

小思 09-18 14
关于劳动节的英文哲理短句摘要: 关于劳动的英语短句关于劳动的英语句子如下:1、Tomorrow is May are goint to make a day of it.明天是五一劳动节,我们准备痛...



1、Tomorrow is May are goint to make a day of it.


2、I am stuck with insolence should I wish to fumble among ego,power and my own relativity.


3、They designated May1 as International Labour Day to be observed by the workers of all countries.


4、The long-distance bus station should be mobbed at this time of year because of the coming May Day celebration,which customarily lasts all week.


5、May Day is a pleasant it attracts us most are hard-working,union,coperation and dedication.


6、Tomorrow is May Day. We are going to make a day of it.


7、They designated May1 as International Labour Day to be observed by the workersof all countries.


8、The girl chosen queen of a May Day festival.


9、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.




breeds our body, learning breads our soul.


is to the body what thinking is to the brain.


3. He that will not to work shall not eat.


4. As you sow,so shall you reap.


5. A work ill done must be twice done,


6. As is the workman so is the work.


we dream, everything is possible.

敢于梦想, 一切都将成为可能。

vanquishes all.

劳动征服一切。---- 维吉尔

is the true source of human welfare.


10. Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen.


steel myself in labour.


12. A bad workman quarrels with his tools.


13. The early bird catches the worm.



14. labour is often the father of pleasure.


---- 伏尔泰

15. constant dripping wears away a stone. / little strokes fell great oaks. 水滴石穿,绳锯木断。

16. an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.


17. plan your year in spring and your day at dawn.


18. a teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.


19. few words,many deeds.


20. no pains, no gains.


21. no song,no supper.


is to be got without pains but poverty.


23. practice makes perfect.


24. heaven never helps the man who will not act.






fade the exhausted coat, shaking the dust to go, unloaded their hearts. the festival bathed sky, warm floral fragrance overflowing here, here!


i wish a happy holiday, fun, i wish you a happy voyage. i wish you: the cause of

legitimate afternoon, the body as strong as the tiger, numerous money, not work hard, like romantic music, happy for you! five one happy!


the five one day, you show your stroke swimming: hard in the pool, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and freestyle, and convincing dump snorkelling! the shore of the old man anxious: "i depend! you killed ke ko, don"t let me sow the land!" 五一节在想你到底是什么动物。像猪一样肥,烦恼吗?像猪一样懒,有罪吗?像猪一样笨,可怜吗?当然不是,你是猪嘛!想干嘛,就干嘛!

in the five one quarter to you what animal. like a pig manure, trouble? as lazy as a pig, guilty? stupid like a pig, poor? of course not, you are a pig! do you want, do what you gotta do!


international worker"s day i want to make a wish: if you are a meteor, i will catch you, if you are a satellite i will wait for you, if you are i will star you, but... you are in the zoo gorilla i can only see you! "! what a pity!


the five one day, the mice"s dream: a cat dragged into the hole. crow protest: all black is us? the wolf"s plan: five one get a sheepskin with. how about you?


you are the books i am package, are you a rat i am cat, you wood i glue, you are pork is the knife, our relationship is so good, five one eat you to dig, happy holidays! 你劳动节不劳动,是无视国家法令!不是我威胁你,赶快请我吃饭!要不然我把你手机号贴大街上: 一 夜 情 热线!而且管饭

your labor day do not work,篇五:五一劳动节英语句子
















时光匆匆,又要迎来 五一劳动节 ,大家期待“五一”吗?下面是我给大家带来的五一劳动节英语 名言 ,我们一起来看看吧,希望大家能喜欢!


breeds our body, learning breads our soul.


is to the body what thinking is to the brain.


3. He that will not to work shall not eat.


4. As you sow,so shall you reap.


5. A work ill done must be twice done,


6. As is the workman so is the work.


we dream, everything is possible.

敢于梦想, 一切都将成为可能。

vanquishes all.

劳动征服一切。---- 维吉尔

is the true source of human welfare.


10. Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen.


steel myself in labour.


12. A bad workman quarrels with his tools.


13. The early bird catches the worm.


14. Labour is often the father of pleasure.

劳动是快活的根源。 ---- 伏尔泰

15. Constant dripping wears away a stone. / Little strokes fell great oaks.


16. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.


17. Plan your year in spring and your day at dawn.


18. A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.


19. Few words,many deeds.


20. No pains, no gains.


21. No song,no supper.


is to be got without pains but poverty.


23. Practice makes perfect.


24. Heaven never helps the man who will not act.


that is great in man comes through work; and civilization is its product.

人类的伟大在于劳动, 文化 就是劳动的成果。

五一劳动节活动 策划方案

在“五一”国际劳动节即将来临之际,为切实做好节日庆祝活动,营造崇尚劳动、团结和谐、聚力发展的浓厚氛围,区总工会将组织全区工会系统开展丰富多彩的庆祝“五一”节系列活动。现提出如下 实施方案 :





(二)开展庆祝“五一”系列宣传活动。自四月中下旬开始,区总工会将在新某某、日照电视台和区总工会网站等主流媒体开辟专栏,集中宣传先模人物的 事迹 ,宣传各级工会组织开展的“五一”庆祝活动,在全社会掀起宣传工人阶级伟大品格和工会工作的热潮。各级工会要充分利用庆祝“五一”的有利时机,积极协调各方面力量,把更多的镜头对准工人阶级,更多的版面、时段留给劳动模范和先进人物,更多的笔墨用在一线职工身上,进一步加大对工人阶级和先进模范的宣传力度,大力营造劳动光荣、工人伟大的良好社会氛围。同时,各级工会还要紧密结合各自实际,充分发挥自身优势,通过座谈会、 报告 会、演讲比赛、征文活动等形式,努力在全社会掀起学先模、比贡献的热潮。

