

小思 2024-09-18 63
酒店新入职英语培训摘要: 酒店英语入职培训精华培训计划方案1   根据市“迎四体、讲文明、树新风”活动总体安排,按照区“当好东道主,满意在庐州”文明礼仪知识培训活动的部署,为将此活动在社区广泛开展...


精华培训计划方案1   根据市“迎四体、讲文明、树新风”活动总体安排,按照区“当好东道主,满意在庐州”文明礼仪知识培训活动的部署,为将此活动在社区广泛开展,提升居民素质,营造文明氛围,展示社区形象,全力配合市、区将四体会办出特色,办的圆满,办的精彩,特制定本方案,具体事项如下:   一、在辖区驻地单位,各生活小区利用宣传栏、宣传牌、横幅、电子屏等宣传阵地,进一步加大宣传发动力度,动员广大居民积极投身到“迎四体、讲文明、树新风”中来,从自身做起,以文明言行,优雅举止树立社区良好形象。   二、3-4月份社区文明学校,重点加强文明礼仪,公民道德实施规范、英语口语、交通法规、四体会概况、文明观赛礼仪、合肥市情等方面知识的专项培训,做好授课记录。   三、社区宣传栏3-4月份要以“当好东道主,满意在庐州”为主题,每半月更新一次内容。   四、在文明单位及辖区窗口行业中广泛开展“讲文明礼仪、做文明使者”活动。   五、在辖区内积极推广使用文明礼貌用语,提倡公务礼仪、社交礼仪、公共场所礼仪,大力减少不文明现象的产生。   六、加强交通法规宣传,积极组织辖区驻地单位参与“文明交通岗”活动,制定排班表在认领路段劝阻,纠正不文明交通行。 精华培训计划方案2   xx年是饭店争创市经委级文明单位和实现经济腾飞的关键之年。因此进一步提高员工素质,提高服务(工作)技能是当前夯实内力的迫切需求。根据公司关于加大xx年职工培训工作力度的指示精神,结合饭店实际,我们拟在xx年度以“建学习型班组,当智能型职工”活动为契机,“内外结合”培训方法为抓手,进一步推进职工培训工作的深度,努力做好xx年的全员培训工作。    一、指导思想   以饭店经济工作为中心,将“建学习型班组,当智能型职工”的主题贯穿其中,认真学习深刻领会当今培训工作是饭店夯实内力提档升级的重要性。立足当前,放眼未来,积极探索学习型班组在文明单位创建工作中的实践途径,以此带动员工整体素质的全面提高,努力为饭店发展积蓄资源和砥练内力。    二、目标和任务   xx年度的员工培训以饭店发展和岗位需求为目标,切实提高职工认识培训工作的重要性,积极引导职工自觉学习,磨砺技能,增强竞争岗位投身改革的自信心,培养一支服务优质、技能有特色的高素质员工队伍,努力使之成为新时期不断学习、不断提高的智能型职工。    三、培训方法和内容落实   以各部门为基本培训单位,贯彻营销服务理念和技能相结合的培训原则,组织实施岗位补缺、一岗多能的培训方法。拟在三个方面进行针对性的培训,不断提高职工的岗位技能。   1.专业技能培训   (1)管理工作的全新理念和思路,已成为包括管理人员在内的饭店职工迫在眉睫的知识需求。因此今年我们准备加大对管理人员专业知识的培训力度,继续输送部分中层干部参加旅游管理专业的考证培训,使饭店管理工作日趋正轨。   (2)总服务台、房务中心以及餐厅等作为饭店优质服务的重要窗口,服务技能的欠缺和旅游外语水平的不足,势必会对饭店的经营工作起到至关重要的影响。因此,为提高以上各相关部门员工的服务技能和外语水平。今年我们将继续选派部分员工参加市旅委教育中心的外语b级证书的培训,并由获得合格证书的员工加紧对内各相关岗位员工的.辅导培训,在条件许可的情况下,为他们提供练好外语会话的机会和条件。在服务技能的培训中,则将外请和“内练”结合起来,加大力度,争取在工作培训两不误的情况下,顺利完成此项任务。   (3)针对饭店目前机修技术水平普遍不强,紧缺技工(高低压电工、制冷工)严重匮乏等状况,虽然工程部内部也已实行“万能工”传帮带的现场培训,但关键工种无论从技术实际还是安全因素考虑,都必须经过专业考证的培训。因此,今年拟外派二名工程部员工参加高低压电工、制冷工和电焊工的技术考证培训。   2、新职工培训   新进职工是饭店经济活动中的新生力量,增强素质,砥练技能,使之尽快与发展迅速的饭店同步提高。根据“先培训、后上岗”,“边培训、边上岗”的原则,有计划有步骤地对新进职工进行循序渐进的岗位培训。