资源名称---英语方面学习视频资料迪斯尼神奇英语全套初级美语-赖世雄(mp3)中级美语-赖世雄许国璋英语第一册(mp3)许国璋英语第二册(mp3)许国璋英语第三册(mp3)英语词汇记忆法视频讲座4讲抗遗忘单词快速记忆法视频下载从零开始学法语韩国语对话实习许国璋电视英语全套四川电大商务交际英语高级时事英语视频下载计算机专业英语在线教程标准日语视频下载《综合英语》(一)精讲音频下载李阳-疯狂英语口语和听力四本书mp3《标准日语》初级视频下载标准日本语中级视频新概念英语第一册(MP3版)新概念英语第二册(MP3版)新概念英语第三册(MP3版)新概念英语第四册MP3英语学习翻译完整版刘畅词汇flash下载洋话连篇MP3商务英语基础新东方阅读flash-周雷(全)大学英语听力mp3阶梯儿童英语字母学习阶梯儿童英语 第一单元阶梯儿童英语 第二单元阶梯儿童英语 第三单元阶梯儿童英语 第四单元阶梯儿童英语 第五单元开放英语裕兴新概念英语FLASH全集阶梯儿童英语 第六单元阶梯儿童英语 第七单元阶梯儿童英语 第八单元阶梯儿童英语 第九单元阶梯儿童英语 第十单元阶梯儿童英语 第十一单元阶梯儿童英语 第十二单元阶梯儿童英语 第十三单元阶梯儿童英语 第十四单元英语随口说[MP3] 练习口语好资料考研英语(2006)--阅读[FLASH]新东方演讲-江博新东方演讲-俞敏洪[西南师大][词汇学][14讲]英语听力[音频]英语专业翻译课程交际英语(国家级)新东方演讲-王强医学英语英语3册(北京交通大学)英语4册(北京交通大学)高级时事英语(毛东辉)宁波电大大学法语一(宋颖薇)宁波电大大学法语二(宋颖薇)宁波电大[二外日语]五十音图语音教学[Flash版][上海外国语大学] 高级英语综合英语视频教学资料生活美语-语音下载洋话连篇Ⅲ(视频RM)50集韩国系列下载(1-30)swf《中日交流标准日本语-初级》Video CD[日文小说(二)][空中大学][wmv][36讲]日语五十音图教学视频李阳疯狂英语学习光盘疯狂英语900句2005精华版计算机专业英语李阳疯狂英语从零开始学日语高考英语语法高考英语听力高考英语阅读高考英语写作新东方《4+1口语语汇》新东方词汇112课FLASH讲解新概念英语全四册课本PDF版新概念英语视频第一册新概念英语视频第二册新概念英语视频第三册新概念英语视频第四册四川电大 大学英语4(在线播放)四川电大 翻译理论与实践(在线播放)四川电大 外贸英语(在线播放)四川电大 外贸英语函电(在线播放)四川电大 商务英语(在线播放)四川电大 综合英语(在线播放)四川电大 商务交际英语(在线播放).新东方英语讲座视频<生活美语>英语音频下载韩国语培训学习哈哈美语全集flash儿童快乐英语辽宁教育电视台录像初中英语复习赖世雄教你轻松说英语[365讲]音频北师大-大学英语精读(一)北京邮电大学-英语精读(一)新东方《考研英语词汇 词根+联想记忆法》俞敏洪 配套录音[mp3] 新概念英语第二册(视频)1-10新概念英语第二册(视频)21-30新概念英语第二册(视频)11-20新视野英语(三)(公共课)新视野英语(二)(公共课)统考辅导/大学英语/写作(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/听力(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/模拟题(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/语法/(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/阅读理解(吉林大学)新概念英语全套电子书四册(有声版)我爱韩国语(KBS)视频教程法语reflect教程课文精解韩国语学习-刚到韩国30天韩语入门mp3德语学习视频[展望未来][70集][RM]新东方FLASH高考语法详解---高中生的福音美国历史上著名的100个演讲MP3及原文时间机器美国文化系列讲座李阳疯狂英语口语速成新东方西安交大演讲(强烈推荐)自学英语国际音标德语视听资料下载[HALLO AUS BERLIN][大学不详][《法语》所有四册课文][][rar][50k]法语语音电视教学-曹德明教授主讲学习法语新视听(MP3)公共法语(MP3)大学法语简明教程录音(MP3)葡萄牙语学习课程[emotion_story....12个纯韩文的小故事][swf]英语高级口译教程 With Beasts韩国语入门视频教程《挑战单词)-英语单词记忆超速记俞敏洪GRE词汇串讲〈英语单词闪电记忆〉按字母记单词
资源名称---英语方面学习视频资料迪斯尼神奇英语全套初级美语-赖世雄(mp3)中级美语-赖世雄许国璋英语第一册(mp3)许国璋英语第二册(mp3)许国璋英语第三册(mp3)英语词汇记忆法视频讲座4讲抗遗忘单词快速记忆法视频下载从零开始学法语韩国语对话实习许国璋电视英语全套四川电大商务交际英语高级时事英语视频下载计算机专业英语在线教程标准日语视频下载《综合英语》(一)精讲音频下载李阳-疯狂英语口语和听力四本书mp3《标准日语》初级视频下载标准日本语中级视频新概念英语第一册(MP3版)新概念英语第二册(MP3版)新概念英语第三册(MP3版)新概念英语第四册MP3英语学习翻译完整版刘畅词汇flash下载洋话连篇MP3商务英语基础新东方阅读flash-周雷(全)大学英语听力mp3阶梯儿童英语字母学习阶梯儿童英语 第一单元阶梯儿童英语 第二单元阶梯儿童英语 第三单元阶梯儿童英语 第四单元阶梯儿童英语 第五单元开放英语裕兴新概念英语FLASH全集阶梯儿童英语 第六单元阶梯儿童英语 第七单元阶梯儿童英语 第八单元阶梯儿童英语 第九单元阶梯儿童英语 第十单元阶梯儿童英语 第十一单元阶梯儿童英语 第十二单元阶梯儿童英语 第十三单元阶梯儿童英语 第十四单元英语随口说[MP3] 练习口语好资料考研英语(2006)--阅读[FLASH]新东方演讲-江博新东方演讲-俞敏洪[西南师大][词汇学][14讲]英语听力[音频]英语专业翻译课程交际英语(国家级)新东方演讲-王强医学英语英语3册(北京交通大学)英语4册(北京交通大学)高级时事英语(毛东辉)宁波电大大学法语一(宋颖薇)宁波电大大学法语二(宋颖薇)宁波电大[二外日语]五十音图语音教学[Flash版][上海外国语大学] 高级英语综合英语视频教学资料生活美语-语音下载洋话连篇Ⅲ(视频RM)50集韩国系列下载(1-30)swf《中日交流标准日本语-初级》Video CD[日文小说(二)][空中大学][wmv][36讲]日语五十音图教学视频李阳疯狂英语学习光盘疯狂英语900句2005精华版计算机专业英语李阳疯狂英语从零开始学日语高考英语语法高考英语听力高考英语阅读高考英语写作新东方《4+1口语语汇》新东方词汇112课FLASH讲解新概念英语全四册课本PDF版新概念英语视频第一册新概念英语视频第二册新概念英语视频第三册新概念英语视频第四册四川电大 大学英语4(在线播放)四川电大 翻译理论与实践(在线播放)四川电大 外贸英语(在线播放)四川电大 外贸英语函电(在线播放)四川电大 商务英语(在线播放)四川电大 综合英语(在线播放)四川电大 商务交际英语(在线播放).