The Phantom Of The Opera is one Of Andrew Lloyd webber's masterpieces.
(《The Phantom Of the Opera》是音乐剧大师安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的代表作之一。)
With wonderful music, romantic plot and perfect dance, it has become an eternal masterpiece in music drama.
It is based on the gothic romance novel of the same name by French writer Gaston Louis Alfred leroux.
Our story begins with Opera Populaire's manager, Lefevre, leaving. His successors, Andre and Firmin, take over the opera, and bring with them their new patron, le Victome Raoul de Changy. To celebrate their new managers, the opera throws a gala, at which the leading diva refuses to perform, due to the mysterious 'Opera Ghost' who seems determined to have the screeching diva leave. Without a diva, Andre and Firmin are strong-minded to find a new leading lady, so they invoke the talents of a young, chorus-singer named Christine Daae, who has been taking lessons from a mysterious tutor. Raoul, Christine's old childhood sweetheart, who recognizes her at her triumphant gala performance, wants to bring Christine back into his life. But, suddenly, Christine's mysterious tutor reveals himself to her... Now, will Christine ask everything of Raoul or listen to the Music of the Night? Written by phan007 Deformed since birth, a bitter man known only as the Phantom lives in the sewers underneath the Paris Opera House. He falls in love with the obscure chorus singer Christine, and privately tutors her while terrorizing the rest of the opera house and demanding Christine be given lead roles. Things get worse when Christine meets back up with her childhood acquaintance Raoul and the two fall in love. The Phantom decides to kidnap her and imprison her with him in his lair. Raoul is now the only one who can stop him. Written by rmlohner The story of a young chorus girl, Christine - a young talented singer who, with the right training, could become world famous. While rehearsing at the Opera Populaire, where weird and unexplainable things happen, she captures the attention and the heart of The Phantom, or as the Opera Populaire call him...The Opera Ghost. But he is no ghost - he is a disfigured musical genius who has hidden away for years to avoid the cruel stares of strangers. With the Phantoms help, Christine becomes the venue's leading lady, but tragedy awaits as the young soprano has fallen for the charms of handsome noble Viscount Raoul De Chagny, not realizing her Angel of Music is deeply in love with her. Insane with jealousy and unable to see the object of his affection, and ultimately is obsession, in the arms of another man, The Phantom kidnaps Christine - unaware of the lengths Raoul is prepared to go to get her back. Written by Shinyhappypeoples An architect and designer, a composer and magician. He's a genius who must hide his facial disfigurement behind a mask and in the catacombs beneath Paris's Opera Populaire, known only as the Phantom of the Opera or Opera Ghost. His one companion is his young singing protégé, a soprano named Christine Daae who is drawn to and mystified but at the same time terrified of her Angel of Music whose rapturous voice sings songs in her head while she sleeps and whispers in her ear during day. Everyone at the opera house is used to the Phantom's deadly pranks when his demands are not met but when a canopy falls on top of her, nearly crushing her, the opera's leading diva: Carllota resigns. With no understudy, the mangers turn to Christine who at the time was no more than a chorus girl. The show casts her into immediate fame. But when Christine, whom the Phantom has fallen in love with, accepts a marriage proposal from her childhood sweetheart Viscount Raoul de Changy, the Phantom's heart is broken. His despair quickly turns to furious, jealous rage and is willing to do anything to win her, even if it means raising the stakes to the ultimate level in Christine's choice between her love for Raoul and her strange attraction to the Phantom. Written by .
