There are many /lots of trees in the garden.
花园里面有很多树。这句话翻译成英文可以是:There are many trees in the garden. 或者是:There are a lot of trees in the garden.
There are many trees in the garden.
答案:【There is much grass in the garden.】 grass不可数名词 【很荣幸能帮你解答这道题】 【为了你宝贵的学习时间,我们将以最简略的方式为你解答】
花园里有很多花的英语翻译是:There are many flowers in the garden 。
a lot of 很多;许多
lots of 很多;许多
how many 多少;多少; 有多少
many a 许多;很多; 一个又一个的;可数
many people 许多人;很多人;好多人;许多人们
many times 许多次;累;多次;屡次
how much 多少;多少钱;有多少;数量
much more 多得多;更加;要多得多;多很多
much of 了不起的;称得上;那得;很大程度地
much as 虽然 ;表让步;虽然很;尽管
There is a profusion of flowers in the garden in summer; flowers grow there in profusion.
There are many trees in the garden.
花园里面有很多树。 There are many trees in the garden.
There are lots of trees in the garden.
花园里面有很多树。这句话翻译成英文可以是:There are many trees in the garden. 或者是:There are a lot of trees in the garden.
There are many trees in the garden.
花园里面有很多树。 There are many trees in the garden.
There are lots of trees in the garden.
Here , let me show you around my wonderful garden .Behind my house, there is the garden where has a lot of colorful flowers so that I always pick some from is more, I always catch some butterfies there which is attracked by the beautifull am keen of my own garden very promise you also will love it at the firsr sight.
花园里面有很多树。 There are many trees in the garden.
There are many /lots of trees in the garden.
花园里面有很多树。这句话翻译成英文可以是:There are many trees in the garden. 或者是:There are a lot of trees in the garden.
问题一:种花(英文翻译) 1.种花:grow the flowers | Growing Flowers | Planting Flowers | plant flowers 2.种花 栽花:growflowers 3.种花 种花:Blumen pflanzen 例句 1.莉莉有一个漂亮的花园,因为她是种花高手.The garden of her is very beautiful,because she has a green thumb. 2.我姑妈也喜欢种花. My aunt likes growing flowers,too. 一般就用:grow the flowers 问题二:种花用英语怎么说 plant flowers 问题三:种花的英文 plant flowers或者 grow flowers 望采纳,祝学习进步^=^ 问题四:种花的英文 1. 种花: grow the flowers | Growing Flowers | Planting Flowers | plant flowers 2. 种花 栽花: growflowers 3. 种花 种花: Blumen pflanzen 例句 1.莉莉有一个漂亮的花园,因为她是种花高手。 The garden of her 耿s very beautiful, because she has a green thumb. 2.我姑妈也喜欢种花。 My aunt likes growing flowers, too. 一般就用:grow the flowers 问题五:种花用英语怎么写 grow flowers,小学英语书上有这样的词 问题六:你是怎样种花的用英语怎么说? How do you cultivate flowers? 如果是责备语气的话:What have you done to the flowers? 问题七:五十种花的英语名称 白头翁-------------pulsatilla,windflower 花毛茛-------------persian buttercup,crowfoot 虞美人-------------corn poppy 荷包牡丹------------bleeding heart 紫罗兰-------------violet 天竺葵-------------pelargonium 珠兰--------------chloranthus 球根秋海棠-----------tuberous begonia 报春花-------------primrose 勿忘草-------------forget-me-not 补血草(勿忘我)---------sea lavender,statice 留兰香-------------spearmint 矮牵牛-------------petunia 薄荷--------------mint 鼠尾草-------------sage 迷迭香-------------rosemary 桔梗--------------balloonflower 非洲菊(扶郎花)--------transvaal daisy, gerbera 紫鹅绒-------------java velvetplant 百日草-------------youth-and-old-age,mon zinnia 马蹄莲-------------calla lily 香豌豆-------------sweet-pea 彩叶草-------------mon graden coleus 贝壳花-------------molucca balm 蒲包花-------------slipper wort 瓜叶菊-------------florists cineraria 豆瓣绿-------------peperomia 镜面草-------------roundleaf pilea 六月雪-------------snow of June 佛肚竹-------------buddha bamboo 鱼尾葵-------------fishtail palm 蒲葵--------------Chinese fan-palm 棕榈--------------palm 棕竹--------------lady palm 酒瓶椰子------------bottle palm 袖珍椰子------------parlor palm 朱蕉--------------tree of kings 龙血树-------------dracaena 万寿菊-------------marigold 翠菊--------------China aster 四季报春------------top primrose 半支莲(松叶牡丹)-------ross-moss,sun plant 凤仙花-------------garden balsam 波斯菊-------------mon co *** os 金鱼草-------------mon snapdragon 鸡冠花-------------cock *** 金盏菊-------------pot marigold 美女樱-------------verbena 大花牵牛---------......>>
plant flowers是什么意思plant flowers是“种花”的意思,plant英音:[plɑ:nt]美音:[plænt],及物动词 .栽种;播种[(+with)]We planted a lot of flowers in our garden.我们在庭院里种了很多花.请采纳~
plant flowers的意思是种花
Plant flowers指种花、养花。
发音:英 [plɑːnt ˈflaʊəz],美 [plænt ˈflaʊərz]。
示例:I think we should also take the time to plant flowers.
2、Aviculture plant flowers in almost every household, life is full of fun.