

小思 2024-09-19 36
介绍中国制造的东西英文摘要: 介绍中国的一种东西英文History of China 中国历史The recorded history of China began in the 15th century...


History of China 中国历史The recorded history of China began in the 15th century BC when the Shang Dynasty started to use markings that evolved into the present Chinese characters. Turtle shells with markings reminiscent of ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to as early as 1500 BC.[1] Chinese civilization originated with city-states in the Yellow River (Huang He) valley. 221 BC is commonly accepted to be the year in which China became unified under a large kingdom or empire. In that year, Qin Shi Huang first united China. Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to control increasingly larger territory that reached maximum under the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and Manchurian Qing Dynasty. The conventional view of Chinese history is that of a country alternating between periods of political unity and disunity and occasionally becoming dominated by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han Chinese population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create the Chinese culture. Xia Dynasty 夏朝The historian Sima Qian (145 BC-90 BC) and the account in Chinese the Bamboo Annals date the founding of the Xia Dynasty to 4,200 years ago, but this date has not been corroborated. The Shang and Zhou people had existed within the Xia Dynasty since the beginning of Xia. They were Xia’s loyal vassals. The exact time of the Xia Dynasty is hard to define, but mainly focused on two options, either 431 years or 471 years. Shang Dynasty 商朝Remnants of advanced, stratified societies dating back to the Shang found in the Yellow River earliest discovered written record of China's past dates from the Shang Dynasty in perhaps the 13th century BC, and takes the form of inscriptions of divination records on the bones or shells of animals—the so-called oracle bones. Archaeological findings providing evidence for the existence of the Shang Dynasty, c 1600–1046 BC is divided into two sets. The first set, from the earlier Shang period (c 1600–1300 BC) comes from sources at Erligang, Zhengzhou and Shangcheng. The second set, from the later Shang or Yin (殷) period, consists of a large body of oracle bone writings. Anyang in modern day Henan has been confirmed as the last of the nine capitals of the Shang (c 1300–1046 BC). The Shang Dynasty featured 31 kings, from Tang of Shang to King Zhou of Shang; it was the longest dynasty in Chinese history. Zhou Dynasty 周朝Bronze ritual vessel, Western Zhou DynastyMain article: Zhou Dynasty By the end of the 2nd millennium BC, the Zhou Dynasty began to emerge in the Yellow River valley, overrunning the Shang. The Zhou appeared to have begun their rule under a semi-feudal system. The Zhou were a people who lived west of Shang, and the Zhou leader had been appointed "Western Protector" by the Shang. The ruler of the Zhou, King Wu, with the assistance of his brother, the Duke of Zhou, as regent managed to defeat the Shang at the Battle of Muye. The king of Zhou at this time invoked the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to legitimize his rule, a concept that would be influential for almost every successive dynasty. The Zhou initially moved their capital west to an area near modern Xi'an, near the Yellow River, but they would preside over a series of expansions into the Yangtze River valley. This would be the first of many population migrations from north to south in Chinese history. Spring and Autumn Period 春秋时代Chinese pu vessel with interlaced dragon design, Spring and Autumn the 8th century BC, power became decentralized during the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时代), named after the influential Spring and Autumn Annals. In this period, local military leaders used by the Zhou began to assert their power and vie for hegemony. The situation was aggravated by the invasion of other peoples from the northwest, such as the Qin, forcing the Zhou to move their capital east to Luoyang. This marks the second large phase of the Zhou dynasty: the Eastern Zhou. In each of the hundreds of states that eventually arose, local strongmen held most of the political power and continued their subservience to the Zhou kings in name only. Local leaders for instance started using royal titles for themselves. The Hundred Schools of Thought (诸子百家,诸子百家) of Chinese philosophy blossomed during this period, and such influential intellectual movements as Confucianism (儒家), Taoism (道家), Legalism (法家) and Mohism (墨家) were founded, partly in response to the changing political world. The Spring and Autumn Period is marked by a falling apart of the central Zhou power. China now consists of hundreds of states, some only as large as a village with a fort. Warring States Period 战国时期Main article: Warring States Period After further political consolidation, seven prominent states remained by the end of 5th century BC, and the years in which these few states battled each other are known as the Warring States Period. Though there remained a nominal Zhou king until 256 BC, he was largely a figurehead and held little real power. As neighboring territories of these warring states, including areas of modern Sichuan and Liaoning, were annexed, they were governed under the new local administrative system of commandery and prefecture (郡县,郡县). This system had been in use since the Spring and Autumn Period and parts can still be seen in the modern system of Sheng & Xian (province and county, 省县,省县). The final expansion in this period began during the reign of Ying Zheng (嬴政), the king of Qin. His unification of the other six powers, and further annexations in the modern regions of Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi in 214 BC enabled him to proclaim himself the First Emperor (Qin Shi Huangdi, 秦始皇帝). Qin Dynasty 秦朝The Terracotta Army of Qin Shi article: Qin Dynasty Historians often refer to the period from Qin Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty as Imperial China. Though the unified reign of the Qin (秦) Emperor lasted only 12 years, he managed to subdue great parts of what constitutes the core of the Han Chinese homeland and to unite them under a tightly centralized Legalist government seated at Xianyang (咸阳,咸阳) (close to modern Xi'an). The doctrine of legalism that guided the Qin emphasized strict adherence to a legal code and the absolute power of the emperor. This philosophy of Legalism, while effective for expanding the empire in a military fashion, proved unworkable for governing it in peace time. The Qin presided over the brutal silencing of political opposition, including the event known as the burning and burying of scholars. This would be the impetus behind the later Han Synthesis incorporating the more moderate schools of political governance. Han Dynasty 汉朝 公元前206-220年(206 BC-220 AD) A Han Dynasty incense burner with a sliding Han Dynasty emerged in 206 BC. It was the first dynasty to embrace the philosophy of Confucianism, which became the ideological underpinning of all regimes until the end of imperial China. Under the Han Dynasty, China made great advances in many areas of the arts and sciences. Emperor Wu (Han Wudi 汉武帝,汉武帝) consolidated and extended the Chinese empire by pushing back the Xiongnu (sometimes identified with the Huns) into the steppes of modern Inner Mongolia, wresting from them the modern areas of Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai. This enabled the first opening of trading connections between China and the West, the Silk Road. Nevertheless, land acquisitions by elite families gradually drained the tax base. In AD 9, the usurper Wang Mang (王莽) founded the short-lived Xin ("New") Dynasty (新朝) and started an extensive program of land and other economic reforms. These programs, however, were never supported by the land-holding families, for they favored the peasants. The instability brought about chaos and uprisings. Emperor Guangwu (光武帝) reinstated the Han Dynasty with the support of land-holding and merchant families at Luoyang, east of Xi'an. This new era would be termed the Eastern Han Dynasty. Han power declined again amidst land acquisitions, invasions, and feuding between consort clans and eunuchs. The Yellow Turban Rebellion (黄巾之乱,黄巾之乱) broke out in 184, ushering in an era of warlords. In the ensuing turmoil, three states tried to gain predominance in the Period of the Three Kingdoms. This time period has been greatly romanticized in works such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Jin Dynasty (265–420) 金朝Though the three kingdoms were reunited temporarily in 278 by the Jin Dynasty, the contemporary non-Han Chinese (Wu Hu, 五胡) ethnic groups controlled much of the country in the early 4th century and provoked large-scale Han Chinese migrations to south of the Chang Jiang. In 303 the Di people rebelled and later captured Chengdu, establishing the state of Cheng Han. Under Liu Yuan the Xiongnu rebelled near today's Linfen County and established the state of Han Zhao. His successor Liu Cong captured and executed the last two Western Jin emperors. Sixteen kingdoms were a plethora of short-lived non-Chinese dynasties that came to rule the whole or parts of northern China in the 4th and 5th centuries. Many ethnic groups were involved, including ancestors of the Turks, Mongolians, and Tibetans. Most of these nomadic peoples had to some extent been "Sinicized" long before their ascent to power. In fact, some of them, notably the Ch'iang and the Xiong-nu, had already been allowed to live in the frontier regions within the Great Wall since late Han times. Southern and Northern Dynasties nanb南北朝A limestone statue of the Bodhisattva, from the Northern Qi Dynasty, 570 AD, made in what is now modern Henan article: Southern and Northern Dynasties Signaled by the collapse of East Jin (东晋,东晋) Dynasty in 420, China entered the era of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The Han people managed to survive the military attacks from the nomadic tribes of the north, such as the Xian Bei (鲜卑), and their civilization continued to thrive. In Southern China, fierce debates about whether Buddhism should be allowed to exist were held frequently by the royal court and nobles. Finally, near the end of the Southern and Northern Dynasties era, both Buddhist and Taoist followers compromised and became more tolerant of each other. In 589, Sui (隋) annexed the last Southern Dynasty, Chen (陈,陈), through military force, and put an end to the era of Southern and Northern Dynasties. Sui Dynasty 隋朝The Sui Dynasty (隋朝), which managed to reunite the country in 589 after nearly four centuries of political fragmentation, played a role more important than its length of existence would suggest. The Sui brought China together again and set up many institutions that were to be adopted by their successors, the Tang. Like the Qin, however, the Sui overused their resources and collapsed. Also similar to the Qin, traditional history has judged the Sui somewhat unfairly. As it has stressed the harshness of the Sui regime and the arrogance of its second emperor, giving little credit for the Dynasty's many positive achievements. Tang Dynasty 唐朝A Chinese Tang Dynasty tri-colored glaze porcelain horse (ca. 700 AD).Main article: Tang Dynasty On June 18, 618, Gaozu (唐高祖) took the throne, and the Tang Dynasty (唐朝) was established, opening a new age of prosperity and innovations in arts and technology. Buddhism, which had gradually been established in China from the first century, became the predominant religion and was adopted by the imperial family and many of the common people. Chang'an (长安,长安) (modern Xi'an西安), the national capital, is thought to have been the world's largest city at the time. The Tang and the Han are often referred to as the most prosperous periods of Chinese history. The Tang, like the Han, kept the trade routes open to the west and south and there was extensive trade with distant foreign countries and many foreign merchants settled in China. Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms 五代十国Main article: Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period The period of political disunity between the Tang and the Song, known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (五代十国), lasted little more than half a century, from 907 to 960. During this brief era, when China was in all respects a multi-state system, five regimes succeeded one another rapidly in control of the old Imperial heartland in northern China. During this same time, 10 more stable regimes occupied sections of southern and western China, so the period is also referred to as that of the Ten Kingdoms (十国). Song Dynasty and Liao, Jin, Western Xia 宋朝、辽金、西夏Homeward Oxherds in Wind and Rain, by Li Di, 12th centuryMain articles: Song Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Western Xia, and Jin Dynasty, 1115-1234 In 960, the Song Dynasty (960-1279) (宋朝) gained power over most of China and established its capital in Kaifeng (汴京/开封,开封), starting a period of economic prosperity, while the Khitan Liao Dynasty (契丹族辽国,契丹族辽国) ruled over Manchuria and eastern Mongolia. In 1115 the Jurchen Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) (女真族金国,女真族金国) emerged to prominence, annihilating the Liao Dynasty in 10 years. Meanwhile, in what are now the northwestern Chinese provinces of Gansu, Shaanxi, and Ningxia, there emerged a Western Xia Dynasty (西夏) from 1032 up to 1227, established by Tangut tribes. Yuan Dynasty 元朝Yang Guifei Mounting a Horse, by Qian Xuan (1235-1305 AD).Jurchen tribes' Jin Dynasty, whose names are also rendered "Jin" in pinyin, was defeated by the Mongols, who then proceeded to defeat the Southern Song in a long and bloody war, the first war where firearms played an important role. During the era after the war, later called the Pax Mongolica, adventurous Westerners such as Marco Polo travelled all the way to China and brought the first reports of its wonders to Europe. In the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongols were divided between those who wanted to remain based in the steppes and those who wished to adopt the customs of the Chinese Ming Dynasty明朝 Court Ladies of the Former Shu, by Ming painter Tang Yin (1470-1523).Throughout a short-lived Yuan Dynasty, there was strong sentiment, among the populace, against the rule of the foreigners, which finally led to peasant revolts. The Mongolians were pushed back to the steppes and replaced by the Ming Dynasty (明朝) in 1368. Qing Dynasty 清朝Main article: Qing Dynasty The Qing Dynasty (清朝, 1644–1911) was founded after the defeat of the Ming, the last Han Chinese dynasty, by the Manchus (满族,满族). The Manchus were formerly known as the Jurchen and invaded from the north in the late seventeenth century. An estimated 25 million people died during the Manchu conquest of Ming Dynasty (1616-1644).

