

小思 09-18 9
酒店英语论文摘要: 酒店英语培训论文国际性酒店管理与服务论文   摘要: 我国的高级酒店行业在近几年来伴随着全球经济一体化的发展国际交流的频繁进行得到了长足的发展,高级酒店个性化服务质量...



酒店管理与服务论文   摘要: 我国的高级酒店行业在近几年来伴随着全球经济一体化的发展国际交流的频繁进行得到了长足的发展,高级酒店个性化服务质量是未来酒店行业竞争的主导趋势。酒店根据每个顾客的特别需求,以变革的服务理念重新审视酒店服务,以顾客的个性化需求为出发点,深入细致地观察、恰到好处地把握顾客需求,尽量发挥酒店和服务人员的个性特点,以提高其服务水平和盈利能力。   关键词: 高级酒店;个性化服务;提升;质量管理;对策。   一、如何提升我国高级酒店个性化服务质量管理对策   (一)完善信息服务化,加强客户沟通。   (1)优化组织效率,提高服务质量。   加强员工的组织效率,重要的岗位聘请高素质人才,个性化服务是一个全新的服务理念,让员工利用自己的方法来增强企业的文化,提高服务质量,使其内部管理更加灵活。   (2)利用网络,进行个性化服务。   电脑系统已经在酒店中广泛运用,要完善服务信息网络,为提供有针对性的个性化服务,这是进一步提高个性化服务质量的基础。   (3)顾客信息的掌握量。   酒店的增加与顾客的接触,员工迅速的做出反应。与顾客接触越多,获得信息量越大,维持好良好的宾客关系,所有环节在任何时间都有人负责,及时发现问题,纠正问题。顾客信息应该进行系统的统计,根据数据发现问题,解决问题,在各个环节都能提供及时的满足。   (4)推广员工参与管理,培养对酒店的忠诚度。   采取各种措施让员工对企业的忠诚度提高,积极主动的加入到参与酒店的经营中来。管理层充分的挖掘员工内在的潜力,明确员工的权责划分,行使自我的参与管理权,让员工对酒店的业务更多地参与进来,让员工看到工作带来的成就感和激情,从而推广员工参与管理的策略。   1、树立正确的酒店理念,纠正服务人员偏差。   个性化的酒店服务理念对酒店发展有重要的竞争力。个性化的服务应该以“顾客需要”为中心,要求服务人员从根本上消除对个性化服务的偏差。酒店管理的应该考虑服务质量的若干方案,纠正对个性化服务的认识偏差,使个性化的服务理念深入每个员工的身心,让每个员工都从自身做起,产生强烈的责任感,满意的顾客才能给酒店带来营业经济收入,同时个性化的服务给酒店带来良好的口碑。   2、采取合理有效措施,提升员工综合能力。   为了提高员工的综合素质,从以下几点措施可以做到:首先,酒店在招聘人员时应该按照实际需要和需求岗位进行招聘,选拔高素质人才。其次,酒店应该按照“一切从实际出发原则”,每个员工给予同样平等竞争机会,采取合理用人机制。最后,不同的员工在不同的岗位行使其职能,定期的进行系统化的培训(例如:服务培训,英语培训和管理能力培训),以便员工更好的掌握本岗位的工作技能。只有做到这三点才能从整体的角度提升员工的综合素质,只有这样才能更好地满足顾客对酒店的消费需求和期望值,也只有这样才能更好的提高酒店个性化服务质量管理,为酒店提供优质的个性化服务。   3、酒店管理层和员工素质不断强化。   管理层的中心思想是提高酒店的服务质量。对于管理者来说,要员工树立服务意识和观念更需要做出表率。只有酒店员工在行动上认识到服务的重要性,才能正确的树立服务意识。所以,管理者必须才有有效的措施加强酒店员工的服务意识,平时多给员工加强学习和培训的机会,让每个员工思想都能深入到服务意识中去。这有这样才能提升酒店的整体服务的水平,保证顾客的满意度,真正的做到提高管理者和员工的素质。   二、提升我国高级酒店个性化服务的重要意义   1、增强企业竞争力,培养竞争优势。   我国国际化进程逐渐加快,高级酒店业的发展规模,投资,市场加大。地区产业的酒店竞争日趋激烈,跨国酒店的加入,从而导致了顾客流的竞争。经济效益十分必要。   2、树立酒店品牌,培养忠实顾客。   高品质的个性化酒店服务相比广告产品的包装形象更具有影响力。酒店采用多种形式的服务质量,才能保证顾客真正的信任你,突出服务的个性化和完美的结合,树立酒店品牌形象,具有竞争力。   3、提高酒店的经济效益,稳定支流。   旅游企业提高经济效益,稳定企业内部采取节制,才能充分的挖掘出顾客的深层消费潜力,避免同行业竞争,顾客的流失,挖掘多的销售机会,提高企业市场竞争力,对我国星级酒店的提高得到帮助。   4、搞好高级酒店个性化服务,积累服务经验。   灵活运用个性化的服务,不断创新,不断发展,全面的满足顾客的`需求,根据顾客的需求而改变服务,而不是一味的规范。随着酒店业的发展,工作范围的不断扩大,个性化的服务势必在发展的浪潮中立于不败之地。高级酒店为顾客提供个性化的超值服务,能够给他们留下深刻的印象,真正的实现服务的价值,全面满足不同类型顾客的个性化需求。一切从顾客的角度出发,考虑到顾客去酒店的目的,实现顾客的需求(自尊需求,安全归属感,友情归属感,气氛归属感),在实际工作积累经验,提高酒店个性化服务。   