

小思 2024-09-18 193
考研英语作文1000字以上摘要: 英语作文1000字以上文章听到大家的赞美,他心里美滋滋的!?????We?heard?the?praise,?he?was?flattered!……我带你了解更多有趣的内容...



We?heard?the?praise,?he?was?flattered!……我带你了解更多有趣的内容,接下来要给大家提供的是: 英语 作文 一封信,希望你认真看完,会对你有帮助的!


There was once an old goat that was very, very old; he could barely walk, and was always sleepy during important emergencies. One day the goat went off to eat grass among the fields.

During the time, the goat did not realize that the goat pack had gone straight in front of him. He had no choice but to continue straight on. As soon as he passed the hill, he found the goat pack had already crossed three other mountains… The old goat was tired of climbing and walking, so he decided to rest. After a short break, he was sure that the goat pack had already wiped him away far back behind.

The goat decided to find a place to be made a shelter for him to sleep tonight. Along the way, the old goat walked along; he trembled along the way. At last, he found a big round cave for him to sleep in, so that he could rest his energy and continue his journey…

The old goat didn’t even realize that this was home to the lion, king of all animals. As soon as he approached the mouth of the cave, the lion smelled the goat out with his nose. The lion shouted, “Who are you that dare come to my house? I am going to destroy you, and eat you up for breakfast!!!!” the old goat was frightened out of his wits, he wanted to run, but knew that he was not fast enough. He closed his mouth and held his breathe, and pretended not to be frightened or afraid.

He walked inside the cave and saw the terrifying lion king. The lion never saw this kind of thing before, he was frightened now; and asked, “Why are you here? And who are you? And…” Before he could even finish his speech, the g oat answered; “I am the goat empress, and I have come to see you…” “See me?” asked the lion, “Yes,” replied the goat ‘empress’; “I can live no much longer, and even walking; but, before I die, I want to eat: 100 elephants, 75 wild oxen, 63 wild pigs, and 25 lions. Now I had already had: Elephants, wild oxen, and wild pigs; I am looking for a lion to eat now!” the lion was so frightened.

“You know what empress, I am too dirty, and I should probably wash up before you…You know, Gulp! Eat me up!” as he said those words, he backed up towards the mouth of the cave, and rushed out immediately with his back legs between his jaws…

Along the way, he bumped into a jackal, the jackal asked; “Hey, I am the cranky jackal dear king; and what has gotten you in such a fright?” the lion took a breath and answered, “There was a goat ‘empress’ in my cave that wants to eat me!” “The goat empress? I never heard of such a thing!”

The lion replied, “Then come with me to the cave… Gulp!”

And so the lion led the jackal to his cave, the goat ‘empress’ saw them coming, and answered; “Jackal, what do you think you’re doing? I asked you to bring me 25 lions, but you just brought me one! I’m going to eat you both up for breakfast!” the lion trembled and shouted at the jackal, “Jackal, you tricked me into this trap?! How dare!”

At these words the jackal ran away, and the lion ran to a place far, far away…


Once upon a time in a kingdom far away, there was an India princess called Lily; she lived with her father in a desert, where the camel was always good and healthy… One day Lily went off through the woods to find some food to eat up. One or two times she would stop to admire the beautiful views, and try to aim at those who bother her; when she returned, she dragged a big deer for supper… it was also Dum for her to hit a very poor deer… Sometimes her father would say, “Well done!”

After supper, Lily begged her father to let her go and have an adventure in the woods. Her father agreed, and Lily got her bow and arrow, ready to have an adventure. Along the way, she met a very lovely prince, and fell in love with him at once, but how could she express her love to him?

She thought and thought about it along the way home. Until she figured out that she had lost her way. She had decided to move along and try to find her way back home, at last she found a big and tall tree that had branches that form a room; just like a platform… She cut off some branches that made a small floor; then she made the furniture, of sticks and wood and mud. In the evening, she rested on the platform, and waited until the sun rise… At sun rise, Lily woke up, she got her bow and arrow, ready to find home. But just as she was about to get down from her platform, a crocodile blocked her way, she sat there looking frightened.

At last some back men rode horses came to this place, they quietly without any word, kicked the crocodile down; and then killed him. Lily finally got down from the tree or platform, and went with the black men.

At last they arrived at the black men hiding place, and they fed her with some delicious meals; during the great time that Lily was having some men with white horses galloped toward Lily; she was still having delicious meals when bomb! Lily was captured in a cage.

Lily was very worried, she yelled out for help! Finally the black men came, and found the cage where Lily was in.

They hurried up, and used their stick and opened the cage. The white men came, and were ready to battle; the black men made a signal to let Lily get out of here. Lily got out and scrambled. When the black men returned, they found Lily clasped on the ground… They carried Lily on their horses to their hiding spots, and fed her some water and some meals.

At last Lily woke up, and saw the black men; she went to hug them and say thanks for saving her. The next day the black men took Lily to find her parents. Lily asked for a bowl of porridge as a meal, and set off on their black horse. Along the way, they found a camp place; it was where Lily’s father lived! Lily jumped off the black horse, and ran to her father and hugged him; they were all very, very happy.

When the king saw the black men, he was very angry. But Lily said to him; “Father, these are the men that saved me from the white men that had captured me, they are amazing!” the king thought about this for a moment, and so decided to let the black men go in peace.

At last Lily was at home, his father was so very glad to see her. During their happiness together, the black men came back and prepared a special feast for everyone to enjoy. The music began to blow, and they started to dance up and down and twirling about in the air…

They ate their meals, and drank some porridge, and lived pretty happy. One day when the black men were about to leave, the king asked; “Is there something that you would like me to give to you?” “Dear king,” replied one of the black men, “I would love you to grant me a very happy wish your honor, and that is to let all the poor people survive from the dangerous stuff…” the black men wish was at once granted, and all that was left was the action and the build.

Before the only time the king knew, that the black men was killed, he killed himself, with always a smile on his face…

Lily on the other hand, was very sad about the wish; but she too, had always a smile…


THE ONLY MAGICAL THING----Map There was only one thing in the world that wanted to play, and that guy’s name was Jack. He wanted to be a pirate one day, and found treasure in pirate islands… He had a conversation with his mother one day for certain. It was about being a pirate one day for once in his lifetime…

“Mom, I want to be a pirate one day, and find treasures in buried islands and…” “Whoa! Hold there son, what do you mean by, you what to be a pirate?” asked his mother, “Well it is that I just want to hunt for treasure instead of just being a regular boy like usual…”

His mother laughed so very hard, “Then why don’t you ask the sorcerer of the wicked castle?” his mother suddenly added, “What do you mean of: Wicked?” “Well,” replied her mother, “It all happened in…” “Wait!” shouted Jack, “There is no time for you to explain the whole thing, if you could show me this ‘Wicked castle’ then I could be a pirate sooner or later.

And so his mother showed him a riddle clue, which had many words written on it, “All you have to do is answer the riddles and you will arrive at your destination;” so Jack took the map, and head out for the wicked castle immediately, “Now let us see, two choices to make; which one is it that I need to take?” then he suddenly felt a little twinkle among his eyes, he looked at the map; “That’s it!” he opened the map and placed it upon him. “Now, I just need to figure this one out.”

He read it out loud, “Choose the path that has round hard things the most…” then he thought about it, he looked at each side; first, he checked the left; “There is nothing very hard on this side, or even round!” the he checked the other side, known as the right; “Look, there is a pile of rocks here, they are very hard; and round, and there are plenty of them!”

He walked to the right, and then he went straight on. At last he came to a big castle, it has many traps; and so Jack decided to use the map and find clues so that he won’t get lost…

He first came to the front door, and then he opened the map, read the riddle; “Watch out for the monster, with two pairs of wings; and come in the spring, it is giant, I warn you…” then he answered, “The only flying thing that has two pairs of wings is a dragon fly!” when he said “Dragonfly” d-r-a-g-o-n-f-l-y; a giant dragonfly flew past his eyes!

“Whoa!” shouted Jack, he then read the riddle, “look around you; use the one, as sharp as a knife;” Jack looked around himself, then he found a big sharp needle; it was huge! He used all his might and picked it up, and then he sprang it to the monster. The monster fell down immediately, as if dead.

Then Jack had beaten the giant ‘Dragonfly’d-r-a-g-o-n-f-l-y, he was ready to see the sorcerer. He was casting a spell when Jack came in, he interrupted him; and so the sorcerer shouted, “What are you doing stranger?” he asked, “Can you make me a pirate?” “What! Nobody has ever done that spell before; never!”

