

小思 2024-09-29 48
社交能力的重要性演讲英语摘要: 演讲能力的重要性英语作文Very simple---˃Learn from Obama. He's definitely one of the greatest speaker...


Very simple--->Learn from Obama. He's definitely one of the greatest speakers ever in the world. You can tell from his charm and verbal dexterity. The way he articulated his visions of the future, the way he addressed the public with urbanity, and the way he said "Yes, we can!" with courage and tenacity gave the world an impression of an awesome leader, or at least an amazing speaker! (thats how i felt. if u wanna be a suessful speaker, learn from him)

众所周知,在这个竞争激烈的社会里,演讲才能显得非常重要,它是一个他人了解你的重要途径,一个你成功的筹码。人们越来越重视演讲才能,许多国家演讲已经成为一种特殊的职业,一种生存、发展的利器。那么如何成为一个成功的演讲者呢? 首先,演讲者应该大概了解听众的情况。比如年龄、学历、所从事的职业、兴趣、人生观、价值观等。以便针对其特点,收集他们喜欢的资料,写出符合他们兴趣的演讲稿。某一世界著名经济学家对着3000名听众作演讲,他使用晦涩难懂的半导体产业的术语,但没有一个听众是来自半导体产业的,也没有人关注这些,一个小时后,人们开始拿出杂志。这表明,了解听众是十分重要的,只有知道听众希望听什么,能听什么,才能演讲听众感兴趣的话题。 其次,演讲者应该博学多才、知识丰富。丰富广博的文化知识功底是演讲者的受听众欢迎的重要条件。只有知识丰富、视野开阔,才能达到“胸载分汇,心吐千钧”的境界,才能使内容充实、多彩,思想见解新颖、深刻,说服力增强。才能用文化的甘露滋润听众的心田,用知识的钥匙启开听众的心扉。获得演讲的最佳社会效果。如果听众觉得你的演讲内容空洞,枯燥无味,没有什么可学之处,那么听众肯定不会对你的演讲感兴趣。演讲内容应该是丰富且吸引人的。 再次,演讲者应该做好有声语言和无声语言的传达。在演讲的过程中,演讲者的有声语言和无声语言直接影响到听众的感觉,对演讲的成败起著非常重要的作用。有声语言是资讯传达的主要载体,它以符合规范化要求发声、吐字、节奏等流动的声音运载着思想和感情。直接诉诸于听众的听觉器官而产生效应。无声语言包括态势语言、视像材料。它们以其动态的表现或以其直观性来辅助有声语言。诉诸于听众的视觉器官而产生效果。只有把握好有声语言和无声语言的传达,才能影响、说服、感动听众。 还有,演讲者要有高尚的道德情操和真挚的爱憎感情。因为演讲的目的就是引起听众的共鸣,就是成功地向听众传达某一思想。只有做好这一点,你的演讲才更有生命力、感染力、吸引力。我想大家都应该听过闻一多的《最后一次演讲》,无不被他晓之以理、动之以情的真诚态度所打动。就因为他有着高尚的道德情操,有着真挚的情感,才使生活在和平年代的我们也对此感情产生共鸣。深深地被他的言辞所打动。我们相信当天在追悼会上的特务也为之动容。 最后,演讲者要有深刻的思想认识。众所周知,历史上许多著名的进步演讲家,都是时代的思想家,他们既是用自己的思想启迪人们的灵魂的导师,又是迎著时代风云而奔走呼号的战士。马克思、恩格斯就是例子,他们在第一国际和第二国际中同机会主义者斗争的多次演讲,无处不闪耀着真理的光芒,既给各种机会主义者以有力的打击,又充分展现出他们深刻的思想和博大、宽广的胸怀。当然深刻的思想不是能够一步到位的,我们只有在不断的学习中慢慢深化自己的思想,让我们的演讲锦上添花。 做一个普通的演讲者很容易,然而做一个成功的演讲者却需要不断的努力。只有在不断的学习中、实践中,慢慢领悟演讲的真谛,才能成功。你想成为一个众人羡慕的成功演讲者吗?那么,请下定决心,从今天开始!



Suess is what lots of people dream of,but it is not that easy for us to achieve 's some ways to suess:1,you must decide what you want,that is to say,you should set a goal;2,write down your goal and plan very realistic and flexible;3,do some activities to put your plans into practice!4,Put pressure on yourself to finish your plans on time or in advance!If you really can do the things as above,you will be on the way of you truly want to be suessful,just do it now.答案补充 成功是很多人的梦想,但是它不是那么简单就可以实现的.有一些成功的方法:1 你决定想要什么,那么应该努力冲向终点;2写下你的目标和计划要非常现实;3 做一些活动去实现你的计划;4压迫你自己完成计划在一定的时间里!如果你能真实的做事情,你将回很成功.如果你想成为一个成功者,现在就去做吧!

你好: How to be a suessful student Everyone wants to be suessful , but how to make it is a problem . Some students think that it just need to listen to what teachers tell us carefully . Many other students may think they will make their dreams e true only by studying very hard . Also , a lot of students may agree to take more exercise to keep healthy so that they can own a healthy body to do what they want and face different challenges. In my opinion, to be a suessful student , we should not only study hard but also should put what we have learnt into practice. Firstly, we must know what we want to be in the future and then try our best to learn more about the related knowledge . Secondly , we should share our problems and sorrows with our friends , teachers and parents , we may learn from them . Last , we should make a good plan to take exercise, to build a strong body . 希望对您有帮助! 满意请采纳!


How to be a good reporter When I was a child ,I wanted to be a I know many things about the want to show my opinion. I think a good reporter must be very creative because I will meet different as for a reporter,they must be friendly to everyone. To be honest,being a reporter is a very tired I must be patient,or I will be hated by others. And I also need a good somethings must hurry over there as soon as I can. If you can do these ,you can be a good reporter.