长城 Great Wall of China The Great Wall of China (simplified Chinese: 长城; traditional Chinese: 长城; pinyin: Chángchéng; literally "long city/fortress") or (simplified Chinese: 万里长城; traditional Chinese: 万里长城; pinyin: Wànlǐ Chángchéng; literally "The long wall of 10,000 Li (里)") is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in China, built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 5th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from Xiongnu attacks during the rule of successive dynasties. Several walls, referred to as the Great Wall of China, were built since the 5th century BC. One of the most famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang; little of it remains; it was much farther north than the current wall, which was built during the Ming Great Wall stretches over approximately 6,400 km (4,000 miles) from Shanhaiguan in the east to Lop Nur in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia, but stretches to over 6,700 km (4,160 miles) in total. At its peak, the Ming Wall was guarded by more than one million men. It has been estimated that somewhere in the range of 2 to 3 million Chinese died as part of the centuries-long project of building the wall.====================故宫 Forbidden City The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing, China, and now houses the Palace Museum. For almost five centuries, it served as the home of the Emperor and his household, as well as the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese from 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,707 bays of rooms and covers 720,000 square metres (7,800,000 square feet). The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments in East Asia and elsewhere. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the 1925, the Forbidden City has been under the charge of the Palace Museum, whose extensive collection of artwork and artefacts were built upon the imperial collections of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Part of the museum's former collection is now located in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. Both museums descend from the same institution, but were split after the Chinese Civil War.====================中国茶 Chinese teaIn China, the Chinese drink tea at every meal for good health and simple pleasure. Chinese tea consists of tea leaves which have been processed using methods inherited from China. According to popular legend, tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shennong in 2737 BCE when a leaf from a Camellia sinensis tree fell into water the emperor was boiling. Tea is deeply woven into the history and culture of China. The beverage is considered one of the seven necessities of Chinese life, along with firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce[clarification needed] and writers classify tea into four categories, white, green, oolong and black. Others add categories for red, scented and compressed teas. All of these come from varieties of the Camellia sinensis plant. Chinese flower tea (花茶), while popular, is not a true tea. Most Chinese tea is consumed in China and is not exported. Green tea is the most popular type of tea used in these main categories of tea are vast varieties of individual beverages. Some researchers have counted more than 700. Others put the number at more than 1,000. Some of the variations are due to different strains of the Camilla plant. The popular Tie Guan Yin 铁观音, for example, is traced back to a single plant discovered in Anxi 安溪 in the Fujian province. Other teas draw some of their characteristics from local growing conditions. The largest factor in the wide variations comes from differences in processing after the tea is harvested. White and green teas are cooked soon after picking to prevent oxidization, often called fermentation, caused by natural enzymes in the leaves. Oolong teas are partially oxidized. Black and red teas are fully oxidized. Other differences come from variations in the processing steps.====================纸的发明 The Invention of PaperPapermaking is considered to be one of the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China, since the first papermaking process was developed in China during the early 2nd century CE by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun. China used paper as an effective and cheap alternative to silk, letting them sell more silk, leading to a Golden Age. The use of paper spread from China through the Islamic world, and entered production in Europe in the early 12th century. Mechanized production of paper in the early 19th century caused significant cultural changes worldwide, allowing for relatively cheap exchange of information in the form of letters, newspapers and books for the first time.====================秦始皇 Emperor Qin Shi HuangQin Shi Huang (Chinese: 秦始皇; pinyin: Qín Shǐhuáng; Wade-Giles: Ch'in Shih-huang) (259 BCE – 210 BCE), personal name Ying Zheng (Chinese: 嬴政; pinyin: Yíng Zhèng), was king of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BC to 221 BC during the Warring States Period. He became the first emperor of a unified China in 221 BC. He ruled until his death in 210 BCE at the age of Shi Huangdi remains a controversial figure in Chinese history. After unifying China, he and his chief adviser Li Si passed a series of major economic and political reforms. He undertook gigantic projects, including the first version of the Great Wall of China, the now famous city-sized mausoleum guarded by a life-sized Terracotta Army, and a massive national road system, all at the expense of many lives. To ensure stability, Qin Shi Huang outlawed Confucianism and buried many scholars alive. All books other than those officially decreed were banned and burned in what is known as the great Confucian purge. Despite the tyranny of his autocratic rule, Qin Shi Huang is regarded as a pivotal figure.====================青铜器 Bronze WareThe bronze ware were unique national treasures for China in ancient times for their impressive designs, classical decorative ornamentation, and wealth of ancient Chinese society fell into the Stone Tool Age and the Iron Tool Age. The earliest stoneware in China was found in 3000 . The Shang and Zhou dynasties ushered China into the height of the Bronze Age. During this period the making of bronze ware reached its zenith. After the Spring and Autumn and WarringStates periods China entered the Iron Tool is the alloy of copper and zinc or copper and lead that is bluish grey. The museums across China and some important museum outside China, have all collected Chinese bronze ware dating back to the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Some of them are part of the cultural heritage passed down through the generations, but most of them were dug up from underneath the Chinese bronze ware fall into three types: ritual vessels, weapons, and miscellaneous vessels refer to those objects employed by aristocrats in sacrificial ceremonies or audiences. Therefore there is something distinctively religious and shamanist about them. These vessels include food containers, wine vessels, water pots and musical weapons come in such varieties as knife, sword, spear, halberd, axe, and miscellaneous objects refer to bronze utensils for daily ancient China the making of bronze ware was dominated by the imperial families and aristocrats. And the possession of such wares was regarded as a status comparison with counterparts in other parts of the world, the Chinese bronze ware stand out for their inscriptions which are regarded as major chapters in the Chinese history.希望以上资料对你有帮助。

