

小思 2024-09-18 34
高中英语第一节课开场白摘要: 高一第一节英语课开场白作为一名英语老师,要上好第一节英语课,开场白很重要。下面是我整理的关于英语讲课的开场白(通用5篇),欢迎阅读参考!Hello,everyone!Im...



Hello,everyone!Im very happy to see you about you?

Do you know who I am?If you want to know more about me ,I think you must learn English well and speak English well. Now I think we must decide who will introduce himself to others first,you or me?lets play a game, and decide whose turn will be the first one.

(Then play a game and introduce oneself to each other.)



一走上讲台,你就说:“Hello! Boys and girls!”“Class begins.”等来组织教学,然后自我介绍,“(I’m Mr…(或I’m Miss…)”学生听不懂没关系,用手势,表情,再通过反复演练让他们理解。



当第一堂课下课铃响时你可以跟学生说:“I’m sorry, I must go now. They are jealous of our happy-ness.”“Bye-bye.”等。要让学生从一开始就享受到上英语课的欢乐。


Good morning everyone, how r u? May I introduce myself first, my name is xx(写黑板),and you can just simply call me xx,I am very glad to be you xx teacher in the next few months time, and I really hope I could be your friend as well but not only your teacher. Well, this is my first lesson in my life(maybe not), so if there is any inconvenience between us, please do tell me, than I could make a little notice on that next time. And if you have any questions wanna ask, please dont be shy. Ok, just before I start this lesson, if you do have any questions about me right now, I am listening.(please do so/please ask) ....

Hi, my dear children,

I am glad to be your teacher and friend from now on.

I am lisahong, M.. is my family name.

How about you?

I am eager to know about all of you. So do your new classmates.

Now i d like u to introude yourself to your classmates as well as me.

This class, there is only 10 chances. Who would volunteer first?

( Hopefully, anyone would raise their hand first)

..., good, you please first.....

After 10 students introduce themselves, you may start your first lesson.

Good afternoon, boys and girls, I am XXX(put down your name on the blackboard) for your English lessons (your new teacher), also I am very glad to have this opportunity to teach you some knowledge in here, but first of all, I want to give all of you some brief introduction of mine.......(bla bla bla).

Before we are going to study the new courses, Id like to go and review for the last lesson.

Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

Thank you!

Needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important.

If there is no money, I can’t use this microphone to speak to you and we can’t have such a room to hold such a competition. Without money, we can’t study in such a schoolyard. Without money, we can’t live in such a hometown. Without money, we can’t have such a motherland. On the other hand, If there is no money, you don’t need to bear my speech about money now.

Most of us have dreams about the future, dreams of having a good job and making much money. Surely someone has thought at times “If only I had a lot of money, I could be the happiest person in the world.” In fact it’s the main mistake that people make about money.

However, is money the road to happiness? Not really! Many people work every day, work overtime, work weekends to make a lot of money. Are they happy? No. They are too busy making money. Meanwhile, their personal lives, if they have any, fall apart. They have no time to form or to maintain friendship. They even lose the abilities to relax and to enjoy themselves. Enjoying means taking things, taking time to see, to hear, to taste, to smell, to feel. They do not take time to do this. They say: “I’ll do it when I have enough money to retire” then they find that it is too late.

Why we usually make such a mistake and even more mistakes? Activists say it is because of money itself. They think money has changed many things. For example, they think money has changed our way to measure someone’s value in the society. They even regard money as the source of evil. Also, they hate money, but they are wrong, completely wrong.

In my opinion, it is unfair to money. Money is a tool. Well, there’s no denying that we do something harmful with money. But we can’t say money is the source of evil. Just like a hammer, we can use a hammer to kill someone, but can we say a hammer is a devil? It is the same with money.

Money is neither good nor bad itself. It is a mirror, a perfect and important mirror, and a mirror that reflects both the darkness and the brilliance of humanity. In other words, all depend on us.

So, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. Because, we have the future; we are the future.

Ladies and gentlemen ,thanks for raising your attention .Today I’ll give you a speech named “global citizenship begins at home”.

Being received by many international organizations just like OPEC ,WTO ,all of us get closer contact with other parts of the world ,so that we should not only deal with the native citizenship well ,but also global one .

No doubt “Kyoto Protocol” is a model of assembling abilities all over the world to administer and green-house gas pollution .It’s beyond the effort made by politicians and environmentalists only ,and requires all men to attend it .Face to such issues ,we are no more than a person who comes from a certain city even a specific country ,but a global citizen that everyone should say it proudly .

Besides ,from Madam Curies who argues that science and technology should not be limited by national boundaries .Progreis never a nationality’s or a country’s progre,it need all to avail from it .Creating or spreading science and technology ,together with direct economic support ,bridges the gap between one area and another ,which in order to help a creature as same as ourselves or just because of deep sympathy .Thus a person exists as individual ,as well an undivided part of human beings all over the world .Even though what we could do may be negligible ,doing something without regret is the necessary way to realize and fulfill our own global citizenship .

