

小思 2024-09-18 37
节约粮食英语演讲稿初中摘要: 初中英语约稿什么方便的帮助啊 代写么?还是关系?I like traveling very much. My trip to XiAn is really unforget...


什么方便的帮助啊 代写么?还是关系?

I like traveling very much. My trip to XiAn is really unforgettable. Before I went there, I always wanted to see Bin Ma Yong, so I chose to go there. I went to there by train with my parents and I had breakfast in the hotel. Then we went there by bus. When I got off the bus, I was very excited. I saw a lot of false man whose hand with all kinds of things. I took many pictures. Finally we went back the hotel in the afternoon. Though I was very tired, I felt very happy. I dwill never forget it for ever.


[21ST, 21世纪英文报]write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1. 向老师致以节日祝贺2. 从一件难忘的事回忆老师的教诲和 无私奉献3. 我如何回报老师的关爱..."。------------------------------------------------在本期大学英语四六级考试专栏中,复旦大学夏国佐教授对读者题为"Your help needed"的作文 ……[阅读数:1474] - 2005年07月06日 - 发现类似文章 Cracking CET[21ST, 21世纪英文报]should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:1. 向老师致以节日祝贺 2. 从一件难忘的事回忆老师的教诲和无私奉献3...Cracking CET 21ST Honouring my devoted teachers在本期大学英语四六级考试专栏中,复旦大学夏国佐教授对读者题为"Teacher's Day"的作文 ……[阅读数:1264] - 2005年09月14日 - 发现类似文章 点将台[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初一版]点将台 21ST 眨眼间,新学期又开始了!面对新生活,你是否已经做好了准备?有没有大胆的构想或尝试?你可曾为作文绞尽脑汁?你可曾看到同班同学在报上发表文章而跃跃欲试?那还等什么?心动不如行动,赶快拿起笔来给Teens 投稿吧!你会发现,其实自己也很棒,写作是轻松而愉快的!下下期约稿题目:An unforgettable experience要求:用英文记叙一件令你难忘的经历,如第一天上学、考试 ……[阅读数:80] - 2010年03月01日 - 发现类似文章 书面表达专题指导[浙江省绍兴县教研员 陈国江, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]Forget为题,写一位让自己难忘的老师;兰州卷要求用英语记录下一两件最让你感动或遗憾的事。另外,社会热点问题也是书面表达所关注的对象。09年世界各地都出现了不同程度的甲型H1N1流感,相信...”(how)。英语记叙文一般是以第一人称或第三人称的角度来叙述的,如2009年河南卷以A person I will never forget为题,写一篇英语短文,湖北咸宁卷以My deskmate ……[阅读数:131] - 2010年01月18日 - 发现类似文章 中考书面表达专题指导[浙江省绍兴县教研员 陈国江, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]卷考查同学们打算暑假为家里做什么;如重庆卷设置在QQ群里与人谈谈自己在高中学习、生活和与人相处方面可能遇到的问题的情景作文;广东卷以The Teacher I Never Forget为题,写一位让自己难忘的老师;兰州卷要求用英语记录下一两件最让你感动或遗憾的事。另外,社会热点问题也是书面表达所关注的对象。09年世界各地都出现了不同程度的甲型H1N1流感,而且传播范围仍在不断扩大,相信 ……[阅读数:149] - 2010年01月18日 - 发现类似文章 在与沙漠作战中全面提高教学质量[宁夏红寺堡中学团委书记王晓龙和, 21世纪英语教育周刊]――记腾格里沙漠中奋起的宁夏红寺堡中学的发展得到了社会的关注。近四年来,在福建省的教育对口帮扶下,一切都步入了前进的轨道。四年中已有十五位来自福建省各地市的教师分批来到红寺堡中学进行了为期一年的支教工作,“用不到一年的时间去做一生难忘的事情”是他...个国家级、区、市级殊誉。在“语文报杯”“新世纪杯”等全国作文大赛中,红寺堡中学169名学生分别获得一、二、三等奖,1人获全国特等奖。在全国英语、数学、理化联赛中多次获一、二、三等奖。学校的英语 ……[阅读数:1449] - 2008年04月07日 - 发现类似文章 中考写作预测与演练[深圳实验学校高 丽, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]得分要点进行反复训练。本文就英语中考作文中考生容易出现的典型问题及对策进行分析。问题一:审题不清,混淆英语作文和语文作文的基本格式。这种情况普遍出现在书信写作中,原因是考生粗心大意,对英语书信的格式概念模糊,将中文书信的写法生搬硬套在英语作文...的搭配是否合乎习惯。最后,注意中英文化差异,模仿西方人的思维方式和表达习惯,在平时注重积累,能将熟背的精彩文段恰如其分地运用到文章中,争取写一篇地道的英语作文。除了关注如何提高写作水平之外,对生 ……[阅读数:11] - 2010年05月17日 - 发现类似文章 Fun writing[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]Fun writing 21ST 教师节刚刚过去,你向老师表达感谢了吗?你印象最深的又是哪位老师?请用英语写一篇题为“我最难忘的老师”的作文,80词左右,必须包括以下要点:1.简要介绍老师的性格和特长;2.列举一个事例,说明老师是如何在学习上帮助或激励你取得进步的;3.感谢老师,祝愿老师。参考范文The Teacher I Never ForgetThe teacher I will never ……[阅读数:283] - 2009年09月14日 - 发现类似文章 书面表达专题指导―成长故事[内蒙古 李宝梅, 21世纪学生英文报·初三版]. Of all the subjects, I can speak English well.B 部分是一篇记事叙述文。要求写一次难忘的经历,从时间上看,这是发生在过去的事,应该使用一般过去时。按照...学到了许多技能。每当回忆起第一次游泳,第一次学骑车,第一次学做饭,第一次学画画……的经历时,一定还会历历在目。请将这难忘的经历记录下来,存放在你的《成长记录册》中。提示要点:I can.../ I ……- 2010年05月24日 - 发现类似文章 模拟训练与参考范文[21ST, 21世纪学生英文报·初二版]模拟训练与参考范文 21ST 现在全国绝大部分地区的书面表达题都是材料作文,要求考生根据所给的材料和要求去完成。作文内容和要点都是固定的,考生可按照所给材料和要求进行适当发挥。 虽然英语试题会继续加以改革和完善,但考查题型仍会以应用文、图表作文和提示性问题等材料性作文为主。模拟训练一难忘的初中生活即将结束,同学们在老师的帮助下取得了很大的进步。此刻,你一定有很多话想对老师说。 请你 ……- 2011年01月17日 - 发现类似文章 Firefly[江苏省海门市常乐中心小学 六(2)班 黄素楠, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]红快来投稿吧:英语作文和漫画都可以。英语作文题目自定。100词左右。漫画投稿最好配上10-20字的英语介绍。别忘了写上学校、班级、姓名和联系电话哦! ……[阅读数:70] - 2010年03月16日 - 发现类似文章 Water the Earth[北京市海淀区实验小学 六(1)班 张亦驰, 21世纪学生英文报·小学生版]Water the Earth 北京市海淀区实验小学 六(1)班 张亦驰 给地球浇水快来投稿吧:英语作文和漫画都可以。英语作文题目自定,100词左右。漫画投稿最好配上10-20词的英语介绍。别忘了写上学校、班级、姓名和联系电话哦! ……- 2010年06月08日 - 发现类似文章 作文自动评分:人工阅卷的“终结者”?[本报记者 李立, 21世纪英语教育周刊]作文自动评分:人工阅卷的“终结者”? 本报记者 李立 记者日前获悉,一套可以实现电脑自动评分的英语作文评阅系统,本学期开始在包括浙江大学、浙江工商大学、浙江理工大学等在内的浙江、上海和江苏的十余所高校试用。对于机器评分的利弊,在师生中引起了不小的争论。据悉,该英语智能作文评阅系统是由浙江大学外语学院与杭州某网络科技公司联合开发的,英语教师可以在专门的网络平台里创建自己的账户,设计英语作文 ……[阅读数:1298] - 2009年04月20日 - 发现类似文章 为暂停“通用英语能力测试”叫好[首都师范大学教授 邱耀德, 21世纪英语教育周刊],初中生1500左右,高中生3300左右。可以说,一个多年连续学习外语的学生在已有外语学习经验的基础上,通过某种培训突击通过某个级别的考试并不是一件难事。但这样的英语考试成绩,只能...考级证书作为评价学生和选拔学生的重要依据。正是因为此类潜规则仍有市场,不少家长不得不督促孩子参加各种各样的英语考级,为升学积累筹码。我们对待社会上各种各样的英语考级一定要有一个审慎的态度。英语考级并非一件坏事,但关 ……[阅读数:1655] - 2007年08月28日 - 发现类似文章



Wasting food is not only an immoral behavior, but also pollutes the environment. So, we should form good habit to solve this problem. We can start from small things, such as, don't order more food than we can eat, eat up all the food in the bowls and so on. At the same time, we shouldn't eat junk food but healthy food. It’s good for our health to have a balanced diet. In order to our healthy body, we had better eat in school or at home as soon as possible.

