

小思 2024-09-19 34
花言巧语英文摘要: 花言巧语英语翻译张生喜欢莺莺,他写一封情书托莺莺的丫鬟红娘偷偷带给莺莺。莺莺假装生气给张生回信,实际是暗中约他月下偷偷私会。红娘看出其中的破绽,故意装作不愿送信。崔莺莺只好花言...



speak flowery and deceiving words花言巧语

你是问英语翻译吗?没有详细说明1* sugared words 花言巧语,直译为蘸了糖的话语 例:I do not tender speak sugared words, not lasting pledge. 我不要温柔的甜言蜜语、不要海枯 石烂的誓言。 2. fine-sounding words 动听的话满意请采纳,不解请追问,谢谢。



不再: No longer相信:Believe甜言蜜语:sweet words整个句子是:No longer believe a man of sweet words ,由于甜言蜜语是形容词,所以前面用介词of

花言巧语在成语词典中有固定说法:blandishmentsdouble talksweet wordsbanana oil你根据场合选择使用,都没问题!

It uses and Tacashicata is said.

( huā yán qiǎo yǔ )【解 释】原指铺张修饰、内容空泛的言语或文辞。后多指用来骗人的虚伪动听的话。言:语言。【出 处】宋·朱熹《朱子语类·论语三》:“‘巧言’即今所谓花言巧语,如今世举子弄笔端做文字者是也。”【用 法】 联合式;作主语、谓语、状语;含贬义【示 例】1、明·施耐庵《水浒传》第一百二十回。 上皇无奈,终被奸臣谗佞所惑,片口张舌,花言巧语,缓里取事,无不纳受。2、鲁迅《而已集·可恶罪》 我以为法律上的许多罪名,都是~,只有一语以包括之,曰:可恶罪。3、 清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第二回:“但仙姑不过举口之劳,偏执意作难,一味花言巧语,这样拿腔做势,未免太过分了!”[1] 【近义词】 心口不一、甜言蜜语、巧舌如簧、虚情假意【反义词】 肺腑之言、心口如一、由衷之言、真心实话【歇后语】 说得口吐莲花现;骗得麻雀下地来[2] 【灯 谜】 彩云;漂亮话【英文释义】blandishments;a lot of artful talk;a specious style of speech;banana oil;double talk;【详细释义】1.blandishments; a lot of artful talk; a specious style of speech; banana oil; deceiving words; fine rhetoric; flowery words and cunning statements; luring [seductive] speech; make a sophisticated speech; mouth fair [fine; sweet; honeyed] words; talk a lot .


首先,分清楚使用场合在国外这些年,我遇到的口语表达场合基本上可以分成三类:Presentation展示、工作面试用——最正式的一类在工作中与上级、同事沟通用,在银行、移民局、警察局、医院办重要的事(比如被拘留)时用——介于两者之间在生活中和说英语的朋友交流用,和服务业人员交流时用——最随意的一类请注意,在这三个场合,老外眼中的“地道”的意思是不一样的,所以你的用词,说话的模式都应该是不一样的,就像“见什么人说什么话”一样,“在什么场合说什么话”也是很重要的。| 然后,再谈技巧大概可以分为两类:一类是“词汇类”,一类是“非词汇类”。

增译法 指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语



1.1 如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性


However, little information...

little attention has been devoted to…

little work...

little data / little research

or  few studies / investigations  / few attempts have been don on…

or  none of these studies

has (have) been less

done on ... / focused on / attempted to

conducted / investigated / studied

(with respect to)

OR  To the author's knowledge... There is little information available in literature about...

Until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about...

Previous research (studies, records) has (have)

failed to consider



neglected to

overestimated, underestimated


thus, these previous results are

inconclusive / misleading…

unsatisfactory / questionable /controversial..

Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist ...


所以文章不要出现非常negative的评价,比如Their results are wrong, very questionable, have no commonsense, etc.


Their studies may be more reasonable if they had considered this situation.

Their results could be better convinced if they ...

Or  Their conclusion may remain some uncertainties.



However, data is still scarce


less accurate

there is still dearth of

We need to / aim to /  have to

provide more documents /  data / records / studies

increase the dataset

Further studies are still necessary... / essential...