-I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have at the end of the presentation. -Please can you save your questions till the end. -If you have any questions, I will be pleased to answer them at the end of the presentation. -there will be time at the end of the presentation to answer your questions-so please feel free to ask me anything then. -Don't hesitate to interrupt if you have a question. -Please feel free to interrupt me at any time. -Please s me if you have any questions. -If you need clarification on any point, you're wele to ask questions at any time. -Can I e back to that point later? -I will be ing to that point in a minute. -That's a tricky question. -We will go into details later. But just to give you an idea of... -I am afraid there's no easy answer to that one... -Yes, that's a very good point. -Perhaps we could leave that point until the questions at the end of the presentation -I think I said that I would answer questions at the end of the presentation---perhaps you wouldn't mind waiting until then. -I think we have time for just one more question 欢迎听众(正式) - Wele to our pany - I am pleased to be able to wele you to our pany... - I'd like to thank you for ing. - May I take this opportunity of thanking you for ing 欢迎听众(非正式 ) - I'm glad you could all get here... - I'm glad to see so many people here. - It's GREat to be back here. - Hello again everybody. Thank you for being on time/making the effort to e today. - Wele to X Part II. 受邀请在会议上致词 - I am delighted/pleased/glad to have the opportunity to present/of making this presentation... - I am grateful for the opportunity to present... - I'd like to thank you for inviting/asking me/giving me the chance to... - Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman - It's my pleasant duty today to... - I've been asked to... 告知演讲的话题 - the subject of my presentation is... - I shall be speaking today about... - My presentation concerns... - Today's ic is... - Today we are here to give a presentation on... - Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I'd like you meet my team members... - A brief look at today's agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序) - Before we start our presentation, let's take a brief look at the agenda... - I shall be offering a brief *** ysis of... - the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is... - Take a moment and think of... - Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about... 告诉听众发言的长度 - During the next ten minutes, I shall... - I shall be speaking for about ten minutes... - My presentation will last for about ten minutes... - I won't take up more than ten minutes of your time... - I don't intend to speak for longer than ten minutes... - I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief - I have a lot to cram in to the next ten minutes, so I'd better make a start... 引起听众的兴趣 - I'm going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us. - My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years... - At the end of this presentation you will understand why this pany has been so suessful for so long... - I am going to be talking about a product that could double your profit margins... - the next ten minutes will change your attitude to sales and marketing... - Over the next ten minutes you are going to hear about something that will change the way your panies operate... - By the end of this presentation you will know all there is to know about... 告诉听众内容要点 - there are five main aspects to this ic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final) - I am going to examine these ics in the following order (...first, ...next, ...after that, ...finally) - I've divided my talk into five parts... - I will deal with these ics in chronological order... - I'm going to start with a general overview and then focus on this particular problem (...in general, ...more particularly). - I want to start with this particular ic, and then draw some more general conclusions from it (...specifically, ... in a wider context). - there are (a number of) factors that may affect... - We have to take into aount in any discussion of this subject, the following considerations. - We all ought to be aware of the following points. 结束语 -In conclusion, I'd like to... -I'd like to finish by... -Finally... -By way of conclusion... -I hope I have made myself understood -I hope you have found this useful -I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of... -Let me end by saying... -That, then was all I had to say on... -That concludes our presentation... -I hope I've managed to give you a clearer picture of... -If there are any questions, I'd be delighted to... -Thank you for your attention... -Let's break for a coffee at this point -I am afraid that the clock is against us, so we had better s here -You have been a very attentive audience---thank you

每一个成功的人都是一个领导者。成为领导者,这是一个决定。你必须决定你要成为领导者,还是跟随者?如何成为优秀的领导者呢?到底领导者该做哪些事情呢? 第一, 领导者设定目标; 第二, 领导者创造组织价值观; 第三, 领导者让大家一起参与找出组织共同的理念和使命; 第四, 领导者做策略规划; 第五, 领导者做详细的计划; 第六, 领导者是一个激励大师,他是一个非常有影响力的人; 第七, 领导者善于沟通、善于倾听、善于表达、善于蒐集资讯、善于学习。 这些都是领导者需要做的事情。 领导者要成功的话,还需要懂得如何授权。所有的领导者之所以会成功,因为他有很棒的下属。所谓的强将手下无弱兵,有弱兵的铁定不是强将。所以,看你的兵就知道你是怎样的将。 一个领导者的好坏,判断的标准有两点。 第一点,领导者是不是能够不断地吸引好的人才加入你的组织; 第二点,当领导者不在的时候,这个组织表现好不好。你不在,组织表现很好,表示你很棒。你在,组织表现好,你不在,组织表现不好,表示你还可以,但需要再进步。 另一点,领导者一定要以身作则,不断地付出。领导者必须不断给部属关怀,大力赞扬部属。 完成伟大事业的人,起初并不伟大,可是他能够使自己伟大起来,他不断地改进,他是个意志坚定、迅速而有能力的学习者。






To become a successful public speaker, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to have a clear idea of what you want to say and why you want to say it. This will help you stay focused and on topic throughout your presentation.

Secondly, preparation is key. Take the time to research your topic thoroughly and organize your thoughts in a logical manner. Practice your speech in front of a mirror or with friends and family to get comfortable with your delivery.

Finally, when it comes time to deliver your speech, pay attention to your body language and tone of voice. Make eye contact with your audience, stand up straight, and use gestures to emphasize your points. Remember to speak clearly and at a pace that is easy for your listeners to follow.









Public speaking is a crucial skill that can help you succeed in many areas of life. Whether you're giving a presentation at work, delivering a speech at a conference, or simply talking to a group of people, being an effective speaker can make all the difference. Here are some tips on how to become a successful public speaker:

Remember, the key elements of a successful speech include preparation, practice, engagement, and passion. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to becoming a confident and effective public speaker.








Public speaking is an important skill that can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world. To become a successful public speaker, there are several key things to keep in mind. First, choose a topic that you are passionate about and have knowledge of. This will make it easier for you to connect with your audience and deliver a more authentic speech. Second, rehearse your speech multiple times to ensure that you are confident and comfortable with the material. Third, pay attention to your body language and tone of voice, as these can greatly impact how your message is received. Finally, be prepared for unexpected situations by having backup plans and cues ready. By following these tips, you can become a successful public speaker and make a positive impact on those around you.





The basic requirement of improving oral English expression ability is that students should dare to speak English.

Some students dare not speak in front of others because they are afraid to speak English and their pronunciation is inaccurate.

Even practicing oral English is a kind of torture for themselves.

Psychologically, we should overcome this negative emotion, adjust our mentality, hold the determination to win and full of energy, so as to help ourselves learn oral English well.



