

小思 2024-09-18 111
高职英语综合教程2电子版摘要: 高职英语综合教程1电子版执教者:设计思路:路边花园在幼儿的生活中还是比较常见的,但“路边花园”这个名称对幼儿来说是陌生的,对其作用与人们生活的关系了解较少。因此设计了本次活动,...





Hi reading, there are views of the inner world of rich, kind, peaceful, there is progress in mind. Concerned about the collective understanding, is giving a warm Guainv Hai with outstanding results. Lively and lovely, smart, studious, very interested in mathematics, but the total has its own unique insights.(原创天地)

Unit 4 My First JobText A My First JobText B Your First JobTime For Fun分别的课后习题答案








新世纪大学英语综合教程1 课后答案 第二版 秦秀白 Unit 3 Parents and Chi



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下面是第三单元和第四单元的text b 电子书,如果其它单元的或其它册的也要的话可以给我留言,将下面的粘贴到记事本里面就可以保存为TXT文本了。How To Make Sense Out Of ScienceDavid H. Levy 1 New Drugs Kill Cancer 如何理解科学 大卫•H•利维 新药灭癌2 Devastation by El Ni?o — a Warning 厄尔•尼诺现象将带来毁灭 —— 一则警告3 6:30 . October 26, 2028: Could This Be the Deadline for the Apocalypse? 2028年10月26日下午6:30:世界末日的最后期限? 4 When these headlines appeared this year, their stories became the subjects of conversations around the world — talks spiced with optimism and confusion. Imagine the hopes raised in the millions battling cancer. Did the news mean these people never had to worry about cancer again? Or that we all had to worry about a catastrophe from outer space or, more immediately, from El Ni?o? 这些标题于今年见诸报端时,这类新闻便成为全世界的话题 —— 既掺有乐观又带来混乱的话题。想象一下这些新闻为成千上万与癌症抗争的人们所带来的希望。这些新闻是否意味着这些人再也不用为癌症担忧呢?还是说我们所有的人都得为来自外层空间的大祸,或者更近一点,为厄尔•尼诺现象造成的灾难而忧心忡忡呢?。 5 Unfortunately, science doesn't work that way. It rarely arrives at final answers. People battling cancer or victims of El Ni?o may find this frustrating, but the truth is that Nature does not yield her secrets easily. Science is done step by step. First an idea is formed. Then this is tested by an experiment. The outcome, one hopes, results in an increase in knowledge. 不幸的是,科学并非这般运作。科学极少提供最终的答案。与癌症搏斗的人们或厄尔•尼诺现象的受害者也许会觉得这太令人沮丧,但事实是,大自然并不轻易袒露其奥秘。科学研究是一步一步进行的,首先要有一个构想,然后用实验检验这个构想,人们希望其结果能成为知识的一种积累。 6 Science is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. (1) The scientific method, as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or a problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time — and patience. 科学并非一组无可置疑的结果,而是认识我们周围世界的一种方法。其实际进程是缓慢的。(1) 正如我们很多人在学校里所学的那样,科学方法是一个渐进的过程,这个过程始于某个目的,或某个有待解决或回答的问题。这包括一组材料,一套必须遵循的操作步骤,一系列有待进行的观察,最后是有待得出的结论。医学上,有人提出一种新药可能医治或控制某种疾病时,先是在随意挑选的大量人群中进行试验,然后将这部分人群的用药反应与另一组随意挑选的未用此药的人群的情况进行比较。两组人群的种种反应被一一记录,仔细比较,从而对新药的疗效作出鉴定。所有这些过程需要时间 —— 以及耐心。 7 It's the result of course, that makes the best news — not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues to be examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist's colleagues, who review the work. If the work is important enough, just before the report is published in a professional journal or read at a conference, a press release is issued and an announcement is made to the world. 成为新闻热点的当然是结果,而非长年默默无闻的努力,而长年默默无闻的努力正是绝大多数科学探索的特点。在实验有了结论,或观察结束之后,其结果仍将受到严格的检测。结果送交发表时,会由一组科学家的同行审阅。如果成果相当重要,那在专业杂志上发表或会议上宣读该实验报告之前,将会举行新闻发布会,向世人宣布。 