把员工手册、安全知识、服务技能的应知应会作为基本的培训内容,经考核合格后准予上岗。   3、一专多能培训    四、时间安排(见附表)   希望各部门按此通知认真配合执行! 精华培训计划方案3   20xx年是酒店争创预备四星级旅游饭店和实现经济腾飞的关键之年。因此进一步提高员工素质,提高服务技能是当前夯实内力的迫切需求。根据酒店董事会关于加大员工培训工作力度的指示精神,结合本酒店实际,我拟在20xx年度以培养“一专多能的员工”活动为契机,进一步推进员工培训工作的深度,努力做好20xx年的全员培训工酒店人事部门员工年度培训计划。    一、指导思想   以饭店经济工作为中心,将培养“一专多能的员工”的主题贯穿其中,认真学习深刻领会当今培训工作的重要性,带动员工整体素质的全面提高。    二、酒店的现状   当前酒店员工服务技能及服务意识与我店四星级目标的标准还有很大的差距,主要体现在员工礼节礼貌不到位,对客服务意识不强,员工业务不熟等方面。    三、当前的目标和任务   20xx年度的员工培训以酒店发展和岗位需求为目标,切实提高员工认识培训工作的重要性,积极引导员工自觉学习,磨砺技能,增强竞争岗位投身改革的自信心,培养一支服务优质、技能有特色的高素质员工队伍,努力使之成为新时期不断学习、不断提高的智能型员工。    四、培训方法和内容落实   以各部门为基本培训单位,贯彻营销服务理念和技能相结合的培训原则,组织实施岗位补缺、一岗多能的培训方法。拟在三个方面进行针对性的培训,不断提高员工的岗位技能。   1.专业技能培训   (1)管理工作的全新理念和思路,已成为包括管理人员在内的饭店员工迫在眉睫的知识需求。因此今年我们准备加大对管理人员专业知识的培训力度,定期组织由酒店总经理、副总或资深经理人培训的关于提高管理技能培训课程。   (2)总台、房务中心等作为饭店优质服务的重要窗口,旅游外语水平的不足,势必会对饭店的经营工作起到至关重要的影响。因此,为提高以上各相关部门员工的外语水平,酒店将于近期开展英语培训课程。具体计划如下:   ①时间:拟于2月份起开展,以3个月为一个周期,每周安排两节培训课(共计24课时)。   ②目标:提高员工外语基本会话能力开展,达到能用外语与外宾进行基本交流的水平。   ③对象:前厅部全体员工、及房务中心、总机员工强制要求参加。其它岗位员工允许自愿报名参加。   ④考核:培训期间人事部将以小测试的方式进行不间断地考核,借以考察员工掌握程度。培训结束后,人事部将进行一次大考核,考核主要针对口语测试进行。   ⑤激励与处罚机制:A、激励、对于考试成绩优秀的员工给予工资晋级,B、设定一定的英语津贴,C、在年度评选优秀员工时给予优先评选;处罚、对于考核不合格的人员给予补考机会,不合格人员将考虑延缓晋级。   (3)员工业务技能培训:以部门为培训单位,部门每月制定员工培训计划(上交人事部)并落实执行,人事部负责跟踪监督,并对培训提出合理建议。    2、员工入店培训   员工办理入职手续   培训内容:员工手册、酒店概况、服务礼仪、行为规范及服务意识、消防及安全知识、服务技能、酒店知识等。   考核   员工转正培训   员工晋升培训   员工转正考核   员工晋升考核   新进员工是饭店经济活动中的新生力量,增强素质,磨练技能,使之尽快与发展迅速的饭店同步提高。根据“先培训、后上岗”,“边培训、边上岗”的原则,有计划有步骤地对新进员工进行循序渐进的岗位培训。   培训内容:岗位职责、部门规章制度、员工排班、假期申请、部门组织架构、需要联络的部门及联系电话、部门服务意识及服务标准、业务知识与技能、部门的培训政策与程序、班前班后的交接程序、部门的卫生标准、同事的介绍、操作程序等   新员工入店培训:人事部   新员工入职培训每月开展一至两次(具体情况视新员工人数而定),时间安排避开部门营业的高峰期,入职培训以一周为一个周期,每天利用下午14:00-16:30进行培训。   培训后人事部将进行考核,考核结果将作为员工转正的依据。    3、一专多能培训   培养“一专多能”型人才是20xx年本酒店培训工作的主题。合理配置人力资源,培养一专多能的复合型人才是我们工作的重中之重。因此,今年我们决定抓好三个方面的培训工作。

