低碳当道,家居变脸 从现在起,改改你的“电动依赖症”吧。多数人或许并不知道,电动电器会在生产和使用过程中消耗大量高含碳原材料以及石油,变相增加了二氧化碳的排放。 变!改走简约设计风 室内设计以自然通风、采光为原则,减少使用风扇、空调及电灯的机率。通常,在整个建筑的能量损失中,约50%是在门窗幕墙上的能量损失。中空玻璃不仅把热浪、寒潮挡在外面,隔绝噪音,降低能耗。纤维石膏板,是一种暖性材料,热收缩值小,保温隔热性能优越,且具有呼吸功能,能够调节室内空气湿度。自身小户型无论在节约建筑材料、节能节电、建造和使用成本等方面都优于大户型,碳排放量也明显小于大户型。 发泡水泥提供了一种新型的建筑保温材料,与中空玻璃一样能够把热浪、寒潮挡在外面,降低能耗,符合国家节能政策的要求,推动社会的可持续性发展。 变!收纳本领秀出来 静下心来把杂乱无章的书房收拾一下吧。布艺和地毯统统都拿走,散落的杂志都收进柜子里去,开放式的书架里不要放太多的东西。只要记得简单就好,简约风会使你的房间在不知不觉中就变得凉爽惬意起来。 20项低碳生活方式: 1、选用节能空调,省电每天做到。 2、空调调高一度,节电百分之七。 3、点亮节能灯,省电看得清。 4、电视机屏幕暗一点,节能又护眼。 5、用完电器拔插头,省电又安全。 6、科学用电脑,节电效果好。暂时不用电脑时,缩短显示器进入睡眠模式的时间设定;当彻底不用电脑时,记得拔掉插头。 7、巧用电冰箱,省电效果强。电冰箱及时除霜、尽量减少开门次数、将冷冻室内需解冻的食品提前取出,放入冷藏室解冻。 8、煮饭提前淘米,并浸泡十分钟,然后再用电饭锅煮,可大大缩短米熟的时间,节电约10%。 9、在马桶中放几瓶水,就可减少水量。 10、选用节能洗衣机,省水省电有奇迹。 11、坚持无纸办公节能环保、多用电子邮件、MSN等即时交通工具,少用打印机和传真机。 12、用太阳能热水器,省电又省气。 13、多乘公共交通工具出行,减少地球负担。 14、巧驾车多省油:驾车保持合理车速;避免冷车启动;减少怠速时间;尽量避免突然变速;选择合适档位,避免低档跑高速;用黏度最低的润滑油;定期更换机油;高速驾驶时不要开窗;轮胎气压要适当。 15、出门骑上自行车,健身环保一举两得。 16、少买不必要的衣服,才是环保新时尚。 17、减少购买过度包装的商品。 18、每月少开一天车,节能省油靠自觉。 19、少用一次性塑料袋,绿色购物节能源。 20、少用一次性木筷,保护森林减碳排。[编辑本段]《如何低碳——交通篇》 如果去8公里以外的地方,乘坐轨道交通可比乘汽车减少1700克的二氧化碳排放量。 开车族如果能做到以下几点,也可让驾驶变得更为“绿色”。 避免冷车启动、减少怠速时间、尽量避免突然加速、选择合适挡位、避免低挡跑高速、用黏度最低的润滑油、定期更换机油、高速驾驶时不要开窗、轮胎气压要适当。 购买低价格、低油耗、低污染,同时安全系数不断提高的小排量车。多步行或骑自行车,乘坐轻轨或者地铁。 网上购物减少交通出行。 考虑到坐公交为世界环境做的贡献,至少可以抵消一部分开私家车带来的优越感; 如果堵车的队伍太长,还是先熄了火,安心等会儿吧; 定期检查轮胎气压,气量过低或过足都会增加油耗; 一般的车用93#油就够了,盲目使用97#可能既费油,还伤发动机; 跟老公交司机学习如何省油:少用急刹,把油门松了,靠惯性滑过去; 洗同样一辆车,用桶盛水擦洗只是用水龙头冲洗用水量的1/8; 尽量选用公共交通,开车出门购物要有购物计划,尽可能一次购足。多步行,骑自行车,坐轻轨地铁,少开车。 相对开车来说,骑自行车上下班的人一不担心油价涨,二不担心体重涨;[编辑本段]《如何低碳——办公篇》 多用电子邮件、MSN 、QQ等即时通讯工具,少用打印机和传真机。 在午餐休息时和下班后关闭电脑及显示器,这样做除省电外还可以将这些电器的二氧化碳排放量减少三分之一。 办公室内种植一些净化空气的植物,如吊兰、非洲菊、无花观赏桦等主要可吸收甲醛,也能分解复印机、打印机排放出的苯,并能咽下尼古丁。 我们每天都会收到商家发来的广告宣传单,大多数人对这些垃圾广告的处理方式就是将它们丢进垃圾桶。要知道,为了节约成本,很少有商家会使用再生纸印制宣传单。 每天都有那么多木材制成的纸张白白地被当成垃圾一样扔掉,着实让人心疼。我们无法让商家少发广告宣传单,就应充分地利用这些宣传单。例如我们可以用它们做成小的装饰品,既环保又不失时尚,从而真正地做到废物利用。[编辑本段]《如何低碳——旅游篇》 发展低碳旅游,培育低碳生活。应当成为新时期的重要战略。其中包括3个重点: 一是转变现有旅游模式,倡导公共交通和混合动力汽车、电动车、自行车等低碳或无碳方式,同时也丰富旅游生活,增加旅游项目。 二是扭转奢华之风,强化方便、舒适的功能性,提升文化的品牌性。 三是加强旅游智能化发展,提高运行效率,同时及时全面引进节能减排技术,降低碳消耗,最终形成全产业链的循环经济模式。 参考资料:
How to stop air pollution
Nowadays,stopping air pollution has become the common issue that concerns the governments of many countries and people of all walks of life . Air pollution has caused a series of environment problems,such as the green house effect,damage to the ozone layer and acid rain. They all pose a threat to human living condition and health. Therefore,effective measures should be taken to stop air pollution. First,the government must make sure related laws are put into practice. Those who give off waste gases into the air directly without disposal would be punished. Second,people get education about what they could do to stop air pollution. Everyone using more public transportation and less private vehicle will reduce emission dramatically. Finally,let the forests play a positive rule. We need to plant more trees to purify the air instead of cutting them down. However, as a famous saying goes:“easier said than done”. Only the whole world works together and everyone takes action can human being succeed in stopping air pollution.
Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.
Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases such as diarrhea, enteritis, etc. And sometimes these diseases even take man’s life. Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose. Pollutants are destructive. They cause runs in nylon stockings and crack rubber tires and they eat away at stone and rust iron.
Measures have been taken to control pollution. In recent years, legislative steps have been introduced to control pollution. Rivers are being cleaned. Air is purified, and pollutants are being trapped before they are poured out of chimneys.
