

小思 09-18 5
留学目的地英文摘要: 留学目的地用英语怎么说问题一:目的地英文怎么写 destination 问题二:出发地 目的地。这两个词用英语怎么说? 360翻译 origin , dest...


问题一:目的地英文怎么写 destination 问题二:出发地 目的地。这两个词用英语怎么说? 360翻译 origin , destination 百度翻译 Departure place ,Destination 问题三:您的目的地到了英语怎么念 和朋友一起到达目的地,如餐厅或饭店门口,一般人只会说“Here we are.”,背完这一句,你就可以用英文和朋友连续说八句。那么是那八句呢?大家跟随成都英语培训的我一起来看看吧。 1、Here we are.我们到了。 一般句子的重音,在倒数第一个主要单词上,也就是倒数第一个名词、动词、形容词或副词,但是这句话例外。无论坐车、走路、在到达目的地时,美国人都习惯说“Here we are.”,这句话是We are here.的倒装句,因为强调here而倒装。 2、We made it.我们到了。 这句话字面意思是:“我们做好了它。”引申为“我们做到了;我们办到了;我们赶到了”等。意思很多,要根据前后句意来判断。 3、This is it.就是这里。 美国人很喜欢说This is it.,句中it指“地方”、“时间”、“东西”等。 eg 1:This is it. This is the place I told you about.(就是在这里,这就是我告诉过你的那个地方。) eg 2: This is it. It's your big day.(就是今天,今天是你的重要日子。) eg 3: Here it is. I found it. This is it.(就是这个,我找到了,这就是。) 4、This is the place.就是这个地方。 This 指 Here,所以,也有人说“Here is the place.”美国人到了目的地,习惯说:Here we are.(我们到了。)=We are here.=We've arrived. 5、It looks good.看起来不错。 这句话美国人最喜欢说,看到什么好东西,他们都喜欢说:It looks good.或It looks nice. 6、Let's go in.我们进去吧。 到了餐厅门口,请朋友一起进去,就说:Let's go in.=Let's do it.=Let's go for it.(在此情况下,这三句话意义相同,go for it 的主要意思是“大胆试一试”) 7、Let's check it out.我们进去看看。 问题四:他们到达了目的地怎么说啊?英文哦!急急急〜 问题五:到达目的地用英语怎么说????? arrive at the destination 问题六:您的目的地到了 英语怎么说 Here we are! 问题七:有目的地 英语怎么说 purposefully make a point of doing something; act purposefully and intentionally. 重视做某事;有目的、故意地做。 问题八:装运口岸及目的地英文怎么写 装运口岸及目的地 [词典] loading port and destination; 英 [?l??d?? p?:t ?nd ?desti?nei??n] 美 [?lod?? p?rt ?nd ?d?st??ne??n] 问题九:出发地 目的地 的英文 出发地:place of departure目的地:destination 问题十:我们应该独立地、积极地并且有目的地学习新东西 用英语怎么说 We should independently, actively and purposefully learning new things.

I intend to study abroad.我打算出国留学。More personnel will be sent to study abroad.派更多的人员出国留学。Work out a new policy of sending students abroad for (academic)studies制定新的出国留学政策I can't see any reason why you shouldn't apply to study abroad.您申请出国留学我看没什么不可以的。"Maybe you are preparing to study abroad, but are you ready for it? "也许你正准备出国留学,但是你准备好了吗?"He said that he did not know anything about studying abroad, but his parents wanted him to go to the UK."他说自己对出国留学的事情一头雾水,但父母想送他到英国读书。

国留学现在成为了很多人的选择,那么用英语怎么表达呢?关键词:abroad【əˈbrɔd】在海外 在国外例句:What is your plan?(你有什么计划吗?)I want to study abroad.(我想出国留学)



出国 留学 旧称出国留洋,一般是指一个人去母国以外的国家接受各类 教育 ,时间可以为短期或长期(从几个星期到几年)。这些人被称为“留学生”。那么,你知道出国留学的英文怎么说吗?


go abroad to study


翻开近代中国留学史,晚清时期岭南出国留学生对中国近代早期中西 文化 交流的贡献,特别引人注目。首先,他们是中国近代出国留学的先驱者和开拓者。

The history of the Chinese students abroad shows that the students abroad from Ling-nan of the late Qing period made a great contribution to early Sino-West cultural exchange in modern time.