《牛津·书虫》 the oxford world's classics 格列佛游记 gulliver's travels野性的呼唤 the call of the wild小妇人 little women大卫.科波菲尔 david copperfield鲁宾孙漂流记 robinson苔丝 Tess象人 金银岛 treasure island 苏格兰玛丽女王 the scottland queen marie不平静的坟墓 三怪客泛舟记 世界上最冷的地方 雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist爱丽丝漫游奇境记 Alice's advanture in wonderland亡灵岛 阿拉丁和神灯(书虫二) Aladdin and the magic lamp爱丽丝镜中世界奇遇记 双城记 a tale of two cities德拉库拉(书虫二) Dracula爱情与金钱 love and money在月亮下面 藩德尔的巫师 歌剧院的幽灵 the phanptom of the opera猴爪 一个国王的爱情故事 哈克贝利·费恩历险记 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn华盛顿广场(书虫二) Washington square呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights白色死亡(书虫二) 多里安·格雷的画像 牙齿和爪子 铁路少年(书虫二) 勃朗特一家的故事(书虫) The Life of Charlotte Bronté奥米茄文件(书虫二) 威廉·莎士比亚 william shakespear秘密花园 the secrect garden黑骏马 小公主(书虫二) a little princess邦蒂号暴动(书虫二) 巴斯克维尔猎犬 傲慢与偏见 pride and prejudice简·爱 Jane Eyre化身博士 弗兰肯斯坦 Frankenstein 野性的呼唤 the call of the wild曾达的囚徒 风语河岸柳 神秘及幻想故事集 五个孩子和沙精 远大的前程 星际动物园 圣诞欢歌 远离尘嚣 不平静的坟墓 神秘女人:阿加莎.克里斯蒂(书虫二) 三十九级台阶 格林·盖布尔斯来的安妮 谁谋杀了总统?(书虫二) who kills the president ?舍洛克福尔摩斯和公爵的儿子(书虫二) 亨利八世和他的六个妻子(书虫二) Henry the 8th and his six wives诱拐 绿野仙踪(书虫二) the wonderful wizard of oz 克兰福德(书虫二) cranford劫机(书虫二) 别了,好莱坞先生(书虫二) 神秘女孩儿 the secret girl背后的黑手 公园漫步 白发男子 温哥华岛 vancouva isle 茶会 在警察局 甜蜜的微笑 公正 justice希望能帮到你一点吧,有些实在查不到..给你一个网址吧:
《Ghost of the opera house》 the story happens in famous world Paris opera house. A sequence of dreadful event happened in the Paris opera house , has rumour to say theatre is haunted thereupon right away. "Ghost" of the opera house is called Airuike, in the basement living below theatre. He uses mask to conceal self scar face, true existence using falsehood to cover self. Airuike has fallen in love with beautiful opera actor Kelisiding , has begun to teach her singing and. But one day, Kelisiding friendship formed in childhood sweetheart Raoul has appeared , Airuike has been jealous of very much. Thereupon, he has kidnaped Kelisiding when performing in a day opera in the evening, and has arrived at a ground lakeside by the fact that the basement brings the person along. Raoul arrives in a basement against life danger rescuing Kelisiding. After Kelisiding is loving Raoul, but true appearance seeing Airuike, she still is have expressed sympathy to Airuike, to have given Airuike a kiss together. Airuike has realized that self love ideal is impossible to come true ultimately , thereupon, he has let Kelisiding and Raoul go , ghost of the opera house has disappeared also herefrom. As well as "the Notre Dame " content is the same,between beautiful feminine lead and the ugly chief actor, the unfortunate love story is a common west literature subject exactly as "beautiful woman and wild beast ". Besides, the author is accurate but true description is full of by the story to hang to doubt, all characteristics having had a detective novel, have won uncounted coeval reader. The various artistic form has been become "ghost of the opera house" by reorganization , has been enjoyed great fame within world range.
