

小思 2024-09-19 32
金融英语听力摘要: 金融英语听力unit4金融英语 金融知识,对学生进行金融英语听说读写等方面的综合训练等。 金融英语语法结构专项训练――21世纪金融英语系列教材 金融英语常用语法结构系统性训...


金融英语 金融知识,对学生进行金融英语听说读写等方面的综合训练等。 金融英语语法结构专项训练――21世纪金融英语系列教材 金融英语常用语法结构系统性训练,又关注常用金融英语单词与词组的运用和搭配,努力为读者缩短从学习公共英语到拓展金融英语的过渡期打下扎实的基矗全书共分20个单元。每个单元设有选择题和指纠题,并配有金融英语单词与词组的中英文对照表。另外还附有全部练习的参考答案和注解,以便读者自学参考。本书可作为金融 ... 敢说商贸金融英语 敢说商贸金融英语 金融业务两个部分,比较全面地展示了商贸金融活动的英语会话范例,易于模仿。学习者通过精心研读和积极操练,可以在较短的时间内很快提高自己的商贸英语和金融英语口语运用能力,巩固专业词汇,充实知识内涵,为成为社会急需的商贸、金融专业人才打下坚实的基矗 金融英语――口语与听力 金融英语――口语与听力 金融制度各种银行业务等.书中还包括 常用的金融英语词汇和词组,对各课的语法,词汇难点作了详细的注释,附有参考译文,适合金融专业师生,金融工作人员,英语学习者,配套录音带3盒。 实用国际金融英语 金融知识的阐述向读者介绍国际金融所涉及的基本理论,帮助其提高英语理解水平。本书是在作者十多年的国际金融研究和实际工作的基础上,参考国际货币基金组织、世界银行等国际性金融组织的惯例、国际知名金融专家的论著编写而成,内容包括:国际收支和国际储备、外汇和外汇市尝国际结算、金融市尝国际金融组织和国际金融 ... 金融英语阅读 金融英语阅读是根据高校英语专业教学大纲的要求编写的可供金融及经贸院校的高年级学生、高校英语专业3年级学生从事涉外金融业务的工作人员及广大自学者使用。 全书共30课,每课包括课文、课文注译、与课文内容相关的问题与阅读理解。其内容覆盖面广、信息量大,其中的补充材料即与课文的内容密切相关,又立意较新、理 ... 金融英语(基础类) 金融英语岗位资格证书考试用书。由上海国际金融学院、外交部高级译审、上海外国语学院翻译学院、花旗银行、美林集团、博思艾伦咨询公司等权威机构代表组成的金融英语项目专家委员会,经反复修订,历时两年精心完成。本教材根据金融混业经营趋势和中国入世后需要编写。具有实用性、实务性和实战性特点。适应范围为银行 ... 别忘记评优秀吖```````````

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? Section A 1b Listen and number the things in the picture [1-4].Tom: Where are my books?Mother: They’re on the sofa.Tom: How about my pencil box?Mother: It’s in your schoolbag.Tom: Ok. And where’s my computer game?Helen: Your computer game? It’s under your bed.Tom: Great. Now where are my keys?Father: Oh, they’re on the table. 2a Listen and number the things [1-6] .Tom: Hey, Helen.Helen: Yes?Tom: Is my computer game on the table?Helen: No, it isn’t. It’s in the bookcase.Tom: Oh, Ok. How about my books? Are they on the bookcase, too?Helen: No, they aren’t. They’re on the chair.Tom: Oh. So, where’s my pencil box?Helen: Hmm… it’s under the sofa.Tom: And where’s my schoolbag?Helen: It’s under the table. And your ruler is under the chair.Tom: Oh, I see. And where are Mom’s keys?Helen: The keys? They’re on the table.2b Listen again. Find the things from 2a and number them in the picture [1-6]. 2d Role-play the conversation.Mom: Come on, Jack!Jack: Oh, no! Where’s my bag?Mom: Hmm…is it on your desk?Jack: No. And it’s not under the chair.Mom: Oh! It’s on the sofa.Jack: Thank you, Mom. Err…where’s the map?Mom: I think it’s in your grandparents’ room.Jack: Yes, it’s on their bed! And my hat?Mom: It’s on your head!Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha! Section B1c Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room.Mom: Hello.Tom: Hi, Mom. Could you bring some things to school for me?Mom: OK.Tom: I need my English books…Mom: English books? Where are your English books?Tom: Hmm, they’re on the chair … Oh, no, they’re under the radio.Mom: OK.Tom: And I need my ruler. It’s on the bed. And my notebook. Mom: Where’s your notebook? Tom: Uh, I don’t know. Oh… it’s under the model plane in the bookcase. And Frank’s tape. He needs itMom: Where’s his tape?Tom: Oh, it’s in the tape player.Mom: OK. Meet you at one at your school.Tom: Thanks, Mom!1d Listen again. Where are Tom’s things? Write them down. 2b Read the passage and answer the questions: Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy?I’m Kate, and my sister is Gina. I’m tidy, but Gina is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My keys are in my schoolbag. I have a clock. It’s on the desk. Gina’s books are everywhere—on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white model plane is here. It’s under the desk. “Where are my keys? Where’s my ruler? Where’s my schoolbag?” Gina always asks.