“新员工入职培训”"New employee orientation training"“新员工入职培训”"New employee orientation training"

Training ProgramFirst, new staff induction trainingTraining time: Training once a month, every four days (three days of classes, the last day of examinations)Target audience: every month a new induction training of employees and last month, the staff did not pass the examTrainer: Human resources and training director ofTraining content:A "handbook for employees" mainly to introduce the hotel's past and future, rules and regulations, hotel knowledge and an overview of the relationship between the hotel industry and tourism, hotel and other industries of the internal relations and differences between the hotel industry development trends and prospects to introduce the hotel etiquette, politeness, service awareness and interpersonal relations, the hotel fire and safety knowledge and training.Second, foreign language trainingTraining time: the whole year training (every Monday, three junior in English, every Thursday, 5 Intermediate English -)Target audience: Hotel front-line face-off department and second-loving English-speaking staff are required to participate in trainingTrainer: Human resources and training director ofTrainingJunior classes start from the phonetic to Xu Guozhang English as the main materials to hotel in English secondary, intermediate, mainly in English classes to new concepts in order to tourist hotel in English secondary stress listening and speaking ability.Training MethodsAudio-visual all-round training, examination once every two months, the examination before the people who give a degree of material incentives (first-place awards 50, the second award 30 yuan, 20 yuan third award)Training Venue: Multifunctional HallThird, holiday get-together activitiesTime: the annual Spring Festival, International Labor Day Festival, National DayEventsHR content of selected activities, and then issued announcements of activities, the internal organization of each department involved in the project. Human Resources Department is responsible for organizing and making arrangements for his speech celebrating the program and invited the general manager, all department managers to participate actively.Activities: The get-together to celebrate the main, including singing, comedy, games and other activities.Venue: Multi-function Hall4, courtesy Etiquette TrainingTraining time: January and August every year to hold aTraining Content: Selected by the HR training content, focus on improving hotel staff awareness of service and quality.Target audience: hotel staffTrainer: Human Resources Training in charge ofTraining Venue: Multifunctional Hall5, the hotel common sense trainingTraining time: held every year in FebruaryTraining content: the origin and development of hotel, the hotel in general and the development trend of the hotel the duties and functions of various departmentsTarget audience: hotel staffTrainer: Human Resources in charge ofTraining Venue: Multifunctional Hall6, quarterly appraisal and selection of outstanding employeesSelection time: every year in April, July, October, JanuarySelection object: Hotel staff are eligible to participate in various departmentsSelection form: Each quarter, the department in accordance with requests of staff performance, the selection of this sector 1-2 of outstanding employees, Xieqing the employee and the performance of good deeds. Human Resources departments of the various elections to the recommendation table determined after evaluation of the quality of this quarter, staff, and in each quarter of the hotel staff, when the General Assembly, an honorary certificate and prize money 100.7, first-aid knowledge trainingTraining Time: October every year to conduct aTraining content; accident injury emergency rescue treatment and preventive measures. Such as: burns, snake bites, drowning and other first aid measures.Target audience: hotel staffTraining Venue: Multifunctional HallTrainer: Security Department8, foreman in charge of the quality of management trainingTraining time: every year in July toTraining content: the working relationship between all levels of hotel, hotel art and methods of leadershipTarget audience: Hotel foreman and in charge of various departmentsTrainer: Human Resources in charge ofTraining Venue: Multifunctional Hall9, the hotel beauty fitness seminarsTraining time: held annually in JulyTraining content: the hotel staff make-up period of how daily life in the skin, the United States Air learning.Target audience: hotel staffTrainer: From the outside to invite professionals in to give 100 - 200 yuan reward.Training Venue: Multifunctional Hall10, lectures on Chinese cultureTime: The first-year in January, March, August and October each hold aLecture content: up and down five thousand years of Chinese culture and art, Chinese landscape, famous spots to enjoy Sheng major religions knowledge. Training ProgramParticipants: hotel staffLecture teacher: from the outside to invite professionals in this area (100 - 200 yuan reward)Lecture Venue: Multifunctional Hall11, military training for all staff