浪费食物不仅是一种不道德的行为,而且还会污染环境。因此,我们应该养成良好习惯来解决这个问题。我们可以从小事做起,例如,不点多于我们食量的食物,吃 完碗里的食物等等。同时,我们也不应该吃垃圾食品而是应该吃健康的食物,为了我们 身体健康,我们要更好的在学校或在家吃。


May I have your attention ,please?

Now I’d like to make a speech here. Many people have the experience of wasting food. One of my classmates often throws away the egg when he has breakfast at school, he says eggs are not his favorite. Some of my friends usually ask their parents to cook all kinds of delicious food for them every day. If they can’t finish the food, they will throw them into the dustbin. At the same time, many people always order too much dishes when they invite their relatives or friends to a restaurant for dinner.

In my opinion, people should feel sorry for themselves when they waste food. Even though most of us are having a good life now , many people in other parts of the world are hungry. They just need enough food. In the future, I will try my best to save food. I won’t make my mother to prepare too much dishes for my dinner. What’s more, I will tell all my friends to stop wasting food.


May I have your attention ,please?Now I’d like to make a speech here. Many people have the experience of wasting food. One of my classmates often throws away the egg when he has breakfast at school, he says eggs are not his favorite. Some of my friends usually ask their parents to cook all kinds of delicious food for them every day. If they can’t finish the food, they will throw them into the dustbin. At the same time, many people always order too much dishes when they invite their relatives or friends to a restaurant for dinner. In my opinion, people should feel sorry for themselves when they waste food. Even though most of us are having a good life now , many people in other parts of the world are hungry. They just need enough food. In the future, I will try my best to save food. I won’t make my mother to prepare too much dishes for my dinner. What’s more, I will tell all my friends to stop wasting food.

节约粮食,是我们每个公民应尽的义务,浪费是一种可耻的行为。那么关于节约粮食的英语作文有哪些呢?下面是我推荐给大家的节约粮食英语作文,供大家参考。   节约粮食英语作文篇一   Eating is a important part in our daily to now,many people waste food as much as they can   .As a middle school ,I am very depressed.   In order to protect the value food,we must try our best to do something which can stop people from wasting.   Such as putting up some pictures and so on .   Therefore,saving food is our task us do it from now on!   节约粮食英语作文篇二   How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?   Too many times!They are well-meaning people, and they'd like to give away the food instead of wasting it by putting it in the dustbin.   They'd maybe like to give the food to the needy or the poor, and there's probably a few beggars just along the road if anyone was kind enough to go along and see if they are why don't they do it? Reason: Too many stupid rules!   Just as surely as there's no pig bin anymore for food to be recycled as pork (because of various illconceived ideas about the health of pigs if they eat other people's sunday lunches and leftovers), there's no "well let's give it to the beggars!".   Apparently, beggars can in theory take the company to court if they are made ill by the food.   Not that they are seriously going to be made ill by perfectly good food, and not that most beggars have the money to start a legal case.   节约粮食英语作文篇三   As a child, I am so luck. I don’t need to worry about food. I always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, and have beautiful clothes to dress.   I am so happy that I have no idea to treasure all these things. I am a kind of particular about food.   I often eat a little for one dish and the throw it away, because I have many choices.   I will be full after eating several dishes. But one day, I watch a piece of news on TV. It is about some Africa children who are suffering starvation.   They are so poor. They are not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink.   A bowl of rice is very rare for them. Seeing their longing eyes, I feel guilty.   I am regret about wasting food before. How can I waste so much rare food? From now on, I will try my best to save food, to do something for them.   节约粮食英语作文篇四   Some people may say: "this is a big deal, not just some food?" Yes, although throw away food is not much, but throw away is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, a people do not cherish the food, also do not cherish everything else, the end can only become an egoistic person.   Such a person, will eventually be abandoned by society, you like steamed buns into the swill bucket.节约粮食的英语作文相关推荐: 1. 节约粮食的英语句子 2. 小学英语作文:节约粮食 3. 浪费食物英语作文 4. 关于勤俭节约的英语作文 5. 关于节约粮食的作文

As a child, I am so luck. I don’t need to worry about food. I always have enough delicious food, live in a big house, and have beautiful clothes to dress. I am so happy that I have no idea to treasure all these things. I am a kind of particular about food. I often eat a little for one dish and the throw it away, because I have many choices. I will be full after eating several dishes. But one day, I watch a piece of news on TV. It is about some Africa children who are suffering starvation. They are so poor. They are not only having no food to eat but also having little water to drink. A bowl of rice is very rare for them. Seeing their longing eyes, I feel guilty. I am regret about wasting food before. How can I waste so much rare food? From now on, I will try my best to save food, to do something for them.   【译文】   作为一个孩子,我是如此的幸运。我不用担心食品的问题。我总是有充足的美味食物,住在大房子里面,穿着漂亮的衣服。我是如此的幸福,所以我都没想过要珍惜这一切。我可以说得上是挑食的人。我经常吃一样菜只吃一点点,然后就扔掉了,因为我有很多的选择。吃了几道菜后我就会饱了。但是有一天,我在电视上看到一个新闻。那是关于正在遭受饥饿的非洲儿童。他们是如此的可怜。他们既没有食物也没有多少水可以喝。一碗白饭对他们是那么的弥足珍贵。看到他们那双渴望的眼睛,我感到很内疚。我很后悔一直在浪费食物。我怎么能浪费那么珍贵的食物呢?从现在开始,我会努力节约粮食,为他们尽一份力。