新东方英语讲座视频<生活美语>英语音频下载韩国语培训学习哈哈美语全集flash儿童快乐英语辽宁教育电视台录像初中英语复习赖世雄教你轻松说英语[365讲]音频北师大-大学英语精读(一)北京邮电大学-英语精读(一)新东方《考研英语词汇 词根+联想记忆法》俞敏洪 配套录音[mp3] 新概念英语第二册(视频)1-10新概念英语第二册(视频)21-30新概念英语第二册(视频)11-20新视野英语(三)(公共课)新视野英语(二)(公共课)统考辅导/大学英语/写作(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/听力(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/模拟题(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/语法/(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/阅读理解(吉林大学)新概念英语全套电子书四册(有声版)我爱韩国语(KBS)视频教程法语reflect教程课文精解韩国语学习-刚到韩国30天韩语入门mp3德语学习视频[展望未来][70集][RM]新东方FLASH高考语法详解---高中生的福音美国历史上著名的100个演讲MP3及原文时间机器美国文化系列讲座李阳疯狂英语口语速成新东方西安交大演讲(强烈推荐)自学英语国际音标德语视听资料下载[HALLO AUS BERLIN][大学不详][《法语》所有四册课文][][rar][50k]法语语音电视教学-曹德明教授主讲学习法语新视听(MP3)公共法语(MP3)大学法语简明教程录音(MP3)葡萄牙语学习课程[emotion_story....12个纯韩文的小故事][swf]英语高级口译教程 With Beasts韩国语入门视频教程《挑战单词)-英语单词记忆超速记俞敏洪GRE词汇串讲〈英语单词闪电记忆〉按字母记单词
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资源名称---英语方面学习视频资料 迪斯尼神奇英语全套 初级美语-赖世雄(mp3) 中级美语-赖世雄 许国璋英语第一册(mp3) 许国璋英语第二册(mp3) 许国璋英语第三册(mp3) 英语词汇记忆法视频讲座4讲 抗遗忘单词快速记忆法视频下载 从零开始学法语 韩国语对话实习 许国璋电视英语全套 四川电大商务交际英语 高级时事英语视频下载 计算机专业英语在线教程 标准日语视频下载 《综合英语》(一)精讲音频下载 李阳-疯狂英语口语和听力四本书mp3 《标准日语》初级视频下载 标准日本语中级视频 新概念英语第一册(MP3版) 新概念英语第二册(MP3版) 新概念英语第三册(MP3版) 新概念英语第四册MP3 英语学习翻译 完整版刘畅词汇flash下载 洋话连篇MP3 商务英语基础 2005新东方阅读flash-周雷(全) 大学英语听力mp3 youandme阶梯儿童英语字母学习 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第一单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第二单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第三单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第四单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第五单元 开放英语 裕兴新概念英语FLASH全集 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第六单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第七单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第八单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第九单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十一单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十二单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十三单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十四单元 英语随口说[MP3] 练习口语好资料 考研英语(2006)--阅读[FLASH] 新东方演讲-江博 新东方演讲-俞敏洪 [西南师大][词汇学][14讲] 英语听力[音频] 英语专业翻译课程 交际英语(国家级) 新东方演讲-王强 医学英语 英语3册(北京交通大学) 英语4册(北京交通大学) 高级时事英语(毛东辉)宁波电大 大学法语一(宋颖薇)宁波电大 大学法语二(宋颖薇)宁波电大 [二外日语]五十音图语音教学[Flash版] [上海外国语大学] 高级英语 综合英语视频教学资料 生活美语-语音下载 洋话连篇Ⅲ(视频RM)50集 韩国系列下载(1-30)swf 《中日交流标准日本语-初级》Video CD [日文小说(二)][空中大学][wmv][36讲] 日语五十音图教学视频 李阳疯狂英语学习光盘 疯狂英语900句2005精华版 计算机专业英语 李阳疯狂英语 从零开始学日语 高考英语语法 高考英语听力 高考英语阅读 高考英语写作 新东方《4+1口语语汇》 新东方词汇112课FLASH讲解 新概念英语全四册课本PDF版 新概念英语视频第一册 新概念英语视频第二册 新概念英语视频第三册 新概念英语视频第四册 四川电大 大学英语4(在线播放) 四川电大 翻译理论与实践(在线播放) 四川电大 外贸英语(在线播放) 四川电大 外贸英语函电(在线播放) 四川电大 商务英语(在线播放) 四川电大 综合英语(在线播放) 四川电大 商务交际英语(在线播放) .新东方英语讲座视频 <生活美语>英语音频下载 韩国语培训学习 哈哈美语全集flash 儿童快乐英语辽宁教育电视台录像 初中英语复习 赖世雄教你轻松说英语[365讲]音频 北师大-大学英语精读(一) 北京邮电大学-英语精读(一) 新东方《考研英语词汇 词根+联想记忆法》俞敏洪 配套录音[mp3] 新概念英语第二册(视频)1-10 新概念英语第二册(视频)21-30 新概念英语第二册(视频)11-20 新视野英语(三)(公共课) 新视野英语(二)(公共课) 统考辅导/大学英语/写作(吉林大学) 统考辅导/大学英语/听力(吉林大学) 统考辅导/大学英语/模拟题(吉林大学) 统考辅导/大学英语/语法/(吉林大学) 统考辅导/大学英语/阅读理解(吉林大学) 新概念英语全套电子书四册(有声版) 我爱韩国语(KBS)视频教程 法语reflect教程课文精解 韩国语学习-刚到韩国30天 韩语入门mp3 德语学习视频 [展望未来][70集][RM] 新东方FLASH高考语法详解---高中生的福音 美国历史上著名的100个演讲MP3及原文 BBC时间机器 美国文化系列讲座 李阳疯狂英语口语速成 新东方西安交大演讲(强烈推荐) 自学英语国际音标 德语视听资料下载[HALLO AUS BERLIN] [大学不详][《法语》所有四册课文][][rar][50k] 法语语音电视教学-曹德明教授主讲学习 法语新视听(MP3) 公共法语(MP3) 大学法语简明教程录音(MP3) 葡萄牙语学习课程 [emotion_story....12个纯韩文的小故事][swf] 英语高级口译教程 Walking With Beasts 韩国语入门视频教程 《挑战单词)-英语单词记忆超速记 俞敏洪GRE词汇串讲 〈英语单词闪电记忆〉按字母记单词