为了强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍自己研究问题的反方面,另一方面等等, 比如:








虽然前人对这一问题研究很多,但是目前有两种或者更多种的观点,这种uncertanties, ambiguities,值得进一步澄清



We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the ...

It is hoped that the question will be resolved (fall away) with our proposed method (approach).


We aim to…

This paper reports on…

provides results..

extends the method…

focus on..

The purpose of this paper is to..

Furthermore, Moreover, In addition,, we will also discuss...





We preliminarily focus on the older (younger)...

或者有两种时间尺度的问题 (long-term and short term),你可以说两者都重要,但是本文只涉及其中一种

2) 研究区域的问题




或者说,further studies on ... will be summarized in our next study (or elsewhere)


2. 怎样提出观点



We confirm that...


We believe that...


用, Results indicate, infer, suggest, imply that...

4) 在及其特别的情况才可以用We put forward (discover, observe..) .. "for the first time".


5) 如果自己对所提出的观点不完全肯定,可用

We tentatively put forward (interpret this to..)

Or  The results may be due to (caused by)/  attributed to / resulted from..

Or  It seems that .. can account for (interpret) this..


3. 连接词与逻辑




also, in addition,  afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further,

However, although, unlike, in contrast, Unfortunately,

Similarly, alternatively, parallel results, Compared with other results,

In order to, despite, For example

consequently, thus, therefore...



最早的文献可用AA advocated it for the first time.

接下来,可用Then BB further demonstrated that..

再接下来,可用Afterwards, CC..

如果还有,可用More recent studies by DD..


AA put forward that........  In contrast, BB believe

or    Unlike AA, BB suggest…

or   On the contrary (表明前面的观点错误,如果只是表明两种对立的观点,用in contrast), BB..


AA suggest ….. Similarly ( alternatively),  BB..

Or  Also, BB…

or   BB also does …

表示因果或者前后关系,可用 Consequently, therefore, as a result,

表明递进关系,可用furthermore, further, moreover, in addition,


2) 段落的整体逻辑



...Therefore, there are three aspects of this problem have to be addressed.

The first question involves...

The second problem relates to …

The third aspect deals with...


Or, 可以直接用First, Second, Third..... Finally,..

当然,Furthermore, in addition等可以用来补充说明。

4. 正文部份的整体结构




5. 关于abbreviation

如果文章用了很多的Abbreviation, 两种方法加以解决

1) 在文章最好加上个Appendix,把所有Abbreviation列表

2) 在不同的页面上,不时地给出Abbreviation的含义,用来提醒读者。


Discussion 部分 时态

(a) 指出结果在哪些图表中列出,常用一般现在时。如:Figure 2 shows the variation in the temperature of the samples over time.

(b) 叙述或总结研究结果的`内容为关于过去的事实,所以通常采用过去时。如:After flights of less than two hours, 11% of the army pilots and 33% of the civilian pilots reported back pain.

(c) 对研究结果进行说明或由其得出一般性推论时,多用现在时。如:The higher incidence of back pain in civilian pilots may be due to their greater accumulated flying time.

(d) 不同结果之间或实验数据与理论模型之间进行比较时,多采一般现在时(这种比较关系多为不受时间影响的逻辑上的事实)。如:These results agree well with the findings of Smith, et al.

6. 讨论部份包括什么内容?

6.1 主要内容

1) 主要数据特征的总结

2) 主要结论以及与前人观点的对比

3) 本文的不足



a) 研究的问题有点片面


It should be noted that this study has examined only…

We concentrate (focus) on only...

We have to point out that we do not…

Some limitations of this study are...

b) 结论有些不足

The results do not imply…

The results can not be used to determine…

be taken as evidence of…

Unfortunately, we can not determine this from this data…

Our results are lack of ...


Notwithstanding its limitation, this study does suggest…

However, these problems could be solved if we consider…

Despite its preliminary character, this study can clearly indicate…



坚信观点的真实性:prove, demonstrate

不确定性: show,indicate,found

表示推测:  imply,suggest

6.2 关于结论中的时态:

(1) 回顾研究目的时,通常使用过去时。如:In this study, the effects of two different learning methods were investigated.