Since reform and opening-up, there have been 1.6 million Chinese students studying abroad, up by nearly 270 times.


Accomplishing the ultimate objective of studying abroad policy needs the ideological and political education to be the political guarantee.



Study overseas can be the adventure of a lifetime, and the majority of these experiences are healthy and safe.

在理想的情况下,这些出国留学并获得"镀金"留学 经验 的人才学成归国,帮助净化国内学术环境,提高研究水平。

Ideally, those who get " gilt" experiences abroad can return home, helping purify the domestic academic atmosphere and enhance research levels.


In order to reduce culture shock it would be beneficial for the students abroad to obtain specific training both in the foreign language and in cross cultural competence.


Through studying and passing the exams, students are able to prove that they are prepared for university study and have the ability to excel in undergraduate courses.


Are you planning to go abroad too?


His ultimate goal at the moment is to go and study out of the country.


I do not place much hope in studying abroad.


But today she called me that she would go abroad to study soon.


But study abroad is not suitable for everyone because of the high cost, fees.

你的父母可能还有必要向项目负责人说明他们对你出国留学的看法,你还要接受所申请的学校或项目主办方的 面试 。

Your parents also may need to tell the program personnel how they feel aboutyour studying abroad.You'll also have to go through interviews with schools orsponsoring organizations.


You are a person with feelings and relocating overseas is a big event.

因此,对于一个人的教育与成功来说, 出国留学是一种出路,但并不是惟一的出路。

So study abroad is one way but not the only way to one's education and success.


In addition to the U.S.-Government-sponsored programs listed above, below aresome resources on study abroad for students who have traditionally beenunderrepresented in this area.


Sorry for quitting at this time, but I’ve decided to study abroad.


Now, more and more students choose to study abroad.


So it’s generally not a good idea to make a study abroad decision in one dayeither.


B: So tell me, the last time I saw you, you were planning to go abroad to study, weren’t you?


Still, I hope my suggestions will be of assistance to students (including previousones of my own) who will study abroad from 2004 onward and I wish all the very best of success.


The returning scientists are reversing a trend that began in 1978, whenCommunist China first allowed students to go abroad. It used to be that when theyleft, they left for good.


We need more students choosing to study abroad.


Exhibitor of Beijing Spring Real Estate Trade Show said "Overseas real estateprojects are very complex, including pure real estate, investment, study abroad,immigration projects and so on.


Now, of course, study abroad is a two-way street, and we should bring morequalified students from other countries to study here.


With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijing’s education officials.


The girl went out to the working society, whereas the guy was overseascontinuing his studies. They shared their love through emails and phone calls.


Ahmed and Umniah have both just been accepted onto a government scholarshipprogram which will pay for their tuition and expenses at universities abroad.


With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijing’s education officials.


With study abroad now a fashion, many public schools plan to start internationaldivisions, which creates a conundrum for Beijing’s education officials.

