

小思 2024-09-18 60
进行评比英文摘要: 老师对作文进行评比的英文作文如下:This evening,I went to the teacher to learn the afternoon my finger...



This evening,I went to the teacher to learn the afternoon my finger hurts,but I still plan to write very ,Mr Wu put my book in the next projector.


When the students see my words,have issued a "wow".Mr Wu said to them:"the student is 8 years old this year,could write so well,we take the applause to her!"My face turned red,but feel very proud,but I am not proud,also continue to work hard.










比如文中提到“学生的反应:喜欢该课外活动,能放松心情、校园生活更丰富充实”,而且你是以第一人称写的,所以你就是以该校学生的身份在写。The responses of the students indicate that they like these after-class activities for the reason that they can not only relax and refresh their minds but also make their school life more wonderful.就可以改成we enjoy these after-class activities because they can not only relax and refresh our minds but also make our school life more wonderful.就行了啊,注意文章的人称要保持一致。

Physical exercise\reading\singing\musical instrument playing and English games are included.这句话也可以改改,就直接用there are physical exercise。..就可以了,简单,明了。

另外,注意句子与句子直接的连接,可以适当运用一些关联词。第二篇文章写得不错,文章结构、层次都很好,有一小点错误,instead of后要加V-ing。

山 每一次考试发下试卷来,第一个想看到的就是老师的评语,那些镶嵌在醒目的分数一角的字迹或许有些潦草,偶尔还会看到钢笔重新灌上水后深浅不一的字迹,但觉得很温暖、很充实———那可是老师亲笔写上去的呀,自然会比较珍惜。

看着评语细细品味,总会陶醉在其中,就像欣赏一首小诗一般,看着评语中如行云般潇洒的字迹,何等的美妙!特别是当赞美的语言出现在我的试卷上的时候,多么难得的可贵! 再看那些多变的言语,时而严肃认真,时而又幽默开朗,时而平易近人,时而令人深思。无论是通俗易懂的,还是幽深曲远的,都像一阵鼓点般扣击着我的心房 。

有时不直接批评、赞扬,而是留下一句简短的、富有启迪的言语,让我们自己去体会…… 成功和失败并存,并非每一次考试都能一帆风顺。 也许是因为前一次考得较好而得意忘形,也许是因为我在考试的前一天晚上还沉迷于上网,那次数学考试考得出奇得差,直到现在,那次名落孙山的痛苦还深深地烙印在我的脑海中。



我无奈地朝试卷瞥了一眼,看到的竟使我的心情放松了许多: “智者千虑,必有一失。更何况是你呢?别丧失希望,老师期待你下一次的好成绩。”


正因为有了这次教训,和老师这句寓意深刻的评语,我改掉了轻率武断、骄傲浮躁的心理,牢记住了每一个知识,在下一次的考试中,答题得心应手,考的很理想。 阅读老师评语的心情也变得轻松了,看着评语的内涵,总给我带来思索和遐想。




然而,在当前的英语教学实践中,存在这样一种现状:教师重视英语写作训练,但却忽视对学生作文的反馈,未能正确认识自己在学生作文批改中所扮演的角色。翻开学生的作业本,看到的多是简单的对、错符号或分数或等级,几乎没有评语,至多是千篇一律的Good / Not bad / All right / Ok或Perfect。


一、评语中的语法修改不仅要让学生知其然,更要知其所以然。 中学生在学习英语的过程中,最大的难题就是动词及其用法。


此意思时,学生在作文中写成“I almost fet.”。其实,此例句独立表意,不受上下文的限制。

在评语中,教师应引导学生进行这样的逻辑思维:The action "fet" just now happened, so we should use the Past Tense。Its use is something like the verbs--know / think / recognize…. Do you still remember the sentence--- “Sorry, I didn't recognize you." 学生写记叙文时常混用时态。