And so Jack had to keep on being a normal boy, he was satisfied sometimes, but also was glad that he didn’t turn into a pirate. “The map is ‘the only magical thing’ in this world…


During the years of suffering, a super hero called Maze was facing the war of the Americans. One day he was planning a vacation, that was going to be amazing; when a big giant octopus attacked the whole city…

He had no choice but to stop his vacation, and to stop the octopus. He was transforming into a big octopus, and ready to battle Maze. Maze was ready; he got his sword and shield ready for battle. When he came, everybody cheered for him; the octopus was not very happy…

He used his legs and arms and kicked Maze right up into the air. Maze said to the people; “I have a plan, but I’ll need you guys to help me with it;” everybody agreed to help Maze, and so they all gathered around to listen to Maze’s plan. He said to the people, “I need a person, to help and pull a string; that way, when the giant octopus reached me, you guys just pull the string, and it will trip; then I will need a guy that is good at tying knots, that is when the giant octopus trips, that guy will tie his up and give it to me; then rest of the problems I will deal with it…”

Everybody agreed to his magnificent plan, and so they got to work. First Maze went to get a very long string, and gave it to two people that were very good at strength to pull it, instead of pulling it let us make it that Maze’s plan was not at length that good, for the octopus knew all about his plan; and so could very easily pass the test…

When they failed, Maze thought about this problem; they all knew that the octopus it always listening to their plans. Now what? Well since Maze could tell the other people his plan, he had decided to show them his plan. He drew it on a piece of white paper, and showed it to the people, he made some moves of how it was done; they all understood, but the giant octopus didn’t. His plan was the same, but the giant octopus didn’t know it.

He decided to be careful, but he couldn’t, because the string was invisible; instead of the string part, Maze changed it into plastic paper; that way the giant octopus couldn’t see what they were up to; this plan was good, but let us see how it ends.

Then two men were pulling the plastic, the plastic paper broke; and so maybe Maze didn’t think it all the way through. He changed a magnificent plan: First of all, some people distract the giant octopus; and then Maze tied his legs and arms; and threw him into the ocean, where he was gone and 100 percent drowned with his legs and arms tied behind his back.

And so Maze saved the day once again, and when his mom and dad returned home; they were very proud of him. But maze was still sad, his mom and dad asked; “What is the matter Maze?” “Well, I did save the day Hooray! But I still didn’t get a chance of relaxing like little children, they were like holidays!” then his mother and father decided to hold him a holiday celebration, and lived happily ever after.

The octopus did return, and it was all to his mom the scientist. Maze did defeat him again and again; until the octopus was tired, he knew that he was not the guy to beat Maze, so he changed his mind and left the city and gave lived to Maze’s fans in peace.

The end…


There was once a little girl named Anna, that wanted to have magic in this world; but she knew that her mother would just only laugh at her if she had told her. And so she decided to go on the adventure on her own.

She got everything that she needed to complete her mission, and then started off without a word to say. She headed out to the woods, and found a little tree house nearby; she climbed up there with a ladder, and found lots of books and shelves there. She found a book about knights, and turned to a page of pictures of knights long ago; and how they battle enemies such as that. Anna wished so much that she could go there.

After that she fell asleep, and then she opened her eyes, and found her on the ground; as if she were asleep… She thought it very weird, that she was here; at first she was at the tree house, then she was at the grass plot.

She got up, and walked through looking for an exit, then she found the book that she was reading before; she knew that she must have gone into the knight’s story because of her wish. She picked up the book, and looked around; The book suddenly moved like magic, then, she found the books end; there were some words written all over it.

She read in out loud, “If you want to escape this land you are in, all you have to do is try and face all the knights, there are four of them; good luck!” then she began searching for knights, but what she did before that was to think about how to defeat them… She walked along the road, and finally saw a big tree with a sharp branch; she had an idea of how she could face the knights; she broke down the branch, and kept on searching. She was not quite ready for beating them, for she just needed some other things in order to defeats them… She kept on her journey, and suddenly realized a big rock; she was tired and so lay on it. Then a crack came on her back, and the rock got up. Anna was astonished, she stood up and said, “Who are you?” then the rock replied. “I am the alive rock and I suppose you are Anna;” “How did you know my name?”

The rock took a breath and replied, “Because I heard your voice ever since, I know you are looking for some new weapons to defeat knights…” “I most certainly am alive rock,” and she bowed down. The rock then said, “I suppose I can be of much use to you, I am going to come with you; and see whether there are dangers…”

And so Anna and the alive rock moved along, suddenly they came to a big giant tree; the tree said slowly, “Who are you that dare come to my place?” “Ah!” shouted Anna, “Alive tree!” “How did you guess my name?” asked the talking tree; “Because-because your, a-liv-e!” “Yep! And that’s my neighbor;” answered alive rock. Anna then said; “OH, well I suppose you can be a lot of use to me when I defeat knights!”

“Knight? Defeat? Ha! That is already the easiest sport I could think of! I had defeated knights for like 2089 times!” “What?!” asked Anna rather surprised, then she gulped and answered; “Then you must come with me!” answered Anna proudly. And so the three of them marched down, until they came was a big knife; the knife turned around and said, “Who are you little girl?” “Ah!” shouted Anna again, “That’s our neighbor too!” replied alive tree and alive rock together.

Anna then said, “Oh, then you must come with me; I have to defeat knights!” “Oh,” answered the knife, “Then I suppose I could be a lot of use to you, now all we are missing in the alive shield…” He didn’t even finish until, “What?!” shouted Anna, “Don’t shout Anna!” replied alive tree, “This isn’t fake, it is true; follow knife!”

Then knife led the group to where the big shield was, he was brushing his face when they arrived, “Oh, hello everybody; and hello little girl named Anna!” “How did you all know my name?” “No time for that!” shouted alive rock, “We have knights to defeat!” “And you must come with us alive shield!” “No problem!” shouted he, and then the group marched off.

They at last reached the knights hiding spot, the four knights answered; “We shall destroy you!” speaking of which, the knights charged toward Anna’s group; “Attack!” shouted Anna. Alive tree, alive rock, alive knife and mostly alive shield charged toward the knights. Seeing such a fright, the knights said, “You know what; maybe today is not the day boys…

Then the knights were destroyed by the alive group team.

Suddenly a flash came upon Anna, and she vanished out of sight; “Where did she go?” asked the group. Then she shook their heads, and went back to their homes…

And for Anna, she got back home; and she at last knew that magic is really magic…

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本文是一篇高一寒假生活英语作文600字,题目为Drunken Driving,文章表达了作者对醉酒驾驶的观点,下面就让我们一起来欣赏全文吧! 高一寒假生活英语作文600字:Drunken Driving It is commonly known thatdrunken driving is a taboo to drivers, for alcohol can penetrate into people's blood, affect their brain and lead to traffic drivers today drive even when they are intoxicated, either for their personal habits or for business reasons. Drunken driving can be very one thing, it can bring about disasters to the victims, who are either killed or severely injured in the another, it is harmful to the driver himself, and the driver should at least be partly responsible for , drunken driving jeopardizes the security and stability of the society. There are many ways to reduce drunken , there should be a provision in the law to prevent people from driving when they are , the mass media should also play a role in publicizing the hazards of drunken driving as well as in educating people to obey the traffic but not least, the drivers should establish a strong sense of responsibility for others as well as for themselves. After all, life is the most important. 以上就99作文网为大家提供的高一寒假生活英语作文1000字,更多精彩内容尽在【99作文网高中频道】,加入我们吧!

The large number of our population has bee one of the most serious problems of our society. According to a recent survey of the National Bureau of Statistics there are more than billion people in our country which account for about 1/5 of all the people in the world. The same survey also predicts that our population will grow quickly in the years to e.

Overpopulation has brought about a series of negative effects to our economic development and social security. In the first place too many people impose a heavy burden on our environment. As a result we suffer from a shortage of fresh water and natural resources. In the second place as the supply of labor greatly exceeds the demand of the society many people bee employed. This is a source of social unrest. Last but not least we have to manufacture all kinds of products to meet the needs of the people which causes environment pollution to our lakes and land.

Serious though the problem seems we have to take some measures to tackle it. On the one hand the government should carry out more strictly the policy of family planning thus reducing the total number of population. On the other hand all the people should realize the harms of overpopulation. With the concerted efforts of all the parties concerned we’re sure to solve the problem in the future.

Which is more important health or wealth? When given this question different people have varied answers. Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life while others see more advantages arising from wealth.