出国留学渐成一种风潮,从美国英国,欧洲澳洲一直刮到了东南亚。但中国学生留学外国的热潮,经过几年持续升温之后,正逐渐回归理性。冷思考主要需要解答以下几个相互联系的问题:家长为什么要让孩子到国外读书?国外教育水平情况如何,有什么优势?留学后是否好找工作?他们对外国留学生政策的调整有何动向?如何促进中外教育交流的健康发展?这些都是留学生必备的,而这些与留学生择校有很大的关系,需要选一所真正适合你的国家,下面是近几年最吸引中国留学生的十个国家:瑞典魅力系数:★★☆☆☆近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:2000人。中国学生都认为留学瑞典最吸引他们的是:免学费、英语授课、欧洲名校和极高的签证率。留学瑞典还有许多其他优点:签证超过一年的留学生都可享受当地的高福利(如公费医疗),自然环境优美,当地人外冷内热、善良友好,社会服务机构完备,留学生可以便利地畅游欧洲(瑞典为申根成员国)等等。然而,留学瑞典也有着很多无法克服的"硬伤",突出一点便是语言问题。瑞典本科教育基本都用瑞典语,因此不会瑞典语几乎就不可能来瑞典上大学,这条路可说是堵死了大部分中国学生。新西兰魅力系数:★★☆☆☆近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:4000人。作为新西兰教育外交的重要措施之一,新西兰将在海外主要国家一共设立4个教育参赞职位,第一个将于2004年8月1日起在中国北京设立。即将走马上任的新西兰大使馆教育参赞孔思达介绍,最近几年间,赴新西兰的中国学生人数呈飞速上升的态势,截至2004年4月,在新西兰的中国留学生人数已经达到3万人。新加坡魅力系数:★★☆☆☆近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:5000人。改革开放的中国、为新加坡提供了新的人口资源。以招收留学生的方式吸引中国年轻精英移民,新加坡政府为此制定了一系列优惠政策。新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学是新加坡最高学府,仅在这两所大学就读硕士、博士的中国留学生就有3,000多名,占中国留学生总数的10%。这些精挑细选的尖子学生,都能纳入新加坡政府一个特别奖学金的计划内,除提供两年硕士、两年博士的全额学费外,还每年发6,000坡元 (约23,500港元),作为他们的住宿费和其他开支。政府希望享受这份优厚奖学金的学生在完成4年学业后,留在新加坡工作6年.德国魅力系数:★★★☆☆近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:12000人。许多准备留学德国的中国学生往往面临这样的尴尬局面,在国内取得的大学学历得不到德国大学的完全承认。针对新学位制度实施越来越广泛的现实,很多在德的中国学者及学生认为,中国学生将是最大的收益者。也就是说,处于英美学制中的中国学生,去德国留学后可以用更短的时间,更国际化的教育手段,获得国际一致的学士硕士学位。加拿大魅力系数:★★★☆☆近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:13000人。为吸引高科技人才,加拿大政府打算放宽有关移民政策,并提供优厚待遇,鼓励包括中国人留学生在内的高科技人才到加拿大定居,解决目前加拿大高科技人才严重短缺的问题。加拿大必须大幅度放宽对亚裔高科技人才移民条件的限制,允许他们的家人更容易地移居加拿大,为这些高科技人才每年提供一到两次的探亲假期及旅行费用等等。这样才能吸引留学生,留住人才。法国魅力系数:★★★★☆近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:15000人。法国以悠久的历史,浪漫的气息,高质量的教育,吸引着来自世界各地的学子。到底你对法国高等教育及其体制,对法国各类高校,对到法国留学的政策,有几分了解呢?外国学生享有和法国学生同等待遇: 缴纳同样的学费、享受同样的医疗保险。在欧洲,只有法国和德国实行相同的高等教育政府津贴政策。这两个国家的教学水平和文凭质量,不论是自然科学、社会科学,还是文学艺术等学科,都堪称优等。日本魅力系数:★★★★☆近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:18 000人。日前,日本政府决定拨款100亿日元(约合人民币7亿多元)设立日中留学基金,以便在近期引进大批中国留学生,促进日中两国青少年之间的交流。是让参与日中交流的两国政府机关、非政府组织、企业团体和个人共同携手建立一个联络网,促进相互的信息共享,培养日中交流事业的接班人。最后是以中国的地方城市为中心,在公用图书馆和大学校园内开设"日本信息角",邀请活跃在中国的日本留学生和企业人员参与介绍日本的活动,从而让中国的年轻人和普通市民更多地接触和了解日本。澳大利亚魅力系数:★★★★★近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:19 000人。金黄的海滩、奇异的海洋大堡礁、蹦蹦跳跳的袋鼠...秀丽宜人的自然环境加上宽松的入学条件和一流的教学质量,这些都让澳大利亚凝成留学的焦点。英国魅力系数:★★★★★近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:20 000人。作为发达国家,英国能为各国留学生提供较好的学习、研究、生活、居住、交通条件。此外,英国是正宗的英语国家,从学习语言的角度看,也是理想的留学目的国。英国的教育事业相当发达,教育水平在世界排名第二,仅次于美国。全世界排名前100所名牌大学中,有四分之一在英国,牛津和剑桥这两所大学更是举世闻名,培养出许多政治家和科学家,仅剑桥毕业生中就出现了82位诺贝尔奖得主。美国魅力系数:★★★★★近几年平均每年吸引的中国留学生:22 000人。美国拥有世界一流学府,又是超级大国,而且让世人瞩目的好莱坞也在这里,虽然美国的安全局面不是蛮好,但这已不是很重要了。现在美国国内实际上有很高的呼声,希望尽可能多的吸引中国高素质的学生到美国去读书。美国助理国务卿毛拉·哈蒂女士3月在北京大学演讲时提到,美国驻华使馆已出台包括增加签证官员在内的一系列措施,"美国欢迎中国留学生。"仔细观察不难发现,在中国的官员队伍里,高知识、高学历、高职称的新锐"美国海归"派迅速增多



