

小思 2024-09-18 21
贿赂了裁判英文摘要: 我怀疑他贿赂了经理英语“经理”的英语单词是“manager”。读音:"manager"的英式读音为 [ˈmænɪdʒə],美式读音为 [ˈmænɪdʒər]。释义:...




"manager"的英式读音为 [ˈmænɪdʒə],美式读音为 [ˈmænɪdʒər]。









1. general manager:总经理

2. project manager:项目经理

3. sales manager:销售经理

4. assistant manager:助理经理

5. branch manager:分店经理




1. The company appointed him as the new general manager.(公司任命他为新的总经理。)

2. She is an experienced project manager with a proven track record.(她是一位经验丰富、业绩突出的项目经理。)

3. The sales manager is responsible for overseeing the sales team and achieving targets.(销售经理负责监督销售团队,并实现销售目标。)

4. He worked as an assistant manager before being promoted to the role of manager.(他曾担任助理经理,后来晋升为经理。)

5. The branch manager is in charge of running the day-to-day operations of the branch.(分店经理负责管理分店的日常运

Have time = 有空吗?大部分是用来问别人有没有空或者有没有时间的。比如: do you have time?have = 有,拥有Ex: I want to have some money (我想要一些钱) I have many homeworks to do (我有很多作业必须要完成)Let = 让,允许Ex:let me go (让我走,放开我,允许我走) Let it snow (让它下雪吧,下雪吧)Great = 很棒Ex:What a great song (好棒的一首歌哦) You are doing great (你做的很棒)With = 和Ex. I'm going to see a movie with my friends (我要和我朋友一起去看部电影)Go = 去,走Ex. Let's Go (走吧,开始吧) Go get me some drinks (去拿些饮料给我)