资源名称---英语方面学习视频资料 迪斯尼神奇英语全套 初级美语-赖世雄(mp3) 中级美语-赖世雄 许国璋英语第一册(mp3) 许国璋英语第二册(mp3) 许国璋英语第三册(mp3) 英语词汇记忆法视频讲座4讲 抗遗忘单词快速记忆法视频下载 从零开始学法语 韩国语对话实习 许国璋电视英语全套 四川电大商务交际英语 高级时事英语视频下载 计算机专业英语在线教程 标准日语视频下载 《综合英语》(一)精讲音频下载 李阳-疯狂英语口语和听力四本书mp3 《标准日语》初级视频下载 标准日本语中级视频 新概念英语第一册(MP3版) 新概念英语第二册(MP3版) 新概念英语第三册(MP3版) 新概念英语第四册MP3 英语学习翻译 完整版刘畅词汇flash下载 洋话连篇MP3 商务英语基础 2005新东方阅读flash-周雷(全) 大学英语听力mp3 youandme阶梯儿童英语字母学习 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第一单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第二单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第三单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第四单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第五单元 开放英语 裕兴新概念英语FLASH全集 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第六单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第七单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第八单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第九单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十一单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十二单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十三单元 youandme阶梯儿童英语 第十四单元 英语随口说[MP3] 练习口语好资料 考研英语(2006)--阅读[FLASH] 新东方演讲-江博 新东方演讲-俞敏洪 [西南师大][词汇学][14讲] 英语听力[音频] 英语专业翻译课程 交际英语(国家级) 新东方演讲-王强 医学英语 英语3册(北京交通大学) 英语4册(北京交通大学) 高级时事英语(毛东辉)宁波电大 大学法语一(宋颖薇)宁波电大 大学法语二(宋颖薇)宁波电大 [二外日语]五十音图语音教学[Flash版] [上海外国语大学] 高级英语 综合英语视频教学资料 生活美语-语音下载 洋话连篇Ⅲ(视频RM)50集 韩国系列下载(1-30)swf 《中日交流标准日本语-初级》Video CD [日文小说(二)][空中大学][wmv][36讲] 日语五十音图教学视频 李阳疯狂英语学习光盘 疯狂英语900句2005精华版 计算机专业英语 李阳疯狂英语 从零开始学日语 高考英语语法 高考英语听力 高考英语阅读 高考英语写作 新东方《4+1口语语汇》 新东方词汇112课FLASH讲解 新概念英语全四册课本PDF版 新概念英语视频第一册 新概念英语视频第二册 新概念英语视频第三册 新概念英语视频第四册 四川电大 大学英语4(在线播放) 四川电大 翻译理论与实践(在线播放) 四川电大 外贸英语(在线播放) 四川电大 外贸英语函电(在线播放) 四川电大 商务英语(在线播放) 四川电大 综合英语(在线播放) 四川电大 商务交际英语(在线播放) .新东方英语讲座视频 <生活美语>英语音频下载 韩国语培训学习 哈哈美语全集flash 儿童快乐英语辽宁教育电视台录像 初中英语复习 赖世雄教你轻松说英语[365讲]音频 北师大-大学英语精读(一) 北京邮电大学-英语精读(一) 新东方《考研英语词汇 词根+联想记忆法》俞敏洪 配套录音[mp3] 新概念英语第二册(视频)1-10 新概念英语第二册(视频)21-30 新概念英语第二册(视频)11-20 新视野英语(三)(公共课) 新视野英语(二)(公共课) 统考辅导/大学英语/写作(吉林大学) 统考辅导/大学英语/听力(吉林大学) 统考辅导/大学英语/模拟题(吉林大学) 统考辅导/大学英语/语法/(吉林大学) 统考辅导/大学英语/阅读理解(吉林大学) 新概念英语全套电子书四册(有声版) 我爱韩国语(KBS)视频教程 法语reflect教程课文精解 韩国语学习-刚到韩国30天 韩语入门mp3 德语学习视频 [展望未来][70集][RM] 新东方FLASH高考语法详解---高中生的福音 〈英语单词闪电记忆〉按字母记单词
冀南新区西村小学英语组学生活动--第四单元手抄报英语手抄报happyenglishhappyenglish快乐英语手抄报图片快乐英语手抄报用三种颜色的手抄报英语颜色手抄报关于周末的活动的英语手抄报春天的英语手抄报快乐周末的英语手抄报happyenglish快乐英语手抄报图片英语手抄报happyenglishhappy外研社一起点四年级下英语手抄报 四年级下册手抄报寒假一年级英文手抄报 一年级英语手抄报大图片英语手抄报图片好看的英语手抄报-快乐abc4英语一年级abc英语手抄报英语一年级abc飞翔学校小学部三6班暑期英语手抄报风采展示七年级寒假英文版手抄报happyenglish快乐英语手抄报图片happyenglish手抄报图片英语手抄报暑假旅游英语手抄报快乐暑假我的暑假四年级英语手抄报 四英语手抄报 快乐英语手抄报版面设计图 wizard of the第二次英语手抄报活动五年级第二单元优秀英语手抄报展示我的周末用五年级上册我爱英语手抄报五年级上册手抄报英语手抄报简单又漂亮好看的英语手抄报图片大全四年级英语手抄报快乐英语小短文手抄报快乐英语手抄报英语抄报简单又漂亮 三年级英语大全手抄报六年级上册英语第一单元手
where 在哪里/table桌子/ bed床 /dresser梳妆台 /bookcase书橱;书柜 /sofa 沙发/chair 椅子/drawer抽屉 /plant植物 /under 在...下/they 他(她、它)们/on在...上 /know 知道;了解/bag书包;提包;袋子 /math数学/ alarm clock 闹钟/CD光盘/ video录像;视频/ tape 录音带/video tape录像带/hat帽子/take拿走;带到/thing东西;物/to朝、向、至、达/mom妈妈/can能;可以;会/bring拿来;取来;带来/some一些;若干/need需要/floor地板;地面/room房间/TV电视;电视机/desk书桌;课桌
