

小思 2024-09-18 33
高中英语竞赛培训浙江省摘要: 英语竞赛培训浙江省温州清华少儿教育的英语科目不错啊,老师好,教材好,学了之后让孩子学习英语变得轻松了很多啊!上海立达国际培训机构中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛是中央...




中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛是中央电视台社教节目中心主办的大型电视英语比赛,大赛本着“培训兴趣、增强信心、树立榜样”的原则,为所有爱好者的观众提供  了一个锻炼自我、展示自我、捕捉机遇的舞台,深受广大观众的欢迎。  大赛自2000年起,至今已经历六年,每年举办一届。影响人数已经超过8000万人。  组织机构  主办单位:中央电视台教育专题部(CCTV-10)  宁波赛区唯一承办单位:宁波康克培训学校  比赛级别  大赛分为幼儿组、小学组、初中组、高中组、大学成人组五个组别。  赛程安排  报名阶段:2006年3月27日—4月20日  市区初赛:2006年4月23日  市区复赛:2006年5月14日  宁波赛区决赛:2006年5月21日(县级分赛区各组前10名选手参加宁波赛区决赛)  浙江省总决赛(预选赛、总决赛):2006年5月26日-——28日,浙江省各地级城市分赛区各组的前6名选手参加  (颁奖晚会拟邀中央电视台和地方电视台著名主持人同台主持)  全国半决赛:拟定于2006年6月9日——11日,浙江赛区各组的前3名选手赴京参加  全国总决赛:拟定于2006年6月12日——18日,北京中央电视台演播厅举办  节目播出时间:2006年7月至8月,播出全国总决赛实况录像  (包括各赛区比赛花絮,全国半决赛特别节目)  比赛形式  宁波赛区的初、复赛以考查参赛选手的英语基本功为主,如英语的流利程度、发音的标准程度、内容等;  宁波赛区初赛采用选手自命题和评委1-2个问答的比赛形式,自命题题材不限,内容健康,积极向上;  宁波赛区复赛采用命题演讲和评委2个以上问答的比赛形式;  宁波赛区决赛和浙江省总决赛形式及评分标准,以考查选手英语综合运用能力为主。  比赛地点  高教园区某高校  希望之星特别培训  招生对象:胜出初赛,准备参加复赛的选手  教学内容:中央电视台全国组委会统一内部培训资料,由浙江省组委会下发至各分赛区组委会,内容包括即兴演讲、听力测试、面部表情、肢体语言、舞台台风、回答技巧等多种形式的赛前特别培训,培训你在英语风赛大赛里应拥有的综合素质。  教学目的:让每一个学员在复赛的舞台上充分展示自己的能力,取得最佳的成绩。  奖励办法  宁波赛区决赛每组设置一等奖(冠军)1名,二等奖(亚军、季军)2名,三等奖(语音奖、机智灵活奖、台风奖)3名,希望奖4名。  宁波赛区决赛每组设置  冠军:奖杯,证书,免费杭州二日游  亚军:奖杯,证书,免费杭州二日游  季军:奖杯,证书,免费杭州二日游  单项奖:奖杯,证书,奖品  希望奖:奖杯,证书,奖品  浙江省总决赛每组设置:  特等奖(冠军)1名,一等奖(亚军、季军)2名,二等奖3名,三等奖4名,希望奖若干名,最佳语音奖、最佳风度奖、幽默风趣奖(大学成人),最佳语音奖、最佳风度奖、最具学识奖(高中),最佳语音奖、最佳风度奖、机智灵活奖(初中),最佳语音奖、最佳风度奖、最具勇气奖(小学)等单项奖12名。  浙江省总决赛奖品具体设置如下  冠军:奖杯,证书,免费香港澳门双飞五日游+其他赞助奖品  亚军:奖杯,证书,免费厦门集美双飞三日游+其他赞助奖品  季军:奖杯,证书,免费横店二日游+其他赞助奖品  全国总决赛每组设置:  冠军1名,二等奖2名,三等奖3名,优胜奖6名,希望奖若干名,最佳语音奖、最佳风度奖、幽默风趣奖(大学成人),最佳语音奖、最佳风度奖、最具学识奖(高中),最佳语音奖、最佳风度奖、机智灵活奖(初中),最佳语音奖、最佳风度奖、最具勇气奖(小学)等单项奖12名。  全国总决赛奖品具体设置如下:  冠 军:奖杯,证书,价值人民币5000元的奖品  二等奖:奖杯,证书,价值人民币3000元的奖品  三等奖:奖杯,证书,价值人民币2000元的奖品  优胜奖:奖杯,证书,价值人民币1500元的奖品  单项奖:奖杯,证书,价值人民币1000元的奖品  希望奖:奖牌,证书,纪念品;  团体奖:奖牌,证书;  组织奖:奖牌,证书;  浙江宁波赛区参赛选手报名须知  一、 报名条件与方法  一、1、凡喜爱英语的中国适龄公民均可自愿报名参加大赛,也可单位推荐个人报名参加大赛;团体报名的单 位可直接填写好《团体报名登记表》,并收好报名费,直接送至各地组委会统一领取参赛号及参赛各类资料。  2、大赛分为小学组、初中组、高中组、大学成人组四个组别。  3、宁波地区内各赛区特别设立幼儿组:希望之星英语风采大赛宝宝秀(本组别只限宁波地区)。  4、参赛选手报名时统一收取报名费人民币50元整。  二、 报名时间:2006年4月20日止  三、 报名地点:康克培训学校各分校  四、 认真填写浙江省统一报名参赛登记表(内容真实、字迹端正清晰、不得涂改),在登记表及参赛证上贴1寸彩色照片各2张,并准备身份证或户口本复印件2张,初赛时须出示。  五、 初赛内容:  五、1、选手自命题,题材可选自我介绍、英语故事、英语演讲、英文歌曲、职业模仿、英语总结、情景对话等内容,时间为1分钟。  2、评委提问(1-2个问题)。  六、初赛地点:康克南高教园区教学区(宁波城市职业技术学院)  七、咨询电话:87314471  八、 进入复赛名单公布方式:报名点和网站(初赛后第二天)  九、希望之星特别培训:  1、招生对象:初赛胜出,准备参加复赛的选手。  2、培训内容:中央电视台全国组委会统一内部培训资料,由浙江省组委会下发至各分赛区组委会,内容包括即兴演讲、听力测试、面部表情、肢体语言、舞台台风、回答技巧等多种形式的赛前特别培训,培训你的英语综合素质。  3、教学目的:让每一位学员在比赛的舞台上充分展示自己的实力,取得最佳成绩。  十、参赛选手可以在报名时直接购买大赛指定参考用书。