如,When my cousin was a child, he likes sports and reading. He played volleyball, basketball and so on. He is reading many books about scientists such as Einstein, Madam Curie, Edision etc. And he wants to be a scientist after he graduates the university. 这段文字虽时态混乱,但内容不错,简单地否定或肯定都是不对的,轻则使学生茫然失措,重则挫伤他们的学习兴趣和积极性,比较好的方法是先表扬做得对的地方后纠正错误的地方。我们可以批上:How lovely your cousin is. So are you. In your position, you meant well, but try to make the tense correct. If you take your story as a past event, use the Past Tense all the way; if you make your story seem to take place now, use the Present Tense. You cant't use tenses at randam! 又如我们教师在批改上面的例文时,如果仅仅在 graduate后添上 from,其结果是接受能力稍差的学生会不知道它为什么这样算正确。

但我们教师若再画龙点睛地在旁边批上: “graduate”是不及物动词,其后与from搭配才能接宾语。Remember! 这样,学生就会一目了然。

二、评语要从语篇层次上指导学生如何谋篇布局。 在作文批改中,只是订正学生所犯的语法错误是不够的。


例如,在笔者所任教的高三毕业生的习作中有这样的一个句子:“Teachers' Day is ing. I'm going to see my middle-school English teacher next week. 从句子平面看,既无语法错误,亦无书写错误。但从深层上分析,不难看出句子受到严重的母语干扰,且选词不当,造成意义模糊,影响了交流的有效性。

批改时,笔者不仅在 English teacher 下划一条横线以示错误,并在此句旁边写道: Enjoy yourself with your teacher on the ing Teachers' Day. But I wonder who you are going to visit next week, a teacher from England or a teacher who teaches you English. 后来该学生修改后交上来:“I'm going to visit my teacher who taught me English in the middle school. 又如在学生写作中发现一个精彩的句子,我们教师应及时给予表扬,可批上:oh, what a nice sentence! / It's very clever of you to end(begin) your work with this beautiful sentence. …… 三、作文评语要以情导知,注意师生间的情感沟通。 前苏联著名教育家霍姆林斯基认为:“情感如同肥沃的土壤,知识的种子就播种在这片土壤上。”

教学过程一旦触及学生的情感和意志领域,触及学生的精神需要,这种教学就能发挥高度有效的作用。 长期以来,有的学校一味地抓应试教育,以分数论英雄。



只要这些希望是真诚的、适时的和有内容的,学生就会从中理解老师对他们的信任、关心和爱心,从而转化为学习的动力。 学期伊始,给差生的评语中要批评但更要多几分鼓励。

例如: John, don't you think you were a little lazy in the last term? Now, a new term begins and I hope you can work harder just from 。


Students' Rating of Their Teachers(学生评价老师)






A great change is now taking place in higher education throughout our country. Teachers are being held responsible as never before for how well they serve their students. It has bee as mon in colleges and universities for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students' rating has even bee the only source of information on teaching effectiveness.

This, however, has caused great controversy. Some are in favor of the rating system. They hold that since students attend the teachers classes everyday, they should have their opinion about their teachers' effectiveness. Others, on the contrary, are strongly against it. They think that students' rating is easy to administer and score, but it also is easy to abuse. They believe that there is much more to teaching than what is shown on students' rating forms. Students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used are up to date or how well the teacher knows about the subject.

These judgments require professional knowledge, which is best left for the teachers' colleagues.

I think students' rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conducted in a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers' performance. Instead of rating the teachers' knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimate what they themselves have leaned in a course, and to report on such things as a teacher's ability to municate with students, his relationship with students, and his ability to arouse interest in the subject.

