

小思 2024-09-19 24
街坊的英语摘要: 街区街坊的英语in the neighborhoodneighborstreet是所有城镇、乡村内两侧或一侧有房屋或建筑物的路和街这类公共通道的总称。avenue一般指较长...


in the neighborhoodneighbor


in the neighborhood neighbor

某某街道:Certain streets某某街坊:Certain residents某某丘:Certain hill


bu dong

街坊 [jiē fang]



我认为 neighborhood 原本意思只是“邻居”或“街坊”。如果把它译成“家乡”的话,也应该只是在特定场合下的引申意思。所以,把 "neighborhood" 译成“家乡”,可以是对,也可以是错,要视乎具体情况而定。举例而言,如果说话的人是身在一个小村、小镇,那麼,情况便像一楼和二楼所说一样。我认为在这种情况下,把 "neighborhood" 译成“家乡”是可以接受的,因为,在这种小范围的环境下,整个小镇或小村都是说话者的“邻居”或“街坊”。在这种情况下,"neighborhood" 与“家乡”基本上是同一个范围,所以把 "neighborhood" 译成“家乡”是可以接受的。不过,如果说话者当时是身处在一个大城市的某条街上,那麼,把 "neighborhood" 译成“家乡”便是不可以接受的,因为在这种情况下,"neighborhood" 与中文“家乡”的概念有太大分别。我觉得,在这种情况下,把 "this is my neighborhood" 译成 "这就是我以前(或小时候)住过的地方" 可能更好。总括而言,我认为把 "neighborhood" 译成“家乡”只有在比较特别的情况下才是可以接受的,否则,还是把它译成“邻居”、“街坊”、“左邻右舍”等等比较好。至於楼主所说的电影中的译法是否恰当,便需按当时的剧情来判断了。-----以下是看过楼主补充的资料後的补充回答:我没有看过楼主所说的电影,但从楼主补充贴出的图片来看,当地似是一个小镇。而且,我猜测当时的剧情可能是说话的人与好友(甚至是爱人)一起回到这裏,俯瞰著这个地方而说那句话。在这种情况下,我也认为可以把 "neighborhood" 译作“家乡”。而且,我也同意 "i2nd" (因为补充作答而不再在二楼了)的见解,人家就爱把 neighborhood 这个字这样用,我们就只能加以习惯。我一直抱持的疑问,只是把 neighborhood 亦作“家乡”不一定是最贴切的译法。不过,在看过照片後,我不反对译作“家乡”。

on a....street 某某街道neighbor mr/mrs XX 某某街坊XXXX mound 某某丘

某某街道:Certain streets某某街坊:Certain residents某某丘:Certain hill

街坊:Neighborhood 丘:Confucius


街道: street街坊: block丘: hill但英文说地址顺序与中文正好相反,先说最小的单位(单元),再说大些的,最大的(如国、省)是放最后的

街坊:Neighborhood 丘:Confucius

on a....street 某某街道neighbor mr/mrs XX 某某街坊XXXX mound 某某丘



torii Ruins of St. Paul澳门大三巴牌坊“Zhi Shi Xuan Yue” Memorial Archway“治世玄岳”牌坊

Memorial arch。 babel fish 译的,美国朋友推荐给我的翻译软件。

牌坊 [词典] torii; memorial archway; memorial gateway; honorific arch; [例句]做了坏事还想立牌坊,世界上哪有这种名利双收的好事呢?Li Paifang want to do bad things, fame and fortune in the world, how can this thing?