(三)积极组织开展丰富多彩文体活动。区总工会已于3月下旬印发关于切实做好“五一”节庆活动的通知,要求各级工会组织从4月中旬开始,广泛开展多种形式的职工文体活动,丰富职工文化生活,营造昂扬向上的良好氛围。各级工会组织要立足实际,以“文化建设年”活动开展为契机,深入推动职工文化和 企业文化 建设,积极组织开展各种文体活动,激发广大干部职工开拓创新、聚力发展的能动性。区总工会将会同区直机关工委、区文化体育新闻出版局,共同举办某某区首届机关职工运动会、“五一同庆”职工文艺展演比赛;四月底举行全区“五一”国际劳动节庆祝大会和职工文艺汇演等。进一步丰富和活跃广大干部职工的精神文化生活,集中展示我区各行业优秀劳动者的风采,同时以富有朝气活力的文体活动烘托劳动光荣主旨和创业创新精神,进一步提升我区职工文化素质,激发广大职工推动幸福某某建设的热情。

(四)深入开展“安康杯”竞赛活动。积极开展以“抓班组,提高管理水平;重 教育 ,推进安全文化”为主题的“安康杯”竞赛活动。广泛开展形式多样的安全文化活动,全面推进安全文化建设。加强班组安全建设与管理,广泛开展群众性事故隐患和职业危害排查治理活动。切实做好推荐评比表彰区“安康杯”竞赛优胜企业(班组)、优秀组织单位和先进个人。

(五)积极推进企业职工文化阵地建设。发挥工会组织在社会主义文化大发展、大繁荣中的积极作用,进一步丰富和活跃一线职工的业余文化生活。各级工会组织要抢抓“文化建设年”发展机遇,以一线职工作为服务对象,以规模以上企业为重点,充分利用“五一”节庆活动载体,切实加强职工文化阵地建设。力争在有条件的企(事)业单位,建成“职工教育培训示范点”、“职工书屋示范点”,并以此推动企业建立和完善职工文化建设机制,搭建职工 才艺展示 平台,激发职工的创造力,组织开展职工文体活动。




(三)广泛宣传,扩大影响。为使庆祝“五一”职工群众系列活动及时、深入地向社会宣传、扩大影响,各级工会要充分利用各种宣传手段和 渠道 ,借助现代化的传播工具,共同营造浓厚的宣传舆论氛围,认真做好系列活动的宣传报道工作。

(四)做好 总结 ,及时上报。各级工会在“五一”节前后,要把节日各项活动情况加以收集整理、做好总结,及时书面上报区总工会办公室。

​相关 文章 :

1. 2020赞美劳动节的诗词

2. 2019五一劳动节青春励志名言短句

3. 关于五一劳动节的名言

4. 2019五一劳动节经典祝福语,好听的劳动节说说语录

5. 2020庆祝五一劳动节主持词5篇精选



Love working. No force can make a man great and wise as labor, the power of collective, fraternal and free labor. —— Gorky


Something always starts from nothing; it comes from two hands and a clever head. —— Songsonegi


The most important thing in human life is labor training. There can be no normal life without work. -- Rousseau


Only human labor is sacred. —— Gorky


Doing things is not only what people want me to do, but also what people want me to do. Only in this way can we make it interesting, and we will reap the benefits. —— Xie Jueyue

我们世界上最美好的东西,都是由劳动、由人的聪明的手创造出来的。 —— 高尔基 Our most beautiful things in the world are by Labour, by human's hand created --体力劳动是防止一切社会病毒的伟大的消毒剂。 —— 马克思Physical labor is to prevent the great all social virus

Only man's labor is gorky

Labor is the duty of everyone in the society -- Rousseau

Labor is all power, all moral and powerful source of la Joe is mourinho

There are always free from the start;Is to rely on two hands and a clever Sue within

I know what is the labor: labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the gorky


洗碗:wash/do the dishes

拖地:mop the floor

扫地:sweep the floor

洗衣服:wash the clothes

烧饭:do the cooking

整理房间tidy (up) the room

擦窗clean the windows

铺床make the bed

摆放餐具set the table

刷墙paint the walls

煮餐点cook the meals

浇花water the vegetable/flowers

倒垃圾:take out the trash

洗衣服:do the laundry

晾衣服:hang the clothes out

收拾桌子:clean the table

掸去家具灰尘:dust the furniture

1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

2. A mon danger causes mon action. 同舟共济。

3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。

4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。

6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。

7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。

8. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。

9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。

10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。

11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。

13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。

14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。(民以食为天。)

15. Business is business. 公事公办。

16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。

17. Courtesy costs nothing. 礼多人不怪。

18. Custom makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。

19. Desire has no rest. 人的欲望无止境。

20. Difficult the first time, easy the second. 一回生,二回熟。

21. Do not change horses in mid-stream. 别在河流中间换马。

22. Do not have too many irons in the fire. 贪多嚼不烂。

23. Do not pull all your eggs in one basket. 别把所有的蛋都放在一个篮子里。(不要孤注一掷。)

24. Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。

25. East or west, home is the best. 东奔西跑,还是家里好。

26. Experience is the best teacher. 实践出真知。

27. Fact is stranger than fiction. 事实比虚构更离奇。(大千世界,无奇不有。)

28. Faith can move mountains. 信念能移山。(精诚所至,金石为开。)

29. First impressions are half the battle. 先入为主。

30. Give as good as one gets. 一报还一报。(以德报德,以怨还怨。)



.good is good, but better carries it. 精益求精

great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will bee. 一位伟人曾说,反复操练是非常必要的,你越多地将所学到的东西运用到实际生活中,他们就变得越自然。

man should keep his friendship in constant repair. 只有经常”浇灌”,方能保持友谊长地久

things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。

’t believe that winning is really everything. It’s more important to stand for something. If you don’t stand for something, what do you win? 不要认为取胜就是一切,更重要的是要有信念。倘若你没有信念,那胜利又有什么意义呢?

helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

hopes make great man. 伟大的理想造就伟大的人。

in wisdom may be exactlyi measured by decrease in bitterness. 智慧的增长可用痛苦的减少来精确衡量。

you don’t learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. 如果你年轻时没有学会思考,那就永远学不会思考。

you want to be happy, make yourself useful.让自己做一个有用的人,这样才能获得幸福.

bad workman quarrels with his tools.