Nowadays ,terrorist acts suggest that world lacks comprehension ,and the divergence of religion and culture should be respect .Being respectful for the diversity is always.

What Is Real Beauty?

It is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty. Everybody was born with a heart for beauty.

Today in China,with the rising of our living standard, peoples requirement of beauty has been heightened accordingly. Some people spare no money or energy on beautiful clothes, fashionable hair styles,the decoration of their houses and even the improvement of their looks. But it seems to me,all these are more or less confined to the beauty in appearance,or rather,the outward beauty.

In my opinion,we shouldnt only pay attention to beautiful appearance and neglect the beautification of the mind and what we are after should be the perfect unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty. As we all know,so far as objects and animals are concerned,there is only beautiful appearance to be mentioned, but to us humanbeings, although the outward beauty really matters, the inner beauty is much more important. This was confirmed by a famous Russian writer in words much like this: “A person is not lovely for being beautiful but beautiful for being lovely. ”

Here, Id like to quote two typical instances and Im sure, my dear friends,from them youll find out what real beauty is.

人自从出生开始,就会跑步,(since the beginning of birth, well run)跑步是一种本能,是我们躲避伤害的方式(running is an instinct, which is a way to avoid hurting)。但,更重要的是,跑步是一种能让人变得更健康的运动(but, more importantly, running is a kind of movement which make us to become healthier.)。我们每年都要参加体质测试(physique examination),男生要跑1000米,女生800米,可是总是有些人故意躲避,(every year we have to participate in the physique the physique examination .the boy should run 1000 meters. while 800 metres for there always some people, try to escape.)他们认为,长跑对它们来说除了累和痛苦,并没有带来别的什么。(they think that beside pain, long-distance running did not bring anything else)

在我看来,跑步是一种能让人变强的运动(in my opinion, long-distance running is a sport which can make us stronger)。不仅仅是身体上让自己变得更强壮,更重要的是在精神上(not only in our body,but also in our mand)。当你在跑1000米的时候,特别是跑到第二圈的时候,你会有10000个理由想停下来,(when i’m running, especially in the second round, i would have get 10,000 excuse to give up)。因为没有人强迫你跑下去,可是你手上的秒表还在走(because no one forces me to run down, but stopwatch in my hand is still going)。如果你现在停下来,意味着,你讲没有成绩,前面的所有努力都将白费(if i stop, it means that i have get noting,what have done was in vain)。所以要坚持,再坚持(so i tell myselfe never give up)。不断地强化自己的'意识,让自己成长,耐得住艰难困苦。(again and again, igetloneliness.)

有些例子希望与大家分享(now i hopeto share with yousomeexamples):


看过《阿甘正传》的同学一定对其中他跑遍美国的画面印象深刻。为什么阿甘要去跑步(anyone who have seem the film"forrest gump"may impressed in a foce,whice is gump run around of the united states),他说:跑步是为了忘记过去,心情不好的时候就去跑步,没有目标的时候就跑步,需要某种东西让自己平静下来,迷失了自己想去找回来(whyforrest gumpgorunning,he said:runningis a way to forget the past,

and i feelbadwhen i’m running,runningwheni have no target, i needsomethingto calm down, i want to look back because i lost myself.)。执着是他一次次成功的原因。(attachment isthe reasonwhy he getsucces again and again.)

now let me lesion a music from the film.

当他跑步的时候,从一开始被人嘲笑,到最后成为领袖,这就是一路收获的过程。(the timewhen he wasrunningfrom the always be laughed, in the endbecome a is thewaythe proceofharvesting.)


XX届的一个学长,也是杭电电子学院的,来自新疆,家里很穷,可是他很有志气(the second ofseniors, who come frome xinjiang is alsostudy in hangzhoudianzi university electronic familyis poor,

but he is verydiscouraged)。从大一开始,他每天都要到东边的操场跑步,跑的也不快,每天坚持10000米,25圈,他毕业的成绩非常好。begin as a freshman,he goes to the eastof theplaygroundevery day to do long-distance running,notfast,but day10,000 meters, 25laps, XX hegraduated vith a good resault.

最后,我想说,当你没有目标的时候,就去跑步吧,那是件快乐的事。谢谢!!(finally, iwant to say, whenyou do not getgoals,just run,itis ahappy thing.

thank you!!)

Recently I learned from the radio an unpleasant incident about a well known singer. She is very charming with a sweet beautiful voice and very famous for singing the song.“Devotion of Love”。 Not long ago,she was invited to Zhejiang Province to give performance. The moment she was to appear on the stage,she suddenly asked for more reward. Worse still,after her request was satisfied, she didnt begin to sing at once. Instead,she took her time to count all the money piece by piece. Thus she kept the audience waiting for half an hour. So when she at last showed up and started to sing “Devotion of Love”,a man rose up from his seat and shouted at her,“You dont have any devotion of love. You are not qualified to sing this song ! ”Hearing this, the singer stopped singing and began to shout abuses with her finger pointed at the man. At this time the whole audience burst into an uproar.