摘 要:各种英语演讲比赛层出不穷,推动了高校英语学习的热潮。但英语演讲在课堂教学中的运用还不成熟,需要教师研究如何选题、如何实施和如何改进。只有这样,才能有效发挥英语演讲在教学中的作用。   关键词:演讲比赛 英语演讲 课堂教学      一、英语演讲的重要性      演讲是沟通的升华,是交流的最高境界,是二十一世纪人才必备的技能之一。随着社会、经济、文化等方面交流的日益密切,沟通成为推动发展的关键,而演讲作为一种强有力的沟通手段,势必贯穿在人类的各种活动中,从而推动整个人类社会的发展。现在,演讲已经在我们的日常生活中随处可见,如在商务活动中,政治活动中,科研活动中和课堂教学中。随着中国加入世界贸易组织和北京申奥的成功,英语这一国际通用语言在中国人的生活中占据了越来越重要的地位。为了满足我国日益增长的国际交往的需要,为举办2008年奥运会营造一个良好的语言环境,让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界,提高全民的英语水平,满足社会对各方面外语人才的要求,英语演讲正变得越来越重要。在这种状况下,各种各样的英语演讲比赛浮出水面。目前,国内水平最高、影响力最大、最具权威的英语演讲比赛有两个:一是由中国中央电视台与外语教学与研究出版社联合主办的“CCTV杯”全国英语演讲比赛;二是由中国最大的英文报刊《中国日报》社创办,《21世纪报》承办的“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛。这两项比赛的开展,有力地推动了高校英语学习的热潮,并且对我校也产生了积极影响。我校金融专业01级学生林娜获2005年“CCTV杯”全国大学生英语演讲比赛(福建赛区)二等奖,信管专业02级学生唐雯雯获三等奖。为了借全国英语演讲比赛开展的东风,也为了落实我校培养实用人才的要求,我校诞生了独具特色的英语演讲点名赛和精英赛。点名赛即根据学生学号任意抽取学生参加演讲比赛,并且规定学生不得弃权;精英赛则由每班推选一至两名优秀学生参加院系选拔赛,最后进入到学校总决赛。这两项赛事每学期举办一次,极大地推动了我校的英语教学和英语学习氛围的形成。为了提高学生的参赛水平,教师们开始有意识地把英语演讲引入到课堂教学中来。笔者也在这样做,实践证明,凡是在课堂上经过训练的学生往往在比赛中表现出较强的实力。这也坚定了笔者把英语演讲作为课堂教学一部分的决心。      二、演讲题目选择的依据      既然英语演讲已经开始走进课堂教学,那么首先面临的问题就是选择合适的演讲题目。在笔者看来,应依据下列原则选择:   第一,尽量选择学生熟悉,在他们知识范围内的话题。应选择与当前社会热点和学生日常生活紧密相关的话题。这样做可以培养学生关心国际国内大事的情怀,又可以促使他们用心去观察校园和学校生活。比如,在大一新生入校后,笔者安排的第一次演讲是“My Impression of Yang-En University”,然后针对这一命题,又提出四个相关问题:“Why do you come to this university?” “Do you like our university?” “Do you find our university beautiful?”和“How do you plan your college life?”针对这四个问题,学生的话匣子一下子被打开。很多学生谈到了我校的校园美景、安静的学习环境和自己对未来四年大学生活的规划。虽然他们的回答和演讲稍显稚嫩,但明显感觉出他们对英语演讲的热情之火已经被点燃,这必将对他们的大学生活起到促进作用。针对2008年北京奥运会,笔者安排了“My Understanding of Olympic Games”的演讲,学生谈到了对奥运精神的理解,申奥成功对中国的意义以及对自己人生的影响。这样的命题可以使学生关注国家大事、关心国家命运,对学生人生价值的追求也有指点作用。   第二,按照单元教学要求选择话题。目前我校的大学英语教学按照固定的单元进行,每个单元有固定的主题。例如,全新版大学英语综合教程第3册第1单元的主题是“Changes in the Way We Live”,讲的是人们在农村生活和城市生活之间的选择,根据这一单元主题,笔者安排了演讲“Country Life and City Life”,并提出了三个问题:“What are the advantages and disadvantages living in the country?” “What are the advantages and disadvantages living in the city?”和“Which kind of life do you choose?”由于有了前期的课文内容学习和背景知识的介绍,再加上学生自己的农村生活和城市生活的经历,他们纷纷表达自己的观点。有的学生谈到自己生长在农村,深知农村生活的艰辛,因而想过城市生活;有的学生则提出相反的观点;还有的学生提出综合农村生活和城市生活的优点为最佳生活方式。总之,这样的命题使得学生想说,有话可说。可见,针对每单元教学,教师应精心设计安排演讲,学生不仅可以复习所学过的内容,还可以拓宽课堂知识的范围,开拓他们的视野;不仅提高了学生的英语水平,更提高了他们的思辩能力,可谓一举三得。   第三,结合演讲比赛和按推动英语学习氛围的要求来选择话题。每学期我校都要举行英语演讲点名赛和精英赛,并且优秀学生将有机会代表我校参加省市级比赛。为了使校级比赛能够达到预期的效果,最终推动英语学习氛围的形成,教师应该给予学生一定的指导。在这样的背景下,每个学生都有可能被点到参加演讲,因而他们的热情空前高涨。教师应该很好地利用学生的这一兴奋点,在比赛前几周集中指导学生准备、训练,安排大量学生在课堂上进行演讲,设想出可能的命题让学生操练,并针对问题提出改进意见。有了这样一段时间的强化训练,学生在参加正式比赛时才不会当“逃兵”。同时,这一活动的开展,也将对学生的学习习惯的培养产生持久影响,因为学生考虑到还有下一次,他们就可早做准备,最后全校兴起学习英语的高潮。      三、英语演讲在课堂教学中实施的步骤      有了合适的演讲题目,最重要的就是如何在课堂中实施,这是最关键、最能体现出演讲价值的所在之处。可以按下列步骤进行:   (一) 由于学生才进大学,大多没有英语演讲的体会和经历,所以组织学生观摩演讲比赛是必要的。可以组织学生观看“CCTV杯”电视直播和“21世纪杯”光碟。更可行的是,要求学生观看我校的点名赛和精英赛。通过观看和现场感受,学生能获得对英语演讲最直观的体会,能够从旁观者的角度评判演讲者的好坏,从而对自己以后的演讲起到警示作用。在观看演讲后,学生可试着模仿演讲者的语调、手势和面部表情来进行锻炼。   (二) 有了观摩演讲的体会,教师就要布置好演讲题目,要求学生写好 演讲稿 ,在最快的时间内交给教师批阅,然后学生拿回演讲稿准备。这个过程对学生的写作水平也是有帮助的。学生写演讲稿,教师批阅就是学生的一次写作练习。每次都这样严格进行,学生就会形成严谨的写作风格,他们的演讲就不会在语法方面出错误。在课堂上演讲要求学生脱稿进行,这样每次他们就要去背诵,长期坚持下去,他们的语感和背诵能力也会有提高。   (三) 学生在课堂上演讲后,教师马上给出点评,一般以鼓励为主。点评后,其他学生根据演讲的内容提出问题,并要求演讲者作答。这种演讲者和听众之间的互动,促使学生去听、去思考,锻炼了他们的听力,培养了他们的思考能力,也带动了课堂教学其他环节的良性循环。   (四) 在学生经过命题演讲一段时间的训练后,教师可以组织学生进行小组演讲练习,让更多的学生得到这样的机会。小组演讲练习可以让学生分享更多的他人带来的资源,减少犯错误的机会。参加小组练习意味着学生全情投入、理性行动、公平竞争和全面参与,让学生学会既要灵活多变、民主公正,又要使个人利益服从集体利益、深思熟虑。在小组中还可以培养学生的领导水平,当气氛紧张激烈时,领导者应找出紧张的根源;当大家的热情不高时,领导者要提醒大家进入既定的程序;当气氛正好时,领导者应抓住议程,寻求解决问题的有效办法(邹海峰,2004)。小组演讲练习可以使学生在比较轻松的状态下发挥自己的长处。   (五) 经过前面四个阶段的练习后,教师可以组织学生进入到一个具有相当挑战性的环节,即兴演讲(Speaking Impromptu)。笔者在学期末前几周内会安排学生进行即兴演讲,因为他们已经有了一些基础。首先准备二十张小纸条,每张纸条上面写有一个话题。在上课前三分钟要求学生抽签,然后上课后马上进行演讲,结束后还面临着教师和学生的提问。这种无准备的演讲可以极大地锻炼学生随机应变和快速思考的能力,让学生觉得很刺激,也促使他们勇于接受挑战,因为他们是喜欢挑战的。如果每次学生都能较好地完成即兴演讲,那么他们的自信会更强,对他们的英语学习会产生巨大的影响。   经过观摩――模仿――命题演讲(辅导,修改)――即兴演讲(抽签)――辩论演讲――院系演讲比赛――校级演讲比赛这一模式的练习和强化后,学生的英语演讲水平都有了不同程度的提高,他们纷纷反映自己的自信心增强,英语发音、口语提高很快,自己的整个学习和精神状态都焕然一新。可见,教师按照这个模式对学生进行英语演讲的培训,不仅可以提高自己的英语教学水平和学生的英语学习水平,而且整个校园的英语学习氛围会形成,最终会产生健康的英语学习大环境。      四、存在的问题和改进措施      虽然教师已经开始把英语演讲引入到课堂教学中,并取得了一些成绩,但目前还存在以下一些问题:   (一) 还没有引起足够的重视。有的教师认为只要完成单元教学内容就够了,而课堂演讲可有可无或者干脆认为是浪费时间。要知道全国很多高校都开设了专门的英语演讲课,并且尝到了很多甜头,他们的学生英语学习水平提高很快。还有的教师只是凭借一时兴趣进行一两次,没有长期坚持,因而效果也不理想。教师要认识到英语演讲在课堂教学中的独特魅力,用好它,把它作为课堂教学的必要环节加以强化,持续下去。   (二) 课前5―10分钟应还给学生让学生表演。每节课或多或少有学生迟到的现象,原因是多方面的,但有一点是教师的导入不吸引人。既然这几分钟不能直接进入正题,教师不妨利用它安排学生上台演讲。这样做既可扭转不利的课堂准备期,长期下去又可使学生重新发现并珍惜这有意义的课前5―10分钟。   (三) 学生的演讲技巧训练不够。既然是演讲就要涉及到技巧,何况是非母语的英语演讲。教师要对学生进行专门的演讲技巧训练,要让他们观摩、模仿、锻炼,使他们明白成功演讲的要素:语言流畅(Fluent)、大方自然(Natural)、满腔热情(Enthusiastic)、充满信心(Confident)和直面听众(Direct)(祁寿华,2005),同时要让学生了解发音、音量、语调、速度、停顿和变化的作用。还要让学生体会体态语言在演讲中的作用。对学生进行一些演讲技巧的指导会使学生收益非浅,需要教师花费一番心思。   (四) 选派优秀学生参加省市和国家级比赛的力度不够。虽然我校每年都举行点名赛和精英赛,并且学生的水平越来越高,但送出去交流比赛的不多。只有出去交流比赛全方位多层次地与外界沟通,才能发现自己的不足,才能开拓视野,增强信心,增加赶超的勇气。这不仅让师生受益,而且对学校的大学英语教学改革都有作用。      五、结语      只要认识到英语演讲在英语教学中的重要性,认真选题、认真实施、不断实践,根据实践反映出来的问题加以改进,使之长效化,把英语演讲作为课堂教学的一个重要环节加以推广运用,那么英语演讲就会不断为大学英语教学带来惊喜,最终会让师生都受益。      参考文献:   [1]Jo MaDonough,Christopher Shaw. Materials and Methods in ELT A Teacher’s Guide. Beijing:Peking University Press,2004.   [2]张民和.英语演讲[M].北京:机械工业出版社,.   [3]祁寿华.英语演讲艺术[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,.   [4]《英语大世界》编辑部.英语演讲高手[M].广州:广东世界图书出版公司,.   [5]宿玉荣,王帆,范悦.英语演讲比赛参赛指南[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,.   [6]胡丹.语块与英语学习成效-基于英语演讲课的教学实践[J].华东交通大学报,2006,(12):121-126.   [7]马可.有效利用英语课前五分钟的教学启示[J].外语研究文教资料,2006,(6):56.   [8]王银屏,孙昂.英语演讲课教学刍议[J].赣南师范学院学报,2000,(2):88-90.   [9]徐卉,王煌.英语演讲与大学英语教学[J].经济师,2005,(12):246.   [10]袁雪芬.英语演讲教学的作用与价值[J].中南民族学院学报(人文社会科学版),2000,(3):128-130.