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.


A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world.


Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.


A burnt child dreads the fire.


Accidents will happen.


A clean hand wants no washing.


A clear conscience is a soft pillow.


A clear conscience is a sure card.


A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.



14. Labour is often the father of pleasure.   劳动是快活的根源。 ---- 伏尔泰  15. Constant dripping wears away a stone. / Little strokes fell great oaks.   水滴石穿,绳锯木断。  16. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.   一日之计在于晨。  17. Plan your year in spring and your day at dawn.   一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。  18. A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.   一日为师,终身为父。  19. Few words,many deeds.   少说话,多做事。  20. No pains, no gains.   没有付出就没有收获。  21. No song,no supper.   不劳无获。   is to be got without pains but poverty.   唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。  23. Practice makes perfect.   熟能生巧。  24. Heaven never helps the man who will not act.   自己不动,叫天何用。   that is great in man comes through work; and civilization is its product.   人类的伟大在于劳动,文化就是劳动的成果。  26. We should cherish able people and value their labour. They are indeed hard to come by!   珍视劳动,珍视人才,人才难得呀!



First, I began to clean the furniture and glass. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag, which was covered with dust. I'm exhausted now. I'm sweating and out of breath. But I thought, "the cleaning is very hard, but if I can't hold on at once, isn't what I just did in vain?" Do things from beginning to end. So I started sweeping the floor again. I didn't even let go of the corner. I finally cleaned it up. When I think about it carefully, I forgot to sweep the room. I went in, skillfully took the broom and swept it slowly. Just as I was holding the broom handle and pulling out the bottom of the bed, I found two dead cockroaches! You can see how dirty my house is.

Finally, I filled a bucket of water, washed the mop, dried the water and began to mop the floor. Holding the heavy mop, I slowly dragged it from side to side, and then from side to side. When the water was dry, I washed the mop again. When I finish all my work and look at my home, it's a world away from before the cleaning!

When my mother saw it, she praised me as a good child.

After this labor day cleaning, I know: "as long as you pay, you will gain." This is also my May Day harvest.


As soon as I entered the door, many lush trees came into my eyes. They were countless. How like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree. I was very curious, so I looked at it carefully, and then said solemnly, "Mom, I know the name of this tree." Mother said, "well, tell me the name of such a big tree." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother smiled and said, "yes, it's a climbing lion."

As we talked and laughed, we soon came to the bridge. It was very beautiful. The endless lake and tall buildings vaguely shone on the water. How like an underwater city! Soon we came to the place where we took the boat. I asked my uncle, "how long will it be before it's our turn to take the boat?" The uncle said: "About half an hour! I was stunned, but I couldn't help it. I had to wait slowly for a long time. Finally I looked forward to our boat. I immediately jumped into the boat and rowed happily. My heart was as sweet as honey. I sailed. I saw the little fish greeting us, the wild duck blessing us and wishing us a happy may day. Soon enough An hour passed. When you go back, it's because the water is too big! Some water splashes fell on my hand, as if to remind us to remember to come to this beautiful place next time.

May day passed like this. It's really an unforgettable Festival. It's a memorable holiday for the whole family.


But I don't take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don't make trouble here, sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I waved left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you're still like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash your clothes!" I don't know why I can wash clothes after housework I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Washing is almost the same. I'm so tired!

Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can't change this bad habit. Count, you play your game!" "Bad problem? Any?" I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it every day, and I didn't shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it's really hard! Labor day makes me all the hard work of my mother doing housework every day. I should love my mother better in the future.


The people's Park is crowded and bustling. There are many children's games. Let's take the "big green bug" first. The "big green bug" is actually an electric train. At first, the "big green bug" climbed very slowly on the track, and then faster and faster. It drove the fastest when going downhill, which made me feel breathtaking. I clung to the handle in front of me for fear of falling down.

Then we went to play the game of "water pitching". When the boat began to spin, I grabbed a ball from the water and threw it to the hoop, but I missed it. I didn't lose heart and voted for the second time. Aim at the center of the hoop, throw hard and hit it. Then I hit the second and third shots... A total of seven.

We also played "remote control warship". At first, I didn't know how to operate, so the "warship" often collided with the "iceberg". Under the guidance of my mother, I can operate freely, and the "warship" can sail safely on the water.

In addition, we also played merry go round, Dong Dong monkey, buckle basin, fight monsters, Qile castle, space turntable


In the evening, our family was sharing the fruits of our labor. I was eating fish with relish. Suddenly, I felt a little sore throat and finished. I was stuck by fish bones and couldn't swallow and cough. My mother told me to eat steamed bread and drink vinegar, but I still couldn't. I always felt that something couldn't go down in it. My mother and I went to the clinic. The doctor said they were gone. It should be because of eating too much. We went to the people's hospital again and hung up the emergency department. The doctor said it was all right. Alas, I was relieved at this time, but my throat still hurt a little. My father said, "it'll be fine in a few days. It's all right." After all this trouble, it was almost ten o'clock when I got home.

Ah! This may day is unforgettable to me. I learned to be patient and persistent in doing things, and to be careful in doing things!