How disappointed her keen listeners were when they learned this! It is the singer herself who spoiled her beautiful image in the eyes of others.

Now, Im coming to another true story. Its about a poor, ordinary looking old woman. She was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps. However,she took in more than ten homeless orphans successively and managed to bring them up. Every day she labored from morning till night. In order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children and to keep them in school,she even went to a hospital regularly to sell her blood. She got so weak for the loss of blood that she sometimes fell in a faint on her way home.

When asked why she chose to burden herself with so many children,she smiled and simply answered,“Oh,I love children and I like to have their company. ”

Though the old woman was poor materially, she was full of affection and rich in spirit. She was loved dearly by her children. She was also highly appreciated by the local government, and truly respected by people in her community.

Maybe you cant help wondering, “What makes that ordinary woman so extraordinary?” It is nothing else but her inner beauty, her true devotion of love without any thought of rewarding. What a sharp contrast there is between the great woman and the selfish singer.

So,to answer the question “What is real beauty?”,I declare definitely,it is the beauty lying in ones heart of hearts and embodied in his actions and deeds,that is,the inner heauty!

This summer, I was supposed to go to my favorite camp. But instead, I decided to go to the John Kerry office every day. Kids can really help!

On , we have an interactive presidential quiz. There are 270 questions for the electoral votes John Kerry will win. Plus, 25 questions to make up for Florida from the last election.

Our next goal is to have a petition for “National No Name-Calling Day,” a day that the candidates dont say anything negative about one another. When our Vice President had a disagreement with a Democratic senator, he used a REALLY BAD word.

If I said that -- If I said that word, I would be put in a “time-out.”

I think he should be put in a time-out.

The last time I saw John Kerry, he grabbed my arm and said, “See you at the convention.” And here I am!

What will be even more amazing will be the inauguration in January, when we have a new President, knowing that kids have made a difference in this election.

To summarize, Teresa Heinz Kerry: Inspirational, amazing!

John Kerry: American hero, next President.

Kids need-Kids need positive-Kids need positive role models in politics. And our Vice President deserves a long time-out.

Kids-Kids, this is about our futures. Make sure all adults you know get out and vote.

We can have a voice today!

Thank you!


既然是英语课,就应该有一个“带有英语”的开场白。走进教室后,我一边招手一边面带笑容的用英语和学生说“Hello! Boys andgirls!”

并简单介绍“I’m your new English can call me MissYan"然后互相用”Hello!"打招呼,这个时候学生还有些胆怯,不能完全放开,我就竖起大拇指略微夸张的表扬他们:"Verygood!"“Hownice!"进一步打消他们对英语的畏惧感,并且让学生在第一时间领略到英语的风采。




Opening Statement

mr. chairman, senator thurmond, members of the committee, my name is anita f. hill, and i am a professor of law at the university of oklahoma. i was born on a farm in okmulgee county, oklahoma, in 1956. i am the youngest of 13 children. i had my early education in okmulgee county. my father, albert hill, is a farmer in that area. my mother's name is irma hill. she is also a farmer and a housewife.

my childhood was one of a lot of hard work and not much money, but it was one of solid family affection, as represented by my parents. i was reared in a religious atmosphere in the baptist faith, and i have been a member of the antioch baptist church in tulsa, oklahoma, since 1983. it is a very warm part of my life at the present time.

for my undergraduate work, i went to oklahoma state university and graduated from there in 1977. i am attaching to this statement a copy of my resume for further details of my education.

i graduated from the university with academic honors and proceeded to the yale law school, where i received my jd degree in 1980. upon graduation from law school, i became a practicing lawyer with the washington, dc, firm of ward, hardraker, and ross.

in 1981, i was introduced to now judge thomas by a mutual friend. judge thomas told me that he was anticipating a political appointment, and he asked if i would be interested in working with him. he was, in fact, appointed as assistant secretary of education for civil rights. after he had taken that post, he asked if i would become his assistant, and i accepted that position.

in my early period there, i had two major projects. the first was an article i wrote for judge thomas' signature on the education of minority students. the second was the organization of a seminar on high-risk students which was abandoned because judge thomas transferred to the eeoc where he became the chairman of that office.

during this period at the department of education, my working relationship with judge thomas was positive. i had a good deal of responsibility and independence. i thought he respected my work and that he trusted my judgment. after approximately three months of working there, he asked me to go out socially with him.

what happened next and telling the world about it are the two most difficult things -- experiences of my life. it is only after a great deal of agonizing consideration and sleeplenumber -- a great number of sleeplenights tha(t i amable to talk of these unpleasant matters to anyone but my close friends.

i declined the invitation to go out socially with him and explained to him that i thought it would jeopardize what at the time i considered to be a very good working relationship. i had a normal social life with other men outside of the office. i believed then, as now, that having a social relationship with a person who was supervising my work would be ill-advised. i was very uncomfortable with the idea and told him so.

