

小思 2024-09-18 70
工业化进程英文摘要: 工业化过程英文工业化英语:industrialization。英读音:[ɪnˌdʌstrɪəlaɪˈzeɪʃən]。美读音:[ɪnˌdʌstriəlɪˈzeɪʃən]。...






The southern part of the country was slow to industrialize.


A new technology to produce CA and PO with CHP method have begun to industrialize abroad.


The term 'post-industrial' now has wide currency.


Industrialized nations are the real environmental villains.

The urbanization and the industrialization constantly sped up.

The process of industrialization and urbanization is under acceleration.

The process of urbanization and industrialization is speeding up increasingly.



The process of industrialization and urbanization is under acceleration.

with varying of product,the production capacity is growing,this leads to overstock,supply exceeds demand, many products can not be sold out,or become outdated and scrapped ,and cause great loss,at this moment,the marketing strategy shows its value(importance),the market demand conducts production and production plan is set down according to it,to reduce the resource squandering by cutdown the output,4,in this characteristic age,the market trend is changing rapidly,the marketing mode that focuses on the customertailoring is appeared,marketing;it changed the former production way,every piece of product manufactured according to demand or order can be consumed,this can save a large quantity of social resource,the saved resource can be made consumable for consumer to use,this can create great social value,

Avec la gamme de produits accroître, étendre l'échelle de production, le carnet de commandes de marchandises ont commencé à apparaître, l'offre excédentaire de nombreux produits se vendent, et ont dû être détruits ou devenus vieux débris, ce qui entraîne de grandes pertes, cette fois, progressivement refléter la valeur marketing, la production tirée par la demande du marché peut produire selon les besoins du marché, de réduire les produits de rendement et réduire le gaspillage des ressources sociales;


1. The master chemical engineering, chemical technology, applied chemistry subjects such as basic theory, basic knowledge, 2. Master chemical plant technology and equipment design method, grasps the chemical process simulation optimization method; 3. Has to new products, new technology, new technology and new equipment research, development and design of the preliminary ability; 4. Familiar with countries to chemical production, design, research, development and environmental protection policy and rules and regulations. 5. Understand chemical engineering theory front, to understand new technology, new technology and new equipment development dynamic; 6. Master document retrieval, information query basic method, has the certain scientific research and practical work ability; 7. Has innovation consciousness and independent acquire new knowledge ability; 8. Familiar with gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, infrared spectrometer, ultraviolet spectrometer and the use of the instrument; 9. Able to skillfully use office software, has the use of VFP, turbo PASCAL programming software such as compiling simple program ability; 10. Familiar with autoCAD software chemical mechanical drawing.

大学专业是major(也可翻译成主修),辅修是minor,看你什么场合使用了I major in Chemical Engineering and Process(个人简介)Major: Chemical Engineering and Process(求职信)Major of Chemical Engineering and Process(学科介绍)

-高等数学 = additional mathematic-大学物理 = physics laboratory -物理实验 = physics -线性代数 = linear algebra -有机化学及实验 = organic chemistry and laboratory -无机化学及实验 = inorganic chemistry and laboratory -物理化学及实验 = physics chemistry and laboratory-石油化学 = petroleum chemical其他的中文意思是什么我也不知道,只能帮我知道的。他们都有特定的词语,不是一般翻译。

我翻译。 你认为我们可以,那么多少的地步。 如果有错误,也希望他能包含。 合成H2tsalamo计??划1所示。该 thiosalicylaldehyde5b,反应12,13 1,2 - 双(氨氧基) ethane14得到47%的无色H2tsalamo crystals.15 H2tsalamo是非常稳定的,在固体 国家和解决方案。 H2tsalamo NMR谱 在氘代氯仿没有改变,即使经过多次days.15因此,肟配体H2tsalamo更稳定的比H - 2A火箭 tsalen。然而,在高度稀释的溶液H2tsalamo 分解是在有氧条件下,可能非常缓慢 自氧化。因此,H2tsalamo不太稳定的H - 2A火箭 萨拉莫。 h2tsalamo与镍(II),乙酸,二氯甲烷/ 适当的镍(Ⅱ)的甲醇负担 复杂,收率67%黑褐色晶体。元素 分析单核式 配合物[镍(tsalamo)的0.16米峰/ Z)387.98 [镍 (Tsalamo),电喷雾电离质谱(图S1和S2 + 还支持单核心支持信息) 结构。此外,在核磁共振谱 镍(II)6的在氘代氯仿中的尖锐和复杂的信号 说明专用形成对称, 反磁复杂。在电子吸收光谱, 在620nm处观察到过渡日(?)260)和1个 电荷转移带观察到的382纳米(?)6000)(图 1),它的特点是低自旋的平面四方形镍 (B)N2S2在协调spheres.17的简单复合物 和易于制备的金属配合物的1 N2S2 螯合对比度与使用的合成困难 相应的,6 - 10亚胺模拟H2tsalen.4的


化学工程与工艺专业Chemical engineering and technology

Chemical Engineering and Technology

chemistry Engineering & Technical Process

Chemical engineering and process engineering


Chemical Engineering and Technology

Chemical engineering and process engineering


Chemical Engineering and Technology Speciality


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/441.html发布于 2024-09-18