May 1 is my grandfather's birthday. In order to surprise my grandfather, my sister and I made two and greeting cards overnight. One was made by me and the other by my sister. That night, we gave the freshly made greeting card to Grandpa. After seeing it, Grandpa hugged us and said, "thank you, baby, you've all grown up." Grandpa will write back to each of us.

At noon on May 1, my sister and I finished lunch and hurried to the small shop on the street to prepare for the second week. Faced with a wide range of goods, we are tangled. What does grandpa like? What's suitable for us? Suddenly, my sister took a music box and a time hourglass. I said knowingly: "my sister chose this good, a sleeping music and an hourglass to cherish time, which is exactly what grandpa needs. Let's match a beautiful gift box.". With that, I took the blue gift box I had just seen for a long time and carefully put the gift in it. After paying the money, we immediately ran back to Grandpa. Grandpa happily patted us on the head and said, "Oh, did you choose this? It's really good. Grandpa likes it very much." My sister and I looked at each other and smiled proudly.

In the evening, grandpa took us to a far away Hotel - Baoyan No. 1. During the meal, my sister and I pushed out grandpa's birthday cake. The cake was very special. It was a super mahjong themed cake specially prepared by my mother for Grandpa. Grandpa laughed when he saw the cake and said, "I like it!" We all laughed. We sang a birthday song to Grandpa, and grandpa cut a cake for each of us and shared his happiness. We all spent the night in laughter.

Although grandpa's birthday has just passed, my sister and I have quietly planned next year's birthday gifts.


I'm going to start washing clothes! I first pour the water into the basin, then soak my little shorts in the water, then put soap on the little shorts, rub them with my thumb in the most dirty place, put it aside and continue to rub the clothes. But clothes, trousers and socks are washed in the same way. Children must pay attention to that. They must be washed separately!

Next, I'll mop the floor. I'll soak the mop in the water and wring the water dry. Children must pay attention not to wring the water until there is no drop of water. Leave some water and don't leave too much water. When dragging, I must drag it from inside to outside. I'm exhausted after dragging a room

I feel a sense of accomplishment when I look at the fruits of my labor!



Of course, I am also a member of love labor. At home, I do all the housework I can. I can help my mother sweep the floor, mop the floor, wash the dishes and clean up my room... But of course, what I can do best is sweep the floor. I first take the broom and broom, sweep the garbage into the broom with a broom, sweep the room and living room carefully without missing any garbage, and then dump the swept garbage into the dustbin. Finally, the floor was finally swept, and I saw the fruits of my hard work. The heart is happy and excited, and there is an unspeakable mood.

Through this labor day, I realized the hard work of uncles and aunts of cleaners. I know that we should love the environment, "the earth is my home, and the environment depends on everyone". We should not only love the environment, but also check whether there is garbage on the floor. If there is garbage, pick up the garbage.


As soon as I finished lunch, I began to wash the dishes. I put all the tableware and rice bowls on the table together, put them into the pool, pick up one and start washing: first rinse it with cold water, then dip some detergent on the rag, wipe it with force, and finally rinse it with clean water, and a bowl will be cleaned. However, when I washed the tableware containing vegetables and soup, I found that this dish washing method can not wash the tableware with a lot of oil. No matter how many times it is washed, the tableware is oily. I wonder how many times it needs to be washed to be clean!

My mother looked puzzled and instructed me: "when washing this kind of tableware with a lot of oil, we must wash it with hot water, wipe some detergent, and finally rinse it with flowing water, so as to completely wash the oil."

I washed it according to my mother's way. Sure enough, all kinds of tableware were cleaned by me and all washed in a short time! Looking at these clean plates, my heart is very sweet.

Today's Labor Day is really special. I found that there are tricks for small dishes washing. Through labor, I gained a sense of achievement. It's the most glorious labor.

虽然劳动节是一个舶来品,但在我国近代工人运动史上,也同样有着重大的影响作用及积极意义,是近代中国工人运动的重要组成部分。以下是我为大家整理的劳动节英语作文,欢迎大家参考阅读。   劳动节英语作文篇1   May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me:"Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park,"So my mother, my clas *** ate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It's colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.   In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.   May Day is my favorite day!   劳动节英语作文篇2   On May 1sh, I'm going to my grandmother's think that must be very she is too old to visit me and my parents, and she must be very have in mind our.   I will go for a walk with my grandmother and buy she some summer must fit her like best. Of course , I don't think that is a easy work! So it must takes me many time.   After shopping, we will have a good rest and have lunch in my grandmother's home.   And then, I will clean the home with my grandmother.   At last, I go home.   Of course, I must finish my homewolk.   劳动节英语作文篇3   I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.   On Monday, I went BBQ with my clas *** ates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle's flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.   On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncle's family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle's house. We stayed for the night.   On Wednesday, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick.   On Thursday, we returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night, I chatted with my clas *** ates on the phone, and I watched CCTV before going to bed.   From Friday on, I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework, I emailed them to my teachers. That was the end of it. I started to prepare things for school on this ing Monday.   All in all, I enjoyed my May Day Holiday in many ways.   劳动节英语作文篇4   I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers ing from all over the country to have some fun during the 2nd May, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.   On 3rd May, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie. All the other days left I didn’t go anywhere, not only becasue I still had some homework, but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere.


But I don't take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don't make trouble here, sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I waved left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you're still like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash your clothes!" I was puzzled: "why do you always let me do housework? Count, count, it's just washing clothes. You can do it after washing." I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Washing is almost the same. I'm so tired!

Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can't change this bad habit. Count, you play your game!" "Bad problem? Any?" I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it every day, and I didn't shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it's really hard! Labor day makes me all the hard work of my mother doing housework every day. I should love my mother better in the future.