destination 英[ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn] 美[ˌdɛstəˈneʃən] n. 目的,目标; 目的地,终点; [罕用语] 预定,指定; [例句]Spain is still our most popular holiday destination西班牙仍是我们最喜爱的度假去处。[其他] 复数:destinations 中文谐音:代斯踢内逊








(1)tourist destination.


(2)port of destination.


(3)final destination.


(4)destination port.


(5)ultimate destination.






1、Our luggage was checked all the way through to our final destination.


2、At last,after twenty hours on the boat,they arrived at their destination.


3、He gets you to your destination without turning the trip into a white-knuckle experience.


4、Open the suitcase as soon as you reach your destination.


5、When you get to your destination,use official transport.



in England

在英国 in Britain in England Both are now equally current in Britain.两者目前在英国都同时流行。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句"In Britain, people get the vote at the age of 18."在英国,人们到十八岁有选举权。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Ken is working at the BBC.肯目前在英国广播公司工作。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Radiant ceilings for cooling have not gained popularity in the U. K.冷辐射顶棚在英国没有得到普及。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句We are quite a French House, as well as an English one.我们在法国的业务正如在英国一样。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句For almost fifty years inflation had been continuous in the United Kingdom.五十年来,通货膨胀一直在英国持续存在。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句In Britain the situation was equally grim, but with one major difference.在英国,情况同样是严竣的,但有一个很大的区别。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句In Britain the sun sets much later in summer than in winter.在英国, 夏季日落时间比冬季晚得多.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句In Britain, an engine driver is a person who drives a railway engine.在英国,engine driver指火车司机。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句In Britain, the Design Council gives awards for good industrial design.在英国, 设计委员会给优秀的工业产品设计颁奖.


留学顾问的英文怎么说? 留学顾问-overseas 阀tudy consultant 会计 - accounting 出国留学,用英文咋说 ab触oad study certificate 是出国留学证明的意思! study abroad是正解!留学生英文怎么说? 现在比较多的说法是International Student。。。 公派留学用英语怎么说 government-sponsored overseas study 留学生英文怎么说 留学生: [ liú xué shēng ] 1. student studying abroad 2. (foreign) exchange student 其它相关解释:例句与用法: 1. 她是个在英国的外国留学生。 She is an overseas student in Britain. 2. 学杂费昂贵,外国留学生负担不起。 The tuition and f矗es fall heavy on the international students. 3. 几年来, 几百个留学生在那所大学学习过。 Over the years, hundreds of overseas students have studied at that university. 留学中介用英文怎么说 Overseas Affairs Service Agency,这个是我曾经委托的一个中介的名字。 出国用英语怎么说英语 go abroad. 我想去英国留学。 英语怎么说? 我想去英国留学。 I want to study in UK. I want to go to England for further education. 留学顾问的英文怎么说? 留学顾问-overseas study consultant 会计 - accounting 你是留学生吗? 英语怎么说? Are you a student studying abroad?