The introduction of China dumplingsNow, the description of the dumplings, North and South are not the same. Northern people called "dumplings", many parts of the South as "ravioli and dumplings are slightly different, thin wonton skin, filling less. Dumplings with filling the different, the names are also varied, pork dumplings, mutton dumplings, beef dumplings, seafood dumplings, chilli oil dumplings, soup dumplings and formononetin dumplings, fish dumplings, crystal dumplings, etc.. In addition, because of its sophisticated methods, fried dumplings, Steamed Jiaozi etc.. Therefore, the Lunar New Year's day to eat dumplings in the spirit and the taste is a kind of very good China has a customs, festivals, wedding to be friends, the total package Dayton dumplings to eat. Especially on the first day of the lunar new year, the whole family worship strike in, sitting together, side dumplings chat, Shannan Haibei, talk about anything, from time to time drew laughter, fun for all. "Everyone to eat dinner Boiled dumplings, especially the number of sweet dumplings". When people eat the taste of this smooth taste delicious water cake, if you know some of it came again, who can not wonder of our ancient civilization has a long history of odd court pasta!The name all over China dumplings a lot of goods, such as small soup dumplings and northeast Guangdong with wheat flour to make dumplings, fried dumplings, Yangzhou, the crab roe steamed dumplings, Shandong Laobian dumpling, Sichuan bell dumplings and so on are popular varieties. Xi'an has also created a dumpling feast, banquet guests composed in dozens of different shapes, stuffing foreigners and Chinese people like to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival, however, they have different ways of eating and eating.



