tweezerse.g.To pluck my eyebrows, I use a pair of tweezers.我用(一对)眉钳
洗面奶:facialcleanser/facewash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水:toner/astringent 紧肤水:firminglotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothingtoner(facialmist/facialspray/complexionmist) 护肤霜:moisturizersandcreams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sunscreen/sunblock 日霜:daycream 晚霜:nightcream 面膜:facialmask/masque 眼膜:eyemask 口红护膜:Lipcoat 磨砂膏:facialscrub 去死皮:Exfoliating Scrub Essence(精华液)Pack(剥撕式面膜) Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜) 彩妆:cosmetics 遮瑕膏:concealer 修容饼:Shadingpowder 粉底:foundation(compact,stick) 粉饼:pressedpowder 散粉:loosepowder 闪粉:shimmeringpowder/glitter 眉粉:browpowder 眉笔:browpencil 眼线液(眼线笔):liquideyeliner,eyeliner 眼影:eyeshadow 睫毛膏:mascara 唇线笔:lipliner 唇膏:lipcolor/lipstick(笔状lippencil,膏状liplipstick,盒装lipcolor/lipgloss) 唇彩:lipgloss/lipcolor 腮红:blush 卸装水:makeupremover 卸装乳:makeupremovinglotion 粉刷:cosmeticbrush,facebrush 粉扑:powderpuffs 海绵扑:spongepuffs 眉刷:browbrush 睫毛夹:lashcurler 眼影刷:eyeshadowbrush/shadowapplicator 口红刷:lipbrush 胭脂扫:blushbrush 电动睫毛卷:electriclashcurler 描眉卡:browtemplate 纸巾:facialtissue 吸油纸oil-AbsorbingSheets 化装棉:cottonpads 棉签:Q-tips Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(活用) Aftersun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸碱) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) Combination(混合性皮肤) Dry(干性皮肤) Facial(脸部用) Fast/Quickdry(快干) Firm(紧肤) Foam(泡沫) Gentle(温和用) Hydra-(保湿用) Longlasting(持久性) Milk(乳) Mult-(多元) Normal(中性皮肤) Nutritious(滋养) Oil-control(抑制油脂) Oily(油性皮肤) Remover(去除、卸妆) Repair(修护) Revitalite(活化) Scrub(磨砂式(去角质)) Sensitive(敏感性皮肤) Solvent(溶解) Sunblock(防晒用) Toninglotion(化妆水) Trentment(修护) Wash(洗) Waterproof(防水)面部化妆和洁面的这么些基本够用了吧
eyebrow clip 人工翻译!!!抵制机翻!!
eyebrow nip/eyebrow nip clip
一,化妆品/护肤品/洗涤护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(foaming,milky,cream,gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist) 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部gel: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:lip care 口红护膜:lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: exfoliating scrub 润肤露(香体乳):lotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: wash二,化妆品/护肤品功能 acne/spot(青春痘用品) active(赋活用) after sun(日晒后用品) alcohol-free(无酒精) anti-(抗、防) anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) balancing(平衡酸碱) clean-/purify-(清洁用) combination(混合性皮肤) dry(干性皮肤) essence(精华液) facial(脸部用) fast/quick dry(快干) firm(紧肤) foam(泡沫) gentle(温和的) hydra-(保湿用) long lasting(持久性) milk(乳) mult-(多元) normal(中性皮肤) nutritious(滋养) oil-control(抑制油脂) oily(油性皮肤) pack(剥撕式面膜) peeling(敷面剥落式面膜) remover(去除、卸妆) repair(修护) revitalite(活化) scrub(磨砂式(去角质)) sensitive(敏感性皮肤) solvent(溶解) sun block(防晒用) toning lotion(化妆水) trentment(修护) wash(洗) waterproof(防水)三,化妆品/彩妆 彩妆: cosmetics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容饼:shading powder 粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow pencil 眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow 睫毛膏: mascara 唇线笔: lip liner 唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss) 唇彩: lip gloss/lip color 腮红: blush 卸装水: makeup remover 卸装乳: makeup removing lotion 帖在身上的小亮片: art 指甲: manicure/pedicure 指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel 去甲油:nail polish remover 护甲液:nail saver 发: hair products/accessories 洗发水: shampoo 护发素: hair conditioner 锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse 发胶: styling gel 染发: hair color 冷烫水: perm/perming formula 卷发器: rollers/perm rollers四,化妆品/化妆工具 工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories 粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush 粉扑: powder puffs 海绵扑: sponge puffs 眉刷: brow brush 睫毛夹: lash curler 眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator 口红刷: lip brush 胭脂扫: blush brush 转笔刀: pencil sharpener 电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women 电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler 描眉卡: brow template 纸巾: facial tissue 吸油纸: oil-absorbing sheets 化装棉: cotton pads 棉签: q-tips=============== 1、eye cream/eye care/eye gel:眼霜或者眼部保养品或者眼胶 2、masque:面膜,是面膜产品的通称. 面膜的其他表示方法有*mask-面具*pack-外盒,包 3、day&night:指白天专用的产品和晚上专用的产品 4、exfoliate:剥落,脱落.一般看到exfoliate基本上就是去角质的产品了. 其他表示方法:scrub去除杂质 5、essence:精华,要素;指精华液,美容液,精华露. essential-精华的;soul-精髓;extract-萃取精华 6、lotion:化妆水,洗涤剂.英文法文表示一致,都是lotion 有些品牌也用lotion作为乳液的用词,不过严格来讲,最好是在lotion前面加上milk(乳液,乳状物),或者milky(乳状的),也就是milk/milky lotion 化妆水的其他用语:toner;tonic;water 乳液的其他用语:fluid-流动的,液体(英文法文通用);liquid-液体物质 7、foam:泡沫,或者可以挤出来的泡沫,可以产生泡沫的产品 8、soap:肥皂,块状的产品 肥皂类其他用语:bar 9、make up remover:卸妆 卸妆的其他用语:cleanser, cleansing, clean off, clean out都有清洁,扫除的意思,但有时会跟洗脸产品的标示有重叠,要留意是否注明[可以清除彩妆] 10、balm:香油,芳香性树脂,大多指护唇油(罐装的唇膏) 护唇膏的其他用语:lipsalve-嘴唇用油膏;lip ointment-唇用软膏 11、shake well before use:使用前请先摇匀 通常这一类产品都含有不同密度的物质,所以要先摇匀 摇匀的其他用语:brandish-摇动;jiggle-轻轻晃动;joggle-轻摇 12、tissue-off:用完以后要以面纸或者化妆棉,擦掉的产品 擦拭的其他用语:well-off;brush;wipe off 需要[剥,撕]的其他用语eel off 13、wash-off:水洗,用后要洗掉的 水洗的其他用语:water-off;rinsing-off;washable;sweep 14、pat:轻拍,轻抚,轻压 拍打的其他用语ab-以手按压;flap-拍打,扑打 有些产品需要稍加画圆,按摩.外文是:massage-onto-在肌肤上面按摩;circular movement-画圆移动~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nail polish 指甲油 cosmetics case 化妆箱 high heels 高跟鞋 gloves 手套 wrist watch 手表 belt 腰带 pendant 项饰 necklace 项链 neck scarf 围巾 earrings 耳环 bracelet 手链, 手镯 tie 领带 cuff links 袖扣 ascot 宽领带 pocket watch 表袋 hair net 发网 shampoo 洗发水 cream rinse 营养发水 hair spray 发胶 powder puff 粉扑 compact 带镜粉盒 astringent 化妆水 perfume 香水 skin milk 乳液 cold cream 油底霜 atomizer 喷雾式香水 clip 夹子 hand mirror 手镜 bobby pin 发夹 false eyelash 假睫毛 lipstick 口红 wig 假发 tie pin 领带夹 tissue 面纸 purse 手提包 brooch 胸针 shawl 披肩 neckerchief 领巾 还有,来例假是:I'm having my period吼吼~~~ Because I have pimples 痘痘in the face.毛孔:poreT型区:T-zone or T area
洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist) 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(赋活用) After sun(日晒用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸碱) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) Combination(混合性皮肤) Dry(干性皮肤) Essence(精华液) Facial(脸部用) Fast/Quick dry(快干) Firm(紧肤) Foam(泡沫) Gentle(温和) Hydra-(保湿用) Long lasting(持久性) Milk(乳) Mult-(多元) Normal(性皮肤) Nutritious(滋养) Oil-control(抑制油脂) Oily(油性皮肤) Pack(剥撕式面膜) Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜) Remover(去除、卸妆) Repair(修护) Revitalite(活化) Scrub(磨砂式(去角质)) Sensitive(敏感性皮肤) Solvent(溶解) Sun block(防晒用) Toning lotion(化妆水) Trentment(修护) Wash(洗) Waterproof(防水) 彩妆: cosmetics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容饼:Shading powder 粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow pencil 眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow 睫毛膏: mascara 唇线笔: lip liner 唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil膏状 lip lipstick盒装 lip color/lip gloss) 唇彩: lip gloss/lip color 腮红: blush 卸装水: makeup remover 卸装乳: makeup removing lotion 帖身上小亮片: body art 指甲: manicure/pedicure 指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel 去甲油:nail polish remover 护甲液:Nail saver 发: hair products/accessories 洗发水: shampoo 护发素: hair conditioner 锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse 发胶: styling gel 染发: hair color 冷烫水: perm/perming formula 卷发器: rollers/perm rollers 工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories 粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush 粉扑: powder puffs 海绵扑: sponge puffs 眉刷: brow brush 睫毛夹: lash curler 眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator 口红刷: lip brush 胭脂扫: blush brush 转笔刀: pencil sharpener 电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women 电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler 描眉卡: brow template 纸巾: facial tissue 吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets 化装棉: cotton pads
护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel) 爽肤水: toner/astringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist) 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams 保湿:moisturizer 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block 美白:whitening 露:lotion,霜:cream 日霜:day cream 晚霜:night cream 眼部GEL: eye gel 面膜: facial mask/masque 眼膜: eye mask 护唇用:Lip care 口红护膜:Lip coat 磨砂膏: facial scrub 去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining 去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub 润肤露(身体):bodylotion/moisturizer 护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer 沐浴露: body wash Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) Active(赋活用) After sun(日晒后用品) Alcohol-free(无酒精) Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) Balancing(平衡酸碱) Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) Combination(混合性皮肤) Dry(干性皮肤) Essence(精华液) Facial(脸部用) Fast/Quick dry(快干) Firm(紧肤) Foam(泡沫) Gentle(温和的) Hydra-(保湿用) Long lasting(持久性) Milk(乳) Mult-(多元) Normal(中性皮肤) Nutritious(滋养) Oil-control(抑制油脂) Oily(油性皮肤) Pack(剥撕式面膜) Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜) Remover(去除、卸妆) Repair(修护) Revitalite(活化) Scrub(磨砂式(去角质)) Sensitive(敏感性皮肤) Solvent(溶解) Sun block(防晒用) Toning lotion(化妆水) Trentment(修护) Wash(洗) Waterproof(防水) 彩妆: cosmetics 遮瑕膏: concealer 修容饼:Shading powder 粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 粉饼: pressed powder 散粉:loose powder 闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder 眉笔:brow pencil 眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner 眼影: eye shadow 睫毛膏: mascara 唇线笔: lip liner 唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss) 唇彩: lip gloss/lip color 腮红: blush 卸装水: makeup remover 卸装乳: makeup removing lotion 帖在身上的小亮片: body art 指甲: manicure/pedicure 指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel 去甲油:nail polish remover 护甲液:Nail saver 发: hair products/accessories 洗发水: shampoo 护发素: hair conditioner 锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse 发胶: styling gel 染发: hair color 冷烫水: perm/perming formula 卷发器: rollers/perm rollers 工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories 粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush 粉扑: powder puffs 海绵扑: sponge puffs 眉刷: brow brush 睫毛夹: lash curler 眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator 口红刷: lip brush 胭脂扫: blush brush 转笔刀: pencil sharpener 电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women 电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler 描眉卡: brow template 纸巾: facial tissue 吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets 化装棉: cotton pads 棉签: Q-tips