chair,where,table,dersser,drawer,some,need,bed,take,thing,floor,desk,bookcase,sofa,know,CD,math,they,bag,alarm clock,video tape,hat,to,mom,can,need,floor,room,under,on,plant,
My baby sisterI have a baby ’s 2 ears old. She is very lovely. She has a short hair and small eyes. There are two dimples near is likes run and jump. She likes all the colors. She likes any animals. She likes in the paper the graffiti. She likes cookies and oishi snacks. She likes white teddy bear. She likes smiling. She likes to watch likes baby sister.
Why is it so important to learn English?
Do you think it would be fun to have access to information that other people can't get? Talk and write letters to interesting people that others can't municate with? Impress people around you whenever you opened your mouth? Make big jumps in your career,leaving others miles behind?
You can get all these if you speak English well.
English language is the international language meaning 60% of the worlds population are speaking in english. This means that we can municate well if we do know how to speak the language. It will help you gain friends not just locally but internationally. Also it will open some doors for you to venture on other countries like UK., USA, and the likes to spend either vacation or for studying purposes. Moreover the instructions given in some appliances, gadgets, equipments, food labels and etc were mostly written in English. So you will get better understanding of what is going on.
And finally, English is one of the most frequently used languages in the world.
我只是一个普通的人,我想用我自己的努力去做我想做的事情!我相信命运,我也相信缘分。这个故事是真实的,或许你并不是很感情趣,或许我的叙述过于乏味,或许我无法把它写的很生动很感人。但是于我来讲,它是如此的神奇 美妙 浪漫!!!
在一个村子里找道一个人或许很容易,但是在一个镇上前提是你根本就不知道是哪个村子,那么去找一个流动人口 有多么的不容易?走在茫茫的大街上,面对一个又一个陌生的人,我是那样的无可奈何,那样的灰心丧气。尤其是我已经觉得毫无希望了!我相信命运,我相信老天,我相信他会照顾我。我去了那么远的地方,我没有任何多余的想法,我只是想如果我能找到他,那么那是多么让人心跳的事。或者说,我就是想见到他,很想很想,这不需要理由吧!!!
I am only an ordinary person, I want to do the thing that I want to do with my own efforts! I believe destiny, I believe fate too. The story true, you interesting emotion have very perhaps, perhaps my narration is too dull, I unable to make whom it write very much vivid and very much touching perhaps. But say to me, it is so magical and wonderful and romantic! ! ! It is very easy to look for a person in a village,
It is very easy to look for a person in a village, but the prerequisite is that you do not know at all which village it is in a town, go look for how one floating population have easy? Walk on the boundless and indistinct street, face one and another strange persons, I am the such having no way out, so disheartened. Especially I have already felt hopeless! I believe destiny, I believe God, I believe he will look after me. I have gone to so far a place, I do not have any surplus idea, I hope if I can find him, then the thing of person's heartbeat that how that is to let. In other words, I want to see him, want to think of very much very much, does not this need the reason
我只是一个普通的人,我想用我自己的努力去做我想做的事情!我相信命运,我也相信缘分。这个故事是真实的,或许你并不是很感情趣,或许我的叙述过于乏味,或许我无法把它写的很生动很感人。但是于我来讲,它是如此的神奇 美妙 浪漫!!!