我给你写吧,时间关系,就写简单点了,望见谅。Made in ChinaIn the world,lots of the goods are made in China,such as shoes,shirts,balls and so customers like goods made in China,they think China is friendly with the world,and they, the goods made in China are lack of style,some consumer-goods makers in China are starting to pay attention to brand-building. The smartest are moving beyond simple product ads to marketing an entire made in China are so popular,and as Beijing will hold Olympic Games in 2008,I believe goods made in China will be admitted by more and more customers and countries.

Made in China中国制造(英文)FABRIQUE EN CHINE 中国制造(法文)


1、And noticed the fine electrical machines and appliances made in China.



What happened to this system that made in China a genuine social revolution?



He talked about the investments the company has made in China.



Yes, I also bought some "made in China" foreign goods with the Games '' mark.



And the nails driven on the board are not made in China.




made in China 和Produce in China的区别

made in China,是指在中国制造,至于是谁的厂子名称不知道。Produce in china是指中国的产品,指的是中国生产。




1、High-speed rail

On October 1, 1964, Tokaido Shinkansen Line was officially opened to traffic. The operation speed is as high as 210 km/h. So the first real high-speed railway in the world was invented by Japan. This marks the arrival of a new era of high-speed railway in the world.

As a pioneer of high-speed railway in the world, Japan has accumulated rich experience for other countries, including China, which have not yet developed or are developing high-speed railway, and transferred some technology to these countries to help them develop high-speed railway system faster and more conveniently.

In March 2006, the CRH2A train Retrofitted from E2 series 1000 sets sailed from Kobe Port to Qingdao, China, and transferred some technology to China, thus ushering in the era of high-speed railway in China.






2、Sweep Payment

The scanner payment model is based on the concept of mobile payment, and the earliest batch of payments made by mobile devices occurred in Finland in 1997. Finnish local media reported that Finland Telecom has launched a service to operate jukeboxes and beverage vending machines by dialing a pay phone number, which can buy Coca-Cola at Helsinki Airport.

The scanned two-dimensional code was invented by Japan DW Company in 1994.




3、Shared bicycle

As early as 1965, Amsterdam Municipal Government of the Netherlands put forward the "White Plan", according to which 50 bicycles were purchased by the government and painted with white paint and scattered around the city for people to use.

This is the earliest unmanned shared bicycle system in the world, so the shared bicycle was invented by the Netherlands. In 2007, France also had the freedom of bicycle travel. Later, it became popular and innovative in China, and promoted overseas.



4、online shopping

Online shopping belongs to the category of electronic commerce. In 1979, British Michael Aldrich invented the concept of online shopping. Aldridge used a technology called Videotex to connect ordinary televisions to local retailers'computers over telephone lines.

By the 1990s, after Amazon and eBay launched their websites in 1995, e-commerce began to be popular around the world.