As soon as I entered the door, many lush trees came into my eyes. They were countless. How like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree. I was very curious, so I looked at it carefully, and then said solemnly, "Mom, I know the name of this tree." Mother said, "well, tell me the name of such a big tree." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother smiled and said, "yes, it's a climbing lion."

As we talked and laughed, we soon came to the bridge. It was very beautiful. The endless lake and tall buildings vaguely shone on the water. How like an underwater city! Soon we came to the place where we took the boat. I asked my uncle, "how long will it be before it's our turn to take the boat?" The uncle said: "About half an hour! I was stunned, but I had no choice but to wait slowly and wait for a long time. Finally, I looked forward to our boat. I immediately jumped into the boat and rowed happily. My heart was as sweet as eating honey. When I sailed, I saw the little fish greeting us and the wild duck blessing us and wishing us a happy may day. Soon, a full hour passed. When I went back, because The reason why the water is too big! Some water splashes fell on my hand, as if to remind us to remember to come to this beautiful place next time.

May day passed like this. It's really an unforgettable Festival. It's a memorable holiday for the whole family.


Before I woke up early this morning, my mother called me up and said, "Tongtong, get up quickly. Mom and dad will take you to a good place today." Suddenly I didn't feel sleepy at all. I said happily, "great, where are we going?" Mother said, "we're going to Chengdu." I said, "OK, I'll get up and change my clothes."

Before long, we packed up our things and set out. The beautiful scenery along the way attracted me. I didn't feel the slightest fatigue. Soon we arrived at our destination.

We first found a hotel to stay in, and then my parents arranged a trip for me the next day. I slept peacefully and welcomed the good time of the next day.

The next morning, we set out for Jiuzhaigou. The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is really charming. There are many beautiful pools, including colorful pools, rhinoceros River, Peacock River, tiger River, Pearl River and so on. The scenery is picturesque, which makes me enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.

On the third day, we went back the same way. My father's driving skills were very good. I didn't get carsick. I had a good sleep when I came home at night.

I had a good time on May Day. I really hope to have a few more days!


Our whole family came to Daxing supermarket together. The door of Daxing supermarket is filled with all kinds of cosmetics. There is a 20% discount sign in front. There are many people shopping

goods. As soon as I entered the door, many children took the elevator there, and I also took the elevator. I stood on a grid and the elevator automatically sent me up. I went down and up and played and played.

When I was tired of playing, I sat down in the next chair. When I saw a child eating hamburgers, I asked my father to buy them for me. A hamburger is made of two pieces of bread with a piece of chicken, a little cucumber and cream. Take a sip and it tastes great.

My mother told me the origin of May Day, which made me understand that may day is hard won: it is the result of the unity and struggle of the proletariat and working people all over the world. We should cherish today's happy life, not play, but study hard.


When I got up together, I said, "Mom, I'll do the housework today." Mom said what can you do? Without saying a word, I folded the quilt on the bed and tidied up the bed. My mother smiled and saw that the quilt I folded was crooked, like a broken piece of tofu. Next, I rushed to help my mother clean up the garbage in the room and wash the cups that had drunk water.

I think you'll have enough time to clean up your work, but I'll have enough time for you to do it I thought for a while. Yes, I have to go to piano class later. Let's practice the piano quickly. This time without my mother talking, I took the initiative to sit next to the piano and seriously practiced the piano.

I don't need to look at my mother's face to know that she must be smiling. Hey, hey, today I'm going to let my mother rest and have a happy Labor Day. Although I'm sweating all over the housework, I think it's very appropriate. It's really a happy Labor Day!


At the top of Kuocang mountain, it is already a sea of people and bustling. Kuocang mountain is a mountain in Taizhou. Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery, and the village below becomes as small as a matchbox. Beside us, there are big pillars, dozens of meters high. The top of the column has three blades, like the wings of a dragonfly and the blades of an electric fan. The blades are always rotating. I asked my father what it was. My father said it was a wind farm. As long as there was wind, the blades could turn. As long as the blades were turning, they could generate electricity. Dad said that wind power is the use of natural resources, which is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. It can generate electricity 24 hours a day. After listening to my father's words, I think how developed our country's science and technology is.

This year's "May Day" festival was spent on Kuocang mountain. I visited the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, learned what wind farms are, and increased my knowledge.


There are a large number of people here. Many children play there accompanied by their parents. Some are playing with kites, some are playing with gyroscopes, and some are fishing.

I hurried to the goldfish pond. The water there is crystal clear, goldfish are big and small, colorful: red, orange and purple! I saw many people fishing, so I bought a fishing rod to join the fun.

Soon, my bait was also bitten by the fish. I quickly pulled up the fishing rod and held the line with my hand. A live goldfish was caught by me. I carefully put the fish into the basin and was very happy! But this goldfish is too small. I want to hook a bigger one. But in the next few minutes, the fish always didn't take the bait, or the fish ate the bait, but it wasn't pulled up. I was so angry that I stared. The joy just flew out of the sky and shouted to go home. At this time, my mother told me to calm down and take your time when fishing. After listening to my mother's words, I put down the fishing rod again and fished patiently. Sure enough, I caught three more, and one was bigger than the other. So I took four goldfish and went home happily.

Along the way, I don't know how excited I was, because I not only caught the big goldfish, but also learned such a truth: you can't be impatient, you have to be patient, so you can succeed!


Early in the morning, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. Because of this small and long holiday, our family will go to grandma's house, so that I can have fun again. Along the way, I didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of beautiful mountains and rivers and red flowers and willows. I just wanted to fly to grandma's house quickly. When the car stopped at the gate of grandma's yard, I saw many people picking tea in the tea garden through the window. Oh, it turns out that spring is also the tea harvest season!

The tea garden is green and close to each other. It looks like a green carpet from a distance. A breeze blows and a faint fragrance is refreshing and intoxicating. The laughter of tea pickers comes from time to time in the tea garden.