昆明这边,佩 文外 语就有的。

其实佩 文 外 语就可以哈

听人讲过,佩 文 就行。

你可以考虑一些像是ABC天卞英语比较.好.的学习讥构 会了解下你的英语水平然后帮你设置相关的学习课程,选择学习中心最主要的是否适合你!=。= 终于知道了 星期三是这个星期最难熬的一天~ Oh~ My Lady Gaga~作为香里拉集团人力资源部的一员,我觉得吧,我还是说点儿靠谱的,你听着受用,也就是了。首先,很感谢你从事酒店行业,因为这个行业的压力远比想象中的来的要多的多,再一个,也高兴你认识到了英文的重要性,因为,在这个行业,英丽是实在是太丫儿的重要了~言归正传,同学,你应嘎告诉我你的部门才是~ 你看,你不给我一个目标,我怎么给你有的放矢~不过,从大面上来讲,还是有很多东西可以推荐给你的,如下:1:《巴比伦饭店》从任何角度来讲,巴比伦饭店绝对是对与酒店行业英文口语和情景演练的神作,我大学时代就一直看,英国BBC的电视剧,很棒,过多的我也就不给你说,你看了之后自己就明白了,但是记住,最好是自己买DVD看,因为在网络上搜到的清晰度不是很高。:《饭店英语实用大全》这本书是我们的大学专业课的教材,问过我们专业课老师那时候,书店是有售的,所以你可以去到本地的新华书店,百度看,因为我们当时记得这个是附赠小MP的,所以很是超值。你说的不要跟书本一样的知识,这个其实就比较高科技了,因为除了《巴比伦饭店》之外我从事酒店这么久还真没遇见不死板的知识叻~作为一个酒店人,你要知道,这玩意儿,都是可以慢慢学得到的。不要着急。不要着急。From:香里拉。