I. D A B AD CACDC D C A D C C B DDBCBAII. 1. pleased 2. worried 3. smiling 4. laugh 5. collectingIII. 1. What did, go, for 2. When did, come 3. Did, use to be 4. doesn’t taste 5. do they IV. 1. More and more 2. is popular with 3. is full of 4. came into being 5. make peace with V. 1—5 FTFFTVI. 1—5 BACBC 6—10 CBABA


。。。和商务英语一个样子吧。。。变种。。。英语学好了 找工作还行


就是商务类英语的啦比如我是外国语文学系的,我的课程主要是基础英语、高级英语、英语听力、英语口语、英语阅读、英语报刊阅读、英语写作、英汉互译、英语语法、英美文学史、计算机应用,音乐选修,其他选修2门,体育选修2门,二外选修等。你那个是针对金融方向。我的捏,是针对文学史方向的。因为你是本科啊,所以要考TEM-8,所以出来可以做翻译(LIKE ME),做老师,做外贸……………………

不能报了,大学四六级现在都规定只能在校生报了,何况专业英语?专业英语的报名比大学四六级还要苛刻,1.要专业对口,基本是只有英语专业的才能报(某些与金融打交道的专业也可以报)2.只接受在校的集体报名(以班级为单位),不接受个人报名.3.专业四级须在大2时考出,有2次机会,而专业8级必须在大4时考,且只有一次机会,没有重考的机会了!!! 综上,我只能遗憾地告诉你,你这两样都不能考,但是你业余时间可以去读雅思和托福等英语~不过金钱上可能会支出很多~


有名的英语辅导讥构都还蛮.好.,我以前在ABC天卞口语学习过,外教很有耐心所以我上课时会多读多说多练多问多听,特别是口语和听力 最好能是外国人教学..首先我没听说电子商务英语这种证书考试只听说过剑桥商务英语即BEC其次金融英语必须从初级考起过了初级(也就是综合考试)才有资考高级中级考试已经取消了只有综合考试和高级考试初级主要考银行类但也有一些证券保险之类的。。有本指定参考书《现代金融业务》共十个部分还有专门的指导手册我只考过初级还没考过高级也不了解是不是必须在一次全部通过所以不好意思啦FECT没有注会那么热但国有银行还是很看重的当然啦就算没有你说不定也能顺利进入银行但有的话更好银行内部考核也要参考这个有时间可以考虑一下一年只有一次考试而且今年的名时间截止日应该快到了你想今年考不仅要抓紧时间复习更要赶紧名。。还有什么不了解的可以继续和我联系祝你好运吧呵呵


具体复试多少分我也不清楚 你可以查一下前几年的复试分时线 分析一下 应该差不多可以判断出今年的走势 只要你的单科都过线 390多应该不成问题吧 听力一般的就可以吧 四级总可以吧 说呢趁现在还没复试抓紧练练啊 题目不会很难吧 去年是问些很生活的问题 加油 估计是可以的 祝你好运哦



金融英语听力(金融世界第十七讲)商务英语在职研究生  在上次节目中,我们介绍了各国中央银行或储备银行的职能。它的一个主要功能是: lenderoflastresort-最后贷款人。 最后贷款人这一职能意味着中央银行在其它商业银行遇到危机时要伸出救援之手。但是中央银行是否有能力成为各商业银行危难中坚强的后盾呢?澳洲广播电台金融节目主持人巴里克拉克对此谈了他的看法: . 巴里克拉克说,通过最后贷款人机制来维护银行系统的安全已在二十世纪初成为中央银行最重要的功能。但是,不应该过高估计中央银行救援陷于困境的商业银行的能力以及防止人们丧失对所有受理存款机构的信心的能力。 现在我们再听一遍巴里克拉克的这段谈话。(略) 为什么澳广金融节目主持人巴里克拉克说不能过高估计各国中央银行对陷于危难中的商业银行进行救援的能力呢?伦敦经济学院的查尔斯古德哈特教授对此作了进一步的解释。他在谈话中使用了这样一些词汇: 1capital资本 2informationgatherer信息收集人 3co-ordinator协调人把金融英语加入收藏夹 4corral把...集合在一起 5rescue救援 古德哈特教授说: Centralbankshaveneveractuallyhadthatmuchcapitaloftheirown,andthey’. Andthathasactuallybeenthecasemoreorlessthroughout...andtheBankofEnglandhasactedastheco-ordinatorandthecentraloperatorofarescuesystem,ratherthandoingitallbyitself. Morerecently,. 下面我们分段听一遍古德哈特教授的谈话和中文翻译:(英文略) 中央银行自己实际上从来没有那么多的资金,也从来没有能力完全独立地资助任何大规模的救援行动。相反,它们是银行系统的信息收集者和协调人,鼓励并召集各个银行成为一个团体,为陷于困境的银行提供支持和援助。 实际上几乎一直都大致是这种情况。英格兰银行就一直扮演着一个救援体系中的协调和中央运作的角色,而不是单独靠自己进行救援。 近来,各银行联合起来援助和支持同伴的愿望实际上已经降低,因为我们现在有了竞争更激烈的体制。事实上,现在为银行提供的救援或大规模支持系统所需的资金只能来自纳税人。 现在我们再听一遍古德哈特教授这段谈话的全文。(略) 二十世纪三十年代的大萧条使各国中央银行承担起新的责任。澳广金融节目主持人巴里克拉克对此作了介绍: . 巴里克拉克的谈话中出现了这样一些英文词汇: 1globaldepression全球经济萧条 2legitimate使...合法化 3interventionist干涉主义者,干涉主义的 4fullemployment充分就业,全面就业 5pricestability价格稳定 巴里克拉克说,一九三十年代的大萧条以及第二次世界大战期间对经济进行控制的需要使中央银行背负上新的责任。新的经济观念,主要是英国经济学家凯恩斯的观点,使政府采行了一套更倾向于涉主义的政策来指导经济,以追求全面就业和价格稳定。 下面我们再听一遍巴里克拉克的这段谈话。(略) 由于各国政府在二十世纪三十年代的大萧条之后采行新的对经济进行干预的政策,各国中央银行因此有了新的职责。