When I got out of the car, I asked my cousin to teach me how to pick tea. We came to the tea garden with a small basket. WOW! How fresh and clean the air here is! I can only see the tender green buds dancing in the wind like a flower fairy. It's really beautiful! At this time, my cousin solemnly demonstrated and said, "first, when picking tea, you should pick it gently with your fingers, and you can't pull it hard; second, you can't pick tea big, you can only pick two leaves as one." After reading the method taught by my cousin, I couldn't wait to pick it. Because this was the first time to pick tea, I was very interested. After a while, I picked many. Looking at the fruits of my labor, I felt happy. Tired of picking, I still play hide and seek with my cousin in the tea garden. Don't mention how happy it is!


As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a huge flower bed surrounded by hundreds of flowers. There are red cockscomb, white magnolia, Purple Lilac... And a green grassland. There is a cuboid standing in the middle. It's really beautiful.

After watching the flowers, we went to the bridge. The branches of the weeping willow in the distance flowed on the calm lake, the birds were singing gently and sweetly, and the sweet rhythm was permeated in the green spring tide.

Suddenly, the sound of "Hua, Hua, Hua" sounded. I followed the sound of "Hua, Hua, Hua". It turned out to be a waterfall. I saw the waterfall slide down from the high stone and fall into the water. The water here is not deep. There are many small tadpoles in it. In the corner of the water, there is a strange grass, surrounded by many small tadpoles. From a distance, the waterfall is really beautiful!

There are many beautiful places, but these are also the beauty of them. I really like Yuexiu Park with charming scenery!


But I don't take this matter seriously and play around at home. Mother saw it and shouted, "don't make trouble here and sweep the floor for me!" So I swept the floor carelessly. I waved left and right, and soon told my mother that I was finished. Mother saw the dust on the ground and angrily criticized, "you're still like this. You don't pay attention to anything. You'd better wash your clothes!" I was puzzled: "why do you always let me do housework? Forget it, forget it, it's just washing clothes. It's OK after washing." I also wash it carelessly. The clothes are really dirty! Just wash it. I'm so tired!

Mother saw the stains on her clothes made one by one, and said dejectedly, "you still can't change this bad habit. Forget it, you play your game!" "Bad problem? Any?" I thought about it over and over again and suddenly realized that these live mothers did it every day, and I didn't shout bitterly. I only did it once in such a long time, and I cried bitterly. Mom, it's really hard!


扫地sweep the floor

拖地copymop the floor

整理房百间tidy (up) the room

擦窗do the windows

洗碗度do dishes

铺床make the bed

摆放餐具问lay the table

刷墙paint the walls

煮餐点cook the meals

浇花答water the vegetable/flowers

Help around the house

I always help around the help my mother with her like do housework very mom always say that I do a nice work both at school and she is very proud of think I am good at studies as well as I have free time,I will do housework think it is important to help around house a housework equal to exercise one hour,I can makes our body stronger and makes our house more last but not the least,If we helped at house,our mothers would get more relaxed.


:I think it's good for middle school students to help their parents do some housework.

2:By doing it, students can not only gain ability but also happiness. 3:This can help students grow up quickly. Their parents will don't be so tired if students can share some housework. 4:So I think it benefits students a lot if they do some housework

洗碗:百wash/do the dishes拖地:mop the floor扫地:sweep the floor洗衣服度:wash the clothes烧饭:知do the cooking整理房间tidy (up) the room 擦窗道clean the windows 铺床make the bed 摆放餐具set the table刷墙paint the walls 煮餐点cook the meals浇花回water the vegetable/flowers 倒垃圾:take out the trash洗衣服:do the laundry晾衣服:hang the clothes out收拾桌子:clean the table掸去家具灰答尘:dust the furniture。

1、sweep the floor英[swi:p ðə flɔ:] 美[swip ði flɔr][词典] 扫地;[例句]It's my turn to sweep the floor.该轮到我打扫地板了。2、Wash the clothes[词典] 洗衣服;[例句]I have to clean my room and wash the clothes.周末我必须打扫房间和洗衣服。3、do the cooking[词典] 做饭; 做菜; 上灶; 下厨;[例句]Who will then do the cooking, the washing, the mending?那么,谁来做饭、洗衣、缝补呢?4、do the dishes[词典] (饭后) 洗餐具;[例句]I can't do the dishes today, because I hurt my fingers this morning.今天我不能洗碗了,我今早上伤了手指。5、mop the floor[词典] 擦地板;[例句]Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean the window.我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。