.(动词)had[h²d] [h²z] .(及物动词)To be in possession of:拥有:already had a car.已经有一辆车To possess as a characteristic, quality, or function:气质:有…的特征、性质或功能:has a beard; had a great deal of energy.蓄着胡子;精力充沛To possess or contain as a constituent part:包含:作为某物的组成部分而含有或包含:a car that has an automatic transmission.有自动传动系统的汽车To occupy a particular relation to:有特殊关系:had a great many disciples.有很多信徒To possess knowledge of or facility in:具有某方面的知识或才能:has very little Spanish.懂很少一点西班牙语To hold in the mind; entertain:保持在脑中;怀抱:had doubts about their loyalty.对他们的忠诚怀有疑虑To use or exhibit in action:发挥:通过行动来运用或显示:have compassion.发挥同情心To come into possession of; acquire:占有;获得:Not one copy of the book was to be had in the entire town.整个城镇都没有这本书To receive; get:收到;得到:I had a letter from my cousin.我收到堂弟寄来的信To accept; take:接受;收纳:I'll have the green peas instead of the spinach.我想要份青豆而不是菠菜To suffer from:经受,遭受:have defective vision.视力不好To be subject to the experience of:经历,经验:had a difficult time last winter.去年冬天日子不好过To cause to, as by persuasion or compulsion:促使:通过劝说或强迫导致…:had my assistant run the errand.让我的助手跑腿To cause to be:使…成为:had everyone fascinated.把每个人都吸引住了To permit; allow:允许;许可:I won't have that kind of behavior in my house.在我家中我可不允许做那种事To carry on, perform, or execute:执行,做,实行:have an argument.进行争吵To place at a disadvantage:把…置于不利状态:Your opponent in the debate had you on every issue.你的对手在争论中使你在每个问题上都处于下风Informal To get the better of, especially by trickery or deception:【非正式用语】 利用:尤指通过诡计或欺利用:They realized too late that they'd been had by a swindler.他们发现被一个耍了,但为时已晚Informal To influence by dishonest means; bribe:【非正式用语】 贿赂:通过不正当手段影响;贿赂:an incorruptible official who could not be had.一位不为贿赂所动的廉洁官员To procreate (offspring):繁殖(后代):wanted to have a child.想要一个孩子To give birth to; bear:生;生育:She's going to have a baby.她就要生孩子了To partake of:吃喝:have lunch.吃中饭To be obliged to; must:被迫;必须:We simply have to get there on time.我们不得不准时赶到那里To engage in sexual intercourse with.性交:与…产生性关系.(助动词)Used with a past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses indicating completed action:与过去分词连用构成现在完成时、过去完成时或将来完成时以表示结束的行为:The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive.那捣蛋鬼已走上了正路。我对我曾大发脾气感到后悔。他们会在我们到那里的时候完成的n.(名词)One enjoying especially material wealth:富人:尤指享受物质财富的人:“Almost overnight, there was a new and widespread hostility on the part of the haves toward the have-nots”(Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr.)“几乎是一夜之间,富人们就对穷人们滋生出一种新的和的仇恨”(小托马斯P.奥涅尔) give permission or opportunity to; allow:允许,让:允许或给予机会;允许:I let them borrow the car. The inheritance let us finally buy a Usage Note at leave 1我允许他们借小车。遗产最终使我们得以购买一座房子参见 leave1To cause to; make:让;使:Let the news be known.公开消息Used as an auxiliary in the imperative to express a command, request, or proposal:作为助动词用于祈使句中,表示命令、请求或者建议:Let's finish the job! Let x equal y.让我们把工作干完!设X等于YUsed as an auxiliary in the imperative to express a warning or threat:作为助动词用于祈使句中,表示警告或威胁:Just let her try!就让她试试吧!To permit to enter, proceed, or depart:允许:允许进入、前进或出发:let the dog in.让狗进来To release from or as if from confinement:释放,放出:从监禁中或好象从监禁中放出:let the air out of the balloon; let out a yelp.释放气球中的空气;发出尖声急叫To rent or lease:租借,出租:let rooms.出租房间To award, especially after bids have been submitted:把…承包出去:尤指招标之后把…承包出去给:let the construction job to a new firm.把这个建筑项目承包给一个新公司.(不及物动词)To become rented or leased.被出租,被租用To be or become assigned, as to a contractor.承包:把…承包给,如给承包商 large in size.巨大的:在形体上很大的Larger in size than others of the same kind.极大的:在形体上比任何同类事物都大Large in quantity or number:数目众多的:在数量上很多的:A great throng awaited Synonyms at large 一大群人在等着我们参见 largeExtensive in time or distance:在时间或距离上很长的:a great delay.长时间的拖延Remarkable or outstanding in magnitude, degree, or extent:显著的:在程度、范围或广度上值得注意或引人注目的:a great crisis.巨大的危机Of outstanding significance or importance:重要的,伟大的:有超乎寻常的意义或重要性的:a great work of art.伟大的艺术作品Chief or principal:主要的,首要的:the great house on the estate.在地产上的豪宅Superior in quality or character; noble:伟大的:在个性或品质上优秀的;崇高的:“For he was great, ere fortune made him so”(John Dryden)“他天生是个伟大的人物”(约翰·德赖登)Powerful; influential:有权力的;有影响力的:one of the great nations of the West.西方大国之一Eminent; distinguished:卓越的:卓越的;著名的:a great leader.一位卓越的领导人Grand; aristocratic.高贵的;贵族的Informal Enthusiastic:【非正式用语】 极热心的:a great lover of music.音乐迷Informal Very skillful:【非正式用语】 擅长的:擅长的,非常有技巧的:great at algebra.擅长代数Informal Very good; first-rate:【非正式用语】 美妙的;最高级的:We had a great time at the dance.我们跳舞跳得很快活Being one generation removed from the relative specified. Often used in combination:曾的,表辈分:亲属关系中间隔两代的。常用作复合构词:a great-granddaughter.曾孙女Archaic Pregnant.【古语】 怀孕的n.(名词)pl. greats or great One that is great:【复数】 greats 或 great 伟人,伟大的事:a composer considered among the greats.一位被认为是伟人之一的作曲家Music 【音乐】 A division of most pipe organs, usually containing the most powerful ranks of pipes.