墨尔本大学银行史学家大卫梅里特解释说: Thecentralbankwasaninstitutionthatwasalreadyinexistence,thatnowcouldactasagentforthegovernment,combinedwithwhatwecallfiscalpolicy,inbringingaboutfullemployment,’. 大卫梅里特说,中央银行是一个已经存在的机构,现在它可以作为政府的代理,与我们所说的财政政策相配合,以实现全面就业和价格稳定等等。从第二次世界大战结束后可能一直到一九七十年代末期,这一直是中央银行最重要的职能。实际上执行货币政策已成为压倒一切的目标。原来的“最后贷款人”、管理货币发行和充当政府银行等功能已经退居其次。 现在我们再听一遍大卫梅里特的这段谈话。(略) 在这里我们要补充的是,到了二十世纪八十年代中期,各国中央银行的角色再次发生了变化,压低通货膨胀率取代了全面就业,成为货币政策压倒一切的目标。 接下来我们复习一遍这一讲中遇到的一些英文在职研究生词汇: 1capital资本 2informationgatherer信息收集人 3co-ordinator协调人把金融英语加入收藏夹 4corral把...集合在一起 5rescue救援 6globaldepression全球经济萧条 7legitimate使...合法化 8interventionist干涉主义者,干涉主义的 9fullemployment充分就业,全面就业 10pricestability价格稳定 在这一讲的最后,我们再听一遍英国伦敦经济学院教授古德哈特关于中央银行如何救助遭遇困境的商业银行的谈话。(略) 这一讲由澳洲广播电台中文部为您制作的金融世界节目到这里就播送完了。考研政策不清晰?同等学力在职申硕有困惑?院校专业不好选?点击底部官网,有专业老师为你答疑解惑,211/985名校研究生硕士/博士开放网申报名中:

① 金融专业英语考试的Fect (金融专业英语考试)介绍 考试性质:金融专业英语证书考试( Finacial English Certificate Test )是中国人民银行为了提高金融人才的英语水平,开拓国际金融业务,更好地顺应中国加入 WTO 之后的国际、国内环境而开设的英语水平测试,有初级和中级两个级别。 报考条件:任何原因报考此向考试的人均报名参加考试。 考试时间:每年举办一次,大约10月下旬或11月上旬。 考试构成:包括听力( 30% )和笔试( 70% )两部分。 报名费是160元一门。 从2009年开始,金融专业英语考试改变了原来分为初级、中级、高级三级的考试体制,合并为综合考试和高级考试,参考者只有在通过初级考试的情况下才能参加高级考试。 综合考试:笔试科目一门(含听力),名称为《现代金融业务》,考试内容为银行、证券和保险等金融基础业务操作与专业知识。成绩合格取得金融英语综合证书。本考试每年举行一次,时间在每年五月的第四个星期六。每次考试时间为150分钟,其中听力30分钟。 高级考试:考试分为笔试和口试,必考科目为《现代金融理论与实务》和口语;专业选考科目(任选一科)为《银行业务与管理》与《保险与证券业务》。口试测试金融业务口语交流能力,单科成绩六年有效。本考试每年举行一次,时间在每年五月的第四个星期六、日。每次考试时间为150分钟。 指定教材 1.综合考试 综合考试教材为《现代金融业务》,金融专业英语证书考试委员会编写,中国金融出版社出版; 2.高级考试 必考教材为《现代金融理论与实务》、《口语》;选考教材为《银行业务与管理》、《保险与证券》,均由金融专业英语证书考试委员会编写,中国金融出版社出版。 ② 金融专业英语翻译(高分为谢) 无论在国内还是国外,小额信贷都是伴随着扶贫活动发展起来的。它是向穷人和中低收入群体提供信贷服务以期帮助他们摆脱贫穷的活动。 No matter at home or aboard, micro-credit develops together with the activity of supporting the poor. It is the activity to provide the poor people and low-ine group with the credit service in order to help them to get rid of the poverty. 帮助中低收入阶层,或者是注重金融机构本身的特性以实现独立生存和持续发展。要么是着重强调小额信贷的扶贫功能,强调小额信贷必须服务于穷人中的最穷者。更有人把小额信贷直接等同于福利行为,要求其完全依靠外界的补贴,以低利率或无息贷款的方式开展活动。 要么是强调小额信贷的商业可持续性,要求按市场规律进行信贷服务,并认为这样才能激励机构持续投入,并最终真正地造福穷人。而我国的小额信贷正在走这两条路,我们应该偏向一方或者是可以求得两者的平衡? Micro-credit helps the low-ine group, or pays attention to the characteristics of the financial institutions themselves in order to achieve independent survival and sustainable development. On one hand, micro-credit's function of supporting the poor is emphasized and it is highlighted that micro-credit must serve the poorest of the poor. Some people even directly equate micro-credit with the welfare, and demand that it should wholly depend on the subsidy from the outside and launch the activities in a manner of low interest rate or interest-free loan. On the other hand, micro-credit's mercial sustainability is emphasized, and it is demanded that the credit service should operate according to the market discipline, which is regarded as the only way to stimulate the continued investments from the institutions and truly benefit the poor people in the end. At present, China's micro-credit is operating in both ways, and should we prefer one to the other, or can we possibly achieve the balance of the o? ③ 请问下金融专业对英语程度要求怎么样金融专业有学习金融专业英语吗是学习几年小弟理科偏好,英语弱 问:金融专业学生有必要考acca吗?