

小思 2024-09-18 35
济南是山东省的省会英文摘要: 济南是山东的省会英文翻译问题一:济南的英语怎么写 济南的英语 Jinan 问题二:济南是山东省省会用英语怎么说 Jinan is the capital of...


问题一:济南的英语怎么写 济南的英语 Jinan 问题二:济南是山东省省会用英语怎么说 Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province. 会了吧! 问题三:“泉城”的官方翻译 jinanfanyi/blog/post/jn_3951 “泉城”英文如何翻译City of Springs最合适 生活日报12月9日讯(记者 邱建国)“泉城”应当如何翻译成英文才能既准确表达出泉城的含义又与春城昆明区别开来?本报关于此事的报道引起市民热烈讨论,很多市民打来电话发表了自己的意见。山东省旅游局和济南市外事办的工作人员在接受采访时均表示,泉城英文翻译为City of Springs最为准确,也最为常用。 山东省旅游局旅游促进与对外联络处工作人员王爱平女士认为,泉城的英文翻译有一个统一的说法是非常有必要的,既可以改变每个人都有自己的翻译方式的混乱局面,也有利于让不懂中文的外国人更好地了解济南。王女士说,虽然目前“泉城”的英文翻译还没有统一的说法,但他们在接待外国游客或者出国推介山东旅游的时候提到泉城用得最多的就是City of Springs,这样既可以与表示春城昆明的Spring City区分开来,也表明了济南有很多泉水的意思。 按照山东大学外国语学院苗兴伟教授的解释,泉城一般译为City of Springs,这样既可以与Spring City区分开来,也通过复数形式表达了济南有很多泉的意思,王女士的说法,与苗教授的解释不谋而合。 济南市人民 *** 外事办公室欧美大处主要负责与欧洲、美洲、大洋洲地区各国有关的外事工作,这些地区很多国家都将英语作为官方语言。该处工作人员李群告诉记者,在陪同领导接见外宾等外事活动中,如果提到泉城济南,翻译人员一般会用City of Springs表述,这种译法更为明确,更容易让外宾理解到泉城济南有很多天然泉水这层意思。至于Spring City的说法,李群说在表述泉城的时候很少使用。 结合专家和有关部门的说法,泉城翻译为 City of Springs应当是最为恰当的,泉城市民今后在跟外国人说到泉城的时候,用City of Springs来表述是非常贴切的。 满意请采纳 问题四:“济南”的英文怎么说 济南 [词典] Jinan (in Shandong province); Tsinan; [例句]我班其余的同学都在济南工作。 The other students in my class work in jinan. 问题五:山东省济南市章丘市用英语怎么说 山东省济南市章丘市 Zhangqiu City, Ji'nan City, Shandong Province 山东省济南市章丘市 Zhangqiu City, Ji'nan City, Shandong Province 问题六:济南又叫泉城用英语怎么说 Jinan city,another name is City of Spri福gs。 City of Springs 是泉城的固定译法 问题七:济南的英文是Jinan还是Ji'nan 后者 问题八:我在济南玩的英语怎么写 我在济南玩 I play in Ji'nan 我在济南玩 I play in Ji'nan

Ji'nan the capital of Shandong Province, is famous for its spring water.济南是山东省的省会,因泉水而出名


Ji'nan, the capital of Shandong Province, and the political, cultural, educational, economic and transportation centers of Shandong province. Ji'nan is called "Spring City" because of its numerous springs. Ji'nan is one of the birthplaces of a famous national historical and cultural city, an excellent tourist city in China, and a prehistoric culture. 翻译为:济南市,是山东省省会 ,山东省的政治、文化、教育、经济、交通中心。 济南因境内泉水众多,被称为“泉城”。济南是国家历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市,史前文化的发祥地之一。


问题一:济南的英语怎么写 济南的英语 Jinan 问题二:济南是山东省省会用英语怎么说 Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province. 会了吧! 问题三:“泉城”的官方翻译 jinanfanyi/blog/post/jn_3951 “泉城”英文如何翻译City of Springs最合适 生活日报12月9日讯(记者 邱建国)“泉城”应当如何翻译成英文才能既准确表达出泉城的含义又与春城昆明区别开来?本报关于此事的报道引起市民热烈讨论,很多市民打来电话发表了自己的意见。山东省旅游局和济南市外事办的工作人员在接受采访时均表示,泉城英文翻译为City of Springs最为准确,也最为常用。 山东省旅游局旅游促进与对外联络处工作人员王爱平女士认为,泉城的英文翻译有一个统一的说法是非常有必要的,既可以改变每个人都有自己的翻译方式的混乱局面,也有利于让不懂中文的外国人更好地了解济南。王女士说,虽然目前“泉城”的英文翻译还没有统一的说法,但他们在接待外国游客或者出国推介山东旅游的时候提到泉城用得最多的就是City of Springs,这样既可以与表示春城昆明的Spring City区分开来,也表明了济南有很多泉水的意思。 按照山东大学外国语学院苗兴伟教授的解释,泉城一般译为City of Springs,这样既可以与Spring City区分开来,也通过复数形式表达了济南有很多泉的意思,王女士的说法,与苗教授的解释不谋而合。 济南市人民 *** 外事办公室欧美大处主要负责与欧洲、美洲、大洋洲地区各国有关的外事工作,这些地区很多国家都将英语作为官方语言。该处工作人员李群告诉记者,在陪同领导接见外宾等外事活动中,如果提到泉城济南,翻译人员一般会用City of Springs表述,这种译法更为明确,更容易让外宾理解到泉城济南有很多天然泉水这层意思。至于Spring City的说法,李群说在表述泉城的时候很少使用。 结合专家和有关部门的说法,泉城翻译为 City of Springs应当是最为恰当的,泉城市民今后在跟外国人说到泉城的时候,用City of Springs来表述是非常贴切的。 满意请采纳 问题四:“济南”的英文怎么说 济南 [词典] Jinan (in Shandong province); Tsinan; [例句]我班其余的同学都在济南工作。 The other students in my class work in jinan. 问题五:山东省济南市章丘市用英语怎么说 山东省济南市章丘市 Zhangqiu City, Ji'nan City, Shandong Province 山东省济南市章丘市 Zhangqiu City, Ji'nan City, Shandong Province 问题六:济南又叫泉城用英语怎么说 Jinan city,another name is City of Spri福gs。 City of Springs 是泉城的固定译法 问题七:济南的英文是Jinan还是Ji'nan 后者 问题八:我在济南玩的英语怎么写 我在济南玩 I play in Ji'nan 我在济南玩 I play in Ji'nan