主要键盘和管子:通常包括最有力的管子的管风琴的大部分部件A similar division of other organs.其他风琴的类似部件 (副词)【非正式用语】 Very well:非常好:got along great with the teacher.和老师相处得非常好 the company of; accompanying:和,陪伴:在…陪伴下;随同:Did you go with her?你跟她一起去吗?Next to; alongside of:在…旁边,同…在一起:stood with the rabbi; sat with the family.与教士站在一起,与家人坐在一块儿Having as a possession, an attribute, or a characteristic:带着,带来:作为所有物、属性或特点具有:arrived with bad news; a man with a moustache.带来坏消息;留络腮胡子的男人Used as a function word to indicate accompanying detail or condition:样子,状态:用作功能词表示伴随的细节或状况:just sat there with his mouth open.只张着嘴坐在那儿In a manner characterized by:以…方式:performed with skill; spoke with enthusiasm.很有技巧地表演;热情地说话In the performance, use, or operation of:使用:在…的表现、使用或运行中:had trouble with the car.汽车出了毛病In the charge or keeping of:负责,照料:left the cat with the neighbors.把猫托邻居照顾In the opinion or estimation of:以…的观点或估计:if it's all right with you.如果你没异议的话In support of; on the side of:支持,赞同:I'm with anyone who wants to help the homeless.我支持任何想帮助流浪汉的人Of the same opinion or belief as:和…一致:与…有相同观点或信仰:He is with us on that issue.在那个议题上他和我们观点一致In the same group or mixture as; among:混在一起:在同一组中或同一混和物中;在…中:planted onions with the carrots.把胡萝和洋葱种在一起In the membership or employment of:是…的成员;受…雇佣:plays with a symphony orchestra; is with a publishing company.在交响乐团内演奏;受雇于一个出版公司By the means or agency of:用:通过…的方式或媒介:eat with a fork; made us laugh with his jokes.用叉子吃饭;以他的笑话引我们发笑By the presence or use of:以:通过…的存在或使用:a pillow stuffed with feathers; balloons filled with helium.用羽毛装满的枕头;装满氦气的气球In spite of:尽管:With all her experience, she could not get a job.尽管很有经验,她还是找不到工作In the same direction as:与…同向:sail with the wind; flow with the river.顺风起帆;顺河而流At the same time as:与…同时:gets up with the birds.与鸟儿同时起床In regard to:关于,对于:We are pleased with her decision. They are disgusted with the status quo.她这样决定,我们很高兴;他们对现状很厌恶Used as a function word to indicate a party to an action, a communicative activity, or an informal agreement or settlement:和…:用作功能词表示某个动作、交流活动或非正式协议或决定的一方:played with the dog; had a talk with the class; lives with an aunt.与狗玩;和班上的同学谈一谈;与姑母住在一起In comparison or contrast to:与…相比;与…对照:a dress identical with the one her sister just bought.和她姐姐刚买衣服同一款式Having received:收到,获得:With her permission, he left. I escaped with just a few bruises.获得她允许后,他离开了。我逃跑时只受了一些擦伤And; plus:和;加上:My books, with my brother's, make a sizable library. We had turkey with all the trimmings.我的书加上的弟弟的书能够办成一个不小的图书馆了;我们有火鸡和所需的调料Inclusive of; including:包括:comes to $ with postage and handling.包括邮资和手续费总共是美元In opposition to; against:反对;对抗:wrestling with an opponent.与对手摔跤As a result or consequence of:结果,后果:trembling with fear; sick with the flu.害怕的发抖;感染了流行性感冒So as to be touching or joined to:加入,联合:为了取得联系;把…连起来:coupled the first car with the second; linked arms with their partners.把第一辆汽车和第二辆配成双;与伙伴手挽手So as to be free of or separated from:分离,离开:为脱离,为与…分开:parted with her husband.与她丈夫分手In the course of:在…的过程中:We grow older with the hours.我们随时光流逝而长大In proportion to:与成比例:wines that improve with age.酒越陈越香In relationship to:在…的关系中:at ease with my peers.与我的同事关系融洽As well as; in favorable comparison to:也;较好:She could sing with the best of them.她可以唱得同他们中最棒的人一起好According to the experience or practice of:根据经验,根据实践:With me, it is a question of priorities.对我来说,这是个优先权的问题Used as a function word to indicate close association:用作功能词表示密切联系:With the advent of the rockets, the Space Age began.随着火箭的出现,太空时代开始了Very large in size.巨大的:在形体上很大的Larger in size than others of the same kind.极大的:在形体上比任何同类事物都大Large in quantity or number:数目众多的:在数量上很多的:A great throng awaited Synonyms at large 一大群人在等着我们参见 largeExtensive in time or distance:在时间或距离上很长的:a great delay.长时间的拖延Remarkable or outstanding in magnitude, degree, or extent:显著的:在程度、范围或广度上值得注意或引人注目的:a great crisis.巨大的危机Of outstanding significance or importance:重要的,伟大的:有超乎寻常的意义或重要性的:a great work of art.伟大的艺术作品Chief or principal:主要的,首要的:the great house on the estate.在地产上的豪宅Superior in quality or character; noble:伟大的:在个性或品质上优秀的;崇高的:“For he was great, ere fortune made him so”(John Dryden)“他天生是个伟大的人物”(约翰·德赖登)Powerful; influential:有权力的;有影响力的:one of the great nations of the West.西方大国之一Eminent; distinguished:卓越的:卓越的;著名的:a great leader.一位卓越的领导人Grand; aristocratic.高贵的;贵族的Informal Enthusiastic:【非正式用语】 极热心的:a great lover of music.音乐迷Informal Very skillful:【非正式用语】 擅长的:擅长的,非常有技巧的:great at algebra.擅长代数Informal Very good; first-rate:【非正式用语】 美妙的;最高级的:We had a great time at the dance.我们跳舞跳得很快活Being one generation removed from the relative specified. Often used in combination:曾的,表辈分:亲属关系中间隔两代的。常用作复合构词:a great-granddaughter.曾孙女Archaic Pregnant.【古语】 怀孕的n.(名词)pl. greats or great One that is great:【复数】 greats 或 great 伟人,伟大的事:a composer considered among the greats.