故事发生在19世纪的巴黎,讲述了发生在巴黎歌剧院的一个神秘而凄美的爱情悲剧。克里斯蒂娜(艾美·罗萨姆饰)本是剧团的一名默默无闻的小演员,在一个偶然的机会中,她顶替剧团生病了的首席女演员卡洛塔上台演唱。她那天使般美妙的歌声立刻受到了观众的热烈欢迎,她旋即成为巴黎剧坛的新宠儿。 克里斯蒂娜之所以能够有如此出色的表演,是因为有位神秘的老师暗中教授克里斯 蒂娜歌唱。这位被克里斯蒂娜称作“音乐天使”的老师其实就是巴黎歌剧院人人谈之色变的“歌剧院幽灵”。“歌剧院幽灵”(杰拉德·巴特勒饰)的真名叫埃里克,是个集音乐家、建筑师和魔术师于一身的奇才。然而不幸的是,他的面孔被毁了容,外表极其丑陋,因此常常使人受到惊吓并遭到人们的厌恶,所以他不得不戴上面具,栖身于巴黎歌剧院迷宫般的地下室中,成为传说中亦人亦鬼的“歌剧院幽灵”。 克里斯蒂娜的精彩表演引起了她小时候的玩伴、英俊富有的拉乌尔子爵(帕德里克·威尔逊饰)的注意。当拉乌尔和克里斯蒂娜再次相遇后,向克里斯蒂娜表达了自己的爱意,而姬丝汀也欣然接受了这段感情。另一方面,美丽纯真的克里斯蒂娜也深深打动了“歌剧院幽灵”的心,他和拉乌尔同时爱上了美丽的克里斯蒂娜。其实克里斯蒂娜爱的是拉乌尔,但因痴迷于“歌剧院幽灵”展现给她的美妙的音乐世界,因此随他来到了地下室。“歌剧院幽灵”希望克里斯蒂娜留在自己身边,克里斯蒂娜却出于好奇,趁“歌剧院幽灵”不备揭开了他的面具,而克里斯蒂娜立刻被掩藏在面具后的那张脸所震惊了。克里斯蒂娜的这一举动使得“歌剧院幽灵”狂怒异常,然而,他还是将克里斯蒂娜送回了地面。 “歌剧院幽灵”要求剧院让克里斯蒂娜担任剧团的主角,并提出了种种要求。而当这些要求未能得到满足后,他施展手段,在歌剧院中制造了各种各样令人心惊胆战的事故。 而此时拉乌尔向克里斯蒂娜保证,他要帮助和保护克里斯蒂娜,希望她不要再被“歌剧院幽灵”的魅影折磨。两人相偎相依的时候,歌剧院幽灵出现在一旁。他深爱着克里斯蒂娜,克里斯蒂娜和拉乌尔的互相表白让他撕心裂肺,他觉得克里斯蒂娜背叛了他,他发誓要报复。 “歌剧院幽灵”将克里斯蒂娜劫到地下室,拉乌尔和一个与“歌剧院幽灵”早就相识、并始终对其有所提防的波斯人随后赶到,但却不幸落入了“歌剧院幽灵”设下的套索。“歌剧院幽灵”要克里斯蒂娜做出选择:是跟他走,还是眼看着自己的爱人以及歌剧院中所有的人一起丢掉性命。克里斯蒂娜在他的胁迫下含恨答应嫁给他。此刻,“歌剧院幽灵”忽然转念,他决定放这对年轻的恋人出去,因为他明白克里斯蒂娜永远不会爱他,他的一番苦心也永远不会有结果。从此以后,“歌剧院幽灵”的身影便从巴黎歌剧院永远地消失了。抱歉,不知道英文的
The Phantom Of The Opera is one Of Andrew Lloyd webber's masterpieces.
(《The Phantom Of the Opera》是音乐剧大师安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯的代表作之一。)
With wonderful music, romantic plot and perfect dance, it has become an eternal masterpiece in music drama.
It is based on the gothic romance novel of the same name by French writer Gaston Louis Alfred leroux.
This story happend in an opera house in Opera Ghost loved the opera singer taught her music and made her become famous Daae was in love with Ghost became angry because he wanted love but nobody loved him. He took away Daae to his save Daae,Raoul was tangled in the Ghost/s save her lover,Daae promised to marry the ghost. The Ghost was deeply let them know where they the lived happily in a quiet place.
In 1880,has had an inconceivable matter in the Paris opera is a story of the opera takes places in pairs a mysterious and chilly beautiful love tragedy, but because it to let a person move tragic moved.
Christina is small troupe actor, but because a dance instead of theater actress chance of chief singing because of her beautiful moving singing and become the rookie.
But no one knows her because there is a mysterious teacher professor in her and the teacher is that of the phantom of the opera house.
A wonder, but because disfigure had to wear mask, but Christina’s famous caused the childhood playmates Urals attention, then did not expect the phantom was also enthusiasm kind girl attracted. And three people on the straight bounden tangled. Love story.
the original love a person is really nothing back, can pay for all love, that is afraid nothing, as long as I see her happy life is good, even if in the other side with not himself, love originally is also can be to let go is to forgive is no longer just selfish.
The ghost of the opera theatre The story was written by a Franch author who was named Guyston Lerocs. the silly story was about a famous actor who was disfigured .He lived along in the basement ,and he built a country for himself,he was a sick freak and a innocent monster. And then,he abducted a beautiful actree ,and tried to rape her,possessed her. But the beautiful actree didn't liked to be treat like that,and her boyfriend didn't young lovers against with the demon. at last,demon surrendered,he allowed the birch loved anyone else,and set'em shot himself. And express the sentiment: a guy fell in love with a silly slut ,he should allowed the birch loved anyone else,and set'em free. is a thing which is belong to some beautiful young man,if you're ugly,you have no chance to love,and no right to love. you shall killed yourself,or you must be killed by the heros just like a evil devil.
