

小思 2024-09-19 33
离学校10公里的英文摘要: 离学校10公里英文10kilometers between my house and schoolThe home is 10 kilometers away from t...


10kilometers between my house and school

The home is 10 kilometers away from the school


The distance from my home to my school is 10kmMy school is 10km away from my home.


how far is linfei to his school

Lin Fei`s home is about 10 kilometers away from schoolit is about 10 kilometers from Lin Fei`s home to school

ten kilometers away from school

There is 10 kilometers away from my home to the school.


away 意为“(远)离”,far away就是"远离",如:我家离学校很远 my home is far away from school10km away from 是“离***有10公里远”,如:我家离学校有十公里远 my home is 10km away from school英语专业出身,希望对你又帮助

没有必要使用" far away".请看例句: (1) Macao is XXkm away from Shenzhen...(2) He lives three miles away (from the town);(3) He lives far away in the remote village. (这里可以使用)(4) Please walk further away from my house.(这里可以使用) (5) My cat had strayed far from home.


XXX is 10km far away from XXX 用法是不对的 10km是具体的距离 far 却是概括的距离概念 两者是不能同时使用的


从他家到学校大约10千米远的英文表达有如下3种:About 10 kilometers away from his home to school is about 10 kilometers away from his his home to school about 10 kilometers away.

It's 10 kilometres from school.

It's about 10 kilometers from his home to the school

The school is about 10 kilometers away from his home


away from 我住在离学校三公里远的(地方)

It is 3 kilometers from my home to the school.

School is about three kilommeters away from my home.希望有帮到你

应该是: three kilometers away 举个例子it's three kilometers away from my home to school.从我家到学校是三公里远~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/30407.html发布于 2024-09-19