三、总结   综上所述:新时期下,酒店个性化服务的创新决定了企业的发展企业。提升了企业发展进程。酒店业的个性化服务的发展,是未来酒店业经营的重心点。   因此,必须培养顾客的忠诚度,树立酒店的独有品牌,顺应酒店行业发展的潮流,为企业竞争赢得优势,稳步的提高企业的经济效益。酒店采取人性化的用人理念,推广以个性化服务为基础的酒店管理,不断提高客户满意度,使个性化服务真正的做到深度,系统和制度化,实现真正意义上的个性化服务质量管理,真正的做到促进酒店综合能力的竞争。   酒店服务与管理专业一体化设计论文   酒店服务与管理专业是我校目前重点发展的一个新型专业,学生每年的人数不断增加,就业形势也非常的好,为了使学生更好地同就业单位实现零距离对接,提高学生水平,酒店服务与管理专业将试行一体化教学。   一、确立一体化教学设计思想的依据   1、实践教学是职业教育的重要教学环节,更是“零距离”上岗人才培养过程中必须经历的重要环节。   2、酒店服务与管理是一门实践性很强的课程,课程的最终目标不仅是让学生获得知识而是培养学生实用酒店服务操作技能,需要学生进行大量的实训、实践练习。   二、一体化教学的设计思想   半年来,酒店服务与管理的课程负责人及教师对实践教学进行了大量的探索、改革与实践,最后确定了一体化教学的设计思想:即“以学生的就业为导向、以服务现代酒店行业”为宗旨,以“酒店会展企业的岗位及岗位群要求的实际能力”为依据、以“培养适应酒店、会展企业生产管理一线发展需要的应用型高技能人才和初级管理人才”为目标,按照课程模块设计本课程的实践教学。具体体现为:   1、课时设计:减少了理论课时数、增加了实践教学的课时数,全面加强实践教学。   2、形式设计:以酒店服务与管理的技能训练为主线,以学生为中心。   3、内容设计:实践联系理论,理论指导实践。我们根据岗位需求要求,对课程内容具体为三个模块:餐饮、前厅、客房。实践课的内容设计紧扣工作过程需要,工作任务要求,通过理论——实践——理论的反复融合中形成高素质、高技能型人才。   4、体系设计:以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,以职业为标准精心设计课程的实践教学形式。   三、师资培养   目前我专业在师资方面非常地短缺,可以通过人才引进,完善教师队伍。教师可以从应届大学毕业生和企业优秀员工引进形式完成。来到学校以后在对教师进行培养,以达到一体化教学的需要。   教师应具备的知识与能力:   1、专业知识   本学科的专业基础知识和技能;教育学、心理学、教学法等教育教学方法与现代教育技术的知识和操作技能;比较宽泛的人文科技知识,包括文、史、哲、美学和科普知识等。 2、专业能力   流畅准确的书面及口头表达能力,组织及管理能力,教育科研能力,社交能力,审美能力。   以上目标的实现及不断深化是分职前、上岗、职后三个阶段分步实现。职前教育的任务侧重于学习基础学科、专业学科以及教育的知识,掌握一定的教学技能,进行初步的实践,形成教师的品质,为从事教师职业奠定基础;上岗培训则是将职前所学到的知识运用于实践,能够较好地适应工作,从生手变为熟手;职后教育应通过对工作实践的成功与不足进行反思性的总结,并不断地接受新的教育信息,使已有的经验得到升华,并在此基础上确定自己的研究方向,向专家型教师发展。   四、一体化工作站的建设   以酒店的需求,划分不同的工作岗位目标,通过划分不同的岗位,我们了解了酒店不同部门的需求,因此在设置课程中要突出“前台服务与操作技能”“餐饮服务技能”“客房操作技能”“前厅操作技能”“仪态训练”“语言表达能力”,突出学生能力的培养,这个“能力”不局限于一般的操作本领,而是包含这个职业所必备的知识、技能及态度。根据主干课程,设置不同的环节。对于“前厅操作技能”“餐饮服务技能”“客房操作技能”,课程教学分为“到店前的准备工作、到店时的引领工作、到店后的接待服务、离店时的送别工作”等环节。   1、根据所设置的模块建立一体化场地   (1)对于一体化教材中仪容仪表、礼貌礼节、口才训练等理论与实习可以在一个场地进行,但对于其中要求有动手能力的环节需要具备仿真或真实的工作环境,这样模拟环节才可能达到一定的效果,所以,只有对现有的基本设施加以利用,才能使学生达到直观体验。   (2)建立校内实训基地,使学生在校完成前台接待,餐饮服务,客房服务方面实训,实行一体化教学。   (3)利用校外实习场地,将其规划为我专业的“变化式教学场地”,有步骤,有计划地开展实习。   2、目前饭店服务教学一体化应有的支持   (1)在校实习应有相应的实习场地的支持   (2)校外实习场地的建设应该规范而有序,以达到学生实习教学和工作岗位的对接。   (3)教师应与企业常交流,并推行见习、实习、调研模式,不断更新自我,使职业发展更有前瞻性。   (4)教师应成为既能够讲授理论课,又可以指导实习和进行技能训练的“一体化”教师。