i thought that by saying no and explaining my reasons my employer would abandon his social suggestions. however, to my regret, in the following few weeks, he continued to ask me out on several occasions. he pressed me to justify my reasons for saying no to him. these incidents took place in his office or mine. they were in the form of private conversations which would not have been overheard by anyone else.

my working relationship became even more strained when judge thomas began to use work situations to discuse-x. on these occasions, he would call me into his office for reports on education issues and projects, or he might suggest that, because of the time pressures of his schedule, we go to lunch to a government cafeteria. after a brief discussion of work, he would turn the conversation to a discussion of se-xual matters.

his conversations were very vivid. he spoke about acts that he had seen in pornographic films involving such matters as women having se-x with animals and films showing group se-x or rape scenes. he talked about pornographic materials depicting individuals with large penises or large breasts involved in various se-x acts. on several occasions, thomas told me graphically of his own se-xual prowess.

because i was extremely uncomfortable talking about se-x with him at all and particularly in such a graphic way, i told him that i did not want to talk about these subjects. i would also try to change the subject to education matters or to nonse-xual personal matters such as his background or his beliefs. my efforts to change the subject were rarely successful.

throughout the period of these conversations, he also from time to time asked me for social engagements. my reaction to these conversations was to avoid them by eliminating opportunities for us to engage in extended conversations. this was difficult because at the time i was his only assistant at the office of education -- or of

fice for civil rights.


首先要打招呼,Class morning boys and girls.然后自我介绍,My name is ....You can call me ....(Miss...Mr.)说出自己的一些基本要求(在这里拉近关系:你可以说不论大家考进来的英语成绩多少,现在大家在我眼里都是白纸,希望大家共同努力什么什么的),记得先暂定一个课代表告诉大家自己的手机号码,办公室地址最后可以上课了,now...


Hello,everyone!Im very happy to see you about you?

Do you know who I am?If you want to know more about me ,I think you must learn English well and speak English well. Now I think we must decide who will introduce himself to others first,you or me?lets play a game, and decide whose turn will be the first one.

(Then play a game and introduce oneself to each other.)



一走上讲台,你就说:“Hello! Boys and girls!”“Class begins.”等来组织教学,然后自我介绍,“(I’m Mr…(或I’m Miss…)”学生听不懂没关系,用手势,表情,再通过反复演练让他们理解。



当第一堂课下课铃响时你可以跟学生说:“I’m sorry, I must go now. They are jealous of our happy-ness.”“Bye-bye.”等。要让学生从一开始就享受到上英语课的欢乐。


Good morning everyone, how r u? May I introduce myself first, my name is xx(写黑板),and you can just simply call me xx,I am very glad to be you xx teacher in the next few months time, and I really hope I could be your friend as well but not only your teacher. Well, this is my first lesson in my life(maybe not), so if there is any inconvenience between us, please do tell me, than I could make a little notice on that next time. And if you have any questions wanna ask, please dont be shy. Ok, just before I start this lesson, if you do have any questions about me right now, I am listening.(please do so/please ask) ....

Hi, my dear children,

I am glad to be your teacher and friend from now on.

I am lisahong, M.. is my family name.

How about you?

I am eager to know about all of you. So do your new classmates.

Now i d like u to introude yourself to your classmates as well as me.

This class, there is only 10 chances. Who would volunteer first?

( Hopefully, anyone would raise their hand first)

..., good, you please first.....

After 10 students introduce themselves, you may start your first lesson.

Good afternoon, boys and girls, I am XXX(put down your name on the blackboard) for your English lessons (your new teacher), also I am very glad to have this opportunity to teach you some knowledge in here, but first of all, I want to give all of you some brief introduction of mine.......(bla bla bla).

Before we are going to study the new courses, Id like to go and review for the last lesson.


既然是英语课,就应该有一个“带有英语”的开场白。走进教室后,我一边招手一边面带笑容的用英语和学生说“Hello! Boys andgirls!”

并简单介绍“I’m your new English can call me MissYan"然后互相用”Hello!"打招呼,这个时候学生还有些胆怯,不能完全放开,我就竖起大拇指略微夸张的表扬他们:"Verygood!"“Hownice!"进一步打消他们对英语的畏惧感,并且让学生在第一时间领略到英语的风采。




Opening Statement

mr. chairman, senator thurmond, members of the committee, my name is anita f. hill, and i am a professor of law at the university of oklahoma. i was born on a farm in okmulgee county, oklahoma, in 1956. i am the youngest of 13 children. i had my early education in okmulgee county. my father, albert hill, is a farmer in that area. my mother's name is irma hill. she is also a farmer and a housewife.

my childhood was one of a lot of hard work and not much money, but it was one of solid family affection, as represented by my parents. i was reared in a religious atmosphere in the baptist faith, and i have been a member of the antioch baptist church in tulsa, oklahoma, since 1983. it is a very warm part of my life at the present time.

for my undergraduate work, i went to oklahoma state university and graduated from there in 1977. i am attaching to this statement a copy of my resume for further details of my education.

