

小思 2024-09-18 31
教室里有一些学生吗英文摘要: 教室里有人吗的英文你看见教室有人吗Doyouseetheclassroomsomeone瓶子里什么也没有Thebottleisnothing我什么人也没看见Idon'tseew...



there anyone in the room? is in the classroom. needs neither of the two books. is no one from rural areas in our class.(或There isn't anybody come from countryside in our class.) give me some other pens.

who's in the classroom?

who is in the classroom?


1.肯定句中可以用some 例如:There are some students in the classroom.教室里有一些学生。2.否定句或疑问句中可以用any例如:There aren't any students in the art room. 美术教室里没有学生。Are there any students in the gym? 体育馆里有学生吗?

Some students in the classroom.

1) Some students are in the ) There are some students in the classroom.

There are some students in the classroom.


how many people are there in the classroom?

Here are many students in our classroom,some are doinghomework,some are speaking

There are many students in the classroom.

There are a great many students in the are a lot of/plenty of students in the are a number of students in the classroom.


黑板 blackboard灯 lamp桌子 desk椅子 chair风扇 electric fan窗户 window 门 door粉笔 chalk

1、在教室里的英语:In the classroom,英 [ɪn ðə ˈklɑːsruːm] 美 [ɪn ðə ˈklæsruːm]。 2、她独自一人在教室里。She was alone in the classroom。 3、他可能在教室里。Maybe he is in the classroom。 4、老师对学生在教室里的行为负责。A teacher is responsible for the conduct of pupils in the classroom。

【快乐喜羊羊】团专业为您解答:教室里有什么——What is there in the classroom(必定对的)a.容易动情的,情爱的 ambulance n.救护车,野战医院 ambulant a.移动的 ambulate v.走动 ambulation n.移动,步行 circumambulate v.绕行,婉转打探 noctambulant a.夜间步行的 noctambulist n.梦游者 somnambulate vi.梦游 somnambulist n.梦游症患者 perambulate v.巡行,巡视,漫步 perambulator n.巡视者 ample a.足够的,宽敞的 amplify vt.放大,增强,扩大 amplitude n.广阔,丰富,振幅 unanimous a.(全体)一致的 unanimity n.全体一致 magnanimous a.宽宏大量的,慷慨的 magnanimity n.宽宏大量 reanimate v.鼓舞 exanimate a.已死的,缺乏生气的 longanimity n.忍受,坚忍 equanimity n.镇定,沉着 animadvert v.苛责,非难 animal n.动物,兽 a.动物的 animality n.动物的生命力,兽性 animate vt.使兴奋,使活跃 animated a.有生气的,热烈的 animus n.憎恨 inanimate a.无生命的  pusillanimous a.懦弱的,胆小的 anniversary n.周年纪念日 annual a.每年的 n.年报 annals n.编年史,年报 annalist n.编年史作者 annuity n.年金,养老金 annuitant n.领受养老金者 perennial a.终年的,永久的 semiannual a.每半年的,半年的 biannual a.一年二次的 biennial n.二年生植物,二年一次的事 triennial a.三年一次的 n.三年生植物 centennial n.百年纪念 annually ad.每年地 centenarian n.百岁以上的人 bicentennial n.二百年,二百周年纪念 millennia n.一千年,千年纪念 ancestor n.祖宗,祖先 ancient a.古代的,古老的 antecedent n.先行词 a.在前的,居先的 anterior a.较早的,以前的 anticipate vt.预料,预期,期望 antique a.古代的 n.古董 antechamber n.前堂,前厅,接待室 antic a.古怪的,笨拙的 antiquary n.古物研究者,古董商人 antiquate vt.使古旧,废弃 antiquated a.陈旧的,过时的 anthropology n.人类学 anthropologist n.人类学家 anthropoid a.像人类的,类人猿的 philanthropy n.慈善事业 philanthropist n.慈善家 misanthropist n.厌恶人类或讨厌与人交往者 misanthropic a.厌恶人类的 misanthropyn.休战,停战 armor n.装甲;武器 armory n.兵工厂,军械库 army n.军队,陆军 disarm vt.缴械,解除武装 art n.艺术,美术,技术 artful a.巧妙的,狡猾的 artifice n.巧办法,诡计 artificial a.人工的,娇揉造作的 artisan n.工匠,技工 artist n.艺术家,美术家 artiste n.技艺家 artistic a.艺术的,艺术家的 artless a.粗俗的,自然的 arthritis n.关节炎 arthropathy n.关节病 arthropod n.节肢动物 arthrosis n.关节,关节病 arthrotomy n.关节手术 articular a.关节的 articulate a.发音清晰的,听得懂的 astrology n.占星学,占星术 astrologer n.占星家 astronomy n.天文学 astronomer n.天文学家 astrospace n.宇宙空间 astrobiology n.太空生物学 astronaut n.宇宙航行员,宇航员 astronautics n.太空航空学 astrophysics n.天体物理学 astrocompass n.星象罗盘 astronavigation n.太空航行 astral a.星的,多星的,星界的 asterism n.星群,三星符号 asterisk n.星号 asteroid n.小行星 disaster n.灾难,灾祸,天灾 audience n.听众,观众,读者 auditorium n.大礼堂 audible a.听得见的 audibility n.可听到,能听度 inaudible a.听不见的,不可闻的 audit v.审计,核对,旁听 auditor n.旁听生 auditory a.听觉的 audiphone n.助听器 audition n.(演员等)试唱 audiometer n.听度计 audiometry n.听力测定,测听术 audiology n.听力学 audio a.音频的,声音的 audiovisuals n.视听教具 inaugurate vt.开始,使就职 augur n.预言者 vt.占卜,预言 augural a.卜占的,前兆的 augury n.预言,征兆,占卜 inaugural a.就职的,开始的 n.就职演说 inauguration n.就职典礼,开幕式 authentic a.真实的,可靠的,可信的 author n.作者,作家 authoritarian a.独裁的,独裁主义的 authority n.当局,官方,权力满意请采纳,谢谢!