以下是翻译:Jinan, Shandong's provincial capital, is located in the central and western Shandong. Jinan Taishan south, the north of the Yellow River.

The Jinan CityJinan is the capital of Shandong provincein Eastern China. Jinan is located in the north-western part of Shandong province at 36° 40′ northern latitude and 116° 57′ east of Greenwich, about 400 kilometers south of the national capital of Beijing. The area of present-day Jinan has played an important role in the history of theregion from the earliest beginnings of civilization and has evolved into amajor national administrative, economic, and transportation hub. The city has held sub-provincial administrative status since1994. Jinan is often referred to as the "Spring City" for itswell-known 72 artesian springs inside urban area.


Jinan, also known as the spring city, is the capital of Shandong Province, a sub provincial city, a mega city and the core city of Jinan Metropolitan area.

It is the central city in the south wing of the Bohai Rim region approved by the State Council.

It is the political, economic, cultural, scientific, technological, educational and financial center of Shandong Province and an important transportation hub.



Shandong Province is a coastal province in East China, abbreviated as Lu, and its capital is Jinan. It is located in the east coast of China between 34 ° ′ - 38 ° ′ N and 114 ° ′ - 122 ° ′ e.

it borders Hebei, Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces from north to south.

The central part of Shandong is mountainous, the southwest and northwest are low-lying and flat, and the East is gently hilly. The terrain is mainly mountainous and hilly.

The East is Shandong Peninsula, the West and north belong to North China Plain, and the central and southern part is mountainous and hilly, forming a landform with mountainous and hilly as the skeleton and staggered plain basins.

the types include mountains, hills, platforms, basins, plains, lakes and so on; It crosses the five major water systems of Huaihe River, Yellow River, Haihe River, Xiaoqing River and Jiaodong; It belongs to warm temperate monsoon climate.

As of June 2020, Shandong Province has jurisdiction over 16 prefecture level cities, a total of 58 municipal districts, 26 county-level cities and 52 counties, a total of 136 county-level administrative regions.

664 streets, 1092 towns and 68 townships, a total of 1824 township administrative regions.

By the end of 2019, Shandong Province had a permanent population of million, a regional GDP of billion yuan and a per capita GDP of 70653 yuan.


Ji'nan the capital of Shandong Province, is famous for its spring water.济南是山东省的省会,因泉水而出名


Jinan, the city which is famous for fountains, is the provincial capital of Shandong province.



Jinan, also known as the spring city, is the capital of Shandong Province, a sub provincial city, a mega city and the core city of Jinan Metropolitan area.

It is the central city in the south wing of the Bohai Rim region approved by the State Council.

It is the political, economic, cultural, scientific, technological, educational and financial center of Shandong Province and an important transportation hub.


以下是翻译:Jinan, Shandong's provincial capital, is located in the central and western Shandong. Jinan Taishan south, the north of the Yellow River.

The Jinan CityJinan is the capital of Shandong provincein Eastern China. Jinan is located in the north-western part of Shandong province at 36° 40′ northern latitude and 116° 57′ east of Greenwich, about 400 kilometers south of the national capital of Beijing. The area of present-day Jinan has played an important role in the history of theregion from the earliest beginnings of civilization and has evolved into amajor national administrative, economic, and transportation hub. The city has held sub-provincial administrative status since1994. Jinan is often referred to as the "Spring City" for itswell-known 72 artesian springs inside urban area.



以下是翻译:Jinan, Shandong's provincial capital, is located in the central and western Shandong. Jinan Taishan south, the north of the Yellow River.

Ji'nan the capital of Shandong Province, is famous for its spring water.济南是山东省的省会,因泉水而出名

Jinan, the city which is famous for fountains, is the provincial capital of Shandong province.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/7759.html发布于 2024-09-18