把家务活Housework作为有趣绝对的有氧运动来做,会轻松得多。下面是我给大家整理的家务活的英语短语,供大家参阅!   家务活的英语短语篇1   1. Mum wasn't very domesticated.   妈妈不是很喜欢干家务活。   2. Some men are very hard to domesticate.   有些男人很难做好家务活。   3. Housework is a never-ending task.   家务活做起来真是没完没了。   4. Her sons were experts at getting out of housework.   她的儿子们很会逃避家务活.   5. My household duties were not particularly onerous.   我的家务活并不繁重.   6. A good deal of housework can be mechanized.   大量家务活可用机械化操作.   7. Modern devices facilitatedomestic work.   现代装置使家务活便利了.   8. She is so particular about her housework that servants will not work for her.   她对家务活太挑剔了,以致于佣人们不愿给她干活.   9. My hu *** and and I both go out to work so we share the household chores.   我和丈夫都出去工作,所以我们家务活分摊。   10. He often helped his mother with the household chores.   他常常帮助妈妈干家务活.   11. I always have a lot of housework to do at the weekend.   周末我总是有许多家务活要做.   12. She was busy at domestic work in her new house.   她在自己的新住宅里忙着做一些家务活.   13. She assisted her mother with the housework.   她帮助她母亲做家务活.   14. Housework engages much of her time.   家务活占去了她许多时间.   15. Still she slept there, and did a fair amount of work, keeping it in order.   可是,她却还在那里睡觉, 干相当多的家务活, 保持家里的整洁.   家务活的英语短语篇2   家务活占去了她许多时间。   Housework engages much of her time.   而有了孩子后,家务活负担会进一步加重。   Having kids boosts house chores even further.   家务活对养成服务他人的习惯具有独特的价值。   Housework has unique value in instilling a habit of serving others.   她总是责备她的丈夫,因为他不帮她干家务活。   She is always getting at her hu *** and for not helping with the housework.   现代装置使家务活便利了。   Modern devices facilitatedomestic work.   当谈及到帮妻子做家务活这件事的时候,他从来不抱怨。   He never plains when it es to helping his wife with the house work.   你要做什么家务活及有关规则?   What chores and rules do you have?   她每天在家里干家务活。   She stays at home every day doing housework.   周末我总是有许多家务活要做.   I always have a lot of housework to do at the weekend.   大量家务活可用机械化操作。   A good deal of housework can be mechanized.   家务活的英语短语篇3   这个周末我免了她的家务活。   I'll let her off the housework this weekend.   有许多事情、习惯或是家务活你总是反反复覆做了一遍又一遍。   There are many actions, habits and chores that you do over and over again.   日本女性通常每周要在办公室里工作40个小时,此外还要做平均30个小时的家务活。   Japanese women, who typically work 40 hours a week in the office, then do, on average, another 30 hours of housework.   无论是春季扫除还是每日少量的家务活,每个家庭成员的参与都是很必要的。   Whether for spring cleaning or for starting all the *** all daily chores, it is imperative that eachfamily member pitches in.   无论他什么时间有空,他总是帮他妈妈干点家务活。   Whenever he had time, he would help his mother with some housework.   我什么都没做,甚至家务活都没做。   I didn’t do anything, even housework.   一项最新研究发现,女人有了老公后每周得多做七个小时的家务活,而对于男人而言,结婚则意味着每周少做一小时的家务。   Having a hu *** and creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women, according to a new study. For men, tying the knot saves an hour of weekly chores.   把每周和每日要做的义务劳动、家务活和任务写下来然后制定周日程和每天日常非常有益。   It’s helpful to write down all of your weekly and daily obligations, chores, and tasks, and thenplan out daily and weekly routines.   一项调查称,男性所做的家务活远比他们得到承认的多。女人之所以对他们的贡献“视而不见”,是因为他们不会表功。   Men do far more housework than they are given credit for, according to research that claimswomen do not notice because their male partners "don't make a fuss ".   一项最新研究发现,已婚女性挣钱越多,她做的家务活越少,而这与她们的丈夫挣多少钱无关。   The more money a married woman earns, the less housework she will do regardless of how much her spouse earns, according to a new study.   有个小男孩住在一个农场里,每天早上,他要在太阳升起之前开始干家务活,稍作休息之后又要开始干晚上的活了。   There was a *** all boy living on a needed to get up before sunrise every morning to start his chores and out again later to do the evening ones.   家务活对养成服务他人的习惯具有独特的价值。   Housework has unique value in instilling a habit of serving others.    看过家务活的英语短语的人还:



1、劳动本身就是一种享乐。Labor itself is a kind of enjoyment.

2、劳动是一切知识的源泉。Labor is the source of all knowledge.

3、劳动是崇高思想的食粮。Labor is the food of the lofty ideas.

4、天才就是长期劳动的结果。Genius is the result of the long-term labor.

5、劳动可以使平时变为节日。Labor can make into a holiday at ordinary times.

6、文化越高,劳动越受重视。The higher culture, work, the more valued.

7、完成劳动报酬是闲暇、娱乐。To complete the work reward is leisure and entertainment.

8、天赐食于鸟,而不投食于巢。Divine food to a bird, not hurl food in the nest.

9、靠自己劳动挣来的食物最好。The food on their own labor to earn the best.

10、沉思就是劳动,思考就是行动。Meditation is labor, think is to act.

11、人类的劳动是惟一真正的财富。Human labor is the only true wealth.

12、不要嘲笑鞋匠又黑又粗的拇指。Mock not a cobbler, thick, black thumbs.

13、劳动永远是医治精神创伤的良药。Labor is the medicine of the breaking spirit forever.

14、学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。Learning is labor, it is full of ideological work.

15、劳动教养了身体,学习教养了心灵。Reeducation through labor body, nurturing the heart study.

16、平时不劳动的人,一生没有节日过。People who do not work at ordinary times, life did not holiday.

17、劳动,这是一切钝感的最好的医生。Labor, this is all the best doctor insensitive.

18、最有幸福的,只是勤劳的劳动之后。One of the most happiness, just after the industrious labor.

19、劳动是一切商品交换价值的真实尺度。Work is everything a true gauge of exchange value.

20、劳动是社会中每个人不可避免的义务。Labor is the duty of everyone in the society inevitably.

21、任何人的劳动中都少不了需要的成份。Anyone without need of components work.

22、人生的意志和劳动将创造奇迹般的奇迹。The will of life and labor will create miracle of miracles.

23、只有贫困才能逼出技艺,它是劳动之师。Can only be forced out of the poverty, it is the pision of labor.

24、男儿在劳动中成长,土地在劳动中变绿。Boys grow in labor, land turn green in the labor.

most beautiful things in the world are by Labour, by human's hand created.


—— 高尔基

is often the father of pleasure.


—— 伏尔泰

breeds our body, learning breads our soul.



hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure as I have received and am still receiving.

