2 first aid (对伤患者的)急救
3 temporary 暂时的;临时的adj.
4 fall ill 生病
5 injury 损伤;伤害n.
6 bleed (bled,bled)流血vt.&vi.
7 nosebleed 鼻出血;流鼻血n.
8 sprain 扭伤
9 sprained 扭伤的adj.
10 ankle 踝(关节)n.
11 choke (使)咽住;(使)窒息vt.&vi.
12 cupboard 橱柜;衣柜n.
13 skin 皮;皮肤n.
14 essential 最重要的;不可缺少的;本质的adj.
15 organ 器官n.
16 layer 层;层次n.
17 barrier 屏障;障碍(物)n.
18 poison 毒药;毒害n.毒害;使中毒vt.
19 ray 光线;射线n.
20 complex 复杂的adj.
21 variety 变化;多样(化);多变(性)n.
22 liquid 液体n.
23 radiation 辐射;射线n.
24 mild 轻微的;温和的;温柔的adj.
25 mildly 轻微地;温和地adv.
26 pan 平底锅;盘子n.
27 stove 炉子;火炉n.
28 heal (使)康复;(使)化解vt.&vi.
29 tissue (生物)组织;薄的织物;手巾纸n.
30 electric shock 触电;电休克
31 swell (swelled,swellen)(使)膨胀;隆起vt.&vi.
32 swollen 肿胀的adj.
33 blister 水泡n.(使)起泡vt.&vi.
34 watery (似)水的adj.
35 char 烧焦vi.
36 nerve 神经;胆量n.
37 scissors 剪刀n.
38 unbearable 难以忍受的;不能容忍的adj.
39 basin 盆;盆地n.
40 squeeze 榨;挤;压榨vt.&vi.
41 squeeze out 榨出;挤出
42 over and over again 反复;多次
43 bandage 绷带n.
44 in place 在适当的位置;适当
45 ointment 要高;油膏n.
46 infection 传染;传染病;感染n.
47 vital 至关重要的;生死攸关的adj.
48 symptom 症状;征兆n.
49 label 加标签或标记;分类vt.标签;标记n.
50 kettle (水)壶;罐n.
51 pour 倒;灌;注;涌vt.&vi.
52 wrist 手腕n.
53 damp 潮湿的adj.
54 Casey 凯西(姓)
55 sleeve 袖子n.
56 blouse 女衬衫n.
57 tight 牢的;紧的;紧密的adj.
58 tightly 紧地;牢牢地adv.
59 firm (动作)稳定有力的;坚定的adj.
60 firmly 坚固地;稳定地adv.
61 throat 咽喉;喉咙n.
62 Janson 詹森(姓)
63 ceremony 典礼;仪式;礼节n.
64 bravery 勇敢;勇气n.
65 Slade 斯莱德(姓)
66 stab 刺;戳;刺伤vt.&vi.
67 a number of 若干;许多
68 put one's hands of 找到
69 treat 治疗;对待;款待vt.&vi.款待;对待n.
70 apply 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用vt.申请;请求;使用;有效vi.
71 pressure 压力;积压;压迫(感)n.
72 ambulance 救护车n.
73 scheme 方案;计划n.
74 Southerton 萨瑟顿(姓)
75 make a difference 区别对待;有影响;其(重要)作用
76 bruise 瘀伤;擦伤n.&vi.