8 The world may think that the announcement signifies the end of the process, but it doesn't. A publication is really a challenge: "Here is my result. Prove me wrong!" (2) Other researchers will try to repeat the experiment, and the more often it works, the better the chances that the result is sound. Einstein was right when he said: "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong." 世人也许会认为宣布结果标志整个过程的结束,其实不然。发表成果实际上是种挑战:“本人所作结论在此。请证其谬!”(2) 别的研究人员会试图重复这一实验,实验成功的次数越多,其结果就越有可能是可靠的。爱因斯坦说得对:“再多的实验也永远不能证明我正确,而一项实验随时就能证明我错误。”9 In August 1996, NASA announced the discovery in Antarctica of a meteorite from Mars that might contain evidence of ancient life on another world. (3)As President Clinton said that day, the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago was potentially one of the great discoveries of our time. 1996年8月,美国国家航天和航空局宣布在南极洲发现了一颗来自火星的陨石,其中可能包含着其他星球存在古老生命的证据。(3) 正如克林顿总统那天所说,发现亿万年前火星上可能存在生命这件事, 有可能是我们时代最伟大的发现之一。 10 After the excitement wore down and initial papers were published, other researchers began looking at samples from the same meteorite. (4) Some concluded that the "evidence of life" was mostly contamination from Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at all in the rock. 当兴奋和激动慢慢平息,首批论文发表之后,其他研究人员开始研究取自同一颗陨石的样本。(4) 有些人得出结论说,这些“生命的证据”大多来自南极冰的污染,或者说那块石头里根本就没有有机物。Ben Carson: Man of MiraclesChristopher Phillips 1 Ben Carson looked out at Detroit's Southwestern High School class of 1988. It was graduation day. At 36, Carson was a leading brain surgeon, performing delicate and lifesaving operations. But 19 years before, he had graduated from this same inner-city school. He remembered it all — the depressing surroundings of one of Detroit's toughest, poorest neighborhoods. And he knew the sense of hopelessness and despair that many of these 260 students were feeling about the future. 本•卡森:一个创造奇迹的人 克里斯托弗•菲利普斯 本•卡森望着底特律市西南高中1988届的毕业班学生。那天是毕业典礼日。卡森36岁,是一位杰出的脑外科医生,施行需要小心处理的挽救生命的手术。然而,19年前,他就毕业于这同一所市中心贫民区的学校。他一切记忆犹新 —— 记得这是底特律市一个最贫穷的也是暴力犯罪最严重的街坊,记得那种压抑的环境。他知道这260名学生当中的许多人对未来有一种绝望感。 2 (1) For weeks he had worried over how to convince the graduates that they, too, could succeed against seemingly impossible odds, that they could move mountains. Now, standing to deliver the main address, he held up his hands. "See these?"he asked the students. "I didn't always use them for surgery. When I was a little younger than you are, I often waved a knife with them to threaten people. And I even tried to kill somebody." (1) 几个星期以来,他一直苦苦思索,如何才能让这些毕业生相信,他们也能克服似乎难以战胜的困难获取成功,他们也能创造奇迹。此刻,他正起身作贵宾演讲,他举起了双手。“看到吗?”他问学生,“我过去并非总是用我的手作外科手术。在我比你们还年轻一点的时候,常常两手挥舞小刀恐吓别人。我甚至曾经试图杀人。” 3 The students stared in disbelief. 学生们难以置信地瞪大了眼睛。 4 Ben and his older brother, Curtis, grew up in a crowded apartment building near the school. Their mother, Sonya, who had married at age 13 and divorced when Ben was eight, worked at two and sometimes three low-paying jobs at a time. She wanted a better life for her two sons and showered them with encouragement. However, both boys started badly in school, especially Ben. 本和哥哥柯蒂斯就在这所学校附近一幢拥挤的公寓大楼里长大。母亲索妮娅13岁结婚,在本8岁时离了婚。她同时干两份,有时甚至三份低报酬的活儿。她想让两个儿子过上好日子,拼命地鼓励他俩。但两个孩子刚上学时都学得一团糟,尤其是本。 5 Sonya recognized that Ben was bright. He just didn't seem motivated. "From now on,"she announced one afternoon, "you can watch only two TV shows a week. You have to read at least two books every week and give me reports so I know you really read them." 