晕死……我一个字一个字敲上去,翻译好,结果发现网上有文本……以下是我翻译的,我是不化妆的铝银,所以有好多地方翻译的不是很准确,仅供参考,如果有其他用途希望你尊重原创啊~~要是能多给点分就更好了。嘿嘿~Lady Gaga Bad Romance TutorialLady Gaga 在《Bad Romance》中的眼妆之教程Wide Eyed Girl Look巨眼美眉Bathtub Scene浴室场景(直译的,可能是指无妆吧)Optional Wear the Clear Dress选条干净的裙子穿上Luscious Lashes Lots of Layering!性感假睫毛 要多层次的!Have Your Lashes Ready! All This for 2 Dollars in HongKong!准备好假睫毛! 这些在香港只要2美元!Apply the Lashes Closest to the Lashline将假睫毛沿着睫毛生长曲线紧紧的粘在上面Keep Layering the Lashes在第一层的上面紧贴着再粘一层,保持多层次感Liquid Eyeliner眼线液Line Your Lashline紧贴着最上层的假睫毛勾勒出你的睫毛曲线Redefine the Brows重新梳理一下你的眉毛Clear Brow Gel透明眉胶Purple Eyeshadow紫色眼影Apply the Shadow along the Hallows of the Eyes(看图吧,我不知道hallow怎么翻译)The purple Will Create the Shadows Giving an Illution of Larger Eyes紫色眼影有助于营造出大眼睛的假象Your Lids你的眼睑Lighten the Inner Conners to Brighten the Eyes内眼角提亮White eyeliner白色眼线笔Use Any White Eyeliner任意一种白色眼线笔Clear Redness消除红血丝Using Rhoto V to Reduce Red Eyes滴用 Rhoto V 去除红血丝Always Use V 15 Minutes before Wearing Contacts通常是在隐形眼镜佩戴前的15分钟滴用Before之前Extend Your Waterline延伸你的waterline(看图)Use a Creamy White Eyeliner使用乳白色眼线膏Purple Under Eyeshadow眼线膏下使用紫色眼影Bottoms Fake Lashes粘下睫毛Wear It below the Exaggerate White下睫毛要粘在眼线膏的下面Peachy Blush桃色腮红Use a Matte Pearchy Blush使用哑光桃色腮红Apply It Right along the Cheeks沿着两颊涂抹Nude Pink Lips裸粉色唇膏Use a Nude Pink Lipstick使用裸粉色口红Optional Blonde Wig挑选一头黄金假发Rock the Wig!套上假发Style Accordingly造型Still Need Bigger Eyes眼睛还需要再大一点Circle Lens美瞳Cute Contact Lens Case可爱的隐形眼镜盒Use the Contact Tweezers使用专用镊子佩戴美瞳Try Not to Tug on Your Eyes尽量不要破坏眼妆See How Big They Look Now?看看他们是不是大了很多?Finished完成Wide Eyed Girl LookBathtub SceneHey, everyone! I'm gonna show you how to get this crazy googly Lady GaGa eyes in her music video "Bad Romance". If you stay tuned to the end of the video, you'll see how the computer generated the googly eyes you see here.准备工作:穿上图中LADY GAGA同样的透视装Optional Wear The Clear DressFor the dress, I use clear table cloth. I cut out the pattern, and turn it into a transparent dress Lady GaGa wore in the bathtub scene.第一步:打造性感眼睫毛层层突进,步步为营Luscious LashesLots of LayeringWe are going to do something a bit different. Wear the false lashes first. So get a bunch of lashes ready and apply a thin strip of glue. Apply the lashes closest to the lashline. Pad it and secured it in place. The reason why we are applying the lashes on first, is because it's easier to build the shape and seal the white of your eyes before creating and exaggerating the whites near the lower lashline. So now I think I am wearing around 4 lashes. That's a lot, but it helps create exact look that I want.第二步:轻描眼线 Line your LashlineNow using a liquid eyeliner. Line right above the big lashes to redefine the line.第三步:描眉塑型 Redefine the BrowsIt's time to redefine the brows. If you are going to wear a wig, especially this is for Halloween costume. Be sure your brows are lightly defined. You want your eyes to stand out, not the brows.Clear Brow GelI always recommand coding clear brow gel over the brows, so the hair stay in place. It looks more cheetah. See!第四步:紫色眼影Purple EyeshadowTime to use purple eyeshadow, similar to her look in the video. Apply the eyeshadow along the hallows of the eyes, follow through and use the winshow to find the emotion. The purple will actually help by creating shadows, giving your eyes more depth. Taking my white Chanel eyeshadow, apply in the center of the lids. This will make your eyes pop. Also, don't forget the browbone. Highline all the high points on your eyes.