

小思 2024-09-19 41
格局和眼界英文摘要: 眼界与格局英文开阔眼界: broaden one's viewoutlook 眼界broaden one's horizon开拓眼界。开拓视野broaden, ex...


开阔眼界: broaden one's view

outlook 眼界

broaden one's horizon

开拓眼界。开拓视野broaden, expand one's horizons打开眼界widen one’s horizon巴黎的服装广告使他大开眼界。The advertisements of costume in Parisbroadened his outlook.这真使我开眼界。What an eye-opener it’s been for me!开眼界,拓宽视野。Widen one’s field of vision.电视真使人大开眼界。Television is a real eye-opener.旅游使他大开眼界。Travel has greatly broadened his horizons.这让我大开眼界。This has really opened my eyes.


眼界: horizon, vision ,outlook,perspective词组: widen/expand one's horizons 开阔眼界wide perspective/vision 眼界开阔例句: Travel can expand our horizons. 旅游可以开阔我们的眼界。

形容一个人的“格局”太小,这里的“格局”用英文表示:n. ambition ; aspiration

misc. breadth of mind(这里的格局可理解为心胸)


1.心胸不轨 Misconduct

2.心胸宽广 Generous ; Open-minded ; Broad-minded

3.心胸脑外科 cardiothoracic brain surgery ; Cardio-brain surgery

4.心胸比率 cardiothoracic ratio ; CTR Cardiothoracic Ratio ; CTR

5.开放心胸 open mind ; open-mindedness

6.开阔心胸 open your mind to

7.心胸外科 Cardio-Thoracic Surgery ; ChestSurgery


2.If you love someone, you open yourself up to suffering. 如果你爱上谁,你就甘愿敞开心胸承受痛苦。

3.Please give us the grace to put you and each other first every day. 请给予我们每一天将您和其他人放在第一位的心胸。

格局 [gé  jú]:格,就是指人格。局,就是指气度、胸怀。



(1) [general layout;pattern]∶艺术或机械的图案或形状;格式;布局

(2) [state of affairs;situation]∶局势、态势的理解和把握。即一个人对事物所处的位置(时间和空间)及未来的变化的认知程度。



形容一个人的“格局”太小,这里的格局全部释义和例句>> Describe a person's "pattern" is too small, here's the pattern 希望帮到你 谢谢采纳


1. 开阔眼界的英文 开阔眼界的英文 开阔眼界用英语怎么说 ”开阔眼界“可以翻译成: 1. open up one's eyes或者open one's eyes up 2. broaden one's mind3. expand one's horizon 毫无疑问,旅行让我们开阔眼界。 There is no doubt that travelling can open up our eyes. There is no doubt that travelling can open our eyes up. There is no doubt that travelling can broaden our mind. There is no doubt that travelling can expand our horizon. 以开阔眼界为题写一篇英语作文 The Advantages of Travel Write a passage with the words and phrases given: advantages, widen our knowledge, make friends, knowledge of geography, beautiful scenery, different lifestyle, customs and cultures, various food, practise a foreign lan guage, worth spending the time. The Advantages of Travel Whenever a college student is asked, "What are you going to do this summer vacation?" The most probable answer might be "I am going to have a travel. " It sounds that college students are fond of travelling. Why? Because travel has numerous advantages. First of all, travel can widen our knowledge of geography, the knowledge of customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries. Secondly, we can make friends and practise a foreign language through travelling. Finally, travel is the best way of pastime. We can enjoy eating various food and seeing beautiful sceneries. In a word, we can benefit from travel in more than one way. It is worth spending the time.

格局英文是pattern; structure; setup.


如果说一个人是一个有格局的人,我们就可以说他是一个big picture thinker/person。相反,如果一个人格局很小,就可以说small picture person.

