

小思 2024-09-18 22
黄微英语怎么读摘要: 微英语怎么读vi哦亲读希望能帮到你呢外语的学习绝对和母语有关。人能分清不同的声音,绝对是需要训练的。对于被没有接触过语音学的北方人来说,w、v、u本就是完全一样的音(不过北...





荸荠,读音bí qi。










您好,读法为:荸荠[bí qi] 荸荠古称凫茈(凫茈),俗称马蹄,又称地栗,因它形如马蹄,又像栗子而得名。称它马蹄,仅指其外表;说它像栗子,不仅是形状,连性味、成分、功用都与栗子相似,又因它是在泥中结果,所以有地栗之称。荸荠皮色紫黑,肉质洁白,味甜多汁,清脆可口,自古有地下雪梨之美誉,北方人视之为江南人参。荸荠既可作为水果,又可算作蔬菜,是大众喜爱的时令之品。安徽省庐江县原杨柳乡盛产高品质荸荠,是中国最大的“荸荠之乡”。

荸荠(bíqi) 荸荠,俗称“马蹄”(学名为Water Chestnut或Eleocharis turerosa),又称地栗,因它形如马蹄,又像栗子而得名。称它马蹄,仅指其表面;说它像栗子,不仅是外形,连性味、成分、功用都与栗子类似,又因它是在泥中结果,所以有地栗之称。荸荠是我国的特产果品,为莎草科多年生水生草本植物,已有3000余年的栽培史,原产我国南部和印度,现今美国、日本、越南、韩国等国家和地区也广为种植。荸荠皮色紫黑,肉质洁白,味甜多汁,清脆可口,是大众喜爱的时令之品,既可作为水果,又可算作蔬菜,是—种优良的药食兼用的果蔬类食物。

二, kogult drinking procedures attention and recognition must have sampled a taste of a pair of eyes in the eyes of criticism and doubt, It should be the same as a sensitive nose can decipher insignificant visual signal. In the news and drink before the first taste of the source calibration process is facing through Beibi attention kogult first observation of the physical properties including color (hue and intensity), transparency (turbidity, Jing-liang) mobility, activities, linked Cup, and others. Not agree to language of color and tone colors, such as : yellow is a color, depth, light, strong, and others with varying intensity, But it also has a lot of co-ordination tones of gold, orange color, and texture of yellow-green, yellow and other micro-green. Kogult a tone of the turbid, often comment on the result is very poor. Ontology can often be inferred color and thickness of Age and the length of her condition. The color intensity and quality standards are not directly linked, but its liquid structure, density, and the sense of delicate in the mouth. Kogult in color and flavor is often right. If color is deep, barely translucent, kogult is likely to be mellow, rich, rich flavor; If the color is very shallow contrary, she is a skimpy in the mouth the flavor is short; If it is mild. This does not prevent it gives people a pleasant taste. The other hand, should be pure color, like the gloomy Matt hidden some mistakes. New kogult is bright, and is usually quite good, heavy and bland. Dark colors are often made of old, often too familiar, oxidation, Rancid and so confusing, it should be careful. Color is like kogult face. It was the first taste of the Chinese people guided appearance, the character it can be seen from here. Not visually enhance the taste is difficult. If not, people can judge how a kogult? We can taste were conducting an experiment to help understand the difficulties blind goods, wine as an example. The glass can be opaque or colored glass, cloth or operator who was blindfolded and In this game of hide and seek, if he eats he can go all out to seize the characteristics of the wine, then it is very difficult to identify these liquor. We may change this game, give him eight ordinary glass of wine, six cups of red wine. 2 cups white wine, taste it to find out who can close their eyes when a couple of white wine, or if he was hitting. He is an outstanding person, or taste. We know that visual acuity can indirectly affect the sense of smell, the aroma in some good lighting to be full time perception. People in the dark cellar, it is impossible to have good taste, Even some people in the dark in the restaurant menu are not clear, it will be impossible to limit U.S. eating well. The eye is at a position, it is kogult the introducer. guided sight kogult make eats worried, but it also eats into the induced error it is a taste of the vulnerable by the examination, the judge first look at his behavior, but the appearance is often confused people. Color plays an important role in food, it can cause people's appetite can also diminish people's appetite. can you feel happy and can not help feeling happy, or even decide not available consumer spending. Color reactions affect our sense of smell and taste response, the lack of color will smell distorted, In fact people of color as nausea nausea odor people, the people can not accept it. You may wish to try something simple, to see whether the visual impact of smell and taste. With a crystal goblet and the wine into a very normal, then a good wine into a large beaker with no feet thick flatbed, which limit wine tasting were invited to taste. see whether or not it will fall. Also, you will be a good bottle of wine labels subscript into an inferior wine, taste to see whether being. With the increase in social interaction at home and entertain guests attended the banquet without Sla pour wine Sla pour wine seems very easy, However, we do not simply excellent, especially on the restaurant industry waiter, waiter Sla pour wine is a fundamental skill.