副词 blindly

瞎的,失明的英语blind,英式发音 [blaɪnd]、 美式发音 [blaɪnd]。adj. 盲目的;瞎的adv. 盲目地;看不见地n. 掩饰,借口;百叶窗vt. 使失明;使失去理智n. (Blind)人名;(法)布兰;(德、瑞典)布林德英文解释及例句: Someone who is blind is unable to see because their eyes are damaged. 失明的例:I started helping him run the business when he went blind.他失明以后,我就开始帮他打理生意。 The blind are people who are blind. 盲人例:He was a teacher of the blind.他过去是位教盲人的老师。 失明 blindness例:Early diagnosis and treatment can usually prevent blindness.早期诊断和治疗通常可以防止失明。 If something blinds you, it makes you unable to see, either for a short time or permanently. 使看不见; 使失明例:The sun hit the windshield, momentarily blinding him.阳光射在挡风玻璃上,使他一时看不见。 If you are blind with something such as tears or a bright light, you are unable to see for a short time because of the tears or light. 因 (眼泪或强光) 而暂时看不见的例:Her mother groped for the back of the chair, her eyes blind with tears.她妈妈摸索着椅背,她的眼睛被眼泪遮住了视线。 暂时看不见地 blindly例:Lettie groped blindly for the glass.莱蒂瞎子似地摸索着找杯子。 If you say that someone is blind to a fact or a situation, you mean that they ignore it or are unaware of it, although you think that they should take notice of it or be aware of it. 视而不见的; 没有觉察到的表不满例:David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.大卫俊朗的外表和完美的风度总是令她对他的缺点视而不见。 忽视 blindness例:...blindness in government policy to the very existence of the unemployed.…政府政策中对失业人员的存在这一事实的忽视。 If something blinds you to the real situation, it prevents you from realizing that it exists or from understanding it properly. 使觉察不到; 使理解不当例:He never allowed his love of Australia to blind him to his countrymen's faults.他从来不因自己对澳大利亚的热爱而无视同胞的过错。 You can describe someone's beliefs or actions as blind when you think that they seem to take no notice of important facts or behave in an unreasonable way. 盲目的表不满例:...her blind faith in the wisdom of the church.…她对教会箴言的盲目信仰。 A blind is a roll of cloth or paper which you can pull down over a window as a covering. 窗帘; 百叶窗帘例:Pulling the blinds up, she let some of the bright sunlight in.她拉起窗帘,让一些明媚的阳光照进来。12.→see also blinding , If you say that someone is turning a blind eye to something bad or illegal that is happening, you mean that you think they are pretending not to notice that it is happening so that they will not have to do anything about it. 视而不见表不满例:Teachers are turning a blind eye to pupils smoking at school, a report reveals today.今天的一篇报道称,教师对学生在校抽烟视而不见。

“瞎的,失明的”英语是blind,读音是:英 [blaɪnd],美 [blaɪnd]。adj. 盲目的;瞎的;未察觉的vt. 使失明;隐藏adv. 盲目地n. 百叶窗;幌子副词:blindingly,比较级:blinder,最高级:blindest,名词:blindness过去式:blinded,过去分词:blinded,现在分词:blinding,第三人称单数:blinds短语:1、blind advertises 不具名广告2、blind alley 死胡同3、blind angle 盲角4、blind area 无信号区5、blind axle 游轴,侧轴扩展资料:blind的用法adj. (形容词)1、blind在句中可用作定语、主语补足语或宾语补足语。2、blind前加定冠词the,可表示“盲人”这一类人。在句中用作主语时,其谓语动词一般要用复数形式。例句:Love is blind and sometimes deaf.翻译:爱情是盲目的,有时甚至是聋的。查看全部4个回答51talk英语多少钱?51talk英语怎么样...最近8分钟前有人申请相关服务适合4-15岁学生学英语,精选全球好外教, 1对1教学,不背...广告 51talk英语好不好,价格多少呢...最近34分钟前有人咨询相关问题阿卡索-满足不同基础孩子的英语学习。量身定制专属课程+...广告 相关问题全部瞎英语怎么读英文原文: blind 英式音标: [blaɪnd] 美式音标: [blaɪnd]6 浏览2532016-11-19这个人是失明的,他看不见用英语怎么说?This person is blind. he can't see anything浏览142019-12-22瞎的英语翻译 瞎用英语怎么说瞎 blind;foolishly;to no purpose;aimlessly;eternal night 瞎 foolishly 瞎搅和 Mess Up 瞎琢磨 Blind Sato2 浏览962018-01-15瞎子用英语怎么说?、blind [blaind] adj. 失明的, 瞎眼的 He is a man blind from birth. 他生来就盲。 视而不见的, 盲目的 Blind worship must be ended. 盲目崇拜必须停止。13 浏览21222017-11-26你瞎了用英语怎么说?you are near-sightedness..3 浏览477评论两句抢首赞

一般就用副词就ok了, blindly,比如说是,1. 过分乐观者,盲目乐观者被视为愚蠢地或盲目地乐观的人 A person regarded as being foolishly or blindly optimistic. 2. 有些人盲目地跟随领导,对自己干的事从不问问为什么。 Some men will follow a leader like sheep and never reason why they do so.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/5648.html发布于 09-18