Importance of CommunicationCommunication is an integral instinct of all living things. The most important bearings of communication are best understood when there is a lack of it. The following article discusses how important communication is and why it plays such a vital role in our daily is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Similarly, how we communicate or express ourselves goes a great way towards determining how our expressions are interpreted. To quote Karl Popper, "It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood". Faulty or incomplete communication can completely mar the purpose of communicating and may result in damaging consequences. This is where understanding how important communication is and communicating the right way comes into picture. Not everyone is equally endowed with the ability to effectively express himself and this is where the significance of communication skills can be truly fathomed. Communicating the right way is equally important in every walk of like, be it in personal, professional or social life. Come, let's take a look at some major areas where right communication or a lack of it can have serious Communication ProcessThe communication process involves a sender or communication source, the subject matter of communication, expressions used for communicating (encoding), the medium of communication, receiver(s) of the communication and the interpretation thereof (decoding) and feedback. This can be diagrammatically represented as follows:-The last part, . FEEDBACK is crucial in determining whether the communication has been understood by the receiver in the same light as intended by the sender. Let us try and understand the importance of communication in different walks of our daily of Communication in BusinessThe success of any business lies as much in networking and building sound professional relationships as it does in individual tact and business acumen. Communication is a crucial decisive factor in business relations. It is very important to say the right things at the right time and at the right place when dealing with partners, customers, stakeholders, media and, sometimes, even competitors. Any miscommunication or ambiguity can pour pails of cold water on your hard work and ruin your chances of survival in today's competitive business environment. Maintaining professional etiquette in oral and written business communication is of utmost importance and must not be taken lightly. We should be grateful that we are living in an era of enlightenment where we have access to training on just about anything under the sun! Nowadays, many courses are available that provide training on developing business communication skills and correspondence and a lot of educational institutes conduct classes on ways to improve communication skills. Effective communication skills in business go a long way in sealing your financial of Communication in the WorkplaceThe most difficult part of running an organization is managing the human resources. This is one resource which doesn't work on any principle of management, economics, psychology or any other social science! This is the most random and volatile resource which must be managed with great dexterity to reach desired organizational goals. Communication is that lubricant which keeps this resource moving throughout the organizational machinery. The salience of communication in the workplace is manifold, as it involves communication along vertical, horizontal and parallel organizational levels and such communication should always follow the hierarchy prescribed by the organization. A breach of the hierarchical channel of communication is known as a Gang Plank and should be avoided as much as possible. Communication in the workplace involves interpersonal communication between colleagues, superior and subordinate and vice versa and workplace communication skills come handy in such situations. A clear understanding of the purpose of such communication, especially if it is of a vertical nature, along with the expectations of the sender and receiver are extremely important for the smooth running of an of Communication in LeadershipWhat is the role of a leader? A leader is expected to represent his/her followers and motivate them to reach heights of success through individual and collective effort. Communication is the best equipment a leader can employ to achieve this goal. Even ideals resting upon strong principles can fall flat and fail to motivate due to lack of effective communication skills. History is galore with examples of many national leaders who have moved the masses by their life-changing speeches and powerful writings! Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. are prominent examples of outstanding leadership through effective of Communication in RelationshipsI don't think I need to elaborate much on this, as we all have, some time or the other, experienced certain roadblocks and voids in our relationships owing to a lack of communication. Lack of communication in relationships result in frustrations, misunderstandings, unrealistic expectations, guilt and can create personal differences. It is difficult for people who share their lives with each other to coexist for long without having regular and smooth communication for oiling the machinery of the relationship. Relationship communication problems can only be solved through active and effective living beings, we need to express and understand the expressions of others. Like it or not, the human society thrives on communication. Civilizations have risen and fallen based upon how good they were at maintaining sound relations with the rest of the world. Communication is, indeed, the very lubricant that makes the machinery of human relations function smoothly. Therefore, the significance of communication cannot and should not be underestimated. Sometimes, difficult situations in life can be resolved by just sitting down and talking it out! Similarly, most personal, professional and social disasters can be averted by maintaining clear, appropriate and unambiguous communication. All we need is some effort on our part to identify and avoid barriers to effective communication to make our lives and the lives of those around us more at Buzzle:

来啦来啦uu,给你的优质作文噢~嘿嘿As college students, it is important for us to develop social skills in order to build connections with others and succeed in our careers. However, many students struggle with socializing and may feel isolated or disconnected from others. In this essay, I will outline several steps that can be taken to improve social skills and become more comfortable in social , it is important to identify areas of weakness and actively work to improve them. This may involve attending networking events, joining clubs or organizations related to your interests, or simply practicing small talk with strangers. By putting yourself in uncomfortable situations and challenging yourself to engage with others, you can gradually become more confident and effective in social addition, it is important to develop good communication skills. This includes both verbal and nonverbal communication, such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate body language, and listening attentively to others. It is also important to be able to express yourself clearly and concisely, to avoid miscommunication and important aspect of developing social skills is learning to manage emotions effectively. This includes recognizing and managing one's own emotions, as well as responding appropriately to the emotions of others. By developing emotional intelligence, we can better connect with others and build stronger, more meaningful , it is important to practice empathy and understanding towards others. This means actively seeking to understand their perspectives, experiences, and feelings, and responding in a way that is compassionate and respectful. By demonstrating empathy, we can build trust and respect with others, and create a more supportive and inclusive social conclusion, developing strong social skills is essential for success in both our personal and professional lives. By taking steps to identify and address areas of weakness, communicate effectively, manage emotions, and practice empathy, we can become more confident and effective in social situations. With practice and dedication, anyone can improve their social skills and build stronger, more meaningful relationships.



As the saying that every family has their issues, the most common issue between families is the communication between parents and children. Most kids would not like to talk about their happiness and sorrow with their parents, they think their parents never really understand them. If the parents want to have nice talk with their kids, they must try to be the kids’ friends.

The problem why the kids would not like to talk things with their parents is that the parents always treat their kids as the small ones, so when the kids want to try something they are interested, the parents’ first reaction is to deny the children’s trying, and tell them to do this is na?ve. As the parents always judge what their kids do with their viewpoint, the children feel frustrated and don’t want to talk to their parents gradually.

The parents should listen to their kids more, it is better not to give the children judgment right now, to be the kids’ friends will help promote the communication. So when the children tell their plans or interesting things, the parents should just listen to them.

When I first set my eyes on a father and his daughter, I heard the father ask about his daughter's school life. To my surprise, the girl told his father to read her blog so that he can get what he wants.

Now, the Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has influenced us a lot, especially on our interpersonal communication.

For one thing, the Internet makes the interpersonal communication more convenient. We can contact with each other no matter when and where. The Internet makes full use of time and space. What’s more, we can also share our daily life and knowledge through QQ, MSN, and blog with others. For another thing, the Internet speeds up our interpersonal communication. We can save time to do our work. However, the Internet also brings about many problems, such as safety problems, cheating and so on. Many people spend too much time on the Internet, and they don't have time to interact with person in real life, which result in the absence of ability in communication in reality.

It has both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Internet. We can get to the problem in our work and study. Last but not lest, we have to talk with people and develop our ability to communicate in reality.

How to Make a Successful Intercultural Communication?

With the development of global cooperation and frequent world-wide activities, people can't help involving in intercultural communications. However, due to the distinction of their cultural background, sense of worth and languages, it's uneasy to make the communication smooth and successful.

There're several suggestions on how to make the intercultural communication carry the point. On the one hand, it's quite useful to learn some information on their culture, language and customs in advance, which will help you avoid embarrassment and miscomprehension while contacting others. For example, Japanese businessmen usually will behave more implicitly than Americans in the process of commercial negotiation. Knowing about this, you probably will negotiate with them in a different style. On the other hand, people should respect the customs of the opposing party and get rid of prejudice and stereotype. Of course, if your actions offend other people unwittingly, you'd better say apology and correct your behavior in time.

A successful intercultural communication is not only beneficial to improve bilateral relations but also could enhance understanding between nations. So we should work together to make it.

Generation gap refers to the misunderstanding between the old and young. The term came into fashion after the 1980s. However, in recent years, the phenomenon is getting more and more fierce.

How does generation gap come into being? The first reason is that the two generations have grown up in different ages, thus they have different attitudes toward life. Secondly, due to having little in common with each other, they are unwilling to sit down and talk face to face. Besides, as modern life is so stressful, both of them are so busy with their study or work that they have not enough time to exchange their ideas.

To bridge the generation gap is not easy at all, but we can do something to shorten it. For one thing, children should respect their parents as well as accept their good advice. For another, parents should not only show their love and care to the kids, but also support their good life view. As long as the old and young can understand each other, it would be more harmonious in family and world.

Among all the important skills of human beings, social skills are regarded as the most important. In an information age, communication with others in all walks of life plays an important role. No wonder that many students are deliberately working on their social skills.

Common sense has told us that those who have successful love affairs usually possess excellent social skills. They are good at promoting an easy-going relation with their partners, which naturally result in a romantic affair. The same is true for family life. Good social skills are essential to keep family member on good terms with each other, bringing about a happy family life. Secondly, statistics show that one’s career success depends heavily on his or her social skills. Professional skills are necessary, but without good social skills, a good teamwork is hardly imaginable, which would undoubtedly hinder the full play of professional skills. Examples are not rarely seen from people who are talented and have reached high level of academic development, but have finally come to nothing due to their poor social skills.

In conclusion, if we are to lead a happy life and succeed in career, we must improve ourselves in such social skills as the skill in communicating on a feeling level, the skill in developing and using interpersonal relations and so on.

Communication as a necessary thing in our life, which means of the process of transmission and feedback of thoughts and feelings between people and between people and groups. Communication lies in being sincere to people, And we need to use some body language and expressions to express our ideas better. There is more to communication than just talk and gesture. Listening, understanding and interpreting are as much integral to communication as words - verbal, written or gestured. Yes, even gestures in communication play a crucial role in conveying and interpreting the message! Communication is an important bridge for building interpersonal relationships. It can be said that if there is no communication there is no interpersonal contact, People will be indifferent to each other, misunderstanding, the relationship will become rigid, there will be estrangement, distortion of the situation. Especially now the arrival of the information age, the impetuous young people and the change of social environment, Social division of labor is getting more and more detailed, information is emerging in an endless stream, and the modern industry urgently needs to exchange information, all of which cannot be separated from communication. Communication has increasingly become an indispensable part of our lives. Under the influence of the electronic age, young people are addicted to the virtual world. Therefore, I appeal that we should put down our mobile phones and step out of our own world


在 英语学习 的过程,大家想要尽可能的提高英语水平的话,进行英语演讲不仅是对自己水平的测验,同时也是对自己英语水平提高的做法,下面是我给大家整理的经典TED 英语 演讲稿 范文 五篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

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I think the cause is more complicated. I think, as a society, we put more pressure on our boys to succeedthan we do on our girls. I know men that stay home and work in the home to support wives with careers,and it's hard. When I go to the Mommy-and-Me stuff and I see the father there, I notice that the other mommies don't play with him. And that's a problem, because we have to make it as important a job,because it's the hardest job in the world to work inside the home, for people of both genders, if we're going to even things out and let women stay in the workforce. Studies show that households with equal earning and equal responsibility also have half the divorce if that wasn't good enough motivation for everyone out there, they also have more — how shall I say this on this stage?


They know each other more in the biblical sense as well. Message number three: Don't leave before you leave. I think there's a really deep irony to the fact that actions women are taking — and I see this all the time — with the objective of staying in the workforceactually lead to their eventually leaving. Here's what happens: We're all busy. Everyone's busy. A woman's busy. And she starts thinking about having a child, and from the moment she starts thinking about having a child, she starts thinking about making room for that child. "How am I going to fit this into everything else I'm doing?" And literally from that moment, she doesn't raise her hand anymore, she doesn't look for a promotion, she doesn't take on the new project, she doesn't say, "Me. I want to do that." She starts leaning back.