他的全名叫 埃尔文·约翰逊 人物资料  Earvin Johnson  Magic Johnson / 埃尔文-约翰逊  位置: PG  身高: 米 / 6尺9寸  体重: 98公斤 / 215磅  生日: 1959-08-14  选秀: 1979年第1轮第1位  学校: Michigan State  国籍: 美国  [编辑本段]个人荣誉  奖项  3次 NBA最有价值球员  5次NBA总冠军  3次NBA总冠军最有价值球员  12次NBA全明星阵容  2次全明星赛MVP  1992巴塞罗那奥运会金牌  [编辑本段]人物生涯  “魔术师”约翰逊。是他将更多的理念、智慧和技巧带到了篮球场,使得篮球运动的观赏性和竞争性在80年代上升到一个新的高度。约翰逊无疑是NBA历史上最伟大的球星之一。  埃尔文-约翰逊出生在密执根州的兰辛市。从小就入迷似的苦练篮球。还在中学的时候,他就因为出色的篮球技术而被当地报纸的记者称为“魔术师”,以致后人忘记了他的真实名字埃文,而以“魔术师”代之。约翰逊技术全面,是NBA历史上最高的组织后卫。同时他又可以胜任任何一个位置,是一个全能的球星。约翰逊的推进速度极快,传球的技巧变化多端,常常为队友创造出十分舒服的进攻机会。特别是他能象下盲棋一样打篮球,在根本不看队友的情况下进行准确无误的传球。  在高中时期,约翰逊就凭借着他夸张的传球方式和比赛风格,获得了1987年, 1989年, 1990年,两度成为抢篮板球最佳球队(1982年, 1983年)。他极强的表现能力和令人晕眩的“不看队员传球”(No look pass),使湖人篮球的 “作秀时间”(Showtime)引领了八十年代的篮坛风格。尽管他与大鸟伯德是球场外最亲密的朋友,但是他们在球场上掀起了“湖人对凯尔特人”的争霸大战,并吸引了数百万的球迷观看NBA。  1980年,约翰逊以第一轮第一位入选 湖人队。在加入湖人队的第一个赛季就助队夺得1980年的总冠军。在季后赛首场即拿下三双,并最终取得了职业生涯的第一个总冠军,并成为NBA总决赛最有价值球员。此后在职业生涯季后赛首场即拿到三双的球员,只有2005年的勒布朗·詹姆斯。当时在总比分3:2的情况下,第六场比赛湖人队主力中锋“天钩”贾巴尔严重受伤,20岁的约翰逊顶替上阵,充当中锋。在那场激战中,年轻的约翰逊独得42分,夺下15个篮板球,还有7次助攻,3次抢断,全场成了他的表演舞台,他率队赢得了他第一枚冠军戒指,同时获NBA总决赛的MVP奖。在约翰逊的篮球生涯中,他于1987、1989、1990年三获NBA年度MVP奖,5次夺冠(1980、1982、1985、1987、1988)。1992年,他和拉里·伯德两人作为联合队长,带领梦之队横扫巴塞罗那,夺得了他第一枚也是最后一枚奥运金牌。  也许约翰逊最经典的一场比赛是1980年5月16日举行的NBA总决赛第六场比赛。作为新秀的约翰逊,代替受伤的贾巴尔出任中锋,尽管是在客场费城作战,但是他活跃在场上的每个位置,最终成为那场比赛绝对的支配者。一共夺得42分,抢得15个篮板球,都是当天比赛的最高成绩。他也因此打败了朱利叶斯·欧文领军的费城76人队,夺得当年的NBA总冠军。全国球迷也从此真正理解了“魔术师”的缘由。之后,他又带领湖人队夺得四次总冠军。  1991年,“魔术师”不幸染上艾滋病毒,不得不告别NBA。但他没有屈服,以自己的真诚和正直换来了人们的理解和尊重,继而在他积极治疗的前提下,继续从事篮球运动的训练和比赛,并在1992年参加了东部全明星赛和奥运会。1996年,时隔4年的约翰逊再度出山,为使年轻的湖人队加速成熟尽了自己的全部力量。  1997年3月,经过检查后,约翰逊奇迹般的战胜了绝症,在他体内几乎找不到了艾滋病毒。约翰逊的顽强、正直、野韧,以及他出色的篮球技术和意识,是世界篮坛的一笔宝贵财富。  约翰逊在退役后,开始从商。他经营一家全国连锁的电影院“魔术师约翰逊影院”,目前该影院连锁属于Loews影院,但仍保持独立运作。他的兴趣也扩展到一个谈话节目“魔术师小时”和收购一些星巴克咖啡连锁店。据说约翰逊在退役后从商的收入已经超过他打球的薪水和广告收入。  很少有球员是真正特殊的,很少有球员能用他们非凡的技术改变他那样运动项目的打法。Earvin "Magic" Johnson就是他们其中的一个。  Johnson到底有多伟大?非常伟大。也许今后几代的球迷们也许会后悔没有早生几年,因为他们无法亲眼看到魔术师的球而只能看他的集锦了。  他就是Bob Cousy之于50年代,Oscar Robertson之于60年代,Julius Erving之于70年代。  而且,Earvin Johnson还是一个具有革命性的球员,6-9的他是NBA历史上最高的控球后卫。他超人的才华甚至都可以获得那些不经常看球的人的惊讶和崇拜。  不管是给正在下快攻的James Worthy一个背传,还是半场的一个压哨球,又或者是他迷人的微笑,任何看过魔术师打球的人都说那是一生中不可磨灭的记忆。一旦他踏上那块场地,所有人都会惊呼:一个如此高的是人怎么做出那么多匪夷所思的动作来的?!  Johnson在湖人的13年NBA职业生涯间达到了所有球员都梦寐以求的一切。他是一支5次夺冠球队的绝对核心,他分别3次赢得常规赛和总决赛的 MVP,他12次入选全明星赛并且9次入选最佳阵容。他在当时还打破了由Oscar Robertson保持的职业生涯助攻记录。同时他还是1992年巴塞罗那奥运会美国梦一队的主要成员。  他全面的表现让人们将“三双”这个词加入了篮球词典之中。尽管历史上第一个完成三双的是Oscar Robertson,但是不幸的,在60年代没人会关心三双这种数据。  Johnson用他孩童般对体育和竞技的热爱达到了他现在的境界。他对篮球的喜爱完全超过了金钱、名气和成就对他的诱惑。  如果要选出一个Johnson最让人惊叹的方面,那就是他华丽的传球技巧。在用快攻中一个又一个的no-look pass、横跨半场的空接、旋转极强的传球以及超过3/4场的长传让对手发愣、让球迷疯狂。当对手以为他要传球的时候他投篮,而当所有人都认为他要投篮的时候,他却又选择了传球。  前湖人的锋卫摇摆人Michael Cooper说:“有时候当他长传球的时候我都不知道他会给谁,之后就有我的一名队友接住了球然后得分了。然后我就跑回后场并且对他说他最好能在中间找个人作为过度。”  1959年的8月14日,Earvin Johnson Jr.出生在密歇根的Lansing,在家中,他有9个兄弟姐妹。他的父亲在通用汽车的工厂里工作,母亲是一个学校的管理员。小Earvin在和伙伴们在街角唱歌、当然还有打球中度过了他的童年。这个被邻居叫做"Junior"或者是"June Bug"的还在每天早上7点半就会出现在篮球场上。  “他几乎每天都在联系。”Johnson在接受美国周刊的采访时说,“我在去商店的路上用右手运求,回来的时候用左手。晚上我抱着篮球睡觉。”  还在他早在Everett高中的时候,他就第一次被叫做了“魔术师”。一个看到了这个15岁预科生36分16个篮板16次助攻的体育专栏作家给了他这个昵称。(Johnson的妈妈,一个虔诚的基督教徒认为这个昵称对神相当的不敬。)作为一个3年级高中生,Johnson带领他的高中以27-1的战绩获得了州冠军,他的成绩是分和个篮板。  Johnson希望能在离家进的地方上大学,所以他选择了密歇根州立大学。在一年级的时候,他的数据就十分耀眼(分篮板助攻),并且带领球队以25-5的战绩获得了大十区的冠军。在他选全美最佳阵容的二年级,Johnson带领他的球队在历史上被认为最经典的一场NCAA冠军赛里击败了Bird率领的印弟安纳州立大学获得了全国冠军。当时Julius Earving评价他时说到:“Magic是那种即使一场比赛只出手3次却依然可以控制比赛的球员。”  在完成了他在大学里所要达到的要求之后,他放弃了后两年的学业,直接参加了1979年的选秀大会。本来Utah Jazz应该是那个幸运者,但是他们在3年之前把这个选秀权在签约Gail Goodrich的时候交易给了湖人。所以湖人队就用那年的第一顺位选择了Johnson。  那时的湖人也正在大换血中:Jack McKinney成为了球队的新教练,Jerry Buss是新的老板,Johnson也作为阵容中的7张新面孔之一穿上了紫金战衣。Buss希望湖人那些稳定的球迷群可以结束无聊的日子重新振作起来。 “Showtime”就此诞生了。  那些有幸见证Johnson第一场比赛的球迷们在第一时间就看到了Johnson在之后职业生涯中那些疯狂的表演。在依靠Abdur-Jabbar的制胜球击败圣迭哥快船队之后,Johnson疯狂了,他和所有人击掌、熊抱。在那种情况下,所有人都认为他随时都可能失控。最终就连Jabbar就过去劝他冷静一些,因为毕竟还有81场比赛要打--他们还没有算上季后赛的场次。  那个赛季的最佳新秀给了Larry Bird,但是湖人夺得了总冠军。湖人以60-22的战绩拿下西部冠军,这也是联盟的第二好战绩。(在常规赛进行了14场之后,Paul Westhead接替在车祸中受伤的McKinney成为球队主教练。)在77场比赛中,Johnson的数据简直就是他高中数据的翻版(分 个篮板次助攻)。他入选了最佳新秀阵容第一队,并且继11年前的Elvin Hayes之后,成为又一个以新秀身份入选全明星赛的球员。  在1980年对阵76人的总决赛中,Johnson在至关重要的第六场里的表现已经成为了经典。Abdul-Jabbar因为在第四场40分神勇表现的比赛中脚踝严重受伤,所以不得不缺席第六场在费城进行的比赛。  Johnson,这个年仅20岁的新人,代替他成为了主力中锋,并且凭借他的小天勾和篮板拼抢得到42分15个篮板7个助攻和3个抢断,最终帮助湖人取得胜利。他甚至为湖人开场跳球。Johnson也成为了历史上第一个新秀的总决赛MVP。这也是他能以不同的方式帮助湖人获胜的有利例证。  Westhead在对LA TIMES形容他的这个小新秀的时候说:“当初我们都认为他是一个花瓶级的球员,但是之后我们却发现他的确能给我们带来能多帮助和能量。这就像发现一个外科整形医生还可以修理一个推土机一样让人惊奇。”  第二个赛季对于Johnson和湖人来说都相当残酷。在比赛的第一个月,7-2的老鹰中锋Tom Burleson压在了Johnson的膝盖上,导致他缺席了之后的45场比赛。他在湖人对阵火箭的3局2胜的季后赛里付出,但是只有13投两中的命中率,并且在第三场比赛行将结束的时候投出一计三不沾,湖人以86-89输掉了比赛,同时也输掉了那个系列赛。  在1981-82赛季,湖人开始反弹,再次拿到太平洋区冠军,并且在总决赛再次4-2击败76人,Johnson也再次成为总决赛的MVP。不过在那个赛季里也发生一些丑陋的事情。赛季的初期,Westhead希望对进攻的体系进行调整,而Magic认为那样会削弱他在球队中的作用。在很多报道中都说 Johnson在一场比赛之后冲进休息事大喊:“我不能在这里打下去了,我想离开,我想被交易。”报道者都等待着Johnson说那只是一个玩笑,但他并没有出面澄清。  第二天,Westhead就被解职,他的助教Pat Riley上任。在Riley的第一场比赛里,大西部论坛的球迷在球员出场介绍的时候给了Johnson嘘声。之后在西雅图,他的每一次触球都会被球迷们嘲讽。他也平生第一次在没有伤病的情况下落选全明星的投票。直到他在季后赛用十分华丽的表现才最终堵住了那些最激进者的嘴。  在球场上,Johnson的表现还是一贯的出色。他第二次获得了抢断王,而且在他之后的所有赛季里,他的成绩都没有低于分,个篮板和次助攻。  在Westhead下课之后的两年里,Magic的个人成就相当了得,但是湖人队却很艰难。Johnson在这期间获得了他职业生涯的前两个单季助攻王,并且继续巩固了他已经相当出色的全面发挥。但是在1982-83赛季的NBA总决赛里,湖人再次对上76人,Norm Nixon, James Worthy和bob McAdoo都受到伤病的困扰,湖人也被对手横扫出局。  在1984年总决赛前,Nixon已经离队,Jabbar年近40,而Magic也签了一份为期25年,价值在2500万的合同。那年的总决赛是Johnson职业生涯的最低点,他在第2、4、7场最后时刻的失误让湖人输掉了比赛。  当Johnson开始提高他外线的命中率,并且开始创造助攻记录的同时,湖人也在接下来的4年里3次夺得总冠军。第一枚戒指来自他们在1985年对凯尔特人的复仇战。在第一场被对手在那场著名的“阵亡纪念日大屠杀”的比赛中被148-114完全击垮之后,湖人强里反弹,并且在第六场的时候获得了冠军。这场在凯尔特人主场的胜利也让他们终于摆脱了从明尼阿波利斯就开始的连续八次输给对手的阴影。  在1986-87赛季,由于Abdul-Jabbar受眼疾的影响缺席了不少比赛,Johnson做了许多球探都认为他不能做的事情:得分。他在对火箭的比赛中得到38分,并且又在接下来一场对国王的比赛中得到职业生涯最高的46分。的平均得分也是他职业生涯最高的。  在那个赛季里,Johnson被评为成规赛最有价值球员。这个奖项让他等待了8年,而Bird在之前已经获得了3个。Johnson非常希望能得到这个奖项。他最后胜利者揭晓之前,Johnson对LA TIMES说:“现在,他已经是3-0了。这让我有些疯狂了。”(他最终还是凭借着1989和1990年的MVP奖项打平了Bird。)  Johnson同时也在4-2击败了凯尔特人之后获得了1987年总决赛的MVP。那一年也是Johnson彻底取代Abdul-Jabbar成为球队领袖的一年。在球队内部进行的斗牛赛中,40岁的中锋Abdul-Jabbar教他的得意门生他天勾的绝技。Johnson很快便能够很灵活的运用这项技术,并且在总决赛第四场凭借这一手法投中了107-106的制胜一球。那场胜利也直接导致了湖人在三年内第二次战胜凯尔特人队。  在1988年,湖人在总决赛7场决胜中击败了活塞,成为了68-69赛季之后第一支蝉联总冠军的队伍。在接下来的2年里,Johnson的平均得分都超过了20分,并且带领着湖人连续获得西部联盟的冠军。在1988-89赛季,也就是Abdul-Jabbar的最后一个赛季,Johnson在总决赛里受到了腿筋伤势的影响,湖人也在总决赛里被成熟的活塞横扫。在下一年里,湖人在9年里最早出局,他们在分区半决赛被太阳队击败。  Johnson在1990-91赛季的表现帮助湖人取得了58-24的战绩。在西部决赛里击败了由Clyde Drexler领衔的开拓者队之后,湖人再次闯进总决赛。尽管他们最终以1-4输给了MJ的公牛队,但是Magic还是完成了他12年职业生涯9进总决赛的壮举。  在91-92赛季之前,Magic以一则HIV病毒检测呈阳性并且因此选择退役的消息震惊了世界。不过他还是获得了参加当年全明星赛的资格,并且带领西部以153-113取胜同时获得了MVP。由于他普及了预防AIDS的知识,他也获得了那年的J. Walter Kennedy公民奖。湖人前主教练Mike Dunleavy评价到:“有人认为他仅仅是球场上的传奇,但是现在,他已经成为了一个为信念而战的斗士。”  即使在他身染HIV病毒的最困难的时刻,他脸上的笑容也从来没有被抹去。Jack Knoll说:“Magic最伟大的地方就是他人类的勇敢带到了神的级别。我们认为他是最好的人之一,没有人会不喜欢Magic。”  Johnson在1992年代表梦之队参加了巴塞罗那的奥运会,写了本关于安全性行为的书,开始了自己的商人生涯,成为NBC的电视解说员并且尝试购买一支NBA球队。在1993-94赛季还有16场比赛的时候,他代替Randy Pfund成为了湖人的主教练。  球队在Johnson富有激情的领导下开始向季后赛发起冲击,湖人也很快的取得了5连胜,但是在球队输掉了接下来6场比赛中的5场的时候,Johnson宣布他下赛季将不会再以主教练的身份回到湖人。  “我想回家,”他对联合媒体报说,“做教练从来都不是我的梦想。我想拥有一支球队,成为一个商人。他必须为你的梦想而奋斗。”在1994年,Johnson实现了他的梦想,他成为了湖人的共有人之一。  在1995年,他涉及了另一桩商业行为之中,他在LA的少数地区开了连锁的电影院,在那里做一些演说。他同时也参加了演说家篮球队(一支在以前NBA和大学球员组成的队伍)到亚洲和澳洲等地娱乐了全世界的球迷。  但是他并未完全抛弃NBA。在休息了四个半赛季之后,在他1995-96赛季的后半段再次回到了赛场,为湖人打了常规赛剩余了32场比赛。在那个时候,他的体重已经达到了255磅,他也就更多的出现在大前锋,而不是控卫的位置上了。在湖人首轮季后赛被火箭淘汰的之后,Johnson再次宣布退役。  在Johnson的13年NBA职业生涯当中,他一共得到17707分(场均),6559个篮板()和10141次助攻()和历史第九的1724次抢断。他同样也保有了127次助攻和10个三分球的全明星赛记录。  在1996-97赛季中,Johnson被选为NBA50大巨星之一。在2002年他入选了Naismith名人堂。  他是当时最伟大的球员吗?另外一个伟大的球员认为他是。  “Magic让其他任何人都难以望其项背,”Larry Bird对芝加哥日报透露,“我从来没见过任何一个人有他那么好。”  够了吧????