transport n. 运送;运输 vt. 运输;运送 [trænsˈpɔ:t]
prefer vt. 更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) [priˈfə:]
disadvantage n. 不利条件;不便之处 [ˌdisədˈvɑ:ntidʒ]
fare n. 费用 [fɛə]
△route n. 路线;路途 [ru:t]
△Mekong n. 湄公河
flow vi. 流动;流出 n. 流动;流量 [fləu]
ever since 从那以后
persuade vt. 说服;劝说 [pəˈsweid]
cycle vi. 骑自行车
graduate vi. 毕业 n. 大学毕业生 [ˈɡrædjuit]
finally adv. 最后;终于
schedule n. 时间表;进度表 vt. 为某事安排时间 [ˈʃedju:əl]
fond adj. 喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的
be fond of 喜爱;喜欢
shortcoming n. 缺点 [ˈʃɔ:tkʌmiŋ]
stubborn adj. 顽固的;固执的 [ˈstʌbən]
organize vt. 组织;成立 [ˈɔrɡəˌnaɪz]
care about 关心;忧虑;惦念
△detail n. 细节;详情 [ˈdi:teil]
△source n. 来源;水源 [sɔ:s]
determine vt. 决定;确定;下定决心 [diˈtə:min]
determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的
change one’s mind 改变主意
journey n. 旅行;旅程 [ˈdʒə:ni]
altitude n. 海拔高度;高处 [ˈæltitju:d]
make up one’s mind 下决心;决定
give in 投降;屈服;让步
△atlas n. 地图;地图集 [ˈætləs]
△glacier n. 冰河;冰川 [ˈɡlæsjə]
△Tibetan adj. 西藏的;藏族的; 藏族人的 [tɪˈbetn]
n. (西)藏语;西藏人; 藏族人
△rapids n. 急流 [ˈræpɪdz]
valley n. (山)谷;流域 [ˈvæli]
△waterfall n. 瀑布
pace vi. 缓慢而行;踱步 n. 一步;速度;步调
bend n. 弯;拐角 vt. (bent, bent) 使弯曲 vi. 弯身;弯腰
△meander n. (指河流等)蜿蜒缓慢流动 [mi:ˈændə]
△delta n. 三角洲 [ˈdeltə]
attitude n. 态度;看法 [ˈætitju:d]
△Qomolangma n. 珠穆朗玛峰
boil vi. (指液体)沸腾;(水)开 [bɔil]
forecast n. & vt. 预测;预报 [ˈfɔ:-kɑ:st]
parcel n. 小包;包裹 [ˈpɑ:səl]
insurance n. 保险 [inˈʃuərəns]
wool n. 羊毛;毛织品 [wul]
as usual 照常
reliable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的 [riˈlaiəbl]
view n. 风景;视野;观点;见解 vt. 观看;注视;考虑 [vju:]
△yak n. 牦牛
pillow n. 枕头;枕垫 [ˈpiləu]
midnight n. 午夜;子夜
at midnight 在午夜
flame n. 火焰;光芒;热情 [fleim]
beneath prep. 在……下面 [biˈni:θ]
△Laos n. 老挝(东南亚国家)
△Laotian n. 老挝人
adj. 老挝(人)的
temple n. 庙宇;寺庙 [ˈtempl]
cave n. 洞穴;地窖 [keiv]
Teaching Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students should
? master the key w ords and expressions through the competitio n;
? practice their reading skills such as skimming and scanning;
? enhance their cooperation abilities through group work;
? realize the importance and emergency of protecting wildlife;
Teaching Important Points:
? Students can do the competition actively and master the words and expressions ;
? Students can finish those reading exercises by thems elves by using reading skills;
? Students can do the group task successfully.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Students can un derstand the content of the passage and do the group discussion successfully.
Teaching Procedures:
Part 1. Pre-reading (11’)
1. A video of “THE LION KING” and some pictures of the miserable animals;
2. Words and expressions competition.
Part 2. While-readin g ( 20’)
1. Skim the whole passage and finish the chart below.
2. Read the Paragraph 1 and find out the answers to the following questions.
1). How did the antelope feel?
2). Why are people hunting and killing the Tibetan antelopes?
3. Read paragraph 2 and choose the best answer according to the text.
1). Why is the number of elephants increa sing in Zimbabwe?
A. Because more elephants have come to Zimbabwe.
B. Because farmers are happy and no longer kill them;
C, Because those elephants don’t destroy farms any more.
2). How does the government of Zimbabwe help protec t wild animals?