The problem is that — let's say she got pregnant that day, that day — nine months of pregnancy, three months of maternity leave, six months to catch your breath — Fast-forward two years, more often — and as I've seen it — women start thinking about this way earlier — when they get engaged, or married, when they start thinking about having a child, which can take a long time. One woman came to see me about this. She looked a little young. And I said, "So are you and your husband thinking about having a baby?" And she said, "Oh no, I'm not married." She didn't even have a boyfriend.


I said, "You're thinking about this just way too early." But the point is that what happens once you start kind of quietly leaning back? Everyone who's been through this — and I'm here to tell you, once you have a child at home, your job better be really good to go back, because it's hard to leave that kid at home. Your job needs to be challenging. It needs to be rewarding. You need to feel like you're making a difference. And if two years ago you didn't take a promotion and some guy next to you did, if three years ago you stopped looking for new opportunities,you're going to be bored because you should have kept your foot on the gas pedal. Don't leave before you leave. Stay in. Keep your foot on the gas pedal, until the very day you need to leave to take a break for a child — and then make your decisions. Don't make decisions too far in advance, particularly ones you're not even conscious you're making.


My generation really, sadly, is not going to change the numbers at the top. They're just not moving. We are not going to get to where 50 percent of the population — in my generation, there will not be 50 percent of [women] at the top of any industry. But I'm hopeful that future generations can. I think a world where half of our countries and our companies were run by women, would be a better world. It's not just because people would know where the women's bathrooms are, even though that would be very think it would be a better world. I have two children. I have a five-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter. I want my son to have a choice to contribute fully in the workforce or at home, and I want my daughter to have the choice to not just succeed, but to be liked for her accomplishments.

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★ 毕业典礼老师经典英语演讲稿范文五篇

“英语像是一块伟大的海绵,融合了许多种语言,但它也有缺憾。希腊语中有一个词叫lachesism,意思是渴望灾难,比如你在海平面上看到雷雨,为暴风雨的到来而欢呼雀跃。波兰语中有一个词叫jouska,它代表着你脑海中不断出现且无法停止的假象对话。”John Koenig花7年时间编撰了一本字典,名为《晦涩情感词语字典》下面是我为大家收集关于TED英文演讲:用新词改变世界,欢迎借鉴参考。

演讲者:John Koenig


Today I want to talk about the meaning of words, how we define them and how they, almost as revenge,define us.

今天我想和大家谈谈单词的含义,我们是如何定义它们的,反过来它们又是如何,像复仇一般的 定义了我们。英语语言就像是一块华丽的吸水海绵,

The English language is a magnificent sponge. I love the English language. I'm glad that I speak it. But for all that, it has a lot of holes. In Greek, there's a word, "lachesism" which is the hunger for disaster. You know, when you see a thunderstorm on the horizon and you just find yourself rooting for the storm.


In Mandarin, they have a word "yù yī" -- I'm not pronouncing that correctly -- which means the longing to feel intensely again the way you did when you were a kid. In Polish, they have a word "jouska" which is the kind of hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head. And finally, in German, of course in German, they have a word called "zielschmerz" which is the dread of getting what you want.

在中文里,有一个词叫“yù yī ” —— 不好意思,我发音不准—— 意思是希望再次强烈体会到当你还是个孩子时的感觉。在波兰语里,他们有一个词叫“Jouska", 形容一种假想的对话,在自己的脑海里被迫上演。最后,在德语里,当然,是德语。他们有一个词叫做“Zielschmerz”,意思是害怕得到你想要的。

Finally fulfilling a lifelong dream. I'm German myself, so I know exactly what that feels like.


Now, I'm not sure if I would use any of these words as I go about my day, but I'm really glad they exist. But the only reason they exist is because I made them up.


I am the author of "The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows," which I've been writing for the last seven years. And the whole mission of the project is to find holes in the language of emotion and try to fill them so that we have a way of talking about all those human peccadilloes and quirks of the human condition that we all feel but may not think to talk about because we don't have the words to do it.

我是《自造词典》的创始人,(The Dictionary of ObscureSorrows) 这是我在过去七年里所编写的东西。整个计划的目标,是为了找到语言情感里的漏洞,去填补它们,如此我们就有了一种全新的方式 去讨论人类情感里的种种小缺失,那种我们常常能感受,却无法去形容的概念,因为我们没有适合的词去表达。

And about halfway through this project, I defined "sonder," the idea that we all think of ourselves as the main character and everyone else is just extras. But in reality, we're all the main character, and you yourself are an extra in someone else's story.


And so as soon as I published that, I got a lot of response from people saying, "Thank you for giving voice to something I had felt all my life but there was no word for that." So it made them feel less alone. That's the power of words, to make us feel less alone.

当我发表了这一想法时,很多人来告诉我,“谢谢你,你为我一生都感觉到却一直没能找到合适的词去表达的感觉下了定义。” 这使得他们不再那么孤单。这就是文字的魅力,让我们不再孤独。

And it was not long after that that I started to notice sonder being used earnestly in conversations online,and not long after I actually noticed it, I caught it next to me in an actual conversation in person. There is no stranger feeling than making up a word and then seeing it take on a mind of its own. I don't have a word for that yet, but I will.

在那不久以后,我开始注意到Sonder这个词,很多人真的已经开始在 网络交谈中使用了,就在我注意到这个没多久,我就发现这个词已经用在我身边人与人直接的交谈中了。没有什么感觉比 自己造了一个单词,然后发现它被所有人 所接受更奇怪了。现在还没有能形容这种感觉的词,但我会造一个出来的。

I'm working on it.


I started to think about what makes words real, because a lot of people ask me, the most common thing I got from people is, "Well, are these words made up? I don't really understand." And I didn't really know what to tell them because once sonder started to take off, who am I to say what words are real and what aren't.

我开始想,到底是什么让一个单词具象化,因为很多人问过我,我也最常听到的提问是,“好吧,这些单词是造出来的?我真的不明白。” 我也真的不知道该怎么解释,因为一旦sonder开始流行起来,我又该跟谁说哪些单词是真实的,哪些不是?

And so I sort of felt like Steve Jobs, who described his epiphany as when he realized that most of us, as we go through the day, we just try to avoid bouncing against the walls too much and just sort of get on with once you realize that people -- that this world was built by people no smarter than you, then you can reach out and touch those walls and even put your hand through them and realize that you have the power to change it.

我有点感觉像是乔布斯在描述他的顿悟,当他意识到,我们中的很多人在生活中,都在为了避免给自己制造太多的麻烦,只是希望一切都顺利。但是一旦你了解到那些人—— 了解到这个世界是由并不比 你聪明多少的人所建立的,那么你就会试着去跨越这些高墙,甚至会用手去推翻它们,你就会意识到,原来你也有改变世界的力量。

And when people ask me, "Are these words real?" I had a variety of answers that I tried out. Some of them made sense. Some of them didn't. But one of them I tried out was, "Well, a word is real if you want it to be real." The way that this path is real because people wanted it to be there.

当人们问我,“这些单词是真的吗?” 我曾经准备了很多答案。有些可以理解,有些却行不通。但是我的一个答案是,“单词唯有你想要它是真的时候,它才会变成真的。” 这条路之所以会存在,是因为人们都想要它存在。

It happens on college campuses all the time. It's called a "desire path."