In my school, our head teacher will give his remakes for every student on a note book after final exam. And then I have to bring it to my parents. Our head teacher will put our scores of mid-term exam and final exam on it. And then he will write some remarks on us performance in the school and the thing he thinks highly of and the thing I need to correct. In order to have a good winter holiday, I have to make my parents happy. So I always try my best to earn a good evaluation from my head teacher. In front of him, I am always a good boy. So, I always have a nice remark。


然而,在当前的英语教学实践中,存在这样一种现状:教师重视英语写作训练,但却忽视对学生作文的反馈,未能正确认识自己在学生作文批改中所扮演的角色。翻开学生的作业本,看到的多是简单的对、错符号或分数或等级,几乎没有评语,至多是千篇一律的Good / Not bad / All right / Ok或Perfect。


一、评语中的语法修改不仅要让学生知其然,更要知其所以然。 中学生在学习英语的过程中,最大的难题就是动词及其用法。


此意思时,学生在作文中写成“I almost fet.”。其实,此例句独立表意,不受上下文的限制。

在评语中,教师应引导学生进行这样的逻辑思维:The action "fet" just now happened, so we should use the Past Tense。Its use is something like the verbs--know / think / recognize…. Do you still remember the sentence--- “Sorry, I didn't recognize you." 学生写记叙文时常混用时态。

如,When my cousin was a child, he likes sports and reading. He played volleyball, basketball and so on. He is reading many books about scientists such as Einstein, Madam Curie, Edision etc. And he wants to be a scientist after he graduates the university. 这段文字虽时态混乱,但内容不错,简单地否定或肯定都是不对的,轻则使学生茫然失措,重则挫伤他们的学习兴趣和积极性,比较好的方法是先表扬做得对的地方后纠正错误的地方。我们可以批上:How lovely your cousin is. So are you. In your position, you meant well, but try to make the tense correct. If you take your story as a past event, use the Past Tense all the way; if you make your story seem to take place now, use the Present Tense. You cant't use tenses at randam! 又如我们教师在批改上面的例文时,如果仅仅在 graduate后添上 from,其结果是接受能力稍差的学生会不知道它为什么这样算正确。

但我们教师若再画龙点睛地在旁边批上: “graduate”是不及物动词,其后与from搭配才能接宾语。Remember! 这样,学生就会一目了然。

二、评语要从语篇层次上指导学生如何谋篇布局。 在作文批改中,只是订正学生所犯的语法错误是不够的。


例如,在笔者所任教的高三毕业生的习作中有这样的一个句子:“Teachers' Day is ing. I'm going to see my middle-school English teacher next week. 从句子平面看,既无语法错误,亦无书写错误。但从深层上分析,不难看出句子受到严重的母语干扰,且选词不当,造成意义模糊,影响了交流的有效性。

批改时,笔者不仅在 English teacher 下划一条横线以示错误,并在此句旁边写道: Enjoy yourself with your teacher on the ing Teachers' Day. But I wonder who you are going to visit next week, a teacher from England or a teacher who teaches you English. 后来该学生修改后交上来:“I'm going to visit my teacher who taught me English in the middle school. 又如在学生写作中发现一个精彩的句子,我们教师应及时给予表扬,可批上:oh, what a nice sentence! / It's very clever of you to end(begin) your work with this beautiful sentence. …… 三、作文评语要以情导知,注意师生间的情感沟通。 前苏联著名教育家霍姆林斯基认为:“情感如同肥沃的土壤,知识的种子就播种在这片土壤上。”

教学过程一旦触及学生的情感和意志领域,触及学生的精神需要,这种教学就能发挥高度有效的作用。 长期以来,有的学校一味地抓应试教育,以分数论英雄。



只要这些希望是真诚的、适时的和有内容的,学生就会从中理解老师对他们的信任、关心和爱心,从而转化为学习的动力。 学期伊始,给差生的评语中要批评但更要多几分鼓励。

例如: John, don't you think you were a little lazy in the last term? Now, a new term begins and I hope you can work harder just from th。