在一个村子里找道一个人或许很容易,但是在一个镇上前提是你根本就不知道是哪个村子,那么去找一个流动人口 有多么的不容易?走在茫茫的大街上,面对一个又一个陌生的人,我是那样的无可奈何,那样的灰心丧气。尤其是我已经觉得毫无希望了!我相信命运,我相信老天,我相信他会照顾我。我去了那么远的地方,我没有任何多余的想法,我只是想如果我能找到他,那么那是多么让人心跳的事。或者说,我就是想见到他,很想很想,这不需要理由吧!!!
I am only an ordinary person, I want to do the thing that I want to do with my own efforts! I believe destiny, I believe fate too. The story true, you interesting emotion have very perhaps, perhaps my narration is too dull, I unable to make whom it write very much vivid and very much touching perhaps. But say to me, it is so magical and wonderful and romantic! ! ! It is very easy to look for a person in a village,
It is very easy to look for a person in a village, but the prerequisite is that you do not know at all which village it is in a town, go look for how one floating population have easy? Walk on the boundless and indistinct street, face one and another strange persons, I am the such having no way out, so disheartened. Especially I have already felt hopeless! I believe destiny, I believe God, I believe he will look after me. I have gone to so far a place, I do not have any surplus idea, I hope if I can find him, then the thing of person's heartbeat that how that is to let. In other words, I want to see him, want to think of very much very much, does not this need the reason
Book2 Unit2 The Olympic Games假如你是李华,2014年冬奥会就要到来,学校英语角以My favorite sport 为题开展征文。
2.你最喜欢的运动员是谁;3.你是怎样提高这项运动的技巧的。My favorite sport Of all the sports, I like table tennis best.①I became interested in it when I was very young. I'm fond of Chinese Team players, such a Wang Nan, Zhang Yining, Ma Lin, Wang Hao, and so on.②I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill.③The reason why I like it very much is that it is our national sport as well as of great benefitto table tennis canbuild up our bodies, keep us healthy and train our 's more, it can help us to learn to cooperate(合作) with each other. In a word, I like it very much.④Though I can't play it well, I still try my best to practice it. In my spare time, I often play table tennis with my clas *** ates to improve my skills. And I often watch table tennis programs on TV, I believe I will be an outstanding(出色的)player in the near future。
yesteday was Saturday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to Henghan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Jane, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went then, I've kept the umbrella。
i was very happy。
My Best Friend My best friend is **. He's a very funny person. For example,he keeps his watch one hour ahead of the real time. He says it's because he doesn't want to be late. **is also very honest and intelligent. He doesn't need to cheat to get ahead. In school he always gets the highest scores,but he never seems to study. He says he studies only when nobody is looking. Everybody likes my friend ** very much. 我最好的朋友 我最好的朋友是 **。
* *很诚实并且聪明。他不用作弊就可以名列前茅。
Module 1Unit 11. Can you hear me?你听到我说话吗?2. Where are you?你在哪里?3. stand on the Great Wall of China 站在中国的长城上4. talk to /with *** 跟某人讲话5. be on a school trip正在校游6. have a good /great /nice time=enjoy oneself/play happily度过快乐时光7. that's great那太好了8. What are the others doing?其他人在干什么?9. eat an ice cream/hamburgers/hot dogs吃一个冰淇淋/汉堡/热狗10. take pictures/photos拍照11. lots of/a lot of/many/much许多12. buy some presents and postcards买一些礼物和照片buy *** 为某人买某物13. eat lunch/supper/breakfast=have lunch/supper/dinner/ breakfast吃午饭/晚饭/早餐14. lie in the sun躺在阳光里15. send *** .sth./send *** 给某人某物16. enjoy the school trip a lot/very much很享受校游17. shop for *** 给。
买go shopping/do some shopping 去买东西Unit 21. at this/the moment在这时2. in different places of the world在世界不同的地方3. do different things干不同的事4. leave work and go home =go home after work下班回家5. wait for。
6. run for trains追火车7. drive a car/ bus开车/公共汽车8. have afternoon tea喝下午茶9. be at home =be in home在家里10. have a drink喝酒11. have dinner at home在家吃晚饭12. have dinner in the restaurant在饭馆吃晚饭13. go to the opera去歌剧院14. watch a ballet看芭蕾舞15. watch television看电视16. play games 玩游戏17. go to bed上床go to sleep/get to sleep准备睡觉fell asleep/be asleep睡着了18. get up 起床19. get dressed穿衣服20. start the lessons开始上课21. It's midday正在中午22. drink coffee /coke喝咖啡/可乐23. see/visit *** 看望某人 home / *** / ring *** up给家/某人打电话24. greetings from *** .某人的问候25. thank you for。
thanks for。
谢谢26. visit my friends in Hollywood在好莱坞拜访我的朋友27. in front of ……..在前面in the front of 在前部28. write sth to *** write a letter to *** write to *** 给某人写信29. look at the homes of the film starslook at the film stars' homes看电影明星的家 are you doing?你正在做什么2. visit the Forbidden City参观紫禁城 to the guide听导游介绍 you later 一会见 football/basketball踢足球/打篮球 on the phone打电话 presents for my parents为父母买礼物 a drink in a pub在酒吧里喝酒 night晚安 to 。
..by bus/train乘坐公共汽车/火车去。 Take a bus /train to。