But then I decided, what people are really asking when they're asking if a word is real, they're really asking,"Well, how many brains will this give me access to?" Because I think that's a lot of how we look at word is essentially a key that gets us into certain people's heads. And if it gets us into one brain, it's not really worth it, not really worth knowing. Two brains, eh, it depends on who it is. A million brains, OK, now we're talking. And so a real word is one that gets you access to as many brains as you can. That's what makes it worth knowing.

但是之后,当他们问 这个单词是否是真的,他们其实是在问,“好吧,通过这个单词我又能读懂几个人的内心呢?” 因为我觉得这就是我们怎么看待语言的。单词的本质就是一把钥匙,一把开启人们内心的钥匙。如果这把钥匙只能走进你一个人心里,这真的不值得,也没什么必要存在。如果能读懂两个人,嗯,这要看另一个是谁。如果能走进千千万万的内心,很好,这就是我们现在对话的意义。所以一个真实存在的单词,能帮助你了解很多人。这就是一个单词的意义。

Incidentally, the realest word of all by this measure is this.[.]

顺便一提,用这种方式获得的最真实的一个词是:【O. K.】

That's it. The realest word we have. That is the closest thing we have to a master key. That's the most commonly understood word in the world, no matter where you are. The problem with that is, no one seems to know what those two letters stand for.

就是这个。这是我们最真实的单词。这就是我们最熟悉的单词。同时也是这个世界上 被最多人所熟知的词,无论你来自哪里,问题是,没人知道为什么要用这两个字母。

Which is kind of weird, right? I mean, it could be a misspelling of "all correct," I guess, or "old kinderhook."No one really seems to know, but the fact that it doesn't matter says something about how we add meaning to words. The meaning is not in the words themselves. We're the ones that pour ourselves into it.

这是不是有点不可思议?我猜它可能是 “All Correct”(都对)的错误拼写,或者是“Old Kinderhook”的错误拼写。似乎没人知道为什么,但是这都无所谓了,这说明了我们是如何 给词语赋予含义的。单词的含义不在于单词本身,而是在于那些赋予单词意义的人们。

And I think, when we're all searching for meaning in our lives, and searching for the meaning of life, I think words have something to do with that. And I think if you're looking for the meaning of something, the dictionary is a decent place to start. It brings a sense of order to a very chaotic universe. Our view of things is so limited that we have to come up with patterns and shorthands and try to figure out a way to interpret itand be able to get on with our day. We need words to contain us, to define ourselves.

而且我觉得,我们都在 寻找我们生命中的意义,寻找生活的意义时,我觉得单词和我们寻找的东西息息相关。我觉得你在寻找某些东西的含义时,字典是一个开始寻找的好地方。字典为混沌的宇宙带去了一丝秩序。我们对事物的了解十分有限,以至于我们不得不想出 一些规律或者速记的方法,去尝试寻找该词的解释,让我们的生活得以继续。我们需要单词来蕴含自己,来定义我们自己。

I think a lot of us feel boxed in by how we use these words. We forget that words are made up. It's not just my words. All words are made up, but not all of them mean something. We're all just sort of trapped in our own lexicons that don't necessarily correlate with people who aren't already like us, and so I think I feel us drifting apart a little more every year, the more seriously we take words.


Because remember, words are not real. They don't have meaning. We do.


And I'd like to leave you with a reading from one of my favorite philosophers, Bill Watterson, who created "Calvin and Hobbes." He said, "Creating a life that reflects your values and satisfies your soul is a rare achievement. To invent your own life's meaning is not easy, but it is still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble."

最后我想跟各位分享一段我最喜欢的一位哲学家,比尔·沃特森在《凯文的幻虎世界》中说的,“创造一个能反应你的价值,并充实你的灵魂的生活,是一件了不起的成就。去创造你自己生活的意义 不容易,但仍值得你去尝试,并且我觉得你会因自找麻烦变得更快乐。“

Thank you.(Applause)



In 20x — not so long ago — a professor who was then at Columbia University took that case and made it [Howard] Roizen. And he gave the case out, both of them, to two groups of students. He changed exactly one word: "Heidi" to "Howard." But that one word made a really big difference. He then surveyed the students, and the good news was the students, both men and women, thought Heidi and Howard were equally competent, and that's bad news was that everyone liked Howard. He's a great guy. You want to work for him. You want to spend the day fishing with him. But Heidi? Not so sure. She's a little out for herself. She's a little 're not sure you'd want to work for her. This is the complication. We have to tell our daughters and our colleagues, we have to tell ourselves to believe we got the A, to reach for the promotion, to sit at the table, and we have to do it in a world where, for them, there are sacrifices they will make for that, even though for their brothers, there are not. The saddest thing about all of this is that it's really hard to remember this. And I'm about to tell a story which is truly embarrassing for me, but I think important.

Why does this matter? Boy, it matters a lot. Because no one gets to the corner office by sitting on the side, not at the table, and no one gets the promotion if they don't think they deserve their success, or they don't even understand their own wish the answer were easy. I wish I could go tell all the young women I work for, these fabulous women,"Believe in yourself and negotiate for yourself. Own your own success." I wish I could tell that to my daughter. But it's not that simple. Because what the data shows, above all else, is one thing, which is that success and likeability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women. And everyone's nodding, because we all know this to be 's a really good study that shows this really well. There's a famous Harvard Business School studyon a woman named Heidi Roizen. And she's an operator in a company in Silicon Valley, and she uses her contacts to become a very successful venture capitalist.

I gave this talk at Facebook not so long ago to about 100 employees, and a couple hours later, there was a young woman who works there sitting outside my little desk, and she wanted to talk to me. I said, okay, and she sat down, and we talked. And she said, "I learned something today. I learned that I need to keep my hand up." "What do you mean?"She said, "You're giving this talk, and you said you would take two more questions. I had my hand up with many other people, and you took two more questions. I put my hand down, and I noticed all the women did the same, and then you took more questions, only from the men." And I thought to myself,"Wow, if it's me — who cares about this, obviously — giving this talk — and during this talk.

I can't even notice that the men's hands are still raised, and the women's hands are still raised, how good are we as managers of our companies and our organizations at seeing that the men are reaching for opportunitiesmore than women?" We've got to get women to sit at the number two: Make your partner a real partner. I've become convinced that we've made more progress in the workforce than we have in the home. The data shows this very clearly. If a woman and a man work full-time and have a child, the woman does twice the amount of housework the man does, and the woman does three times the amount of childcare the man does. So she's got three jobs or two jobs, and he's got one. Who do you think drops out when someone needs to be home more? The causes of this are really complicated, and I don't have time to go into them. And I don't think Sunday football-watching and general laziness is the cause.

The problem with these stories is that they show what the data shows: women systematically underestimate their own abilities. If you test men and women, and you ask them questions on totally objective criteria like GPAs, men get it wrong slightly high, and women get it wrong slightly low. Women do not negotiate for themselves in the workforce. A study in the last two years of people entering the workforce out of college showed that 57 percent of boys entering, or men, I guess, are negotiating their first salary, and only seven percent of women. And most importantly, men attribute their success to themselves, and women attribute it to other external factors. If you ask men why they did a good job,they'll say, "I'm awesome. Obviously. Why are you even asking?" If you ask women why they did a good job, what they'll say is someone helped them, they got lucky, they worked really hard.