2010 will be end ,and 2011will be e .In the new year ,we must be have much wishes ,because new year means that things end and another things we need to make a new year"s resolution in order to the second year will be want to share my new year"s resolution with you. Firstly,i decide to try my best to learn english .because my english so poor that it affects my other willface many differences ,such as broadening my vocabulary, training my listening ,improving my write and so on. I must work hard because i don"t want to behind the times. Secondly ,i will give up watching football games because every time it takes me o hours ,which makes me not finish my homework .As a student ,study is our duty ,so i wii focused more on study and less on playing . In order to my future ,i will work hard! 2010年将结束,2011即将到了。




为了我的将来,我会努力的! 请采纳!(中英兼有)。

总体上来看,文章写的是有一定水平的,不过作为一篇好的作文评价,我觉得有一点你要注意,那就是文章一定不要消极,例如:I hate, I hate a thing,which is called lifetime,is a short life.这一句你要表达的心情我能够理解,毕竟生命是宝贵的,它很短暂,能不能发挥它的价值,就看你是怎样看待它的,我个人认为诸如If I could live in the world for ever……,If I could live in the world for ever……这些句子应该在作文中(尤其是大型考试的作文)尽量不要出现,文章应尽量表现出积极的,向上的生活态度和价值观,另外文中:北戴河 这个词一定要用 Beidaihe,不要用中文,其他的注意语法和单词拼写就可以了,it was very bright WITH the black cloud.大写部分个人认为改为IN 或 ON比较合适。

我最喜爱的歌手(My Favourite Singer)

She is such an ideal singer,who is famous for"Happy Winter","I'm same with you"and so on!

She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a boy. On the stage, she sings and dances so well. She is so happy and she makes us excited… Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Li Yuchun, the winner of "Super Girl 2005."

She is a student of Sichuan Music College in Grade 3. She is enty-one this year. She is metres tall. Now she is very popular in China and even in the world. I know she worked hard in the past, and has succeeded today. I'll learn from her and try my best to achieve my dream.

I like her because she is so cool and lovely. I love her because she makes me feel happy. I enjoy her because she is independent and she has the individuality of herself.

Li Yuchun, I'll cheer for you forever!


从这两篇作文来看,你的词汇量及句法的运用是不错的.先说第一篇,提示的信息都已经包括在内了,但是我觉得句子用得有点生硬.给出的信息只是起到提示的作用,不一定要逐字逐句的翻译.比如文中提到“学生的反应:喜欢该课外活动,能放松心情、校园生活更丰富充实”,而且你是以第一人称写的,所以你就是以该校学生的身份在写.The responses of the students indicate that they like these after-class activities for the reason that they can not only relax and refresh their minds but also make their school life more wonderful.就可以改成we enjoy these after-class activities because they can not only relax and refresh our minds but also make our school life more wonderful.就行了啊,注意文章的人称要保持一致. Physical exercise\reading\singing\musical instrument playing and English games are included.这句话也可以改改,就直接用there are physical exercise.就可以了,简单,明了.另外,注意句子与句子直接的连接,可以适当运用一些关联词.第二篇文章写得不错,文章结构、层次都很好,有一小点错误,instead of后要加V-ing。

我根据你写的意思改写了一下,你可以对照看看,我认为这样的表达会更贴切.what does happiness mean?i think it is east to answer this question,because happiness all lies in the daily life and somethings you do always pursue happiness by doing things they lilke,for example,they work hard to earn more money,to get prerogative,or just by simply having their favorite think happiness is more than all of these example,friendship and knowledge can also bring us be more specific,in my opinion,study hard and acquire more knowledge is one of the major way to persue we can not only feel happy when learning new things,we can also get to know how to creat happiness in the process of 's more,sharing things with people around you or helping others are also important ways to feel when you do so,you can turn one person's happy into o,or even a word,we can get more positive energy and feel more happy by learning more,sharing more,and helping others more.。

in my opinion,it is better for us to be taught in both English and 's easy to get not every class have too many top-students,the way is good for all coin have o way makes the atmosphere it's not good for us to promote listening and speaking we may too depend on Chinese and ignore the importence of my think teachers should increase useing English in class when students' English ing better and better.。



selection 或者 choose

英语to rate and review意思为去评价和审查。


音标:英[reɪt]    美[reɪt]


n.    速度; 进度; 比率; 率; 价格; 费用;

v.    评估; 评价; 估价; 认为…是好的; 看好; 划分等级; 分等;



1、He rated the achievement high.


