

小思 2024-09-18 59
鸡肋的英文摘要: 鸡肋的英文单词直译:chicken ribs相近的:white elephant or tasteless大而无用 或 无味道鸡肋(Chicken rib...


直译:chicken ribs相近的:white elephant or tasteless大而无用 或 无味道

鸡肋(Chicken ribs),现代汉语词语,出自《三国志·魏书·武帝纪》裴松之注引《九州春秋》曰:“夫鸡肋,弃之如可惜,食之无所得,以比汉中,知王欲还也。”(食之无肉,弃之不舍)。比喻做无多大意义而又不忍舍弃的事情;抑可比喻瘦弱的身体。“鸡肋”一词被广泛应用在工作、生活、感情等方面,描述的是现代人的一种亚健康的生活状态。

有词组是鸡肋的意思, chicken ribs工具性; 人文性; 鸡肋



it‘s tasteless to eat but waste to throw away.

chicken ribs -- things of little value or interest

[书面语] (比喻没有多大价值或意思的事情) chicken ribs -- things of little value or interest: 味同鸡肋 taste like chicken ribs; be of little or no value


can't-hurt-you-but-can't-help-you,其实这个积累在英文里不一定有完全对应的说法大部分情况 是根据上下文,稍稍解释下为何中国IT项目80%变成了[鸡肋]项目?Why 80 percent of China's IT projects become almost valueless?这导致有些区议员称它们为「鸡肋」——食之无味,弃之可惜。That has led some councillors to dub them "chicken ribs" - tasteless when eaten but a pity to throw away. 奥多姆那憋足的表现能在湖人队呆这么久实在是太意外了,他只是那种“鸡肋型”的球员,只有简单的数据,而绝不是一个渴望胜利的球员。Lamar has overstayed his welcome in LA with his inconsistent play, and right now fits the mold of the "can't-hurt-you-but-can't-help-you" player who fills box scores but doesn't assert himself as a winner.

it‘s tasteless to eat but waste to throw away.

[书面语] (比喻没有多大价值或意思的事情) chicken ribs -- things of little value or interest: 味同鸡肋 taste like chicken ribs; be of little or no value



【身体各部位】forehead额头; temple太阳穴;cheek脸颊;nose鼻子;mouth嘴;lip嘴唇;throat喉咙;tooth牙齿;tongue舌头;neck脖子;brain脑;navel肚脐;abdomen腹部;shoulder肩;waist腰部;thigh大腿;lung肺;stomach胃;elbow肘;calf小腿肚;toe脚趾;sole脚底

头:head 胸腔:thoracic cavity眼:eye 胳膊:arm鼻子:nose 乳腺:breast嘴巴:mouse 肚子:stomach眉毛:eyebrow 肚脐:the navel牙齿:teeth 手:hand耳朵:ear 指甲:toenail头发;hair 拇指:thumb脖子:neck 食指:the first finger嘴唇:lip 中指:medius臀部:hip 大腿:thigh膝盖:nee小腿:shank

头:head头顶:the top (或:crown)of the head发:hair of the head额:forhead太阳穴:temple面部:face颊:cheek颧骨:cheekbone眼:eye眉毛:eyebrow睫毛:eyelash眼皮:eyelid眼球:eyeball瞳孔:pupil虹膜:iris耳:ear耳膜鼓:ear drum听道:auditory canal鼻:nose鼻孔:nostril鼻腔:nasal cavity鼻梁:brdge of the nose人中:philtrum口:mouth唇:lip舌:tongue牙:tooth(teeth)齿冠:crown齿龈:gum齿根:root;fang(牙)珐琅质:enamel硬腭:hard palate软腭:soft palate小舌:uvula扁桃体:tonsil声带:vocal cords咽头:pharynx下巴:chin颚,颌:jaw颚骨:jawbone颈;脖子:neck吼:throat咽喉:larynx项;颈背:nape(或:scruff)of the neck身躯,躯干:trunk背:back肩:shoulder腋窝:armpit胸:chest乳房:breast;thorax乳头:nipple腰:waist;loins肚脐:navel;belly button腹:abdomen;belly上腹:the upper abdomen下腹;the lower abdomen腹股沟:groin臀部:buttocks;hips;bottom;backside生殖器:genitals;genital organ肢:limb臂:arm上臂:upper arm前臂:fore arm胳膊弯:bend (或:crook)of the arm 肘:elbow腕:wrist手:hand手背:back of the hand手掌:palm of the hand 手指:finger大拇指:thumb食指:forefinger;index finger中指:middle finger无名指:ring finger小指:little finger指甲:finger nail腿:leg大腿:thigh小腿:lower leg;shank膝:knee膝关节:knee joint膝盖骨:kneecap膝弯:hollow of the knee;back of the knee腿肚:calf踝:ankle足:foot(feet)脚背:instep脚掌:sole of the foot后跟:heel趾:toe趾甲:toenail 心脏:heart 肌肉:muscle胸肌:pectoral muscle腹肌:abdominal muscle三角肌:deltoid muscle脑:brain大脑:cerebrum小脑:cerebellum

head 头 throat 喉咙, 咽喉 armpit hair 腋毛 chest 胸部 pit 胸口 navel 肚脐 abdomen 腹部 thigh 大腿 neck 脖子 shoulder 肩 back 背 waist 腰 hip 臀部 buttock 屁股 skull 颅骨, 头盖骨 collarbone 锁骨 rib 肋骨 backbone 脊骨, 脊柱 shoulder joint 肩关节 shoulder blade 肩胛骨 breastbone 胸骨 elbow joint 肘关节 pelvis 骨盆 kneecap 膝盖骨 bone 骨 skeleton 骨骼 sinew 腱 muscle 肌肉 joint 关节 blood vessel 血管 vein 静脉 artery 动脉 capillary 毛细血管 nerve 神经 spinal marrow 脊髓 brain 脑 respiration 呼吸 windpipe 气管 lung 肺 heart 心脏 internal organs 内脏 gullet 食管 stomach 胃 liver 肝脏 gall bladder 胆囊 pancreas 胰腺 spleen 脾 duodenum 12指肠 small intestine 小肠 large intestine 大肠 blind gut 盲肠 vermiform appendix 阑尾 rectum 直肠 anus 肛门 kidney 肾脏 bladder 膀胱 hair 头发 forehead 额 temple 太阳穴 eyebrow 眉毛 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 cheek 面颊 nose 鼻子 lip 嘴唇 mouth 口 chin 下巴 bald head 秃头 wrinkles 皱纹 crow's-feet 鱼尾纹 mole 痣 freckles 雀斑 dimple 酒涡 pimple 粉刺 tooth 牙齿 tonsil 扁桃腺 tongue 舌 gum 牙龈 palate 上牙膛 incisors 切齿, 门齿 canine tooth 大齿 premolars 前齿 molars 后牙 mustache 小胡子 beard 山羊胡 whiskers 络腮胡 dark eye 黑眼睛 brow eye 茶色眼睛 blue eye 蓝眼睛 hazel eye 淡褐色眼睛 almond eye 杏仁眼 double eye 双眼皮 upturned nose 朝天鼻 aquiline nose 鹰钩鼻 snub nose 狮子鼻 bulbous nose 球状鼻 kinky hair 卷缩发 wavy hair 波浪发 straight hair 直发 blond hair 金发 thumb 大拇指 forefinger 食指 middle finger 中指 third finger 无名指 little finger 小指 palm 手掌 ball 拇指腕掌 nail 指甲 fist 拳头 knuckle 指关节 back 手背 wrist 手腕 elbow 肘 armpit 腋下 thigh 大腿 knee 膝盖 shank 小腿 calf 小腿肚 foot 脚 instep 脚背 toes 脚趾 ankle 踝 arch 脚掌心 heel 脚后跟 sole 脚底


鸡的英语单词是chicken cook鸡的英语单词:chicken.


chicken英 ['tʃɪkɪn] 美 ['tʃɪkɪn]

n. 鸡;鸡肉;胆小者

adj. 懦弱的;胆小的

vi. 失去勇气

chicken可以指作为家禽的鸡,也可指作为食品的鸡肉。作“小鸡”解时是个体名词,可数; 作“鸡肉”解时则是物质名词,不可数。



一、meat英 [miːt] 美 [miːt]

n. 肉;主要或重要部分


二、volaille英 [və'leɪl] 美 [və'leɪl]

n. 鸡肉

例:supreme de Volaille "Tromou"  铁扒菲列鸡




作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/8465.html发布于 2024-09-18