A. It allowed tourists to hunt a small number of animals if they paid the farmers;
B. It forced farmers to protect the animals.
C. It put m ore wild animals into Zimbabwe.
4. Read parag raph 3 and fill in the blanks.
When the carpet and Daisy came to ___ ___ ______, they saw a _______ rubbing itself with a millipede _______, which can ______ mosquitoes because it ______ a powerful drug. The money told Daisy to pay more ________to the rainforest and _____ how the animals live t ogether. No forest, no animals, no _____.
5. True or False statements.
1. Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet.
2. Daisy’s sweater was made of sheep wool.
3. The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe.
4. In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see the elephants.
5. The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants now.
6. This is a real story in Daisy’s life.
Part 3. Post-reading ( 8’)
“Daisy” to talk about her feeling;
2. Discussion: What should we do to protect wildlife?
3. See a short video of Jackie Chan.
Part 4. Summary and Wri ting ( 1’)
Write a short passage based on the discussion.
Please write a letter to WWF and provide some suggestions on how to protect wildlife.
Improve students’ ability of extensive reading.
Improve students’ a skills of listening.
1. Teaching important points:
A. Improve students’ ability of extensive reading.
B. Improve students’ a skills of listening.
2. Teaching difficult points:
A. How to finish the task in limited time.
B. How to get the accurate information while listening.
Step 1. Greeting
Step 2. Daily report
Step 3. Revision
Check the answers to the exercises done yesterday.
Step 4. Extensive reading
1. Ask students two questions before listening to the tape, and then listen to the recording of the text:
A. When did dinosaurs live on the earth?
B. Why did they die out?
2. Explain the following language points:
① long before 很久以前
before long 不久之后
Dinosaurs do live on the earth long before.
Before long dinosaurs die out from the earth.
② on the earth- in the world
on earth 究竟
What on earth do you want?
Step 5. Listening
1. Explain the following difficult words to the students before listening:
① once upon a time 曾经;很久以前
② curious adj. 好奇的
③ wing n. 翅膀
④ trap n. 陷阱
⑤ spear n. 矛
2. Listen to the recording of Dodo’s Story.
3. Finish Ex 1 on p30.
4. Check the answers (C D B C)
5. Listen to the tape again and finish ex2 on P30
Step 6 Homework
1. Finish Ex. 21-55 on English Weekly 15th
2. Review the language points in this unit.
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
高一英语课有些英语知识点内容比较生动有趣,有些英语知识点内容的确比较枯燥。但是还是要把高一英语第二单元的知识点整理好便于复习。以下是我给你推荐的高一英语下册第二单元知识点,希望对你有帮助! 英语第二单元知识点 1. Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Ameiricans. 宽扎文化节是美国黑人庆祝自己文化和历史的节日,前后持续七天。 [问]the culture and history of African Americans 是做celebrating的宾语吗?[答]是的。例如:Can you tell us why you want to stay here and what you will do when you stay here?你能告诉我你为什么要呆在这里及你想呆在这儿做什么吗? 2. The week following Christmas Day, many African -American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.圣诞节之后的那个星期,许多美国黑人家庭聚集在一起相互问候新年并回忆过去。[问]to greet the new year and think about the past 是两个不定式短语作目的状语吗?[答]是的。请看下面两个例句:1、We could get there to have the meeting on time. 我们可以准时到哪儿开会。2、The boy said slowly to let me know clearly about what had happened. 哪个小孩讲得和年慢目的是让我对所发生的事情一目了然。 3. Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when Dr Maulana Karenga created a new festival so that African -Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture. 宽扎文化节诞生于1966年,当时,毛拉.卡伦格博士创建了一个新的节日以便美国黑人能够庆祝他们的历史和文化。 [问]when Dr Maulana Karenga created a new festival so that African-Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture是什么从句? [答]非限定性的定语从句。引导词when在定语从句中作时间状语。如:1、He was born in 1949, when China was liberated by the PLA. 他出生于1949年,中国人民解放军在那是解放了中国。 4. Dr Karenga chose the word because there are many festivals in Africa called "the first-fruit"festivals. 卡伦格博士之所以选择这个词是因为在非洲很多节日都是被称作“第一果”的节日。 [问]如何解释because结构和called the first -fruit 结构? [答]because 引导的从句在句中作原因状语,called the first -fruit 结构?[答]beause 引导的从句在句中作原因状语,called过去分词短语在句中作定语。如:This is the student nameed Jack. 这就是名叫Jack. 这就是名叫Jack的那个学生。 英语第二单元练习题 一.单词拼写 do you want to do after g_________? 答案:graduation succeeded in winning a s_________ to Oxford University. 答案:scholarship house is so think it needs d_________. 答案:decorating turned off all the lights in the they were completely in d_________. 答案:darkness can’t use the is no _________(电池) in it. 答案:battery the chairman has the _________(权力) to decide the important things. 答案:power am uncomfortable because my body is_________(粘的). 答案:sticky you give water to a small baby to drink, you have to_________(煮沸) it first. 二.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 cakes are a_________(tradition) part of birthday parties. 答案:traditional the festival all the_________(decorate) were taken down. 答案:decorations games may have a_________(power) influence on children. 答案:powerful night of the _________(celebrate) was just like Christmas for them. 答案:celebration can be done to reduce the_________(destroy). 答案:destruction猜你喜欢: 1. 高中英语必修二第二单元知识点 2. 人教版高中英语必修二知识点总结 3. 人教版高一英语必修二综合试题及答案 4. 高二英语必修二知识点总结 5. 高一英语必修一unit2知识点总结
由于高中阶段要学习的英语知识点比较多,所以从高一开始我们就要注重英语每个单元的知识点复习和积累。以下是我给你推荐的高一英语下册第四单元知识点,希望对你有帮助! 英语第四单元知识点 1. In the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin cinducted a number of experiments in which he showed what electricity is.在18世纪,本杰明富兰克林进行了许多次关于电的实验。 [问]...in which he showed what electrivity is. in + which 引导定语从句,修饰先行词experiments。 这里which不能由that替换。 (2)...what electricity is 宾语从句,做show的宾语。 (3)A number of...“许多,大量”,接可数名词复数,谓语要用复数形式;the number of...“……的数量”谓语动词应该用单数。 例如:A number of peasants are working inthe fields with the sun burning in the shy. 许多农民顶着烈日在地里耕作。 2. Having realized that I could use a kite to aftract lightning. I decided to do an experiment. 当我意思到能用风筝来接收闪电后,我决定做个实验。 [问]Having realized that ... 在句子充当什么成分? [答]Having realized that ... 现在分词短语做时间状语。(=when I had realized that I could use a kite to attract lightning, ...) 3. Most kites are made of paper, but a kite made of silk will last longer in weather with rain and strong winds. 大多数风筝是由纸做的,但用丝绸制的风筝在雨和大风的天气中持续的时间会长一些。 [问]made of silk 在句中作何成分?be made of 与be made from 有何区别? [答] made of silk 过去粉刺短语所定语,修饰a kite, he made of...由……构成(看得出原材料);be made from 由……构成(看不出原材料)。 4. The pieces should be just long enough to reach the comers of the handkerchief.那木头片的长度应该达到手帕的四个角。 [问]enough在句中如何用?reach是什么意思? [答](1)enough to ..." 足够……的”, enough修饰形容词时应放在形容词之后。例如:kind enough 足够善良的;careful enough足够仔细的。 (2)reach v. & n. 达到;够得着。例如:out of reach够不着。 5. Add a tail to the frame and tie a long string to the cross so you can control the kite.在架子上加一个把柄,在十字架上栓一根长细绳以便你能够控制那风筝。 [问]add...to...是什么意思? [答]add...to...把……加到……。 例如:Please add an article to the sentence, then it is correct now .