索妮娅知道本很聪明。他只不过是缺乏动力。“从现在开始,”有天下午她说道,“你们一星期只能看两次电视。每星期你们至少得读两本书,要给我写读书报告,我好知道你们真的是读了。” 6 At first Ben hated reading. Then, gradually, he discovered a new world of possibility. (2) Before long he was reading more books than his determined mother required, and he couldn't wait to share them with her. 起初,本痛恨读书。后来,渐渐地,他发现了一个充满机会的崭新世界。(2) 没多久,他的阅读便超出了意志坚定的母亲所规定的数目,他迫不及待地与母亲分享阅读的快乐。 7 His mother studied the book reports closely. "That's a fine job, Bennie," she would tell her beaming son. What she didn't tell Ben or Curtis was that, with only a third-grade education, she couldn't read. 母亲认真审阅读书报告。“写得不错,本尼,”她会对满面笑容的儿子说。她没有告诉本或柯蒂斯的是,她只上过三年学,根本不会读书。8 "Mom," Ben announced one day, "When I grow up, I want to be a doctor." “妈妈,”一天本说道,“等我长大了,我要当医生。” 9 Sonya Carson smiled, knowing Ben must have just read a book on doctors. "You can be anything you want to be," she assured him. 索妮娅•卡森微微一笑,知道本准是刚读了一本有关医生的书。“心想事成,” 她深信不疑地对他说。 10 With a goal now, young Ben soared from the bottom of his class toward the top. His teachers were astonished. There was one thing, however, that Ben couldn't seem to conquer: his violent temper. (3) He boiled with anger — anger at his departed father, anger at the hardships his mother faced, anger at all the wasted lives he saw around him. 有了目标,年轻的本的功课从全班最差跃升至榜首。他的老师都非常惊讶。但是有一件事,本似乎不能克服,那就是他的火爆脾气。(3) 他满腔愤怒 —— 对死去的父亲愤怒,对母亲承受的艰辛愤怒,对自己所目睹的身边所有荒废的人生愤怒。 11 Then one afternoon, walking home from school, 14-year-old Ben started arguing with a friend. Pulling a camping knife, Ben thrust at the boy. The steel blade struck the youngster's metal belt buckle, and the blade snapped. Ben's friend fled. 一天下午,在放学回家的路上,14岁的本跟一个朋友争了起来。本拔出一把野营用小刀朝那个男孩捅去。钢制刀身扎在男孩的金属带扣上喀嚓一声折断了。本的朋友逃走了。 12 Ben stood stone-still. "I almost killed someone!" he said quietly. There and then he made a decision. If he was ever going to fulfill his dream of becoming a doctor and save others, he was first going to have to cure himself. Never again would he let his anger run away with him. 本站在那儿,呆住了。“我差点儿杀了人!”他默默地说。他当机立断。如果真的还想要实现自己的医生梦,救死扶伤,他首先必须医治好自己的恶习。他决不再让自己的脾气失控。 13 In 1969 Ben graduated third in his class from Southwestern High and received a full scholarship to Yale. After Yale he obtained grants to study at the University of Michigan Medical School. This was the start of a career that was to lead him, at age 33, to be appointed senior brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins hospital. From around the world, other surgeons came to seek his counsel. 1969年,本以全班第三名的成绩从西南高中毕业,并获得耶鲁大学全额奖学金。耶鲁本科毕业后,他获得奖学金去密歇根大学医学院学习。这是他职业生涯的起点,并使他在33岁时便被任命为约翰斯•霍普金斯医院高级脑外科医师。来自世界各地的外科医生都来向他咨询。 14 In April 1987 a German doctor arrived with the records of Siamese twins, newborns Patrick and Benjamin Binder. The boys had separate brains, but at the back of the heads, where they were joined, they shared blood vessels. Their mother refused to sacrifice either child to save the other. Surgeons knew of no other way to proceed. In many cases, when Siamese twins are separated at the back of the head, one child survives and the other either dies or suffers severe mental injury. 1987年4月,一位德国医生带着连体双胎、新生婴儿帕特里克和本杰明•拜恩德的病历前来找本。两个男婴有各自的大脑,但在连接两人的后脑部,两人共用血管。孪生婴儿的母亲拒绝牺牲一个孩子挽救另一个孩子。医生们束手无策。