(2) 如果所概述结果的有效性只是针对本次特定的研究,需用过去时;如果具有普遍的意义,则用现在时。如: In the first series of trials, the experimental values were all lower than the theoretical predictions. The experimental and theoretical values for the yields agree well.

(3) 阐述由结果得出的推论时,通常使用现在时。如:The data reported here suggest (These findings support the hypothesis, Our data provide evidence) that the reaction rate may be determined by the amount of oxygen available.

Some points of style

(摘自一个老外的Writing a Paper, 第一点和最后一点是我们经常用错的)

Do not use nouns as adjectives    (不要把名词当作形容词用)l

Not: ATP formation; reaction product

But: Formation of ATP; product of the reaction

The word “this” must always be followed by a noun, so that its reference is explicit.l

(This 后面必须跟一个名词)

Not: This is a fast reaction; This leads us to conclude..,

But: This reaction is fast; This observation leads us to conclude…

Describe experimental results in the past tense.  (试验结果用过去时)l

Not: Addition of water gives product.

But: Addition of water gave product.

Use the active voice whenever possible.  (尽可能使用主动语态)l

Not: It was observed that the solution turned red.

But: The solution turned red.

OR  We observed that the solution turned red.

Complete all comparisons. (使用完整的比较形式  A is higher than B)l

Not: The yield was higher using bromine.

But: The yield was higher using bromine than chlorine.



口语技巧的英文是:speaking skills









技巧基本翻译skilltechniquetrickworkmanship网络释义技巧:sports acrobatics | Skill | workmanship





但如果没有方法而只有智慧,就像会驾车、行船的人,自己炫耀能把缰绳控得如弦,能把船浆摇得像风,驰骋在平坦的原野或者码头上,好像在自己的手掌上,但一遇到太行山的羊肠小道、急流险滩的大风大浪,都会束手无策地呼天抢地,这些人不倾覆、不翻车的实在太少了。 尺蠖的蜷缩,动物的冬眠,麝的断脐,蚺的显示创伤,都是保护自己的办法。



若不懂婉转,会受到阻挡;不懂隐匿,会遭到倾覆;不懂诡谲,会受到迫害。 哎呀!方法是神奇的!智慧是体现在方法中的。

Wisdom is the method for forming the source; the real way is to e from the wisdom of transforming. There is no wisdom but only emphasized, even in the ever-changing like puppets, it can only supply people's jokes, things are not good. However, if there is no way but only the wisdom, as will be driving, navigable, they themselves can control the reins can show off too, such as strings, can Quant shake like wind, racing along a flat plain or a pier, as if in their own palm of your hand, but an experience to narrow the Taihang Mountains, rapids rapids of the storms, will do nothing to screaming in pain, these people do not capsize, do not overturn the really very *** all. Looper's crouching, animals hibernate, musk deer off navel Nam display wounds are ways to protect themselves. The wisdom of animals, so, not to mention the people? According to legend, when I turned into the barbarian out of customs, Dayu to bare, when the country is also undressed, Confucius hunting, San Yisheng to his bribery, Zhong Yong to Vietnam when the country's cropped hair, his body tattooing, nude life. Ignorant people think: "sage wisdom sometimes does not work." Wise person said: "The sages of the way, there is no time when they bee embarrassed." Instead of straight and sometimes euphemistically called "Wei Yi"; sometimes temporarily hiding not be evident, called "absurd numbers"; and sometimes treacherous while adhering to the principles, called "strange power." If do not understand it mildly, you will be blocked; do not know, conceal, would be subjected to capsize; do not understand bizarre, will be persecuted. Oops! Is amazing! Wisdom is embodied in the methods.。



In ancient times, one who intended to carry forward all the inherent virtues in the world and to rid them of material desires had to first rule his state well欲治其国者,先齐其家。欲齐其家者,先修其身。