一位被认为是伟人之一的作曲家Music 【音乐】 A division of most pipe organs, usually containing the most powerful ranks of pipes.主要键盘和管子:通常包括最有力的管子的管风琴的大部分部件A similar division of other organs.其他风琴的类似部件 (副词)【非正式用语】 Very well:非常好:got along great with the teacher.和老师相处得非常好5. goTo move or travel; proceed:移动,行走;前进:We will go by bus. Solicitors went from door to door seeking donations. How fast can the boat go?我们将坐公共汽车去。募捐者挨户筹募钱款。这条船行驶的速度有多快?To move away from a place; depart:离去:离开某地;离开:Go before I cry.我哭之前离开To pursue a certain course:传送,经由:按某一程序方式进行:messages that go through diplomatic channels to the ambassador.通过外交渠道传达给大使的消息To resort to another, as for aid:求助于:went directly to the voters of her Synonyms at resort 直接求助于她选区的选民参见 resortTo extend between two points or in a certain direction; run:通到:在两点间伸展或沿某一方向展开;延展:curtains that go from the ceiling to the floor.窗帘从天花板一直垂到地板上To give entry; lead:进入;导向:a stairway that goes to the basement.通到地下室的楼梯To function properly:工作正常,运行良好:The car won't go.车子坏了To have currency.流通,通行To pass from one person to another; circulate:传播:从一个人向另一人传达;交流:Wild rumors were going around the office.恶语在办公室传播着To pass as the result of a sale:卖给,出售给:The gold watch went to the highest bidder.那只金表卖给了出价最高的买主Informal Used as an intensifier when joined byand to a coordinate verb: 【非正式用语】 强调语气:用and 连结与动词并列使用,用作加强语势: She went and complained to Personnel.她去向人事局抱怨Used in the progressive tense with an infinitive to indicate future intent or expectation:将要,打算:用于进行时与不定式连用,表示将来的打算,期望:I am going to learn how to dance.我打算学跳舞To be in a certain condition.处于…状态:处于某一特定状态To come to be in a certain condition:变为:开始变为某特定状态:go mad; hair that had gone gray.疯了;变灰白的头发To continue to be in a certain condition or continue an activity:持续处于某特定状态或保持某种活动:go barefoot all summer.整个夏天都光着脚To carry out an action to a certain point or extent:把某一活动执行到某一程度:Your parents went to great expense to put you through college.你父母花费大量的钱供你完成大学To be customarily located; belong:归属:习惯上放于;属于:The fork goes to the left of the plate. Where do the plates go?叉习惯上放置在盘左边。盘子放在哪里?To be capable of entering or fitting:能装入,容纳:Will the suitcase go into the trunk of your car?这个衣箱能放在车架上吗?To pass into someone's possession:遗留给,由…继承给:All the jewelry went to her heirs.所有的珠宝都由她的继承人所有To be allotted:拨给:How much of your salary goes for rent?您的薪水有多少是用来付房租的?To be a contributing factor:表明:作为一个有用的因素:It all goes to show us that the project can be completed on time.它向我们显示这个计划可准时完成To have a particular form:如…所说:具有某一特定形式:as the saying goes.正如谚语所说To be such, by and large:大体如此:well behaved, as big dogs go.做得不错,像个大人那样To pass by; elapse:消逝;逝去:The day went pleasantly enough until I received your call.接到你的电话前,我过了愉快的一天To be used up.用光,消耗完To be discarded or abolished:放弃,除掉:All luxuries will have to go.必须放弃一切奢侈行为To become weak; fail:衰弱;衰退:His hearing has started to go.他的听力开始衰退To come apart; break up.分离;中断To cease living; die.死亡;消逝To get along; fare:进展;处境:How are things going?情况如何?To have a successful outcome:取得好的结果:creativity that made the advertising campaign really go.使广告获得成功的创造力To be suitable or appropriate as an accessory or accompaniment:适合,相配:适合或适当作小配件或附属物:a color that goes beautifully with your complexion.与你的肤色很相称的色彩To have authority:有权威,有效力:Whatever I say goes.我说什么就是什么To be valid, acceptable, or adequate.有效,可接受,足够Informal To excrete waste from the bladder or bowels.【非正式用语】 排泄:从膀胱或肠中排泄废物Informal To begin an act:【非正式用语】 开始:开始某一行动:Here goes!现在开始!Obsolete To walk.【废语】 走.(及物动词)To proceed or move according to:按…前进,行动:I was free to go my own way.我可自行决定To traverse:横过:Only two of the runners went the entire distance.只有两位跑步者跑完全程Informal 【非正式用语】 To bet:赌,下赌注:go $20 on the black horse.给黑马下二十美元赌注To bid:出价,叫价:I'll go $500 on the vase.这个花瓶我出价五百美元Informal 【非正式用语】 To take on the responsibility or obligation for:对…承担责任,为…担保:go bail for a client.保释一位委托人To participate to (a given extent):分担:参加到(某种程度):Will you go halves with me if we win the lottery?如果我们中彩,你愿意分我一半吗?To amount to; weigh:重达;称重:a shark that went 400 pounds.重四百英磅的鲨鱼Informal To enjoy:【非正式用语】 享受:I could go a cold beer right now.我可马上享受一杯冷啤酒Usage Problem To say. Used chiefly in verbal narration:【用法疑难】 说:说,主要用于动作陈述:First I go, “Thank you,” then he goes, “What for?”我首先说:“谢谢,”他接着问,“为什么要谢我?”n.(名词)【复数】 goes The act or an instance of going.走,前进:走的行为或事例An attempt; an effort:尝试;努力:had a go at acting.尝试采取行动The time or period of an activity.活动时间或期间Informal Energy; vitality:【非正式用语】 能量;活力:had lots of go.精力充沛Informal 【非正式用语】 The go-ahead.前进Often Go The starting point: 常作 Go 起点:“And from Go there was something deliciously illicit about the whole affair”(Erica Abeel)“从一开始,整个事情就有点不合法”(埃丽卡·阿比尔)Informal A situation in which planned operations can be effectuated:【非正式用语】 成功:可实现某一计划行动的条件:The space mission is a go.这次太空任务是十分成功adj.(形容词)Informal Functioning correctly and ready for action:【非正式用语】 运行正常,准备就绪:All systems are go.所有系统都运行良好