However, pollution problems have not been completely solved. Pesticides are widely used almost everywhere. They pollute soil, water and food. They have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Some factories are still using air as a dumping place for wastes. Some lakes are still dirty. Quite a few chimneys are still pouring smoke into air and noise pollution remains serious.
Protection of the Environment
Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment.There were few people on the earth,and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.
Today things are different.The world has become too crowded.We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.If we continue to do this,human life on earth will not survive.
We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea,there will soon be none left.Yet,with modern fishing methods,more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down,forests will disappear.Yet,we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products,we will die.Yet,waste products are
still put into rivers.
We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate,in a few years,there won’t be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems?
If we eat more vegetables and less meat,there will be more food available.Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.
Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.
The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.
Finally,if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.
How to stop air pollution
Nowadays,stopping air pollution has become the common issue that concerns the governments of many countries and people of all walks of life . Air pollution has caused a series of environment problems,such as the green house effect,damage to the ozone layer and acid rain. They all pose a threat to human living condition and health.
Therefore,effective measures should be taken to stop air pollution. First,the government must make sure related laws are put into practice. Those who give off waste gases into the air directly without disposal would be punished. Second,people get education about what they could do to stop air pollution. Everyone using more public transportation and less private vehicle will reduce emission dramatically. Finally,let the forests play a positive rule. We need to plant more trees to purify the air instead of cutting them down.
However, as a famous saying goes:“easier said than done”. Only the whole world works together and everyone takes action can human being succeed in stopping air pollution.
- The government could regulate industrial emissions and the use of fossil fuels to reduce air pollution.(政府可以规范工业排放和化石燃料使用以减少空气污染。)- Encouraging people to use public transportation, carpooling, or biking instead of driving alone can also help to reduce air pollution.(鼓励人们使用公共交通、拼车或骑自行车代替独自驾车也有助于减少空气污染。)- Promoting the awareness of environmental protection through education campaigns could motivate people to adopt behaviors and practices that can contribute to reducing air pollution.(通过教育活动提高环保意识,可以激励人们采取行为和做法来减少空气污染。)- Using renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, instead of fossil fuels is another effective way to reduce air pollution.(使用可再生能源,如太阳能和风能,取代化石燃料是另一种有效的减少空气污染的方法。)- Applying advanced technology, such as air filters and pollution control devices, can improve the quality of indoor and outdoor air.(应用先进技术,如空气过滤器和污染控制装置,可以改善室内和室外空气质量。)
下面是我整理的解决空气污染 英语 作文 ,希望对大家有帮助。
Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.
Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. As is shown in the cartoon, two cars are giving off waste gas and three people are trying to avoid breathing in the poisonous gas by masking their face with their hands. The poisonous gas sent off by factories, domestic appliances and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people to breathe.
There is no denying that automobiles are indications of civilization, progress and development; nevertheless , automobiles cause the serious problem of air pollution. Scientists have warned that unless effective measures are taken, the problem of pollution will eventually get out of hand. Actually, people are showing a real concern over the problem. For example, there is an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm action against pollution from automobiles.
Indeed, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our descendants. In my opinion, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem of pollution from poisonous gas given off by automobiles. For example, the automobiles should be equipped with a device which can dispose of waste gas so as to prevent it from polluting air. Only in this way can we really solve the problem of air pollution caused by automobiles.
Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.
Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.
We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products are still put into rivers.
We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there won't be enough can we do to solve these problems?
If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.
Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them.
The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.
Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.
The cartoon presents the Earth with a personified human face that seems quite unhappy. A examination of the picture immediately reveals that the source of its mood is the air pollution resulting from a huge number of automobiles spread around its surface.
The cartoon, no doubt, aims at alarming humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, the majority of people merely indulge in the celebration of the convenience brought by cars, while forgetting or simply neglecting their harmful impact on the atmosphere. Admittedly, there are various factors contributing to the current worldwide air pollution, but it is undeniable that the exhaust from automobiles is categorized as one of the major elements.
I would like to make the following proposals to solve this problem: firstly, we should apply the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. It should also be guaranteed that the clean energy be inexpensive so that it can be widely accepted. Besides, there should be attempts to develop possible transportation means, so that citizens can be diverted from dependence on cars. In short, it is humans' responsibility to resume clean air for Earth.
Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases such as diarrhea, enteritis, etc. And sometimes these diseases even take man’s life. Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose. Pollutants are destructive. They cause runs in nylon stockings and crack rubber tires and they eat away at stone and rust iron. Measures have been taken to control pollution. In recent years, legislative steps have been introduced to control pollution. Rivers are being cleaned. Air is purified, and pollutants are being trapped before they are poured out of chimneys. However, pollution problems have not been completely solved. Pesticides are widely used almost everywhere. They pollute soil, water and food. They have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Some factories are still using air as a dumping place for wastes. Some lakes are still dirty. Quite a few chimneys are still pouring smoke into air and noise pollution remains serious.
翻译:污染 污染对人类有害。污染的水引起多种疾病,诸如腹泻,肠炎等。有时这些疾病甚至会夺去人的生命。污染的空气或空气中含有的废物引起眼睛刺痛,流鼻涕。污染物是有害的,它们使尼龙长袜脱丝,使车胎爆裂,侵蚀石头,使铁生锈。 为了防止污染,采取了一些 措施 。近年来,采取一些立法措施来控制污染。河水正在变清,空气正被净化,污染物从烟囱中排放出来以前,就得到了控制。 然而,污染问题并未完全解决。杀虫剂在广泛使用着,些杀虫剂污染着土壤、水和食品,使河流的鱼类无法生存,使我们的花园飞鸟绝迹,毫无声息。一些工厂仍然把大气作为垃圾倾倒场。一些湖泊依然很脏。还有不少的烟囱把烟尘排放到大气中,另外,噪音污染依然严重。
Protecting the environment is everyone's dut y. How should we do? I think we should do th e follwings. Firstly, we should drive less, walk more, and often ride bikes. Secondly,we shoul d have low-carbon lifestyle,so as to reduce th e pollution of the atmosphere, slow the deteri oration of the ecological environment.
We can use energy saving lamps, reduce the time of s hower,save water,and turn off the lights when leaveing the room. We can recycle paper,book s,and leave the books to the students in the lo wer grades for using.
建军节 The Army Day
Since I went to school, I have received the education that the new China didn't e easy. There were thousands of soldiers fought for the country's future. They sacrificed their lives. When the first army was built, the future had been seen. So August 1st is The Army Day today, which is to honor the work of the great soldiers.
The school will anize students to watch movies about this uneasy history, or let the students go to the museum to learn about the knowledge. Some panies also anize some activities for the workers to keep the grateful heart. Indeed, our new life doesn't e easy. Thanks to the great soldiers, we can enjoy the happy life and peaceful environment.
