

小思 2024-09-18 40
进货价英文摘要: 原厂进货价英文Return agreement Party A (buyer): Address: Zip: Tel: Legal representative: B (Xia...


Return agreement Party A (buyer): Address: Zip: Tel: Legal representative: B (Xiao Huofang): Address: Zip: Phone Legal representative: The first description of the goods Name of goods Specifications Model number of units priced the amount of tax allowance Total ad valorem tax: (capital) (lowercase) Article 2 of the reasons for return B delay in delivery, and the material does not comply with orders, failed to guarantee the smooth use Party. The third responsibility of both sides (A) Party of responsibility: the agreement to return the goods. (B) B of responsibility: a refund of the money paid. For outstanding issues, the two parties agree otherwise. Article 4 of the entry into force of the agreement, suspension and end (A) of this agreement to be signed by the parties after the effective recognition, the effective date to both A and B side in the final signature or seal), whichever is the date; (B) of the two payment of the purchase price on the date of the end of this relationship to the agreement. Article 5 of the dispute settlement A result of the implementation of this Agreement or in connection with this agreement on all the controversy, both A and B should be resolved through friendly consultations, such as consultation between the two sides can not agree on when, to submit to arbitration institutions. Article 6 of both units provided by the agreement and return the contents of the supplied information true, complete, accurate, and we undertake corresponding legal responsibility. Party signature: � � � � � B signature: (Seal), � on � (Seal), on � on � Terminate the agreement and returns to Owner: B: 1. Admissibility of Return 1. Refund for the goods must be issued by the dealers have returned, I rise to the original sales invoice. 2. Refund for the goods must be authentic rather than a gift of goods or discount coupons. 3. Returns from the parties, at all levels to personally handle point for dealers. 2. The need for return of seized documents 1. Fill out applications for return (to this form can be obtained from dealers). Different purchases in different buyer's sales invoices, please fill out separate applications for return. 2. The original purchase and sales invoices goods Retail store must be issued by the return of my original sales invoice rise. 3. Joined permit Such as missing persons, please attach photocopy of the identity card or senior business leaders of the documentary evidence to show responsibility. 4. Business marketing rights termination notice (the fourth). 3. Returned merchandise pricing 1. Franchisee who since 10 days from the date of contracting a written notice to the Company for contract termination, and in agreement within 30 days after the commencement of disarmament, the return for the applicants, the Company will depend on the original purchase price of goods to refund fees, However, the amount should be deducted if the projects listed in four ways. 2. If the franchisee in the denunciation of the authority after a written notice to the Company for return of applications, the Company in accordance with operational staff 70 per cent of the original purchase price refund, but the amount should be deducted if the projects listed in four ways. 4. Returns should be deducted the amount of projects 1. Returns should be deducted from the returns in business purchases of staff performance bonuses. 2. In addition to these bonuses should be reduced, there are other benefits, but also the retrospective. 3. The franchisee can be attributed to the subject matter, damage to goods stolen by value, will be deducted from their refund (return Principles and Methods). 4. If the companies get the goods from the freight or other advances, to be joined by left shoulder. V. Other 1. Franchisee return projects, including the cause if the package, then in accordance with the following criteria refund. 1) If a franchisee in the accession achieved, when the termination of agreements, the company will be made in accordance with the original information on the price of business tax deduction in full refund, but the cause of the appearance of a package sewage destroyed, damaged or content line, write , Used, torn up, broken, do not accept returns. 2) If a new application to join the cause of the package, which lack a blank application forms will be not be accepted. 2. Regulated by the approach of the return of goods, Except for the above provisions, but also directly sold back its franchisee, commodity prices, determined by the two sides. 3. Regulated by the approach of the return of goods, in the absence of renewed franchisee, has lost its qualification to join, it is unable to complete their returns. Requirements: 1. Agreement in duplicate the original, the two sides, and an A and B (the two sides must build company official seals); 2. Reunification Gel Ink pen to fill in black or in accordance with the template print; 3. Positive invoice must be attached to a copy of the following: positive returns invoice date as early as the agreement; parts of the invoice and return parts of the agreement must be consistent; invoice number greater than or equal to the number of returns, invoices and return The agreement must be priced in line. 4. Contact: Company; Contact ---- Owner: (signature) Party B: (signature) (Seal) (Seal)


采购价格 [词典] [经] procurement price; [例句]财务团队根据成本、折扣率、税率和运费,计算总体采购价格。Accounting calculates total purchase price, based on the costs, discount level, tax rate, and shipping.




purchase price



EX WORKS--"工厂交货(……指定地点)"是指当卖方在其所在地或其他指定的地点(如工场、工厂或仓库)将货物交给买方处置时,即完成交货,卖方不办理出口清关手续或将货物装上任何运输工具。你报价可以写: EXW + 金额

工厂出厂价= Ex-Factory Price





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商务英语词汇和普通的词汇最大的区别就是有很多的专业术语,这些涉及到商务的词汇都是需要记忆的,只要把握好了方向,剩下的事情就是坚持了,尽管这并不是一件轻松的事情。商务英语词汇的学习是一个漫长的过程,只要找到适合自己的学习方法,持之以恒,效果就会很明显。接下来给大家介绍一些常用的商务英语词汇,大家可以参考学习。一起瞧瞧吧。cost price成本价factory price,manufacturer's price 出厂 价net price净价,实价price free on board船上交货价purchase price买价,进货价格sale price卖价,销售价格wholesale price批发价retail price零售价fixed price固定价格guaranteed price 保证价格cash price现金价格stocks存货,库存量cash sale现货purchase购买,进货bulk sale整批销售,趸售distribution channels销售渠道wholesale 批发启蒙师小妞unfair competition不合理竞争dumping商品倾销dumping profit margin倾销差价,倾销幅度antidumping反倾销customs bond海关担保favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差special preferences优惠关税bonded warehouse 保税仓库transit trade转口贸易tariff barrier 关 税壁垒tax rebate 出口退税以上就是常用的商务英语词汇了,大家可以一起交流学习。最后,想要彻底拿下商务英语,也可以选择平和英语BEST课程,专业外教带你提升商务英语技能,这样你的商务英语水平可以进步飞快喔!



AD价是进货价的意思,英文全称active directory也可以是公元或者广告的解释

成本价 cost进货价 purchase price建议销售价 Suggested retail price 实际决定售价 Actual selling price decision你以后可以在网上搜在线翻译即可

Manufacturing 価 (cost) the originalShi into the original 価 (ggod)Vendor 売 価 case (suggest sale price)Shi cut 価) (the actual り decision price)

成本价cost进货价ggod建议销售价The sale suggest实际决定售价the actual decision price


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/3248.html发布于 2024-09-18