The first group of people quote the old saying "Health is above wealth" to prove their idea. They argue that on the one hand a strong person can do almost anything as long as he/she tries hard. On the other hand however rich people will not be able to enjoy the wealth if their days are numbered.

In contrast the advocates of wealth have such arguments as follows. For one thing wealthy people will be able to buy more healthful foods. For another they can enjoy better facilities to improve their health. (Take my neighbor Lao Wang as an example. He had a heart attack and is in hospital. However he cannot afford the expensive operation which costs as much as 100000 yuan. Therefore he has to lie in bed hopelessly. If he were a rich man his life could be saved.) (括号中的部分同学们自己可以在别的文章中发挥。)

As far as I am concerned both health and wealth are important to our life. We should try to strike a balance beeen them and gain wealth with a healthy body.


考研冲刺最后几天,英语中很多人都害怕作文,其实只要心态好,把平时积累的发挥出来就行。下面为大家整理了8篇考研预测范文,希望可以帮助大家。考研英语作文预测及范文一:Directions:One of your foreign friends plans to go sightseeing in China. Write an email to recommend one place.预测范文Dear George,I hear that you are planning a sightseeing trip in China. Well, I have just returned from a place I am sure you will enjoy. It is Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, and one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in the ’an, called Chang’an in the old days, was the capital of seven dynasties, and so the place is full of ancient relics. I spent one week there, and didn’t have the chance to see even half of them. But the major attractions are the terracotta warriors guarding the tomb of China’s first emperor, the Flying Goose Pagoda and the Banpo Prehistoric ’an boasts plenty of modern hotels and restaurants, but they are not particularly cheap, so take lots of money with you. I hope you have as much fun as I ,Li Ming二:Directions:One of your foreign friends plans to go sightseeing in China. Write an email to recommend one place.预测范文Dear George,I hear that you are planning a sightseeing trip in China. Well, I have just returned from a place I am sure you will enjoy. It is Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, and one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in the ’an, called Chang’an in the old days, was the capital of seven dynasties, and so the place is full of ancient relics. I spent one week there, and didn’t have the chance to see even half of them. But the major attractions are the terracotta warriors guarding the tomb of China’s first emperor, the Flying Goose Pagoda and the Banpo Prehistoric ’an boasts plenty of modern hotels and restaurants, but they are not particularly cheap, so take lots of money with you. I hope you have as much fun as I ,Li Ming三、某城市居民城市化问题不满意程度调查表The survey in the table demonstrates the dissatisfaction with urbanization in a city during the past decade. Specifically speaking, residents expressed their least satisfaction with the problem of heavy traffic at the rate surging from 18% in 2005 to 58% in 2015. In comparison, the problems of air pollution and housing shortage also deteriorated in a relatively steady and moderate course, the severe problem of heavy traffic in the process of urbanization should be under the spotlight of urban citizens. The excessive reliance on automobiles, combined with poor infrastructure construction, makes the traffic congestion an unbearable issue, incurring more concerns and discontents among urban citizens. Although the growth of transporting system is unprecedentedly rapid, it still cannot meet the increasing needs of urban dwellers—the typical after-effect of overpopulation in the city. As to the dissatisfaction of the problem concerning housing shortage, the reason can be best put down to the fact that an increasing number of rural labors swarm into cities to hunt for employment, giving rise to the shortage of healthy development of urbanization calls for the co-efforts from both authorities and citizens. The test of any urbanization, however, lies not only in the extent of industrialization and modernization of the city, but in the satisfaction and well-being of common dwellers.四、Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart in your writing, you shouldinterpret the chart, andgive your commentsYou should write about 150 words.【参考范文】The column chart reveals market size of web game in China from the first quarter of 2010 to the second quarter of 2011. During the period of one and a half years,there has been a sudden jump from RMB 520 million to 820 million, a rise of 300 million, at the year-on-year growth rate of more than 50%.When computer’s entertaining function is highly spoken of, such a problem does deserve our serious concern. First and foremost, the most serious harm ofInternet games come from their contents, which affect children’s mental majority of games involve violence, such as fighting and killing. To win or kill their opponents, children are permitted to use all various means like guns, knives and bombs. When they are enjoying the pleasure of success, a violent turn of mind is developed and rooted in them, which may induce future violent behavior in their real life. What is more, being indulged in Internet games also does harm to children’s physical health. The radiation from the computer can arouse many uncomfortable feeling, like a headache, poor eyesight and even losing lack of sleep and dinner, children are more inclined to get irritable and suffer from severe course, it is not the end of the story. Being indulged in Internet games also affects children’s study, and their communication with others. All these facts indicate that it is time for us to manageInternet games by the whole society.五、倡议书疫情持续开学无期,为方便同学备战高考,自主招生团队特搜集整理新型冠状病毒高考英语作文范文:倡议书——从小事做起共战疫情,供考生学习参考。假定你是学生会主席李华,当前新冠状病毒肆虐,请你围绕“从小事做起共战疫情”这一主题,给全校学生写一封英文倡议书。Dear schoolmates,Over the past fifteen days,the novel virus has made its way around has a strong impact on our life and with the crisis,we students should respond actively to the appeal from authority and order to ease the serious condition,all of students had better do as of all,stay at home and don't go out if not responsible for yourself and addition,do wear masks while you are in the open we all know,it can reduce the risk of contracting the hands as often as possible is needed, importantly,everyone ought to have a positive attitude to the campaign with the is dear friends,there may be a long way to go for 's work hand in hand to overcome anxiety and do some have faith in the fact that tomorrow is another Students'六、中美两国在线教育用户The bar chart represents significant changes in college online education subscriptions in China and US from 2013 to 2015. To be specific, the past three years has witnessedsubstantialgrowthin the proportion of e-learning in China from 10% to nearly 40%, withthepercentage in US it or not,this trend is a sign of educational reform. Thanks to the accessibility and popularity of Internet and electronic devices, universities in both US and China have stepped into an era of online education, transforming the traditional pattern of education. Moreover, in a university where new technologies are available, students in mounting numbers in China, shrugging off their former prejudice against computers, gradually find online education an irreplaceable in all, with the acceleration of online education in Chinese universities, students will have access to more opportunities of updated information, diverse options, and better flexibility. Just as some educationalists and experts predicted, the 21st century will be the era of online learning.七、In the picture, an actress is performing Peking Opera on the stage, trying to impress her audience by special tones and symbolic gestures. However, she receives distinct responses—the old man is appreciating the performance with absorbed interest while the young man is bored into sound picture is the miniature of the current situation of Chinese traditional culture. With the impact from western and modern culture shock and integration, Chinese traditional and classical culture is facing an unprecedented challenge and crisis, since a large segment of Chinese young generation is indifferent to or even discards it. Some youngsters, for example, argue that traditional Chinese medicine is unscientific and Chinese drama is out-of-date in this day and age. Hence, it is all deliciously ironic when you see quite a lot of foreigners regard Chinese traditional culture as priceless treasure and frequently resort to traditional Chinese philosophy for solutions to present is high time for us to treasure and advocate our own valuable culture. The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance to Chinese cultural diversity and also to the harmonious development between local economic and social development. Chinese traditional culture moves forward, notonlythrough co-efforts from authorities and mass media but also because of the fact that ordinary people, especially the new generation of youngsters, place a high value on preserving and performing it.八、网络谣言Symbolically portrayed in the above caricature are two adults, almost hit by two bombs of rumors from the Internet. Wearing scared expressions, the two figures are trying to escape, but it seems no way for them to get out of the coverage of these gossips. And there is a caption saying “Cyber Rumors”.What the drawer wants to implicate is that Internet rumors are so destructive that anyone can hardly bear but nobody can absolutely isolated from them. Take celebrities for example, if descriptions of their certain behaviors and words have been put into the Internet, which is available to the public, they may be resisted or even abused via commenting or relaying. Cyber rumors can impose moral kidnapping on people involved, making victims suffer physically and mentally. In addition, social ability, even the country’s reputation may be upset, and netizens’ trust to the Internet will also be terms of shortcomings cyber rumors carry mentioned, the government should publish relevant laws and regulations with all haste and ensure their enforcement on creators of Internet rumors. Besides, institutions concerned should appoint specialists to check regularly to eliminate the spread of cyber rumors. Furthermore, any citizen surfing on the Internet should strengthen their moral cultivation, rejecting to erroneous cyber information on their initiative. Only through efforts of all dimensions can cyber rumors fail to harm individuals and human society.报考考试有疑问、不知道如何考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费领取复习资料


Sleep is very ancient. In the electroencephalographic sense we share it with all the primates and almost all the other mammals and birds: it may extend back as far as the reptiles.

