

小思 2024-09-19 43
合得来的英文摘要: 合得来的英语合得来 [词典] get along well (with); hit it off; [例句]他脾气好,和谁都合得来。He is good-te...


合得来 [词典] get along well (with); hit it off; [例句]他脾气好,和谁都合得来。He is good-tempered; he gets along well with everyone.

live up toShe lives up to her husband。她跟她的丈夫合得来。We should live up to the environment here。我们应当适应这里的环境。亲,希望对你有所帮助。学习快乐、进步!

adaptfitaccommodateorientationacclimatize oneself toget along well (with)合得来的compatible;congenial我们合得来We couldn;We hit;We come together和某人合得来be/feel at home with sb

与某人合得来可以翻译成:get along well with sb.希望我的回答你有帮助


与某人合得来可以翻译成:get along well with sb.希望我的回答你有帮助

1. have good chemistry with each other 有缘分;谈得来 2. be in sync 同步的;协调的3. hit it off 聊得投机;相处融洽

get along well match

fit 衣服大小、形状等合身、恰当.suit 适合某人风格,满足某人需要,对某人的味道,能够承受.体会一下:The dress fits me like a glove.这条裙子完全和我的身.This hot weather doesn't suit me.天这么热,我真受不了.C...


许多人都知道“合得来”的基本意思,大部分人也都想与能够“合得来”的人交往,甚至交友。详细释义:合得来 hédeláiget along well] 情投意合,容易相处。英文释义::Get aloy with sb。也是指“与某人合得来,与某人和睦相处”的意思。

team up!

今天我们就来讲几个表达“合拍”的英语短语吧!本文相关应用鼠标划词 挑错 收藏 评论打印 1. have good chemistry with each other 有缘分;谈得来We have good chemistry. 我们一见如故。2. be in sync 同步的;协调的3. click (两人)合得来I really like talking to her. I think we two really click. 我很喜欢和她说话。我觉得我们两个蛮合得来的。4. hit it off 聊得投机;相处融洽We've hit it off ever since we knew each other. 我们从刚认识就很投缘。5. congeniality 趣味相同;意气相投In such a fragile alliance, the congeniality may be vital. 对于如此脆弱的联合来说,他们的“情投意合”可谓至关重要。6. compatible 表示想法、方法的“兼容”,引申一下,两个人如果能在想法上“兼容”,那就是“志趣相投、协调一致”了According to the zodiac, she is compatible with Aries and Virgo. 根据星座来看,她跟白羊座和处女座的人比较合得来。7. have a lot in common 有很多共同之处;有很多共同点 I thought she was just a rich princess, but it looks like we have a lot in common. 我以为她不过是个千金小姐,但看来我们有许多共同点。8. be easy to get along with 平易近人 We all consider the teacher easy to get along with. 我们都认为这个老师很好相处。\n \n \n

get along well with :与某人相处的很好,这个和你要的“与什么合得来”是比较接近的


Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.

Talk to 双语对照 双语例句以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考1我最近和他挺聊得来。I've been talking to him a lot lately. 2虽然他已经工作好几年了,可是我们非常聊得来。Though he has been working for several years, we have much to talk about.

如果你要地道的话,就用“get along well with sb”; 如果你非要“谈得来”的话,就用“able to talk to”(有这么的表达,但很少用).



“来不及” 翻译:"Too late"“来得及” 翻译:"Come and"

来不及:it's no time left.It's no time to do sth.来得及:It's time to do sth.例如:No worry, we have time to finish the job.别担心, 我们来得及完成工作。

来得及 there's still time be able to do something in time be able to make it 别着忙,还来得及。 Don't be in such a hurry; there's still time赶不及 there's not enough time (to do something )it's too late (to do something )There will not be time for a meal. 赶不及吃饭了。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/31169.html发布于 2024-09-19
