

小思 2024-09-18 42
核电站英语怎么说摘要: 核电站英文怎么说核电厂的英语翻译 是:Nuclear power plantw? 国内评价? 国外评价nclear power stationnuclear pow...


核电厂的英语翻译 是:Nuclear power plant

w? 国内评价? 国外评价

nclear power station

nuclear power station


nclear power station

核电厂的英语翻译 是:Nuclear power plant

核电站:【nuclear power station】


F island nuclear

前者是 日本人 日本语 ,后者是 日本的,日本的核电站事故 :核电站of japan


Nuclear power plant 可以这样写。


Advantage and harm of the nuclear energy .

How to treat the nuclear? I suppose everybody has his personnal view. In my opinion, the technolgoy is just a tool serving human. There is no good or bad to judge a technique. The only difference is the person who use it. Good man can use the nuclear weapon for peace , while the bad guys can use the nuclear power station for bad purpose. So that, it makes no sense arguing the nuclear technolgoy is good or not. What we need to do is protecting the precious peace from the bad guys who intend to break it. 写完了,忍不住吐槽一下,真是个脑残的作文题目啊!!!!!


一、简介:核电站(nuclear power plant)是利用核裂变(Nuclear Fission)或核聚变(Nuclear Fusion)反应所释放的的能量产生电能的发电厂。目前商业运转中的核能发电厂都是利用核裂变反应而发电。核电站一般分为两部分:利用原子核裂变生产蒸汽的核岛(包括反应堆装置和一回路系统)和利用蒸汽发电的常规岛(包括汽轮发电机系统),使用的燃料一般是放射性重金属:铀、钚。二、工作特点:一)优点1.核能发电不像化石燃料发电那样排放巨量的污染物质到大气中,因此核能发电不会造成空气污染。2.核能发电不会产生加重地球温室效应的二氧化碳。3.核能发电所使用的铀燃料,除了发电外,没有其他的用途。4.核燃料能量密度比起化石燃料高上几百万倍,故核能电厂所使用的燃料体积小,运输与储存都很方便,一座1000百万瓦的核能电厂一年只需30吨的铀燃料,一航次的飞机就可以完成运送。5.核能发电的成本中,燃料费用所占的比例较低,核能发电的成本较不易受到国际经济情势影响,故发电成本较其他发电方法为稳定。二)缺点1.核能电厂会产生高低阶放射性废料,或者是使用过之核燃料,虽然所占体积不大,但因具有放射线,故必须慎重处理,且需面对相当大的政治困扰。2.核能发电厂热效率较低,因而比一般化石燃料电厂排放更多废热到环境里,故核能电厂的热污染较严重。3.核能电厂投资成本太大,电力公司的财务风险较高。4.核能电厂较不适宜做尖峰、离峰之随载运转。5.兴建核电厂较易引发政治歧见纷争。6.核电厂的反应器内有大量的放射性物质,如果在事故中释放到外界环境,会对生态及民众造成伤害。 7.现阶段的核能发电,仍然会产生很多放射性废物,其中尤以高放废物的处理及处置为国际性难题。三、英语观点:一)反对方We are for to close the Nuclear power station, I’d like to illustratemy view in the following 4 , DangerAs far as I know, building a nuclear power station cost hugeinvestments at the beginning of the project, and it cost a long time to get thecost back,Until now, china has already got 13 nuclear power stations, and another27 are in the process. But these 13 nuclear power stations only provide 1% ofthe total amount of the electricity. Besides, most of these stations are builtin the east part of China. However, more than 3/4 of the whole population livein this part. Once it went out of control, present technology can’t ensure anabsolute safety, so the consequence is inconceivable. What’s more, the damageit has made is a kind of long term effect and can’t be Yangtze river is suffering from a drought, the inner land hasn’t gotenough water to support the nuclear power stations. However, a station needsmore than 2 times the water a normal coal station need to produce the same amountof water. Once it is short of water, the system can’t control the temperature,then the tragedy in Fudao will appear , SupervisionThe great danger of it is not the station itself, but the now, so many government officials embezzle money and are engaged in corruptpractices, what they think is one thing: money. In such circumstance, how canyou make sure that the building process of the stations is under a fairsupervision. If not, how can you guarantee the quality of the nuclear , WasteThough we are lack in many resources, do you know how many resourceshave we wasted every year? In western countries, even the temperature achieved30, they won’t turn on the air-conditioner. However, in our country, even it isonly 26, the air-conditioner will be running all day long in our governmentbuildings, let alone such waste in many other places. As a result, what weshould do is to decline the waste of different kinds of energy , Solar EnergyAfter the nuclear power explosion in Japan, Germany and Swiss hasdecided to close the nuclear power stations before 2034. In Germany, solarenergy provides more than 55% of the whole electricity, and it also produceelectricity by wind energy and water energy. Why can’t we also develop other typesof power stations as solar energy power station?In one word, Nuclear Power Station has got tremendous hidden danger,endangering the whole nation and other parts of the world, so they should beclosed as soon as soon will you take action after its explosionWhere to build二)支持方:Before built the nuclear power stations, many countrys can't provide the enough energy for their the help of nuclear power station,we can get enough energy to do what we like and enjoy everything that we need . It's also benefical to the country's economic development.

一、英语:China should further develop nuclear energy because nuclear power accounts for only 2% of its total generating capacity currently. Such proportion ranks the thirtieth in all the countries possessing nuclear power, which is almost the last。After Japan’s nuclear power accident in March 2011, nuclear power development in China was suspended, so was the approval of new nuclear power plants. Also, the national safety check for the nuclear power was carried out. IT was not until October 2012 that the approval was prudently resumed。With the improvement of technology and safety measures, there is little possibility for nuclear accidents to happen. In other words, there won’t be any trouble to develop and exploit the nuclear power。二、翻译: 中国应该进一步发展核能,因为核电目前只占其总发电数的2%。该比例在所有核电国家中居第30位,几乎是最低的。2011年3月日本人核电站事故后,中国的核能开发停了下来,中止审批新的核电站,并开展全国性的核电安全检查。到2012年10月,审批才又谨慎的恢复。 随着技术和安全措施的改进,发生核事故的可能性完全可以降到最低程度。换句话说,核能是可以安全开发和利用的。

核电站[hé diàn zhàn]nuclear power station; nuclear power plant汉英大词典nuclear power station; nuclear power plant中中释义核电站 [hé diàn zhàn][nuclear power plant] 同核电厂 nuclear power station nuclear power plant1英国政府坚称英国的核电站非常安全。The Government insisted that Britain's nuclear power stations are as safe as houses. 2在每年会发生几十次地震的国家建造核电站简直就是愚蠢至极。It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every 核电站造价高昂,虽然运转费用低廉。Nuclear plants are expensive to build, though cheap to operate 4作为一个核能发电的长期支持者,她在今年的福岛核电站事故之后关闭了七个反应堆。A longtime supporter of nuclear power, she shut down seven reactors after the Fukushima disaster this year. 5除此以外,还可以用在地热发电厂和核电站。They could also be used in geothermal and nuclear power plants.

Nuclear power plant 可以这样写。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/2338.html发布于 2024-09-18