To rule his state well, he had to first educate his family. To educate his family, he had first to cultivate himself. To cultivate himself, he had first to set his heart right. To set his heart right, he had first to be sincere and honesty. To be sincere and honest, he had first to perfect his knowledge and perfection of his knowledge depended on his investigation of things. 物格,而后知至,知至而后意城,意诚而后心正,心正而后身修,身修而后家齐,家齐而后国治,国治而后天下平。 It is only when one is able to investigate things that knowledge can be perfected. It is only when one's knowledge is perfect that one can be sincere and honest. It is only when one is honest and sincere that he can set his heart right. It is only when the heart is set right that a man can educate his family. It is only when his family is educated that he can rule the state. It is only when the state is ruled that the world can be governed from the wisdom of transforming. There is no wisdom but only emphasized, even in the ever-changing like puppets, it can only supply people's jokes, things are not good. However, if there is no way but only the wisdom, as will be driving, navigable, they themselves can control the reins can show off too, such as strings, can Quant shake like wind, racing along a flat plain or a pier, as if in their own palm of your hand, but an experience to narrow the Taihang Mountains, rapids rapids of the storms, will do nothing to screaming in pain, these people do not capsize, do not overturn the really very *** all. Looper's crouching, animals hibernate, musk deer off navel Nam display wounds are ways to protect themselves. The wisdom of animals, so, not to mention the people? According to legend, when I turned into the barbarian out of customs, Dayu to bare, when the country is also undressed, Confucius hunting, San Yisheng to his bribery, Zhong Yong to Vietnam when the country's cropped hair, his body tattooing, nude life. Ignorant people think: "sage wisdom sometimes does not work." Wise person said: "The sages of the way, there is no time when they bee embarrassed." Instead of straight and sometimes euphemistically called "Wei Yi"; sometimes temporarily hiding not be evident, called "absurd numbers"; and sometimes treacherous while adhering to the principles, called "strange power." If do not understand it mildly, you will be blocked; do not know, conceal, would be subjected to capsize; do not understand bizarre, will be persecuted. Oops! Is amazing! Wisdom is embodied in the methods.。

On the kang establishes red lacquer greatly low table o in addition, on the table sets at three fragrant *** all dishes respectively, water purification three, Fang Qiesa the cake divides into ten, by nine for on the table, supplies under the table north the head. Before the kang edge, the shop yellow Chinese pear-leaf crabapple felt, supposes Si Zhu to kowtow the *** all low table. Takes charge of the ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch and so in the pot foreland to suppose oil thick Korean paper o in advance in the middle room, enters tinning red lacquer big table o, west to divides into o lines, puts on respectively the oil thick Korean paper. At the appointed time, Si Xiang a fragrance, takes charge of the ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch, Si Zu and so on to enter pig o right hand side in the empress' palace wrong side of the door, all north approaches. all of preparations are ready, the time, has played department of ancient sacrificial utensil court eunuch o people the samisen, the pipa, Si Zuguan, the department ancient sacrificial utensil eight people, the leader court eunuch o people, enters in turn. The samisen, the pipa before, next ten person of minutes make o arrangements, upwardly sits cross-legged sits. played the samisen, the pipa by now, resounds the clapper. After that department ancient sacrificial utensil Manchu (the department ancient sacrificial utensil Manchu nationality sorcerer) and so on bend a knee to kneel, clap hands (clap), Si Xiangju the magic knife gives the department to wish, Si Zhuzhi the magic knife enters Si Zu and so on. This time the transcription reproduction samisen, the pipa, call the clapper, claps hands. As soon as Si Zhuxing kowtows the ritual, is popular (sets out), Si Zu and so on sings the god song. Shunzhi five year (1648) in May, edict Ministry of Rites: “at present world, full, Chinese officials and people all my official. Wants it to be on intimate terms respectively harmonious, is better causes it to conclude the marriage. , the Manchus and han Chinese officials and people have desire marrying, listens to it.”。

A:Can i help you B:yes, is mother"s am looking for a present for my mother,but i have no idea what to buy. A:Maybe you can buy her some flowers. B:great!

译:a:吾能助汝呼? b:是也,请今日乃母之日,吾正寻一币为吾母,然吾无念买何 a:或汝可买些花予之 .





作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/31438.html发布于 2024-09-19