—— Albert Einstein, Physicist


—— 爱因斯坦

is the duty of everyone in the society inevitably。




1、Labour is often the father of pleasure.——伏尔泰


2、Labor is the father of wealth,land is the mother of wealth.——威廉·配第


3、Labour breeds our body, learning breads our soul.——史密斯


4、Labor is the duty of everyone in the society inevitably.——卢梭


5、Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power.——高尔基


1、体力劳动是防止一切社会病毒的伟大的消毒剂。——马克思Physical labor is to prevent the virus society great disinfectant。

2、锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦!——李绅Hoe grain to be noon for day, began sweating grain soils。 Behold dishes, each all pain!

3、劳动是人类存在的基础和手段,是一个人在体格、智慧和道德上臻于完善的源泉。——乌申斯基Labor is the foundation of human existence and means, is a person in the physical, the source of wisdom and morally perfect。

4、劳动和人,人和劳动,这是所有真理的父母亲。——苏霍姆林斯基Labor and people, people and labor, it is the parents all truth。

5、灵感,不过是“顽强地劳动而获得的奖赏”。——列宾Inspiration, but is "tenacious labor for reward"。

6、当劳动是种快乐时,生活是美的;当劳动是一种责任时,生活就是奴役。——高尔基When work is a kind of happiness, life is beautiful。 When work is a duty, life is slavery。

7、劳动可以使身体得到休息,劳动可以使精神得到休息。——俾斯麦Labor can make the body rest, the work can make a mental rest。

8、脱离劳动就是犯罪。——列夫·托尔斯泰From the labor is a crime。

9、既然思想存在于劳动之中,人就要靠劳动而生存。——苏霍姆林斯基Now that thought exists in labor, people will live on labor。

10、人生的意志和劳动将创造奇迹般的奇迹。——涅克拉索夫The will of life and labor will create miracle of miracles。

11、有总是从无开始的;是靠两只手和一个聪明的脑袋变出来的。——松苏内吉There are always free from the start; Is to rely on o hands and a clever head。

12、劳动可以使我们摆脱三大灾祸:寂寞恶习贫困。——歌德Labor can make us get rid of the three major disaster: lonely habit of poverty。

13、要工作,要勤劳:劳作是最可靠的财富。——拉·封丹To work, and to hard-working, work is the wealth of the most reliable。

14、人生的最大快乐,是自己的劳动得到了成果。——谢党哉The greatest happiness in life, is your own labor got results。

15、一切都靠一张嘴来做而丝毫不实干的人,是虚伪和假仁假义的。——德谟克利特Everything depends on a mouth to do and have no man of action, are false and hypocritical。

16、知识是从刻苦劳动中得来的,任何成就都是刻苦劳动的结果。——宋庆龄Knowledge derived from hard labor, any achievement is the result of hard work。

17、谁肯认真地工作,谁就能做出许多成绩,就能超群出众。——恩格斯Who is willing to work seriously, who can make a lot of achievements, can be superb。

18、劳动却是产生一切力量、一切道德和一切幸福的威力无比的源泉。——拉·乔乃尼奥里Labor is all power, all moral and powerful source of happiness。

19、应该记住,我们的事业,需要的是手,而不是嘴。——童第周Should keep in mind that our cause, needs is a hand, rather than the mouth。

20、人在自己的劳动中创造自己并理解劳动的美。——苏霍姆林斯基People in creating their own labor and understand the beauty of labor。

21、我们世界上最美好的东西,都是由劳动、由人的聪明的手创造出来的。——高尔基Our most beautiful things in the world is created by labor, by the people's clever hands。

22、一个有真正大才能的人却在工作过程中感到最高度的快乐。——歌德A true great man of talent is in the process of work feel most happy。

23、劳动永远是人类生活的基础,是创造人类文化幸福的基础。——马卡连柯Labor is the foundation of human life, forever is the basis of the creates happiness in the human culture。

24、我知道什么是劳动:劳动是世界上一切欢乐和一切美好事情的源泉。——高尔基I know what is the labor: labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world。

25、完善的新人应该是在劳动之中和为了劳动而培养起来的。——欧文Perfect bride and groom should be in the labor and fostered for labor。

26、正如树枝和树干连接在一起那样,脱离树干的树枝很快就会枯死。——奥涅格As tree trunks and branches together, from the branches of the trunk will die soon。

27、道德能帮助人类社会升到更高的水平,使人类社会摆脱劳动剥削制。——列宁Morality can help human society rises to a higher level, make the human society to get rid of labor exploitation system。

28、只有人的劳动才是神圣的。——高尔基Only man's labor is holy。

29、所有现存的好东西都是创造的果实。——米尔Good all existing things are created by the fruit。

30、在人的生活中最主要的是劳动训练。没有劳动就不可能有正常的人的生活。——卢梭In one's life is the most important of labor training。 No work, there can be no normal person's life。

31、劳动是财富之父,土地是财富之母。——威廉·配第Labor is the father of wealth, land is the mother of wealth。

32、劳动是社会中每个人不可避免的义务。——卢梭Labor is the duty of everyone in the society inevitably。

33、劳动使人建立对自己的理智力量的信心。——高尔基Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power。

34、任何一种不为集体利益打算的行为,都是自杀的行为,它对社会有害。——马卡连柯Any a kind not to going to the behavior of the collective interests, are suicidal behavior, it is harmful to society。

35、持续不断地劳动是人生的铁律,也是艺术的铁律。——巴尔扎克Continue to labor is the iron law of life, is also the iron law of art。

36、幻想是丝毫没有害处的,它甚至能支持和加强劳动者的毅力。——皮萨列夫Fantasy is no harm in, it may even be able to support and strengthen the laborer of perseverance。

37、培育能力的事必须继续不断地去做,又必须随时改善学习方法,提高学习效率,才会成功。——叶圣陶To foster ability must continue to do, and must improve the learning method, at any time to improve the learning efficiency, will succeed。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/3070.html发布于 09-18