十笏园为中国北方园林建筑。始建于明代,又名丁家花园,位于山东潍坊市胡家牌坊街,面积2000平方米。因占地小,喻若十个板笏之大,故名。1988年中华人民共和国国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。十笏园原是明嘉靖年间刑部郎中胡邦佐的故宅,清代陈兆鸾(清顺治年间任彰德知府)、郭熊飞(清道光年间任直隶布政吏)曾先后在此住过,后于清光绪十一年(公元1885年)被潍县首富丁善宝以重金购作私邸,修葺了北部三间旧楼,题名砚香楼,开挖水池,堆叠假山,始成私人花园。十笏园是整个丁宅建筑群落的一部分,该建筑群落除“文革”中被毁的后花园外,现存的建筑面积一万零四百平方米,古建筑房屋200余间,其中仅十笏园中的大小建筑就多达34处。十笏园既是一处著名的古代园林,又是文物陈列馆所,曾为潍坊市博物馆原馆址所在地,异彩纷呈的文物分批轮流陈列,向观众开放,使这座名园更增添了丰富的文化内涵。Ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens for China north part of garden structure. Builds in the Ming Dynasty, also names the Ding family garden, located at Shandong Weifang Hu Jia memorial arch street, area 2000 square meters. Because occupies a land area is small, explains, if big ten board tablet held by officials during imperial audience, therefore. in 1988 the People's Republic of China State Council announced for the nation key Cultural relic preservation organ. the ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens are originally the bright Jiajing year the Ministry of Justice doctor of Chinese medicine Hu bonzo former dwelling, Qing Dynasty Chen Zhaoluan (clear Shunzhinianjian are appointed Zhangde governor of prefecture), Guo Xiongfei (the clear Daoguang Dynasty, no matter what Chihli cloth politics government official) once successively had lived in this, latter (in 1885) is bought in clear Guangxu 11 by Wei County richest family Ding Shanbao by the large sum of money does the private residence, the repair north three old buildings, the autograph inkstone fragrant building, excavates the basin, piles up one on top of another the rockery, the beginning becomes the personal garden. Ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens are entire Ding Zhai construct the community a part, this building community besides “the Great Cultural Revolution” the back garden which destroys, extant floor space 10,400 square meters, historic building house 200, in the only ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience garden's size construction much amounts to 34. the ten tablet held by officials during imperial audience gardens were not only a famous historical garden, was also the cultural relic exhibition hall institute, once for the Weifang Museum original hall site locus, the colourful cultural relic by groups and in turn exhibited, was open to the audience, causes this famous garden to increase the rich cultural connotation.杨家埠村位于山东半岛北部,世界风筝都潍坊近郊,全村320户,1142口人,辖地18.2平方公里,耕地1764亩,地势平坦,土质肥沃,气候温和,属东亚季风气候,适宜多种农作物生长。历史悠久,文化灿烂,明古槐与明古屋闻名遐迩;木版年画、风筝誉满全球,经济发展迅速,是重点开发地段。最先兴建的杨家埠民间艺术大观园,为仿古建筑,四合院结构。内有杨家埠木版年画陈列馆、杨家埠风筝陈列馆、民俗院、婚俗馆。到这里可以亲手扎制风筝、套印木版年画,也可以放风筝、坐空中缆车等。门神画中的武门神《神荼郁垒》在民间有个非常生动的传说:商末周初,度朔山上生有奇桃,肉甜味美,食之可延年益寿,桃下住着兄弟二人,哥哥叫神荼,弟弟叫郁垒,他们为人正直,力大无比,凶猛老虎为他们护林看桃,野牛岭上有个野大王,心狠手毒,喝人血,吃人心,残害百姓。一天,野大王派人到度朔山上索取仙桃,被神荼、郁垒轰走,野大王气得七窍生烟,一个黑夜,野大王带领他的信徒装扮成恶鬼前去报复,被神荼、郁垒用桃条捆起来扔给了老虎,所以桃木辟邪由此而来,同时成为辟邪驱鬼的工具。还有一个“灶王”的传说也很有意思,据传“灶王”原是浪荡公子张万仓,外号张腊月,原配丁香女勤俭贤惠、美丽善良,由于张腊月喜新厌旧,后门休出丁香女,前门娶来王海棠。不几年家底被挥霍净光,张腊月后悔莫及哭瞎了眼,便沿街乞讨,有一年腊月二十三,他讨饭到了丁香家,丁香女看到张腊月可怜,便不记前仇,让仆人把他请进来给他一碗龙须面吃。当他得知这是前妻丁香家时,羞愧难当便一头掸死在锅台上,从此贤惠的丁香女便在每年的腊月二十三祭祀他于锅台上,传来传去,便把张腊月传为“灶王”,民间也传下了在腊月二十三过小年时张贴“灶王”的习俗。杨家埠有限公司位于烟潍路国道边,到这里可以领路当地的民风民俗,既可以住五星级宾馆,也可以住农家院,吃农家饭,还可以买风筝和木版年画。到杨家埠交通便利,通讯发达,公路纵横,烟潍路国道傍村而过,寒清公路纵贯南北,潍坊市区五路公共汽车直达村内。有潍坊萝卜等土特产,有风味独特的朝天锅名吃,有核雕、风筝、年画等工艺品,有“跑旱船”等闹春习俗。