Who Is the Laziest? Father: Well, Tom, I asked to your teacher today, and now I want to ask you a question. Who is the laziest person in your class? Tom: I don't know, father. Father: Oh, yes, you do! Think! When other boys and girls are doing and writing, who sits in the class and only watches how other people work? Tom: Our teacher, father. 中文: 父亲:哎,汤姆,今天我跟你们老师谈过,现在我想问你个问题。你们班上谁最懒? 汤姆:我不知道,爸爸。 父亲:啊,不对,你知道!想想看,当别的孩子们都在做作业、写字时,谁在课堂上坐着,只是看人家做功课? 汤姆:我们老师,爸爸。 Old Farmer Johnson was dying. The family was standing around his bed. With a low voice he said to his wife: "When I'm dead I want you to marry farmer Jones." Wife: "No, I can't marry anyone after you." Johnson: "But I want you to." Wife: "But why?" Johnson: "Jones once cheated me in a horse deal!" 译文: 老农约翰逊就要死了。他的家人都站在床边。他声音低沉地对妻子说:“我死后,我想你嫁给农夫琼斯。” 妻子说:“不,在你死后,我不能嫁给任何人。” 约翰逊:“但我希望你这么做。” 妻子:“为什么?” 约翰逊:“因为琼斯曾在一笔贩马的交易中欺我。”

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy." 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?”“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。“你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。”

Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. It made the old lady out of patience. At last she could not hold any more, uttering. "Trust me, Sir, and trust the money. They are real US dollars. They are directly from America." 它们是从美国直接带来的 一位中国老妇人在美国看望女儿回来不久,到一家市银行存女儿送给她的美元。在银行柜台,银行职员认真检查了每一张钞票,看是否有假。 这种做法让老妇人很不耐烦,最后实在忍耐不住说:“相信我,先生,也请你相信这些钞票。这都是真正的美元,它们是从美国直接带来的。” One Engine Left A 747 was halfway across the Atlantic when the captain got on the loud speaker, "Attention, passengers. We have lost one of our engines, but we can certainly reach London with the three we have left. Unfortunately, we will arrive an hour late as a r esult." Shortly thereafter, the passengers heard the captain's voice again, "Guess what, folks. We just lost our third engine, but please be assured we can fly with only one. We will now arrive in London three hours late." At this point, one passenger became furious. "For Pete's sake," he shouted, "If we lose another engine, we'll be up here all night!" 只剩一个引擎 一架747客机正在跨越大西洋时,喇叭里传来了机长的声音:“旅客们请注意,我们的四个引擎中有一个丢失了。但剩下的三个引擎会把我们带到伦敦的。只是我们要因此晚到一小时 。” 过了一会儿,旅客们又听到机长的声音:“各位,你们猜怎么啦 ?我们刚又掉了第三个引擎。但请你们相信好了。只有一个引擎我们也能飞,但要晚三个小时了。” 正在这时,一位乘客非常气愤地说:“看在上帝的份上,如果我们再掉一个引擎,我们就要整夜都要呆在天上了。”





Good morning, everyone, Today, it‘s a pleasure for me to stand here and I‘m very pleased to have such an opportunity to share some of my teaching ideas with you. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Guo Xinzhi, and I am working as an English teacher in Yong‘an Middle School, Congtai District of Handan. My topic today is taken from Lesson 37 of Unit 5 in Student Book 4. The main content of this unit is ―Go With Transportation‖, and the topic of Lesson 37 is ―Flying Donuts‖. I have decided to say the lesson from six parts:

Part One —— Analysis of the Teaching Material One:

Status and Function

1. This unit tells us the improvement of traffic transportation and the related stories. Besides learning this, students will also learn some words, phrases and expressions of traffic, and so on. In Lesson 37, Danny will introduce a new type of transportation to us, it is imaginary.

2. To attain ―four skills‖ request of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I will have the students do some exercise about the text.

3. Such a topic is very important in this unit. I will lead the students to use their imagination and encourage them to be creative. For example, helping them use English to describe their imaginary transportation. So I think if the students can learn this lesson well, it will be helpful to make them learn the rest of this unit.

4. While teaching them, I will also encourage them to say something about what they think the future transportations will be like. In a way, from practising such a topic, it can be helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken language. Two: Teaching Aims and Demands

The teaching aims basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus provision.

Knowledge objects

(1) To study the new words ―fuel‖, ―oil‖ and ―coal‖.

(2) To learn and master the phrases ―think of, on the way to …, have fun‖, etc.

Ability objects

(1) To develop the students‘ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the students‘ ability of working in pairs

(3) To develop the students‘ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

3. Moral objects

(1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.

(2) Love to know more knowledge about transportation and dare to express their opinions in English.

(3) Encourage the students to be more creative and try to make contributions to making new inventions in the future.

Three: Teaching Keys and Difficult Points The teaching keys and difficult points‘ basis is established according to Lesson 37 in the teaching materials position and function.

1. Key points:

(1).Be able to express words, phrases and sentences in English.

(2). Know about the improvement of transportation and Danny‘s invention. 2. Difficult points: Be able to talk about their imaginary future transportation in oral English. Part Two —— The Teaching Methods 1. Communicative teaching method;

2. Audio-visual teaching method;

3. Task-based teaching method;

4. Classified teaching method. As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students‘ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I‘ll mainly use ―Communicative‖ teaching method, ―Audio-visual‖ teaching method and ―Task-based‖ teaching method and ―Classified‖ teaching method. That is to say, I‘ll let the students get a better understanding of the key structures. I‘ll give the students some tasks and arrange some kinds of activities, like talking, watching CAI, and reading in roles. In a word, I want to make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director. I also hope to combine the language structures with the language functions and let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Part Three —— Studying ways

1. Teach the students how to be successful language learners.

2. Make situation and provide meaningful duty, encourage the students to study the text by themselves.

Part Four —— Teaching steps As this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching of this unit, I have decided the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading and speaking ability. The entire steps are: Step1 Warm-up and Lead-in Show the students some pictures of common transportations, like car, bike, train and so on. Ask the students: What can you see from the picture? Is there another kind of transportation around us? Purpose of my designing: In this part, have the students say more about what they see or what they don‘t see. In this way, they will know today‘s lesson has something to do with their discussion. Step2 Presentation 1. Learn new words in groups. The new word in this lesson are fuel, oil and coal. Show them pictures of these things and teach them these new words.

Purpose of my designing:

1. After seeing the pictures, the students will know what they are and they can learn them quickly and easily.

2. Play the tape recorder. Let the students listen and imitate the text. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. Then finish the exercises on the computer. Purpose of my designing: This step is employed to make the students get the general idea of the text. At the same time let the students have a chance to practise their listening and speaking ability.

3. Text Learning and a Quiz I‘ll use CAI to present the whole text. I‘ll write the key points on the blackboard while they are watching. After watching, I‘ll teach them to read the words and sentences on the Bb. Make sure they can read them well. After teaching them the whole text, including the meanings of new words, the use of similar expressions and so on. Get the students to try and say out some phrases on the screen, like I don‘t think so, have fun, a new kind of, on the way to school, and so on. Purpose of my designing: To present the text by CAI is much easier for the students to learn and grasp the meanings. CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture and it makes the relationships between the students better.

4. Key Structures and Difficult Points Learning First, I will divide the students into three groups and tell them to have a discussion about what they learn in this lesson. Then encourage them to try to understand the whole text, know what the difficult points are, and so on. At last, I will help them to master them all. For example, I teach the students know the differences between phrases think of, think about and think over. I will show them some sentences and get them to know the use of these phrases. Encourage them to do some exercise about these phrases. Purpose of my designing: By practising using these new words and similar phrases, the students will know how to use them in English and master the use of them better.

5. Read and Say Give the students two or three minutes to prepare, and then get them read the text together in three groups. Tell them to read aloud. Then help the students say something about the future transportation or their imaginary transportation. Encourage them to say more. Purpose of my designing: By reading the text and saying such things, get the students to practise their reading and speaking ability again.

Part Five —— Summarize and Homework Ask the students such questions:

What have we learned from this lesson? What does Danny say about his new kind / type of transportation? Do you like his idea? What new phrases have we learned today? Do you have enough confidence to finish these exercises? Now, let‘s try! Then show them some exercises and help them to finish them. At last, tell the students what today‘s homework is. While doing this, the teacher can have the boys and girls have a competition to see who are better.

Part Six —— Blackboard Designing Lesson 37 Flying Donuts Language points:

of认为,想起; think over仔细考虑; think out想出

the front of在……前面(部)/ in front of在……前面

the way to school在上学的路上/ on one‘s way home在回家路上

4. With用…… Purpose of my designing: Presents the text key content clearly on the blackboard, favors the students to knowledge grasping. OK. That’s all.

Thanks for listening to me and helping me.


The Introduction of the teaching plan

for section B(1-2c) unit 5 (go for it)

I have the honor to reveal my analysis of English lesson

here. I’d like to say I’ll try my best not to let all of you down. As teachers ,if you want to have an excellent class of English ,especially an open class to many experts like all of you, we should have to dig into the teaching material ,analyze the teaching material. However, I think we should take these parts

into consideration. ①Teaching material and the students ②teaching methods ③learning methods④procedures ⑤blackboard design and assessment .Ok, let me say something about my teaching plan for unit 5 section B. Today the first I’ll talk about is the first part “Analysis of the Teaching Material and students”

Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material and students

(一) status and function

The topic of this unit is about decision making. Such topic is related to daily life of students, so it is helpful to raise learning interest of students and it will be helpful to improve their spoken English. This unit is divided into two parts: Section A and Section

B. Section B is divided into two periods. This period is the first lesson of Unit5 section B. It introduces new vocabulary while recycling the language presented in Section A. All activities help students integrate the new target language with the language studied in Section A. This recycling reinforces previous language learning while providing additional practice with newly learned language. It also increases the students listening and speaking ability by listening practice and pair work talking

(二) Teaching Aims and Demands

The teaching aims basis is established according to Ju

nior School English syllabus provision. In accordance with the analysis of teaching material and the requirements of “go for it" English teaching syllabuses. The focus of teaching should be laid on grasping key vocabulary and structures, and developing the students’ ability of communication. So I’vedesigned the following aims and demands

1. Knowledge objects

Key vocabulary: agent; make money;

travel around the world; get an education

Target language:

I think you should go to college

But if I go to college, I’ll never become a great

soccer player.

2. Ability objects:

To train students’ ability of listening and speaking

To train students’ ability of communication

3. Moral objects:

Money isn’t everything.

To be interested in taking part in activities in English class

(三)Teaching key points and difficult points

1. Key points:

key phrases:

travel around the world; make money; get an education key structures: I think you should …。If I… I’ll never…

2. Difficult points:

how to train and improve students’ listening ability.

(四) Analysis of the students

The Ss has learned English for about two years so far. Although they are all from the rural area, they can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.

1. The students don’t have large vocabulary.

2. The students seldom communicate in English

in normal times.

3. The students are lacking in listening and speaking skills.

4. The gap of the Ss’ knowledge level in the same class is quite wide

(五) Teaching aids

Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, some money and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

Part Two The Teaching Methods

1. Communicative teaching method

2. listening and speaking methods

3. Task-based teaching method

As we all know,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Junior Middle School is to train students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative teaching method” ,“listening and speaking teaching method ” and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange some activities: free talking, listening and answering , oral practice, acting out and having a competition. Above all, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the conversation.

Part Three The Learning Method─cooperation

The students will finish some tasks in limited time to improve their listening and speaking skills. The students will take part in some activities like working in pairs, discussing in pairs. Each unit in “Go for it” contains pair work, group work and games. The students who sit at the same table and groups can make a discussion and learn each other. It makes each student be relaxed. They needn’t worry about making can arouse students to think and to say what they want to say. Study will become more relaxed and pleased in this kind of environment.

Part Four Teaching Procedure

一Teaching steps

Step 1 Leading in

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Ss: Good morning, sir!

T: (Take out a piece of bill) Look! What’s this?

Ss: Money.

T: Who likes it? Hands up?

Ss: (Ss all put up their hands)

T: (kiss the money) me, too. (Put the bill in the pocket)

Ss: (Ss all laugh)

T: (Show a man who is holding plenty of money)

Ss: Wow.

T: If I have so much money, I will give some to the poor students in our class, and if they work hard, I will give them more. If you have so much money, what will you do? Work in pairs and talk

about it.

(Students are talking about it in pairs; they have enough words to say)…

(Talk about the question with many students.)

T: S1, If you have so much money, what will you do?

S1: If I have so much money, I will give some money to my


T: You are so kind. Don’t you want to travel around the world?( translate into Chinese if necessary; Teach: travel around the world)

S1: I think I will.

T: S2, what about you?

S2: If I have so much money, I will buy some new clothes for my parents. They are very hard-working.

T: That’s a good idea. Don’t you want to get an education? (Translate into Chinese if necessary; teach: get an education) S2: Yes, I am sure I will go to college.

T: If you work hard, I think you will go to college.

S2: I think so.

T: S3, if you have so much money, what will you do?

S3: I will open up a company and make more money.

T: That’s great. May you success!

S3: Thank you.

( Ask more students to talk about it )…

T: If we have so much money, we will do a lot of things with the money. So money is very important for us; S4, do you think money is everything? (Translate into Chinese if necessary)

S4: I think money isn’t everything.

T: I agree with you. Money isn’t everything.

Purpose of my designing: I think it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss and at the same time it is necessary to provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step and present some new words and phrases.

Step 2 Study the phrases

T shows the phrases in Activity 1 and let Ss read and learn.

Step 3 Circle and survey

1. T: Look at the things in Activity 1, which of the things are the most important to you? Circle three things.

(Ss circle. Wait for a moment)

T: What is the most important thing to you?

S5: To go to college.( help if necessary)

T: What’s the second?

S5: …

T: What’s the third?

S5: …

(Ask more students to say)

2. T: Please work in groups of six, and count up the number of

Show the most students in each item.

_____ think _____ is the most important thing to them, ______ think _____ is the second important thing to them, and _____ think _____ is the third important thing to them.

Purpose of my designing: To provide situations to review learned knowledge for the next step listening and make sure the Ss can grasp the key words and phrases and learn to express their own opinion

Step 4 Listen and write “A” or “P”

T: Look at the pictures in Activity 2a, we can see two pictures, the first picture is about Michael and a soccer agent (teach: agent), and the second picture is about Michael and his parents. And we will hear two conversations, Conversation One is about Michael and the soccer agent, Conversation Two is about Michael and his parents. Listen to the recording and write “A” or “P” in the blanks.

A----- a soccer agent

P----- Michael’s parents

(Make sure they know the letters’ meaning)

(T plays the recording for the first time, Ss listen. T plays the recording for the second time, Ss write “A” or “P”)

Correct the answers with the students.

Purpose of my designing: to give students practice n the target languages in spoken conversation

Step 5 Listen and complete

T: Look at the sentences in Activity 2b, read the sentences first. (Students read loudly)

T: Listen to the recording, Listen to the first sentence as a model. (Play the recording; let them know the first sentence) now.

下面是我整理的初中英语说课稿 范文 ,以供大家学习参考。


一、说教材(教材分析) Analyzing teaching material

1. 说课型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision)

2. 本课在教材中的地位 status and function

Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability.

3. 说教学指导思想 teaching guideline

(Teaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model)

4. 说教学目标和要求 Teaching aims and demands (…be intended for Ss in key schools)

1)认知目标 knowledge objects

a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:

Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into

b. Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern:

If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left…

Give the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.

c. Activate Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution and help Ss to know more about the problem of pollution.

2)智能目标 ability objects

a. Ask the Ss to make up a similar dialogue.

b. Help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.

c. Develop their ability of thinking independently.

d. Cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.

e. Train them to collect information from the Internet.

f. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize Ss’ learning results.

3)德育目标 moral objects

a. Arouse their interest in learning English;

b. Help them to understand the background of pollution.

c. Enable the students to love our earth and the nature.

d. Be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting out environment.

e. Encourage the Ss to do something to save the earth.

5. 说教学重点 teaching important points (生词、句型;培养阅读技能)

a. New words and phrases

b. Sentence pattern: If- clause

c. improve their reading skills.

d. Talking about problems of the Earth.

6. 说教学难点 teaching difficult points (语法;发展交际能力)

a. functional item: Supposition.

b. Develop their communicative ability. Act out their own dialogue.

7. 说教具 teaching aids (multi-media computer, software, OHP)

The teaching syllabus says that it’s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities. It’s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. It can also make the Ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting. At the same time, it arouses the Ss’ interest in learning English.

二、说教法 Teaching methods

Five step method; audio-video; communicative approach;

Task-based learning: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method. TBLT can stimulate Ss’ initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application. Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play.

三、说学法 Study methods

1. Teach Ss how to be successful language learners.

2. Teach Ss how to develop the reading skill — skim & scan; how to communicate with others; how to learn new words; how to learn independently;

3. Get the Ss to form good learning habits.

四、说教学过程Teaching procedures

I. 复习 (Revision) 5min (Daily report; 词汇diagram; brainstorming; activate schemata)

Activity 1: Imagination

1). Suppose a bottle of ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done? (Wash it? Or throw it away?)

2). Suppose you catch a bad cold, what’s to be done?

3). Suppose your bike is broken, what’s to be done?

4). And suppose the earth, on which we all live, is damaged, what’s to be done?

* What can you think of when you see “pollution” this word?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate... Try to activate the Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.)

II. 呈现 (Presentation) 5min

Activity 2: Presentation

Play the song “Earth Song” sung by Michael Jackson. (Create an atmosphere)

A lot of pictures and video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned in this lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the computer.

Ss’ presentation on pollution. Attract their attention, arouse their interest, and create a good atmosphere for communication.

* Activate their schemata and cultivate their ability in collecting information from the Internet and develop their ability in thinking independently.

III. 对话 / 阅读 (Dialogue)18m

1. Pre- reading

Activity 3: Prediction

1st listening/ fast reading, one guided Q to help Ss to get the main idea:

What do you think is discussed at the conference?

2. While- reading

Activity 4: Read and answer

2nd listening/ careful reading, more Qs to get the detailed information. Develop their reading skills: skim & scan. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress & intonation.

* 阅读: Pre-reading; while-reading; post-reading (fast reading/ careful reading; skim/ scan; 识别关键词key words;确定主题句;创设信息差information gap;T or F; 填表格chart/diagram; Predicting; Make a timeline; Make a story map。达到对课文的整体理解和掌握。So that they can have a good understanding of the whole text.)

3. Post- reading

Activity 5: Language focus

While Ss are answering the Qs, the teacher deals with some key language points.

a. is being caused b. and so on c. go on doing

d. be fit for e. standing room f. if- clause

IV. 操练 (Practice) 10m

Activity 6: Retell

Use your own words to retell the dialogue in the 3rd person.

Activity 7: Acting out

Activity 8: Drill – Supposition

Purpose: Practise the functional item of Supposition. (P. 33 Part 2; , wb Ex. 3)

(Retell; act out; role play)

V. 巩固 (Consolidation) 6m

(Discussion; interview; press conference; debate; quiz)

Activity 9: role play

Suppose you were head of a village, scientist, journalist and villager, make up a conversation and ask several groups to demonstrate in front of the class.

* The Ss are encouraged to use the words and expression_r_rs like pollution, damage, be fit for, turn into, the if- clause, etc.

Activity 10: Discussion

Think of the question: Are we causing damage to the world?

What should we do to save the earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life?

Collect their answers and form a report.

VI. 作业 (Homework) 1m (Writing; continue the story; recite; retell)

Write a letter to the mayor, telling him sth. about the pollution around your school.


A Brief Instruction to the topic of “What should I do?”

Shangyuan Middle School Li Yi Cai

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is LiYiCai. I come from Shangyuan Middle School in I’m going to talk about the topic” What should I do?”I will divide the instruction into seven parts: they are Teaching material Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures.

Part 1 Teaching material analysis

This period is from Unit 3 of 9A Oxford English. First of all,I’d like to talk about my understanding about this have learned Star sings in Unit 1 and Colours and moods in Unit have also learned how to write a formal recommendation letter and how to write a report on the moods of people in last two we are going to learn two letters to a famous youth worker about Millie’s and Simon’s this unit links with a special meaning of Unit 1 and Unit period is the first lesson of main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in following this period is very important in this unit.

Part 2 Teaching aims

of the knowledge:

(1)To know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases.

(2)To learn something about Millie’s and Simon’s problems.

(3)To grasp the main idea of Reading and use the information to talk to others about one’s problems and how to deal with them.

of the ablilities:

(1)To improve the ability of getting information by reading.

(2)To improve the ability of retelling the story.

of the emotion:

(1)To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings.

(2)To ask for advice to solve the problems.

Part 3 Teaching emphasis

master the ‘to’-infinitives and ‘wh-’words+‘to’-infinitives.

get the ability of general reading and getting information.

Part 4 Teaching difficulties

recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

ask for advice

Part 5 Teaching methods

In this topic,I will use five-step Teaching Method and Task-based language design some tasks to help the students think if I want to improve the students’ oral English,I should give them enough chances to practice and I will use pair work,group work to let the students take an active part in all kinds of is “Learning by doing,learning by using”.Let the students be the masters of the class teaching,thus,student-centered teaching method is well shown.

Part 6 Teaching aids

Projector,slide show,tape recorder and blackboard

Part 7 Teaching procedure

Step Ⅰ.Lead-in

The purpose is to arouse the students’interest of study.

Let’s have a free talk.

T:Have you got problems?


T:What is it?

S:Eating too much makes me unhealthy.

T:What about you?


Step Ⅱ.Presentation

The purpose is to develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the articles.

students to read two letters and answer the following questions:

①What is Millie’s favorite hobby?(Painting)

②What is Millie’s problem?(She doesn’t have enough time for hobbies and home work.)

③When does Simon play football?(After school until late)

④How do his parents feel about it?

(They don’t like this and ask him to go home before 6 .)

students if there are words that they do not know.

Explain some new words briefly.


Step Ⅲ.Practice

The purpose is to develop the skills of scanning and how to gain the details from the articles.

to the tape and answer some question about “True”or“False”.

students to read the articles again and explain some important phrases.

How to solve the problems;hand in;on time;at the moment;

can’t find any time for my hobbies;feel bad;give up;

achieve a balance between the two;hear form;make unhappy

Step Ⅳ.Retelling

The purpose is to develop the skills of retelling with the key words

students to make sentences with phrases that we have learned.

to retell the outline of the articles.

students to say something about themselves.

Step Ⅴ.Summary and homework

The purpose is to give the students a clear idea of how to express their problems and revise the articles.

students to revise the words and phrases

students to write a letter about himself after class.

During my teaching,I’ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English. I think the general aim of English teaching is to improve the ability of using English. And I’ll use this to guide my teaching.

Thank you!





1. 遵循教学大纲要求,明确说课内容。把握说课与上课的区别与联系,正确理解教材、教案说课、上课之间的层进关系,走出说课即是“说教案”的误区。

2. 以教师为主导,学生为主体,体现先进的教学理念。

3. 详略得当,重点突出,体现说课的完整性。

4. 与教案相结合,体现其可操作性。


1. 说教材:科学分析教材,明确重点难点、教学目标和要求以及教材在单元中的地位和作用。

2. 说学生:谈谈学生的知识与能力结构,明确说课内容的难易程度。

3. 说教法:谈谈本节课要实施的教学手段、方法以及教具的使用。

4. 说学法:谈谈学习方法的运用以及将要实现的目标。

5. 说教学程序:说为什么要设计该程序?目的、意图何在?结果如何?

6. 说板书设计:谈谈板书设计的根据和理由,力求体现说板书设计的程序性、概括性和艺术性。



五、附SB 2B U16 Lesson 63说课稿

Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts.

Part 1 My understanding of this lesson

The analysis of the teaching material:

This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.

Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.

2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.

3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do

something to stop it being polluted.

Key points / Teaching important points:

How to understand the text better.

Teaching difficult points:

1. Use your own words to retell the text.

2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.

Something about the Ss:

1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.

2. They are lack of vocabulary.

3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and

communicate with others.

4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.

Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids

Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the

following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the

teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Teaching method:

Double activities teaching method

Question-and-answer activity teaching method

Watch-and-listen activity

Free discussion method

Pair work or individual work method

Teaching aids:

1. a projector

2. a tape recorder

3. multimedia

4. the blackboard

Part 3. Teaching steps / procedures

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.

The entire steps are:

Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast

reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2. Revision

1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).

a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. by weight)

b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?

c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?

2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.

Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.

Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.

Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.

Step 4. Fast reading

Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:

1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?

2. What does the whale feed on?

3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?

Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer


Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.

Understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Step 5. Listening(book closed)

1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)

2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)

Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.






1. 遵循教学大纲要求,明确说课内容。把握说课与上课的区别与联系,正确理解教材、教案说课、上课之间的层进关系,走出说课即是“说教案”的误区。

2. 以教师为主导,学生为主体,体现先进的教学理念。

3. 详略得当,重点突出,体现说课的完整性。

4. 与教案相结合,体现其可操作性。


1. 说教材:科学分析教材,明确重点难点、教学目标和要求以及教材在单元中的地位和作用。

2. 说学生:谈谈学生的知识与能力结构,明确说课内容的难易程度。

3. 说教法:谈谈本节课要实施的教学手段、方法以及教具的使用。

4. 说学法:谈谈学习方法的运用以及将要实现的目标。

5. 说教学程序:说为什么要设计该程序?目的、意图何在?结果如何?

6. 说板书设计:谈谈板书设计的根据和理由,力求体现说板书设计的程序性、概括性和艺术性。



五、附SB 2B U16 Lesson 63说课稿

Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is life in the oceans taken from Lesson 63 of Unit 16 in SEFC(2). It is made up of four parts.

Part 1 My understanding of this lesson

The analysis of the teaching material:

This lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Lesson 62 and Lesson 63 are a whole unit. By studying Lesson 63, Ss can improve their reading ability, learn more about the sea and the life in the oceans. At the same time, we should get the students to understand some difficult sentences to comprehend the passage better. The Ss should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the Ss should receive some moral education. Let the Ss understand the sea better, love the sea and save the sea and the life of the sea.

Teaching aims:

1. Knowledge aim: Understand the main idea of the text.

2. Ability aim: Retell the text in their own words.

3. Emotional aim: Make the Ss love the life of the sea and do

something to stop it being polluted.

Key points / Teaching important points:

How to understand the text better.

Teaching difficult points:

1. Use your own words to retell the text.

2. Discuss the pollution of the sea and how to save the sea.

Something about the Ss:

1. The Ss have known something about the sea and sea life through the Internet and other ways.

2. They are lack of vocabulary.

3. They don’t often use English to express themselves and

communicate with others.

4. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.

Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids

Before dealing with this lesson, I’ll do my best to carry out the

following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while the

teacher himself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.

Teaching method:

Double activities teaching method

Question-and-answer activity teaching method

Watch-and-listen activity

Free discussion method

Pair work or individual work method

Teaching aids:

1. a projector

2. a tape recorder

3. multimedia

4. the blackboard

Part 3. Teaching steps / procedures

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially reading ability.

The entire steps are:

Greetings, Revision, Lead-in and preparation for reading, Fast

reading(scanning), Listening, Intensive reading, Preparation for details of the text, Consolidation, Discussion, Homework

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2. Revision

1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).

a. How much salt do the oceans contain per thousand parts of water?(35 parts of salt. 3.5% by weight)

b. What is coral? Why are corals not found in deep water?

c. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?

2. Check the homework(made a survey about the sea or sea life by surfing the Internet or asking for help from other people). Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their survery results and prepare for the new lesson.

Step 3. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures and let them talk each other, and then use the pictures about sea and life in the oceans to learn new words, for example, Antarctica, huge whale, sperm whale, squid and so on.

Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study.

Bring in new subject: Life in the oceans.

Step 4. Fast reading

Read the passage as quickly as they can. I show the questions on the screen and let them get the main idea of each paragraph:

1. Why can living things live in such oceans around the Antarctica?

2. What does the whale feed on?

3. What is the difference between the sperm whale and other whales?

Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer


Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability.

Understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Step 5. Listening(book closed)

1. Listen to the tape then do an exercise(wb page 90, part 1)

2. True or false exercise.(on the screen)

Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.



一、 教材分析


Unit 6的中心话题是音乐,而音乐与我们的生活密切相关,通过本单元的学习,要求学生能够用英语谈论自己喜欢的音乐,和音乐家,并说明为什么。在谈论这个话题的同时,学习并掌握定语从句。定语从句在初中教材中是一个很重要的知识点,学好这一单元对后面的学习很有帮助,起着承上启下的作用。在中招考试中,不但十五个选择题中要涉及这方面的内容,而且在也阅读理解中也有大量的定语从句出现,如果不能够很好地掌握它,势必影响学生今后对阅读文章的理解。因此,本单元不仅是本册书的重点,在整个初中教学中,他都占着非常重要的地位。



学会恰当的使用引导词that ,which ,who


1)掌握功能句“What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their own music.”

2) 能够自如地谈论自己所喜欢的音乐和音乐家。





1)本节课的教学重点是学会并掌握先行词为物或者人时,引导词“that ,who ,which”的使用方法。

2)“prefer …to…”的用法

3)掌握有关音乐的词汇和相关的词组,能够比较流利地描述自己喜欢的音乐,运用功能句 “What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their own music.”

2、 难点




1、 教法:采取“任务型”教学法。教师根据本节课内容,安排合适的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中达到本节课所拟定的目标。

2、 学法:任务型。让学生通过完成课前找资料、上课积极参与、讨论,课后进行巩固和迁移等任务,来达到拟定的目标。







任务一 :创设情境。通过看图片,谈天气、服装、音乐等学生生活中比较熟悉的事情引入本单元的功能句。倾听、观看、理解、记忆、回答、模仿、参与操练。通过为学生设置情境,能够让学生充分理解和感受功能句“what kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I like musician who can write their own music.”的用法。《初中英语新课程教学法》一书提倡英语生活化教学,文中这样写道,“英语生活化教学,就是在教学过程中要关注和联系学生的生活实际和生活体验。让英语教学贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近时代,树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲身实践、独立思考、合作探究从而实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。”利用学生感兴趣的生活实际引入教学,有利于引起学生的学习兴趣和参与兴趣。



句子,“I like music that__”。 “造句是培养学生运用英语的最简单易行的训练方法,可以使学生通过运用单词和短语来掌握句子。为今后写作练习打下最基本的基础。”



任务七:阅读练习。让学生带着问题,根据本节课所学自己阅读课文Section A 3a,然后找出问题相应的答案,阅读前,教师解释remind sb of sb/sth “使…记得,提醒”,然后小组讨论,全班订正。这样安排的主要目的是锻炼学生的阅读能力和培养学生的合作精神。




How can we become good learners?

第一课时Section A(la-2d)






1 .make word cards

2. listen to tapes

3. practice conversations with

4. at first

5 .word by word


1 .How do you study for a test?

2. I study by working with a group.

3 .It’s too hard to understand the voices.

4. The more you read,the faster you’11 be.

⑧能力目标 运用句式用英语谈论学习方法。





1 .What does Jack have to do?

He has to finish reading a book and give a report next


2. How does Annie ask Jack to understand a word?s mean-


Try to guess a word?s meaning by reading the sentences

before and after it.?


Step 1 Revision and Leading-in

对话导人:师生间开展对话,谈论英语学习。对话内容可以包括下列问题: 1 .Do you like learning English? How about your English study?

2. What do you think is the best way to learn English well?

3. Do you have any other good ideas?

Step 2 SB Page l完成教材上la-lc的任务


Read the new words by the Ss first.

Then check the Ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly. If there is a mistake,correct.

Practice reading the new words .Give them 6 minutes.

Have a competition between boys and girls .Write the words you remembered just now on the blackboard.

la. Do this part by the Ss first. According to each student,check the ways of studying English. Then add

other ways they sometimes study.

lb. Ask the students to listen to the tape. Question:How do these students study for a test?Then ask the

students to write letters from la above. After that,check the answers.

lc. Make conversations about how to study for a test.

Step 3 SB Page 2完成教材上2a-2d的任务

1 .2a. Listen and check the questions the students hear.

2 .2b. Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above.


3 .2c. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.


A:Have you ever studied with a group? B:Yes,I have. I have learned a lot that way.

4. 2d. Role-play the conversation.




今天我要说的是冀教版八年级下册第五单元:Go with Transportation 第37课:Flying Donuts。本单元讲述了一些有关交通发展的历史事件和相关故事,在复习以前所学的有关交通的词汇和短语的基础上又扩展了一些生词、习语和日常用语。第37课的课文通过介绍Danny想象中的一种新的交通工具,引导学生充分发挥想象力、创造力,设想未来的交通工具,并用英语表达出来,从而激发学生的创造力和表现欲,使他们从中得到学习的快乐。



(1) 学习单词fuel, coal, oil … 。

(2) 学习、掌握短语和句型think of认为,想起;at the front of 在……的前面 with用…;










重点:本课词组和句型think of/about /out ;with的多种用法;What do the donuts do? Will Danny’s invention really work?












(1) 学习本课生词,了解课文大意。

(2) 找出重点短语和句子。




(2)展示图片,复习学过的部分交通工具的名称:bicycle, train, rocket, car, boat, plane……






对课文中的关键词句如:What do donuts do? think of/out/over, with, make sb. do sth……等重点讲解,举例加以说明。为了更好地调动学生的积极性,要求学生运用这些词语造句,训练学生写的技能,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。









Unit 5 Lesson 37

Language points:

1.think of认为,想起; think over仔细考虑; think out想出

2.at/in the front of在……前面(部)/in front of在……前面

3.on the way to school在上学的路上/on one’s way home在回家路上

4. With用……

5. What do the donuts do? 面包是用来干什么的?



一、On teaching material说教材

(一)Teaching contents教学内容:


(二)Teaching aims and demands 三维目标:


⑴Cognitive objective知识目标:学会单词、短语:……;句型:……

⑵Ability objective能力目标:提高学生,听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。

(3) Moral objective情感目标:在探索学习的过程中,培养学生实践能力、探索意识、合作精神与创新精神。同时感受英语与生活的密切联系。

(三)Important and difficult points重点、难点

根据教学目标和学生特点我确立本节课的教学重点是— 难点:能够运用所学的语法,进行交流。

(四)The handing of materials对教材的处理


二、On teaching methods说教法

根据本课实用性强,涉及面广,语言运用量大的特点,我确立了如下方法和手段: 1. 任务教学法,给学生设置不同的任务驱动,赋予知识和技能训练,以他们自己真实的情景和语境调动学生的参与热情。

2. 听说读写综合训练,培养语言的运用能力。

3. 知识导入和任务设计,由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进,逐层拓展。

4. 采用多媒体教学手段,增强直观性和趣味性,加大课堂容量。

三、On learning methods说学法




(2)发 展学生自主学习的策略



四、On teaching procedure说教学过程


1. Lead in创设情境,导入新课。

本活动我采用兴趣性教学策略,用多媒体呈现图片,激发学生探索的动机和愿望。通过头脑风暴唤醒学生的语言智能,既检查学生的预习效果,培养学生自我学习的能力也培养了学生的发散思维能力。以旧引新为新课内容铺垫。 2. Fast reading预习检测,整体感知。


3. Careful reading自主质疑,以学定教。 揭示学习目标,引导学生围绕“自学指导”走进课文,自我思考、研究,然后引导全班同学开展“互学,群学”,就疑难问题共同探究,找出规律。

4. Group work合作探究,深化重点。 采用任务型教学途径以及学生小组合作学习的方式。



5. Listening and speaking检测反馈,训练提升。


2)Discuss in group分小组展开讨论,在讨论、交际的过程中,提高使学生的口语交际能力,体验到成就感和合作精神,从而突破本课的难点。

6. Summary and rethink。质疑总结,反思评价


1) What do you learn today?今天你学到了什么?

2) What will you remind everyone to pay attention to?


3) Have you any doubts? 你还有什么疑惑吗?

4) What do you think of your performance today?你觉


5) What do you think of your classmates’ performance

in your group?

你感觉组内其他同学表现如何? 7.Blackboard design.板书设计


That’s all my interpretation. Thank you very much!我的说课完毕。谢谢各位评委老师。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/9019.html发布于 2024-09-18