答:金融专业考ACCA是没问题的,但是你为啥要考ACCA得想明白了,ACCA考试科目比较多,不然你考到中途撂挑子不考了,这样就没意思了,浪费时间浪费钱。 这个ACCA考试与专业没有必要一说,只有自己需要不需要的,所以你得想明白了,别盲目跟风也别不自信。我再送一个考试资料包,可以分享给小伙伴,自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频 急速通关计划 ACCA全球私播课 大学生雇主直通车计划 周末面授班 寒暑假冲刺班 其他课程 ④ 据说金融专业英语证书含金量很少,那么金融专业英语还可以考哪些证书... 问:金融专业学生有必要考acca吗?答:金融专业考ACCA是没问题的,但是你为啥要考ACCA得想明白了,ACCA考试科目比较多,不然你考到中途撂挑子不考了,这样就没意思了,浪费时间浪费钱。 这个ACCA考试与专业没有必要一说,只有自己需要不需要的,所以你得想明白了,别盲目跟风也别不自信。我再送一个考试资料包,可以分享给小伙伴,自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频 急速通关计划 ACCA全球私播课 大学生雇主直通车计划 周末面授班 寒暑假冲刺班 其他课程 ⑤ 金融专业英语翻译 (1) Floating of the one-year lending rate by 30%, . 10%*. (2) Five percent on top of the one-year interest rate, ., 10%+5%=15%. ⑥ 用英语介绍金融学专业 English Introction - Financing major Training goal: This course aims at training the students into talents in economic management with financing know-how and professional skill in banking, securities, investment, insurance and so on. Training detail: students of this major mostly study moory banking, international financing, securities, investment and insurance etc. to be equiped with basic skills in financing pracise. ⑦ 急,金融专业英语!翻译一下! 妈呀 虽然我是finance专业 但是中文金融词汇真不知道怎么对照 你加油 ⑧ 金融专业英语单词 skills in balancing the interests of the anizations and coordinating all tasks political mind speculatory investment impersonal assets 仅供参考! ⑨ 那个金融专业英语考研是考英语几啊就像数学考数学3一样,英语是考什么的 金融专业研究生, 学术型研究生初试考英语一, 专业学位研究生初试考英语二。 英语二与英语一的区别 (1)语法 英语二规定了总共有八个语法点,具体考的语法点有针对性。英语一则没有规定,内容更宽。 (2)词汇 英语二的词汇表,大纲后面主要是词汇表,词汇表没有任何的差别。及时说从单词量上的要求来说,英语一何英语二是一样的。 (3)阅读理解 关于阅读理解的部分。英语二没有英语一中规定的阅读理解中会出现3%的超纲单词。 此外,英语二阅读理解部分的单词要求比英语一低一些。英语一只是说你需要能够看的懂,即使你在上硕士期间所需要看懂的一切东西,英语一从内容和题材上来说它考察的内容可能更加广泛一些。而英语二,从内容上主要考会考这样几类:经济、管理、社会、文化和科普。注意它是把经济和管理放在最前边的,也就是说经济类文章、管理类文章可能是比较重要的,“科普”这个词放在最后说明科普考的可能比较小。体裁方面也规定了就是考三种类型:说明文、议论文和记叙文。这也就是英语二在考试过程中可能出现的抽象性的比较难的文章概率会低一些。针对具体的阅读的要求,英语二也是低一些。比较如下: 第一点,英语一要求大家能够理解文章中概念性的含义,而英语二是没有的。也就是文章中不太会出现一些特别抽象的,特别复杂的费解的概念。 第二点,它只要求进行相关的判断、推理,而不需要进行相关的引申,没有引申,也就是说在英语二中如果出现我们阅读理解中的一种题型,叫做推理题的话,它推理的难度要小于英语一。 第三点,英语二中没有要求区分阅读理解文章中的论点和论据,所以不会考举例题,难度比较低。 第四点,就是英语Part C翻译部分,这个跟考研英语一Pact C也不一样,英语一Part C是给你一篇文章,有五个划线的句子,一般来说那些句子让你翻译的,肯定是看起来就比较费解,而且比较绕,比较难懂的这样的句子。英语二中出现的翻译是一个全文翻译,给你一个英语文章,让你从头到尾翻译下来。跟英语一比,更像是一个体力活,你要写的字可能多一些,但是整个文章的难度要小一些。 (4)作文 针对作文,英语二大纲和英语一一样,都是论说文。但是有一点小区别,就是英语一大纲是160到200个词,英语二是150词以上,所以字数稍微少了一点。英语一写作难度更大一点。英语二相对来讲简单一些。 ⑩ 金融专业需要学英语吗 毫无疑问,要学。 全国所有的高校都必须开设公共英语,也就是cet。并且大部分的学校要求必须通过英语的四级考试,否则毕业证是个问题。 另外,高年级的时候,会开专业英语,也就是金融英语。 现在的社会形势下,无论哪个专业,不学英语或者英语不够好却能够有不错的工作是很难想像的。 现代金融学的殿堂在西方尤其是英美,要想在学术上有突破,最好能够读些原著。 供你参考。

金融英语练习-商务英语在职研究生学习资料经济是现代社会生活的重要组成部分,每天的新闻报道中都充满了有关预算赤字、股票风波、经济上扬或衰退的消息。但是,货币、市场和经济到底是什么?全球或地区的经济究竟是如何运作的?政府的政策又会如何影响到一个国家的经济状况呢?请收听金融世界!现代人的衣食住行都离不开钱,也就是货币。一个澳大利亚人要买些苹果和香蕉,售货员告诉他要付多少钱。那么货币是怎样发展到今天的形态并且几乎主宰了我们全部的生活呢?澳大利亚一位著名的财经记者卡鲁特别为我们介绍了货币的历史。卡鲁在她的介绍中说到这样几个词汇:1 Precious metal 贵重金属2 Sweating the money 从货币里提取贵重金属成分3 Holey dollar 有洞的钱币,这是十九世纪在澳大利亚新南威尔士州流通的货币,因为缺乏金属材料而将钱币穿洞4 Token 辅币,具有象征性的货币,代表的价值高于本身的价值5 Plastic note 塑料钞票把金融英语加入收藏夹 6 Plastic card (塑料)信用卡,也叫 credit card下面我们逐段听一遍卡鲁的这段谈话:Money's got a very colourful history, because a number of things have been used in the place of what we use as money. Feathers, shells, cloth ...salt in Roman times when the Roman soldiers were paid in salt and that's how we get the word salary, from the Latin sal for salt.历史上的货币五花八门。古时候,羽毛、贝壳、布料甚至盐都曾是交换工具。古罗马士兵得到的军饷就是盐。盐这个词也是英文“工资”这个词的起源。拉丁文Sal的意思是盐,英文中工资Salary就是从它演变而来的。And a number of tribes used cattle, which were useful because they were transportable. But they were quite bulky and you weren't always sure of the size of cattle you were going to get, so there was a problem there of quality.还有一些部落以牲畜作为交换媒介。这很有用,因为牲畜可以运来运去。但是它们体积庞大,而且无法确切知道你将要得到的牲畜的大小,因此存在质量方面的问题。In the ninth century in China we had paper money for the first time. It wasn't quite the paper money that we know, it was more like a piece of paper saying a promise to pay.九世纪时在中国首次出现了纸币。这种纸币与我们现在使用的不同,更象是一种欠条。And then in the seventh century we had money in the form of precious metal. There was always a problem of making sure that the coin that you got had enough precious metal in it to give it a value. When things got tough, you often found some civilisations were quite good at what they called sweating the money, which was effectively taking out the precious metal content so that what you got actually wasn't what you thought you got.另外在七世纪时出现了贵重金属货币。但如何确切知道货币中有足够的贵重金属含量以使它具有相应的价值则一直是个问题。当时局艰难时,一些文明古国会从这种货币中提取贵重金属成份,使得货币已不再拥有你原来以为它拥有的价值。And we have a form of that here in Australia when we had the holey dollar ... when we had a coin with a hole in the middle because there was a shortage of metal.澳大利亚就曾有过一种这类的货币,一种中间有个洞的货币。这是由于当时缺乏铸币金属的缘故。And in those days, Spanish coins were used a lot. Sometimes stores used certain tokens because there was a shortage of actual coinage. And then there is money as we know it today in notes and coins - plastic notes.那时候西班牙硬币广为流通。有时商店里因为没有足够的硬币而使用一些代用币。后来就有了我们现在使用的纸钞、硬币,还有塑料钞票。And of course, if we were doing this program in a hundred years time we might talk about quaint little things called money, notes and coins, because all we'd be using would be plastic card.当然,如果我们在一百年之后再来制作这一节目,我们可能就会谈论一些奇特有趣的叫做钱、纸币或是硬币的小东西,因为到那时我们大概只使用塑料卡了。下面再请您完整收听一遍澳大利亚财经记者卡鲁关于货币历史的介绍。(略)接下来澳大利亚墨尔本大学商学院的哈珀教授解释了货币的三个基本功能:We look at the functions of money. Firstly it's a medium of exchange, so it's some commodity which facilitates the exchange of goods and is also a unit of account, which means that we use money to reckon prices and reckon values for comparisons between goods and services or over thirdly, money is a store of value. It is an asset. It's something that we can use to store value away to be retrieved at a later point in time. So we can not consume today, we can hold money instead - and transfer that consumption power to some point in the future.哈珀教授授说,货币的三个功能是:1 Medium of exchange 交换媒介2 Unit of account 计算单位3 Store of value 价值储存手段下面是哈珀教授讲话的中文翻译:首先货币是一种交换媒介,是帮助其他货物与服务进行交换的手段。其次它是一种计算单位,就是说我们用钱来测量货物、服务或时间之间的价格和价值的比较。第三它是价值存储手段,是一种资产。我们可以用它把价值储存起来,在以后的某个时刻再取回。这样我们不必现在就把它用掉,而是可以存着钱,把这种消费能力转移到将来的某个时刻。下面请再听一遍墨尔本大学商学院哈珀教授介绍的货币的三个功能。(略)最后我们复习一遍这一讲中出现的一些英文在职研究生词汇:1 Precious metal 贵重金属2 Sweating the money 从钱币里提取贵重金属成分3 Token 辅币,具有象征性的货币,代表的价值高于本身的价值4 Plastic note 塑料钞票5 Plastic card 信用卡,也叫 credit card6 Medium of exchange 交换媒介7 Unit of account 计算单位8 Store of value 价值储存手段考研政策不清晰?同等学力在职申硕有困惑?院校专业不好选?点击底部官网,有专业老师为你答疑解惑,211/985名校研究生硕士/博士开放网申报名中:


大学英语听说教程III听力原文(Unit12)2005-4-8UNIT 12Text 1The Launching of the EuroAs firework displays ushered in the euro from Paris to Athens, Rome to Madrid, curiosity drove Europeans to cash machines at midnight December 31, 2001 for the first look at the brightly colored new notes. More than 300 million Europeans began changing their old currencies for the euro in the most ambitious currency changeover in history. To prepare for the large demand, banks across the euro zone disabled 200,000 ATMs in the afternoon, changing software and loading them with euro notes. Altogether 15 billion banknotes and 52 billion coins--worth 646 billion euros, or $568 billion--have been produced for the how people can be attached to their national currencies, architects of the euro expressed hope that it will help realize dreams of a united the continent, officials welcomed the euro as a sign of economic stability a new symbol to bind 12 nations on a continent at the heart of two world wars."We will become a greater Europe with the euro," ELI Commission President said in Vienna, shortly after he used the new currency to buy flowers for his wife. "We shall become stronger, wealthier."His view was shared by Helmut Kohl, the former German Chancellor, who with the late French leader Francois Mitterrand had championed the single currency to bring peace and security to Europe. Kohl wrote in a newspaper, "A vision is becoming a reality. For me, the common currency in Europe fulfills a dream. It means there is no turning back from the path toward unification of our continent."The nations adopting the euro are: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain. Those staying out are Britain, Sweden and 2Britain's Reaction to the Single CurrencyBuckingham Palace and other royal residences open to the public do not accept euros at their gift shops and entry new currency was launched in 12 European Union countries on January 1st, 2002, but Britain was not one of Buckingham Palace spokeswoman said the decision not to accept the euro was purely a business one and not a political statement. The retail outlets at the official residences have never accepted any other currencies. It is simply because as very small retail outlets, they don't have the facilities for changing , many retail outlets in Britain have prepared to accept the new currency since millions of tourists are expected to visit the country every year. In 2002 alone, visitors from the euro zone were estimated to spend more than billion euros in department stores Debenhams and Marks & Spencer and a big electronics retailer accept euros, but only on a limited basis of Marks & Spencer stores, primarily those in tourist locations, have at least one cash register on each floor to process euro transactions. Its other stores have at least one designated area --either a register or a customer service desk where the currency is accepted. Products are not priced in euros, however, and change is given in British British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Britain will only join the single currency if economic conditions are right. A series of recent opinion polls show many Britons oppose the euro and see it as against Britain's sovereignty. Part CTapescriptWithdrawing MoneyTeller: Hi. Can I help you?Peter: Hi. I've, uh, just opened a checking account and I want to withdraw 150 euros. What I want to know is, who do I make the check out to?Teller: Well, since the money is for you yourself, you make it out to : OK. W...how do I do that?Teller. You just write the word 'cash' on this : This line here?Teller: Yes, next to 'pay to the order of'.Peter: OK. C-A-S-H. Now, I want to make this 150 euros. There, how's this?Teller. Well, you've written the amount in numbers, but you have to write it out in words, too. That goes on the second line, : Oh, : By the way, it's a good idea to draw a line from the end of the amount to the word 'euros' so nobody can change the : Oh, thanks. Well, that should do it. Here you : You forgot to sign your name. There, in the bottom right : Woops, sorry. Here you : The : W...huh?Teller. The date -- you forgot it. It goes in the top right : Oh, right. OK, am I done?Teller: Yes. That's fifty --a hundred a hundred and fifty : Thanks a lot. Have a good : You too.