have time有时间Do you have time?你有时间吗?He that have time have life.时间即生命。I wish I have time.但愿我有时间have: aux. 已经,曾经n. 吃,从事,得到,雇用,享有,有,允许v. 有 I had a letter this morning. 我今天收到一封信。 Have you got a pencil? 你有铅笔吗? We were having breakfast. 我们正在吃早餐。 I have an apartment in downtown Manhattan. 我在曼哈顿中心区有一套住房。 Have you got time to phone him? 你有时间给他打电话吗? She won't have boys arriving late. 她不允许这些男孩子迟到。 Do you have any idea where he lives? 你知道他住在哪里吗? I cannot have such behaviour in my house. 我不能容忍家中有这种行为。 let: v. 让,容许,使得,假设,租给 She lets her children play in the garden. 她让孩子们在花园里玩。 He let a week go by before answering the letter. 他一周以后才回信。 Let me see where did I leave my hat? 让我想想看--我把帽子落在哪儿了? I don't agree with all you say, but I'll let it go at that. 我并不完全同意你说的话,但我不再多说了。 great: a. 大量的,很好的,美好的,伟大的,重要的ad. (口语)好极了It was a great loss to us all. 这对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的损失。 He is a great talker. 他是一个非常健谈的人。 What a great idea! 好主意! It's great to have met you! 与您会面令人十分愉快 It's a great relief to know you're safe. 知你平安无事才放下心来 with: prep. 和...一起,用 You are either with me or against me. 你不是支持我就是反对我。 She is friendly with them. 她对他们很友好。 I'm with you all the way! 我始终和你的意见一致! I leave the baby with my mother every day. 我每天都把婴儿交给我母亲照料。 go to the zoo:去动物园 Sometimes I go to the zoo.有时我去那个动物园。Which bus go to the zoo?哪辆公共汽车去动物园?The children were clamouring to go to the zoo.孩子们大声吵着要去动物园。Can we go to the zoo instead?我们可以改去动物园吗?Does this bus go to the zoo?这公共汽车去动物园吗?go: v. 去,走[计算机] 执行 How are things going? 事情进行得如何? I must be going. 我该走了。 Where does this road go to? 这条路通向哪? The money will go to finance a new community centre. 这些钱将用来资助一个新社区中心。 She's sixteen, going on seventeen. 她十六岁,快十七岁了。 It's all go in the office today. 今天办公室里忙得不可开交。 No one may leave the classroom until the bell goes. 铃响以前任何人均不得离开教室。 I'll have a go at mending your bike today. 我今天修修你的自行车。习惯用语a capital go [口]妙极了, 太好了a pretty go [口]难办的事; 怪事all the go [美]非常流行, 风行一时as far as it goes 就其本身而言, 就目前的情况而论so far as it goes 就其本身而言, 就目前的情况而论as ... go 从通常情况来说, 就...而论at one go 一口气in one go 一口气be full of go 精力充沛be on the go 在活动, 在忙碌; 准备离开; 有醉意; 衰败, 濒于死亡call it a go 就这样决定, 一言为定could go 巴不得吃(或喝)fair go 公平对待, 机会均等; 公道的比赛from the word go [美口]从一开头; 始终, 完全, 彻头彻尾get sb. going [美俚]使某人发怒[激动]Here goes! 瞧, 开始了!How goes it? [口]近况如何?leave go of 松[放]开let go 松手, 放开 释放 解雇 放弃; 忘记 随它去吧let go with 尽情地说[叫喊等]let oneself go 发脾气; 尽情地谈make a go of it [美]使获得成功, 干好near go [口]差点儿送命no go [口]不行, 办不到; 不成功on the go [口]在进行活动, 忙碌; 刚要动身 衰败 有醉意upon the go [口]在进行活动, 忙碌; 刚要动身 衰败 有醉意quite the go 非常流行There you go again. 你这一套又来了。Where do we go from here? 下一步该怎么办?Where do we go from there? 下一步该怎么办?You may go farther and fare worse. [谚]往前走情形可能更坏(劝人适可而止)。go about 走来走去, 四处走动 着手或忙于(工作) (谣言等)流传 转身[向] (与...)来往密切go after 追求, 设法得到; 追捕go against反对, 违背, 不利于go ahead先走, 走在前面; 继续前进 进步[展]; 成功 干吧, 说吧, 开始干go all out 全力以赴, 鼓足干劲go along 前进go along with 陪伴 赞成, 同意Go along with you! [口]去你的!go and [口]去..., 竟然糊涂到...go and do sth. [口]去..., 竟然糊涂到...go around [美]=goround go astray 迷途go at 攻击; 冲向 精力充沛地开始工作go away离去, 带走, 拐逃(with)go back回去 追溯到(to), 回顾 走下坡路go back of [美口]调查, 研究go back on 违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go back from 违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go back upon 违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go before 走在前面; 居先go behind 调查, 摸底 亏本 进一步斟酌go between 作中间人, 调停go beyond 超出[过]go by走过, 过去 遵照, 依循, 以...为根据 称为, 名叫 受...所控制 [美]顺道访问go down下去, 降下 (船)沉没, (飞机)坠落, (日、月)落下, (价格)下跌 (风、海浪)平息 吞下, 接受 受欢迎[赞许](with) 被记下[载入](in) 延续到(to) 倒下, 垮台, 破产 (英牛津与剑桥两大学用语)退学, 离校go easy [口]慢慢来, 从容不迫go easy with 节省..., 爱惜... 对...从宽处理, 小心处置...go far 价值大, 效力大; 成功, 大有前途go far toward(s) 大大有助于go for去拿[喊, 找, 请], 尽力得到 拥护, 支持, 赞助 被认为; 适用于 [口]猛烈攻击, 袭击,【戏】批评go for much 被认为大有用处[毫无用处]go for nothing 被认为大有用处[毫无用处]go forth 出发 发布[表], 宣布go forward 前进 发生go hard with sb. 使某人为难go home回家 击中, 命中 腐败, 用坏go home to 打动(某人的心) 使...理解go in 进入, 放得进 参加, 参加比赛; (纸牌赌博中)开价 (日、月、星辰等)被云遮盖 (钱)用于 (板球戏等)开始一局比赛 被理解go in at [口]痛打, 猛烈攻击go in for从事于 爱好, 追求, 沉迷于 参加, 加入 主张, 赞成, 支持go in with 参加, 加入; 入股, 联合Going! Going! Gone! (拍卖时用语)要卖了!要卖了!卖掉了!go into 进[加, 参, 纳]入, 通向 考虑, 研究讨论, 详细阐述 从事, 参加(某一行业) 调查, 查究 穿着 变为, 进入...状态; 发作go it 拼命干, 莽撞 放荡; 挥霍go it alone 单干go off离去, 走掉,【戏】(角色)下、退场 经过, 进行得 爆炸; (枪、爆竹)响起; (话等)突然冒出 (电流等)停掉, 消失; 死 (货物)销售; 售出 (食物等)变坏 睡着, 昏过去 [口](女儿)出嫁; 渐渐忘怀, 变得淡薄 对...失掉兴趣go off with 拿[抢, 拐]走, 同(某人)私奔go on往前走, 继续下去(with, doing); 日子过得(well, badly) 发生, 进行, 进展[行](情况) 接着做某事(go to do sth.); [口]接近 升学; 穿[戴]进 (时间)过去; 消逝 (运动员, 演员)上场, 登台 责骂(at) 受救济[支持, 资助] 依据 (板球)投球Go on! [口]接下去! [反]别胡说啦!go on about 唠唠叨叨地谈...go on for 接[将]近(...岁)(常用 -ing形式)go out出去[国]; (妇女)离家工作 辞职; 退职; 下台 (灯, 炉火)熄灭 不再流行; (衣服样式等)过时 参加社交活动, 交际 出版 (时间)过去 罢工 [美]垮下, 倒塌 [美]参加?? (心)向往(to) 失去知觉; 入睡 对...充满同情go over越[渡]过; 走完; 转向(to); 改变立场; 车(翻倒) 复习; (仔细)检查; 审阅; 研究 [美]受欢迎; 成功 (提案等)延期讨论goround 四处走动; 绕道走 顺便或非正式去拜访 (消息等)流传 够用, 够分配 (带子)长得够绕一圈go slow 慢慢走; 怠工go so far as (to do) 竟然到(做...)的地步go some [美口]做[得]了不少; (事情、工作等)迅速地、顺利地、有成效地进行go somewhere [口](大、?愕奈�裼?出去一下, 出去有点事go steady (with) [美口](同异性交朋友, 婚前)经常约会外出go straight 笔直地走 老老实实地做人; 改过自新go swimmingly 进行顺利, 获得成功go through通过(考试等); 经过 审阅; 检查 经历(困难、痛苦等), 忍受 做完(工作); 耗尽 举[履]行; 参加 (提案等)被通过; 被接纳[认可] (书)销售突破(第...版) (生意等)成交 修毕(课程等); 参加(考试等)go through with 完成(工作计划等); 实现, 贯彻(诺言等)Go to! [古]去你的! 等一等!go to 总共 相当[有助]于; 促成 付出 求助于, 诉诸(法律等)go to it 加油干, 努力干; 干起来go together 陪同; 相配 [口]经常作伴; 形影不离; 恋爱go too far 过火, 走极端go under 沉没; 没落, 破产; 失败; 屈服; [美俚]死 被称为...; 装扮成...go up上升; 攀登; 增长 被烧[炸]毁, [美]破产; 死, [美]失败 [英]上大学, 上城市去go upon 据...来判断(行动) 着手go with 陪...同行, 同...一致[协调]; 同...谈恋爱 带有 领会, 了解go without 没有...也忍受过去gone on sb. [口]迷恋某人, 倾心于某人