In 1880, some unbeliveaable thing happened in Paris opera house: a dancer met a ghost in the dark corridor. It went through the war and flied to her. It has no eyes. A stage worker saw a man with black evening wear with a dead man's head, yellow face and without noses. People could hear the noise of another empty room. This is the story of the ghost in the opern. ...
"The bookworm" is the Oxford University publishing house offers forworld English study big high-quality goods. The bookworm in Englishprobably is the quite lovable image, considers wants to sink as ifdeluded confuses to the books, diligently is chewing letter thatbookworm... ... Now this "the bookworm" crosses the seas to cross ocean, lithely fellin the Chinese English study palm. "The bookworm" first will give youby to be self-confident, even if you at present only have severalhundred glossaries, actually was allowed not too to use energy readsthe world celebrated work. The bookworm also can use it thin cry crynot to stop is reminding you: Must relentlessly read, wants widely andrichly reads. Treats reads in the collection series to you last,perhaps can suddenly discover: Your like 蛹变 butterfly flew issame, flutters wants to fly in circles! Zhan Nifu Basaite is an experienced teacher and the writer. She livesand works in the English north west German county. You believe fishily? Certainly cannot believe. We like discussing theghost, likes narrating about the ghost story, but we really believe byno means fishily... ... Is not? In 1880, has had an inconceivable matter in the Paris opera house: Adancer met the ghost in the dark corridor. It passes through the wallto arrive her front, on its face does not have the eye; A stage workersees the man which puts on the black evening dress, but he actuallyhas a deceased person's head, decadent face, and does not have thenose; The people hear to another room in the voiced sound, but thatroom actually is spatial. This is the opera spirit... ... A name called Gaies to force Rocks the French most early to createthis about the opera house spirit story. His book receives very muchwelcome, in 1925 it is cranked up an American silent film, is brightby the renowned actor jinnie acts the spirit. From then on, alreadyappeared many other movies and the play, as well as recently famousEngland which Weber created by Andrew the Lloyd micsual show.
歌剧院的幽灵/歌剧魅影 The Phantom Of The Opera The story of a young chorus girl, Christine - a young talented singer who, with the right training, could become world famous. While rehearsing at the Opera Populaire, where weird and unexplainable things happen, she captures the attention and the heart of The Phantom, or as the Opera Populaire call him...The Opera Ghost. But he is no ghost - he is a disfigured musical genius who has hidden away for years to avoid the cruel stares of strangers. With the Phantoms help, Christine becomes the venue's leading lady, but tragedy awaits as the young soprano has fallen for the charms of handsome noble Viscount Raoul De Chagny, not realizing her Angel of Music is deeply in love with her. Insane with jealousy and unable to see the object of his affection, and ultimately is obsession, in the arms of another man, The Phantom kidnaps Christine - unaware of the lengths Raoul is prepared to go to get her back. 参考资料:希望你满意哦~
《歌剧院的幽灵》 剧情简介 In a Paris opera house, strange things happened frequently, the original chief actress nearly smashed to death, the theatre in a gruesome illusory male voice. The voice from living in the underground maze "ghost", he fell in love with the actress kristen, secretly taught her to sing, to help her get the location of the heroine, love the theatre and crystal westin agent raoul, caused a jealous, chasing, murder and a series of plot. And "ghost" eventually found himself love for kristi westin has gone beyond personal interest, and relief the crystal, leaving cloak and mask, disappeared in the dark alone underground maze. Written by the show's music is very successful, mysterious and beautiful. The first poem: "the auction 666" ?