i graduated from the university with academic honors and proceeded to the yale law school, where i received my jd degree in 1980. upon graduation from law school, i became a practicing lawyer with the washington, dc, firm of ward, hardraker, and ross.

in 1981, i was introduced to now judge thomas by a mutual friend. judge thomas told me that he was anticipating a political appointment, and he asked if i would be interested in working with him. he was, in fact, appointed as assistant secretary of education for civil rights. after he had taken that post, he asked if i would become his assistant, and i accepted that position.

in my early period there, i had two major projects. the first was an article i wrote for judge thomas' signature on the education of minority students. the second was the organization of a seminar on high-risk students which was abandoned because judge thomas transferred to the eeoc where he became the chairman of that office.

during this period at the department of education, my working relationship with judge thomas was positive. i had a good deal of responsibility and independence. i thought he respected my work and that he trusted my judgment. after approximately three months of working there, he asked me to go out socially with him.

what happened next and telling the world about it are the two most difficult things -- experiences of my life. it is only after a great deal of agonizing consideration and sleeplenumber -- a great number of sleeplenights tha(t i amable to talk of these unpleasant matters to anyone but my close friends.

i declined the invitation to go out socially with him and explained to him that i thought it would jeopardize what at the time i considered to be a very good working relationship. i had a normal social life with other men outside of the office. i believed then, as now, that having a social relationship with a person who was supervising my work would be ill-advised. i was very uncomfortable with the idea and told him so.

i thought that by saying no and explaining my reasons my employer would abandon his social suggestions. however, to my regret, in the following few weeks, he continued to ask me out on several occasions. he pressed me to justify my reasons for saying no to him. these incidents took place in his office or mine. they were in the form of private conversations which would not have been overheard by anyone else.

my working relationship became even more strained when judge thomas began to use work situations to discuse-x. on these occasions, he would call me into his office for reports on education issues and projects, or he might suggest that, because of the time pressures of his schedule, we go to lunch to a government cafeteria. after a brief discussion of work, he would turn the conversation to a discussion of se-xual matters.

his conversations were very vivid. he spoke about acts that he had seen in pornographic films involving such matters as women having se-x with animals and films showing group se-x or rape scenes. he talked about pornographic materials depicting individuals with large penises or large breasts involved in various se-x acts. on several occasions, thomas told me graphically of his own se-xual prowess.

because i was extremely uncomfortable talking about se-x with him at all and particularly in such a graphic way, i told him that i did not want to talk about these subjects. i would also try to change the subject to education matters or to nonse-xual personal matters such as his background or his beliefs. my efforts to change the subject were rarely successful.

throughout the period of these conversations, he also from time to time asked me for social engagements. my reaction to these conversations was to avoid them by eliminating opportunities for us to engage in extended conversations. this was difficult because at the time i was his only assistant at the office of education -- or of

fice for civil rights.


这个简单点,好套作: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ senior high school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


既然是英语课,就应该有一个“带有英语”的开场白。走进教室后,我一边招手一边面带笑容的用英语和学生说“Hello! Boys andgirls!”

并简单介绍“I’m your new English can call me MissYan"然后互相用”Hello!"打招呼,这个时候学生还有些胆怯,不能完全放开,我就竖起大拇指略微夸张的表扬他们:"Verygood!"“Hownice!"进一步打消他们对英语的畏惧感,并且让学生在第一时间领略到英语的风采。




Opening Statement

mr. chairman, senator thurmond, members of the committee, my name is anita f. hill, and i am a professor of law at the university of oklahoma. i was born on a farm in okmulgee county, oklahoma, in 1956. i am the youngest of 13 children. i had my early education in okmulgee county. my father, albert hill, is a farmer in that area. my mother's name is irma hill. she is also a farmer and a housewife.

my childhood was one of a lot of hard work and not much money, but it was one of solid family affection, as represented by my parents. i was reared in a religious atmosphere in the baptist faith, and i have been a member of the antioch baptist church in tulsa, oklahoma, since 1983. it is a very warm part of my life at the present time.

for my undergraduate work, i went to oklahoma state university and graduated from there in 1977. i am attaching to this statement a copy of my resume for further details of my education.

i graduated from the university with academic honors and proceeded to the yale law school, where i received my jd degree in 1980. upon graduation from law school, i became a practicing lawyer with the washington, dc, firm of ward, hardraker, and ross.

in 1981, i was introduced to now judge thomas by a mutual friend. judge thomas told me that he was anticipating a political appointment, and he asked if i would be interested in working with him. he was, in fact, appointed as assistant secretary of education for civil rights. after he had taken that post, he asked if i would become his assistant, and i accepted that position.

in my early period there, i had two major projects. the first was an article i wrote for judge thomas' signature on the education of minority students. the second was the organization of a seminar on high-risk students which was abandoned because judge thomas transferred to the eeoc where he became the chairman of that office.

during this period at the department of education, my working relationship with judge thomas was positive. i had a good deal of responsibility and independence. i thought he respected my work and that he trusted my judgment. after approximately three months of working there, he asked me to go out socially with him.