是职业吗?Eh?来点全面的... (裁判员) judge (指运动会或竞赛);umpire (排球、乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、棒球);referee (篮球、足球、拳击) ◇裁判官 umpire;裁判长 head judge;chief judge

裁判的英文为:The Referee。示例如下:




行贿:to bribe Article 18 who umpire have following details, give to cancel technique grade title, the punishment of life long stop assize work: (A)The bribe takes bribe, enforcing the law unjust; (Two)Appear in the important game obviously wrong judge, leak to judge, result in bad influence; (Three)Violating 刑律 is punished by pertaining to crime. The 19th umpire professional acknowledge is well-trained, expressing outstanding, and in the middle didn't appear any error in a year with wrong judge etc. trouble of, can rise in rank in advance.



brotherbank bedbookbenchboxbananabodyboybaybossballbeebeforebegbebetbeginbesidebehindbecauseback

have time有时间Do you have time?你有时间吗?He that have time have life.时间即生命。I wish I have time.但愿我有时间have: aux. 已经,曾经n. 吃,从事,得到,雇用,享有,有,允许v. 有 I had a letter this morning. 我今天收到一封信。 Have you got a pencil? 你有铅笔吗? We were having breakfast. 我们正在吃早餐。 I have an apartment in downtown Manhattan. 我在曼哈顿中心区有一套住房。 Have you got time to phone him? 你有时间给他打电话吗? She won't have boys arriving late. 她不允许这些男孩子迟到。 Do you have any idea where he lives? 你知道他住在哪里吗? I cannot have such behaviour in my house. 我不能容忍家中有这种行为。 let: v. 让,容许,使得,假设,租给 She lets her children play in the garden. 她让孩子们在花园里玩。 He let a week go by before answering the letter. 他一周以后才回信。 Let me see where did I leave my hat? 让我想想看--我把帽子落在哪儿了? I don't agree with all you say, but I'll let it go at that. 我并不完全同意你说的话,但我不再多说了。 great: a. 大量的,很好的,美好的,伟大的,重要的ad. (口语)好极了It was a great loss to us all. 这对我们所有人来说都是一个巨大的损失。 He is a great talker. 他是一个非常健谈的人。 What a great idea! 好主意! It's great to have met you! 与您会面令人十分愉快 It's a great relief to know you're safe. 知你平安无事才放下心来 with: prep. 和...一起,用 You are either with me or against me. 你不是支持我就是反对我。 She is friendly with them. 她对他们很友好。 I'm with you all the way! 我始终和你的意见一致! I leave the baby with my mother every day. 我每天都把婴儿交给我母亲照料。 go to the zoo:去动物园 Sometimes I go to the zoo.有时我去那个动物园。Which bus go to the zoo?哪辆公共汽车去动物园?The children were clamouring to go to the zoo.孩子们大声吵着要去动物园。Can we go to the zoo instead?我们可以改去动物园吗?Does this bus go to the zoo?这公共汽车去动物园吗?go: v. 去,走[计算机] 执行 How are things going? 事情进行得如何? I must be going. 我该走了。 Where does this road go to? 这条路通向哪? The money will go to finance a new community centre. 这些钱将用来资助一个新社区中心。 She's sixteen, going on seventeen. 她十六岁,快十七岁了。 It's all go in the office today. 今天办公室里忙得不可开交。 No one may leave the classroom until the bell goes. 铃响以前任何人均不得离开教室。 I'll have a go at mending your bike today. 我今天修修你的自行车。习惯用语a capital go [口]妙极了, 太好了a pretty go [口]难办的事; 怪事all the go [美]非常流行, 风行一时as far as it goes 就其本身而言, 就目前的情况而论so far as it goes 就其本身而言, 就目前的情况而论as ... go 从通常情况来说, 就...而论at one go 一口气in one go 一口气be full of go 精力充沛be on the go 在活动, 在忙碌; 准备离开; 有醉意; 衰败, 濒于死亡call it a go 就这样决定, 一言为定could go 巴不得吃(或喝)fair go 公平对待, 机会均等; 公道的比赛from the word go [美口]从一开头; 始终, 完全, 彻头彻尾get sb. going [美俚]使某人发怒[激动]Here goes! 