以下是《小公主》、《歌剧院的幽灵》、《绿野仙踪》和《福尔摩斯与赛马》的全文概括英文:1. "The Little Princess": The story follows a young girl named Sara who goes to live with her father at a boarding school in London. She faces many challenges and hardships but remains kind and positive, eventually overcoming her problems and becoming a source of inspiration for . "The Phantom of the Opera": The story centers around a young man named Erik who is secretly living in the Paris Opera House. He falls in love with Christine, a young soprano, and uses his musical talent to help her rise to stardom. However, when Christine falls for the dashing Raoul, Erik's jealousy and bitterness lead him to unleash a series of terrifying revenge . "The Wizard of Oz": The story follows a young girl named Dorothy who is whisked away from her Kansas farm by a tornado and deposited in the land of Oz. With her new friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, she embarks on a journey to find the Wizard of Oz who she hopes will help her return home. Along the way, they must face a series of tests and challenges, including battling the Wicked Witch of the . "Sherlock Holmes and the Racing Manager": The story follows Sherlock Holmes as he investigates a series of mysterious events surrounding a famous racing manager named Charles Augustus Milverton. It is up to Holmes to uncover the truth behind Milverton's actions and reveal his many secrets.希望以上信息对您有帮助。
Our story begins with Opera Populaire's manager, Lefevre, leaving. His successors, Andre and Firmin, take over the opera, and bring with them their new patron, le Victome Raoul de Changy. To celebrate their new managers, the opera throws a gala, at which the leading diva refuses to perform, due to the mysterious 'Opera Ghost' who seems determined to have the screeching diva leave. Without a diva, Andre and Firmin are strong-minded to find a new leading lady, so they invoke the talents of a young, chorus-singer named Christine Daae, who has been taking lessons from a mysterious tutor. Raoul, Christine's old childhood sweetheart, who recognizes her at her triumphant gala performance, wants to bring Christine back into his life. But, suddenly, Christine's mysterious tutor reveals himself to her... Now, will Christine ask everything of Raoul or listen to the Music of the Night? Written by phan007 Deformed since birth, a bitter man known only as the Phantom lives in the sewers underneath the Paris Opera House. He falls in love with the obscure chorus singer Christine, and privately tutors her while terrorizing the rest of the opera house and demanding Christine be given lead roles. Things get worse when Christine meets back up with her childhood acquaintance Raoul and the two fall in love. The Phantom decides to kidnap her and imprison her with him in his lair. Raoul is now the only one who can stop him. Written by rmlohner The story of a young chorus girl, Christine - a young talented singer who, with the right training, could become world famous. While rehearsing at the Opera Populaire, where weird and unexplainable things happen, she captures the attention and the heart of The Phantom, or as the Opera Populaire call him...The Opera Ghost. But he is no ghost - he is a disfigured musical genius who has hidden away for years to avoid the cruel stares of strangers. With the Phantoms help, Christine becomes the venue's leading lady, but tragedy awaits as the young soprano has fallen for the charms of handsome noble Viscount Raoul De Chagny, not realizing her Angel of Music is deeply in love with her. Insane with jealousy and unable to see the object of his affection, and ultimately is obsession, in the arms of another man, The Phantom kidnaps Christine - unaware of the lengths Raoul is prepared to go to get her back. Written by Shinyhappypeoples An architect and designer, a composer and magician. He's a genius who must hide his facial disfigurement behind a mask and in the catacombs beneath Paris's Opera Populaire, known only as the Phantom of the Opera or Opera Ghost. His one companion is his young singing protégé, a soprano named Christine Daae who is drawn to and mystified but at the same time terrified of her Angel of Music whose rapturous voice sings songs in her head while she sleeps and whispers in her ear during day. Everyone at the opera house is used to the Phantom's deadly pranks when his demands are not met but when a canopy falls on top of her, nearly crushing her, the opera's leading diva: Carllota resigns. With no understudy, the mangers turn to Christine who at the time was no more than a chorus girl. The show casts her into immediate fame. But when Christine, whom the Phantom has fallen in love with, accepts a marriage proposal from her childhood sweetheart Viscount Raoul de Changy, the Phantom's heart is broken. His despair quickly turns to furious, jealous rage and is willing to do anything to win her, even if it means raising the stakes to the ultimate level in Christine's choice between her love for Raoul and her strange attraction to the Phantom. Written by .
《歌剧院的幽灵》 剧情简介 In a Paris opera house, strange things happened frequently, the original chief actress nearly smashed to death, the theatre in a gruesome illusory male voice. The voice from living in the underground maze "ghost", he fell in love with the actress kristen, secretly taught her to sing, to help her get the location of the heroine, love the theatre and crystal westin agent raoul, caused a jealous, chasing, murder and a series of plot. And "ghost" eventually found himself love for kristi westin has gone beyond personal interest, and relief the crystal, leaving cloak and mask, disappeared in the dark alone underground maze. Written by the show's music is very successful, mysterious and beautiful. The first poem: "the auction 666" ?
India grew up in the wealthy daughter of Sara his father was sent to a girls' school in London, to start a new life. However, his father died, Sara experienced the greatest setbacks, she became the kitchen workers and generation of teachers from the enviable princess. In the face of women's school headmistress change to her snobbish attitude, in the face of the Yan Liang, Sara did not give up the love of the good life, the pursuit, strong to pass the life in winter, back to the warm embrace of happiness life.