如果说培养打造格局思维,可以用develop the big picture thinking,look at the big picture,当然还可以说Train your brain to think of the big picture(打造自己大的思维格局)。我们在说到 big picture thinking 的时候,通常还会有一些相关的表达。

1、broaden one's horizon(开阔眼界)。

2、jump out of the box以及think out of the box(跳出思维的墙,打破思维定式,有点像汉语的不要做井底之蛙)。

3、put something into perspective(客观合理,更清楚明了看待一件事情)。

1. 拓宽视野的英文 拓宽视野的英文 开阔视野 英文 “开阔视野”的英文可以说:"broaden one's horizons"。 单词解释: 1、broaden英 [ˈbrɔ:dn] 美 [ˈbrɔdn] vt.& vi.使。变宽,扩展; 放宽; 扩大; 加宽 2、horizon 英 [həˈraɪzn] 美 [həˈraɪzn] n.地平线; 范围; 界限; 眼界 复数: horizons 例句: ①By embracing other cultures and genres, we actually broaden our horizons, rather than narrow any existing ones. 通过接纳其他文化和体裁,我们实际上拓宽了领域,而不是让现有的范围变得狭窄。 ②I thought you wanted to broaden your horizons. 我想你是想拓宽自己的视野。 ③Good novels broaden your horizons. 好小说开阔人的眼界。 ④Good Books Cleanse the heart and broaden our horizons. 真正的好书,可以我们的净化心灵,开阔我们的视野。 ⑤Reading can broaden your horizons. 读书能扩大眼界。 扩展资料 短语: 1、time horizon 时间范围,时间层 2、beyond the horizon 超越地平线 3、event horizon 视界,事件视界 4、planning horizon 规划周期;计划期距 5、horizon line 地平线;水平线 6、broaden roadbed 加宽路基 7、Cost Broaden 成本外延思想 8、broaden out 变宽 9、Can broaden 可以开阔 10、broaden one 大开眼界 11、Broaden Yourself 拓宽自己 12、broaden consensus 拓宽一致性认识 13、broaden coverage 扩面 "开拓视野"用英语怎么说? broaden the horizon 英文发音:[ˈbrɔːdn ðə həˈraɪzn] 中文释义:开拓视野 例句: To Broaden Your Horizons: A lower position in a different department can provide new experiences and enrich your career. 拓宽你的视野:在不同部门的更低职位能增加你的经验,丰富你的职业生涯。 词汇解析: 1、broaden 英文发音:[ˈbrɔːdn] 中文释义:v.变宽;变阔;(使)扩大影响;增长(经验、知识等) 例句: They say that travel broadens the mind. 他们说旅行能够开阔心胸。 2、horizon 英文发音:[həˈraɪzn] 中文释义:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围,眼界 例句: As your horizons expand, these new ideas can give a whole new meaning to life 随着眼界不断开阔,这些新观念会为生活赋予全新的意义。 扩展资料 broaden的同根词: 1、broad 英文发音:[brɔːd] 中文释义:adj. 宽的,辽阔的;显著的;大概的 例句: The hills rise green and sheer above the broad river. 群山青翠,陡然屹立于宽阔的大河之上。 2、breadth 英文发音:[brɛdθ] 中文释义:n. 宽度,幅度;宽宏 例句: The breadth of the whole camp was 400 paces. 整个营地的宽度为400步。 扩展视野用英语怎么说 扩展视野widen one's horizon/broaden one's mind 例:Reading is the best way to widen my horizon.(读书是我拓宽视野的最好方式。) A good friend is like a window to the clean and new world by which I could breathe the fresh air and broaden my mind.好朋友就像是一扇开往清新世界的窗户,给了我们呼吸新鲜空气、开阔视野的机会。 如何在大学扩展视野 的英语作文 parations bewteen man and woman. Man and woman are born to be differences bewteen the two are far more than the sexual differences lie in the way of consideration,the way of munication and the attitudes toward most things in life. Man are supposed to be more adept at logical work and calculation,so they are more likely to be engaged in the jobs connected to reserching or investigating. Woman are more inclined to take up a career like clerk, assistant or something to with the serving industry. But there is no certain for that. Man and woman are just different,and that is the biggest grace that god give differences creat the very space that could contain the most shining thing in this world,namely love.