modicum英 [ˈmɒdɪkəm]   美 [ˈmɑ:dɪkəm]  n.少量,一点点。


1.But he deserves a modicum of respect.


2.The basic node is shown at top and includes a modicum of core fields.





n.少量,一点点( modicum的名词复数 )

2.modica英 ['mɒdɪkə]   美 ['mɒdɪkə]

n.少量,一点点( modicum的名词复数 )。


1.particle英 [ˈpɑ:tɪkl]   美 [ˈpɑ:rtɪkl]


2.bit英 [bɪt]   美 [bɪt]


3.smidgen英 [ˈsmɪdʒən]   美 [ˈsmɪdʒən]


稍微,有点儿的英语除了A little还有这些读法: 1、slightly 英[ˈslaɪtli] 美[ˈslaɪtli] adv. 轻微地,轻轻地;;细长地,苗条地;;〈罕〉轻蔑地;;粗;;[例句]His family then moved to a slightly larger house 然后他全家搬到了一个稍微大一点的房子里。 2、sort / kind of有几分地, 有点儿(可以修饰名词、形容词、副词、动词、动名词、分词、介词短语、);{例句}My brother is sort / kind of busy / tired. 我弟弟有点忙(累)。{例句2}They kind/ sort of laughed at me. 他们有点嘲笑我。

一点点——a little:英 [ə ˈlitl]、美 [e ˈlɪtl];a bit:英 [ə bit]、美 [e bɪt]

一、a little



1、These shoes are a bit tight.


2、Can you turn the volume up a bit?


二、a bit

英 [ə bit]   美 [e bɪt]

稍微; 有一点儿;短时间; 短距离

1、Frankly, even I was a bit surprised by this one.


2、I feel a bit dazzled.




一、a large number of

英 [ə lɑ:dʒ ˈnʌmbə ɔv]   美 [e lɑrdʒ ˈnʌmbɚ ʌv]


There are a large number of centres where you can take full-time courses


二、a great many

英 [ə ɡreit ˈmeni]   美 [e ɡret ˈmɛni]

很多, 许多;指不胜屈;浩

He knows a great many people in this city.


a bit of 英[ei bit ɔv] 美[e bɪt ʌv] [词典] 一点; 一星半点; [例句]We got a bit of a scare.我们受了点惊吓。



smile[英] [smaɪl][美] [smaɪl]n.微笑,笑容;vt.以微笑表示; 以微笑完成;[例句]When he saw me, he smiled and waved他看见我的时候,微笑着朝我挥挥手。[复数]smiles



微笑的英语是smile    ,音标是[smaɪl]。


1、Smile is a universal language.微笑是全 * 用的语言。

2、Have you ever seen kids smile as they stare at thin air, and wonder what made them giggle?你有没有过看到孩子们对着空气笑,并好奇是什么让他们咯咯笑呢?

3、A smile dimpled her face.一个微笑使她脸上露出笑靥。

4、A faint smile played on his lips.他的唇上浮现一丝微笑。

5、He looked at them with a smile both acrid and desolate.他带着辛辣、凄凉的微笑看着他们。

6、You’ll drive home with a smile on your face, and very excited to see your lover.然后你会在开车回家的时候脸上挂着微笑,看到情人的时候会相当兴奋。

7、Your dignified smile diffuses complaints.你高贵的微笑化散了抱怨。

8、a mechanical process; his smile was very mechanical; a mechanical toy一个机械的过程;他的笑很机械;一个机械玩具。

9、Smile is a wrinkle that should not be removed微笑是一种不应消除的皱纹。

smile 微笑


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/10786.html发布于 2024-09-18