Everybody can do *** all things to show the grateful hearts. For example, never throw away the rubbish and don't waste water. The *** all things we can do is to protect the environment and love our country. The most important thing is to study hard and make a contribution to the society some day. I believe that the better future of our country is the best way to show greatness.
Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the , it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.
空气污染对气候的影响:The impact of air pollution on climate Air pollution is now discussing how they affect climate. The most serious air pollution is generated by burning: the burning of sulfur in coal and oil, will produce sparse oxides; air to participate in high-temperature reaction, will produce nitrogen oxides; will produce inplete bustion of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide; while bustion of pyrolysis gasoline, but also release lead; ... .... However, even the cleanest fuel bustion will produce carbon dioxide. Of course, the animal's breathing process, the same release carbon dioxide, and that of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, about 80% came from breathing, only 20% from fuel bustion. However, the burning destroyed the natural balance of carbon dioxide, so that the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide increased year by year, which may cause the "greenhouse effect", so that the earth's rising temperatures. Turbidity current growth rate of the Earth, or even greater than the concentration of bustion caused by cO2 growth rate, therefore, atmospheric turbidity will influence the Earth's climate can not be ignored. The increase in turbidity over the world there are many reasons, such as fuel consumption increase, fuel increase in agricultural machinery, mechanized farming, and so an increase in Young earth. In addition to the greenhouse effect and atmospheric turbidity may affect the Earth's climate, other factors such as sunspot activity, etc., to some extent also affect the Earth's climate. Sunspot activity since 1900 are constantly increasing. As the sunspot can increase the amount of solar radiation and thus cause rising temperatures. The air pollution on the Earth's climate, they are not scientifically conclusive evidence on the. Most of was a bold extrapolation.
Protecting the environment is everyone's dut y. How should we do? I think we should do th e follwings. Firstly, we should drive less, walk more, and often ride bikes. Secondly,we shoul d have low-carbon lifestyle,so as to reduce th e pollution of the atmosphere, slow the deteri oration of the ecological environment. We can use energy saving lamps, reduce the time of s hower,save water,and turn off the lights when leaveing the room. We can recycle paper,book s,and leave the books to the students in the lo wer grades for using.
展开全部 Today the quality of our natural environment has bee an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has bee too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive. Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution. Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future. 今天,我们的自然环境质量已经成为一个重要问题。
许多国家的 *** 已建立了法律保护,空气,森林和海洋资源,并停止对环境的污染。
How to save environment? I think we should do the followings: First, it's best to ride a bike to school, don't take a bus or a taxi. Second, I will remember to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. Third, in my free time, I will collect the empty bottles and waste paper for recycling. The fourth idea is turning off the shower when I 'm not using it. Fifth, it is imporment to save water and money. Also, I won't spend too much money on expensive things. Last, we had better not cut down the trees, we have to take care of the trees . I'll try my best to save the energy, I hope I can do something for our environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. Causes the city's appearance to be neater. For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags. Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness. Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. Causes the city's appearance to be neater. For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags. Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of 诉讼waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the on expensive things. Last, we had better not cut down the trees, we have to take care of the trees . I'll try my best to save the energy, I hope I can do something for our environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. Must solve this problem must start from foundation. Environmental problems are being more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into , wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will bee better and better.
Pollution is harmful to human water causes many kinds of diseases such as diarrhea,enteritis, sometimes these diseases even take man's air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running are cause runs in nylon stockings and crack rubber tires and they eat away at stone and rust have been taken to control recent years,legislative steps have been introduced to control are being is purified,and pollutants are being trapped before they are poured out of problems have not been pletely are widely used almost pollute soil,water and have the power to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and factories are still using air as a dumping place for lakes are still a few chimneys are still pouring *** oke into air and noise pollution remains serious.翻译:污染对人类有害.污染的水引起多种疾病,诸如腹泻,肠炎等.有时这些疾病甚至会夺去人的生命.污染的空气或空气中含有的废物引起眼睛刺痛,流鼻涕.污染物是有害的,它们使尼龙长袜脱丝,使车胎爆裂,侵蚀石头,使铁生锈.为了防止污染,采取了一些措施.近年来,采取一些立法措施来控制污染.河水正在变清,空气正被净化,污染物从烟囱中排放出来以前,就得到了控制.然而,污染问题并未完全解决.杀虫剂在广泛使用着,些杀虫剂污染着土壤、水和食品,使河流的鱼类无法生存,使我们的花园飞鸟绝迹,毫无声息.一些工厂仍然把大气作为垃圾倾倒场.一些湖泊依然很脏.还有不少的烟囱把烟尘排放到大气中,另外,噪音污染依然严重.
Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial and busses need energy, all of this energy is produced by burning burning produces wastes,some of which remain in the air,causing air are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the the meantime,many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the may be that we still have a long before we have a "clean" all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to will continually find new ways to control pollution.
The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and plicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially. Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment. Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks. So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.地球规模变化的气候带来了一种新的自然灾害,在发达和复杂的城市系统持有人为地扩大损坏的潜在危险。
Nowadays with the development of industry ,our life bees easier than before .But in the meanwhile it has also brought about air pollution . Because waste gas is increasingly discharged into the air around us ,which will do harm to our health. Besides with the number of the private cars being larger, more carbon dioxide has been let out in the air ,which has added to the air pollution. So now some immediate measures must be taken to reduce the air pollution. First I think we should plant more trees to make the air fresh. Second we should write to the editors to appeal to those industrial people to think about our health. Finally we should call on the drivers to reduce the use of cars .Only in that way can we sovle the problem of air pollution.
Nowadays,stopping air pollution has bee the mon issue that concerns the governments of many countries and people of all walks of life . Air pollution has caused a series of environment problems,such as the green house effect,damage to the ozone layer and acid rain. They all pose a threat to human living condition and health. Therefore,effective measures should be taken to stop air pollution. First,the government must make sure related laws are put into practice.
转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 关于空气污染及治理的英语作文及翻译120个单词左右
“低碳生活”(low-carbonlife),就是指生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽力减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放量,从而减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化,主要是从节电节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节 希望我的回答对你有所帮助 谢谢
应减少工厂废气排放和水污染Should reduce factory emissions and water 英 [rɪ'djuːs] 美 [rɪ'dʊs] vt. 减少;降低;使处于;把…分解vi. 减少;缩小;归纳为. [环境] 排放;[环境] 排放物,辐射;发行(emission的复数形式)英 [pə'luːʃ(ə)n] 美 [pə'luʃən] n. 污染污染物
1、加强城市绿化 strengthen the greening of the city
2、 提高环境管理水平 raise the environmental management level
3、享受国家一级保护 enjoy first-class protection of the Stat
4、加强环境保护 strengthen environmental protection
5、保持生态平衡 keep ecological balance
6、创造良好的生态环境 create a pleasant ecological environment
7、采用环保技术 adopt environmental protection technique
8、 开展保护野生动物宣传教育 advocate to educate the public the protection of wildanimals
9、开展绿色活动 advocate green activities
10、 为大量野生动植物提供栖息地 provide habitats for a huge number of wildanimalsand plants
2.提高环保意识 enhance the awareness of environmental protection
3.保持生态平衡 maintain ecological balance
4,.生态系统 ecosystem
5.生态示范区 ecological demonstration region
6.生态农业 ecoagriculture
7.生态旅游 ecotourism
8.自然保护区 nature reserve
9.可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy
10.防风防沙林 windbreak and sand break
1.节能 save energy
2.减排 reduce greenhouse gas emissions
3.降低资源消耗率 slow down the rate of resource consumption
4.环保产品 environment—friendly product
5.全球变暖 global warming
6.低碳经济 low carbon economy
7.清洁可再生能源 clean and renewable energy sources
8.核能 nuclear energy
9.太阳能 solar energy
10.大功率电器 high-powered electrical appliance
11.二氧化碳 carbon dioxide
12.气候变化 climate change
1.环境恶化 environmental deterioration
2.毁林 deforestation/clear—cutting
3.过度开采 overexploitation
4.水土流失 soil erosion
5.荒漠化 desertification
6.人口增长 population growth
7.野生生物保护 wildlife conservation
8.濒危物种 endangered species
9.商业捕鱼 commercial fishing
10.捕捞过度 overfishing
1.自然灾害 natural disaster
2.大灾难 catastrophe
3.破坏性地震 destructive earthquake
4.沙尘暴 sandstorm
5.沙丘 sand dune
6.旱灾 drought
7.水灾 flood
8.暴风雪 snowstorm
1、Save paper,please.
2、Protecting the environment,everyone’s duty.
3、Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.
4、As we know , water is very important to man.
5、It’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.
6、No climbing. 禁止攀爬。
7、We should stop factories from producing harmful gases.
8、The most important question in the world today is pollution.
9、We should stop factories from producing harmful gases.
10、In 1970, a federal agency was created to coordinate governmental action to protect environment.
reduce water pollution
翻译:"Air pollution is mainly caused by exhaust gases from factories and automobile exhaust."
Air pollution is mainly caused by the gases released from factories and cars