网购属于电子商务的范畴。在1979年,英国人麦克·奥德里奇(Michael Aldrich)发明了网上购物的概念。奥德里奇利用一种被称为Videotex的技术,通过电话线将普通电视机连接到了当地零售商的电脑。













t just wasn't meant to be


Chinese Tea History of Tea According to Lu Yu, writer of the book Tea Classics during the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea has enjoyed a history of more than 4000 years. Tea was used as offerings

in the West Zhou, vegetables in the Spring and Autumn period, and medicine in the Warring period. Later in the West Han dynasty, it became a major the 300 years between the Three Kingdoms period and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, especially in the latter era, Buddhism was extremely popular. The Buddhists applied tea to relieve sleep in Za-zen, so tea trees spread along valleys and around Buddhist temples. That is why people say tea and Buddhism accompanied each other during their development in China. Till the Tang Dynasty, tea became popular with the common people. In the Ming Dynasty, tea trade began to play an important role in the government's economic plans and the Tea and Horse Bureau was set up to supervise the tea trade. In the 6th century, a Buddhist monk brought tea to Japan and in the 16th century a Portuguese missionary introduced tea to was then that tea truly became an international drink. Presently in China, the tea family not only consists of traditional tea, but also tea beverage, tea food, tea medicine and other tea products.




The Culture of Tea

When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night, I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him. Ancient Chinese is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first to Japan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early period of the 17th century, Chinese tea was exported to Europe, where the upper class adopted the fashion of drinking tea. Chinese tea like Chinese silk and china has become synonymous worldwide with refined culture. At the heart of the culture of tea the study and practice of tea in all its aspects is the simple gesture of offering a cup of tea to a guest that for Chinese people today is a fundamental social custom, as it has been for traces the development of tea as an art form to Lu Yu, known as the Saint of Tea in Chinese history, who lived during the Tang Dynasty and who wrote The Book of Tea, the first ever treatise on tea and tea culture. The spirit of tea permeates Chinese culture, and throughout the country there are many kinds of teas, teahouses, tea legends, tea artifacts and tea customs. Better-known places to enjoy a good cup of tea in China include Beijing noted for its variety of teahouses; Fujian and Guangdong provinces and other places in the southeast of China that serve gongfu tea, a formal serving of tea in tiny cups; the West Lake in Hangzhou, also the home of the Tea Connoisseurs Association, noted for its excellent green tea; and provinces in southwest China like Yunnan where the ethnic groups less affected by foreign cultures retain tea ceremonies and customs in original tea-growing areas.





It is 4000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.

There are many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.

Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are both made of china.

Most Chinese are fond of drinking tea. Tea is served not only at tea house and restaurants but also at home. People also drink tea during breaks at offices or factories.

It has been discovered that drinking tea does a lot of good to people’s health. A cup of tea can make you relaxed and refreshed. And it’s said that green tea can prevent cancers. That’s why tea is becoming more and more popular with people.

At last ,I hope you can enjoy Chinese tea.







West Lake Longjing Tea As a world-renowned green tea, Longjing Tea grows near the West Lake in Hangzhou.  Longjing tea has a history of more than 1200 years, which began in the Song Dynasty and flourished in the Ming Dynasty.  Longjing tea has won a high reputation and is very popular in China and all over the world.  The process of picking and making Longjing tea is very fine. In the past, it was picked by hand to ensure its high quality.  Now it is machining.  Longjing tea is a delicious beverage. West Lake Longjing tea, as the top ten famous teas in China, is extremely exquisite in tea planting, tea picking, tea drinking, etc.  The West Lake Longjing tea culture consists of many elements.

West Lake Longjing tea is closely related to local life and has penetrated into every corner of the city.

西湖龙井茶 龙井茶作为一种享誉世界的绿茶,生长在杭州西湖附近。龙井茶有着1200多年的历史,始于宋朝,盛于明朝。龙井茶赢得了很高的声誉,在中国很普遍,流行全世界。龙井茶的采摘和制作过程都很精细,过去以手工采摘,以确保其保持高品质。现在是机器加工。龙井茶是一种美味的饮料,西湖龙井茶作为中国十大名茶之首,从种茶,采茶,饮茶等方面都极其讲究。由诸多要素构成了西湖龙井茶文化。




Exploring the World of Tea

Tea is a widely popular beverage with a rich cultural heritage. It comes in various types, including green tea, black tea, and white tea, each with its unique characteristics and brewing methods. Tea has a long history and plays a significant role in different cultures, such as the tea ceremony in China and afternoon tea in England. Moreover, tea offers numerous health benefits, such as antioxidants, energy boost, and digestion aid. Let us appreciate and continue the legacy of tea culture.