你可以考虑一些像是ABC天卞英语比较.好.的学习讥构 会了解下你的英语水平然后帮你设置相关的学习课程,选择学习中心最主要的是否适合你!=。= 终于知道了 星期三是这个星期最难熬的一天~ Oh~ My Lady Gaga~作为香里拉集团人力资源部的一员,我觉得吧,我还是说点儿靠谱的,你听着受用,也就是了。首先,很感谢你从事酒店行业,因为这个行业的压力远比想象中的来的要多的多,再一个,也高兴你认识到了英文的重要性,因为,在这个行业,英丽是实在是太丫儿的重要了~言归正传,同学,你应嘎告诉我你的部门才是~ 你看,你不给我一个目标,我怎么给你有的放矢~不过,从大面上来讲,还是有很多东西可以推荐给你的,如下:1:《巴比伦饭店》从任何角度来讲,巴比伦饭店绝对是对与酒店行业英文口语和情景演练的神作,我大学时代就一直看,英国BBC的电视剧,很棒,过多的我也就不给你说,你看了之后自己就明白了,但是记住,最好是自己买DVD看,因为在网络上搜到的清晰度不是很高。:《饭店英语实用大全》这本书是我们的大学专业课的教材,问过我们专业课老师那时候,书店是有售的,所以你可以去到本地的新华书店,百度看,因为我们当时记得这个是附赠小MP的,所以很是超值。你说的不要跟书本一样的知识,这个其实就比较高科技了,因为除了《巴比伦饭店》之外我从事酒店这么久还真没遇见不死板的知识叻~作为一个酒店人,你要知道,这玩意儿,都是可以慢慢学得到的。不要着急。不要着急。From:香里拉。