2、I don't rate his achievement very high.



音标:英[rɪˈvjuː]    美[rɪˈvjuː]


n.    评审,审查,检查,检讨(以进行必要的修改); (对书籍、戏剧、电影等的)评介,评论; 报告; 汇报; 述评; 回顾;

vt.    复查; 重新考虑; 回顾; 反思; 写(关于书籍、戏剧、电影等的)评论; 评介;


1、If so, I will write a new review.


2、It will give you an instant review of their work.


The selection

to rate and review的中文翻译是评价和审查



音标:英 [rɪˈvjuː]   美 [rɪˈvjuː]

n. 回顾; 检查; 检讨; 重新考虑;评论性刊物, 评论;检阅

vt. 回顾

vt. & vi. 写…的评论文章


book review 书评

critical review 评论


Their new musical opened to glowing reviews.


He reviews articles in his spare time.


A favorable review from him can make a play.



n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅  comment,retrospection







[例句]The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries.






[例句]They have begun to collate their own statistics on racial abuse.他们已经开始整理自己有关种族歧视的统计数据。

[其他]第三人称单数:collates 现在分词:collating 过去式:collated 过去分词:collated。


读音:英 [kəmˈpeə(r)]   美 [kəmˈper]

vt.& vi.比较,对照




第三人称单数: compares

现在分词: comparing

过去式: compared

过去分词: compared


1.It is often very hard to compare all-male and all-female jobs.


2.Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow.


3.What's the scale that's used to compare the strength of acids and alkalis?


比较的英文也可以写成:comparatively、compare with


读音:英 [kəmˈpærətɪvli]   美 [kəmˈpærətɪvlɪ]


compare with

读音:英 [kəmˈpɛə wið]   美 [kəmˈpɛr wɪð]

比较;(把…)与…相比;比得上, 可与…相比



英 [kəmˈpeə(r)]   美 [kəmˈper]





1、compare facility 比较设备 ; 比较能力 ; 比较设施 ; 翻译

2、Compare prices 比较价格 ; 格价 ; 比价钱

3、compare versions 版本比较 ; 版本比较英语

4、bit compare [计] 按位比较 ; 位比较

5、compare in colour 从颜色上比较

6、compare in shape 从外形上比较

7、compare in size 从型号上比较

8、compare in weight 从重量上比较


1、The flowers here do not compare with those at home.


2、She was a storyteller beyond compare.


3、Was it fair to compare independent schools with stateschools?


4、It's instructive to compare his technique with Alan Bennett's.


5、My English cannot compare with his.