..Module 2Unit 's happening?发生了生么事 happen to *** .某人出了什么事 ready for/be ready for..为什么做好准备 get 。ready 准备好。
dragon dance学舞龙 lanterns做灯笼 the house打扫屋子 *** . do sth/help *** . with sth.帮助某人做某事 the floor扫地 the meal做饭 at work/be working在班上/上班Unit 21. have lots of traditions有许多传统2. sweep away bad luck扫走厄运3. paint doors and windows red将门窗涂成红色4. it means good luck它意味着好运5. decorate sth. with paper cuts用剪纸装饰……6. have a hair cut剪头7. give *** . New Year presents给某人生日礼物8. on New Year's Day在新年那天9. at Spring Festival在春节10. on Spring Festival's Eve在除夕之夜11. on Christmas Day在圣诞节12. put on our new clothes穿上我们的新衣服13. visit our family and friends/see our family and friends拜访家人与朋友14. there is dragon and lion dancing有一个舞龙和舞狮的表演15. dumpling饺子16. rice dumpling元宵17. at midnight在午夜18. set(let) off fireworks放鞭炮19. for a few days持续几天20. have lots of food for good luck吃许多意味着好运的食物21. at Lantern Festival在元宵节22. after o weeks两周后23. a kind of一种24. 。
called/named被称作…..25. bring *** . good luck给某人带来好运26. all the year round一年到头27. go shopping for sth.为某人买…..28. eat Christmas pudding吃圣诞布丁29. put ..next to。把…放在….旁边30. on the Christmas tree在圣诞树上31. sing Christmas songs唱圣诞歌32. have Christmas dinner吃圣诞大餐33. say。
to *** .对某人说…….Unit 31. be the most important festival最重要的节日2. in the western country在西方国家3. celebrate the birth of庆祝…..的生日4. be interested in/be more/the most interested in。对..感兴趣/更感兴趣/最感兴趣5. Father Christmas圣诞老人6. a fat man with a long white beard有着白色长胡子的胖男人7. wear a red suit穿着红衣服8. give sth. to *** ./give *** .sth.给某人某物9. love *** . very much很爱某人10. What are you and your family doing for Spring Fsetival at the moment?你和你的家人正在为春节做什么准备?Module 3Unit 11 at the weekend在周末 afternoon/evening在周一~周日的早晨中午晚上3. check my email检查我的电子邮件4. do my homework做。
第一个Let's talkExcuse me ,is there a cinema near here?打扰一下,请问这附近有电影院吗?Yes,There is.是的,有。Where is the cinema,please?请问电影院在哪?It’s next to the hospital.它在医院旁边。Is it far from here?它离这儿远吗?No,It’ not far.不,不远。Thank you.谢谢。You are welcome.不用客气第二个Excuse is the post office?打扰一下,这里有邮局吗?It’s east of the cinema.它在电影院旁边。And then?我怎么走过去?Turn left at the cinema,then go ’s on the left.在电影院那里向左转,之后一直向前走,它就在你的左边Thank you!谢谢。
The Olympic Games
My favorite
My favorite sport
Of all the sports, I like table tennis best.
became interested in
when I was very young.
m fond of
Chinese Team players, such a Wang Nan, Zhang Yining,
Ma Lin, Wang Hao, and so on.
I think it is
not only
a sport
but also
art, because it is a game that needs
and skill.
The reason why
Though I can't play it well, I still try my best to practice it.
clas *** ates
I will be an
player in the near future.
In China, there are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is hot and winter is cold. Spring and autumn are fortable. Spring lasts from March to May. Summers goes from June to August. From September to November is autumn. At last is winter, from December to February. Among the four seasons in a year, I like winter most.中国一年又四个季节,春、夏、秋、冬。
My dream is to bee a doctor. If I were a doctor, I would use their bodies to do clinical trials. If the drug is misconfigured, it will harm an innocent person. If I were a doctor, I will make every effort to rescue each patient, "I hope people all the world health, medicine shelves at dusting" is my motto. If I were a doctor, not to blindly chasing, Hua Tuo, Bian Que is my idol. If I were a doctor, studying medical books a day, one day, will surely bee a great doctor. If I were a doctor ...... In short, the doctor is my future career, my dream, my future. As long as the firm belief learn. In the future, I will realize my dream of being a great doctor!
Spring Festival春节Spring Festival is an important festival in China.春节在中国是个重要的节日.In the festival,all family members go together and have a big dinner together.在节日里,所有的家庭成员相聚一团,并一起享用晚餐.We have chicken,duck,fish,pork and such as. Dumplings are the most traditional food .我们吃鸡鸭鱼肉和类似的食物.饺子是最传统的食物.Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. 孩子们非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们可以享用美味,穿新衣.他们可以从父母那儿拿到压岁钱.After the dinner, we watch the Spring Festival party on television.晚饭后,我们在电视上看春节联欢晚会.We have chatting each other.我们互相畅谈.People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. 人们访问亲朋好友并互相祝福好运.People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .人们喜欢春节,在这个时候,他们能好好休息一下.
看了下最快回答. the woman near my father is my mather she is a teacher .this tall man is my uncle and the women in the white bloues is my they looks very young. he is my father he is a doctor 。
您自己看吧,.now look at this girl in a yellow dress .she is me! me只是根据题目here ia a photo of my family .look,this is my grandpa and grandma ,they are seventy years old ,, me好差。
,句子什么的 开头大写.that boy is my brother he is five .that girl is my sister ,she is lovely ...