The Pleasures of Tea: A Refreshing Beverage

In the world of beverages, tea holds a special place. From the refreshing green tea to the robust black tea, each variety has its distinct flavor and brewing techniques. Throughout history, tea has been an integral part of many cultures, symbolizing hospitality and tranquility. Not only does tea provide a moment of relaxation, but it also offers health benefits, including improved focus and reduced stress. Let's cherish the tradition and savor the art of tea.






Tea: A Captivating Journey of Flavors and Culture

Let's delve into the enchanting world of tea. With its diverse types, such as oolong, herbal, and chai, tea captivates our taste buds and awakens our senses. Beyond its delightful flavors, tea carries a rich cultural heritage, from the elegant Japanese tea ceremony to the vibrant Moroccan mint tea rituals. Moreover, tea promotes wellness, with its antioxidants and soothing properties. Embrace the beauty of tea and let it infuse your life with warmth and tranquility.






I have a pen holder. My father bought it from a stationery store. I like it very much. It is a jade imitation handicraft, the whole body is the same as true jade, only spent 15 yuan, a look at the price you know is not true jade!

It is carved with many dragons, some front PAWS against each other, as if talking about something; Some look up at the clouds; There are two dragons are the most beautiful, two dragon whiskers together, bread in a bead, in my opinion, that must be a dragon bead.

It is imitation jade, weak and easy to break, I put it in the back of the desk, full of pens, it became my best study partner.






My Favorite FoodMy favorite food is pizza, which is a classic Italian dish that is popular all over the world. I love it because of its delicious taste and because it is so versatile. There are so many different toppings that you can put on a pizza, so there is always something new to best pizzas are made with a thin, crispy crust that is loaded with a tasty tomato sauce. The cheese should be melted and gooey, and it is always a good idea to add some fresh herbs to give the pizza a little extra flavor. My favorite toppings are pepperoni, mushrooms, and onions, but I also enjoy trying different combinations like barbecue chicken or spinach and I have a craving for pizza, I usually order it from my favorite pizza place or make it at home. Making pizza from scratch is a fun activity that I enjoy doing with friends and family, and it allows me to customize the toppings to my , pizza is definitely my favorite food. It is delicious, easy to customize, and always hits the spot.


My favourite food is it is very cake is very sweet,it looks very my birthday,my mother bought a cake for 'm very are some things on the example ,some fruit and some chocolate .l also like chocolate very much .Cake is my favourite .


In our China, there are many delicious dishes. In the record A Bite of China, we can see the essence of Chinese diet. Among so many dishes, I like sweet and sour spare rib and beef most. Sweet and sour spare rib is a traditional and popular Chinese cuisine. Its cooking method is simple but it taste well. Sweet and sour contains together, tasting much better. Beef is popular in general families. There are various methods to cook this food material. We can fry or stew and we can get different but tasty foods. However, taste of home are the most popular in families.


I like banana very always grows in the warm 's nice to eat, and it is good for our us ,monkeys also like to eat can see this in the zoo.

I'm a like eggs and eggs is very good for me .It's very coconut is a very sweet .The HauNan's coconut is very like them.



作文:Cannot always diminish its popularity. Despite the negative effects of television, for example, the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate. This is also the case with mobile phones.

People cannot always diminish its popularity. Despite the negative effects of television, for example, the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate. This is also the case with mobile phones.

People cannot always diminish its popularity. Despite the negative effects of television, for example, the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate. This is also the case with mobile phones.

People cannot always diminish its popularity. Despite the negative effects of television, for example, the number of people who own televisions continues to grow at a tremendous rate. This is also the case with mobile phones.




1、英文: China has the history of more than 5,000 years and we are so proud of the profound culture. Every year, we are so looking forward to spending the holiday during the traditional festivals. They are the important part of Chinese traditional culture. But for young people, the meaning of these festival is fading away. When young people are asked about the meaning of traditional festival, some of them have no idea. For example, some young people believe that Mid-autumn Festival is to in honor of the ancestors, or it is a day to eat mooncake. Actually, most festivals have been advocated by the commercial ads, and they show people to buy more products to spend the festivals happily. Some ads try to implant people the wrong idea about the meaning of festival, just to attract more customers. The loss meaning of traditional festivals brings the negative side to the preserve of traditional culture. The mass media should advocate the essence of the festivals, so as to let the young generation learn more about our culture and be proud of it. 2、翻译: 中国有着5000多年的历史,我们为这个源远流长的文化感到骄傲。每年,我们都很期待在传统节日里度假,它们是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。但对年轻人来说,这些节日的意义正在消退。 当年轻人被问及传统节日的意义时,有些人根本就不知道。例如,一些年轻人认为中秋节是为了纪念祖先,或者是用来吃月饼的日子。事实上,大多数节日都被商业广告进行宣传,他们让人们购买更多的产品来欢度节日。一些广告还试图植入人们对节日意义的错误观念,只是为了吸引更多的顾客。 传统节日意义的缺失给传统文化的传承带来了消极影响。大众传媒应该宣扬节日的本质,让年轻一代更多地了解我们的文化,并以此为荣。





Hi, Tony!

I'm glad that you will come to Beijing soon. There are many places of interest where you can experience the traditional Chinese culture in Beijing, but I'd like to take you to Nanluoguxiang.

First, we can take a walk along the lanes in Hutong to feel the architectural style of the old buildings like Siheyuan and local people's way of life. Besides, you can have a talk with the residents to know more about the history about Hutong. What’s more, we can try all kinds of local foods on the way. And you can buy some paper cuttings as gifts for your friends. When we feel tired, it's a good choice for us to go to a tea house. There, we can taste all kinds of Chinese tea and get a lot of knowledge about tea. Most importantly, we can watch Peking Opera while drinking tea, which is a typical art to reflect Beijing humanities features.

As for the reason why we go there, I think it can make you better experience traditional Chinese tea culture, the food culture and the characteristics of the old residence in Beijing.

I’m looking forward to your coming.

翻译:嗨,托尼!我很高兴你很快就会来北京。北京有许多名胜古迹,你可以在那里体验中国的传统文化,但我想带你去 Nanluoguxiang。首先,我们可以沿着胡同的小巷散步,感受四合院等老建筑的建筑风格和当地人的生活方式。此外,你还可以和居民交谈,了解更多关于胡同的历史。更重要的是,我们可以尝试各种当地的食物在途中。你可以买一些剪纸作为礼物送给你的朋友。当我们感到累的时候,去茶馆是个不错的选择。在那里,我们可以品尝各种各样的中国茶,并获得了很多关于茶的知识。最重要的是,我们可以一边喝茶一边看京剧,这是一种体现北京人文特色的典型艺术。至于我们为什么去那里,我认为它可以让你更好地体验中国传统的茶文化、饮食文化和北京老宅的特色。我期待着你的到来。


The Lantern Festival in China is an important traditional festival. The fifteenth day is the first months a year round night, is also a yuan after beginning, the earth rejuvenation of the night, people tries to celebrate, also is the continuation of the Chinese New Year celebration, so say again "or shang yuan festival", namely the fifteenth day lunar calendar. In the ancient book, this one day called "; ", its night says "YuanYe", "yuan xi" or "lantern". And this one name yuan xiao still used today.翻译:元宵节是我国一个重要的传统节日。正月十五日是一年中第一个月圆之夜,也是一元复始,大地回春的夜晚,人们对此加以庆祝,也是庆贺新春的延续 ,因此又称“上元节”,即阴历正月十五日。在古书中,这一天称为“上元”,其夜称“元夜”、“元夕”或“元宵”。而元宵这一名称一直沿用至今。


Today is Mid-autumn Festival, which is one of the most important festivals in China. My mom was busy in the morning because we had a big dinner with my relatives tonight. We went to the supermarkets to buy a lot of food and fruits, and of course, some mooncakes. During the dinner, we ate, talked and laughed. We enjoyed the food and the dinner, my cousins and I went to the park to play. The moon was full and round. We  lit up the lanterns and played around in the park. It was fun.


Culture of China The Culture of China is home to one of the world's oldest and most complex civilizations. China boasts a history rich in over 5,000 years of artistic, philosophical, political, and scientific advancement. Though regional differences provide a sense of diversity, commonalities in language and religion connect a culture distinguished by such significant contributions such as Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism was the official philosophy throughout most of Imperial China's history and strongly influenced other countries in East Asia. Mastery of Confucian texts provided the primary criterion for entry into the imperial bureaucracy.


1、传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival。

2、农历:lunar calendar。

3、腊八节:Laba Festival。

4、小年:Little New Year。

5、除夕:Lunar New Year's Eve。

6、春节:the Spring Festival。

7、正月初一:Lunar New Year's Day。

8、元宵节:the Lantern Festival。

9、正月:the first month of the lunar year。

10、二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day。

11、喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge。

12、扫尘:sweep the dust。

13、扫房:spring cleaning。

14、祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen。

15、守岁:stay up。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/30798.html发布于 2024-09-19