情境语境在英语对话教学中起到了非常重要的角色,直接影响初中英语教学的质量和教学的效果。我精心收集了酒店英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!   酒店英语情景对话1   A Hello,this is QuaCheng hotel,is there anything I can help you,sir?   你好,这里是泉城大酒店,请问您需要什么服务   B Yes, I'd like to book a room.   我需要预订一间房   A Sure,we have different type of rooms,which would you like to choose?   我们酒店有不同类型的房间,您需要哪种房间呢?   B I'm not very certain,could you give me a brief introduction,please?   我不是很确定,你能不能给我做一下简单的介绍?   A Ok,our hotel provides standard single room and double room,accordingly,we also have special treatment for VIP.   好的,我们酒店提供标准单人间和标准双人间,除此之外还有对贵宾的特殊套房   B Thank you,I want to reserve a single room which is better located between 4th floor to 7 floor.Well,I need the personnel in your hotel to open the window and clean the room before I arrive there.Is that ok?   谢谢,我想预定一间单人标准间,最好是介于4楼到7楼之间的。嗯,我需要你们的工作人员在我到达九点前打开窗户并打扫房间,可以吗?   A Ok,sir,I already taken some notes about your requirements.Now let me check the room on my computer.Well,one standard single room in 6th floor and the number is 0603,need clean and open the window,anything else?   好的,先生,我已经记下了你的要求。我先在电脑上查询一下。嗯,6楼的603房间,需要打扫并打开窗户,还有什么要求吗?   B Thanks,how much does it cost?   谢谢,房间费用是多少钱   A That is 580 RMB   房费是580元   B Don't your hotel have discount?   你们没有折扣吗?   A I'm terribly sorry,sir.If you need a discount,you should be our VIP and stay here for at least 3 days.   非常抱歉,先生。如果你想打折必须是我们酒店的协议客户,并且至少住三天   B OK,that's alright!   好,那就算了   A When will you arrive at our hotel,sir?   您什么时候能到达,先生?   B Around 15 to 3 P.M.   下午2点45   A OK.It's a great honour for us to serve for you and we are all waitting for your arrival.!   好的,能为您服务是我们酒店的荣幸,我们在此恭候您的光临!   B Thank you very much!Byebye!   谢谢,再见!   酒店英语情景对话2   R: Good morning. Can I help you?   R:早上好。我能为您做些什么吗?   T: Good morning. I think there should be two rooms booked for us? In the names of Tony Marshall and May Hunter.   T:早上好。我们订了两间房,名字是托尼o马歇尔和梅o亨特。   R: Umm, just a moment.   R:请稍等。   T: We're attending the 'Sun, Sea and Sand' conference and exhibition.   T:我们是来参加"太阳、海洋和沙滩"会展的。   R: Well sir, I'm afraid you have nothing booked. All we have left are two small rooms at the front of the hotel. They will be a bit noisy I'm afraid, as there is a pub opposite.   R:抱歉,先生,你们没有预订过房间。我们现在还剩两个宾馆前面的小间。恐怕会有点吵,因为对面有个酒吧。   T: What? That's terrible! How did that happen? What do you want to do May? Should we find somewhere else?   T:什么?太糟糕了!怎么会这样呢?梅,你打算怎么办?我们去找其他宾馆吗?   M: Well, I suppose we have no choice, really. It's too late to find another hotel now. We'll just have to take them.   M:我觉得我们没有选择了。去找其他的宾馆太迟了。我们就住这两间吧。   R: Right, so that's all booked now. We'll need you to sign a credit card voucher in advance.   R :好的,那么就订这两间房了。你们需要提前签一下信用卡的单据。   T: OK. Oh no, I can't seem to find my card. And where's my wallet?   T:好的。哦,不,我找不到信用卡了。我钱包哪去了?   M: Did you leave it somewhere? In the taxi?   M:你把它丢在哪了吗?出租车上?   T: Oh no! I think I did, I left my wallet in the taxi. I put it on the seat when we got in. Oh what a disaster!   T:哦,我想是的,我把钱包忘在出租车上了。我们上车的时候我把它放在座位上了。太糟糕了!   R: Careful sir, your briefcase!   R:先生,小心,你的公文包!   T: Aaagh! All over the floor. All my papers!   T:啊!我的文件散了一地!   R: Not to worry sir. We'll soon get them together.   R:别担心,我们马上就能收好。   T: Sorry, May. What a mess, oh what a mess! I'll have to phone the taxi company to see if they found my wallet. Em, by the way, can you lend me some change for the phone?   T:对不起,梅。太乱套了,太乱套了!我得给出租车公司打电话,看他们能不能找到我的钱包。哦,对了,你能借我点钱打电话吗?   M: OK. Here you are.   M:好的,给你。   酒店英语情景对话3   R = receptionist, T = Tony, M = May   R: Good morning. Can I help you?   R:早上好!我能为您做些什么吗?   T: Good morning. I think there should be two rooms booked for us, in the names of Tony Marshall and May Hunter.   T:早上好。我们订了两间房,名字是托尼·马歇尔和梅·亨特。   R: Umm, just a moment. Yes, two single rooms with en-suite bathrooms?   R:请稍等。是的,两个带独立卫生间的单人间,对吗?   T: That's right. We're attending the 'Sun, Sea and Sand' conference and exhibition. Does that mean we get a discount?   T:是的。我们是来参加"太阳、海洋和沙滩"会展的,可以享受优惠吗?   R: Yes. We are one of the conference partner hotels, so there is a ten per cent discount. Is it for ten days? Is that right?   R:可以。我们是会议合作宾馆之一,所以有10%的折扣。你们住10天,对吧?   M: Yes, until the thirteenth. That's ten days.   M:是的,住到13号,刚好10天。   R: Right then. We'll need you to sign a credit card voucher in advance. But when you check out, you can settle the account by card or cash, or cheque, as you wish.   R:好的。你们需要提前签一下信用卡的单据,帐单在退房的时候结算,可以用信用卡、现金或者支票。   T: OK, thanks.   T:好的,谢谢。   R: Right. You, Ms. Hunter, are in room 202 and you, Mr. Marshall, are in room 207. If you take the lift over there to the second floor the porter will accompany you with the baggage.   R:亨特女士在202房间,马歇尔先生在207房间。你们乘电梯到二楼,有搬运工在那里帮你们搬行李。   M: Thank you very much.   M:非常感谢。