英语学习必须要有好的学习资料和学习方法,还要先制定一个合适的学习计划,这方面洛基·英语比较有经验,分享学习方法:练习朗读时要从后面往前推演 练习朗读时,我们有时会觉得很难将一个长句朗读的流利顺口。例如里根总统第二任就职演说词:“So we go forward today,a nation still mighty in its youth and powerful in its purpose.”(因此我们今天要前进。我们的民族仍因年轻而有力量,因目标确定而强大。)遇到这种情况,我们建议您从最后的一个单词读起,每次向前加一个单词。例如:“...purpose”“...it's purpose”“...in it's purpose”“powerful in its purpose”。这种从后向前推的朗读联系法旨在帮助您把握正确的语调。我们知道,语调的上扬或下降在句尾表现的最明显。这样的练习可让您在每次的朗读时都能顾及正确的语调。


挺多的,你可以参考下面这些资料,看看有没有合适的:1.浙江人才专修学院 相关课程:一年制会计中专与上岗证双修班 学院地点:校区一:杭州市庆春路159号中河大厦11楼; 校区二:潮王路170号朝晖九区69-72幢 具体咨询:0571中间8704后四位4237 2.优朗国际英语 相关课程:王牌新概念英语二册(学生类) 高中语法突破 等高中英语培训课程学院地点:湖墅南路260号8楼 具体咨询:400中间605后四位0061转8797 分机 3. 稻田教育培训中心 相关课程:高中语文辅导 高中英语辅导 高中数学辅导 等学院地点:杭州文二路188号 浙江省团校东楼辅楼201 具体咨询:400中间605后四位0061转8851分机 4. 杭州学都教育咨询有限公司 相关课程:高中英语同步课程 新概念英语三册 学院地点: 杭州市江干区三里亭东苑11号楼2层 具体咨询:400中间605后四位0061转8866分机以上的院校信息来均来自求学网,求学网是国内最专业的求学招生服务商,为教育机构提供招生营销、市场策划、品牌宣传等专业化服务。已为数千家合作客户提供高效的招生宣传服务,很多合作客户20%以上的招生量来之于我们的服务,满意度100%。同时求学网是广大学员的求学导航,经营范围涉及学历教育、出国留学、外语培训、电脑培训、职业技能、资格认证、高级研修、才艺健身等整个教育培训领域,是中国最大的招生搜索引擎,总访问量日均超过百万。