There is some evidence that the two types of sleep, dreaming and dreamless, depend on the life-style of the animal, and that predators are statistically much more likely to dream than prey, which are in turn much more likely to experience dreamless sleep. In dream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilized and remarkably unresponsive to external stimuli.

Dreamless sleep is much shallower, and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep. The fact that deep dream sleep is rare among prey today seems clearly to be a product of natural selection, and it makes sense that today, when sleep is highly evolved, the stupid animals are less frequently immobilized by deep sleep than the smart ones. But why should they sleep deeply at all? Why should a state of such deep immobilization ever have evolved? Perhaps one useful hint about the original function of sleep is to be found in the fact that dolphins and whales and aquatic mammals in general seem to sleep very little. There is, by and large, no place to hide in the ocean. Could it be that, rather than increasing an animal's vulnerability, the function of sleep is to decrease it? Wilse Webb of the University of Florida and Ray Meddis of London University have suggested this to be the case. It is conceivable that animals who are too stupid to be quiet on their own initiative are, during periods of high risk, immobilized by the implacable arm of sleep. The point seems particularly clear for the young of predatory animals. This is an interesting notion and probably at least partly true.



睡眠是古老的。 从脑电图上看,我们人类和所有灵长目动物以及几乎所有的哺乳动物 和鸟类都一样需要睡眠;甚至爬行类动物也有睡眠。 有证据显示,有梦睡眠和无梦睡眠这两种类型的睡眠取决于该动物的生活方式。 从统计上看,食肉动物比被捕食动物有更多的 有梦睡眠,而被捕食动物更多地无梦睡眠。

动物在有梦睡眠时,被有效地解除动作能力, 并且对外界刺激缺乏反应。 无梦睡眠则要浅得多。 我们都看到过猫和狗在显然的酣睡中, 有一点响动耳朵就会竖起来。 被捕食动物很少有深度的有梦睡眠,这看来显然是自然选择 的结果。

而且这一点是有道理的:当睡眠高度进化以后,愚笨的动物比聪明的动物更少在 深度睡眠状态下丧失动作能力。

但是动物为什么要进入深度睡眠呢?为什么这样的无动作状 态也会进化出来呢? 海豚、鲸鱼以及水生哺乳动物睡眠都极少,这一事实可以给睡眠的根本 功能提供有用的线索。 海洋中是没有藏身之处的。 会不会是这样,睡眠不但不增加动物受 伤害的可能性,反而是减少了这种可能性呢?佛罗里达大学的 Wilse Webb 和伦敦大学的 Ray Meddis 认为情况就是如此。 可以想像得出,在危险的时刻,那些由于太愚笨而不能自动保 持安静的动物,会不由自主地变得动弹不得。 这一点在食肉动物的幼兽身上表现得特别明 显。 这是一个很有意思的看法,它至少部分是正确的。

The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet the historical process which culminated in the ascent of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency can be regarded as the outstanding example not only of the birth of a new way of life but of nationalism as a new way of life. The American Revolution represents the link between the seventeenth century, in which modern England became conscious of itself, and the awakening of modern Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. It may seem strange that the march of history should have had to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but only in the North American colonies could a struggle for civic liberty lead also to the foundation of a new nation.

Here, in the popular rising against a "tyrannical" government, the fruits were more than the securing of a freer constitution. They included the growth of a nation born in liberty by the will of the people, not from the roots of common descent, a geographic entity, or the ambitions of king or dynasty. With the American nation, for the first time, a nation was born,

not in the dim past of history but before the eyes of the whole world.


历史的进程是如此错综复杂,人类行为的动机是如此令人费解,以至于想把那些时间跨度大,涉及人数多,空间范围广的事件描述成为一个智者或一场社会运动的表现的企图是危 险的。 然而以托马斯·杰弗逊登上总统宝座为高潮的那一段历史过程可以被视为一个特殊 的例子。

在这段历史时期里不仅诞生了新的生活方式,而且民族主义成为了一种新的生活 方式。 美国独立战争成为联结 17 世纪现代英格兰的自我意识和 18 世纪末现代欧洲的觉醒 的纽带。 历史的行程需要跨越大西洋,这看起来似乎有些奇怪,但却只有在北美殖民地为 民权和自由的斗争才能导致新国家的建立。

这里,反对"暴政"的民众起义的成果不仅是获 得一个包含更多自由的宪法,还包括了一个依照人民的意愿诞生在自由中的国家的成长。这 个国家不是基于血缘、地理、君主或王朝的野心。 由于有了美国,第一次一个国家的诞生不是发生在历史模糊的过去,而是在全世界人们的眼前。

People appear to be born to compute. The numerical skills of children develop so early and so inexorably that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding their growth. Not long after learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with impressive accuracy-- one knife, one spoon, one fork, for each of the five chairs. Soon they are capable of noting that they have placed five knives, spoons and forks on the table and, a bit later, that this amounts to fifteen pieces of silverware. Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems almost reasonable to expect that if a child were secluded on a desert island at birth and retrieved seven years later, he or she could enter a second-grade mathematics class without any serious problems of intellectual adjustment.

Of course, the truth is not so simple. This century, the work of cognitive psychologists has illuminated the subtle forms of daily learning on which intellectual progress depends. Children were observed as they slowly grasped -- or, as the case might be, bumped into -- concepts that adults take for granted, as they refused, for instance, to concede that quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short stout glass into a tall thin one.

Psychologists have since demonstrated that young children, asked to count the pencils in a pile, readily report the number of blue or red pencils, but must be coaxed into finding the total. Such studies have suggested that the rudiments of mathematics are mastered gradually, and with effort. They have also suggested that the very concept of abstract numbers - the idea of a oneness, a twoness, a threeness that applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding than setting a table - is itself far from innate.


人似乎生来就会计算。 孩子们使用数字的技能发展得如此之早和如此必然,很容易让 人想象有一个内在的精确而成熟的数字钟在指导他们的成长。

孩子们在学会走路和说话后 不久,就能以令人惊叹的准确布置桌子--五把椅子前面分别摆上一把刀、一个汤匙、一把叉子。 很快地,他们就能知道他们已在桌面上摆放了五把刀、五个汤匙、五把叉子。 没有多 久,他们就又能知道这些东西加起来总共是 15 把银餐具。

如此这般地掌握了加法之后,他 们又转向减法。 有一种设想几乎顺理成章,那就是,即使一个孩子一出生就被隔绝到荒岛上,七年后返回世间,也能直接上小学二年级的数学课,而不会碰到任何智力调整方面的大 麻烦。当然,事实并没有这么简单。

本世纪认知心理学家的工作已经揭示了智力发展所依 赖的日常学习的微妙形式。 他们观察到孩子们缓慢掌握那些成年人认为理所当然的概念的 过程,或者是孩子们偶然遇到这些概念的过程。 他们也观察到孩子们拒绝承认某些常识的 情况。 比如: 孩子们拒绝承认当水从短而粗的瓶中倒入细而长的瓶子中时,水的数量没有 变化。 心理学家们而后又展示一个例子, 即:让孩子们数一堆铅笔时,他们能顺利地报出 蓝铅笔或红铅笔的数目,但却需诱导才能报出总的数目。 此类研究表明:数学基础是经过 逐渐努力后掌握的。