在许多病例中,连体双胎在后脑部分割时,一个孩子存活,另一个则无法存活,或者将遭受严重脑力损伤。 15 Carson came up with a plan to give both twins the best chance of survival: stop their hearts, drain their blood supply completely and restore circulation only after the two were safely separated. 卡森提出了一个使两个孩子都有最佳存活机会的方案:停止两人心脏搏动,完全停止供血,直到两人被安全分离后再恢复血液循环。 16 The entire operation took 22 hours and required a 70-person team. After the twins' hearts were stopped and their blood drained, Carson had only one hour to separate the damaged blood vessels. He worked smoothly and quickly, easing his instruments deep into the brains of the two infants. Twenty minutes after stopping the twins' circulation, he made the final cut. Now, working with his team, he had 40 minutes to reconstruct the blood vessels that had been cut open and close Patrick's head. Another team would do the same for Benjamin. 整个手术花了22小时,投入了一个70人的医疗组。停止了两个婴儿的心脏搏动和供血后,卡森只有一个小时的时间来分离业已损伤的血管。他娴熟快速地施行手术,将各种手术器械轻轻地切入两个婴儿的大脑深处。供血停止后二十分钟,他动了最后一刀。随后,他与医疗组合作,将用四十分钟时间重建被切开的血管,缝合帕特里克的头。另一组医务人员将对本杰明施行同样的手术。 17 Just within the hour limit, the babies were fully separated, and the operating tables were wheeled apart. 就在一小时时限将到之时,两个孩子被完全分离,两张手术台被分别推开。 18 Tired but happy, Dr. Carson went out to the waiting room. "Which one of your children would you like to see first?" he asked their mother. 疲倦不堪却又满心欢喜的卡森医生来到等候室。“你想先看哪个孩子呢?”他问孩子的母亲。 19 The students of Detroit's Southwestern High sat silently as Ben Carson described his life's journey from an angry street fighter to an internationally distinguished brain surgeon. "It's important that you know there are many ways to go," Dr. Carson told them. "Becoming a brain surgeon is perfectly possible. But you don't have to be a surgeon. There are opportunities everywhere. You just have to be willing to take advantage of them. (4) Think big! Nobody was born to be a failure. If you feel you're going to succeed — and work your tail off — you will succeed!" 底特律市西南高中的学生们静坐着,听本•卡森讲述自己从一个愤怒的街头打手成长为国际知名的脑外科医生的人生旅程。“重要的是要明白人生的道路多种多样,”卡森医生告诫他们道。“成为一位脑外科医生是完全可能的。但你并不一定要当外科医生。机会无处不在。但你得要肯去利用。(4) 要有雄心壮志!没有人生来就是失败者。如果你觉得自己会成功 —— 于是发奋努力 —— 你就会成功!” 20 Pausing, Ben Carson turned to his mother who was sitting in the front row. 本•卡森停顿片刻,朝坐在前排的母亲望去。 21 "I'd like to thank my mother," Carson said in closing, "for all the success I've had." “我要为我取得的所有成功感谢我的母亲,”卡森最后说。 22 Southwestern High's entire graduating class stood and clapped for a solid five minutes. Tears welled in Ben Carson's eyes. 西南高中毕业班学生全体起立,鼓掌足足持续了五分钟。泪水从本•卡森的双眸涌出。 23 Afterward, Sonya Carson embraced her son fondly. "It's really true, Bennie," she said. "You can be anything you want to be. And you've done it!" 后来,索妮娅•卡森深情地搂住儿子。“真的没错,本尼,”她说。“心想事成。你已经做成了!” 11 Was this a failure of science, as some news reports trumpeted? 这是某些新闻报道所鼓噪的科学的失败吗? 12 No! It was a good example of the scientific method working the way it is supposed to. Scientists spend years on research, announce their findings, and these findings are examined by other scientists. That's how we learn. Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two. It's a process filled with disappointments and reverses, but somehow we keep moving ahead. 不!这正是科学研究以其应有的方式进行的一个范例。科学家经过多年研究发布成果,其成果再由其他科学家加以检验。我们就是这样增进知识的。正如爬山,我们费力爬上三英尺,又掉下去两英尺。这是个充满失望与挫折的过程,但不管怎样,我们一直往前迈进。