我弟也是今年中考了。 他英语成绩也一直在拖总成绩的后腿 就在前几个月我妈帮他找了一间电话英语同步辅导的培训机构 在那读了几个月了英语成绩是有明显的提高 我和老妈都听欣慰的,听我弟说 那间叫E-say的培训机构里面的老师都是外教来的 而且授课方式也是1对1的 老师很紧张他的学习进度 所以他的成绩才会这么快就有提高了听他说现在那里还有免费的英语水平测试呢 你可以进去了解。

其实现在学习英语不用往外跑了•~~网络那么发达,在家就可以学习英语啦,现在有种新型的英语教学模式,叫做电话英语,一对一的专业服务,不用出门,挺方便的~~~在广州的e-say很不错 ,你可以去试试看~~•

英语辅导主要还是要能针对你的情况来进行学习 我妹妹就在这家学过,还蛮专业的,你可以去了解下








1. 登录全国大学生英语竞赛报名网();

2. 点击“赛区入口”,选择自己学校所在的赛区,点击“各校入口”,选择自己在学校的报名页面;

3. 点击右下方的“立即报名”按钮,进入报名和缴费页面。

4. 参赛者按照组委会要求填写字段,根据自己的专业仔细选择报考类别;

5. 校区选择一项,关系到自己考场设置,请根据自己实际所在的校区选择该项; (重要)

6. 填写完后,点击“下一步”按钮,跳转到交费页面。

7. 认真核对自己的信息,并选购主办方推荐的竞赛书籍,点击“立即支付”按钮;