第五步:白色眼线 White EyelinerTime to break out the eyeliner. And of course, line the waterline, this will open your eyes and help with the exaggeration we are going to do.第六步:消除红血丝Clear RednessI completely forgot to do this, because my eyes are usually red when I wake up. In this case, I need to use Rhoto V to reduce the red eyes. And always Rhoto V 15 minutes before wearing the contacts. I also don't recommand using this often because its not really made for constant uses. So you can see how red looks, two minutes later, see how white my eyes are now. Pretty amazing!第七步:加伸白眼线 Extend Your WaterlineMoving on to exaggerating your eyes. Using a white cream-base eyeliner. Exaggerate your eye whites by extending it. This will give an illusion of larger looking eyes. Also, see how applying the lashes on prior how to provide a guideline on where to start and end the whiteline. Take your time on this part. It should be thinner towards the tear ducts.第八步:紫色眼影真实化 Purple under EyeshadowNow apply purple eyeshadow below the white line you created. This will create a shadow that will give it that three dimensional look, helping it look more realistic.第九步:贴上假睫毛 Bottom Fake LashesThis is the hardest part for me applying lower lashes because I always find that it's so hard to get them to fit. So definitely take your time for this part. Applying the fake lower lashes will make the exaggerated eyes look more realistic.第十步:桃色粉底 Peachy BlushTime to wear a Matte peachy blush, similar to how Lady Gaga wore in the video. Using a flood blush brush, really getting in there, and literally scrap on the blush. You want your cheek to look very peachy.第十一步:淡红色嘴唇 Nude Pink LipsFinish on nude pink lips. This is ennabling the lipstick.第十二步:金黄假发 Optional Blond WigThis part is optional, of course. Wearing the blonde wig. Get your hair ready. Always wear a hair stocking to keep it in place. Here's the wig. I had to boil it to make a little more curly. Style accordingly. OK. I know we are still missing something. That's right.第十三步:戴上美瞳Circle LensCircle lens to complete the look. Circle lens will make your eyes appear larger. You can get them in cute little packages just like this. Console the contact tweezers to pick up the contacts. And carefully, not tugging on your eyes, wear the contacts. See how big they look now!FinishedNow you are finished.
eyelashes 英['aɪlæʃɪz] 美['aɪlæʃɪz] n. 睫毛; 睫毛( eyelash的名词复数 ); [例句]I was wearing false eyelashes and a sweater two sizes too small.我戴着假睫毛,穿着小了两号的毛衣。[其他] 原型: eyelash
一、face英 [feɪs] 美 [feɪs]
n. 表面;脸;表情
v. 面对;面向;朝
二、eye英 [aɪ] 美 [aɪ]
n. 眼睛;目光;视力;观点;鉴赏力
v. 看;注视;审视
1、eye的基本意思是“眼睛”,当其指身体器官之一的“眼睛”时, eye指“一只眼睛”, eyes指“两只或多只眼睛”,用于与“眼睛”有关的“目光”指表情时,须用复数形式。而在用于“观察力、看问题的眼光、注意力”等抽象意义时,则须使用复数形式。作“观点”“见解”解时总是用复数形式。
三、ear英 [ɪə(r)] 美 [ɪr]
n. 听觉;耳朵;倾听
n. 麦穗
vi. 抽穗
2、ear也可作“听力,听觉; 鉴赏力”解,尤指在音乐或语言方面灵敏的听力,或分辨声音的能力,总是用单数形式,一般不能单独使用,其前须加一修饰性词语。
3、ear还可作“倾听; 注意”解,总是用单数形式,但可以加不定冠词。
四、nose英 [nəʊz] 美 [noʊz]
n. 鼻子;突出部分;嗅觉
v. 嗅到;探听
3、在表示“牵着某人的鼻子走”时,一般不说lead sb's nose或lead sb by sb's nose,而说lead sb by the nose。
五、back英 [bæk] 美 [bæk]
n. 后面;背脊;靠背;后背;后卫
vt. 支持;后退
adv. 向后地
adj. 向后的;后面的;偏远的;过时的;积欠的
2、back作“后面”“背面”“反面”解时用单数形式,其前须加定冠词the。在表示较近的“后面,背面”时用on the back of;在表示较远的“后面”时用at the back of(范围之外)或in the back of(范围之内),在美式英语中at〔in〕可省略。