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Pair work。




public two-year colleges。


private non-profit four-year colleges。


Warm-up video。









language ability。

critical thinking。

Text One。


four common lies and some common-sense facts。


the more likely they send their children to college。

filling out all those admission forms。

remains the single best investment。

some form of advanced training。

non-college vocational training。

a social problem。

soaring college tuition debt。

college is worth it。


1、Those experts base this claim on two so-called“facts.”One is that high-prestige employers no longer require a college degree for their other is that some successful business giants have dropped out of college。

2、Against the first excuse,the author says that most of those jobs are low-prestige,low-wage positions that probably have never required a college the second excuse,the author presents the fact that billionaires send their own children to college。

3、Because college changes college education ensures that the children from poor families rise to a significantly higher income level and higher social status in the future。

4、Artificial intelligence may take over some repetitive and mechanical work,but there are jobs that require human hands,human intelligence and human need specialized training before taking those positions。

5、Because law school and medical school students graduate with hundreds of thousands in debt and they need to pay it off within limited defense lawyers or general practitioners cannot ensure them an adequate pay to cover the debt。

6、The educators’innovation work mainly focuses on three aspects:refunding public education,improving food and housing security for college students,and redesigning curricula and ways of learning。


1(Answers may vary.)

The text says that some educators are working on the problems,like refunding public education,improving food and housing security for students at college,and redesigning relevant curricula and ways of other possible strategies may also work:

More professional experiences throughout students,it is important not to wait until junior or senior year to engage in career experiences offer a chance for students and employers to start building authentic relationships rather than relying on a rushed。

Better and colleges should offer career orientation programs for programs are expected to prepare students for a greater understanding of career opportunities and options,and to assist them in making meaningful and informed career choices.

More scholarships:Many students graduate from college with enormous loan debt,or they limit their education in an attempt to control are the most desirable form of financial aid。

2(Answers may vary.)

Academic Reading Skill。

1、The situation is described in 。

2、In ,the author proves with evidence that the claim“college isn’t worth it”is made on false bases,which reveals her position— she is against it。

3、“Here are the four most common lies you are hearing and some common-sense facts to keep you and your teenager on an even keel while considering and applying for college,”from which the reader can tell that the author will discuss it fully in the subsequent sections。

The body consists of four sections from ,each section beginning with a“lie.”

Two pieces of information are mentioned in is“we are working to innovate in our colleges.”The other is“high school seniors and their parents need to close their ears to the false,even fraudulent,idea that‘college isn’t worth it’。

Language Enhancement。

your thin CV。

you haven’t achieved much at college。

the report about his academic misconduct。

he would be deprived of his PhD。

researchers at Northwestern University。

that diets high in fat can throw off the body’s internal clock。

complaints you make。

you are alienated from people around。

keep going for a goal that is impossible to achieve。


Professor Li Qi from the Higher Education Research Institute,Beijing Normal University,said that higher education worldwide has been gradually developing from elite education to mass education since the increase of the enrollment and the competition for college employment rates。

According to The Blue Book of Examinations:China College Entrance Examination Report(2019),“the gross enrollment rate of China’s higher education ,which is higher than the average level of middle-and high-income countries。”

This proportion will continue to ’s higher education is shifting from elite education to mass education,and there occurs inevitably the phenomena of grade inflation and certificate inflation。



If it's January,you can be sure that high school students and their parents are sweating over their final college application deadlines-and pundits are busy penning articles and books proclaiming that "college isn't worth it".