what happened next and telling the world about it are the two most difficult things -- experiences of my life. it is only after a great deal of agonizing consideration and sleeplenumber -- a great number of sleeplenights tha(t i amable to talk of these unpleasant matters to anyone but my close friends.

i declined the invitation to go out socially with him and explained to him that i thought it would jeopardize what at the time i considered to be a very good working relationship. i had a normal social life with other men outside of the office. i believed then, as now, that having a social relationship with a person who was supervising my work would be ill-advised. i was very uncomfortable with the idea and told him so.

i thought that by saying no and explaining my reasons my employer would abandon his social suggestions. however, to my regret, in the following few weeks, he continued to ask me out on several occasions. he pressed me to justify my reasons for saying no to him. these incidents took place in his office or mine. they were in the form of private conversations which would not have been overheard by anyone else.

my working relationship became even more strained when judge thomas began to use work situations to discuse-x. on these occasions, he would call me into his office for reports on education issues and projects, or he might suggest that, because of the time pressures of his schedule, we go to lunch to a government cafeteria. after a brief discussion of work, he would turn the conversation to a discussion of se-xual matters.

his conversations were very vivid. he spoke about acts that he had seen in pornographic films involving such matters as women having se-x with animals and films showing group se-x or rape scenes. he talked about pornographic materials depicting individuals with large penises or large breasts involved in various se-x acts. on several occasions, thomas told me graphically of his own se-xual prowess.

because i was extremely uncomfortable talking about se-x with him at all and particularly in such a graphic way, i told him that i did not want to talk about these subjects. i would also try to change the subject to education matters or to nonse-xual personal matters such as his background or his beliefs. my efforts to change the subject were rarely successful.

throughout the period of these conversations, he also from time to time asked me for social engagements. my reaction to these conversations was to avoid them by eliminating opportunities for us to engage in extended conversations. this was difficult because at the time i was his only assistant at the office of education -- or of

fice for civil rights.

1、Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today. 上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名字叫……。今天有机会进行自我介绍深感荣幸。我乐意回答你们所提出来的任何问题。我希望我今天能表现的非常出色。 2、I am -years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education. 我今年……岁,出生在……省/北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西南……等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学生。 3、 My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/ 我主修篮球/排球/足球/羽毛球/乒乓球/网球/田径/游泳/跆拳道等运动训练专业。在我毕业以后,我将会获得学士学位。 4、In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice. 在过去的1/2/3年中,我把大量的时间用在学习上。我已经通过了大学英语2/3/4/6级。而且,我已经从理论和实践二方面对运动训练专业的基础知识有了一个大致的了解。 5、Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing. I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… . Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training. 除此以外,我还参加了在北京举行的许多运动会。我还是中国网球公开赛,羽毛球大师赛……的志愿者。通过这些,我对运动训练专业有了一个更深刻的了解。 6、I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on. 我有很多兴趣爱好,如唱歌、跳舞、画画等。 7、Thank you! 本人自入学以为,一直遵守学校的各项规章制度,具有良好的思想道 德品质,各方面表现优秀。有强烈的集体荣誉感和工作责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。 本人思想端正,能吃苦耐劳,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标,注重个人道德修养,养成良好的生活作风,乐于助人,关心国家大事。 在校期间,本人一直勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,通过系统地学习掌握较为扎实的基础知识。由于有良好的学习作风和明确的学习目标,曾获得"优秀团员"、"三好学生"等荣誉,得到了老师及同学们的肯定,树立了良好的学习榜样。 在课余时间,本人积极参加体育锻炼,增强身体素质,也热爱劳动,积极参加校开展的各项文体活动,参加社会实践,继承和发扬了艰苦奋斗的精神,也参加了校文学社和书法协会,丰富了课余生活,使自己在各方面都得到了相应的提高。 "宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来",本人坚信通过不断地学习和努力,使自己成为一个有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的学生,以优异的成绩迎接挑战,为社会主义建设贡献我毕生的力量。I think that since the admission, the school has to comply with the rules and regulations, has a good ideological and moral quality, outstanding performance. Have a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things. I thought the correct Chikunailao can have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national affairs. In school, I have been studying hard and assiduously, through systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge. As a good learning style and a clear learning targets, had received "outstanding member", "Miyoshi students" and other honors, has teachers and students of the affirmative, the study set a good example. After school hours, I actively participated in physical training, enhance physical fitness, loves labor and actively participate in the school's cultural and sports activities, to participate in social practice, inherit and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle, also participated in the school's literature and calligraphy Association , Enriching the after-school life, in all its aspects have been improved accordingly. "Bao Jianfeng from Grounding out, plum blossom-to the bitter cold," I firmly believe that through continuous learning and efforts to become a ideals, morality, culture, and discipline of students, with outstanding achievements meet the challenge, for the community I am a lifetime contribution to the construction of the power