Yang Bucun located in the northern part of Shandong Peninsula, the world Weifang kites are suburban, village 320, 1142, exemptions to 18.2 square kilometers, 1,764 acres of farmland, is flat, fertile soil, mild climate, the East Asia monsoon climate, suitable for a variety of Crop growth. Has a long history and splendid culture, and that the Maillard Guhuai famous; woodcut New Year pictures, Kite Awards, rapid economic development is the key development areas. Yang Jiabu the construction of the first folk art Grand View Garden, for the antique building, courtyard structure. Yang Jiabu board with pictures galleries, Yang Jiabu Kite Exhibition Hall, folk homes, Marriage Customs Museum. To be here personally扎system kites, overlay board pictures, can also be kite-flying, ride a cable car, and so on. Door-painting in the door god "God Tu Yu-base" in the people to have a very vivid legend: Business at the end of weekly, in the mountains of Health has Shuo Qi Tao, the United States and sweet meat, food of longevity may be, the two brothers lived under the peach , Called God Tu brother, my brother called Yu-base, people of integrity, of the very large, ferocious tiger forest for them to see peach, wild bison Lingshang have a king, Xinhen hand drugs, drink human blood, eating people and injure people. One day, wild king sent people to the mountains of New Moon from Xiantao, God Tu, Yu Lei Hong Zou, wild king Qiqiaoshengyan Qide, a dark night, wild king to lead his followers dressed as Egui forward to revenge, God Tu, Yu Peach of the base used to tie up Rengji the tiger, so the resulting Taomu evil spirits, evil spirits Qugui at the same time as a tool. There is also a "kitchen-" the legend is also very interesting, said to "focus King" was originally Langdang son of 000 positions, the nickname of La Yue, Original clove women diligence Xian-hui, beautiful kind-hearted, because of Layue Xixinyanjiu, clove woman to break the back door , The front door to marry Wang Begonia. Years was not squander the resources Jing Guang, Zhang Layue regret and tears Xiale Yan, then the streets begging, Layue 23, 2001, he Taofan home to the clove, clove-Layue poor women to see, they will not mind Qianchou, He asked the servant to let him come in to eat a bowl of Long Xumian. When he learned that it was his ex-wife clove home, ashamed Nandang have died in a Guotai Shan, Xian-hui from the clove women will be 23 in the annual ritual Layue He was Guotai, Chuan came to, then Chang Chuan-Layue "Stove", under the civil-also in La Yue, 23, posted a small "kitchen-" customs. Yang Wei Jiabu Co., breathing way of the Road side, can lead the way here to the local Folkways, we can live five-star hotels, homes can also live farm breakfast of rice, you can buy kites and board pictures. Yang Jiabu to convenient transportation, advanced communications, highways aspect, breathing Wei Road and State Road near the village, cold-longitudinal North-South Highway, Weifang urban Rd direct access to the village bus. Weifang is the carrot, and other native products, the unique flavor of the air pot Ming Chi, a nuclear eagles, kites, pictures and other souvenirs, "Pao Hanchuan" Naochun practices.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/26508.html发布于 2024-09-19