瞧, 开始了!How goes it? [口]近况如何?leave go of 松[放]开let go 松手, 放开 释放 解雇 放弃; 忘记 随它去吧let go with 尽情地说[叫喊等]let oneself go 发脾气; 尽情地谈make a go of it [美]使获得成功, 干好near go [口]差点儿送命no go [口]不行, 办不到; 不成功on the go [口]在进行活动, 忙碌; 刚要动身 衰败 有醉意upon the go [口]在进行活动, 忙碌; 刚要动身 衰败 有醉意quite the go 非常流行There you go again. 你这一套又来了。Where do we go from here? 下一步该怎么办?Where do we go from there? 下一步该怎么办?You may go farther and fare worse. [谚]往前走情形可能更坏(劝人适可而止)。go about 走来走去, 四处走动 着手或忙于(工作) (谣言等)流传 转身[向] (与...)来往密切go after 追求, 设法得到; 追捕go against反对, 违背, 不利于go ahead先走, 走在前面; 继续前进 进步[展]; 成功 干吧, 说吧, 开始干go all out 全力以赴, 鼓足干劲go along 前进go along with 陪伴 赞成, 同意Go along with you! [口]去你的!go and [口]去..., 竟然糊涂到...go and do sth. [口]去..., 竟然糊涂到...go around [美]=goround go astray 迷途go at 攻击; 冲向 精力充沛地开始工作go away离去, 带走, 拐逃(with)go back回去 追溯到(to), 回顾 走下坡路go back of [美口]调查, 研究go back on 违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go back from 违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go back upon 违背(诺言), 背弃; 食言go before 走在前面; 居先go behind 调查, 摸底 亏本 进一步斟酌go between 作中间人, 调停go beyond 超出[过]go by走过, 过去 遵照, 依循, 以...为根据 称为, 名叫 受...所控制 [美]顺道访问go down下去, 降下 (船)沉没, (飞机)坠落, (日、月)落下, (价格)下跌 (风、海浪)平息 吞下, 接受 受欢迎[赞许](with) 被记下[载入](in) 延续到(to) 倒下, 垮台, 破产 (英牛津与剑桥两大学用语)退学, 离校go easy [口]慢慢来, 从容不迫go easy with 节省..., 爱惜... 对...从宽处理, 小心处置...go far 价值大, 效力大; 成功, 大有前途go far toward(s) 大大有助于go for去拿[喊, 找, 请], 尽力得到 拥护, 支持, 赞助 被认为; 适用于 [口]猛烈攻击, 袭击,【戏】批评go for much 被认为大有用处[毫无用处]go for nothing 被认为大有用处[毫无用处]go forth 出发 发布[表], 宣布go forward 前进 发生go hard with sb. 使某人为难go home回家 击中, 命中 腐败, 用坏go home to 打动(某人的心) 使...理解go in 进入, 放得进 参加, 参加比赛; (纸牌赌博中)开价 (日、月、星辰等)被云遮盖 (钱)用于 (板球戏等)开始一局比赛 被理解go in at [口]痛打, 猛烈攻击go in for从事于 爱好, 追求, 沉迷于 参加, 加入 主张, 赞成, 支持go in with 参加, 加入; 入股, 联合Going! Going! Gone! (拍卖时用语)要卖了!要卖了!卖掉了!go into 进[加, 参, 纳]入, 通向 考虑, 研究讨论, 详细阐述 从事, 参加(某一行业) 调查, 查究 穿着 变为, 进入...状态; 发作go it 拼命干, 莽撞 放荡; 挥霍go it alone 单干go off离去, 走掉,【戏】(角色)下、退场 经过, 进行得 爆炸; (枪、爆竹)响起; (话等)突然冒出 (电流等)停掉, 消失; 死 (货物)销售; 售出 (食物等)变坏 睡着, 昏过去 [口](女儿)出嫁; 渐渐忘怀, 变得淡薄 对...失掉兴趣go off with 拿[抢, 拐]走, 同(某人)私奔go on往前走, 继续下去(with, doing); 日子过得(well, badly) 发生, 进行, 进展[行](情况) 接着做某事(go to do sth.); [口]接近 升学; 穿[戴]进 (时间)过去; 消逝 (运动员, 演员)上场, 登台 责骂(at) 受救济[支持, 资助] 依据 (板球)投球Go on! [口]接下去! [反]别胡说啦!go on about 唠唠叨叨地谈...go on for 接[将]近(...岁)(常用 -ing形式)go out出去[国]; (妇女)离家工作 辞职; 退职; 下台 (灯, 炉火)熄灭 不再流行; (衣服样式等)过时 参加社交活动, 交际 出版 (时间)过去 罢工 [美]垮下, 倒塌 [美]参加?? (心)向往(to) 失去知觉; 入睡 对...充满同情go over越[渡]过; 走完; 转向(to); 改变立场; 车(翻倒) 复习; (仔细)检查; 审阅; 研究 [美]受欢迎; 成功 (提案等)延期讨论goround 四处走动; 绕道走 顺便或非正式去拜访 (消息等)流传 够用, 够分配 (带子)长得够绕一圈go slow 慢慢走; 怠工go so far as (to do) 竟然到(做...)的地步go some [美口]做[得]了不少; (事情、工作等)迅速地、顺利地、有成效地进行go somewhere [口](大、?愕奈�裼?出去一下, 出去有点事go steady (with) [美口](同异性交朋友, 婚前)经常约会外出go straight 笔直地走 老老实实地做人; 改过自新go swimmingly 进行顺利, 获得成功go through通过(考试等); 经过 审阅; 检查 经历(困难、痛苦等), 忍受 做完(工作); 耗尽 举[履]行; 参加 (提案等)被通过; 被接纳[认可] (书)销售突破(第...版) (生意等)成交 修毕(课程等); 参加(考试等)go through with 完成(工作计划等); 实现, 贯彻(诺言等)Go to! [古]去你的! 等一等!go to 总共 相当[有助]于; 促成 付出 求助于, 诉诸(法律等)go to it 加油干, 努力干; 干起来go together 陪同; 相配 [口]经常作伴; 形影不离; 恋爱go too far 过火, 走极端go under 沉没; 没落, 破产; 失败; 屈服; [美俚]死 被称为...; 装扮成...go up上升; 攀登; 增长 被烧[炸]毁, [美]破产; 死, [美]失败 [英]上大学, 上城市去go upon 据...来判断(行动) 着手go with 陪...同行, 同...一致[协调]; 同...谈恋爱 带有 领会, 了解go without 没有...也忍受过去gone on sb. [口]迷恋某人, 倾心于某人