教师反馈作为课堂话语的重要组成部分,在二语习得的课堂活动研究中越来越得到国内外学者的关注。以往的研究表明,教师反馈不仅是对学生回答的总结或评价,更能推动师生间话语的发展。恰当的教师反馈话语有助于促进学生话语的输出,而学生的话语输出又反过来促进教师提供更恰当的可理解输入。立足于这一出发点,本文就何种教师反馈技巧能更有效地促进学生的话语输出,进而提高课堂的参与性与互动性,进行了初步探索。本文以输入、输出及互动假说为理论基础,结合课堂话语分析中的“启动-回应-反馈”(I-R-F)三段式交际模式,着重对教师反馈话轮及此后学生的再次回应进行了实证研究。研究选取西安培华学院英语专业大二和陕西师范大学生命科学学院大二各两个班级以及四名代课教师为研究对象,分别采取了课堂观察录音,记录和问卷调查的形式,从以下三个方面对教师的反馈话语及其影响进行了分析:1)英语课堂上教师反馈技巧的使用;2)不同反馈技巧对学生话语输出产生的效果;3)学生对于教师反馈的偏好。结果表明:1)总体上看,“简单肯定”是教师在课堂上最常使用的反馈技巧。但当需要提供纠错反馈时,英语专业的教师倾向于引导学生自我纠正,非英语专业的教师则倾向于直接 As an important component of classroom discourse, teacher feedback has drawn more and more attention of many scholars from home and abroad in the field of second language classroom interaction research. From the previous studies, it is known that teacher feedback not only works just as a summary or evaluation to students’response, but also plays an important role in extending the discourse between students and teachers. Appropriate teacher feedback would help constitute a facilitative environment for studen 1GsT噬Ih妨n旗liWrPSw