第一节:新生的自我介绍 —— 给新同学留个好印象! 【疯狂星级】 ★ ★★ 三星级?高中生级?国际公民级【疯狂短评】每个人在一生中都会面临着因升学或转学而来到新的环境中。给你的新同学、新老师留下一个好的第一印象是很重要的。不妨 将下面这段自我介绍大胆改装,举一反三,你一定会成为受欢迎的人。【Kim’s Note】You will have to introduce yourself hundreds of times in your life. It is worth the time and effort to practice until you can do it perfectly. Introducing yourself well is a good way to make a first impression. Use our example as a model for your own self-introduction. [1] Hello everybody. My name is Stone. I come from Guangdong province in China. I am very happy to come here to study with you. [2] When I arrived at this school three days ago, I fell in love with it. It is so beautiful and exciting here, and everyone is kind to me, especially Kim. This class feels just like one big family to me. [3] I’m interested in sports, music and mountain climbing. I also enjoy『享受;喜爱』 playing soccer. I would love to play with you sometime. [4] I hope I can become your friend soon. Thank you very much. 【李阳疯狂英语“三最”口腔肌肉训练记录为:14秒】 【李阳疯狂英语“一口气”训练记录为:口气】 【参考译文】 [1] 嗨,大家好。我的名字叫石头,我来自中国广东。我很高兴来这里和你们一起念书。 [2] 当我三天前来到这个学校时,我就喜欢上它了。这里是那么美丽,那么振奋人心,这里的每个人都对我很亲切,特别是Kim 老师。而这个班集体对我来说就像一个大家庭。 [3] 我对运动、音乐和爬山很有兴趣。我也喜欢踢足球。我非常想和你们一起踢球。 [4] 最后,我希望我能很快成为你们的朋友,谢谢。 【额外成就感】 enjoy * I enjoyed reading these books very much. (我很喜欢读这些书。) * Tom doesn't enjoy going to school. (汤姆不喜欢上学。) * I enjoyed the party very much. (我非常喜欢这次聚会。) * I enjoy meeting new people. (我喜欢结识新朋友。) * What do you enjoy doing in your free time? (你在闲暇时间喜欢做什么?)


1.学生经过高中阶段必修1~选修6的学习,具备了一定的阅读技能,如查找细节信息,抓住段落要点和全文大意等,在阅读速度方面也有了较大的提高,这有助于学生较好地完成这个课时的课文阅读。2.这个单元的话题是分享、帮助与合作。对于高二的学生而言,他们的价值观人生观已经基本形成,本课通过阅读志愿者的家书,了解一些志愿者的工作,小组讨论"如果你是志愿者你将做什么工作?为什么?"帮助学生认识这个世界,理解互助合作的意义,即在帮助他人的过程中实现自己的人生价值。3.学生在这节课的学习过程中需要用到预习策略、搜集分析信息策略、归纳整理策略等。IV..教学目标设计 1.知识目标(1)学生能够正确读写及运用本课出现的单词。(2)学生掌握本课词组的意思并能在句子中熟练运用。 objective(1)强化略读、查读等阅读技能,训练通过寻找关键词、主题句等方式更快速并准确地确定文章的段落大意,理清文章的总体框架与脉络的技能。(2)增强阅读理解能力;发展借助图片、表格等非语言信息进行语言输出的能力。 Targets(1)帮助学生理解志愿者工作的意义,培养学生在日常生活中帮助他人、扶贫救困的爱心。(2)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作精神与分享意识。V...教学重要和困难点1.训练用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力;2.理解作为志愿者 工作的意义,从而树立正确的价值观。教学方法1.基于任务的方法,使学生对他们将学习的内容感兴趣。2.快速阅读以获得段落的一般概念。3.仔细阅读以获得一些详细信息。七、教具多介质八.教学程序和方法步骤I 热身和领导在1。欣赏视频和歌曲,然后提出Qsa。你能从视频中看到什么?(Ss正在种树/帮助残疾人/打扫街道...)(二)你能从视频中学到什么?(将我们年轻的力量奉献给世界。c.你说的“分享”是什么意思?(Ss一起读意思。2.给Ss显示志愿者的标志,然后谈谈标志和“志愿者”的含义。一个。你知道这个标志代表什么吗?( T:一只手?史:救命。T:一颗心?史:爱。T:鸽子?史:和平。T:字母“Y”?史:青春。




Hello,everyone!I'm very happy to see you about you?

Do you know who I am?If you want to know more about me ,I think you must learn English well and speak English well. Now I think we must decide who will introduce himself to others first,you or me?let's play a game, and decide whose turn will be the first one.

(Then play a game and introduce oneself to each other.)


