8. 交费成功后,个人报名信息将无法修改,并且组委会不允许以任何理由退赛。

9. 点击“返回上一步”,即可修改自己的报名信息。






2002全国大学生英语竞赛试题题样+答案2002全国大学生英语竞赛试题题样Part I Listening Comprehension(30 minutes,30 points) Section A Dialogues(10 points) Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 short the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was the conversation and the question will be spoken only each question there will be a pause. During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. the table. silverware. napkins. aaaD. Stocking a pantry. 2. publishes books. aaa is a writer. collects automobiles. D. He works in industry. 3. she is in good health. she has corresponded with her relatives recently. she is about to write to her folks. she still receives a lot of letters. 4. ’t subscribe to the journal. a different journal. a better engineer. ’t save any money. 5. will probably rain. aaa will probably be foggy. will probably not rain. D. It will probably be cold. 6. directions to the bus station. to the grocery store. the man directions to the bus station. out where the stoplight is. 7. the typewriter. the woman. home soon. the woman’s paper. 8. is his favorite season for sports. are quite aaaaaimportant to him. should be more enthusiastic. plays better than he used to. 9. situation looks better than it is. phone connection was bad. two women ought to speak to each other in person. ’s better to be courageous. restaurant. aaB. A hotel. hospital. aaa airport. Section B News Items (10 points) Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 pieces of short news. At the end of each news, a question will be asked about what was said. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. December 31, 2001. January 1,2002. the day when China won the bid to host the 2008 Olympics. the day when China entered the WTO. anti-terrorism. peace talk. exchanging the prisoners of war. improving the bilateral relationship. talks was held by US President Bush and United Nations aaaSecretary General Koffi Annan. are 6 million refugees needed help. refugees are Afghans. refugees are in Afghanistan,Pakistan and Iran. and Jews. and Japanese. and Germany. and Indians. improve the relations between Iraq and Iran. improve the relations between Iraq and Kuwait. improve the relations between Iran and Jordan. improve the relations between Iran and Jordan. C. E. Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Vitamin C nor Vitamin E. Group of Eight Leaders Meeting was held in Genoa, Italy. police used tear gas against the demonstrators who marched aaaaapeacefully. police used tear gas against 100,000 demonstrators. conflict happened the first day of the Group of Eight Leaders aaaaaMeeting. . . �four. . refugees were forced to Canada by Indonesian police. refugees were forced to America by Australian police. refugees were forced to Australia by Indonesian police. refugees were forced to Indonesia by Australian police. . . . . Section C Compound Dictation(10 points) Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general listen to the passage the passage is read for the second time,you are re�quired to fill in the blanks numbered from 21 to 28 with the exact words you have just blanks numbered from 29 to 30 you are required to fill in the missing can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written and rewrite the correct answers on the Answer Sheet. aaaThe conflict in Northern Ireland appears to be a religious war,but many Irish people would argue that it isn’ (21)____are in the English colonization of Ireland. In the sixteenth century,England colonized or“planted”most of Ireland by taking land from the natives and giving it to British people,so creating a population (22)____ to England. Ubster,(23)____of the four Irish provinces,was the last part to be planted,early in the seventeenth in other parts of the land had not been as successful as the English had learned from their mistakes and planted Ubster in a much more (24)____and organized were also far more (25)____immigrants from Scotland to Ubster than to other parts of Ireland. Religion has been an indication,for nearly 300 years,of whether someone is a (26)____of the colonizers or the this time,certain sectors of each(27)____have kept separate from each other,growing up with a mixture of history and emotional (28)____which helps keep hostility alive. Acting under pressure from the Protestant community,who had formed an army to defend their right to remain part of Great Britain,(29)____. Under this new State,Catholics suffered various forms of discrimination,(30)____. The present troubles began in 1968 and 1969 when peaceful marches for Catholic civil rights were violently attacked. Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 minutes,30 points) Section A Multiple Choice(20 points) Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 31. Twenty years ago in an interview,I faced three men______my age armed with a hundred reasons as to why I was the woman for the job. times than old as 32. I had done my only that,but having already worked for the company,I naively believed they knew me and______I was capable of. 33. So their first question floored me.“Tell me,Christa,”said the smug one,“what would you do if one of the children fell ill and you______at home?” hoped stay needed wished 34. I remember______something about having a husband who was very flexible and a nanny,a mother and a mother�in�law who could step in at short notice— uttered 35. But from______,you could forget my carefully prepared speech about the future of the company and my role in it. time moment on instant day 36. If the question were asked of me today I would______the idiot whoaasked it by saying:“Tell me,as a parent,what would you do if yourachild were ill? against to ask it back on to make 37. You’d explain to what I would hope is a caring company and be told to leave the office and______for your family.” there to C. arrive available 38. But I was______that brave nor that bolshy in those days. 39. ______,I got the job—probably because,as a woman,I was cheaper. a result 40. Needless to say,none of the other male______was asked the same question. 41. I mention it only because I am______about the Government’s plan to bring in new laws which would give parents the right to ask for child�friendly working hours,not because it’s not right and proper— 42. but because______it will give firms the excuse to discriminate from the word go. is seemingly is likely seems to me likes me 43. ______,which was supposed to herald the right to flexible workingaand child�friendly hours now also gives bosses the right to say no if they believe it will damage business. watered�down new version of a law new,watered�down version of a law new version watered�down law law of new version watered�down 44. So who will win,nine times out of 10?Those paying the wages,that’s who:they’re doing the and single______female with children—guess who�ll get the job? 45. It could set back equality in the workplace______,and there will be few who will be in a position to take their complaint to tribunal. decades tens of years a century a long time 46. Like part�time policewoman Michelle Chew,awarded compensation when bosses refused to change her______to allow the single mother to look after her 47. They lost an officer with______experience,and taxpayers in Avon and Somerset footed the kind of business sense is that? years year�s years� �year 48. But this is not just a male______female issue,although the danger is that’s what it will become. 