ACTION PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN UNIONLEONARDO DA VINCI - PILOT PROJECTPROJECT NO.: 2002 LA 112 628 BILVOCBILINGUAL TEACHING AT VOCATIONAL COLLEGESTeaching ModuleDate of production September 2005Subject: MarketingTitle: Service MarketingTopic: Hotel MarketingTarget Group: Students in Vocational Business Studies Prior Knowledge: Basic Business Studies and Practical Skills in Marketing Level of Language Skills B1Follow-Ups: Other Service BranchesObjectives: The Students Understand Service Marketing, especially the Hotel SectorBenefits: The Students Are Able to Work in Companies and Carry Out MarketingHotel marketingTeaching time minutes Contents Activities Media Teaching method Skills45 hospitality industry lesson transparency lesson,discussion understandtheory45 environmentplace lesson,examples transparency lesson,discussion understandenvironment45 chains research internet research internet45 holiday sector lesson, presentations transparencyinternet lesson,discussion holidayhotels45 business peoplesector lesson,researchmagazines internetmagazines lesson,discussion business peoplehotels90 rooms,restaurants,reception lesson,examples transparency lesson,discussion rooms,restaurants,reception45 hotel as a workplace lesson,discussion transparencynewspapers lesson,research working at ahotel45 internalmarketing lesson,discussion transparency lesson,discussion ambience45 externalmarketing lesson,discussion transparencyinternet newspaper lessondiscussion hotelmarketingSERVICE MARKETINGHOTEL MARKETINGProduct is here a service. Hospitality industry is branch, which brings out conversation.Lesson 1 Hospitality industry- accommodation- food- beveragesThese are the essential core products of hospitality industry.The infinite variation with which hospitality marketers combinethese core products to meet the demand of customers suggeststhat consumers seek more than the utilitarian satisfaction of a comfortable bed and full stomach. These three core products are made more attractive by being tailored to satisfy the demands of specific types of customers. Examples from the students in a class room, conversationFurthermore, consumption often takes place in an environment which is also tailored to deliver satisfaction. Marketers understand that environment and atmosphere are very important in providing customers´ satisfaction. Different customers have different needs.A customer can be defined as an individual spending at least 24 hours away from home for the purpose of pleasure, holiday, sport, business or family reasons. The marketers must keep in mind these things in planning marketing.Lesson 2 Environment- locationWhat kind of customers prefer a city centre?What kind of customers prefer a hotel at seaside?- signs and logosMany hotels belong to chains and their signs and logos are well known.Different chains help hotels to profitable business. Competition is very hard nowadays. Good reputation and recommendationshelp very much a hotel to get new customers and also make them to come again.- style, furniture, colours, lighting, - clean, air Some customers want luxury, and they are ready to pay for it. Other customers are satisfied with a little lower level.- office, info, customer serviceIs it easy to reserve a room? What is the easiest way toreserve a room today?Good customer service is very important in thecompetition today. - a hotel room- a restaurantWhat do you want from a good hotel room?What do you expect from the breakfast?Lesson 3 Hotel chains The hotel chain helps very much in marketing. By advertising the channels become well known and customers have already a certain image of a hotel, when booking a room. Different chains have their own benefits for their customers. Do you know some hotel chains?Lesson 4 Holiday sector The holiday sector is made up of a large number of people making journeys away from home for amusement, for seeing new places or for meeting relatives. Some of them are satisfied with a modest hotel ( perhaps 2 stars ) with a normal breakfast. Those who have more money want something luxurious ( perhaps 4 stars ) and they are ready to pay for it. What does luxury mean in this connection? Hotels have 1 - 5 stars, depending on its international standard level. Some families like to travel abroad during their holidays. It is a very big business. Have you been at a hotel during your holidays?Hotel marketers must have knowledge of how much there are differentKinds of people with different kinds of needs. On the basis of that knowledge they can plan which kind of services a hotel can offer to those different kinds of people. Perhaps it is better to concentrate only on some groups. The marketers must remember the business idea of the company, the financial and spiritual resources of the company and the competition. Lesson 5 Business travelling sector A very important group for hotels is business people. If they use a hotel as a conference place, that hotel must have very good equipment and special rooms for negotiations and lectures. Hotels can get a good sum of money from arrangements and can Be specialized in this kind of hotel business. Some business people come from abroad. Therefore, the service staff has to speak foreign languages and understand other cultures.Lessons 6 and 7 Restaurant, the heart of a hotel The restaurant and its kitchen create the heart of a hotel. It can be only for eating and for discussing in a good atmosphere. There can also be music and dancing or there can be a show. At a big hotel there can be many different types of restaurants. A room, for sleeping The room itself and the bath room must be clean and the bed comfortable. Something extra that a customer has not expected gives a good feeling. Reception, good customer service What is good customer service at the reception?Lesson 8 Hotel as a work placeA hotel needs many kinds of workers: marketers, secretaries, reception staff, cooks, waiters and cleaners. They all together consist the group that creates the image of the hotel. The skills and the willingness to good custom service of that group make the customers satisfied and make them come back next time. Providing more than customers could expect is a good aim.What kind of work you would do at a hotel? What kinds of special skills do you need for that work?Lesson 9 Internal marketing When marketing planning is going in the company, the managers must understand, how important the internal marketing is, beforeexternal marketing. If they forget that, the possibilities to succeed are small. Those people who are working at the hotel are a very important resource. If they try to work really together as a team, there are more realistic possibilities to be successful. The managers must have skills for management and for leadership. Lesson 10 External marketing: intermediaries and channels External marketing often happens with intermediaries. Distances and language barriers separate buyers from sellers. This makes it impossible for each hotel to distribute its own products directly. Intermediaries are hotels, travel agents, tour operators, referral organisations, tourist boards, incentive travel planners and tourist information centres. Accordingly, there are more possible work places in the tourism sector. The channel designer has to consider think, if that particular channel really makes the effort to sell the client’s product. The channel should be designed to provide the level and forms of service required by prospective customers of the hospitality company.Lesson 11 Satisfied customers and profitable business When a hotel already has customers or it has a list of potential customers, it is possible to use direct marketing to target groups. Database marketing and customer relationship marketing are marketing of today. The hotel can have new products, new service, special offers or new opening hours at the restaurant. They take direct contact to their customer, both people and companies. The hotel aims to having regular customers. Marketing has succeeded, when the hotel has enough satisfied customers and the business is profitable.Another service branch and then comparative discussion.VOCABULARY SANASTOHospitality industry Vieraanvaraisuus, hotellimarkkinointi Accomodation MajoitusFood RuokaBeverage JuomatEnvironment YmpäristöLocation SijaintiSign NimiAtmosphere IlmapiiriHotel chain HotelliketjuHoliday sector LomahotelliBusiness men sector Liikemieshotelli Reception VastaanottoInternal marketing Sisäinen markkinointiExternal marketing Ulkoinen markkinointiCustomer satisfaction AsiakastyytyväisyysProfitable business Kannattava liiketoiminta