从表面是看英语演讲只是提高了学生的口语交际能力然而在实际情况下也培养了学生的写作能力。在英语演讲准备的过程中学生需要对整篇演讲进行整体的思考在思考的过程中学生对整篇文章有了充分的认识。在演讲完之后教师 扩展资料 从表面是看英语演讲只是提高了学生的口语交际能力然而在实际情况下也培养了学生的写作能力。在英语演讲准备的`过程中学生需要对整篇演讲进行整体的思考在思考的过程中学生对整篇文章有了充分的认识。 在演讲完之后教师要求学生针对每个人的演讲写一篇文章,进而提高了学生的写作能力。由于学生组织演讲的时间并不长,演讲的内容会有许多的问题和不足,语言组织上也存在不小的错误。 在经过课下的写作之后,学生能够更加严密的对语句进行组织写出来的文章相比于演讲时的语言具有极大的优越性。这种演讲方式对学生快速思维能力的提升以及语言组织能力的提升具有积极意义。




Practicing English listening is useful for us to learn English. As the saying goes,"skill comes from practice",hearing more, we will be familiar with English,and it is more easily to learn it. Another advantage is that, to improve our response capability, because some English listening is a long article, which stresses the point to rely on its own to summarize, this requires us to reflect the number for fast.

更重要:more important



It is probably even more important than talking.


Sometimes, listening is more important than speaking.


It is no exaggeration to say that listening is more important than talking. For instance, without listening, a baby won't know how to speak; without enough listening, we cannot speak English fluently; without listening carefully in classroom, we cannot follow our teachers.

There are several reasons to account for the importance of listening. First and foremost, only by listening to others carefully can we understand their points of views. Secondly, more listening can not only broaden our horizons, but also helps us absorb others' wisdom. Last but not least, listening is an input and talking is an output. It is unwise to voice our opinions in those topics that we are unfamiliar with.

As an old Chinese old saying goes, silence is gold. Therefore, in my humble opinion, it is of great significance for us to spend more time in listening instead of rushing to speak.


I have something to tell you but I have no courage to talk to you about this face by face so I write this letter to you .

Do you know I am under stress?I have no time to always force me to join many classes and extra-curricular rather hate these things but I can't say I don't want to let you feel disspointed. you pleased to help me


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay /#menting on the saying “Listening is more important than talking.” You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of listening. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


As research shows, 70% to 80% of our lifetime is spent on certain kinds of /#munication, such as writing, speaking and listening. Among these, listening is actually the most important technique.

Then why is it that listening is more important than talking? Firstly, when we make acquaintance of someone, listening helps us understand others better and thus winning friendship. Secondly, knowing the art of listening can facilitate /#munication and avoid conflict with people on intimate terms, such as our parents and spouse. Last but not least, if we obey the principle of listening in the workplace, we are more likely to do the right thing and avoid detours.

Therefore, it is safe to say that listening from the bottom of our hearts ca

As my experience,if you want to learn a better English that you should spend lots of time to listen the English radio,and try to speak the same pace with the announcer; try to write the sentence with a new words,and try to write an article as many as you can; also try to read America English articles,news .and then do your best to answer all questions ; and try to spend at least o hours a day in "No pain no gain!"。

As my experience,if you want to learn a better English that you should spend lots of time to listen the English radio,and try to speak the same pace with the announcer; try to write the sentence with a new words,and try to write an article as many as you can; also try to read America English articles,news .and then do your best to answer all questions ; and try to spend at least o hours a day in "No pain no gain!"。

How to improve your english? It's hard to say very clearly for it has many consecutions. But some methods you should do it, it is very improptant to help your 1-5 is e from my english teacher that he told me how to study in this class, last one is : copy-- pronounce(you must copy the pronounce from your english teacher)this one is the most improtant in learn itis a basic for your should cope all times when you speak english, please don't speak your owen pronounce.第一个就是要模仿老外讲话的语气语调,这是基础也是最重要的.不要以为你的自己的语调是最好的,多多模仿,才能让你的口腔肌肉越来越熟练,越来越想老外.2nd: munionation ( you should speak english in your english class,most of the time in english class,the students should say english 95%or more(STT),and the teacher only the last time(TTT).第二就是要交流,多多交流是学好英语的关键,一般英语课交流时间学生要占去95百分比,这样才是正确的英语课.3rd: vocabulary (this is usually the chinese students done they have to get the CET4 and CET6,they have to recite many vocabularies)but indeed,there is not a very good is not the most improtant in your english. some people if they know about 5000words,it is usually use only 2000 words in our english teacher said that if you don't know the word that in the sentences,you can guess its mean.第四个是词汇,一般中国学生因为考试缘故,这个词汇一直在学习,但实际上一般常用核心词汇只有几千个,所以词汇并不是 英语学习的最重要的,只要会用运大概5000个左右就可以了,其他词汇了解即可.在文章中遇到不懂的词汇,就试着去猜,错了也不要紧,一般不会引起什么问题,他就经常这么做的.4th: okey,you should like your english study very could give you much power,and could let you study ask how to let you interest study english,the teacher said:i don't know, my god````)学习英语要有兴趣,兴趣是最好的老师.5th: yes ,of course, you should study *** art,it is very useful to let your english study aslo ask teacher how to let your study *** art,he aslo said:i don't know,o``h```my```god!你要聪明的学习英语.last: this is my opinion,that NCE is the best english books in China,so you should recite band2,3,4, then ,you could looks like xiaoqiang who is e from new orient school.最后一个当然是你要努力一直背诵新概念英语,最好把2,3,4册都背下来,那样你就可以像新东方的小强一样,笑傲江湖.that all ,e on every body, i think you all can let your english excellent!加油,一起学习英语,一起努力,一起坚持,一起进步! 请有选择的摘录两三段.望采纳,谢谢。





相处了十多年,她还是一如既往的怕打雷,记得八岁那年跟她偷偷溜出去,跑到学校后的那座小山坡上玩,其实算不上好奇,只是觉得偶尔违抗下父母的叮嘱也蛮 *** 的。也是那次,我发现了她怕打雷的一面。








Everyone may fail in his different people treat failure differently. Some are afraid of failure, while others wele it. I think failure is a good thing.

Failure can be a good teacher. It can reveal that where we need improvement. So we know where we should invest more time and energy, and what strategy to take. In this way, failure teaches us to be better the second time around. As they say," The more you try, the more you'll succeed."

No one can keep from failure. If we can turn failure to our advantages, we will succeed sooner or later.

English is more important it is difficult for many students to study I make some suggestion,maybe can help should take notes and take them here and you’re free,you can take them out and read should read English students know many grammars,but talking with others is reading is very can make progress in your talking and listening,and it can also make you get excited,let you have a nice with people in English; it’s interesting and very importantly,try your best to learn pains,no hope you can improve your luck!译文:英语现在越来越重要了,但是对于许多同学来言却很难学好它.现在我提几条建议,也许能够帮助你.首先,你应该在小纸条上多记笔记而且随身携带,当你有空的时候,你就可以拿出来读一读.其次,你应该大声读英语.许多同学懂得很多语法,却很难和别人交谈.所以读英语是非常重要的.这样不仅对你的口语和听力有帮助,而且能使你变得兴奋,让你一天都有好心情.然后,用英语和别人交谈,这很有趣也非常有用.最后,最重要的是,尽你全力学习英语.没有付出,就没有收获.希望你能够改善你的英语


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/35762.html发布于 2024-09-29