though it give you some sad but believe it.' There is must someone would go into my life and actually into my heart. Someone who would take me . I wish I would be a sincere person in all of my above-mentioned wishes can not e true. I am perseveringly sincere to my life and I live my life sincerelyIf I were a birdIf I were a bird, I would like to enjoy the blue sky. Ah! It is very broad, immense.' There is must someone would go into my life and actually into my heart. Someone who would take me . I wish I would be a sincere person in all of my above-mentioned wishes can not e true. I am perseveringly sincere to my life and I live my life . I wish I live everyday with my feeling of my parents who give me my life, Love my teachers who give me ability of learning. Love my friends who give me courage in the thing what I . I wish I live with someone I want to touch deep inside, someone who would take me like the verse 1. I wish I live everyday with my feeling of my parents who give me my life, Love my teachers who give me ability of learning. Love my friends who give me courage in life, though it give you some sad but believe the thing what I . I wish I live with someone I want to touch deep inside, someone who would take me like the verse:'Believe the love:'Believe the love
Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .It is known that nothing is more precious than time. The good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes by, it will never return. However, it is a pity that some people don't make full use of their time .They spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting, playing puter games or other unmeaning matters. . They don't realize that wasting time is actually equal to killing themselves. They always regret not having made great achievements. One of the reasons may be they do not make good use of time. Therefore, in order to be successful, they should first get into the habit of being on time. It's a sign of cherishing time. Don't put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Being lazy will eventually lead to failure. Don't wait, because you don't know how long it will take when you put off your plan.光阴似箭,在我们还没意识之前它就流逝了。
The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in study or job.我们越意识到这句名言的意义,我们就能在学习或者工作中得到更多好处。
Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very 's about thirty years old, and she wears 's funny . But she is strict with us. She wants us to study hard, Her lessons are interesting. We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons. She is a good teacher, and we all like Lovers Wanted(招聘音乐爱好者)We need more music lovers in our club. Do you like music? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the violin, the piano, the guitar or the drums? If your answers are “yes”, then you can join our music club. Please call Gina
I used to hate others to laugh at me, because I thought they were looking down upon me. My friends said that I was too serious and couldn't be made fun of. When I go out with friends, they always *** ile loudly and I just sit quietly in the corner. I want to change this situation, I don't want to be a outsider, I want to be part of the group. So I watch many ic movies and start to play jokes with my friends. I bee more active now, when my friends play jokes on me, I will laugh happily and play jokes on them. I take the easy mood and bee part of the group. 我以前讨厌别人嘲笑我,因为我觉得他们看不起我。
I live in a lovely are many people here .They are really friendly. They often volunteer to help people who need help,such as tell children how to review some subjects and so engineers help some old people to repire the housewife always go shopping with old people , nice they are !How nice my neighborhood is!
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apple - [ˈæpl] 苹果book - [bʊk] 书本cat - [kæt] 猫dog - [dɔg] 狗elephant - [ˈɛlɪfənt] 象fish - [fɪʃ] 鱼girl - [ɡɜrl] 女孩hat - [hæt] 帽子ice cream - [aɪs krim] 冰淇淋juice - [dʒus] 果汁在发音这方面,可以参考以下几个规则:
、全英文说课稿 快乐英语 book 3 unit3 Where’s my football The lecture Notes of 《Fun with English 》Good morning. Ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is < Fun with English > Book3 Unit3 Where’s my footba... 类别:三年级英语说课 大小: KB 日期:2009-11-19 [查看详细] 2、快乐英语五年级 Unit 1 Lesson 5 五年级 Unit 1 Lesson 5内容分析 本模块为辽师大出版快乐英语一年级起点第九册的教学内容,本册教材分为三个单元,本课选自第一单元,主要谈论Good habits(好习惯).每一课分为两课时完成,第一课时以单词发音、句型认知运用和对话学习为主... 类别:五年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-11-19 [查看详细] 3、快乐英语全英文教案 BOOK ONE UNIT THREE TEACHING PLAN《FUN WITH ENGLISH》 BOOK ONEUNIT THREE LESSON 13Topic Lesson 13 Type New LessonTeaching Purpose 1, Learn three numbers: one, two ,three; and can ask and answer with “Are you…? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.” ... 类别:一年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-11-19 [查看详细] 4、《快乐英语》第二册Unit 2教案案例分析教学设计片段教材依据《快乐英语》第二册 Unit 2 Lesson 9知识目标:1.