bribe是贿赂的名词,行贿你可以说offer a bribe to sb.例如The merchant offers a bribe to him. 这商人向他行贿。



买东西buyshoppingmake a purchase短语买些东西没问题 no problem to buy something买的东西 buy thing买些东西 do some shopping相关例句:1.妈妈出去买东西了。Mother has gone out to do some shopping. 2.我去他的杂货店买东西时他从不向我乱索价。He never overcharged when I went shopping in his grocer. 3.我家就住在商场旁边, 买东西很方便。I live just by the market, and it's very convenient to go shopping.

buy[英][baɪ][美][baɪ]vt.& vi.购买,购得; n.交易,买卖; 便宜货; vt.够支付; 买通; 收买; 贿赂; 第三人称单数:buys现在进行时:buying过去式:bought过去分词:boughtDid you buy new clothes?(你买新衣服了?)例句来自知米背单词

“买”英文说法:buy 读法:英[baɪ] 美[baɪ] 释义:1、vt.购买;获得;贿赂2、vi.买,采购3、n.购买,买卖;所购的物品4、n.(Buy)人名;(法)比伊buyorder买盘 buyback购回 specialbuy大甩卖例句:1、Iwonderatyourallowinghertobuytheexpensiveclothes.我对你答应她买这么贵的衣服感到吃惊。2、Heissavinguptobuyahomeforhisfamily.他在储蓄以便买一幢住宅供全家居住。扩展资料buy的近义词:earn 读法:英[ɜːn] 美[ɝn] 释义:1、vt.赚,赚得;获得,挣得;使得到;博得2、n.(Earn)人名;(泰)炎短语:1、earnmfirsty挣钱2、Microearn微赚3、earnenough挣够4、earnlivelihood自行谋生5、earnrecognition得到肯定


Bribe , Bribery

行贿有以下几种说法:名词:bribery名词兼动词:bribe动词词组:offer a bribe (提供贿赂) 、resort to bribery (采取贿赂手段)、grease the hand of (向 ... 行贿)


贿赂用bribe就好。bribe有名词、及物动词和不及物动词。向某人行贿就是:give \ offer \ hand out bribes to sb.受贿就是:take bribes受了贿替某人保密:be bribed into secrecy还有些用法你可以查查字典。这个词比较常用。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/10793.html发布于 2024-09-18