给学生上的第一堂课英语课。请问您的学生是初中,高中,还是小学,因为不同层次的第一堂英文课,导入的深浅还是不一样的:Hello, boys and girls, nice to meet you in our new semester ! I'm your new English teacher. My name is Maggie Zhang, and you can call me Maggie or Ms. Zhang. I want to be one of your best friends. (打招呼,自我介绍)Ahaha, how time flies! The summer vacation has gone away , and the new semester is approaching now. How about your summer vacation? What did you do during the passing summer vacation? Ok, let's introduce ourselves and tell others about your summer vacation.(热身导入)这时班上有大胆的同学,跃跃欲试,于是你可以示意他/她带头说。假设A同学回答:“Morning, everyone. My name is Anna. I went to Shanghai during this summer vacation, and I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I " B同学回答:“ Hello, everybody. I'm Jim. The summer vacation was very hot. My parents and I went to Qingdao . We went to swim there and felt vey relaxed and happly. C同学回答:“ My name is Linda, I'm so happy to study with all of went to visit my grandparents in the village this summer vacation , and I learned something different . .................” D同学回答:“.................”................老师引导学生说:“ Well, it's so wonderful. It seems all of us enjoyed the summer vacation very much .................


既然是英语课,就应该有一个“带有英语”的开场白。走进教室后,我一边招手一边面带笑容的用英语和学生说“Hello! Boys andgirls!”

并简单介绍“I’m your new English can call me MissYan"然后互相用”Hello!"打招呼,这个时候学生还有些胆怯,不能完全放开,我就竖起大拇指略微夸张的表扬他们:"Verygood!"“Hownice!"进一步打消他们对英语的畏惧感,并且让学生在第一时间领略到英语的风采。




Opening Statement

mr. chairman, senator thurmond, members of the committee, my name is anita f. hill, and i am a professor of law at the university of oklahoma. i was born on a farm in okmulgee county, oklahoma, in 1956. i am the youngest of 13 children. i had my early education in okmulgee county. my father, albert hill, is a farmer in that area. my mother's name is irma hill. she is also a farmer and a housewife.

my childhood was one of a lot of hard work and not much money, but it was one of solid family affection, as represented by my parents. i was reared in a religious atmosphere in the baptist faith, and i have been a member of the antioch baptist church in tulsa, oklahoma, since 1983. it is a very warm part of my life at the present time.

for my undergraduate work, i went to oklahoma state university and graduated from there in 1977. i am attaching to this statement a copy of my resume for further details of my education.

i graduated from the university with academic honors and proceeded to the yale law school, where i received my jd degree in 1980. upon graduation from law school, i became a practicing lawyer with the washington, dc, firm of ward, hardraker, and ross.

in 1981, i was introduced to now judge thomas by a mutual friend. judge thomas told me that he was anticipating a political appointment, and he asked if i would be interested in working with him. he was, in fact, appointed as assistant secretary of education for civil rights. after he had taken that post, he asked if i would become his assistant, and i accepted that position.

in my early period there, i had two major projects. the first was an article i wrote for judge thomas' signature on the education of minority students. the second was the organization of a seminar on high-risk students which was abandoned because judge thomas transferred to the eeoc where he became the chairman of that office.

during this period at the department of education, my working relationship with judge thomas was positive. i had a good deal of responsibility and independence. i thought he respected my work and that he trusted my judgment. after approximately three months of working there, he asked me to go out socially with him.

what happened next and telling the world about it are the two most difficult things -- experiences of my life. it is only after a great deal of agonizing consideration and sleeplenumber -- a great number of sleeplenights tha(t i amable to talk of these unpleasant matters to anyone but my close friends.

i declined the invitation to go out socially with him and explained to him that i thought it would jeopardize what at the time i considered to be a very good working relationship. i had a normal social life with other men outside of the office. i believed then, as now, that having a social relationship with a person who was supervising my work would be ill-advised. i was very uncomfortable with the idea and told him so.

i thought that by saying no and explaining my reasons my employer would abandon his social suggestions. however, to my regret, in the following few weeks, he continued to ask me out on several occasions. he pressed me to justify my reasons for saying no to him. these incidents took place in his office or mine. they were in the form of private conversations which would not have been overheard by anyone else.

my working relationship became even more strained when judge thomas began to use work situations to discuse-x. on these occasions, he would call me into his office for reports on education issues and projects, or he might suggest that, because of the time pressures of his schedule, we go to lunch to a government cafeteria. after a brief discussion of work, he would turn the conversation to a discussion of se-xual matters.

his conversations were very vivid. he spoke about acts that he had seen in pornographic films involving such matters as women having se-x with animals and films showing group se-x or rape scenes. he talked about pornographic materials depicting individuals with large penises or large breasts involved in various se-x acts. on several occasions, thomas told me graphically of his own se-xual prowess.

because i was extremely uncomfortable talking about se-x with him at all and particularly in such a graphic way, i told him that i did not want to talk about these subjects. i would also try to change the subject to education matters or to nonse-xual personal matters such as his background or his beliefs. my efforts to change the subject were rarely successful.

throughout the period of these conversations, he also from time to time asked me for social engagements. my reaction to these conversations was to avoid them by eliminating opportunities for us to engage in extended conversations. this was difficult because at the time i was his only assistant at the office of education -- or of

fice for civil rights.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/5372.html发布于 2024-09-18