请在这个句子中加上一个定冠词,然后它就对了。 6. THis ribbon, which must not get wet, will protect you from the electricity.这根丝带一定不能变湿,它是用来保护你不被触电的。 [问]which must not get wet 作何成分, protect...from...是什么意思? [答](1)...which must not get wet ,非限制性定语从句做定语,修饰This ribbon. (2)protect ... from... “保护……免受……”,相当于prevent ... from ...;stop ...from...;keep ...from。 例如:We should prevent our environment from being polluted. 我们应该保护我们的环境免受污染。 7. Around the world, animals are used to test produce such as shampoo, skin creams and new cancer drugs. 在全世界,动物们被用来测试如洗发水,皮肤霜以及新的治癌药等产品。 [问]be used to do ..., be used to doing ... 和used to do 有何区别? [答]be used to do ... 被用来做什么...... be used to doing ... 习惯于做…… used to do ...过去常常做…… 8. They also believe that it is possible to use much fewer animals. 他们还相信用更少的动物测试是可能的。 [问]it is possible to do ...做……是可能的; It is + adj. +to do ... it 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to do... 例如:It is difficult to learn two foreigh languages. 学会两门外语是困难的。 It is impossible to walk on the moon. 在月球上行走是不可能的。 英语第四单元练习题 1、 带把伞可防晒。 Taking an umbrella will ________ _______ ________ ______ -______. 2、 毫无疑问,他在说谎。 ______ _______ ______ _______ that he is lying. 3、 意识到他一个人干不了这件事,他向我求助。 _______ ________ that he couldn’t do it himself, he asked me for help. 4、 那位老师对全班的学生进行了数学测试。 The teacher ________ the whole class ______ maths. 5、 请你帮我选出一本杂志好吗? Will you ________ _______ a magazine for me? 6、 我们可以在大厅拍照吗? ______ ______ ________ ______ take pictures in the hall? 7、 请在咖啡中加点糖。 Please ______ some sugar ____ the coffee. 8、 妈妈开始做家务。 Mother is _________ ______ ______ her housework. 9、 什么也阻止不了我们到这里来。 Nothing will __________ us _______ ________ here. 10、 他没有勇气违背他父亲的意愿。 He has no courage ______ ______ _______ his father’s will. 11、 穿上这件外套。它可以御寒。 Put on this coat. It will _______ you ________ the cold. 12、 这些酒瓶是用玻璃制造的。 These wine bottles __________ glass. 13、 这种酒是用葡萄酿造的。 This kind of wine __________ grapes. 14、 注意在实验开始之前把一切都准备好。 ________ _______ that everything is prepared before the experiment begins. 15、 每个队都有两次得分,比赛不分胜负。 Each team scored twice and the game_______ ______ ______ _______. 16、 为什么学生在闻从瓶子里冒出来的气味时要小心? Why should students _______ _______ ________ from bottle? 17、 如果你眼睛里进了东西,该怎么办? What ______ _____ ______ ______ when something gets into your eyes? 18、 它实在太昂贵了。 It is ______ ______ expensive. 19、 它既快又干净,而且不产生噪音,就像飞机一样。 It’s fast and clean and it does not make any noise, _____ ______ ____. 20、 那对经济(发展)有好处。 It ______ ________ ________ the economy. 21、 你使用的几乎每一种药都曾在动物身上试验过。 Almost every medicine you use ______ ______ ________ _______ animals.猜你喜欢: 1. 高一英语知识点大总结 2. 人教版高中英语必修四必背短语 3. 高一英语语法知识点总结 4. 高一英语重点时态语法知识点总结 5. 高中英语知识点总结 人教版
through 经历,经受get through 通过;完成;接通电话
2. set down 记下,放下
3. a series of 一系列
4 on purpose 有目的的
5. in order to 为了
6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻
7. face to face 面对面(这是人教版高一英语必修一常出现的短语)
8. fall in love 爱上
9. join in 参加(某个活动);take part in 参加(活动)join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员)
10. calm down 冷静下来
11. suffer from 遭受
12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦
13. be concerned about 关心
14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽(这是人教版高一英语必修一重点短语)
15. be good at/do well in 擅长于…
16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是…
1. fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。例如:
He’s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。
Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗?