It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city。


It appears to be an idyllic domestic set-up。


The last two weeks have seen a lot of talk about the future shape of Europ。


These food markets have more or less the same setup。


The new setup of the world has not formed。


Analysis of Spatial Pattern of Land Use in Liuyang City Based on DE。


一拿破仑后时代建立维也纳体系拿破仑用战争向欧洲输出革命,欧洲的封建君主非常惧怕,他们联合对抗法国。虽然当时已处于蒸汽时代,工业资本主义已成为发展潮流。但是由于欧洲大陆封建势力的联合力量大大超过资本主义力量,拿破仑战败。在制裁法国的基础上,战胜的欧洲封建君主们召开了维也纳会议,确定了欧洲的封建统治秩序和国家体系。我们称之为维也纳体系。维也纳体系后,英国重新控制了欧洲,并且达成了欧洲势力均衡,世界国际关系的中心舞台仍然停留在欧洲。欧洲这种独领风骚的状态一直持续到第一次世界大战。二 一战后的凡尔赛—华盛顿体系两次会议规定了协约国在世界的势力范围,三 雅尔塔体系雅尔塔体系(英文:Yalta System),是对1945年-1991年间国际政治格局的称呼,得名于1945年初美、英、苏三国政府首脑罗斯福、丘吉尔、斯大林在苏联雅尔塔(今属乌克兰)举行的雅尔塔会议。其特点是:以美国和苏联两极为中心,在全球范围内进行争夺霸权的冷战,但不排除局部地区由两个超级大国直接或间接参与的战争(如朝鲜战争、越南战争、阿富汗战争等)。1989年的东欧剧变和1991年的苏联解体,标志着雅尔塔体系最终瓦解。

1、威斯特伐利亚体系威斯特伐利亚体系(westphalian system)是象征三十年战争结束而签订的一系列和约,签约双方分别是统治西班牙、神圣罗马帝国、奥地利的哈布斯堡王室和法国、瑞典以及神圣罗马帝国内勃兰登堡、萨克森、巴伐利亚等诸侯邦国。而在1648年10月24日签定的西荷和约,正式确认了威斯特伐利亚这一系列和约,并象征三十年战争结束。一般史学家会视1635年的布拉格和约和1659年的比利牛斯和约为威斯特伐利亚和约系列之一。2、布雷顿森林体系布雷顿森林货币体系(Bretton Woods system)是指二战后以美元为中心的国际货币体系。1944年7月,西方主要国家的代表在联合国国际货币金融会议上确立了该体系,因为此次会议是在美国新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林举行的,所以称之为“布雷顿森林体系”。关税总协定作为1944年布雷顿森林会议的补充,连同布雷顿森林会议通过的各项协定,统称为“布雷顿森林体系”,即以外汇自由化、资本自由化和贸易自由化为主要内容的多边经济制度,构成资本主义集团的核心内容。布雷顿森林体系的建立,促进了战后资本主义世界经济的恢复和发展。因美元危机与美国经济危机的频繁爆发,以及制度本身不可解脱的矛盾性,该体系于1971年被尼克松政府宣告结束。3、维也纳体系维也纳体系是19世纪初拿破仑帝国崩溃后,以英、俄、奥、普为首的战胜国通过维也纳会议在欧洲大陆上建立的新均势体系。拿破仑用战争向欧洲输出革命,欧洲的封建君主非常惧怕,他们联合对抗法国。虽然当时已处于蒸汽时代,工业资本主义已成为发展潮流。但是由于欧洲大陆封建势力的联合力量大大超过资本主义力量,拿破仑战败。在制裁法国的基础上,战胜的欧洲封建君主们召开了维也纳会议,确定了欧洲的封建统治秩序和国家体系。我们称之为维也纳体系。维也纳体系建立后,英国重新控制了欧洲,并且达成了欧洲势力均衡,世界国际关系的中心舞台仍然停留在欧洲。欧洲这种独领风骚的状态一直持续到第一次世界大战。4、雅尔塔体系雅尔塔体系(英文:Yalta System),是对1945年-1991年间国际政治格局的称呼,得名于1945年初美、英、苏三国政府首脑罗斯福、丘吉尔、斯大林在苏联雅尔塔(今属俄罗斯克里米亚)举行的雅尔塔会议。雅尔塔体系其特点是:以美国和苏联两极为中心,在全球范围内进行争夺霸权的冷战,但不排除局部地区由两个超级大国直接或间接参与的战争(如朝鲜战争、越南战争、阿富汗战争等)。1989年的东欧剧变和1991年的苏联解体,标志着两极格局上的瓦解,也象征着雅尔塔体系最终瓦解。5、凡尔赛—华盛顿体系一战后,通过巴黎和会和华盛顿会议,帝国主义列强建立了“凡尔赛—华盛顿体系”,它确立了帝国主义在欧洲、西亚、非洲、东亚以及太平洋地区的统治秩序,是一战后帝国主义国家重新瓜分世界,奴役殖民地半殖民地的体系。华盛顿会议是巴黎和会的错误继续,重新巩固了帝国主义在世界上的位置,给中国带来了深重灾难,使中国回到了由几个帝国主义国家支配的局面。

