可根据实际教学需要进行使用,并帮助学生熟悉教材内容的变化。







(1) 播放Let’s start下面歌谣的录音,让学生听歌谣猜单元话题,激发学生对新学期第一单元英语学习的兴趣。还可以使用四年级上册第三单元学过的句型:“I have a new friend. He’s tall. He’s strong, too.”并结合相关人物的图片,引导学生复习 strong, tall, short,thin等词,为本课时听、说、读、写这些单词做好准备。


T:Hello, everyone! Welcome back to school! Nice to see you!

Ss: Nice to meet you!

(3) 问学生几个问题,引出本课重点内容。具体会话可参考如下:

T:Hi,everyone!Nice to see you grade are you in now?

Ss:We’re in Grade 5.

T:Do you like your new English books(new classroom, new teacher)?


T: What are we going to talk about in Unit 1?Guess!What’s the topic of Unit 1?

2. Presentation(新课呈现)

(1)出示Let’s start部分图片,介绍说: Rabbit has many new teachers in her school. Do you have new teachers? 引导学生根据情景图的提示描述新教师。然后说:“今天我们将学习怎样描述新教师。Sarah将为大家介绍几位新教师,大家在先看一看有哪些是新教师?

(2)出示Let’s learn部分的图片,向学生介绍说:They are Sarah’s teachers. Describe these teachers.引导学生结合预习部分回答出 strong, tall, short, thin等旧词,然后结合图卡向学生呈现新词:youny,kind old,funny。可利用简笔画、单词卡片或实物图片等—一教授新词,使学生正确理解、认读。


(4)根据以下信息请学生判断会话中描述的教师是 Let’s learn配图中的哪一位: Mr Hu is the art teacher. What’s he like?He’s short and thin.完成前面铺垫的学习任务,让学生猜出哪位是Sarah的新教师。再引导学生利用 Let’s learn部分所提供的替换句型,描述Sarah的其他两位新教师,练习巩固所学新词。



’s play (趣味操练)

(1)Let’s find out (找一找)

指导学生用所学新词和句型描述Let’s find out部分几位教师的体貌特征,然后找出正确的图片。完成这项活动后,教师引导学生充分利用八张新词卡片继续进行结对或小组活动,如:My new Chinese teacher is tall and strong. Who is he? 让其他学生选出正确的图片。

(2)Let’s sing (唱一唱)

放歌曲“My new teacher”的录音,学生跟唱,进一步在音乐节奏中感知新词。

and extension(巩固与扩展)

(1)让学生做本单元 A Let’s learn部分的活动手册配套练习。

(2)让学生模仿Let’s find out部分的录音,读给朋友或家长听。展示不同教师的图片,让学生猜出是教哪个科目的教师,然后用所学新词描述这些教师的外貌特征。

(3)让学生参照 Let’s find out部分设计一些谜语让大家清一猜。可以参考以下语言: She is ’s ’s very all like ’s she?



Unit1 My new teachers old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind

5.高一年级英语上册优秀教案 篇五



1、掌握下列词汇和短语: reason, list, share, feelings, Netherlands, German, outdoors,Crazy, nature, dare, thundering, entirely, power, trust, indoors, go through,hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, face to face,according to.

















I. 单词和词组

permission, nation,reduce, fetch, compare, therefore, remain, dislik, share, persuade, hardly, go ahead, burn down, compared to, give up, call for, be used to, get into the habit of

II. 日常交际用语


May / Could / Can I do that?

I wonder if I can do that.

Would / Do you mind if I come earlier?

Will you tell me if can go now?


Yes, please. / Of course. / Sure. / Certainly.

Go ahead, please.

That’s all right. / OK.

It’s all right to me.


I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed here.

You’d better not.

I’m afraid not. It’s not right.





The main dialogue of this unit is to practise the students how to ask for permission, refuse and give permission ability. Though learning the way of expressing are able to remind the students speaking in daily life. This dialogue is the main idea to learn to use these phrase for permission. Though two men’s talking. Meanwhile this lesson offer some practice to help the students to understand and learn about the content of the dialogue. In order to master these phases, this lesson has short dialogue to give the students to speak each other.


fire与be on fire

1)catch fire:begin to burn着火;烧着。catch fire有动态含义,揩“开始燃烧”。


Paper catches fire easily.纸容易着火。

The bed clothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down.铺盖着火了,整个房子都可能烧掉。

2)be on fire:be burning着火;失火。 be on fire有静态含义,指“燃烧的状态”。


The house was on fire.房子着火了。

She woke up at midnight and found the kitchen on fire.她半夜醒来发现厨房失火了。



如senior bookⅰ,unit 3 中的“help! help!”,可按发展顺序设计几幅救落水儿童的图,但只给学生展示第一、二两幅图,图画的内容大致与课文内容相同,但是后几幅的空白,使学生必须通过创造性的想象才能填补材料的空白。学生可以引用课文中的材料,也可以自由发挥。有学生这样写到:

last week, we had a picnic in forest park。 we found a shady place by the river。 as soon as we had sat down, tom suddenly got up and shouted, “someone has fallen into the river!" it was true。 a boy was struggling in the water, and the children in a boat looked hopeless。 tom and jack took off their shoes while running to wards the water。 they swam very quickly towards the boy who was sinking fast。 tom and jack got hold of the boy by the arms and lifted his head above the water。 together they pulled the boy to the shore。

之后,再给学生展示其中一幅图,或一句话的情景:……,a man/a woman/a child, etc。 has fallen into the river/the lake, etc。……。让学生自由选择自由发挥。有的根据曾在报上看到的新闻,称颂一身怀六甲的妇女勇救落水儿童的事迹,也有的谴责那些对落水者无动于衷的旁观者。学生的作文体裁记叙文、议论文不限。这样,既训练了他们书面的`表达能力,又发挥了他们的想象和创造能力、思维表达能力。同时也让他们思索了做人的道理。


处于英语作文起步阶段的学生的想象具有直观性,片面性和模仿性的特点,为其提供的观察材料越具体、越完整、越详实,他们的这些特点往往表现得越明显,有时甚至强化了他们的这些特点。换个方式,为他们提供一些抽象的图画,他们的创造想象反而被激活,因为他们必须在原有的图画上进行创造才可能有新的形象产生。而“抽象画作品所表现的物象与参照物相差甚远,它限度地把形与色对视觉作用的潜力发挥出来,直观效果非常强烈。它经过夸张、简化、分解、组合等变化手段,将客观事物的表象创造成为富于想象力。”如荷兰画家蒙德里安的表达百老汇街道的嘈杂与热闹的《百老汇爵士》(jazz in broadway)是一幅看上去比较抽象的图画,学生通过观察、运用合理的想象,写出了内容各异的作品。


it is the downtown of shanghai。 the streets, such as nanjing road and huaihai road, etc are busy。 cars, buses and trucks with all kinds of advertisements are running。 people dressed in their best are walking happily or hurrying to work on their bikes。 beautifully decorated stores are crowded with people shopping。 they all look in high spirits。 the traffic policemen at the crossings are directing the traffic attentively and seriously。 everything is in good order。 such is our city。 i love our city。

而另有学生在他们的作文中认为这是一个“排污系统”(drain outlet system )或电路板(circuit board)或房屋平面图(a plane figure of a house)等等。




如senior book ⅵ ,unit 7中的“the waltz king ”这一课文,根据内容,可设计让学生听一首beethoven的“命运”(fate),让学生根据自己的理解,写一篇作文,一位学生这样写到:

i am a graduate from high school, and i will enter for the collage entrance examination。 whether i will be admitted to a collage, i will work harder than before , since our country is still poor and weak。



“创造想象是严格的构思过程,它是由思维调节的。”想象会产生全新的物象与情景、独特的认识和感悟。一段文字、一篇文章,给不同的读者,就有不同的想象余地。正如:a thousand readers, a thousand hamlets。(一千个读者,就有一千个哈姆雷特。)在英语作文教学中根据一定的线索或情节,提供学生广阔的思维空间,让学生进行想象描述(创造性的描述),会收到很好的锻炼效果。

例如 “after twenty years" (senior book ⅵ,unit 5) 这一课,可要求学生在学完之后, 简单续写一个结尾。这是一篇根据o。 henry 同名原作改写的文章。文章的故事情节虽然简单,但很能挖掘、发挥学生的创造想象力。学生这样写到:

as soon as the police officer wanted to catch bob by the arm, he took out a gun, aimed at the officer and said, “i knew i was wanted, but i don’t want to be arrested anyway。 tell jim wells i will come to visit him one day。" just at that time, the police officer found himself surrounded by some strong men, gun in hand, pointing to him。 bob then walked into the street and got into a car parking there, followed by those strong men。 the car soon disappeared。


the moment the officer caught bob by the arm, he got rid of it and ran away at once。 he was running down the street as fast as he could, when he was shot on the right shoulder。 he turned round。 to his great surprise, it was jim wells, his o ld friend。 he fell on the ground and fainted。


Teaching Aims and Demands

Words and Phrases

Four Skills: stomach fever ought ought to examine plenty plenty of diet keep up with make a right choice short of fit gain now and then

Three Skills: energy soft bar fuel chemical balance tasty boil mixture

Spoken English:

In the clinic / seeing a doctor:

What’s wrong with you?/What’s the matter with you?

Lie down and let me examine you.

Let me have a look.

Where does it hurt?

Drink plenty of water and get some rest.

I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts.

There’s something wrong with back/my knee/my arm.

I don’t feel well.


Use of Language:

1. Master the function use of language as defined above.

2. Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have learned.

Learn the text about healthy eating. Get the students know about the basic knowledge of how to eat healthily.

Important points:

1. Talk about different kinds of food that one favorites.

2. learn the basic knowledge of healthy eating.

3. learn how to say in the clinic.

4. Grasp the language points and grammar in the text.

Difficult points: The use of modal verbs --- had better, should and ought to.

Teaching aids: computer or slider-projector

Way of Teaching: Communication way of teaching, discussion and group work.

Lesson 1Step 1 Warming-Up

First show the students some pictures of dishes and so to introduce the topic of this unit.

And then show the pictures on their text books and let them to decide what is junk food and what is not.

Here the students may have a short ask and answer in pairs to themselves more engaged in the topic.

Step 2 Listening

Let the students listen to the tape and be prepared to answer the questions below.

Step 3 Speaking

Show the students the three situations as on P2. Then ask the students to prepared a dialogue according to the examples in pairs. Ask several pairs of students to present their dialogue

After that list the useful expressions in their dialogue.

Step 4 Homework

Prepare for the next class.

Collect some menus if possible for the next class.

Lesson 2

Step 1 Introduction

Using the questions on P3 to introduce the new text.

Step 2 Fast-reading

does the “fuel ” mean in the first paragraph?

It means different kinds of materials, such as protein, Calcium that we need to keep healthy.

do we have to consider when we choose to buy or eat?

What kinds of nutrients that the food contain.

made our eating habit changing?

Many things: what people believe, advice from companies and stores.

4. How can we feel and look fine?

We ought to learn about our body and the fuel it needs to keep fit.

Explain the language points if necessary.

Step 3 Carefully-reading

How many parts can be pided into?

Three parts.

What’s the main idea of each part?

eating habits are changing. the eating habits are changing best way to develop healthy eating habits.

Step 4 Talking

Ask the students to take out their menus and read them carefully. Then prepare a dialogue that may happen between a customer and a waiter/waitress.

Step 5 Homework

Finish the exercise --- Vocabulary on P5. and P72-73

Lesson 3

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Grammar

First present the students the modal sentences with Modal Verbs and ask the students to make some sentences with them.

Step 3 Consolidation

1 Finish the exercise on P5 and on P74

2Take out a piece of paper with the column “Ask ###” in order to make the students understand when you are giving advice it is better to use some sentences with had better not, and oughtnot to, shouldnot. Then read a passage as an example and afterwards list the points you have to pay attention to when you give advice.

advice that will really help the person.

2. be polite and sincere

at last get the students to finish the following practice.

Step 4 Homework

Finish the exercise 3 on P74 in the students’ workbook.

Lesson 4

Step 1 Revision

Let some students read their reply to the letters on P74.

Step 2 Reading

Read the text on P6 and then get the students to find the main idea of it Snacks is also important . we need to learn something about snacks and the way to prepare it.

Step 3 Writing

Ask the students to work in pairs to write the recipe for their favourite dish.

We may first give the tips on P7 as a guide.

Step 4 Discussion

First ask the students to read the passage on P75 and then give the following questions as the topic for the students to talk: What is a couch potato?

What does one have to pay special attention to in order to keep healthy? food and exercise etc.

Step 5 Homework

Do a general survey in order to learn about the differences between people’s eating habits and try to find which is healthier.

Teaching goals

1 Target language

a. Key words

achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, specialist, behave, behavior, worthwhile, nest, observe, observation, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire, support, devote …… to

b. Key sentences

Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.

Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move.

But the evening makes it all worthwhile.

…… we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night.

Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.

For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals.

2 Ability goals

a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women.

b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like

3. Learning ability goals

Teach Ss how to describe a person.

Teaching important points

a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲 )that made her successful. If everyone had such kind of heart, they would give everything benefit for all living things. Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation.

b. Ask students to answer these questions:

1) What made her a great success?

2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall?

Teaching difficult points

Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall.

Teaching methods

Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion.

1. Ability goals能力目标

To help the Ss develop their reading ability by skimming for main ideas and car eful-reading for details with the teacher’s guidance.

To get The Ss to master some key words such as witness, abandon, yell, drag, flee and so on.

2. Learning ability goals学能目标

To enable the Ss to talk about animals under the sea.

To help the Ss know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans.

Teaching important points教学重点

Help the Ss know more about animals under the sea as well as the animals’ loyalty and help to human bein gs.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

1. Help the Ss get the main idea and some detailed information by fast-reading and careful-reading.

2. Help the Ss tell apart from Before, During and After in the story.


Step1. Warming Up : Talk about animals under the sea.

1. Have you ever seen some marine animals?

2. What have you seen, and where have you seen them?

I have seen a/some/many…… in/on/from……

amazing marine animals: seal, turtle, dolphin, sea-horse, sea-star, shark, angelfish, jellyfish, lobster, coral

Step2. Fast-reading:

1. Find out the Background Information of the story : writer, career, writing style, time, place, main character.

2. Find out the Main Idea of the passage: What’s the first story mainly about?

Step3. Careful-reading:

1. Clancy had heard of the killer whales that every year killer whales would help whalers catch baleen whales. Did he believe it at first? When did he believe it was a true anecdote?

2. How many paragraphs are there all together in story1? The hunt can be divided into 3 stages.

Stage1: before the hunt: (para. 2-6):

Old Tom’s doing: throwing itself out of … and crashing down again… Why? to tell the whalers…, …by the boat…, circling back to …Why? to lead the whalers…

Whalers’ reaction: Another whaler __________. George _____ ___ _____ Clancy, and Clancy ______ after him. They __________ the boat and ______ ____into the bay.

Stage2&3: Dur ing and after the hunt: (para. 7-9):

Killer whale’s doing: The killers over there are ________ themselves on the top of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it __________; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The killers started ________ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of ____ ___ dogs. When the baleen whale was dead, its body wa s _______ down into the depths of the sea.

Whalers’ reaction: The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.

Conclusion: They have amazing relationship. They work as a team

Step4 : Summary

Working at the _______station, I had the chance to _________ a baleen whale being attacked by a ______ of k iller whales.

On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was __________ my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. I ran down to the ______ in time to see an enormous animal _________ itself out of the water and then _______________ again. George told me it was Old Tom, who announced there would be a ___________.

Using a _________, we could see a baleen whale _______________ by about six killers. Some are ________ themselves on top of the whale’s __________to stop it breathing; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The whalers aimed the ________ at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot. Being badly ________, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was ________ by the killers down into the _______ of the sea.



Deal with Exercise 3 in Comprehending . Let the Ss work in groups and do some discussion:As a matter of fact, whales are now an endangered animal. Many people are trying to protect them from being hunted. The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. But some countries oppose the ban. An d there are still people who hunt whales. What’s your opinion? Are you for or against the banning whaling? Consider the problem carefully and we’ll have a discussion tomorrow.

Focus: Reading

activate the Ss in learning “music”.

2. To develop the Ss’ ability of reading.

3. To help the Ss know something about the different styles of music.

1. Enable the Ss to understand the details about the passage The Band that Wasn’t.

2. Help the Ss to sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

Step 1Warming up

1) Lead in

Before class, T plays a song I’m a believer which was sung by The Monkees, with the words of

the song printed on the screen.

Then tell them: This is one of my favorite music. The music is a little show. When I listen to it,

it will remind of many old things. So I like it very much. What is your favorite music? And whydo you like it? So your favorite music belongs to pop music/rock… What other kinds of music do

you know?(classical music, pop, folk, jazz, dance, rock and roll, hip-hop, rap etc.)

2) Task: Brain-storming

Ask the students to name different music styles. Show some styles of music that they are not

familiar with.



Step 2 Listening and Matching

1)Tell Ss: we are going to listen to eight kinds of music. Here are the pictures for them. Listen

to them carefully and choose the proper picture for each of them.

2) Guide the Ss to sum up the Characteristics for each music style.

3) Check the answers on the computer screen.

Step 3 Pre-reading

1)Task :Listing

Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some of them.

Which one do you like best? Why?

2) Presentation

Ask the Ss to search the information about “The Monkees” before class, and now encourage them to share their information with their teammate.

3) Background information and language support

If necessary , the teacher should provide some background information about “The Monkees” , or explain some key words in the reading passage (P 35, Learning about language part 1 may be a good choice. )

Step 4While-reading

1) Task: Jumbles (Fast reading)

(Group work, four Ss) each student in every group is only given a part (one paragraph)of the complete article and read alone. One minute later, they exchange their own information to the other students of the same group. Then they discuss together and decide the order of the story.

2) Listen and Check

Listen to the tape and check the correct order of the article.

Q: What is the best title of the article?

3) Task : Memory Challenge Task (Scanning)

(Students are given the complete pieces of the article—ask them to open their books.)Get them to read the passage in detail and then work in group raising two questions for other group to answer.(books closed)

4) Reading and Matching

Read the passage again very carefully, and join the parts of the sentences together. (P 35, Part 2)More detailed questions:

①Why do most m

usicians like to be in a band with others?

②Which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?

③How do some bands formed by high school students earn extra money?

④When did the Monkees break up?

5) Brainstorming

Ask the Ss to brainstorm as many suitable adjectives as possible to describe “The Monkees”. Then give the reasons for the choices.

Step 5Post-reading

1) Language Focus

Get the students to sum up the phrases of the article.

Then get the Ss to play a game called “What is your dream?”. Work in pairs and tell each other your dream and what you expect to happen. Use the phrases dream of and be honest with in the sentences.

2) Discussion

Do you think “The Monkees” was really a band? Why and why not?

Step 6Homework

1. Read more about “The Monkees”.

2. Find out some sentences in the reading passage that contain of Whom /in which attributive clauses?

3. Preview “Learning about Language” and finish the relevant exercises.

Period 3 Vocabulary & Grammar

Focus: Grammar

1)To help Ss master the vocabulary about “music”

2)To arouse Ss’ language awareness .

3) To consolidate the Attributive Clauses.

1) The Attributive Clauses with preposition + which/ whom

2) The relevant words about “music”

Step 1 Revision

1) Listening and Recognizing

Ask the Ss to listen to some pieces of music from the computer and write down the style of each piece of music belongs to.

Music 1 : Country Roads by John Denver (country music)

Music 2: Beat itby Michael Jackson (rock music)

Music 3: 步步高 (folk music)

Music 4: 老鼠爱大米 (pop music)

Music 5: 命运交响曲(classical music)

2) Discussion

What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or Western, Classical or modern? Why? How does music make you feel?

3) Check the homework the day before. Step 2Word Power

1) Word Ladder

Complete these sentences. Then write the missing words in the puzzle on the right and find the hidden word. (WB P 70)

2) Word Building

Study the vocabulary list in the appendix and list the words with un-,dis-, -less, -ful, -ment, -ity, -en, -ern, -al , -tion. Tell what part of speech they are. This will you help English words.

3) Recognizing and Listing

Tick (√)the words which are connected with “music”and find out the meanings of those unfamiliar ones.

Add your own to the list ________________________________________________________

4)Discussion and Listing

Which instruments are used in pop and rock music?

Which instruments are used in classical music?

Which instruments are used in jazz?

Which instruments are used in traditional Chinese music?

Which of the instruments do you like listening to?

Is the Chinese instrument different from the other instruments? Describe the difference, if there is Step 3 Grammar

1) Study the Rule

Read these sentences.

a. The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other…

b. However, after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work…

c. The musicians for whom they worked were very popular.

d. The guitar with which “The Beatles” played their first hit was lost while they were touring. Now answer these questions.

1. If you take away the relative clauses, do the sentences still make sense? Why or why not ?

is there a relative pronoun before the relative clause?

3. Can the preposition be removed from the sentences without changing the meaning?

4. Can that replace which and whom in the sentences? Why or why not?

Look at the sentences carefully and try to think of the questions.

2) Find the rule

Get the Ss to think of the questions above and sum up the grammar rule of preposition + the relative clause.

Teaching aims:

1. 能力目标:

a. Listening: get information and views from the listening material;

b. Speaking: express one’s attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words.

c. Reading: enable the Ss to get the main idea

d. Writing: write some advice about making friend as an editor

2. 知识目标:

a. Talk about friends and friendship; how to make friends; how to maintain friendship

b. Use the following expressions:

I think so. / I don’t think so.

I agree. / I don’t agree.

That’s correct.

Of course not.


I’m afraid not.

c. to enable the Ss to control direct speech and indirect speech

d. vocabulary: upset , calm , concern , loose, Netherlands, German, series,

outdoors, dusk,crazy , purpose , thunder , entire, entirely,power , curtain, dusty, partner, settle, suffer , highway, recover, pack, suitcase, overcoat, teenager, exactly, disagree, grateful, dislike, tip , swap , item

add up  calm down have got to e concerned about  walk the dog  go

through  set down a series of  on purpose  in order to  at dusk face to face  no longer ot …any longer suffer from gete tired of pack sth. up get along with  fall in love  join in

3. 情感目标:

a. To arose Ss’ interest in learning English;

b. To encourage Ss to be active in the activities and make Ss to be confident; c. To develop the ability to cooperate with others.

4. 策略目标:

a. To develop Ss’ cognitive strategy: taking notes while listening;

b. To develop Ss’ communicative strategies.

5. 文化目标:to enable the Ss to get to know different opinions about making friends from different countries.

Teaching steps:

Period one

Step1. Warming up

1. Ss listen to an English song AULD LANG SYNE.

2. Brainstorming: let Ss say some words about friendship – honest, friendly, brave,

humorous, funny, wise, kind, open-minded, responsible, helpful….

Step 2. Talk about your old friends

1. Ss talk about their old friends in Junior Middle School, talk about their

appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.

2. Self-introduction

Step 3. Make new friends

1. Ss go around and ask their new friends some information and fill in the following

Step 4. Do a survey

Ss do the survey in the text ,P1

Sep 5. Listening and talking

Do Wb P41 (Talking). While Ss listen to the material, ask them to take notes about the speaker’s views of making friends.

When Ss make their conversation, ask them to try to use the following expressions. I think so. / I don’t think so. I agree. / I don’t agree.

That’s course . I’m afraid not.

Step 6. Discussion

Divide Ss four in one group and each group choose a topic to discuss. There are four topics.

Topic 1: Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.

Topic 2: There is a saying “to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend.” What do you think of the saying and how can you be a good friend?

Topic 3: Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend? Why? Topic 4: List some qualities of a person who does not make friend easily.

Step 7. Summary

1. Ask Ss themselves to summarize what is friendship and what is the most important in making friends.

2. T shows more information about friendship and a poem about friendship. What is friendship?

I want to find the answer to the question

What is friendship?

When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella.

It can give me a piece of clear sky.

When I’m crying, I think friendship is a white handkerchief.

It can wipe my tears dry.

When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm word.

It can bring me happiness again.

When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand.

It can help me escape my troubles.

When I sit in a quiet place, I think friendship is a very wonderful feeling.

It can’t be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart.

It is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.

3. Tell Ss: make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold. Step 8. Evaluation

1. Look up the new words and expressions in warming up and pre-reading in a dictionary.

2. Write a short passage about your best friend.

Period two


Activity1: Suppose you have to stay indoors to hide yourself for a whole year. You can never go outdoors, otherwise you will be killed. You have no telephone, computer, or TV at home.

How would you feel?

What would you do?

Four students a group discuss with each other for 2 minutes.

Activity2: Play a short part of the movies Step2. Predicting

Students read the title of the passage and observe the pictures and the outline of it to guess:

Who is Anne’s best friend?

What will happen in the passage?

Step3. Skimming

Students skim the passage in 2 minutes to get the main idea :

Who is Anne’s best friend?

When did the story happen?

Step4. Scanning

Students work in pairs to find the information required below:


in World War Ⅱ

Step5. Intensive reading

Students work in group of four to discuss the following open questions:

did the windows stay closed?

did Anne feel?

do you think of Anne?

the meanings of “spellbound”, “ hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse(语篇,上下文).

sentences attract you in the passage?

Step6. Activity

Four students a group to discuss the situation:

Suppose you four have to hide yourselves for 3 months. During the three months, you will be offered the basic food, water and clothes. Your group can take 5 things with you.

What will you take? Why?

How will you spend the 3 months?

How will you treat each other and make friends ?

the internet to find Anne’s Diary and read some of it. Print out a piece of the diary and write down your feelings after reading it on the page. We will share the pieces and your feelings with the whole class.

、3 、4on Page3

Period three

Step 1. Warming up

Check the Ss’ assignment: task 2

Step 2. Language points:

1. add (v.)

1). To put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.增加,添加

Please add something to what I’ve said, John.

2). To join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total 相加

Add up these figures for me, please.

add to something: to increase 增加

What he did has added to out difficulties.

add up to: to amount to 加起来等于;总计

The cost added up to 100 million yuan.

2. go through

1). To examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究

I went through the students’ papers last night.

2). To experience 经历,遭受或忍受

You really don’t know what we went through while working on this project.

3. crazy (adj.)

1). mad, foolish 疯狂的.,愚蠢的

It’s crazy to go out in such hot weather.

2). wildly excited; very interested 狂热的,着迷的

She is crazy about dancing.

4. be concerned about/for: be worried about 担心

We’re all concerned about her safety.

Step 3. Learning about language

1. Finish , 2 and 3. on Page 4.

2. Direct speech and indirect speech: Ss do and 2 on Page 5. Then let the Ss themselves discover the structures.

Step 4. Practice

Using structures on Page 42: ask the Ss to use indirect speech to retell the story. Step 5. Assignment

Finish Wb. Ex, 1 and2 on page 41 and 42.

Period four

Step 1. Revision

Check the Ss’ assignment.

Step 2. Reading

Ss read the letter on page 6


1. get along with

2. fall in love

Step 3. Listening

Ss should take notes while they are listening.

1. first listening: Ss listen and answer the questions of part 2 on page 6.

2. second listening: Ss listen again and finish part 3 on page 6.

Step 4. Listening

Ss listen to a story about Anne and try to finish Wb. Ex 1 and 2 on page 43 and page 44.


教育 要使人愉快,要让一切的教育带有乐趣。接下来是我为大家整理的高中英语教案大全,希望大家喜欢!


《Unit 2 Working the land》




(2)能力目标:让学生进一步使用恰当地阅读方式与技能,如略读(skimming), 快速阅读 (fast reading),细读(close reading)等





1. 话题的引导。(Pre-reading)



2. 跟读与阅读 完成导学案练习

贯彻目的与困难策略,指导学生根据不同的阅读目的,在阅读的不同阶段,灵活使用各种阅读策略,捕捉 文章 主要信息,理解作者的写作意图,突破本文的教学重点与难点。采用整体语言教学法和任务型语言教学法。

1)、通过阅读训练,引导学生如何利用略读(skimming)的 方法 把握文章的大意,侧重培养快速阅读理解能力和文章中心把握能力。

2)、精读各个段落语段,侧重培养快速捕捉文章重要细节的能力和猜测生词的能力,学会欣赏文章中的优美 句子 。

3: 阅读过程--浅层次阅读。(Reading I)

1). 其中关于人物的基本信息中,通过设计了一个信息表格的浅层次阅读练习,对文中人物有了初步了解。

2). 关于他的梦想,书本上描写得非常生动,我让班里有艺术特长的学生画了一幅漫画,利用画面反映课文第四段所描述的内容,同时用第一人称配了声音效果。

4. 阅读过程--深层次阅读。(Reading II)





1. ____________ vt. & vi. 斗争; n.努力

2. ____________ adj. 感到满意的

3. ____________ n.自由; 自主

4. ____________ vt. & vi. 配备; 装备

5. ____________ n. 产量, 输出量

6. ____________vt. 输出 n.出口

7. ____________vt. 搞乱, 使糊涂

8. ____________ n. 补给; vt.提供

9. ____________ adj. 适当的, 相配的

10. ___________vt. 使膨胀 vi. 发展


1.We had a ___________(努力) to stop the criminal.

2. The document will be _____________ (传阅) to all members.

3. I’ll type your report if you’ll baby-sit in e_________.

4. Our farm ___________ the market with fruits and vegetables.

5. We should s__________ the results of the exam briefly and report to the headmaster.

6. Sydney’s population _____________ rapidly in the 1960s.

7. He has a ____________ (晒黑的) face and bright eyes.

8. The plane _________ speed as it was approaching the airport.

9. The workers there worked _______ crazy, with only thirty minutes’ break at noon.

10. He __________ (耕作) the farm with great success.

Comprehending:Paraphrase these sentences.

1. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside

2.Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.

3. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.

4.He would much rahter keep time for his hobbies.

Consolidation Exercise;

1._____ your generous help, or I will not overcome the difficulty.

A.Thanks to B. Because

C. Thanks for D. Thank to

2. It is so_______ that he is always making noises.

A. disturbed B. disturbing

C. disturb D. disturbs

3. He missed the bus, for ________ he came late for work..

A. whom B. that C.where D. which


5. 满意于学生的成绩,他如释重负的笑了。

6. 他宁愿在家里看电视也不愿意打 篮球 。


《Chinese seasonal festival》


1.单元内容所体现的意义:本单元的主题为Celebration,主要是介绍了中外国家的一些主要节日,以及人们在一些重要节日的庆祝活动。通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生理解交际中的 文化 差异,初步形成跨文化交际意识。

2.课前的内容与本节内容的内在联系:在Warm-up 环节部分,学生已了解一些关于“庆祝”的内容及相关词汇,为本课的话题作了一些词汇和内容的铺垫。



2.学生语言知识和技能:学生对本课话题Chinese Seasonal Festivals 已具备一定的背景知识、经历和 经验 ;况且在Warm-up 环节,学生已了解了一些相关的内容及词汇,这些都有助于语言活动的开展 。但是要用英语进行思维和表达,还是有一定的难度。




A.词汇和 短语

seasonal, journey, celebrate, traditional, including, Lantern Festival, origin, decorate, take part in, burn down, sweet dumpling, culture, Zongzi


1)The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.

2)In the old days, dragon boat races were held in Chinese communities.

3)Lanterns were usually lit by candles and decorated with pictures of birds…






2)进一步了解我国的一些主要的节日及其相关的历史源源,从而尊重 传统文化 ,增强爱国主义精神。



2)掌握有效的学习策略,学会独立获取信息和资源,并能整理、分析和 总结 ,从而充实生活。









2.教学策略: 1)Fast reading to get general idea.

2) Careful reading to get detailed information.

3) Free-talk before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.

4) Group work after reading to make students understand what they have learned better.


a recorder, a computer, and a projector


Step1 Lead-in

T: What is your favorite season? What festivals happen during your favorite season?

( 以问题的形式引入本课的主题:Chinese seasonal festival. 由此引起学生的学习兴趣,自然导入课题)

S1: I liker summer. There are Children’s Day, Dragon-boat Festival and Mother’s Day.

S2: My favorite season is winter. They are Spring Festival and Lantern Festival and Christmas Day.

S3: ……

T:Well done. Thank you. Now, let’s enjoy some interesting pictures and guess what is happening and what is being celebrated.


端午节 、 元宵节 和 中秋节 。并且通过图片可以让学生掌握更多的节日和如何表达,如 清明 节, 母亲节 等)

Step2 While-reading


Read the texts quickly. Match the pictures with the festivals.

Picture A Mid-Autumn Festival

Picture B Dragon Boat Festival

Picture C Lantern Festival

(快速阅读环节中的问题可以培养学生的 快速阅读技巧 和获取文章整体信息的能力,达到理解课文表层意思的目的。此类问题可提问一般的学生,增加他们 学习英语 的信心。)


1)Ask the students to read the first passage carefully and answer 3 questions below.

(1)When is the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated?

(2)What do people eat on this day?

(3)Why is this festival important?



3)Read the texts again and fill in the table.


《Scientists at work》


1. 单元背景分析









写:学习在对事物进行理性思考的基础上,运用恰当的句型与词汇描述对事物正反面的不同观点,同时更应注重掌握一些必要的过渡词增加此类写作的条理性与层次感,并应熟悉议论性 作文 的基本写作框架。




(3)。指导学生用批判的思维去接受新的事物,增强他们的 辩论 意识与能力。



词汇:学习并使用一些与science 和scientists有关的词汇。





指导学生运用已学会的抓重点、做记号、摘笔记等方式对所学内容进行整理与归纳,并鼓励学生增加与教师和同学交流、合作,继续培养正确的 自我评价 与相互评价的习惯,从而总结交流学习所得,进一步形成有效的 学习方法 。并指导学生把 英语学习 从课堂延伸到课外,发挥已掌握的使用工具书,查找资料、上网等方式增加用英语思维与表达的能力,了解实验对于科学研究的重要性,树立正确的向上的 学习态度 ,形成具有批判性的看问题习惯。


本单元的中心话题是science and scientists。话题依附于听力、对话、阅读与写作等语言载体中。本单元的话题内容与学生的日常学习有着密切的关系,应该说是以英语为媒体让学生表达他们对平时理化生等理科课程,特别是相关实验,所想到及感受到的内容。因此,尽管本单元的话题对学生而言有着一定的难度,但却有体现出了以学生为中心,贴近学生生活而又富有时代气息的特点。

Warming up设计了四幅与学生的理科课程有关的图片,学生通过对日常熟悉的相干实验工具及场地的识别,展开相关学科特点与学习的讨论。同时在此基础上,要求学生们在Listening部分能熟悉某些实验室的规则及注意事项,掌握如何给予别人指导与说明,并能抓住文章的中心话题,捕捉相关细节内容,回答有关的问题。

Speaking则是一个极富时代气息的讨论练习。要求学生们能对现在热门的尖端科技有所了解,(练习中提供了诸如Maglev train, cloning, nuclear energy, computer 与 space flight等内容)然后能就这些新的科学技术与工具进行理性的辨证的思考,既能感受到它们给我们的生活带来的巨大利益,同时也能发现其中所存在的不足与弊端,并能通过讨论、对话等形式发表自己的观点与想法。这一部分也应该是本单元写作内容的一个铺垫。

Reading讲述的是科学家 Franklin的风筝实验,从而证明Lighting and electricity are the same的 故事 。学生在理解文章的基础上,能充分感受到实验对于科学工作的重要性及科学家是如何获得事业上的成功的。同时能落实材料中所出现的一些单词与短语的使用。

Language Study是在本单元词汇学习的基础上,让学生进一步了解并掌握一定的构词法。主要是兼类词、一词多义现象及合成词的构成。

Integrating skills 通过学生对科学家是否应利用动物进行实验,从而达到发明新产品现象的讨论,理性的从正反两个方面看待这一问题。同时在阅读、思考与讨论的基础上,写下一篇阐明自己观点、立场与看法的短文。



(1)。能就某一话题进行合理的分析,并从不同的角度去分析问题,展示一个物体的利与弊两个方面。同时能在讨论时学会运用哪些结构与单词对事物进行评价,诸如“ It’s good / bad / harmful for… / It’s dangerous / expensive / important / unnecessary/ It brings people …/ It can help people…

(2)。掌握如何就某一话题给予别人指示与说明,能熟练运用 Don’t do… / Don’t forget to… / Make sure… / Remember that… / Do be careful of…等结构进行讨论、对话与表演。



高中英语教案 范文

本单元通过学习马克·吐温的《百万英镑》并改编成短剧形式的课文,学生能初步了解作者的风格。学生应能在教师的指导下,排演这个短剧。通过对话课的学习与操练,学生接触表示坚持个人意见的常用语句,并要求学生运用到实际会话中。学习并初步掌握as if和no matter引导让步状语从句的用法。

Teaching important and difficult points


run, choice, note, change, fool, order, pleasant, right, assistant, customer, foolish, insist, tailor depend, favo(u)r , apologize, excited


shop assistant, a clothes shop, give back, or else, change…for …, in the sun, try on, depend on, take place, get off, put on, drop in, once upon a time, do up, in fact, keep back, play the part of, next to


There seems to be something wrong with it.

I would like you to change this blouse.

You sold me a blouse that I can’t use any more.

I am afraid I can’t do that right now.

Why can’t you do something about it?

Is anything the matter?


学习as if和no matter的用法。



在Lesson 38课,建议教师应组织学生1)以节目的形式演出这段对话。2)教师可选取录像或多媒体形式完成此课的教学任务。3)教师把学生分成三人一组,适当准备一些道具排演本课的最后结局的短剧。4)教师要求学生找出能刻画服装店老板人物特征和心理变化的相关语句。如:There’s a customer, Tod, Will you serve him? / No matter what he is wearing , Tod, just show him the cheapest./Come, come. Get him his change, Tod..


本单元对话是讲述在服装店调换衣服的经过,学生对其内容较易理解,但一些新单词的用法应掌握,如:customer, run, insist, change…for…。本课中也提供了给学生做相应对话的练习,如:A pair of trousers, A radio的口语练习。



1)serve(sb.) as sth.表示“为(某人)工作,(尤指)当佣人”。

He served as a gardener and chauffeur.他做园艺工人兼司机。


He has served his country well.他为国尽职。

3)serve sb. (with sth.). 表示“将(饭菜)端上桌。”

Four waiters served lunch for us.有四位服务员招待我们吃午饭。

4)serve 还可用于“(在商店等处)接待(顾客)或为顾客取货物”的意思中。

Are you being served?有售货员接待您吗?

He served some sweets to the children.他为孩子们拿来了他们想要的糖。

5)serve 还指“(一份饭)够……”。

This packet of soup serves two.这包汤料够两个人食用。



We judge that they have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。

We judge them to have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。

She judged him about fifty.她估计他在五十岁左右。

The committee judged it better to start the investigation at once.委员会认为最好立即开始此项调查。

From his letter, we judged his visit to China a great success.从他的来信判断他对中国的访问非常成功。


I can’t judge whether she was right or wrong.我不能断定她是对还是错。

3)judge还可表示“评判,评价”,可说judge sb. / sth.

Don’t judge a man by his looks.勿以貌取人。

4)Judging by / from…(从……来看,据……来判断)是惯用 短语 ,可用来引导独立分句。

Judging from his looks ,he may be sick.从外表看,他或许生病了。

Judging by his accent, he must be from Guangdong.听口音,他准是个广东人。

3.get off的用法

1)get off意为“脱下”。

It’s rather hot today, we must get off the jacket.今天太热了,我们必须脱下夹克衫。

2)注意:get off还可作“下车”;“离开”;“出发”;“起飞”解。

As soon as I got off the bus, I started for the village on foot. 我一下公共汽车,就开始步行到村里去。

We must get off at once or we' II be late我们必须马上走,否则要迟到了。

We got off immediately after breakfast.我们一吃过早饭就出发了。

The plane got off on time. 飞机准时起飞。


1)in favor (of )表示“赞成、主张”,常用作表语或后置定语。

The students were in favor of reform. 学生赞成改革。

2)do sb. a favor或do a favor for sb. 是个正式的礼貌用语,意思是“给某人以恩惠,帮某人的忙”。

Would you do me a favor? 帮我一下好吗?

Do me a favor by turning off the radio. 帮我把收音机关掉。

Do me the favor to come. 务请光临。

注:do sb. a favor后接of doing 或不定式时,应将不定冠词a改为定冠词the。

5.put down的用法


Put down your name and your telephone number.写下你的名字和电话号码。

Put this down in your notebook for future reference.这点记在你的 笔记本 上,以供今后参考。


The fire was finally put down by the firemen.大火最后终于被消防队员扑灭了。

6.as if的用法

as if 是连词词组,作“好像”、“好似”解,引导表语从句,用于下列句型中:

It looks/seems as if ....表示“看起来似乎……”。其中It为无人称代词,本身并无词义。looks / seems是连系动词,as if引出表语从句。

It looks as if it is going to show. 看来,要下雪。

It seemed as if the suit was made to his own measure. 这套衣服看来似乎是按尺寸给他定做的。

除此之处,as if也可以引导方式状语从句,修饰主句的谓语,此时从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。关于这一点,暂可不必向学生交代。

The woman loves the children as if she were their mother.这个妇女爱这些孩子,她好像就是他们的妈妈一样。



知识与技能:①掌握 快速阅读 的 方法 ,熟悉“发表看法,提出建议”的口语技能,高中英语教学案例。②充分利用网络资源,强化学生自主学习的意识,培养学生组织语言、运用语言的能力。




教材内容:本课教学内容是新课标,Canada---The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的 文章 相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍加拿大的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看加拿大。相比较而言,这样的课文难度更大。


教学难点:①对课文内容中细节的理解。②对网上各种信息源的比较筛选,及学生易受无关因素的干扰而导致的学习效率问题。【难点突破】 设置情境,循序渐进,层层递进。设置富有情趣的情境,激发他们的阅读欲望,积极主动地进行自主探究。循序渐进的设计问题 , 激发学生的创造思维,层层深入地引导学生进行自主和协作学习。






第二步:读前活动(一):自由展示。在上这一课之前,我给学生布置的预习任务是介绍你最想去的地方。Which country or place would you like to visit most? Why?学生们自由组成小组,上网查找相关资料,然后对所搜集的信息进行整理,最后形成自己的powerpoint展示文件。在课堂上,由本小组的发言代表上来进行展示和介绍。这一环节是这节课的重头戏。

第三步:读前活动(二):自由交谈。给学生提出这样一个问题:如果你有机会去加拿大,你最想看什么?If you have a chance to visit Canada, what would you expect to see there? 先要求他们在小组内讨论,然后再在全班同学面前发言,教学 反思 。

第四步:读前活动(三):小组讨论。经过了前面的大量的有关加拿大的信息的冲击,你愿意用哪三个词语来描述加拿大?What three words would you use to describe Canada? Why? 请小组代表发言。

第五步:加拿大概况综述。这一步骤是对上几个步骤的 总结 ,同时也是教师整合并优化了有关加拿大的各种信息所进行的展示。目的是进一步加深同学们对加拿大的了解,对他们所获取的知识进行 梳理,也为下一个步骤展开铺垫。

第六步:掠读课文。(first reading)在这个步骤中,我给出了8个问题,让同学们带着这8个问题来阅读课文。读完后回答问题。

1.Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?

2.What is the continent they are crossing?

3.What is “The True North”?

4.Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?

5.What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

6.Where does wheat grow in Canada?

7.Why would ship be able to reach the centre of Canada?

8.Name two natural resources that Canada has.

第七步:精读课文。(second reading) 在这个步骤中,我给出了5个跟课文内容有关的 句子 ,让同学们判断正误。如果该句是错的,请给出正确答案。

1.The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.

2.Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.

3.You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.

4.The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.

5.Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto.

第八步:复述课文(retelling) 给出课文中的关键词汇,让同学们用自己的话来复述课文。

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery second largest go eastward 5,500/from west to east

here in Vancouver surrounded by ski/sail

第九步:口头 作文 (oral practice) 设定一个情境,给出一些关键词汇,让同学们模仿课文来编一段对话或一篇短文。

Suppose two of your cyber pals in Canada come to visit Shenzhen and you are meeting them at the airport. While you are driving them home, you are telling them something about China and Shenzhen, just as what Danny Lin said in the text.

Work in groups. You are required to present either a short passage or a short dialogue.

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery third largest go northward from south to north

along the coast theme parks


Write down the short passage or the short dialogue that you’ve just worked out.


本节课是新课标,我将本节课设计为竞赛、导入、个人探究、互动交流、协作探究和讨论及口头作文等九个步骤。我充分发挥自制网络课件的优势,使本节课的内容更加充实,容量更多。既贯通了所要学的知识,又拓展了课外知识,使得本节课学生在学习过程中兴趣更加浓厚 , 积极地自主探究,讨论问题热烈,课堂气氛活跃!



教学对象为高中三年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此我特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。他们 学习英语 方法由死记硬背转型向理解型并应用到交际上,他们有自己的学习技能和策略,学会把语言学习与现实生活和兴趣联系起来。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。学生已经完成了高中英语第一个模块的学习,渐渐习惯了我的教法。虽然一开始他们觉得与初中教学很不相同(初中老师注重手把手式的语法教学),但经过半个学期后,他们适应得很快,而且还取得一定的进步。他们会对课文内容提出自己的疑惑和勇于阐述见解,并且从课内知识拓展到课外,通过多种 渠道 获取学习资源。不过,本班学生的水平参差不齐,有些差距还相当大。因此在教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们都有所收获。


这一课是本单元第一个课时。在上这一节课前并没有让他们了解太多的与课文内容相关的知识,只是由于这课出现的人名和地方名比较多,我在课前教他们读了一下。我在备这一课时,发现它的 warming-up部分会花费比较长的时间,于是我没有采用,而使用了我自己另外准备的引入(只是花了4到5分钟的时间),让学生对这课的话题作好心理准备,也为了完成本单元的目标作了铺垫。我觉得在今后也必须合理使用手中的教材,根据学生水平和教学设计进行整合或增减,让不同层次的学生在课堂上都有所收获。


本课为阅读课型,主要介绍有关俄罗斯遗失琥珀屋的轶事。通过阅读使学生了解世界 文化 遗产,学会描述他们的起源、发展和保护等方面的情况。教师根据课文内容用不同的形式来让学生自己归纳,提高阅读技能。由于这课讲述国外文化遗产,学生会感到陌生,为了引起共鸣,因此要把中外文化遗产结合一起讨论。本课目的要使学生学会如何谈论文化遗产以及最后形成保护文物的意识。









环环相扣,设计紧凑。先利用录音和图片引起兴趣,然后带着问题有目的地阅读文章,通过回答问题掌握细节,知道琥珀屋从形式-失踪-重建的过程,再从整体上把握它的结构、特色,学习用英语归纳以及复述,最后自己去小结上完这节课的收获,使他们的掌握阅读技巧的同时也增加了见识。在小组讨论过程中,学会用 英语口语 判断别人给出的依据,并给出自己的观点。




(一) warming-up引入

教师用 PowerPoint分别展示三幅图片以及播放有关的三段介绍录音,并不需要学生详细记录细节,因为不是听力课,只是了解图片是什么地方,位于哪个国家等。

( look at three pictures and listen to three tourist guide describe each of them. What do you think of them?)


1. The Pyramids in Egypt

2. Machu Picchu in Peru

3. The Great Wall of China


what do you think of them?

(They represent the culture of their countries, so they are called______)引导学生讲出 cultural relics这个词组接着分别说出 cultural relics的定义(学生个人观点)

(引入部分使学生对本节课的话题有所了解,而且很有兴趣了解 其它 文物)

(二) Reading使学生了解Amber Room形成、发展,经历了几个阶段

1、让学生解释文章的title—In Search of the Amber Room (Maybe it's lost)





(三) Difficult points

因为只是阅读课,语言点不作详解,是为下个课时作准备,分别找出 4句难句,让学生进行解释,一一说明属于什么从句(分别有宾从、状从、定从、主从)(从句是学生的薄弱环节),为学生扫除阅读障碍。

l. Frederic WilliamⅠ,the king of Prussia could never have imagined that his greatest gift to Russian people would have such a strange history.

2. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape.

3. This was a time when the two countries were at war.

4. There is not doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg .

(四) Summing-up(总结)


1、找出与Amber Room有关的重要线索(3个人物、2个国家、1个组织)


(五) Group-work(task)4人小组


1、复述课文,教师给出一段文字,中间有不少空格,学生根据课文内容填写空格(learn how to talk about cultural relics)

Fill in the blanks:

The Amber Room was made________. Frederick WilliamⅠ________.It soon became part of the Czar's winter palace in St.

Petersburg . Later, CatherineⅡ________and she told her artists to________. In September, 1941,the Nazi Germany

army secretly ________. After that, what happened to the Amber Room________. Now Russians and Germans have

________much like the old one.

2、谈谈自己从中的收获(What can you learn from the text?)学生都能说出要保护文物(完成本课教学目标)至于怎样保护,因时间关系留待下个课时再讨论。





1. 高中英语语法教学案例反思

2. 2020英语开学第一课教案优秀3篇

3. 英语课堂教学案例

4. 高中语文《氓》优秀教案设计

5. 英语语法教案范文

6. 高中语文《天狗》优秀教案

7. 高中语文《师说》优秀教案设计

8. 高中英语公开课教学反思

9. 高中英语教师优秀事迹

10. 高中数学集合教案设计


教育 要使人愉快,要让一切的教育带有乐趣。接下来是我为大家整理的高中英语教案大全,希望大家喜欢!


《Unit 2 Working the land》




(2)能力目标:让学生进一步使用恰当地阅读方式与技能,如略读(skimming), 快速阅读 (fast reading),细读(close reading)等





1. 话题的引导。(Pre-reading)



2. 跟读与阅读 完成导学案练习

贯彻目的与困难策略,指导学生根据不同的阅读目的,在阅读的不同阶段,灵活使用各种阅读策略,捕捉 文章 主要信息,理解作者的写作意图,突破本文的教学重点与难点。采用整体语言教学法和任务型语言教学法。

1)、通过阅读训练,引导学生如何利用略读(skimming)的 方法 把握文章的大意,侧重培养快速阅读理解能力和文章中心把握能力。

2)、精读各个段落语段,侧重培养快速捕捉文章重要细节的能力和猜测生词的能力,学会欣赏文章中的优美 句子 。

3: 阅读过程--浅层次阅读。(Reading I)

1). 其中关于人物的基本信息中,通过设计了一个信息表格的浅层次阅读练习,对文中人物有了初步了解。

2). 关于他的梦想,书本上描写得非常生动,我让班里有艺术特长的学生画了一幅漫画,利用画面反映课文第四段所描述的内容,同时用第一人称配了声音效果。

4. 阅读过程--深层次阅读。(Reading II)





1. ____________ vt. & vi. 斗争; n.努力

2. ____________ adj. 感到满意的

3. ____________ n.自由; 自主

4. ____________ vt. & vi. 配备; 装备

5. ____________ n. 产量, 输出量

6. ____________vt. 输出 n.出口

7. ____________vt. 搞乱, 使糊涂

8. ____________ n. 补给; vt.提供

9. ____________ adj. 适当的, 相配的

10. ___________vt. 使膨胀 vi. 发展


1.We had a ___________(努力) to stop the criminal.

2. The document will be _____________ (传阅) to all members.

3. I’ll type your report if you’ll baby-sit in e_________.

4. Our farm ___________ the market with fruits and vegetables.

5. We should s__________ the results of the exam briefly and report to the headmaster.

6. Sydney’s population _____________ rapidly in the 1960s.

7. He has a ____________ (晒黑的) face and bright eyes.

8. The plane _________ speed as it was approaching the airport.

9. The workers there worked _______ crazy, with only thirty minutes’ break at noon.

10. He __________ (耕作) the farm with great success.

Comprehending:Paraphrase these sentences.

1. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside

2.Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.

3. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.

4.He would much rahter keep time for his hobbies.

Consolidation Exercise;

1._____ your generous help, or I will not overcome the difficulty.

A.Thanks to B. Because

C. Thanks for D. Thank to

2. It is so_______ that he is always making noises.

A. disturbed B. disturbing

C. disturb D. disturbs

3. He missed the bus, for ________ he came late for work..

A. whom B. that C.where D. which


5. 满意于学生的成绩,他如释重负的笑了。

6. 他宁愿在家里看电视也不愿意打 篮球 。


《Chinese seasonal festival》


1.单元内容所体现的意义:本单元的主题为Celebration,主要是介绍了中外国家的一些主要节日,以及人们在一些重要节日的庆祝活动。通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生理解交际中的 文化 差异,初步形成跨文化交际意识。

2.课前的内容与本节内容的内在联系:在Warm-up 环节部分,学生已了解一些关于“庆祝”的内容及相关词汇,为本课的话题作了一些词汇和内容的铺垫。



2.学生语言知识和技能:学生对本课话题Chinese Seasonal Festivals 已具备一定的背景知识、经历和 经验 ;况且在Warm-up 环节,学生已了解了一些相关的内容及词汇,这些都有助于语言活动的开展 。但是要用英语进行思维和表达,还是有一定的难度。




A.词汇和 短语

seasonal, journey, celebrate, traditional, including, Lantern Festival, origin, decorate, take part in, burn down, sweet dumpling, culture, Zongzi


1)The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.

2)In the old days, dragon boat races were held in Chinese communities.

3)Lanterns were usually lit by candles and decorated with pictures of birds…






2)进一步了解我国的一些主要的节日及其相关的历史源源,从而尊重 传统文化 ,增强爱国主义精神。



2)掌握有效的学习策略,学会独立获取信息和资源,并能整理、分析和 总结 ,从而充实生活。









2.教学策略: 1)Fast reading to get general idea.

2) Careful reading to get detailed information.

3) Free-talk before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.

4) Group work after reading to make students understand what they have learned better.


a recorder, a computer, and a projector


Step1 Lead-in

T: What is your favorite season? What festivals happen during your favorite season?

( 以问题的形式引入本课的主题:Chinese seasonal festival. 由此引起学生的学习兴趣,自然导入课题)

S1: I liker summer. There are Children’s Day, Dragon-boat Festival and Mother’s Day.

S2: My favorite season is winter. They are Spring Festival and Lantern Festival and Christmas Day.

S3: ……

T:Well done. Thank you. Now, let’s enjoy some interesting pictures and guess what is happening and what is being celebrated.


端午节 、 元宵节 和 中秋节 。并且通过图片可以让学生掌握更多的节日和如何表达,如 清明 节, 母亲节 等)

Step2 While-reading


Read the texts quickly. Match the pictures with the festivals.

Picture A Mid-Autumn Festival

Picture B Dragon Boat Festival

Picture C Lantern Festival

(快速阅读环节中的问题可以培养学生的 快速阅读技巧 和获取文章整体信息的能力,达到理解课文表层意思的目的。此类问题可提问一般的学生,增加他们 学习英语 的信心。)


1)Ask the students to read the first passage carefully and answer 3 questions below.

(1)When is the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated?

(2)What do people eat on this day?

(3)Why is this festival important?



3)Read the texts again and fill in the table.


《Scientists at work》


1. 单元背景分析









写:学习在对事物进行理性思考的基础上,运用恰当的句型与词汇描述对事物正反面的不同观点,同时更应注重掌握一些必要的过渡词增加此类写作的条理性与层次感,并应熟悉议论性 作文 的基本写作框架。




(3)。指导学生用批判的思维去接受新的事物,增强他们的 辩论 意识与能力。



词汇:学习并使用一些与science 和scientists有关的词汇。





指导学生运用已学会的抓重点、做记号、摘笔记等方式对所学内容进行整理与归纳,并鼓励学生增加与教师和同学交流、合作,继续培养正确的 自我评价 与相互评价的习惯,从而总结交流学习所得,进一步形成有效的 学习方法 。并指导学生把 英语学习 从课堂延伸到课外,发挥已掌握的使用工具书,查找资料、上网等方式增加用英语思维与表达的能力,了解实验对于科学研究的重要性,树立正确的向上的 学习态度 ,形成具有批判性的看问题习惯。


本单元的中心话题是science and scientists。话题依附于听力、对话、阅读与写作等语言载体中。本单元的话题内容与学生的日常学习有着密切的关系,应该说是以英语为媒体让学生表达他们对平时理化生等理科课程,特别是相关实验,所想到及感受到的内容。因此,尽管本单元的话题对学生而言有着一定的难度,但却有体现出了以学生为中心,贴近学生生活而又富有时代气息的特点。

Warming up设计了四幅与学生的理科课程有关的图片,学生通过对日常熟悉的相干实验工具及场地的识别,展开相关学科特点与学习的讨论。同时在此基础上,要求学生们在Listening部分能熟悉某些实验室的规则及注意事项,掌握如何给予别人指导与说明,并能抓住文章的中心话题,捕捉相关细节内容,回答有关的问题。

Speaking则是一个极富时代气息的讨论练习。要求学生们能对现在热门的尖端科技有所了解,(练习中提供了诸如Maglev train, cloning, nuclear energy, computer 与 space flight等内容)然后能就这些新的科学技术与工具进行理性的辨证的思考,既能感受到它们给我们的生活带来的巨大利益,同时也能发现其中所存在的不足与弊端,并能通过讨论、对话等形式发表自己的观点与想法。这一部分也应该是本单元写作内容的一个铺垫。

Reading讲述的是科学家 Franklin的风筝实验,从而证明Lighting and electricity are the same的 故事 。学生在理解文章的基础上,能充分感受到实验对于科学工作的重要性及科学家是如何获得事业上的成功的。同时能落实材料中所出现的一些单词与短语的使用。

Language Study是在本单元词汇学习的基础上,让学生进一步了解并掌握一定的构词法。主要是兼类词、一词多义现象及合成词的构成。

Integrating skills 通过学生对科学家是否应利用动物进行实验,从而达到发明新产品现象的讨论,理性的从正反两个方面看待这一问题。同时在阅读、思考与讨论的基础上,写下一篇阐明自己观点、立场与看法的短文。



(1)。能就某一话题进行合理的分析,并从不同的角度去分析问题,展示一个物体的利与弊两个方面。同时能在讨论时学会运用哪些结构与单词对事物进行评价,诸如“ It’s good / bad / harmful for… / It’s dangerous / expensive / important / unnecessary/ It brings people …/ It can help people…

(2)。掌握如何就某一话题给予别人指示与说明,能熟练运用 Don’t do… / Don’t forget to… / Make sure… / Remember that… / Do be careful of…等结构进行讨论、对话与表演。



高中英语教案 范文

本单元通过学习马克·吐温的《百万英镑》并改编成短剧形式的课文,学生能初步了解作者的风格。学生应能在教师的指导下,排演这个短剧。通过对话课的学习与操练,学生接触表示坚持个人意见的常用语句,并要求学生运用到实际会话中。学习并初步掌握as if和no matter引导让步状语从句的用法。

Teaching important and difficult points


run, choice, note, change, fool, order, pleasant, right, assistant, customer, foolish, insist, tailor depend, favo(u)r , apologize, excited


shop assistant, a clothes shop, give back, or else, change…for …, in the sun, try on, depend on, take place, get off, put on, drop in, once upon a time, do up, in fact, keep back, play the part of, next to


There seems to be something wrong with it.

I would like you to change this blouse.

You sold me a blouse that I can’t use any more.

I am afraid I can’t do that right now.

Why can’t you do something about it?

Is anything the matter?


学习as if和no matter的用法。



在Lesson 38课,建议教师应组织学生1)以节目的形式演出这段对话。2)教师可选取录像或多媒体形式完成此课的教学任务。3)教师把学生分成三人一组,适当准备一些道具排演本课的最后结局的短剧。4)教师要求学生找出能刻画服装店老板人物特征和心理变化的相关语句。如:There’s a customer, Tod, Will you serve him? / No matter what he is wearing , Tod, just show him the cheapest./Come, come. Get him his change, Tod..


本单元对话是讲述在服装店调换衣服的经过,学生对其内容较易理解,但一些新单词的用法应掌握,如:customer, run, insist, change…for…。本课中也提供了给学生做相应对话的练习,如:A pair of trousers, A radio的口语练习。



1)serve(sb.) as sth.表示“为(某人)工作,(尤指)当佣人”。

He served as a gardener and chauffeur.他做园艺工人兼司机。


He has served his country well.他为国尽职。

3)serve sb. (with sth.). 表示“将(饭菜)端上桌。”

Four waiters served lunch for us.有四位服务员招待我们吃午饭。

4)serve 还可用于“(在商店等处)接待(顾客)或为顾客取货物”的意思中。

Are you being served?有售货员接待您吗?

He served some sweets to the children.他为孩子们拿来了他们想要的糖。

5)serve 还指“(一份饭)够……”。

This packet of soup serves two.这包汤料够两个人食用。



We judge that they have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。

We judge them to have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。

She judged him about fifty.她估计他在五十岁左右。

The committee judged it better to start the investigation at once.委员会认为最好立即开始此项调查。

From his letter, we judged his visit to China a great success.从他的来信判断他对中国的访问非常成功。


I can’t judge whether she was right or wrong.我不能断定她是对还是错。

3)judge还可表示“评判,评价”,可说judge sb. / sth.

Don’t judge a man by his looks.勿以貌取人。

4)Judging by / from…(从……来看,据……来判断)是惯用 短语 ,可用来引导独立分句。

Judging from his looks ,he may be sick.从外表看,他或许生病了。

Judging by his accent, he must be from Guangdong.听口音,他准是个广东人。

3.get off的用法

1)get off意为“脱下”。

It’s rather hot today, we must get off the jacket.今天太热了,我们必须脱下夹克衫。

2)注意:get off还可作“下车”;“离开”;“出发”;“起飞”解。

As soon as I got off the bus, I started for the village on foot. 我一下公共汽车,就开始步行到村里去。

We must get off at once or we' II be late我们必须马上走,否则要迟到了。

We got off immediately after breakfast.我们一吃过早饭就出发了。

The plane got off on time. 飞机准时起飞。


1)in favor (of )表示“赞成、主张”,常用作表语或后置定语。

The students were in favor of reform. 学生赞成改革。

2)do sb. a favor或do a favor for sb. 是个正式的礼貌用语,意思是“给某人以恩惠,帮某人的忙”。

Would you do me a favor? 帮我一下好吗?

Do me a favor by turning off the radio. 帮我把收音机关掉。

Do me the favor to come. 务请光临。

注:do sb. a favor后接of doing 或不定式时,应将不定冠词a改为定冠词the。

5.put down的用法


Put down your name and your telephone number.写下你的名字和电话号码。

Put this down in your notebook for future reference.这点记在你的 笔记本 上,以供今后参考。


The fire was finally put down by the firemen.大火最后终于被消防队员扑灭了。

6.as if的用法

as if 是连词词组,作“好像”、“好似”解,引导表语从句,用于下列句型中:

It looks/seems as if ....表示“看起来似乎……”。其中It为无人称代词,本身并无词义。looks / seems是连系动词,as if引出表语从句。

It looks as if it is going to show. 看来,要下雪。

It seemed as if the suit was made to his own measure. 这套衣服看来似乎是按尺寸给他定做的。

除此之处,as if也可以引导方式状语从句,修饰主句的谓语,此时从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。关于这一点,暂可不必向学生交代。

The woman loves the children as if she were their mother.这个妇女爱这些孩子,她好像就是他们的妈妈一样。



知识与技能:①掌握 快速阅读 的 方法 ,熟悉“发表看法,提出建议”的口语技能,高中英语教学案例。②充分利用网络资源,强化学生自主学习的意识,培养学生组织语言、运用语言的能力。




教材内容:本课教学内容是新课标,Canada---The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的 文章 相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍加拿大的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看加拿大。相比较而言,这样的课文难度更大。


教学难点:①对课文内容中细节的理解。②对网上各种信息源的比较筛选,及学生易受无关因素的干扰而导致的学习效率问题。【难点突破】 设置情境,循序渐进,层层递进。设置富有情趣的情境,激发他们的阅读欲望,积极主动地进行自主探究。循序渐进的设计问题 , 激发学生的创造思维,层层深入地引导学生进行自主和协作学习。






第二步:读前活动(一):自由展示。在上这一课之前,我给学生布置的预习任务是介绍你最想去的地方。Which country or place would you like to visit most? Why?学生们自由组成小组,上网查找相关资料,然后对所搜集的信息进行整理,最后形成自己的powerpoint展示文件。在课堂上,由本小组的发言代表上来进行展示和介绍。这一环节是这节课的重头戏。

第三步:读前活动(二):自由交谈。给学生提出这样一个问题:如果你有机会去加拿大,你最想看什么?If you have a chance to visit Canada, what would you expect to see there? 先要求他们在小组内讨论,然后再在全班同学面前发言,教学 反思 。

第四步:读前活动(三):小组讨论。经过了前面的大量的有关加拿大的信息的冲击,你愿意用哪三个词语来描述加拿大?What three words would you use to describe Canada? Why? 请小组代表发言。

第五步:加拿大概况综述。这一步骤是对上几个步骤的 总结 ,同时也是教师整合并优化了有关加拿大的各种信息所进行的展示。目的是进一步加深同学们对加拿大的了解,对他们所获取的知识进行 梳理,也为下一个步骤展开铺垫。

第六步:掠读课文。(first reading)在这个步骤中,我给出了8个问题,让同学们带着这8个问题来阅读课文。读完后回答问题。

1.Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?

2.What is the continent they are crossing?

3.What is “The True North”?

4.Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?

5.What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

6.Where does wheat grow in Canada?

7.Why would ship be able to reach the centre of Canada?

8.Name two natural resources that Canada has.

第七步:精读课文。(second reading) 在这个步骤中,我给出了5个跟课文内容有关的 句子 ,让同学们判断正误。如果该句是错的,请给出正确答案。

1.The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.

2.Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.

3.You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.

4.The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.

5.Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto.

第八步:复述课文(retelling) 给出课文中的关键词汇,让同学们用自己的话来复述课文。

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery second largest go eastward 5,500/from west to east

here in Vancouver surrounded by ski/sail

第九步:口头 作文 (oral practice) 设定一个情境,给出一些关键词汇,让同学们模仿课文来编一段对话或一篇短文。

Suppose two of your cyber pals in Canada come to visit Shenzhen and you are meeting them at the airport. While you are driving them home, you are telling them something about China and Shenzhen, just as what Danny Lin said in the text.

Work in groups. You are required to present either a short passage or a short dialogue.

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery third largest go northward from south to north

along the coast theme parks


Write down the short passage or the short dialogue that you’ve just worked out.


本节课是新课标,我将本节课设计为竞赛、导入、个人探究、互动交流、协作探究和讨论及口头作文等九个步骤。我充分发挥自制网络课件的优势,使本节课的内容更加充实,容量更多。既贯通了所要学的知识,又拓展了课外知识,使得本节课学生在学习过程中兴趣更加浓厚 , 积极地自主探究,讨论问题热烈,课堂气氛活跃!



教学对象为高中三年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,因此我特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。他们 学习英语 方法由死记硬背转型向理解型并应用到交际上,他们有自己的学习技能和策略,学会把语言学习与现实生活和兴趣联系起来。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。学生已经完成了高中英语第一个模块的学习,渐渐习惯了我的教法。虽然一开始他们觉得与初中教学很不相同(初中老师注重手把手式的语法教学),但经过半个学期后,他们适应得很快,而且还取得一定的进步。他们会对课文内容提出自己的疑惑和勇于阐述见解,并且从课内知识拓展到课外,通过多种 渠道 获取学习资源。不过,本班学生的水平参差不齐,有些差距还相当大。因此在教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们都有所收获。


这一课是本单元第一个课时。在上这一节课前并没有让他们了解太多的与课文内容相关的知识,只是由于这课出现的人名和地方名比较多,我在课前教他们读了一下。我在备这一课时,发现它的 warming-up部分会花费比较长的时间,于是我没有采用,而使用了我自己另外准备的引入(只是花了4到5分钟的时间),让学生对这课的话题作好心理准备,也为了完成本单元的目标作了铺垫。我觉得在今后也必须合理使用手中的教材,根据学生水平和教学设计进行整合或增减,让不同层次的学生在课堂上都有所收获。


本课为阅读课型,主要介绍有关俄罗斯遗失琥珀屋的轶事。通过阅读使学生了解世界 文化 遗产,学会描述他们的起源、发展和保护等方面的情况。教师根据课文内容用不同的形式来让学生自己归纳,提高阅读技能。由于这课讲述国外文化遗产,学生会感到陌生,为了引起共鸣,因此要把中外文化遗产结合一起讨论。本课目的要使学生学会如何谈论文化遗产以及最后形成保护文物的意识。









环环相扣,设计紧凑。先利用录音和图片引起兴趣,然后带着问题有目的地阅读文章,通过回答问题掌握细节,知道琥珀屋从形式-失踪-重建的过程,再从整体上把握它的结构、特色,学习用英语归纳以及复述,最后自己去小结上完这节课的收获,使他们的掌握阅读技巧的同时也增加了见识。在小组讨论过程中,学会用 英语口语 判断别人给出的依据,并给出自己的观点。




(一) warming-up引入

教师用 PowerPoint分别展示三幅图片以及播放有关的三段介绍录音,并不需要学生详细记录细节,因为不是听力课,只是了解图片是什么地方,位于哪个国家等。

( look at three pictures and listen to three tourist guide describe each of them. What do you think of them?)


1. The Pyramids in Egypt

2. Machu Picchu in Peru

3. The Great Wall of China


what do you think of them?

(They represent the culture of their countries, so they are called______)引导学生讲出 cultural relics这个词组接着分别说出 cultural relics的定义(学生个人观点)

(引入部分使学生对本节课的话题有所了解,而且很有兴趣了解 其它 文物)

(二) Reading使学生了解Amber Room形成、发展,经历了几个阶段

1、让学生解释文章的title—In Search of the Amber Room (Maybe it's lost)





(三) Difficult points

因为只是阅读课,语言点不作详解,是为下个课时作准备,分别找出 4句难句,让学生进行解释,一一说明属于什么从句(分别有宾从、状从、定从、主从)(从句是学生的薄弱环节),为学生扫除阅读障碍。

l. Frederic WilliamⅠ,the king of Prussia could never have imagined that his greatest gift to Russian people would have such a strange history.

2. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape.

3. This was a time when the two countries were at war.

4. There is not doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg .

(四) Summing-up(总结)


1、找出与Amber Room有关的重要线索(3个人物、2个国家、1个组织)


(五) Group-work(task)4人小组


1、复述课文,教师给出一段文字,中间有不少空格,学生根据课文内容填写空格(learn how to talk about cultural relics)

Fill in the blanks:

The Amber Room was made________. Frederick WilliamⅠ________.It soon became part of the Czar's winter palace in St.

Petersburg . Later, CatherineⅡ________and she told her artists to________. In September, 1941,the Nazi Germany

army secretly ________. After that, what happened to the Amber Room________. Now Russians and Germans have

________much like the old one.

2、谈谈自己从中的收获(What can you learn from the text?)学生都能说出要保护文物(完成本课教学目标)至于怎样保护,因时间关系留待下个课时再讨论。





1. 高中英语语法教学案例反思

2. 2020英语开学第一课教案优秀3篇

3. 英语课堂教学案例

4. 高中语文《氓》优秀教案设计

5. 英语语法教案范文

6. 高中语文《天狗》优秀教案

7. 高中语文《师说》优秀教案设计

8. 高中英语公开课教学反思

9. 高中英语教师优秀事迹

10. 高中数学集合教案设计

1.尽管短发不如长发漂亮,却更容易打理。(though) Though short hair is less beautiful than long hair, but it's easier to deal with. 2.老师建议学生要多与家长沟通。(suggest) The teacher suggested that his students should often communicate with their parents . 3.明天我们是否去远足取决于天气情况。(depend on) Whether we are going hiking tomorrow depends on the weather condition. 4.那个顾客脸上的微笑暗示着他对我们的服务感到满意。(suggest) The smile on the customer's face suggested that he was satisfied with our service. 5.他犯这样的错误真是太粗心了。(It,careless) It's careless of him to make such a mistake. 6.我认为这件外套的颜色不适合那为顾客。(suit) I don't think the color of the coat suits that customer. 7.他去年积极参加选举。(take part in) He took an active part in the election last year. 8.他与同学们不合群,因此在他处于困难时,没有人帮他。(unsociable) He is unsociable with his classmates, so nobody helped him when he was in trouble, 9.那些爱交际的人,没有更多的时间花在头发上。(sociable) Those sociable people have no more time to spend on their hair. 10.你经常洗头很明智。(It,wise) It's wise of you to often wash your head.









一、自主学习(教师寄语:knowledge is power.)

学习任务一: 会读写本课13个单词.






奶油__________ 冰淇淋_________ 沙拉___________ 草莓_________梨__________

学习任务二: 谈论对方喜欢或不喜欢的食物。

1. 录音完成1b ( 面的对话编号)

2. 两人一组练习1b 对话.

3. pair work 和你同伴模仿1b对话.编新对话.

二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )



三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)

i. 一般情况下加 -s . 如: book books

hamburger _____________pear__________ banana_______________ orange_________ ii. 以 o 结尾的加 -s 或-es 如: photo photos

tomato _______________

iii. 以 s . sh ch . x 结尾的加-es 如: watch watches

bus _________

iv . 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的变 y 为 i 加 es . 如: dictionary dictionaries

strawberry __________ family _______________

四、 诊断评价:

(一) 翻译下列句子.













(二) 根据句意及汉意写出下列单词

(1) do you l ________ salad ?

(2) i want to eat some b _________.


1. 认知目标:初步听懂并说出与公园有关的自然景物的单词,及表达某地有什么的句型。

2. 能力目标:学生能初步运用所学知识进行交流,培养学生的口语交际能力。

3. 情感目标:激发学生对大自然的热爱,增强学生强烈热爱环境,保护环境的意识。


1. 认读与公园有关的单词:parks,hill,lake,bridge,flower,grass,tree

2. 能够初步表达某地有某物:There is... in the park.


1. 单词 bridge 的正确发音;

2. 对某地有某物的表达:There is... in the park.



教学准备: 课件、录音机、磁带、公园图片、吹塑纸做成的公园模型等。


一、Warming Up

1. Oral practice

教师问:Hello/ Hi. 学生答:Hello/ Hi.

How are you? Fine, thank you.

Whats your name? My name is...

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.


2. Review

(1) 听录音,复习歌曲 We are classmates,we are friends;

(2) 教师运用 TPR 教法,帮助学生复习介词:in/ on/ under/ behind;

(3) 教师出示图片,询问学生:Whats this? 学生回答:Its... a table/ a chair/ a boat/...

[设计意图]:通过歌曲、TPR 教法、认读图片的方法,帮助学生复习介词和形容词,为学习新的知识做铺垫。这不仅达到了复习的目的,同时又调动了学生全面参与到教师组织的活动当中,成为学习的主人。学生也可在这些活动中放松紧张的心情,以更加自信的状态学习英语。


1. 教师出示北海公园的照片,问学生:Whats this? 让学生回答,引出公园的单词“park”;

2. 教师继续询问:Have you been to the BeiHai Park? And which parks have you been to? 学生可用中文回答,如:Xiangshan Park;Jingshan Park;

3. 教师接着说:Ok,Lets go to a beautiful park and enjoy it.

4. 教师出示课件,为学生呈现一个美丽的公园。教师说:Oh,What a beautiful park! 并询问学生:What can you see in the park?

5. 教师引导学生说出公园里的景物。学生每说到一个景物,教师就点击该景物,并示范单词的发音,如:hill, flower, grass, tree,lake, bridge;

6. 有的单词学生会说,教师可让学生来做老师,教给其他同学;

7. “bridge”的发音较难,教师可让学生模仿录音,采取比赛的形式,看谁模仿的最好,教师给予奖励。


8. 教师出示图片,带领学生复习生词,让学生快速认读单词;

9. 游戏:猜单词比赛。请一名学生上讲台前来任意抽出一张图片,让其他学生猜猜图片上是什么,猜对有奖品;

10. 教师通过画简笔画的方式,让学生来单词,帮助学生复习巩固单词。



1. 听录音,学习歌谣;

2. 第一遍,让学生说出听到的单词;

3. 第二遍,让学生补充听到的单词;

4. 第三遍,让学生根据录音的内容把相关的公园模型贴到黑板上;

5. 第四遍,让学生根据录音的内容把模型标出顺序;

6. 第五遍,全班跟读歌谣;

7. 第六遍,男女生朗读歌谣;

8. 第七遍,请几名学生跟读歌谣。


9. 四人一组朗读歌谣;

10. 听录音,让学生指读单词;

11. 教师示范某地有某物的句子:There is a ... in the park. 让学生指图;

12. 请好学生模仿老师说句子,其他学生指图,并跟说;

13. 四人一组表达公园里有某物:There is ... in the park.