他们还表示抽象的数字概念,如可表示任何一类物品并且是在做比摆 桌子有更高数学要求的任何事时都必备的一、二、三意识,远远不是天生就具备的。



Today, with the development of the technology and the diversity of the mass media, advertising has influenced us pervasively in our daily life. However, whatever the promotive strategies advertising takes, language is the main carrier of message all along, as The Language of Advertising, by Vestergaard & Schroder, says, “Advertising takes many forms, but in most of them language is of crucial importance.” Advertising language is a of immediate impact and rapid persuasion. The point of an advertisement is to persuade you of the merits of a particular product or service, in order that you will take out some of your money. Advertising Information Advertising information is the principal contents an advertisement wants to disseminate. Advertising is a serious of planning action, so the information of advertising should be aimed at the certain target market and consumers, and should avoid aimlessness. The dissemination of information should be accurate, definite, recognizable and moderate in length. An effective advertisement involves not only “what to say”, but also ‘how to say”. Advertising Media Media are the means of the dissemination of advertising, including newspaper, magazine, broadcast, TV program, and mail. The newspaper, magazine, broadcast and TV are called the four main media of advertising. Moreover, any kind of objects or tools can be a medium for the advertisement, such as airplane, train, bus, building, neon light, movie, package, exhibition, and etc. Different kinds of media have different features, disseminating area, target audience and . Nonpersonal Advertising is not aimed at any individual, or by any individual. It’s a nonpersonal transmission of information aiming at the public or a certain group of people. Because of the nonpersonal features of advertising, the dissemination and operation of it should be restricted by the law of a country, the moral standards, psychology, zoology, and environment protection. The information, methods, media, and other components of advertising should abide by the advertising laws, policies and rules, and should be under the of the public. All of these components are mutual features and essential elements of every advertisement. The wide use of advertising has created a special of English—advertising English. Its unique features, simple language and immense attraction separate it from other kind of language. In the development of advertising English, this kind of language has formed its own features in several aspects. English Morphology in Advertising As a means to disseminate information, advertising English must be , vivid, visual, emotional and attractive. Therefore, morphology in advertising is quite different from common English. The function of advertising is to provide information, attract consumer, exploit market, and promise the quality. Therefore, advertisement must pay attention to its impelling language, and the first step is to use popular and oral language to make it easy to understand and memorize. For example: “I couldn’t believe it, until I tried it!” “I’m impressed! I’m really impressed!” “You’ve gotta try it!” “I love it!” This is an advertisement of a microwave oven. The words in it are very simple and oral. It uses the slang “gotta”, which means “got to” in American English, to give an impression that this advertisement comes from the real life. Misspelling and Coinage In some of advertisements, the advertising copywriter misspells some words on purpose, or adds some suffix or prefix to the common words. Although the new words still keep the original meanings, they are quite different from the original words in spelling, which will make the advertisement more vivid, interesting and attractive. e.g. We know eggsactly How to sell eggs. In this advertisement, “eggsactly” is the variation of “exactly”, and echo the word “eggs” at the end of the sentence. The Orangemostest Drink in the world. In this drink advertisement, the word “orangemostest” actually is “orange+most+est”. It uses this word to the high quality and purity of the drink. The coinage and misspelling are also representing in some phrases, such as: First of all, because now Yoplait is thicker. Second of all, because it’s creamier. Third of all, because it’s still 100% natural and really very good for you. Fourth of all, because to me Yoplait tastes better than all the other Yoyurts. And fifth of all, because…well, just because In this advertisement, the copywriter imitate the phrase “first of all” to create “second of all, third of all, fourth of all…”, which will inspire consumers’ imagination. In addition, some prefixes or suffixes like “super-”, “ex-”, “-er”, “-est” …etc, are often used to stress the high quality of the product. Loanwords The most frequently used loanwords are French and Spanish. For example: Order it in bottles or in cans. Perrier…with added je ne sais quoi. The meaning of “je ne sais quoi” is “I don’t know what”. The purpose to use this simple French is to show the French flavor of this drink. The loanwords in some advertisement are good methods to the exoticism of the products. (4). Contraction Because the advertisement fees are so high that it’s essential to use some contraction to cut short the length, and reduce the cost. To Let or For Sale Furnished Edinburgh Court, 426 Argyly st, 2nd floor, 1,630 sqft4 bedrooms with dining and living room, prive . Sale at 130,000. Rent 1,400. Tel, 38954 office time or 823748. This is an advertisement to rent or sell a . There are many contractions, such as: st=street, sq=square, ft=foot, Tel=telephone. Use of verbs Although the ultimate purpose of advertising is to persuade consumers to buy its products, advertisements seldom use the word “buy” in it. Statistics show only two out of ten advertisements use the verb “buy” directly. On one hand, the advertisers try their best to promote their product; on the other hand, they don’t want to give the consumers a feeling of spending their money. Therefore, the choice of verbs is very careful in advertising. The most frequently used 20 verbs and phrasal verbs are: Try, ask, get, take, let, send for, use, call, make, , hurry, see, give, come, remember, , serve, introduce, choose, and look for. Examples: Getting places in the business world is easier if your banker is there to meet you. --Security Pacific Asian Bank. We can give you a better view of investment opportunities from both sides of the Pacific. --City Bank. Use of Adjectives The most frequently used are: 1.new 2. crisp 3. good/better/best 4. fine 5. free 6. big 7. fresh 8. great 9. delicious 10. real 11. full, sure 12. easy, bright 13. clean 14. extra, safe 15.special 16. rich Use of Compound words There are lots of compound words in advertisement mainly because the element of compound words could be any part of speech, and has few limits in grammar and word order. There are many ways to write a headline, and 5 types often appear in written advertisement: (1). Straightforward headlines This kind of headlines usually uses interrogative sentences and imperative sentences to arouse readers’ interest. Ever wander why most guys in pants ads are standing up? Discover the wonder of your first Dash wash! (2). News headlines Pursuing new things is the nature of human beings. People are always interested in finding some new products or improvement of old products. Therefore, news headlines could attract consumers’ attention better. Introducing Renunt Freshell, The New wave in Air Fresheners. (3). Information headlines Example: Datsun saves about a of gasoline a day. (4). Emotional headlines Example: Soft shoes for hard world. (5). Curiosity headlines Example: Saturday night On .

you must tell me what about sth!!so i do not understand how to writt!

伱好、O(∩_∩)O~、又来给你回答问题了、狠篙兴啊、 第一篇: My Good Friend Zhang Ying is my good friend. She’s in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She’s a model student. She’s clever and she’s helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesn’t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We always work together and help each other. 第二篇: My Favourite Flower My favourite flower is lily. Lily is the national flower of France. I like white lily best. Because it’s very beautiful and pure. I planted a white lily in my garden in spring. I watered it every day. It grew very fast. It was taller and taller. One day, I got home after school. The lily blossomed. It looked like an elegant fairy. I was too excited to cry, “Oh, white fairy, white fairy!” I couldn’t help dancing. At that night, I dreamt that I was a beautiful fairy. 第三篇:An Unforgettable Holiday I am 'always busy with my lessons. What I have to do everyday is nothing but study. Luckily, last summer my family went to my uncle's farm.We enjoyed a really interesting holiday. During the holiday, I didn't have to get up early, nor did I need to finish many exercises. I rode the horse in the fields. I milked the cows on the farm. To my GREat joy, my uncle invited me to go fishing. Life on the farm is quite different from that at school. I want to go back to spend my summer holiday again. 第四篇:My Happiest Day Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening. Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!" At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was! 第五篇:A Tree A tree has three main parts, the roots, the branches and the leaves. Under the ground, the roots spread out so that the tree can stand firm. Above the ground, the roots form the trunk, and the trunk supports the branches. Near the top of the tree, the trunk divides into branches. At the top of the tree, the leaves grow out of the branches. the leaves receive sunlight to help the whole tree grow. 希望你能满意哦 1000字有点多了 所以这个没有这嚒多字 抱歉哦


1000--one thousand10000-- ten thousand100000--one hundred thousand英文中数字以千为单位,没有万,一万即表示为十千,十万即表示为一百千。

例如:8,456——eight thousand, four hundred and fifty-six

36,789——thirty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine

30,345,130——thirty million, three hundred and forty-five thousand,one hundred and thirty

23,456,342,456——twenty-threebillion, four hundred and fifty-six million, three hundred and forty-two thousand, four hundred and fifty-six



例如:1万——ten thousand 十万——hundred thousand(百个一千)


one thousand、ten thousand、one hundred thousand。



1865年读作 eighteen sixty-five

1998年读作 nineteen ninety-eight

如果前两个数字为非“零”数字,后两位数分别为“零”,则先读出前两位数,然后将后面的两个“零”读为 hundred。例如:

1900年读作 nineteen hundred

1800年读作 eighteen hundred


1809年读作 eighteen O nine



址、资料都给你!看的完不?写毕业设计论文吧? 这里有一大堆: 进去搜下“平面设计”。不过你那里不一定能浏览全文。标题前面有个小绿色方格的才可浏览全文。 A Product–Delay algorithm for graphic design Asok K. Sen Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana University, 402 N. Blackford Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA Available online 9 February 1999. Abstract A Product–Delay algorithm is presented for creating graphic designs on a computer. In this algorithm two functions u(t) and v(t) are multiplied yielding a function x(t). Another function y(t) is formed by delaying or advancing x(t) by a fixed amount of time t. These functions are evaluated over a suitable time interval and the results are plotted in the x–y plane. For appropriate choices of the functions and parameters, the x–y displays exhibit interesting geometric patterns. In this paper the algorithm is illustrated with a pair of sine and square waves. It is shown that a wide variety of graphic designs can be created with these simple waveforms. By virtue of its simplicity this algorithm can be programmed easily and quickly using general purpose software such as Maple, Matlab or Mathematica. It can be executed on standard platforms such as IBM PC compatibles, Macintosh computers or workstations. Some results in polar coordinates are also given. Author Keywords: graphic design; product-delay algorithm; computer art 1. Introduction It has long been recognized that mathematics and computers can be used in a complementary fashion for the creation of visual arts. Several mathematical methods have been developed over the years for generating graphic designs on the computer. The methods range from simple iteration schemes such as fractal generation techniques to solving systems of differential equations of nonlinear dynamics and chaos[1, 2]. In this paper we will present a different methodology for creating graphic designs using computers. This methodology is based on the idea of Lissajous figures and is referred to as the Product–Delay algorithm. We will illustrate its application to graphic design with a pair of sine and square waves. It will be seen that with these simple waveforms the Product–Delay algorithm can produce a multitude of interesting geometric patterns. Our formulation is based on multiplying two functions u(t) and v(t), yielding a new function x(t). It is convenient to think of the variable t as time. The function x(t) is delayed or advanced by a fixed amount of time. The resulting function y(t) is plotted against x(t) in a phase-plane like representation. For suitable choices of the functions and parameters, the x–y displays exhibit a rich variety of geometric patterns. We will appropriately call this procedure the Product–Delay algorithm. The concept of a time delay is often used in nonlinear signal processing applications including the analysis of chaotic dynamics. The purpose is to construct a phase portrait from the measurement of the time series of a single system variable. In these applications the original time series is delayed by a certain amount of time. The original time series and the delayed series are plotted to construct a phase portrait of the system dynamics[3]. The notion of a discrete time delay has also been used recently in a different context[4]. All the computations reported in this paper are performed using the software Maple V (Release 4) on a SUN Ultrasparc workstation. They can also be carried out with other general purpose software such as Matlab or Mathematica, and on different platforms such as IBM PC compatibles, Macintosh computers and other workstations. 2. Pattern formation with sine and square waves To begin with our development we consider a simple combination of sine and square waves. In particular, we take u(t)=a1+sin(2 πf1t), (1) v(t)=a2+sin(2 πf2t)/|sin(2 πf2t)|. (2) Here the vertical bars denote the absolute value of the function inside them. The function u(t) is a sine wave of amplitude unity, frequency f1 and offset a1, whereas the function v(t) represents a square wave of amplitude unity, frequency f2 and offset a2. We now form the product x(t)=u(t)v(t), (3) and select a delay/advance time δ to construct the function y(t)=x(t+δ). 2.1. Effect of a nonzero offset Here we investigate the effect of a nonzero offset in the sine or the square wave. First consider the sine wave u(t) as before with no offset (a1=0) but the square wave with an offset a2=−0.25. In other words, we use u(t) as given by Eq. 5, but Eq. 6 is replaced with v(t)=−0.25+sin(2π.3000t)/|sin(2π.3000t)|. (8) These functions together with those given by Eq. 3 and Eq. 7 are evaluated over the time interval [0, 1.5] at 500 numpoints. The result is the pattern depicted in Fig. 2. From a comparison of Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 it is apparent that Fig. 2 possesses a similar structure as Fig. 1 around its center but the presence of an offset in the square wave has led to significant deformation in Fig. 2 from the outer periphery inward. As the offset a2 is increased through negative values, the pattern continues to lose its central structure and in the limiting case a2=−1, i.e., when the magnitude of the negative offset equals the amplitude of the square wave, the inner structure around the center is completely lost and the twelve limbs intersect in a single point at the center. We now consider an offset whose magnitude is larger than the amplitude of the square wave. Fig. 3 portrays the scenario for a2=−2. Observe the emergence of a clear region around the center. If the offset is increased through large negative values, the central clear region tends to increase in size and the resulting pattern tends to approach a circle with no internal structure when the magnitude of the offset is very large. Note that all these patterns are rotationally symmetric. Display Full Size version of this image (5K) Fig. 2. Same parameter values are used as in Fig. 1 except with an offset of −0.25 in the square wave Display Full Size version of this image (5K) Fig. 3. Same parameter values are used as in Fig. 1 except with an offset of −2.0 in the square wave Next we examine the effect of introducing a nonzero offset in the sine wave. Consider, for example, a1=−1 with a2=0. These choices lead to a bundle-like pattern with bilateral symmetry as shown in Fig. 4. If the offset a1 is increased through negative values, the bundle continues to become narrower, and for large negative values of a1, the pattern approaches a line of slope unity. Other interesting patterns can be created by introducing a nonzero offset in both the sine and square waves. Display Full Size version of this image (5K) 5. Concluding remarks We have presented a few prototypical examples of graphic patterns that can be created with the Product–Delay algorithm using sine and square waves. Clearly it is possible to create numerous other patterns with these waveforms by appropriately selecting the various parameter values. An even richer variety of patterns can be produced by using other types of functions. In a future paper we will explore the effect of amplitude and frequency modulated waves and other complex waveforms on pattern generation平面设计英文书目列表 来自: cognito (北京)5/5人推荐 共 34 个条目 我不喜欢 欢迎推荐豆列,请先登录或注册快速注册你的email地址:请填写email 用于确认你的身份, 豆瓣绝不会公开你的email。给自己设一个密码:请填写长度大于3的密码 你需要用它登录, 请使用英文字母、符号或数字。给自己起一个名号:起个名号吧 中、英文均可。The Form of the BookJan Tschichold / Hajo Hadeler / 1997-10 / Hartley & Marks Publishers / Essays on the Morality of Good Design (Classic Typography Series) / USD 19.95 / PaperbackThe New TypographyJan Tschichold / 2006-09-01 / University of California Press / USD 32.50 / PaperbackStop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works, Second EditionErik Spiekermann / E.M Ginger / 2002-07-15 / Adobe Press / USD 30.00 / PaperbackActive LiteratureChristopher Burke / 2007-08-16 / Hyphen / Jan Tschichold and New Typography: Jan Tschichold and New Typography / USD 50.00 / HardcoverPaul RennerChristopher Burke / 1999-01-01 / Princeton Architectural Press / The Art of Typography / USD 35.00 / PaperbackMeggs' History of Graphic DesignPhilip Meggs / Alston W. Purvis / 2005-12-07 / Wiley / USD 75.00 / HardcoverLook at ThisShaughnessy, Adrian / Chronicle Books Llc / $35.00 / PapGrid SystemsKimberly Elam / 2005-08-01 / Princeton Architectural Press / Principles of Organizing Type (Design Briefs) / USD 19.95 / PaperbackGrid Systems in Graphic DesignJosef Muller-Brockmann / Josef Muller - Brockmann / Arthur Niggli / USD 78.00 / HardcoverNew Typographic DesignRoger Fawcett-Tang / 2007-05-21 / Yale University Press / USD 35.00 / PaperbackThe Elements of Typographic StyleRobert Bringhurst / 2004-10-09 / Hartley and Marks Publishers / USD 29.95 / PaperbackTypographyFriedrich Friedl / Nicholaus Ott, Bernard Stein / Konemann UK Ltd / when who how / HardcoverAbout FaceDavid Jury / 2004-08-30 / Rotovision / Reviving The Rules Of Typography / USD 30.00 / PaperbackTypographyEmil Ruder / A. Niggli / USD 88.00 / HardcoverThe Thames and Hudson manual of typographyRuari McLean / Thames and Hudson / Unknown BindingMaking and Breaking the GridTimothy Samara / 2005-05-01 / Rockport Publishers / A Graphic Design Layout Workshop / USD 25.00 / PaperbackSwiss Graphic DesignRichard Hollis / 2006-04-28 / Yale University Press / The Origins and Growth of an International Style, 1920-1965 / USD 50.00 / HardcoverJosef Muller-BrockmannPaul Rand / Lars Müller Publishers / Pioneer of Swiss Graphic Design / USD 69.95 / PaperbackWhat is Graphic Design For? (Essential Design Handbooks)Alice Twemlow / 2006-05-15 / RotoVision / USD 35.00 / HardcoverThe Graphic Designers and His Design ProblemsJ. Muller-Brockmann / Josef Mullerbrockmann / 2003-09 / Arthur Niggli / USD 79.95 / HardcoverNo More RulesRick Poynor / 2003-10-01 / Yale University Press / Graphic Design and Postmodernism / USD 37.00 / PaperbackInfluencesAnna Gerber / Anja Lutz / H. Hellige Klanten / 2006-10-30 / Gestalten Verlag / A Lexicon of Contemporary Graphic Design Practice / USD 45.00 / HardcoverPaul RandSteven Heller / 2000-08-29 / Phaidon Press / USD 35.00 / PaperbackPaul RandPaul Rand / 2000-09-11 / Yale University Press / A Designer`s Art / USD 32.00 / PaperbackPaul RandDerek Birdsall / Steven Heller / Nathan Garland / Paul Rand / Milton Glaser / Ivan Chermayeff / 2003-11-02 / Center for Art and Visual Culture, UMBC / Modernist Designer / USD 45.00 / Paperback