酒店前厅服务英语口语情景对话如下:R: Good morning,madam, how may I help you?G: Hi, I booked a room under the name of Lily Bass, can you please check me in?R: Sure, please hold on for a second.I am sorry, madam, there is no Lily Bass. Do you have our hotel's confirmation letter?G: No, they didn't give me the letter, but only a number.R: The confirmation number also works, what is the number, please?G: 232987.R: Okay. A single room for Lisa Bass, Ms Lisa Bass?G: Oh, shoot, they didn't hear me right, it is not Lisa, it is Lily.R: Sorry for our mistake, I have changed the record for you. G: Never mind. Here're my passport and credit card.R: Thank you, just a moment.Sorry for keep you waiting, your room is on the 12th floor, and here is your key.G: Thanks!R: You're welcome. Good night!想要了解更多关于英语口语的详细情况,推荐咨询美联英语。美联英语教学国际化内容(国际化师资+国际化教材+运用互联网的专业课堂)专业教师=国际认证+定期专业评估+专业培训体系+“第二语言教学之父”倾囊指导专业服务,拥有便捷约课查询系统,SA跟进指导,学习报告分析,时尚国际化的学习环境,助力学生更好的学习。【免费领取英语试听课】

A(Cashier): good mornig sir, how can i help you?B(Guest): good morning, I'm in room 1209, and I would like to change 200 US dollars into RMB.A: No problem, Mr Smith. We will change your money based on the official foreign exchange rate today but we wil charge 15% service fee (一般酒店的这种服务会收取额外手续费).B: That's good, please do so.A: Ok, so the exchange rate today is 6.5, that means you can get 1300 Yuan for 200 US dollars. and the service fee will be 195 yuan. so you can get 1105 yuan at last. If you agree please sign the paper here.B. OK, sure.A: Here's your money, Mr Smith. any thing else I can help you with?B: Yes, please. Can you check me out?A: OK, no problem. I will print out your billing details, just a moment please.B: thanks.A: Do you enjoy your staying here Mr Smith?B: Yes, I'm very impressed by the service here. it's fantastic. and I would like to come back again. (互动也很重要)A: it's really good to hear that. Thanks for your patient Mr Smith. here is your billing details, can you please check it and sign at the bottom if it's correct.B: ok. It's all correct. here you go.A: Thanks Mr Smith. And you are good to go now. we are looking forward to your next vist!B: thank you. bye!如果觉得太长,自行删减。。。本人原创!


我知道的只有星级饭店英语等级考试和职业经理人,别的就帮不了你了一般是出一些酒店常用用语吧...关于礼仪接待方面的... 这个网站的酒店英语比较全面.我的很多培训资料都是里面找的. 参考资料: 其实哪个酒店是看重本地的资格考试的,有一两个关于酒店管理的认证就够了,更多的是看经验,没有operation 部门实际的相关经验是很难到酒店管理层这个level的


book a room 订一间房book Room NO.xxxx 订房间号为xxxx的房book a single room 订一间单人房book a double room 订一间双人房book a honeymoon suite 订一间蜜月套房book a presidential suite 订一间总统套房把book换成make a reservation of 也行。感谢您的支持~




book a room 订一间房book Room NO.xxxx 订房间号为xxxx的房book a single room 订一间单人房book a double room 订一间双人房book a honeymoon suite 订一间蜜月套房book a presidential suite 订一间总统套房把book换成make a reservation of 也行。感谢您的支持~


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作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/4276.html发布于 2024-09-18