Typically,the articles point to high-prestige employers (Google,Amazon,Apple)that no longer require a college degree for their jobs or fabulously successful Americans(Bill Gates,Steve Jobs)who dropped out of college.


It all sounds good.


Then you look at the jobs and realize they tend to be low-prestige,low-wage positions for which a college degree was probably never required in the first place.


And you look at the demographic data and realize that billionaires (whether they have a degree or not)send their own children to college.



What's up?Here are the four most common lies you are hearing and some common-sense facts to keep you and your teenager on an even keel while considering and applying for college.



Lie 1:For successful people,college is a waste of time.


If this argument were true,you would assume that the nation's wealthiest and most powerful citizens would be keeping their own kids out of college.


However,a whopping 92 percent of those in America's top 5 percent income bracket go to college.


A 2015 study by the team of educational economists led by Harvard professor Raj Chetty reveals a straight line from the people least to most likely to attend college and that line correlates precisely with wealth.



Lie 2:Those who are not affluent don't need college.


Wrong again.


A degree ensures an even bigger boost in income levels for those in the lowest 20 percent income bracket.


A college education remains the single best investment a family in the lowest income level can make to ensure its children rise to significantly higher income levels.


College changes lives.


College is the single largest determinant of social mobility for those with the lowest income.



Lie 3:Everyone should go to college.


It may seem contradictory to point out that college isn't for everyone but it is not.


Not everyone wants to go to college -but,in our highly technical,specialized world,just about everyone needs some form of advanced training even to fill out job applications these days.


We need to do a far better job of reintroducing non-college vocational training in our secondary schools and supporting our community colleges which do offer such training.



Even if the robots are coming,there are many jobs that require human hands and human intelligence,judgment,care and style.


We need hairdressers and firefighters,physical therapists and dental hygienists, mechanics and actors,sculptors and dancers and health-care workers.



Lie 4:Many college graduates don't earn as much money as they expected or used to earn because college didn't prepare them for it.


It is true,actually,that many graduates earn less than they used to, but not for the reason pundits give:that college is "behind the times"and doesn't make students "workforce ready.


"The real problem is that the workforce itself no longer pays adequately for a wide range of formerly middle-class occupations that are vital to society and that require postsecondary education and even graduate training in some cases.



I agree that college is behind the times,and I have dedicated my career to making it as relevant as possible.


But the most relevant education in the world cannot change a labor market rigged against the middle class.


This is a social problem,not a higher education problem.


For example,although we now have a teacher shortage in all 50 states, teachers make 17 percent less than median equivalent college-educated workers,whereas,two decades ago,they made 4 percent less than the median.


What college student can afford to be a teacher anymore?



The underemployment of recent college graduates is as significant a social problem as soaring college tuition debt.


Law school graduates with hundreds of thousands in debt cannot afford to be defense lawyers or district attorneys.


Newly minted doctors,carrying an average debt of $250,000,can no longer afford to be general practitioners or to practice public health,or to work in rural or underserved urban areas.



In my own profession of college teaching,more than 75 percent of faculty openings across all institutions of higher education are for "adjuncts",part-time faculty,paid by the course,with no security and no voice in the institution.



Too many college students face similar employment obstacles when they graduate.


Yet,without a college degree,the economic obstacles are even worse.



Again,this is a labor problem in our society,not,as pundits will be telling you,the fault of a college education that does not "prepare"you for the labor market.



I am part of a growing cadre of educators working to redesign higher education for the challenges students face today.


Some of us work on the problem of refunding public education:State cutbacks over the past two decades have resulted in soaring tuition rates and mounting student debt Others work on food and housing insecurity for students who are at college.


Others work on relevant curricular redesign and new ways of learning,in the classroom and beyond.


Higher education can,and should, be revolutionized for the complex world our students are inheriting.



However,in the meantime,while we are working to innovate in our colleges,high school seniors and their parents need to close their ears to the false,even fraudulent,idea that "college isn't worth it."



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/1158.html发布于 2024-09-18