This afternoon to school buses "I" of the cell phone was stolen by thieves Because the bus is crowded so I have not noticed until it entered the classroom I am very unhappy because I love my cell phone because it was my grandfather gave me a 15-year-old birthday gift I hope that the world's more good and less bad

Republic of France in western Europe. Size 5 5 1 6 0 2 sq km. 3 0 0 0 km long coastline. Residents mostly France. Catholic residents more letter. French as an official language.5 century, a kingdom. 1 5 a centralized state at the end of the century. 1789 eruption of bourgeois revolution. Since then, the Republic has established a five and two empires. 1958 Fifth Republic was born.Prior to the Second World War, France was the second largest of the British colonial empire, the colonial area equivalent to 20 times the local community. After the war, most have separate French colony. January 27, 1964 to establish diplomatic relations with China.Southeast high-low topography. Central and southern central highlands, north-west of Northern France is plain. Most areas of the marine climate of temperate broadleaf forest, coastal and southern Rhone valley to the Mediterranean-type climate is subtropical. Annual average precipitation from northwest to southeast from 6 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 mm increments to mm. Bauxite, uranium ore reserves in Western European countries, tops the first. Iron, potassium is also abundant. Forest area accounted for 26% of the area.Industrialized countries, a high concentration of production and capital GDP amongst the highest in the world. The major industrial sectors of mining, metallurgy, automobiles, shipbuilding, machinery, textile, chemical, electrical, food, etc. Nuclear energy, petrochemical, marine development, arms, aviation and space sectors are developing rapidly and have amongst the highest in the world. 1993 output of major industrial products are : 16.61 million tons of steel, 12.01 million tons of pig iron, coal reached 10.35 million tons, 2.52 million tons of pulp, 2.8 million vehicles cars, generating 4 5 1 0 kW / hour. Agriculture developed for the world famous agricultural exporting countries. Category of major agricultural products are wheat, maize, potatoes, beet, rice, tobacco, grapes. 1 9 9 3 tons of wheat 24.9 million tonnes, barley 6.5 million tons, corn 13.3 million tons, 5.3 billion litres of wine grapes. France is Western Europe "common market" countries, the main target is Western Europe trade "common market" countries. Exports machinery, chemicals, automobiles, steel and food. Imported fuels, the Military Industrialization raw materials, ores. Rail 3 5 0 0 0 km, the road about 8 0 million metres. Capital Paris, a city renowned Eiffel transmission tower, construction, a city southwest Versailles Palace. Automobiles, electrical industry renowned textile and cosmetics industries are also developed. Le Havre, Lille, Rouen, Nantes, Lyon, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Marseille are important industrial center. Other important festivals : National Day on July 14. Mrs. die for a good cause Japan May 30. Established diplomatic relations with Japan : January 27, 1964. Money : franc. Time : one hour earlier than Greenwich time;At night than seven hours. National flower : iris, roses. Name Interpretation : France moves by France evolution from tribal members. France moves in the Germanic language China and Italy as "courageous and free." Folk : France is champagne, brandy wine hometown. It was felt that if left home New Year's Eve Night wine coming year will be to stay. France is the most expensive dishes Egan, the Frenchman most favorite snail and frog legs. 原文:法兰西共和国位于欧洲西部。面积5 5 1 6 0 2 平方千米。海岸线长约3 0 0 0 千米。居民多为法兰西人。居民多信天主教。法语为官方语言。 5 世纪建立王国。1 5 世纪末形成中央集权国家。1 7 8 9 年爆发资产阶级革命。此后,先后建立过五次共和国和两次帝国。1 9 5 8 年第五共和国诞生。第二次世界大战前,法国是仅次于英国的第二号殖民帝国,殖民地面积等于本土2 0 倍。战后,法属殖民地大部先后独立。1 9 6 4 年1 月2 7 日同我国建交。 地势东南高西北低。中南部有中央高原,西北部是北法平原。大部分地区属海洋性温带阔叶林气候,南部沿海和罗讷河谷地属亚热带地中海式气候。年平均降水量从西北往东南由6 0 0 毫米递增到1 0 0 0 毫米左右。铝土矿、铀矿储量在西欧各国中均居第一位。铁、钾盐也相当丰富。森林面积占全国面积的2 6 % 。 工业发达国家,生产和资本高度集中,国内生产总值位居世界前列。主要工业部门有矿业、冶金、汽车、造船、机械、纺织、化学、电器、食品等。核能、石化、海洋开发、军火、航空和宇航等部门发展很快,已位居世界前列。1 9 9 3 年主要工业产品产量为:粗钢1 6 6 1 万吨、生铁1 2 0 1 万吨、原煤达1 0 3 5 万吨、纸浆2 5 2 万吨、小汽车2 8 0 万辆、发电4 5 1 0 千瓦/ 小时。农业发达,为世界著名的农产品出口国。主要农产品有麦类、玉米、马铃薯、甜菜、稻米、烟草、葡萄 等。1 9 9 3 年产小麦2 4 9 0 万吨、大麦6 5 0 万吨、玉米1 3 3 0 万吨、葡萄 酒5 3 亿升。法国是西欧“共同市场”成员国,主要外贸对象是西欧“共同市场”国家。出口机械、化学品、汽车、钢铁和粮食。进口燃料、军事工业原料、矿石等。有铁路3 5 0 0 0 多千米,公路约8 0 万千米。 首都巴黎,市内有著名的艾菲尔铁塔等建筑,城西南有凡尔赛宫。汽车、电器工业著名,纺织和化妆品工业亦发达。勒阿弗尔、里尔、鲁昂、南特、里昂、斯特拉斯堡、米卢斯、马赛等都是重要的工业中心。 其它 重要节日:国庆日7 月1 4 日。贞德就义日5 月3 0 日。 与我建交日:1 9 6 4 年1 月2 7 日。 货币:法朗。 时差:比格林尼治时间早1 小时;比北京时间晚7 小时。 国花:鸢尾花、玫瑰。 国名释义:法兰西由法兰克部落名演变而来。法兰克在日耳曼语中意为“勇敢的、自由的”。 民俗:法国是香槟酒、白兰地酒的故乡。人们认为除夕之夜家中若有剩酒,来年便要交厄运。法国最名贵的菜是鹅肝,法国人最爱吃蜗牛和青蛙腿。