He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。
2. hunt for = look for寻找(人教版高一英语必修一重点词组)
I have found the book I was hunting for.我找到了那本我在找的书。
hunt for a job 找工作
3. in order to, so as to 这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to可放于句首, so as to则不能, 其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to. 如:
He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting.
In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。
4. care about(人教版高一英语必修一必考词组)
1) 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care for
She doesn’t care about money.她不喜欢钱。
2)关心 = care for
She thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people.
These young people care nothing about what old people might say.
Module Topic 1 My First Day at Senior High 2 My New Teachers 3 My First Ride on a Train 4 A Social Survey - My Neighbourhood 5 A Lesson in a Lab 6 The Internet and Telecommunications 7 Revision 我这个是人教必修1的英语目录
Unit 1 Friendship
Unit 2 English around the world
Unit 3 Travel journal
Unit 4 Earthquakes
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero
Unit 1 Cultural relics
Unit 2 Cultural relics
Unit 3 Computers
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
Unit 5 Music
Unit 1 Cultural relics
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
Unit 3 Computers
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
Unit 5 Music
Appendices 附录
Notes to the texts 课文注释
Grammar 语法
Words and expressions in each unit 各单元生词和习惯用语
Vocabulary 词汇表
Irregular verbs 不规则动词
Changes in international phonetic symbols for English 英语国际音标变化表
目 录文摘英文文摘声明IntroductionChapter 1 Awareness of Culture Teaching in Senior High The Understanding of Language and The Relationship between Language and Culture Teaching and the SEFCSBChapter 2 Cultural Elements Embodied in Current Teaching Cultural Embodiment in Cultural Embodiment in Warming up , Listening and Cultural Embodiment in ReadingChapter 3 A Survey of Present Culture Teaching in Senior High The Design of the Findings and Comparison with the Former Teaching Materials about The Design of the New The New Books in Aspect of the Cultural The Goal of Culture The Means of Culture The Teaching of the Body Language The Main Role of the Teacher in Culture The Difficulties in Carrying out Culture TeachingChapter 4 Practice of Culture Teaching in Senior High Culture Teaching in Teaching Culture through Teaching Culture through Teaching Culture through Culture Teaching out of ClassChapter 5 The Roles of the Teachers and the Learners in Culture Teachingin Senior High SchoolsConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
Unit 1 Friendship
Unit 2 English around the world
Unit 3 Travel journal
Unit 4 Earthquakes
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero
Unit 1 Cultural relics
Unit 2 Cultural relics
Unit 3 Computers
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
Unit 5 Music
Unit 1 Cultural relics
Unit 2 The Olympic Games
Unit 3 Computers
Unit 4 Wildlife protection
Unit 5 Music
Appendices 附录
Notes to the texts 课文注释
Grammar 语法
Words and expressions in each unit 各单元生词和习惯用语
Vocabulary 词汇表
Irregular verbs 不规则动词
Changes in international phonetic symbols for English 英语国际音标变化表
(1)Unit 1 Friendship。
(2)Unit 2 Engpsh around the world。
(3)Unit 3 Tracel journal。
(4)Unit 4 Earthquakes。
(5)Unit 5 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero。
(1)Unit 1 Cultural repce。
(2)Unit 2 The Olympic Games。
(3)Unit 3 Computers。
(4)Unit 4 Wildpfe protection。
(5)Unit 5 Music。
(1)Unit 1 Festivals around the world。
(2)Unit 2 Healthy eating。
(3)Unit 3 The Milpon pound Bank Note。
(4)Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars。
(5)Unit 5 Canada —“The True North”。
(1)Unit 1 Women of achievement。
(2)Unit 2 Working the land。
(3)Unit 3 A taste of Engpsh humour。