14. 游戏:教师表达某地有某物,让学生用肢体来表现景物。

15. 听录音,完成“Listen and draw”的练习,请一名学生在投影仪上做示范。

[设计意图]:教师通过示范表达某地有某物的句子,让学生指图,进一步帮助学生复习与公园有关的单词,同时引出新的表达句型:There is ... in the park. 这样使得每一次的学习内容都是在旧知识的基础上扩展来的,这样也便于学生接受。通过游戏、画画等方式,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中感知语言,习得语言。同时也从另一个角度告诉学生:自然是美好的,我们应该热爱大自然,爱护环境。







在本节课结束时,学生将能够了解教室环境中物品的名称并在口语中正确使用My name is… Nice to meet you.等句型简单介绍自己,了解他人的姓名信息,进一步了解新同学;学生将能够了解单元任务的具体要求,并完成自己和小组内成员的姓名部分。


1. 学生将能够准确读出教室日常用品的名称并根据图片提示正确拼写。

2. 学生将能够在口语中使用Good morning,hello, hi,nice to meet you 向他人打招呼,正确使用句型My name is Gina. What’s your name? 简单介绍自己的姓名并询问同学的姓名.

3. 学生将能够初步了解形容词性物主代词my your, his, her的用法。

4. 学生将能够制作班级同学中英文名字记录表中的一部分。


采用自主学习、小组合作探究学习策略,利用教学图片、幻灯片等来展开课堂教学、 Pair work 问答式的口语交际活动,进行 “打招呼和简单自我介绍” 的课堂教学和练习。本单元的`教学法建议:词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式。




1. 能够介绍自己的姓名:My name is …I’m…

2. 能够简单问候初识的朋友:Hello!/Hi! Good morning! Nice to meet you!

3. 能够正确使用形容词性物主代词my your, his, her


词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用;口语教学——采取 pair work 问答式的口语交际活动或游戏等小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和role-play的方式;


【课题】 Unit1 My name’s Gina.



1. 掌握并规范字母Ii-Rr.

2. 识记本单元词汇:what, this, in, English, a, an, map, orange, jacket, key, quilt, pen, ruler, spell, please, etc.



【学习重难点】: 熟练掌握本单元词汇及语言结构。




名字______遇见______问题,难题______ 回答,答案 ______

第一的________ 最后的________


1.my_________2.clock _________3.nice ________ 4.what ________

5. your_________ 6.hello _______7.I________ 8.you ________9.his ________

10.her ___________11.name__________12.are________13.is____________


1. 选择题:

(1.)Kate has lost(丢失) _______key. _________asked _________for help.

A.her ,he, I B. his, he ,me C. his, she, I D. her, she, me

(2)_____ plus(加) seven is thirteen?

A. Five B. Six C. Eight D. Nine

(3)______ is her name ?

A. who B. what C where D. How

2. 写出下列英语形式。


3. 写出下列词的英语意思:

1). 早晨__________2).下午_________3).晚上___________4).谢谢_________

5).名字________6).好的________ or_________

【预习反思】: 你还有什么问题吗?(Do you have any problems?)


Step1 交流展示

Step2 精讲点拨: What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?句中的your可根据问对象换成his、her等物主代词。What’s his name ? (翻译) ___________________.

Step3 Pairwork 1: Student A: What’s your name ?

Student B: My name is Mary.

Pairwork 2: Student A: Hello! I’m Mary.

Student B: Hi, Mary! I’m Jim.

Step4 Summary : 1)向别人作自我介绍是通常用My name is + 自己的名字/ I’m +自己的名字

2)将下列单词分类 I , he, my, his, her, she, it, its

人称代词: ___________________________

物主代词: ____________________________

三、作业:满分:10分 得分率:______


1. What’s ______ name? A. he B. I C. her D. you

2. ________she Lucy? A. Am B. Is C. are D. be

3. ________is Li Lei.________English is good

A. He’s ; His B. His; He C. He; His D.You; Your


A. Cc B.Bb C. Ff D. Gg

5. ------What’ your name ? ----------__________

A. Yes B. Thanks C. Tom D. Fine, thank you


1. A:How do you do? B:_________________

2. A: _________________?

B:Fine, thank you.

3. A: Good evening, Frank!

B:________________, Eric!

4. A: ________________, Dale!

B: Good afternoon, Alice!

5. A: _____________________________?

B: His name is Tom.












采取 pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动及role-play角色扮演的形式进行操练;












(2)Is this / that…? 肯定否定回答时代词的使用。

三 、教学过程

: Speaking: My family



: Role play(practice)




ⅠTeaching Materials

1. Language Materials

Words: spoil, as, screen

Phrases: on the computer, find out

Sentences: I guess somebody else has borrowed it.

Could you find out who has taken it?

Grammar: The present perfect tense

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1. Read the whole lesson fluently, and pronunciation and intonation should be right.

2. Learn to read the information on the library cards and the computer screen.

3. Master the following materials

(4 skills) Word: as

phrase: on the computer, find out

(3 skills) Words: spoil, screen

Ⅲ Teaching Points

The main points: (1)&(2) in teaching objectives

The difficult points: learn to read the information on the library cards and the computer screen

Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

Organization of the class

Today, we are going to learn Lesson 4. In Lesson 4, we’re going to talk about the information on the library cards and the computer screen.


Before we go on to learn the new lesson, let’s go over what we learn in Lesson 3.

A. Oral

How could Grandma get all her lost books back?

the use of the adverbs in the present perfect tense.

The teaching of the new lesson

A. Lesson 4

Yesterday, we learned that grandma usually borrowed books from the library. There is a new library today. If you want to read books, how can you find them? Let’s go on to learn Lesson 4.

B. Part1

I’d like you to listen and do Wb. Ex.1

C. Part 2

Ask the students to write down something about the school librarian and report it to the class. Teach: as He works there as a shop assistant.

D. Part 4

Learn to read the information on the cards and the computer screen.

E. Part 3

Listen and answer: What does the boy want to borrow?

What’s its name?

Who has borrowed it?

Read and learn.

has borrowed, has taken, has got( the present perfect tense)

find out

Read and act.

F. Part 5

Read and learn.

G. Checkpoint 1

H. Wb. Ex.2&5


A. Wb. Ex 3

B. Go over the whole unit.



2.掌握本单元的有关"water sports"的单词和短语,能听、说、读部分地名,重点掌握 no mater,both…and…,all over等短语或习惯用语的用法。



5.运用本单元所学知识来描述某一运动。如:the Olympic Games或surfing或diving等。


1. 进一步学习现在完成时,灵活运用already, just, ever, never等词语。

2. 引导学生对水上运动和其他运动进行描述,达到阐述自已喜好的目标。

3. 在学习过程中,让学生了解体育运动对每个人的生活和工作的重要性。

4. 通过各种教学手段,如声音、图片、动画、电视、网络等,让学生在了解有关体育知识的基础上,自觉参与各项体育运动,培养积极向上的生活情趣。

5. 引导学生尝试运用不同的学习工具、学习方法、媒体素材等进行学习和提高。


Teaching Objectives:

Students should master the dialogues, useful expressions about the present perfect tense.

Language Focus:

What's the surfing like today? Have you ever been to … How long have you been to …


Tape recorder, topic cards, etc.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Revision

Ask student answer the questions of Have you…

T: Have you finish you homework? /Have you got your notebooks?

S: Yes./ No.

T: What have you done for English study?

S: (They may have different answers.)

II. Leading in

After a long vacation, Ss may remember something about their travel, let them think about where they have been. How to speak in English?

III. Presentation

Write the sentences on the blackboard:

Have you ever been ______?

I have already been _______ several times. / I've never been there.

Explain the meaning of sentences and the word ever, already and never.

Open the textbook and turn to page 6, lead the Ss to read the word Bondi Beach, Cape Town, Hawaii, Newquay, surfed, water-skied, canoed, dived in part 2.

Let Ss read part 2 dialogs in pairs.

IV. Practise

Let them close the textbook. Show a topic to Ss: Ted and Bruce's talk beside the beach. Say to Ss: "Please image that you are Ted and Bruce, you are talking about your trip and water sports, you'd better use Have you ever been …, surf, uncle. Five minutes later, go to the front to show your talk with your partner."

Check their talks in pairs, encourage them to speak aloud and practise as the actor.

V. Presentation

Play the tape of Part 1 for the students to listen three times. The first time, let one or two Ss speak the main sentences in the dialog. The second time, volunteers repeat what they hear. The third time, try to rewrite the whole sentences.

Ss open their textbooks, and check what is not remembered.

Ss could find any problem about this dialog, T give them the answer.

eg. have a try, I don't know how to surf, Since last Wednesday, None of us has, etc.

VI. Exercises in class

T read the questions below, and Ss give their answer, to improve and impress what have learned.

1. They are good ___________. Do you like __________? (surf) answer: surfers, surfing

2. We have been to Hawaii __________. (two) answer: twice

3. Mike hasn't done his homework _____.

A. already B. just C. yet D. either answer: C

4. Ted has been a bus driver _____ five months ago.

A. for B. since C. from D. in answer: B

5. - _____ have you been to Cape Town?

- Since last Wednesday.

A. How often B. How many times

C. How long D. How soon answer: C

6. She is very busy. He hasn't had a day _____ for three weeks.

A. busy B. free C. off D. on answer: C

VII. Homework

1. Finish your dialog design after class, try to use what you have learn.

2. Finish the exercises on page 97.

3. To read Surfing in page 7, find the main sentences, and think about what kind of water sport you like best, why?

Teaching Objectives:

Students should understand the meaning of reading, master useful expressions and learn more about the present perfect tense.

Language Focus:

Useful topic: Surfing, beaches; useful expressions: have been, never, ever, no matter how, neither nor, etc; and other reading skills.


Tape recorder, topic cards, answer sheet, etc.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Revision

Revise the Present Perfect tense, do the exercise 2 on page 97, ask students answer the questions one by one.

II. Pre-reading

There are many kinds of water sports, such as swimming, paddling, Boogie-boarding, and dragon boat race in China. What water sports have you watch? What kind of water sport you like best, why?

III. While-reading

Before first listening of Surfing, read the questions of exercises 1 on page 98. Prepare their answer sheet. Ask the students bring these questions to listen the tape or video first time. Write their answer if possible.

Then play the tape or video once again, ask the students check their answers. And then let them try to give the main sentence of this reading.

Open the textbook, turn to page 7. Let Ss find the new words and useful expressions in five parts (each part for each paragraph). Ask them give correct explanation. Make sure everyone is on task. While working, teacher go around the classroom and give help where need. Then show the answers of them. Teacher explains the main sentences, such as Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world; It's neither too hot nor too cold all the year round; etc.

IV. After-reading

Discussing in four parts, talk about San Francisco, Honolulu, Hawaii, Hainan island. After discussion Ss should give Where is it, What it famous for, What water sport are there, etc.

V. Homework

1. Finish exercises 2 on page 98.

2. Revise the new words, useful expression and sentences


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/26641.html发布于 2024-09-19