49. ______is the British firm which is said to be refusing to bring home an executive from New York a pity heartless indifferent a shame 50. who’s worried about his son waking up screaming in the night after he was at school near the World Trade Center______the hijackers struck? the time the day the instant the moment Section B Error Correction(10 points) Directions:The following passage contains 9 each case only one word is involved. You should proofread the passage on the Answer Sheet and correct it in the following way: Part III Situational Dialogues (5 minutes,10 points) Directions:Complete the following dialogues by choosing the best mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 61. Tom:My team played a series of games. Mike:________________________ Tom:We won the first two games,but lost the last three. did you do? ! did a good job! 62. Mary:I feel really want to go back home. David:________________________When you are more accustomed to aaaaaabeing here,you will feel happier. ’t ’ll be better tomorrow. ’d better not. haven’t adjusted to this new place yet. can go now. 63. Ricard:Do you believe that smoking causes cancer? Dillon:________________________They showed people who smoke get aaaaaaacancer much more often than people who don’t smoke. yes. have proved it. tell the truth,I don’t believe it. speaking,I doubt it. 64. Kate:John’s a real baseball fan! Tony:________________________He goes to baseball games all the aaaaatime or watches them on TV. really loves baseball. is a bad player. must cool himself down. he does is ridiculous. 65. Tina:A woman stole fifty dollars from gave her the money aaaaabecause she said it would help a sick girl in the hospital. Eve:________________________It’s worse than being robbed by aaaasomeone with a gun! Tina:Well,it’s not as dangerous as being robbed by someone with aaaaaa gun. Eve:________________________ Tina:That’s guess fraud is just as bad as other types of aaaaacrime. horrible it is!;I�d rather be robbed by someone with a aagun. are kind�hearted.;Be careful next time. don’t think there�s really a sick girl waiting for your aamoney.;I agree with you. ’s a terrible crime.;Yes,but in the future you will be aaless trusting than before. 66. Jimmy:I think honeybees are very useful make honey ffor us. Amy:________________________They also help the flowers grow aaaintoafruit. Jimmy:But I don’t like think they’re disgusting. Amy:________________________They�re actually a very good source of in some countries eat them. Jimmy:Really?I didn’t know that. love honey very much.;Me too. never do the least harm to us.;That’s wrong. ’s a good point.;I’m not sure I agree with you. have different opinions.;On the contrary,they are not aadisgusting. 67. Beth:Always be honest with your ’s what my advisor aaaaatold me to do. Ken:________________________I always try to tell my patients the aaaatruth. ’t believe what he said. ’s a good rule to live by. is easier than doing. do like to follow,although some patients don’t like it. 68. Sally:Are you going to get a new car? Dick:________________________If my old car stops working,I’ll have to buy a new one. depends on my old car. new car is cool! won’t. ’d like to have your opinion. 69. Nora:You’re we’ll miss the movie. Alex:________________________I was stuck in traffic. are you so impatient? should go to the movie by yourself. ’s nothing serious,I think. ’m sorry, apologize. 70. Jenny:So Joe,I heard your sister decided to go into the army. Joe:Well,I don’t of the people in the army are aaaadon’t think women should be in the ’s really a man’s have to be strong. Jenny:Strong,huh. ________________________ Joe:No,not like a man. Jenny:Oh,I see. do you think about that?;Don’t you think women can be strong? ’s a good news.;I am strong enough. are you going to do?;It doesn’t matter. ’m sorry to hear that.;Don’t you think you are strong? Part IV Reading Comprehension (25 minutes, 40 points) Section A Multiple Choice(20 points) Directions:There are 2 reading passages in this passage is followed by some questions or unfinished each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage: HARD DISK DRIVE TECHNOLOGY A few years ago,a query about the health of a person’s hard disk drive would have been met with a blank everyone is aware of this remarkable electronic storage medium that is part of every modern computer,even though most users remain ignorant of the complexity of hard drive technology. In the early days of computing,an information record of a computer’s memory content was kept on punched cards similar to the way in which an automated piano stores the keynote sequences on a piano tape was used to store electronic signals,and is still the favoured means of economically backing up the contents of hard information sequentially stored on tape is slow since the electronic data must be input through a fixed head in single pass. Hard disk drives solve this problem by incorporating a spinning platter on which magnetic data can be made accessible via a moving head that reads and writes information across the width of the is analogous to(相似的)the way in which a person can choose to play a particular track on a CD player by causing the arm to move the head across the CD player is,in fact,necessarily similar in design to a hard drive,although there are significant differences in speed of data access. Most modern hard drives incorporate several platters(磁盘) to further reduce the time spent seeking the required information. Also,some newer drives have two heads;one for reading,and a second head for writing data to separation of tasks enables much higher densities of magnetic information to be written on the platter,which increases the capacity of the hard drive. There are three important ways in which the capacity of hard disks has been data code itself has been tightened with express coding previously noted,the head technology has been improved;and third,the distance between the heads and the platters has been greatly is hard to believe,but the head can be made to pass over the magnetised platter at distances of less than 1 microinch(the width of a typical human hair is 5000 microinches).This is achieved by means of a special protective coating applied to the of these three improvements enables speedier access to the data. Hard drives are more commonplace than tape recorders these days,but it must be remembered that they are much more with respect they may last a number of years,but they are quite easily damaged,often with disastrous consequences for the user,whose precious data can become lost a drive is almost always fatal,as is passing an incorrect electrical current through one(by faulty connection).Dust and even extremes of temperature can cause failure. Yet,no physical damage can ever result from the input of data via the keyboard or course,over time the magnetised coating on the platters will erode,yet this is almost entirely independent of the amount of use. There are serious questions being raised about the direction of the future of electronic storage researchers claim that it would be wiser to invest more time and money in setting up systems for streaming data across networks of computers from centralised banks of information would avoid the need for each personal computer user to have his or her own copy of a software program resident on a local hard data files could be kept at a central storage unit,and be suitably protected from disaster by a fail�safe(具有自动防止故障特性的) backup system. As the Internet becomes ever more pervasive(遍布的),and the speed of access to other machines increases across our telephone lines,it might be possible to do away with local storage systems altogether. �coated disks are one of many types of________. access information systems storage solutions storage solutions players a hard drive incorrectly usually________. in excess temperature the magnetised material on the platters the keyboard or mouse the drive or mouse use can easily cause___

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作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/7712.html发布于 2024-09-18