(4)Unit 4 Body language。
(5)Unit 5 Theme parks。
(1)Unit 1 Great scientists。
(2)Unit 2 The United Kingdom。
(3)Unit 3 life in the future。
(4)Unit 4 Making the news。
(5)Unit 5 First aid。
(1)Unit 1 art。
(2)Unit 2 Poems。
(3)Unit 3 a healthy life。
(4)Unit 4 Global warming。
(5)Unit 5 The power of nature。
(1)Unit 1 pving well。
(2)Unit 2 Robots。
(3)Unit 3 Under the sea。
(4)Unit 4 Sharing。
(5)Unit 5 Travelpng abroad。
(1)Unit 1 A land of diversity。
(2)Unit 2 Cloning。
(3)Unit 3 Inventors and inventions。
(4)Unit 4 Pygmapon。
(5)Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors。
(1)Unit 1 Breaking records。
(2)Unit 2 Saipng the oceans。
(3)Unit 3 Austrapa。
(4)Unit 4 Exploring plants。
(5)Unit 5 Inside advertising。
Module Topic 1 My First Day at Senior High 2 My New Teachers 3 My First Ride on a Train 4 A Social Survey - My Neighbourhood 5 A Lesson in a Lab 6 The Internet and Telecommunications 7 Revision 我这个是人教必修1的英语目录
through 经历,经受get through 通过;完成;接通电话
2. set down 记下,放下
3. a series of 一系列
4 on purpose 有目的的
5. in order to 为了
6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻
7. face to face 面对面(这是人教版高一英语必修一常出现的短语)
8. fall in love 爱上
9. join in 参加(某个活动);take part in 参加(活动)join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员)
10. calm down 冷静下来
11. suffer from 遭受
12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦
13. be concerned about 关心
14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽(这是人教版高一英语必修一重点短语)
15. be good at/do well in 擅长于…
16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是…
1. fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。例如:
He’s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。
Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗?
He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。
2. hunt for = look for寻找(人教版高一英语必修一重点词组)
I have found the book I was hunting for.我找到了那本我在找的书。
hunt for a job 找工作
3. in order to, so as to 这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to可放于句首, so as to则不能, 其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to. 如:
He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting.
In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。
4. care about(人教版高一英语必修一必考词组)
1) 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care for
She doesn’t care about money.她不喜欢钱。
2)关心 = care for
She thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people.
These young people care nothing about what old people might say.
人教课标版 外研版 牛津版 北师大版 必修 1--5 1--5 1--5 1--5选修 6--11 6--10 6--10 6--11每种版本.虽然每种版本都有选修9--10/11,大多学到选修八为止.毕意选修部分高考考得少你这个问题有点宽泛,你又没指明教材版本.我只能一一给你作答:现在主流的高中英语教材有四大版本,但一般的学校都教不完所有的课本.其它地方或其它版本,如果为了应对高考,主要学习和掌握必修1--5的内容: 人教课标版,外研版,牛津版和北师大版, 高一时都要学四本课本, 上学期两本(必修1--2), 下学期两本(必修3--4),再记住选修6--8的词汇
目 录文摘英文文摘声明IntroductionChapter 1 Awareness of Culture Teaching in Senior High The Understanding of Language and The Relationship between Language and Culture Teaching and the SEFCSBChapter 2 Cultural Elements Embodied in Current Teaching Cultural Embodiment in Cultural Embodiment in Warming up , Listening and Cultural Embodiment in ReadingChapter 3 A Survey of Present Culture Teaching in Senior High The Design of the Findings and Comparison with the Former Teaching Materials about The Design of the New The New Books in Aspect of the Cultural The Goal of Culture The Means of Culture The Teaching of the Body Language The Main Role of the Teacher in Culture The Difficulties in Carrying out Culture TeachingChapter 4 Practice of Culture Teaching in Senior High Culture Teaching in Teaching Culture through Teaching Culture through Teaching Culture through Culture Teaching out of ClassChapter 5 The Roles of the Teachers and the Learners in Culture Teachingin Senior High SchoolsConclusionBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements