

小思 2024-09-18 46
矫揉造作英语摘要: 矫揉造作英文unnaturalfalsifypretentious「矫情」翻译成英文是:“affectation”。一、单词释义二、单词音标三、词形变化...











cute [kjut] [词典释义]a. 1. 【主美】漂亮的,可爱的;小巧玲珑的 2. 【美】做作的,忸怩作态的 3. 聪明...[网络释义]cute 1.聪明伶俐的,可爱的 2.逗人喜爱的,漂亮的 3.可爱的,伶俐的,精巧的 4.漂亮的;娇小可爱的 Cute 1.可爱


cute 英[kjuːt ] 美[kjuːt ]二、释义:1、adj.可爱的;聪明的,精明的,伶俐的;漂亮的;2、n. 智取敌方的策略或手段;灵巧;3、adj. 漂亮的, 娇小可爱的;聪明伶俐的, 精明的;有性吸引力的;性感的;装腔作势的;假装老实的;矫揉造作的;忸怩作态的;非常好的;最高的;有魅力的。4、n. [the cutes] [口语]忸怩作态,矫揉造作。

Artificial make

[_bju_t_f_l] 。美丽的英语单词为,beautiful,读音为[_bju_t_f_l] ,其读音音似中文”不有特否”的拼音。作为形容词,它的意思是美丽的;美好的;宜人的;出色的;令人愉悦的;完美的。美丽意思是好看或者漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦。例句:She's got beautiful, clear skin. 意为她的皮肤美丽无瑕。She is ravishingly beautiful. 意为她长得美丽动人。







1.月亮是矫情的,总是把人的心蒙上一层哀伤。Moon is hypocritical, always cast a layer of grief the hearts of people.

2.所有这些或许听起来有些矫情,但美联储(Federal Reserve)主席本•伯南克近日也加入了这场幸福指数运动。All this might sound a little touchy-feely, but Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke recently joined this happiness movement.

3.我以前总觉得写这样句子的人都是矫情。And I never thought I would be, this time.


【还不错】用英语怎么说not bad

well enough或者not so dusty或者not bad


用英语是 Not bad或者pretty good。解释:not bad 英[nɔt bæd] 美[nɑt bæd] [词典] 还不错; 不大离儿; 还好; 不离儿; [例句]It is not bad, only it is a bit too dear.东西倒不坏,就是太贵了些。pretty good 英[ˈpriti ɡud] 美[ˈprɪti ɡʊd] [词典] 还不错; 可以;不离儿; [例句]I'm not at all secretive, and I'm pretty good at calling a spade a spade.我不会遮遮掩掩,我喜欢直言不讳。


非常有意思。眼见为实,我给你看看视频,是不是这种动作。下面有图:揉成团 crumplingcrumpling the letter into a ball 把信揉成团crumpled paper 揉成团的纸有时候,也有人用rumple。rumple是crumple的同意词,但rumple应该是比crumple较为文雅和揉得没这么皱,一般用来形容被揉皱的意思。

揉成团: kneadExamples:我把便条揉成团扔进火里了。I screwed up the note and threw it on the fire.knead: [ ni:d ] v. 揉,按摩,捏制vt. 按摩,揉(面粉等)Examples:1. The little boy kneaded the dough into a ball. 那个小男孩把面团揉成了球状。2. After she kneaded his muscles, he felt very comfortable. 她给他按摩了肌肉以后,他感到很舒服。3. Pizza dough must be knead for five minutes. 做比萨饼的面团要揉5分钟。4. 揉面: knead dough5. 你应该使劲地将这种搽剂揉进皮肤里去。 You should rub this liniment in hard.6. 把生面团揉成一个球。 Work the dough into a ball.7. 在使其成形之前揉面团 Work the dough before shaping it.screw up: vt. 拧紧(强迫,加强,鼓足)Examples:1. He tightened the screws up. 他拧紧了螺丝。2. The taste of the lemon made her screw up her face. 柠檬把她酸得龇牙咧嘴.

设备和工具冰箱refrigerator, ice box冰柜、冷冻柜freezer抽屉式冷柜locker打蛋机egg beater, beating machine电炉electric stove电磁炉electromagnetic oven发酵箱fermentation room滚圆机rounder和面机dough mixer搅拌器mixer绞肉机mincing machine, meat grinder烤炉oven转炉revolving oven风车转炉reel oven链条烤盘式平炉 traveling chain oven钢带式平炉 band oven螺旋式烤炉 spiral oven托盘式炉 tray oven箱式烤炉 deck oven辊切成型机 rotary cutter挤条成型机 route press钢丝切割成型机 wire cutter挤浆成型机 depositor面团拌和机 pastry blender面包整形机 moulder奶油分离器 cream separator食品加工器 food processor食品切碎机 food chopper食品粉碎机 masher洗碗机 dish washer醒发室 prover榨汁机 juice extractor, squeezer油炸机 deep-fryer剥皮器 zester磅秤 scale保鲜纸 locker paper裱花转台 revolving cake stand焙烤用纸碟 baking cup布丁模 pudding mold叉子 fork秤 scale长柄平底煎锅 skillet长筷 chopsticks长形蛋糕模 loaf mold车轮刀 wheel cutter铲刀 palette-knife厨房多用剪 kitchen shears点心刀 dessert knife单把锅 pot蛋夹 egg slicer蛋糕滚花刀 pastry jagger蛋糕架 cake rack, cake cooler打蛋盆 mixing bowl打蛋器、抽子 egg whisk, balloon whisk道纳斯专用印模 doughnut cutter分蛋器 egg separator擀面杖 rolling pin擀面板 breadboard, pasteboard瓜挖小勺 scoop糕点夹 pastry crimper糕点切刀 pastry cutter糕点叉 pastry fork过滤网 strainer滤布 cloth filter工作台 bench核桃夹 nut cracker黄油刀 butter knife 原料蛋及蛋制品(egg product)鸡蛋 egg蛋清 egg white蛋黄 egg yolk蛋黄粉 yolk powder蛋粉 egg powder全蛋粉 dried egg干蛋粉 dehydrated eggs奶及奶制品(milk product)掼奶油 whipped cream酪乳 butter milk炼乳 condensed milk奶昔 curd奶粉 milk powder速溶奶粉 instant milk奶油 cream奶酪、乳酪 cheese牛奶 milk消毒牛奶 city milk, market milk浓缩奶油 thickened cream凝乳 rennet乳酪粉 grated cheese全脂牛奶 whole milk酸奶 yogurt酸奶酪 clabber酸性鲜奶油 sour cream脱脂牛奶 skim milk脱水奶油 dehydrated butter稀奶油 market cream, single cream芝士 cottage cheese糖及糖制品糖及糖制品(sugar product)白砂糖 white granulated sugar绵白糖 soft sugar红糖、黄砂糖 brown sugar冰糖 crystal sugar蜂蜜 honey果糖 fructose风登糖、封糖 fondant方糖 cube sugar, brick sugar精制糖 refined sugar焦糖 caramel搅打糖霜 whipped frosting麦芽糖 maltose麦芽糖浆 malt syrup木糖 xylose葡萄糖 glucose葡萄糖浆 confectioner’s glucose山梨糖醇 sorbitol糖膏 fillmass糖浆 sugar syrup糖蜜 molasses糖霜 frosting糖粉 icing sugar, powdered sugar饴糖、麦芽糖 barley sugar玉米糖浆 corn syrup蔗糖 cane sugar转化糖 invert sugar食品添加剂食品添加剂(food additive)阿摩尼亚 baking ammoria二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide丙二醇脂肪酸酯 propylene ester of fatty acids醋酸 acetic acid丙酸钙 calcium propionate丙酸钠 sodium propionate丙二醇脂肪酸酯 propylene glycol ester of fatty acid大豆磷脂 soybean phospholipids单甘油酯 monostearate, monoglyceride碳酸氢钠 sodium bicarbonate碳酸铵 ammonium carbonate碳酸氢铵 ammonium bicarbonate碳酸钙 calcium carbonate蛋白酶 protease胃蛋白酶 pepsin胰蛋白酶trypsin淀粉 starch淀粉酶 amylase碘酸盐 iodate还原剂 reducing agent防腐剂 preservative快性发粉 fast acting powder过氧化丙酮 actetone peroxide酵母 yeast新鲜酵母 fresh yeast压榨酵母 compressed yeast干酵母 dried yeast干燥活酵母 active dry yeast即溶干酵母 instant active dry yeast酵母营养剂 yeast food吉士粉 custard powder发酵粉 baking powder, baking agent苏打粉,泡打粉 baking soda油脂油脂(fat, grease)油oil菜子油rapeseed oil大豆油soybean oil橄榄油olive oil可可油cocoa tincture花生油peanut oil棉子油cottonseed oil米糠油rice bran oil向日葵油sunflower oil椰子油coconut oil玉米油corn oil芝麻油sesame oil棕榈油palm oil黄油、奶油butter人造黄油、麦淇淋margarine家用人造奶油table margarine牛羊油suet牛油beef tallow起酥油shortening氢化油hydrogenated fat色拉油salad oil猪油lard植物油vegetable oil脂肪fat常见品种(products)巴菲,冻糕 parfait咖啡巴菲 coffee parfait饼干 cookie布丁 pudding比萨 pizza比司吉 biscuit脆饼干 biscuit硬饼干 dog biscuit德比饼干 derby biscuit苏打饼干 soda cracker冰淇淋 ice cream泡泡松糕, 泡饼 popover泡夫条、爱克力(F.) éclair薄脆饼 wafer巧克力薄脆饼、朱古力薄脆饼 chocolate wafer薄饼 griddle cake薄饼(美式) pancake薄饼(印度式) chapaties脆饼(墨西哥式)tortilla脆面饼hippen paste脆糖饼brandy snap茶饼 tea bread粗饼干 sponge goods丹麦包 Danish pastry蛋卷冰淇淋 cone ice cream蛋奶冻 custard蛋奶酥、沙弗来、苏夫力(F.) soufflé橙冻沙弗来 cold orange souffle蛋塔 egg tart蛋白杏仁饼 macaroon蛋白酥皮 meringue蛋白甜饼、巴芙洛娃蛋糕 pavlova蛋糕 cake工艺操作与方法(product handle and methods)排列 arrange on裱花 force裱花、挤花 mounting patterns焙烤 baking抽打 whisk充气 aerating成型 shaping, moulding打鸡蛋 whip up an egg打奶油 beat up the cream发酵 ferment分割 divide放入 put into面粉油拌和法 blending method翻动 turning out翻转 turn over翻面、揿粉 punching辅料预混 premixing封边 sealing side擀面团 roll the dough擀平 roll out刮 scrape挂糖粉 coating, icing滚圆 rounding盖 cover裹 coat with, wrap with过筛 sifted过滤 filter混和 blend with烤 roast加入 add挤糊 squeezing batter静置 rest, bench搅拌成糊 mix into a paste搅打 agitating搅和 whisk with搅动 stir解冻 thaw凝结 set冷却 chill冷冻 freeze磨碎 grind拧 twist漂白 bleaching切粒 chop切成片 cut into slices切半 halved揉面团 knead the dough撒 sprinkle撒粉、裹粉 dredge, dusting上色、着色 coloring上光亮剂 glaze溶化 melt溶解 dissolve乳化 emulsification刷油 brush over with butter

work hard pinch and roll the flour, until a dough forms, and roll the dough into long strips.flour-面粉dough - 面团strip - 条状物体



tea leaves 茶叶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉(香片) tea bag 茶包 lemon tea 柠檬茶 white goup tea 冬瓜茶

一 制茶1 tea bush :茶树2 tea harvesting 采青3 tea leaves 茶青4 withering 萎凋Sun withering 日光萎凋 indoor withering 室内萎凋 setting 静置 tossing 搅拌(浪青)5 fermentation 发酵6 oxidation 氧化7 fixation 杀青Steaming 蒸青 stir fixation 炒青 baking 烘青 sunning 晒青8 rolling 揉捻Light rolling 轻揉 heavy rolling 重揉 cloth rolling 布揉9 drying 干燥Pan firing 炒干 baking 烘干 sunning 晒干10 piling 渥堆 11 refining 精制Screening 筛分 cutting 剪切 de-stemming 把梗 shaping 整形 winnowing 风选 blending 拼配 compressing 紧压 re-drying覆火 aging 陈放12 added process 加工 Roasting 焙火 scenting 熏花 spicing调味 tea beverage 茶饮料 13 Packing包装Vacuum packaging真空包装 nitrogen packs 充氮包装 shredded-tea bag 碎形小袋茶 leave-tea bag 原片小袋茶二:分类 classificationAccording to the degree of :fermentation ,rolling, baking and tea leaf maturity :根据制造时发酵,揉捻焙火与采摘时原料成熟度来分类Non-fermented :不发酵茶,即绿茶Post fermented :后发酵茶 即普洱茶Partially fermented 部分发酵茶,半发酵茶,即乌龙茶Complete fermentation:全发酵茶,即红茶再把这四大分类细分:绿茶分为:Steamed green tea蒸青绿茶 Powered green tea 粉末绿茶 Silver needle green tea 银针绿茶 Lightly rubbed green tea 原形绿茶Curled green tea 松卷绿茶 Sword shaped green tea剑片绿茶Twisted green tea 条形绿茶 Pearled green tea 圆珠绿茶普洱茶分为Age-puer :陈放普洱 pile-fermented puer:渥堆puer乌龙可以分为:White oolong:白茶乌龙 twisted oolong:条形乌龙Pelleted oolong 球形乌龙 roasted oolong熟火乌龙 White tipped oolong:白毫乌龙红茶分为:Unshredded black tea:功夫红茶 shredded black tea:碎形红茶熏花茶可以分:Scented green tea 熏花绿茶 scented puer tea熏花普洱Scented oolong tea 熏花乌龙 scented black tea熏花红茶Jasmine scented green tea熏花茉莉上述各类如果假如食品或香料,就成为调味茶(spiced tea),如果加到绿茶,则成为:spiced green tea 调味绿茶,以此类推。三:常见茶名的英译White tipped oolong 白毫乌龙 wuyi rock武夷岩茶Green blade 煎茶 yellow mountain fuzz tip 黄山毛峰Dragon well 龙井 green spiral 碧螺春Gunpower 珠茶 age cake puer 青沱Pile cake puer 青饼 jun mountain silver needle 君山银针White tip silver needle 银针白毫 white peony 白牡丹Long brow jade dew 玉露Robe tea 大红袍 cassia tea 肉桂Narcissus 水仙 finger citron 佛手Iron mercy goddess 铁观音 osmanthus oolong桂花乌龙Ginseng oolong 人参乌龙茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶Rose bulb 玫瑰绣球 gongfu black 功夫红茶Smoke black 烟熏红茶 roast oolong 熟火乌龙Light oolong 清茶 anji white leaf 安吉白茶Liu’an leaf 六安瓜片 fenghuang unique bush 凤凰单从Tea powder 茶粉 fine powder tea 抹茶四 茶具名称Tea pot 茶壶 tea pad 壶垫 tea plate 茶船 tea pitcher茶盅Lid saucer盖置 tea serving tray奉茶盘 tea cup 茶杯 cup saucer杯托Tea towel tray茶巾盘 tea holder茶荷 tea towel 茶巾 tea brush 茶拂 Timer 定时器 water heater煮水器 water kettle 水壶 heating base煮水器底坐 Tea cart 茶车 seat cushion座垫 cup cover 杯套 packing wrap包壶巾Tea ware bag 茶具袋 ground pad 地衣 tea ware tray 茶托 strainer cup 同心杯 Personal tea set 个人品茗组(茶具) tea basin 水盂 brewing vessel 冲泡盅 covered bowl 盖碗 Tea spoon 茶匙 tea ware 茶器 thermos 热水瓶tea canister 茶罐 tea urn 茶瓮 tea table 茶桌 side table侧柜 Tea bowl 茶碗 spout bowl 有流茶碗 五 泡茶程序英译1 perpare tea ware 备具 2 from still to ready position :从静态到动态3 prepare water 备水 4 warm pot:温壶5 prepare tea 备茶 6 recognize tea 识茶7 appreciate tea 赏茶 8 warm pitcher:温盅9 put in tea 置茶 10 smell fragrance ;闻香11 first infusion 第一道茶 12 set timer 计时13 warm cups 烫杯 14 pour tea : 倒茶15 prepare cups 备杯 16 divide tea 分茶17:serve tea by cups 端杯奉茶 18 second infusion :冲第二道茶19 serve tea by pitcher: 持盅奉茶 20 supply snacks or water::供应茶点或品泉21 take out brewed leaves :去渣 22 appreciate leaves;赏叶底23 rinse pot 涮壶 24 return to seat 归位25 rinse pitcher 清盅 26 collect cups 收杯27 conclude ;结束



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/6458.html发布于 2024-09-18