像鲁滨逊一样在逆境中创造精彩AbstractRobinson Crusoe is a legendary person created by Daniel Defoe. He survived on a lonely island for twenty-eight years with his amazing willpower. And finally he overcame the adversity and created the splendor of his own life. When he was confronting adversity, he knew to lose is another way to gain, and he made plans for his future life. He did everything according to certain plans. And he never gave up. Nowadays, people live in a better society. Nobody would have the experiences like Robinson’s, but people may come across some difficulty or adversity. When they are confronting the adversity, they should adjust their attitudes, make plans for the future actively, be good at bringing forth new ideas in adversity, and never give up the hope to get out of it, struggle against it indomitably like Robinson Crusoe. Eventually they will get out of the adversity, and create the splendor of their own lives.Key Wordsadversity; hope; innovation; perseverance; splendor摘要鲁滨逊是笛福创造出来的一个传奇人物,他以自己顽强的毅力和坚强的意志在孤岛上生活了二十八年之久,并且最终战胜了艰苦的环境,创造出了人生中的精彩。鲁滨逊在面对逆境的时候,懂得失去也是一种获得,不断地为将来做打算,凡事都有计划,有安排,并且从没有放弃过获救的希望。现代社会的人们生活在物质优越的环境下,也许不会有像鲁滨逊一样的经历,但生活中总会遇到一定的坎坷或逆境,面对逆境人们应该像鲁滨逊一样调整好心态,积极地为将来做打算,有计划地安排生活,并且善于在逆境中发现、创造,永不放弃走出逆境的希望,顽强地与逆境作斗争,从而创造出自己人生的精彩。关键词逆境;希望;创新;坚持;精彩


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酒店TSA 培训为合作方专心研制的一套销售技巧培训课程,旨在全方位提高销售技巧,从容应对销售各环节中的问题,更具体、更容易掌握和实践。课程内容涉及团队成员必须掌握的各项的销售技能,制定行而有效的营销策略以及合理安排行动计划等。酒店(又称为宾馆、旅馆、旅店、旅社、商旅、客店、客栈,中国作饭店、酒店等,马来西亚、新加坡等作酒店)其基本定义是提供安全、舒适,令利用者得到短期的休息或睡眠的空间的商业机构。一般地说来就是给宾客提供歇宿和饮食的场所。具体地说饭店是以它的建筑物为凭证,通过出售客房、餐饮及综合服务设施向客人提供服务,从而获得经济收益的组织。酒店主要为游客提供住宿服务、亦生活的服务及设施(寝前服务)、餐饮、游戏、娱乐、购物、商务中心、宴会及会议等设施。

training of hotel

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我能 助 你的 题目定了吗

High speed develops world economy's leading to hotel job intensifying competition , the hotel serves indispensable one kind of business operations being innovative evidently becoming the hotel job. The main body of a book have set forth our country hotel serving the present situation being innovative, and from the hotel serves innovative necessity and significance starting, serve have problem being innovative to the hotel carrying out analysis , study in a deepgoing way here on the basis to how to answering a hotel serving the problem being innovative and ought to pay attention to carrying out , sum up out the corresponding countermeasure, and having introduced that how hotel service is innovative combining with case.

Now the hotel profession's development receives many factors the restrictions, simultaneously also faces the very big trend of development. Various enterprise also utilizes each way to carry on the development. Mainly with three ways, the first kind is the brand pattern, what does compares is successful, internationally “best West”, it already does not invest, also does not entrust, it sells the brand, buys its system again, the network decides the room system, grade of service training. In addition has through the capital link controls the market, like through purchase annexation, this is a quite typical spot. The third kind is the dependence serves win customers' favor, its development speed is mainly quickly gains the source of tourists quantity stable enhancement depending on the high quality service then to control the market. If the Chinese hotel industry wants to surpass the world, but also depends on traditional the development model, is not enough, if wants to open the development to stress modernized tightly information technology this turning point, will serve diligently achieves first-class, goes out has the Chinese characteristic new path, we this great ideal is only then hopeful realizes. Overseas hotel industry, because starts as early as the place which definitely has us in the scientific management and the high quality modes of business operation aspect to be worth using for reference, that is precious wealth, therefore China's hotel in fast growth process, not only need do own characteristic also to need to study to the advanced western idea. How lets the enterprise have the powerful competitive power is a crucial factor.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/7857.html发布于 09-18