读音:英 [tʃeə(r)] ;美 [tʃer]


folding chair 叠椅 ; 折叠椅 ; [家具] 折椅 ; 可折叠的椅子

electric chair 电椅 ; 死刑电椅 ; 电刑 ; 电动座椅

rocking chair [家具] 摇椅 ; 摇摆椅 ; 扭捏椅 ; 摇晃椅


armchair, chair, bench, stool


armchair 指有扶手的椅子。

chair 通常指带有靠背的椅子,有时也指有靠背有扶手的椅子。

bench 指可供两人或更多人坐的长凳或石凳,多置于公园或划艇中。

stool 多指方的或圆的无靠背无扶手一人坐的凳子。


Anybody home?

Are there any people here?

问题一:有人吗?用英语怎么说。 你好! 有人吗? Is anyone here? 问题二:有人吗 用英文怎么说 Is there anyone here? 或者有个更简单也更地道的,你就说声:“Hello?” 问题三:有人吗用英语怎么说 Is anyone here? 问题四:“有人说”用英语怎么说 有人说: 译:someone say / some say / some people 双语: 1.如果有人说什么对我不利的东西呢? What if someone says something negative about me? 2.如果有人说“工厂”这个词,大多数人想到一个模糊的场所 而我会想到每个我看到的工厂的细节,比如风车式的约翰迪工厂。If someone says the word factory, most people think of a vague place. I think indetail of every factory I ever saw, like the John Deere plant in Moline. 问题五:“有人吗?”用英文怎么翻译? (Is there) Anyone here? 括号内容可省略。 电话的话, “Hello?” 也可以用于确认人是否还在。 问题六:有人在这里吗?用英语怎么表达 I鸡 there anybody here? 或者更简略的 Anybody here? 问题七:有人在吗?用英语怎么说 Anybody here或者Anyone here 问题八:"有人在家么"用英语怎么说? Is there anyone in? 如果你比较熟悉这家人的话。站在门口说。 问题九:有人在家吗用英语怎么讲 Is there anybody in? 或者是Is anyone in? 问题十:家里有人吗 用英文怎么说 is there anybody at home

有人吗?=Anybody is here?


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/7461.html发布于 2024-09-18