Through summaryThrough are not limited to go back to the past, also can travel to the future, or travel to parallel space, parallel world, parallel universe, or the same space-time the same era, A travel to B body. Still might be empty wear, wear to A no historical records (overhead) era, and may be worn to different space-time (fantasy civilization, fairy magic civilization, fantasy civilization, etc.). Through most of the possibility that through time, scientists are possible, but through space-time need exactly?Superluminal?Through need be superluminal? Actually no, because the speed of light is the fastest speed. So what is through really need?Coordinate systemLearned maths knows that coordinates each point has only one coordinates, if one of the coordinates mistakes, then represent some ceases to be the original point. If our existence of space-time also have points? Take our existence of the universe as a four-dimensional space, so everyone has only one coordinates (x, y, z, h), if change, such as the change of represents one of the coordinates h time, then isn't it just represent us through? Right! So as long as change our one of coordinates, we can undertake through. Not because superluminal! But modern science has can launch a such arguments, both through can occur, the original body through may occur. But after the souls go through memory cannot exist. Because modern biology proof of human memory is exist in the brain. For example, you through the (through), this time soul you just woke up. So you don't have the memory, your before crossing will only want to "a new day started again, I should do what?" But won't say: "ha ha, then returned to pull! Life I will rewrite it."Editor this section through the principleSpirit: the hero in A time memory system, ways of thinking, value orientation, life purpose basic unchanged. The flesh: the hero in A time memory system, ways of thinking, value orientation, year of birth and other basic unchanged. Through types are divided intoA, soul throughA space-time souls go through space-time flesh to B. Second, the original body throughA space-time soul and body whole travel to B spacetime.Through resultsA, influence B pattern of the world. Promote historical development: intentionally or unintentionally to let history development into known history change history track: make history from the original rail (B) in ancient world space-time usually two, hero is usually used in A world of talents, knowledge ability in the B world A difference, wind. Such as: 1, make succedent houses; 2, the ii; 3 and strong I Chinese; 4, 5, do business making challenge supernatural-evil spirit; 6, other. Three, nobody type ending (single-minded life make oneself of small fish, but ordinary living of security. Four, enclosed body in nonhuman species, such as dogs, cats, livestock, fox, snakes, and wild animals. Five, the protagonist onboard.GongSuo heart jade

The world's political freamwork is showing a multipolar trend.


你好!随着世界格局多极化及经济全球化的发展,。。。参考译文如下。With the multi - polarization of the world pattern and the development of economic globalization,。。。



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/30732.html发布于 2024-09-19