在驱动与制动力上做文章——谈电子稳定程序和后轮随动转向技术! 自ABS(防抱死制动系统)发明以来,现在绝大部分轿车早已将ABS作为标准配置,但ABS只是辅助安全系统,其作用都是非常有限的。随后,汽车专家们就开始在制动上做文章,并不断推出各种电子安全系统,如:电子制动力分配系统(EBD);加速防滑系统(ASR);牵引力控制系统(TCS);以及最重要的电子稳定程序(ESP)等等,有些公司的名称不同,但作用相同,如DSC等。 在造车哲学方面雪铁龙有很多独门绝技,雪铁龙总是追求与众不同,特立独行,但又非常务实,所以雪铁龙汽车技术优越但价格合理!雪铁龙发明了汽车前轮驱动技术,雪铁龙的大灯随动转向早在几十年前就已经应用在当时震撼世界的DS车上,主动液压悬挂系统则更应用在CX车上,国家安全局曾经大量使用这种鬼怪汽车,这种能够匍匐前进,又可以悠然越起的鬼怪,曾经大大吸引人们的眼球。在车辆稳定性能方面,雪铁龙技术更是遥遥领先。其后轮随动转向技术目前还在我们熟悉的富康车上采用,这种早在法国家喻户晓的独门绝技,大大改善了雪铁龙汽车的稳定性。 今天,更加先进的随动转向大灯技术应用在凯旋车上,并且有最新的中央集控式方向盘,以及众多的电子控制系统,但是凯旋惟独没有采用后轮随动转向技术和主动液压悬挂系统。纠其原因,没有采用主动液压悬挂系统是因为成本太高,而没有采用后轮随动转向技术是因为有了新的稳定技术电子稳定程序ESP。但是,在雪铁龙引以为傲的C5上,却依然采用这种后轮随动转向技术,他们究竟有什么不同呢? 首先,让我们了解什么是后轮随动转向技术:所谓后轮随动转向指的是汽车在过弯时,除了前轮能转向以外,后轮也能依据行驶方向产生一定程度的转向角度。虽然这个角度很小,但在很大程度上能提高汽车的稳定性。富康车的随动转向通常只提供同相位的转向角度,也就是说后轮的转向方向与前轮的转向方向相同。虽然在低速行使的时候产生相反的微小后轮转向角度似乎不能起到多大作用,但在高速行驶的时候,这样小的顺向转向角度能起到致关重要的作用,大大增加了车辆的安全性能。这是雪铁龙的独门绝技,他使得雪铁龙汽车的高速稳定性非常出色。这种技术的独到之处在于提高车辆抗击失控的极限,但并不能杜绝失控。后轮随动转向技术,由于采用扭力弹簧,还能够有效衰减路面不平产生的震动,保证优秀的驾驶稳定性能外,也使车辆在转弯时能够根据当前车速决定车辆的过度转向或不足转向,这也是大家普遍觉得雪铁龙产品在转弯时抓地性好、不易侧倾或甩尾的主要原因。 其次,我们了解什么是电子稳定程序ESP:ESP英文全称是“ElectronicStabilityProgram” 在汽车行驶过程中,ESP系统通过不同传感器实时监控驾驶者转弯方向,车速、油门开度、刹车力以及车身倾斜度和侧倾速度,以此判断汽车正常安全行驶和驾驶者操纵汽车意图的差距。然后通过调整发动机的转速和车轮上面的刹车力分布,修正过度转向或转向不足。ESP 在提高汽车行驶稳定性方面效果显著。 ESP具有三大特点: 1,实时监控:ESP能够实时监控驾驶者的操控动作、路面反应、汽车运动状态,并不断向发动机和制动系统发出指令。 2,主动干预:ABS等安全技术主要是对驾驶者的动作起干预作用,但不能调控发动机。ESP则可以通过主动调控发动机的转速,并调整每个轮子的驱动力和制动力,来修正汽车的过度转向和转向不足。 3,事先提醒:当驾驶者操作不当或路面异常时,ESP 会用警告灯警示驾驶者。换句话说ESP实际上是一种牵引力控制系统,与其他牵引力控制系统比较,ESP不但控制驱动轮,而且可控制从动轮。如后轮驱动汽车常出现的转向过多情况,此时后轮失控而甩尾,ESP便会刹慢外侧的前轮来稳定车子;在转向过少时,为了校正循迹方向,ESP则会刹慢内后轮,从而校正行驶方向。 由于两种技术原理的的根本不同,所以效果也不尽相同。采用后轮随动转向技术的车辆在达到极限之前,姿态良好根本就不会失控,而采用电子稳定程序ESP的车辆是在车辆失控之前实际上已经接近“乱了方寸”,并在即将失控之时进行干预,调整状态防止失控,此时如果关闭ESP车辆有迅疾失去控制的危险。前一种技术提高了车辆的稳定性能极限,而后一种技术使得车辆稳定性的先天不足得以弥补,防止车辆失控。从安全角度看,安装了电子稳定程序ESP的车辆显然更加安全,它在某种程度上剥夺了驾驶员的激情。但在竞技和驾驶乐趣方面比采用后轮随动转向技术的车辆稍逊一筹。对于有驾驶经验的人来说,后轮随动转向技术更加实用可靠!而对于大多数普通汽车驾驶原来说,电子稳定程序ESP可以大大减少事故的发生,提高车辆行驶的安全性,是现代汽车的发展趋势! 我们不难看出,上面提到的这些电子安全系统,都是以控制驱动和制动力为依据的,安全系统无时不在监控你的所作所为,并不失时机的弥补你的失误,甚至剥夺你的驾驶激情,如果你总是依赖于这些技术,你的感觉可能会出现偏差,你要牢记你的驾驶技术表现是以依赖电子技术完成的,一旦失去这些关怀,你可能瞬间迷失方向!你更要记住,直到目前,人的感知系统仍然非常优越的,安全行驶,最根本的还在驾驶技术 Do the article -- on the stability program electronic and rear wheel steering technology in driving and braking force!Since ABS (anti lock braking system) was invented, most carshave ABS as the standard configuration now,But ABS is only an auxiliary safety system, its role is verylimited. Subsequently, automobile experts began in the brakeFor this, and continue the introduction of electronic securitysystems, such as: electronic brake force distribution system(EBD); accelerated antiSlip system (ASR); traction control system (TCS); and the most important electronic stability program (ESP) etc.,Some company names are different, but the same role, such as DSC etc..In the philosophy aspect Citroen has many unique skills,Citroen always pursue the out of the ordinary, personal independence of conduct,But very practical, so the Citroen Automobile technologysuperiority but reasonable price! The invention of the automobile front wheel drive technology CitroenOperation, the Citroen headlight steering in the early decades ago has been applied in the DS car was shockedthe world, activeHydraulic suspension system is used in the CX car, the national security agency has been using this ghost car, thiscanCreeping forward, but also leisurely more up ghosts, oncegreatly attract people's eyeballs. In the vehicle stabilityTechnology is be way ahead, citroen. A rear wheel steeringtechnology is still familiar Fukang car useThis early in the process, the national household unique skills, greatly improved the stability of Citroen car.Today, with steering headlight technology in the car on theapplication of more advanced, and the new central controltypeThe steering wheel, and the electronic control system of many, but not the triumph but the rear wheel steering and activeHydraulic suspension system. The cause, not the activehydraulic suspension system because the cost is too high,not using theRear wheel steering technology is because of the newelectronic stability program ESP stable technology. However,in the Citroen proudProud of C5, but still with the rear wheel steering technology,whether they have what different?First of all, let us understand what is rear wheel steeringtechnology: the so-called rear wheel steering refers to thecar atWhen bending, except for the front wheel steering wheel can,can also according to the traveling direction steering angledegree. AlthoughThis angle is very small, but to a large extent can improve vehicle stability. Fukang car steering is usually available onlyThe steering angle, that is to say the rear wheel steeringdirection with the front wheel of the same. Although in the lowlineThe generated when the rear wheel steering angle seemssmall in much of a role can not play, but when travelling at high speed,Such a small forward steering angle can play a vital role,greatly increase the safety performance of vehicles. This issnowTielong unique skills, he makes high-speed stability ofCitroen car very well. This technique is only toTo improve the ultimate vehicle against out of control, butcan not stop runaway. Rear wheel steering technology, due to the torqueSpring, also can effectively attenuate the vibration produced by the uneven pavement, ensure driving stability goodoutside, also make the vehicleAccording to the current speed determines vehicle oversteer or understeer when turning, this is generally think of snowThe main reason for products in cornering grip good, not easy to roll or flick.Secondly, we understand what is electronic stability program ESP:ESP English full name is "ElectronicStabilitYProgram "in the process of moving vehicle, the driver ESPsystem turning direction through the different sensor for real-time monitoring, vehicleSpeed, throttle, brake force and body tilt and roll speed, to determine whether the vehicle in normal driving safety anddrivingControl the car intention gap. And then by adjusting thespeed of the engine and the wheels on the brake force distribution, correctionOversteer or understeer. ESP in improving the driving stability of vehicle was effect.ESP has three features:1, real time monitoring: ESP can state real-time monitoringdrivers to control the action, pavement response, motor sport, notOff to the engine and braking system sends out the instruction.2, active intervention: ABS security technology is mainly to the driver's action intervention effect, but can not controlengine.ESP may through the active control of engine speed, driving force and the braking force of each wheel and adjust, to correct the steamVehicle oversteer and understeer.3, warning: when the driver or improper operation ofpavement is abnormal, ESP with warning lamp warning drivers. In other wordsSaid ESP is actually a kind of traction control system, and theother traction control system, ESP not only control driveWheel, but also can control the. As a rear wheel drive caroften turn over the situation, the rear wheel out of control andrejectionTail, front wheel ESP will brake to slow lateral to stabilize the car; in turn is low too, in order to correct the tracking direction, ESP isWill slow the inner rear wheel brake, thereby correcting the running direction.The two principle is completely different, so the effect is not the same. The rear wheel steering technologyThe vehicle when it reaches the limit before attitude good,don't get out of control, and the use of electronic stability program ESP vehicleIn losing control of the vehicle before actually close to the "lost", and to intervene in the will get out of control, adjust theshapeState to prevent runaway, if the closing ESP danger quicklylost control of the vehicle. Before one kind of technology to improve the


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/waijiao/10130.html发布于 2024-09-18