能听懂,会说 ,认读单词:balloon , pink and .学习运用句型 “I have a new…”向他人介绍自己的新物品,并会用Really?来表示质疑。能力目标: 培... 类别:二年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-11-19 [查看详细] 5、六年级快乐英语教案六年级 Lesson 10Contents analysis Talk about environmental pollution .Students analysis The students can say something in future tense and past tense. Through this lesson make them to describe their own opinions in futur... 类别:六年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-11-19 [查看详细] 6、快乐英语教学反思教学反思六年级快乐英语第十二册Lesson 10 主要是通过本文的学习,巩固一般将来时的用法,并能够在生活中灵活运用,同时培养学生保护环境,热爱自然的环保意识。重点句型是:I’ll try to do something for the earth. /I’ll stop doing... 类别:小学英语反思 大小: KB 日期:2009-11-19 [查看详细] 7、快乐英语BOOK 8 Unit 2 lesson 8教学反思 Fun with English(BOOK 8)Unit 2 lesson 8教学反思课堂教学要充分调动学生积极性,密切关注学生感受,才能真正体现学生的主体地位,让学生在愉悦的教学环境中轻松地接受知识,享受学习的乐趣,让生命化课堂落到实处。这是我在讲完快乐英语... 类别:小学英语反思 大小: KB 日期:2009-11-19 [查看详细] 8、快乐英语一年级下册 unit 4 My body 说课稿一年级快乐英语下册unit 4 My body说课稿老师们,早上好.今天我的说课内容是一年级快乐英语下册unit 4 My body 第一课时首先我想给大家说说教材内容.本节教材主要是学习有关身体部位face,ear,nose,mouth,eye等单词,和touch your nose,plea... 类别:一年级英语说课 大小: KB 日期:2009-10-05 [查看详细] 9、快乐英语第三册教案 Lesson 10 教学设计 Fun with English Book 3 Lesson 10 教学设计一、 教学分析(一) 分析学生小学二年级的学生,天真浪漫,爱说爱动,对自己的行为约束力差,注意力容易分散。但他们的求知欲强,模仿能力强。如果让 ... 类别:四年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 10、《快乐英语》第四册教案 Unit 2 Lesson 8 《快乐英语》第四册Unit 2 Lesson 8教学设计教材分析 《快乐英语》第四册的第八课是 What can you do?这一单元中的第二课,是在上一课学生会用 I can ...表达自己能做某事的基础上,围绕询问他人能否做某事 Can you...?这一日常用语展开,... 类别:四年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 11、快乐英语Book 4教案 Lesson 5 Fun with English Book 4 Lesson 5 课题 Fun with English Book 4 Lesson 5 课时 1 教者 教学目的 1、学会并运用“I forgot my flute.”“Here is your flute.”熟练掌握“Today is have a/an…c... 类别:四年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 12、快乐英语第四册Lesson 11教学设计快乐英语第四册《Lesson 11 》教学设计课 时 计 划课 题 Lesson 11 课时 2教学目的 1.学会使用“How many…/Can you…?”询问,并 用“I Can...”去回答。2.能够听懂会说并正确书写句子“How many ships can you see?”学情分析 本课同... 类别:四年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 13、第四册快乐英语教学设计 Lesson Eleven 快乐英语第四册Lesson Eleven 教学设计 课题 Lesson Eleven 教学目的重、难点 1、听懂、会说、认读单词ball, brown, 、能运用所学的单词正确参与游戏“Guess,What’s this?”。3、注意“like brown”三个单词的发音。一、热身... 类别:四年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 14、快乐英语第四册Lesson 13教学设计快乐英语第四册Lesson Thirteen教学设计 课 题 Lesson Thirteen 教者 教学目的重、难点 1、听懂、会说、认读单词apple、banana、pear。2、能运用所学的动物单词正确参与游戏“Guess,What’s this?”。3、注意“apple”这个单词的发音。... 类别:四年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 15、快乐英语第四册教案 Lesson 17 辽师大版《快乐英语》第四册Lesson 17 Part 1 Learn to say教学目标1. 学会并运用“Can I help you?”句式提出帮助对方的请求,会用“How much?”询问价格并做出正确回答。2. 正确书写“Can I help you? How much?”3. 学会使用礼貌的语... 类别:四年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 16、五年级快乐英语教学设计 第三单元快乐英语五年级第三单元教学设计课 时 计 划 课 题 Lesson Thirteen 教学目的重、难点 1、跟着节奏读单词,理解goal意思,并尝试归纳字母组合oa ou的发音。 2、能读懂短文内容,并根据对话内容回答思考题 3、注意“g... 类别:五年级英语教案 大小:0 Bytes 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 17、快乐英语Book5 Lesson 7教学设计快乐英语Book5教学设计英语Fun with English Book5 Lesson 7 教学设计题 目 Fun with English Book5 Lesson 7 Part 1 教 学 目 标 1知识目标:能听说读写单词father mother brother sister,通过例词了解ea的两种不... 类别:五年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 18、快乐英语第六册 Lesson 7教案教学内容 快乐英语第六册 Lesson 7 教者 教学目标 1、 能听、说、读、写单词milk, bread, fruit, vegetable . 2、 能听、说、读、写掌握句型“What do you want? I want…. 3、能自由作对话并创设情境表演。 ... 类别:五年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 19、快乐英语 Book 6 Lesson 8教案 Fun with English Book 6 Lesson 8课题 Fun with English Book 6 Lesson 8 课时 1 教者 教学目的 1、 能听说读写单词in front of、 on、 behind、 under,并能在上下文中灵活运用。 2、 能熟练地运用句型“Wh... 类别:五年级英语教案 大小: KB 日期:2009-09-08 [查看详细] 20、快乐英语第二册Lesson 13教学设计小学快乐英语第二册第13课教学设计教学目标:1、学会并运用 “May I come in ?”和 “Come in ,please.”2、能听懂会说并认读单词apple ,banana, pear。教学准备:苹果,香蕉,梨的实物,一个口袋,一个机器人,两个气球,洋娃娃,小球。...
China 中国 America 美国 England 英国 Singapore 新加坡 Canada 加拿大 friend 朋友 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 student 学生 driver 司机;驾驶员 teacher 教师 farmer 农民 doctor 医生 nurse 护士 postman 邮递员 class 班级 grade 年级 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 five 五 six 六 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seven 七 eight 八 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nine 九 nineteen 十九 twenty 二十 pineapple 菠萝 lemon 柠檬 apple 苹果 Pear 梨 watermelon 西瓜 kiwifruit 猕猴桃 orange 橙子,橘子,橙色的 banana 香蕉 potato 土豆,马铃薯 tomato 西红柿 carrot 胡萝卜 cucumber 黄瓜 eggplant 茄子 green pepper 青椒 fine (身体)好的;(天气)晴朗的 nice 美好的;晴朗的 kite 风筝 warm 温暖的 cool 凉爽的 panda 熊猫 hot 炎热的 cold 寒冷的 water 水 sunny 晴朗的 cloudy 多云的;阴天的 windy 有风的;风大的 skirt 短裙 rainy 下雨的;多雨的 snowy 下雪的;多雪的 shirt 衬衫 cap (无边的)帽子 hat (有边的)帽子;礼帽 T-shirt T恤衫 dress 女服;连衣裙 blouse 女(式)衬衫;罩衫 jacket 短上衣;夹克衫 raincoat 雨衣 sweater 毛线衫;长裤 jeans 牛仔裤 trousers 裤子;长裤 vest 马甲;背心 socks 袜子 shoes 鞋 big 大的 small 小的 long 长的 tall 高的 short 短的;矮的 fat 胖的 thin 瘦的 new 新的 happy 幸福的;快乐的满意请采纳