Unit 12: You're supposed to shake A1bBoy: What are people supposed to do when they meet in your country, Celia?Celia: Well, do you mean when people meet for the first time?Boy: : Well, in Brazil, friends : What about in Mexico, Rodrigo?Rodrigo: In Mexico we shake : How about in Japan, Yoshi?Yoshi: We : And in Korea we also : Well, I guess in most Western countries we shake : Hi, Maria. How was Paul's party?Maria: Oh, Dan, it was a : It was?Maria: : What happened?Maria: Well, I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but I arrived at 8:: Oh, so you were : Yeah, but in my country, It's different. When you're invited for 7:00, you’re supposed to come later!Dan: I : Then when I met Paul's mom, I kissed : And you were supposed to shake hands : That's right. And I wore a fancy : What's wrong with that?Maria: Well, it was a barbecue, Dan. Everyone else was wearing a T-shirt and : I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to B, 2a, 2bSatoshi: You must be really excited about leaving for Japan tomorrow, Steve!Steve: Yeah, I am. But I'm a little nervous, : Nervous about what?Steve: Well, for one thing, I don't know how to use chopsticks very well...and I don't know how to behave at the dinner : Oh, I see. I could give you a little lesson on Japanese table manners if you'd : Really? That would be great!Satoshi: Hmmmm. Let me see. One difference is that sometimes it’s polite to make noise when you’re eating, especially when you’re eating noodles. It shows that you like the : Really? That’s interesting. In the United States you’re not supposed to do : Yeah, I know. OK, so here are some chopstick rules: it’s rude to stick your chopsticks into your food. And you shouldn’t point at anyone with your chopsticks. Steve: Oh, OK. I won’: And also, this isn’t about table manners exactly, but you should know that it’s rude to eat or drink while walking down the : : Oh, and the most important thing you need to know is that you’re not supposed to talk when you’re eating dinner. Only parents are allowed to talk at the dinner table. Children are not allowed to : Wow! That’s…that’s : I’m just kidding! Steve. Unit 13: Rainy days make me A 1bTina: I’m hungry, : So am I. Why don’t we get something to eat?Tina: Yeah. Let’s go to the Rockin’ Restaurant. I love their : Oh, Tina… I hate the Rockin’ : Why? The food is great, isn’t it?Amy: The food’s fine. I just don’t like the atmosphere. Those awful pictures on the wall make me sad, and the loud music makes me : OK. So where do you want to go, Amy?Amy: Let’s go to the Blue Lagoon. The soft music makes me : Not me. It makes me A 2a 2bJohn: Did you and Amy have fun last night, Tina?Tina: Well John…yes and : Was Amy late as usual?Tina: Yes, she was. And waiting for her make me : Where did you go?Tina: First we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant, but Amy didn’t want to stay. She said that loud music made her : That’s funny. Loud music always makes me want to : Me too. So then we went to the Blue Lagoon. It was quiet and the food was great. We had a good : Then did you go to the concert at the high school?Tina: No. We decided to go to the movies. We saw Remember Me Forever. It was a really good movie, but it was so sad that it made us : Sad moves don’t make me cry. They just make me want to leave!Tina: You sound just like my brother!Section B 2a 2bGirl1: Wow! Look at this ad for Easy Care Shampoo, for the shiniest hair : I can’t stand ads like that! They make me really : Why?Boy: They make you think that you can like the person in the ad. But I bought that shampoo and it didn’t : I agree. Look at this one. Lookout Sunglasses. For that mysterious look. I’ll bet they don’t even keep out the : And what about this one! Beauty Cream the silky skin : Wait a minute! I tried Beauty Cream and it works really well. It makes your skin really soft. Have you ever tried Starshine Toothpaste?Girl1: Oh, you mean Whiter than white? Yeah, I tried it and it tastes terrible. I’d never use : I guess you shouldn’t believe everything you read.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/30906.html发布于 2024-09-19