A powerful earthquake jolted many areas and wrecked buildings on the main Indonesian island of Java on Wednesday, killing at least 44 people. Authorities expected the toll to rise. Early Thursday, Reuters quoted officials who said about 1,300 houses were damaged, but local media put the number closer to 3,500. The news agency said there were makeshift shelters and tents on streets and fields, as survivors feared aftershocks. Indonesia's official Antara news agency said that about 30 people were trapped under rocks and dirt from a landslide in a village near Cianjur, which is about 60 miles southeast of the capital. In Jakarta, the earthquake caused many tall buildings to sway, causing thousands of panicked office workers to flee onto streets. Indonesian authorities said that at least 27 people were injured in and around the capital. Health Ministry spokesman Rustam Pakaya said most of the injuries were 's Bureau of Meteorology broadcast a tsunami warning on local television stations shortly after the quake struck at 2:55 . local time, but lifted it 40 minutes later.印尼主要岛屿爪哇岛周三发生级强烈地震,岛上许多地区震感强烈,不少建筑物受到破坏,地震至少造成44人死亡。政府预计死亡人数还会上升。 西爪哇一座小镇内被震塌的房屋周四早间,路透社(Reuters)援引印尼官员的话报导称,约有1,300座房屋遭到破坏,不过当地媒体报导的数字接近3,500座。路透社报导称,由于幸存者担心会发生余震,人们在街上和开阔地搭起了临时住所和帐篷。 印尼官方Antara通讯社报导称,在Cianjur附近的一个村庄里,约有30人被困在泥石流造成的岩石和泥土下。Cianjur距离印尼首都雅加达东南约97公里的地方。在雅加达,地震造成很多高层建筑摇晃,数千名恐慌的办公室员工逃到了街上。印尼有关部门说,首都雅加达市内及周边地区至少有27人受伤。印尼卫生部发言人Rustam Pakaya表示,大部分人受的是轻伤。 地震发生于印尼当地时间下午2点55分。印尼地震局(Bureau of Meteorology)随后很快通过当地电视台发布了海啸警报,不过40分钟后又解除了警报。

March 30, 2010 morning, the coastal city in an office building on fire, firefighters immediately rushed to, but because of the strong wind, the fire lasted more than two hours, before it was put out at 4:20. This three storey building was burned, the nearby post office and theatre also damaged. Two women died, many people were injured. So far, the cause of the fire is not yet clear.

Teen homeless shelter seeks touch of cheer after disasterWe would absolutely hate to watch the Rev. Juniper Schneider standing in the street, weeping. An insurance policy saved us all from that sad sight. Without it, Schneider said he would have taken his despair into the road. The policy in question will pay for the structural repairs necessary following a burst pipe at Casa de Belen, where Schneider is the executive director. December's local cold snap lived up to its name at the Roseburg shelter. A sprinkler head burst, dumping up to five inches of water in some parts of the shelter. The dowsing damaged 10 rooms set aside for homeless teenage girls. The aforementioned insurance will cover the cost of replacing the wall boarding, the ceiling, a heating system and wiring. But if Schneider is saved from sobbing in public, he still has reason to fret in private about the shelter he founded. As he told News-Review reporter Inka Bajandas, the policy may not cover all the costs of restoring the rooms for teen girls. Furniture and decor were ruined besides walls and ceilings. The prospect of finding the money to make the rooms habitable is worrying enough. But in addition, Casa de Belen faces having to turn away homeless teen girls until the repairs are completed. And while we in Douglas County are not the blustery Midwest, it's still January the weather, Casa de Belen seeks to provide homeless families with adolescents, as well as homeless teens, with a safe and supportive place to rebuild their lives. According to its Web site, there are an estimated 110 to 200 homeless youth in Roseburg alone. Most are on the run from violent and abusive homes. Homeless girls who arrive at Casa de Belen with their families can still get accommodation. But a contractor in charge of shelter repairs said the soonest the teen girls' wing could be completed would be at the end of the month. Until then, vulnerable homeless girls can't find refuge at Casa de Belen, and it's not just the cold that worries Schneider. We agree with Schneider that it's not good for any teen to be teen girls present a particular problem. They are more likely than boys to turn to desperate methods of survival on the street. Namely, trading sex for money. While workers repair the damaged wing at Casa de Belen, shelter representatives hope they will be able to bring back the colorful, individual touches that once characterized the girls' donors and volunteers initially decorated the rooms in ways they hoped would be welcoming and pleasing to young inhabitants. We'd love to see others step forward and renew those efforts. If you were young, frightened, alone and trying to start over, wouldn't you rather do it in a cheerful atmosphere? In a room that looked as if someone chose little touches as a way of cheering you on to succeed? If you have spare furnishings or an eye for design, consider calling Casa de Belen at to offer help. It could mean a lot to a tearful teen who otherwise would be out on the street. 这是最新的


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作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/995.html发布于 2024-09-18
